Spring 2017

Spring 2017 1

DOUBLE TAP PAGE 19 SEE PAGE 3 INSIDE LOVE AT FIRST SWIPE #InstaLove PAGE 10 2 THE TEASE Spring 2017 Layout and Graphics Editor Sophia Naves INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Assistant Photo Editor Victoria Newell

Copy Editor Rachel Tellez

Editorial Assistant Brittney Luckey

Staff Writers Kahelia Smellie Eva Patyi Rachel Tellez Paris Razor Kuajuan Moore Abigail Solórzano Eliane Hernandez “Foodie” Paula Beauchamps browsing her Wine & Dine app for a new restaurant to check out. Swany Fernandez Photography by Kaitlyn Parotti.

Staff Photographers Abigail Solorzano Jazmin Brown DOUBLE TAP: BUCS Go Viral Pg. 19 Anastasia Zharova Kaitlyn Parotti Victoria Newell

Contributing Writers

BUCCANNeER staff BUCCANNeER Destiny Ricks Girlari Rivera Brandie Morvan Javerious Gilmore

Faculty Adviser Tiffani Knowles

The Buccaneer welcomes student contributions. Editors assign stories for pay at this time. Letters to the editor, story ideas, news releases, photos and artwork can be submitted to The Buccaneer of- ce in Garner Hall or through campus mail, or email. All contributed material must include the signature and the mailbox or telephone number of the contributor. The Buccaneer reserves the right to edit letters and guest columns for style and length. Contributed material does not necessarily re ect the opinions and policies of The Bucca- neer editorial sta or those of Barry University. Keep up to date with Barry Men’s team on twitter hosted by team member, Juan Yumar. Photography by Kaitlyn Parotti. Spring 2017 News 3

