Wisconsin Affiliate U.S. House of Representatives Districts
U.S. House of Representatives City DC Office Contact DC# Local Office Local # District 1 (Bryan Steil) Carthage College Kenosha Washington, D.C. Office 202-225-3031 Janesville Office 608-752-4050 Gateway Technical College Kenosha 1408 Longworth HOB 20 South Main Street, Suite 10 University of Wisconsin-Parkside Kenosha Washington, DC 20515 Janesville, WI 53545 Kenosha Office 262-654-1901 Somers Village/Town Hall 7511 12th Street Somers, WI 53171 Racine Office 262-637-0510 Racine County Courthouse, Room 101 730 Wisconsin Avenue Racine, WI 53403 District 2 (Mark Pocan) AIAA-Wisconsin Section Madison Washington, D.C. Office 202-225-2906 Beloit Office 608-365-8001 BioPharmaceutical Technology Center Madison 1421 Longworth HOB 100 State Street, 3rd floor Sierra Nevada Corporation Madison Washington, DC 20515 Beloit, WI 53511 University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison Madison Office 608-258-9800 Wisconsin Department of Transportation Madison 10 East Doty Street, Suite 405 Madison, WI 53703 District 3 (Ron Kind) University of Wisconson-La Crosse La Crosse Washington, D.C. Office 202-225-5506 Eau Claire Office 715-831-9214 University of Wisconsin- Platteville Plattville 1502 Longworth HOB 316 N. Barstow St, Suite C University of Wisconsin- River Falls River Falls Washington, D.C. 20515 Eau Claire, WI 54703 Univerisity of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Stevens Point La Crosse Office 608-782-2558 Western Technical College La Crosse 205 Fifth Avenue S,. Suite 400 La Crosse, WI 54601 District 4 (Gwen Moore) Aerogel Technologies, LLC Glendale Washington, D.C. Office 202-225-4572 Milwaukee Office 414-297-1140 Alverno College Milwaukee 2252 Rayburn HOB 250 East Wisconsin, Suite 950 Marquette University Milwaukee Washington, DC 20515 Milwaukee, WI 53202 Medical College of Wisconsin Milwaukee Milwaukee School of Engineering Milwaukee Univeristy of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Milwaukee Wisconsin Lutheran College Milwaukee District 5 (James Sensenbrenner Jr) Carroll University Waukesha Washington, D.C.
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