75TH ANNIVERSARY y3w\w@ @@@@@@^B@@@B^^l 9A9 W^ss^S NOVEMBER 1990 MEMBERS COPY B /1 1915 g1990?Atin" ^Company S@1915 IN 7^ c- (? N N /V (? Church Pa rede down 105 St 1915 |H "Crockett's SSgis grounds DAVID ATSQL BaSSOEE Mi MC "The death occured following a lengthy illness afc Victoria, BC, on Aug- ust 28th, 1990, of David Athol Barbour/ in his 98th year. The son of the late James and. Margaret Barbour, he ras born at Alma, Prince Edward Island, April 16, 1893. A veteran of world War I, he served his country overseas on active duty as a Sergeant a-ifc'n the 49th Battalion from Edmonfcon. As a young man he went to Western Canada and accepted employment with the Canadian National Railways. In 1958, after 44 years of service, he re- tired as a CNR Engineer and lived in California and then in Victoria, BC. A commital service was held afc the United Church ceroefcery, Monfcrose,P.E.I. " He is survived by his wife, Alice, a step daughter, Paulette of Calif- ornia, and a brother, Keith, of Germantown, New York. MILITIA and DEFENCE Halifax, N.S. 24 February 1919 "I have fche honour fco forward herewith MILITARY MEDAL awarded by His Maj- esty the King to Sergeant D. A. Barbour. The following is an extract from the London Gazette 30585, 19/3/18 des- cribing the deed for which this medal was awarded - For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. On December 29th, 1917, during a heavy trench mortar bombard- ment, this N.C.O.
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