INSTANT GRATIFICATION AND THE PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPACT CASUAL SEX In a 2015 Vogue article, "Tinder and OF THE SWIPE AND THE the Dawn of the 'Dating Apocalypse'," INSTANT GRATIFICATION writer Nancy Jo Sales interviewed twen- LOVE tysomethings in large cities about their Tinder experiences. OF CASUAL SEX. When asked to describe the use of the Tinder app, one of the respondents stated: “You’re always sort of prowling. You According to social psychologist Pro- ly find someone to connect with. I didn’t could talk to two or three girls at a bar fessor Harry Reis of University of Roch- want to hook-up with someone but to AT and pick the best one, or you can swipe a ester, Tinder allows virtual ‘shopping’ for genuinely find someone that I actually couple hundred people a day the sample your next mate. However, this method like spending time with,” she said. size is so much larger," a male said. also makes it easy for a user to go ‘ghost’ She said she started off as someone "It’s setting up two or three Tinder (abruptly stopping messaging the previous who wasn't the type to swipe based on dates a week and, chances are, sleeping match) then try again, as there are hun- looks; however, as she got the hang of with all of them, so you could rack up FIRST dreds of more options to choose from. Tinder, she realized she hardly read the 100 girls you’ve slept within a year.” While Tinder has expanded the dating personal descriptions. One female Tinder user lamented pool outside of friend groups and univer- She stated that she became so ob- about the culture of Tinder. sities, some could argue that this ‘shop- sessed with the action of swiping that “There is no dating. There’s no rela- ping mentality’ has, one, caused users to the only thing that caught her attention tionships… they’re rare. You can have begin objectifying others by way of a sin- in that split second was the image of a a fling that could last like seven, eight gle picture and, two, increased our need handsome male. months and you could never actually call Kahelia Smellie for instant gratification with casual sex. The unexpected happened when she someone your ‘boyfriend.’ [Hooking up] decided to meet up with a match at a STAFF WRITER is a lot easier. No one gets hurt—well, bar in and, from the moment SPEED SWIPING not on the surface,” she said. For instance, the phenomenon of he sat down, she said she was instantly Six matches, three dates and now Barry student John* agrees that it has ‘speed swiping’ is common in Tinder bored of him. you're nursing a lukewarm beer, pon- become easier for students to use Tinder dating where you swipe quickly through "He seemed so narcissistic, he only dering how you even got here. Was it for casual hook-ups. a catalog of Tinder profiles until that talked about his looks and how he was the first swipe or was it the first generic ‘Females also use Tinder for casu- one picture catches your attention then an Abercrombie and Fitch model and he hi? Or was it the fact that your last date al sex, not only men. So the casual sex you try to decipher their personality was in other various photoshoots he had only wanted to have sex with you, so you goes both ways. There are more options based on that solitary picture. done and who he had met,” she said. quickly accepted this quick meet up at to find hook-ups on Tinder once there is Regardless of their description, it is While she knew he was a model based the bar around the corner to boost your an agreement between the two parties,” the picture which gives us pause -- the on his Tinder personal description, she ego? he said. “Based on the connection, you picture of the ‘ideal’ mate with whom we said she wasn’t expecting his image to be Tinder, since its release in September choose either to have a casual relation- want other people to see us. the only talking point of their conversa- 2012, has allowed about 50 million us- ship or have a serious relationship.” Tinder users “would rather judge 50 tion. Then, it got worse. ers to find dates by either swiping right When asked if he still communicates pictures in two minutes than spend 50 “He took out a Ziploc bag containing for 'like' or swiping left for 'reject.' There with the females he had casual sex with, minutes assessing one potential partner,” drugs right at the table and asked me if have been about 1.4 billion swipes since he replied "some but not all." wrote Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic in his I wanted some. I slapped a $20 bill on 2012. Whilst the creation of Tinder was article, "The Tinder effect: psychology the table and got out so fast, I was basi- While it was supposed to pick up meant for making dating easier it has un- of dating in the technosexual era." cally running to my car," she said. "I left where Match or E-Harmony left off, intentionally perpetuated the culture of Virtual dating has far more to do with him there at the table and blocked him as Tinder has became ever popular among casual hook-ups, instant gratification and the ‘optics’ than in years past. No talking, soon as I got home.” college students, perpetuating the "hook- an endless cycle of image selection, re- no listening, just staring at physical features. Mary’s story reveals important behav- up" culture. sulting in ‘shopping’ for a partner where One uses a singular image to achieve the iors which Tinder has caused people to For students, it's often much easier to the price is whether or not the person in most number of likes and then one judges develop. swipe right and match up with another reality meets our 'optic' standards or our their potential significant other based sole- By using Tinder daily, Mary’s idea of user to engage in consensual casual sex 'booty' standards. ly on their physical features. dating became morphed. than swallowing your pride and initiating For instance, take Barry student Not only had she become shallow in a conversation with the ‘hot’ girl or boy *Names have been changed to protect respon- Mary*, an avid Tinder user who hoped objectifying the men she was swiping for, over drinks at a frat party or at the club. dent's identity. to find someone to date. she also began objectifying herself, hop- At 48 percent, Tinder users between “I downloaded Tinder because I ing that her pictures would also be able the ages of 18-24 were the app's highest wanted to meet new people and hopeful- to catch the attention of someone. users as of 2015. 4 News Spring 2017 IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU BARRY’S LATEST CRIMES AND PUBLIC SAFETY’S THOUGHTS

