Tuesday Evening Summer Walks Review – 2019

Our first walk of the season was on 14th May from the Bat & Ball when we undertook a stroll on a new route from the pub down Hyden Farm . My memory of this walk was the group making their way in single file along fairly narrow paths through a crop of rape seed (see photo below).

One of the favourite walks of the season was another new one the following week from village hall when we firstly walked alongside the before stretching our legs climbing the hill above the A32; there were wonderful views in the early evening over the valley from the hill top.

View of the Meon Valley from the top of the hill above the A32

It was under overcast skies that we undertook a yomp on the recently completed Newlands Walk starting at the Wellington Park development in Waterlooville, while the following week it was yet another new walk this being the first of a couple from the Bold Forester at Soberton Heath.

Unfortunately poor weather prevented us undertaking a long walk from The Vine the following week, but I am grateful for those who kindly gave up their evening to stay with Judith and I in the pub for a couple of hours. I must admit the rain did stop around 8pm that evening but by then we were starting our second drink so walking was out of the question for health and safety reasons!! Heavy rain preceded our walk from Kidmore Lane in Denmead on Tuesday 18th June, but suitably clothed in wet weather gear 15 of us braved the elements and completed the longish walk east of the village in record time before relaxing in the pub.

Judith and Phil kindly planned and led the following two walks, the first being from (see above) and the second, an undulating romp over Down, finished in the garden of the Bird in Hand at Lovedean. Photo below is the group passing Hinton Daubenay Lodge on this walk.

They also led the walk a fortnight later from Rowlands Castle which took in a lovely route through Stansted Forest. In between these we had a fairly strenuous climb from Southwick up to the Nelson monument where the views back toward the village that evening in the low light were stunning.

Heading back to Southwick from Monument Lane

Our second walk of the season from Soberton village hall took us on another new route toward the B2150, then up East Hoe Lane before we headed back to the car park enjoying fabulous views from the as we came over the Down. See one of the colour photographs below and there is a shot of the group on this walk on the next page.

Near East Hoe Manor on the walk from Soberton Village Hall

A fairly short walk from the recreation ground at Wickham completed the walks for July, while on the first Tuesday in August we had a stroll along the former Meon Valley railway line as far as the Roebuck pub before completing the second leg on paths through the Forest of Bere. Again the weather that evening was warm enough to allow us all to sit in the pub garden.

With the evenings rapidly drawing in and a distinct autumnal feel in the air, our penultimate walk in August was from Denmead Community Centre, which attracted 39, the highest number of the season. It was from Hambledon that we set off on our final walk and despite problems with getting over some stiles, Karen’s golden retriever taking a mud bath and Judith and Phil taking a wrong turn on an alternative route back to the village, we enjoyed a well-earned post-walk drink at The Vine.

The group at Five Ways Junction on Harrowgate Lane - Denmead Community Centre walk

View from the footpath over Sawyers Hill – DCC walk

View from the top of Soberton Down – Soberton Village Hall walk We hope you have enjoyed the walks which this season has once again attracted new members to the group. We have recently started advertising the walks in the Denmead Chronicle which has made more people aware of the walks and will hopefully encourage others to participate. The average number attending has this season has been in the high twenties the lowest attendance being 14 on the walk from Denmead to Eastland, however at the other end over 30 were with us on at least seven occasions. Just to say that 9 of the 15 walks completed were mainly on new routes.

My thanks as always to Judith and Phil for willingly planning three of the walks and their continued help and advice especially in acting as back markers. Having slightly lower numbers this year has made leading easier, nevertheless knowing you have J and P bringing up the rear is a real asset. With the exception of the White Lion, Soberton, all the pubs have made us welcome especially The Vine at Hambledon who willingly stepped in when the former pub told me it was ‘inconvenient’ to accommodate a walking group on one of the evenings we started from the local village hall. The Vine has therefore benefitted and we have been given a warm welcome there on each of our post-walk visits this summer.

I am sure you will appreciate not only the composition but also the quality of many of the photographs and this is down to Frances Peel, who each week trots in front or behind us snapping away with her iPad. Thank you, Frances, your photos are wonderful!

A series of walks scheduled for the morning of the last Saturday of the month from September to April is already in place and we are also now looking at new walks for next summer. Should anyone have any ideas and maybe wish to lead one or more please do not hesitate to get in touch with me – more hands make light work! Finally thanks for your ongoing support and we Iook forward to seeing you on the winter walks.

Martin & Judith

Are you sure the pub is that way, Kay? Tony is really enjoying this walk!!

‘It’s NOT a funny dance, I’m just missing my wellies!’ (quote from Jo)

HOWARD ‘I can’t go any further.’ JUDITH ‘I’ll tell Brenda if you give up now!’

‘Watch out, I think there’s a Welshman in that crowd of walkers!’

Phil to Graham ‘Come on, grandad, keep up!!’ Graham to Phil – His reply could not be printed

‘Dennis will you bloody well concentrate when I am trying to take your photograph!’

And to finish just enjoy a couple more of the wonderful shots taken by Frances over the summer.

See you at the first of the winter walks in September!!