Young Republicans George W. Hess Dies of 82; Borah Statue Placed Parade of Comrades Discuss Problems of Botanic Garden Head 23 Years In Capitol Rotunda Of 35th Division af Georgetown Native Youth Convention Started Career at 13 As Gilt From Idaho •y the Assoc Kited Pross Presented to the 'Nation yesterday With Florist Here of a bronze Reviewed Truman MILWAUKEE, June 7.—Forum by the State Idaho, by sessions on "problems of youth" statue of the late Senator William George W. Hen, *2, director of By Joseph A. Fox occupied Young Republican National E. Borah, Republican, from the the Botanic Garden in in the Capitol Star Stoff Corr*ipond«nt Federation members yesterday as Washing- State, stands today they awaited arrival of Carroll ton for 23 years, died yesterday at rotunda between statues of Wash- KANSAS CITY, June 7.—Presi- Alexander Hamilton. Reece, Republican National Com- his home, 4815 Rugby avenue, ington and dent Truman today reviewed the mittee chairman, who will address More than 1,000 persons attended Bethesda, after a long illness. to men of the 35th Division, with the convention today. ceremonies yesterday afternoon Born in Georgetown of an old Vir- whom he soldiered 30 years ago. Ralph E. Becker of Port Chester, hear the Idaho Senator praised as ginia family, he was educated in of He will make a major address to N. Y„ national chairman, said about “one of the great statesmen schools here, starting his agricul- the few "who the division reunion 11 700 were on hand for the America,” and one of at o’clock delegates tural career at 13 with the John was than any President tonight. two-day meeting which will reach a Saul Floral 8c greater Nursery Co. whom he served.” The division, made ol climax tonight with an address by under up mostly After serving with the Agricul- national guardsmen from Missouri Eric Johnston, president of th« Senator Vandenberg, Republican, ture Department and in Boston at of President Pro-Tem of Kansas and Nebraska, staged a Motion Picture Association of Michigan, the Public Gardens there, he was the Senate, delivered the parade as a feature of the reunion America. principal appointed director of the Botanic Senator that brought together veterans oi Forum meetings following an address. He eulogized Garden here in 1912. In the course Borah for “his his integrity both world wars m which the opening general session at the Mil- genius, organ- of his career he more than trebled isation served with distinction. waukee Auditorium were concerned and his flaming patriotism.” the capacity of the garden, using as In the reviewing stand with the with education, politics, college and "My Greatest Friend." his slogan, "the greatest Botanic GEORGE W. HESS. President were Henri Bonnet, the univresity club organisation, vet- "He was my greatest friend in Garden in the world for the great- —Harris