Girlari Rivera But they did steal my roommate’s cam- taken other new, innovative measures to When she returned to her office at CONTRIBUTING WRITER era which was like a grand,” said Moril- enhance student’s safety. 4:30 p.m., texts on her phone from lo-Delerme. “There’s a free phone app that came American Express read that there had According to Barry's Public Safe- out over a year ago called Rave Guard- been a fraud on her credit cards. ty website, approximately 80 robberies ian. It includes features such as a “Panic “I thought to myself, that’s silly. Then have transpired in the past two years. Button” that immediately connects you I looked into my wallet and my cards Investigator of the Public Safety De- to Public Safety in times of danger. It were gone,” she said. partment Doug Ressler said his depart- even has GPS location so they’ll know Charges made included more than ment installed 57 new cameras all over exactly where to find you," he said. "I $550 worth of items at Winn-Dixie and campus during the 2016 winter break. recommend all students to download it.” $60 at a gas station. “So far, we’ve had three incidents Buhrmaster said that there are also 30 “I was far more interested in finding where the cameras have been useful. But call boxes around campus for emergencies. out who did it, because I couldn’t believe students should know that Barry does "If you’re ever suspicious of some- students that know me could ever do not refund them for stolen items, so they thing or stuck in a situation, go to the anything like that,” said Hicks. need to be responsible,” said Ressler. nearest one and it will connect you with Public Safety contacted the Another incident happened in No- the safety dispatcher," he said. Shores Police Department who was able “I walked in my room from work and it vember in broad daylight, at 3 p.m. This Students aren't the only ones being to get camera footage of the shopper at was a hot mess. My brush and purse were time, commuter student Eliane Hernan- targeted. Staff members have been vic- Winn-Dixie. on the floor, my drawers were open... I dez was nearly victimized. tims of theft, as well. The male could not be identified by was like, all right this is interesting,” said “I was parked at the Landon parking Professor Connie Hicks in the com- Hicks. senior Yanessa Morillo-Delerme. lot, just sitting in my car with my boy- munication department was astounded “The bravery behind this is that some- On Jan. 26, Morillo-Delerme was friend when we suddenly heard a loud when she received alarming messages one went inside my purse, got my wallet, caught by surprise when she realized her noise. The noise continued and we real- from her credit card company one day. pulled out my credit cards and walked room in Benicasa Hall had been robbed. ized it was someone trying to open my “It was the last week of classes on a away confidently. But I learned my lesson According to Public Safety and Emer- car doors,” she said. Wednesday at 3 p.m. Normally, I’d lock and always lock my door now,” she said. gency Management Director John Buhr- Hernandez said since her windows my door, but I had bought my Senior Cap- Although Barry may feel safe, you never master, the most prevalent crime at Bar- are tinted the person was most likely not stone class refreshments, so I was walking think it’ll happen to you, until it happens ry is theft. able to see that she was inside the car. back and forth from my office to the class- to you. "The students are too lazy to carry However, she was able to get a glimpse room. I eventually stayed in the classroom their room key, so they leave their door of the male dressed in black. and left my office door open,” she said. unlocked. They also leave the side doors “I couldn’t believe someone was try- open which allows anyone to get in the ing to steal my car. I was in such shock buildings, or they leave their items un- and felt so unsafe,” said Hernandez. “It attended to come back and find them just made me wonder if it has happened gone,” he said. other times while I’ve been in class.” Morillo-Delerme admits that it was She admitted to feeling paranoid for her roommate's negligence because she the remainder of the semester. left the door unlocked, but maintains that “I didn’t report it to Public Safety, I Barry students have been victimized even just stopped parking there. Now I park when they take the necessary precautions. in front of the library, which I get a ticket "In the past we’ve heard people wiggling for every time,” she said. our doorknob, so I think someone was defi- She said she’d rather pay the $30 tick- nitely casing out the floor,” she said. et than park at Landon. They stole only her backpack, con- “After 4 p.m., I don’t feel safe. My taining notebooks and minor items. mom always tells me if I’m leaving “Thank God they didn’t take my lap- school late to make sure I am walking top or anything valuable. I’d say they with company," she said. The exit boom gate in front of Kolasa Hall remains open allowing any personnel to get only took about $120 worth of items. Ressler said Public Safety has also through to student housing. Photography by Jazmin Brown. Spring 2017 News 5 TRUMP'S TRAVEL BAN HITS CLOSE TO HOME Swany Fernandez declare outright that the ban was meant how to use a gun.” inated [against], one day it’s gonna be SENIOR STAFF WRITER to disfavor Muslims...essentially saying it Since the news of the ban, Alwaliduy you.” was too early for them to render a judg- said he's been stressed and depressed and Alkhathran was saddened after read- ment on that question.” that it has begun to affect his academic ing of an Iranian student who was study- Bearing the title of the No. 8 most di- The seven countries were initially progress. ing law at Columbia University and was verse college in the nation last year, Barry picked by the Obama administration as Sister Linda Bevilacqua and other fac- barred entry into the United States. students and faculty were moved by the "countries of concern" and in 2015 he ulty sent a letter to the Barry community “People from the Middle East and from Jan. 27 executive order signed by Pres- signed a law placing limitations on cer- on Feb. 1 to show solidarity with the Mus- countries that still struggle, third world ident Donald Trump, which was over- tain travelers that had traveled from Iraq, lim students who had been impacted. countries, come to the United States for turned Feb. 9 by a panel of three federal Iran, Sudan or Syria. Libya, Somalia, and “We are disheartened by the Executive a better future,” he said. “They want to three judges. Yemen were added to the list two months Order issued by President Trump,” Sister restore their dignity. They’ve been mis- To protect the nation from foreign ter- after that. Linda and company wrote. treated in their homelands and they want rorist entry, Trump signed an order that, According to Barry’s Office of Institu- The letter went on to say that students to come here and sacrifice everything for according to the Department of Justice, tional Advancement, there are three stu- should avoid traveling outside the U.S. their kids.” allows for the proper review and establish- dents who – if the ban is to be re-issued – unless it's an emergency and to contact Senior biology major Teresa Ortiz ment of standards to prevent terrorist or would be affected. Two of them are from an immigration attorney and the office of was relieved that the ban was temporarily criminal infiltration by foreign nationals. Iraq and one is from Libya. Multicultural Programs in the Student In- stopped. This order went into effect, leaving Mohamed Alwaliduy, a graduate stu- volvement Center in Landon 202 if travel “This kind of brought hope that there hundreds of people halted, detained and dent from Libya, is pursuing his doctorate is required. is some checks and balances that he’s sub- confused at airports across the U.S. in organizational learning and leadership Senior political science major Naif ject to. He can’t just run rampant,” said Since then, the court rejected the gov- at the School of Education. Alkhathran is a Saudi Arabian student Ortiz. ernment's argument that the ban was strict- “I was shocked and surprised.The who believes that the ban was to be ex- Freshman biochemistry major Jere- ly for national security reasons, according world hasn’t experienced any terrorist pected because of how Trump targeted miah Paul doesn’t agree with most of to The Washington Post, thus asserting its attack from Libyan citizens in the last 50 Muslims on the campaign trail. Trump’s policies so far but recognizes him ability to check the president's power. years,"said Alwaliduy. Saudi Arabia is not on the list of as a man of integrity. The ban targeted seven predominantly Due to Libya's unstable political cli- banned countries but Alkhathran ac- “It definitely shows he does what he Muslim countries: Syria, Sudan, Libya, mate and its proximity to Europe, ISIS knowledges that it could have been. says he’s going to do,” said Paul. “Wheth- Iraq, Iran, Yemen and Somalia. Almost uses the country as a gateway for entry "I’m affected as a human, I always go er that’s good or bad, it depends on what instantly, protesters flooded airports to into Europe. Alwaliduy, however, insists with what Dr. Martin Luther King said, it is he says he’s going to do.” pressure authorities. that Libyan citizens are innocent. ‘injustice in one place is injustice every- Nevertheless, President Trump was not In the ruling on Feb. 9, The Washing- “I know my people, they are spoiled,” where else,’" said Alkhathran. "And that happy that the courts ruled against him and ton Post reported that “the judges did not said Alwaliduy, “They don’t even know also applies if someone is being discrim- vowed to appeal the ruling in another court.

President Trump hit the ground run- 2. CONGRESSIONAL REVIEW ACT -A Federal appeals panel has since PRESIDENT ning by signing 12 executive orders ruled to maintain the halt on President within his first 30 days. Here’s a list of Ends the Office of Surface Mining’s Trump’s ban* a few of the orders that the president Stream Protection Rule signed by Pres- TRUMP’S has signed so far. ident Obama in his final days in office. 4. PRESIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM REGARD- This is a regulation meant to protect wa- ING CONSTRUCTION OF THE DAKOTA ACCESS EXECUTIVE 1. MINIMIZING THE ECONOMIC BURDEN OF terways from coal mining waste. PIPELINE/KEYSTONE PIPELINE XL THE PATIENT PROTECTION AND AFFORDABLE 3.PROTECTING THE NATION FROM FOREIGN -Allows for the advancement of the Key- CARE ACT PENDING REPEAL ORDER TERRORIST ENTRY INTO THE UNITED STATES stone XL and Dakota access Pipeline According to CNN, the details of the 5. PRESIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM REGARD- order still remain vague and the impli- -Suspension of refugee programs for 120 HIGHLIGHTS cations of the impending repeal and days. ING MEXICO CITY POLICY

Swany Fernandez replacing of the ACA is still unknown. However, the one thing that’s certain is -Indefinite suspension of Syrian refugees. -Bans international/non-governmental SENIOR STAFF WRITER that those who are uninsured no longer organizations that perform abortions have to pay the penalty. -Banned travel to and from seven major- like Planned Parenthood from receiving ity-Muslim countries government funding. 6 News Spring 2017 HAVANA NIGHTS UBER HAS CHANGED THE COLLEGE LIFESTYLE Jasmine Hilliard ternational Airport’s lucrative taxi stand, CONTRIBUTING WRITER Uber drivers have been zipping in to meet passengers at curbside for the last If you haven’t heard about the booming two years,” said attorney Ralph Patino. app that is impacting colleges around the Uber says it now has more than country, one campus at a time, get off the 10,000 drivers in Miami-Dade, far more couch and take a ride. than the roughly 2,200 taxis authorized Uber was founded in 2009 by two col- to operate under the county’s capped lege dropouts, Travis Kalanick and Gar- system of cab medallions. rett Camp; since then, this revolutionary However, as Rubio found out, catch- Kuajuan Moore concept has changed the lives of Barry ing a cab is more diffi cult and time-con- students by meeting many of their trans- suming than requesting an Uber. Today, STAFF WRITER portation needs. people are drawn to convenience and Photography by Victoria Newell Imagine being an international student accessibility and Uber is just that. BARRY STUDENTS GO ALL OUT FOR HOMECOMING in the U.S. with no car, no home and En- While there are drawbacks for some Homecoming is a week of pure, un- Bello, a senior communications and me- glish as your second language, while facing drivers, if you’re in college, you can also adulterated pride in your school. This is dia studies major and the president of a completely diff erent environment. This use the company to make extra money. the week where you go all out. Every day PRIDE. "I feel like the Havana theme was the reality for Barry student Alejandro Lashane Phillips is a senior from Atlan- is a diff erent event, a diff erent contest, a is a little played out because they did it Rubio. When he fi rst arrived in the U.S. ta who arrived at Barry with no car and new appreciation for the school. The re- last year but it still has been a successful from Spain in 2014, taxicabs were Rubio’s no job. Uber provided her with both. She clusive students you don’t normally see turnout with the amount of organiza- main source of transportation. Now, Ru- has been able to lease a car with Uber’s are right beside you - face painted and all tions getting involved.” bio uses Uber at least once or twice a week, help—while making money as an Uber - and all activities have a theme to which Dominique McMillan, a junior histo- and particularly likes UberPool because it driver. Her car payments are automatical- students conform as much as possible. ry major, is the Vice President of PRIDE costs one-third of what a taxi costs. ly deducted through the rides. From Feb. 5-11, Barry celebrated a "Ha- and it is safe to say that these victors are UberPool provides the same conve- Some of the benefi ts of working for vana Nights" homecoming all over campus. committed to the spirit of homecoming. nience and reliability of UberX, except Uber, she said, are being introduced to new "We've been planning Homecoming since “This is my fi rst time participating in now it allows you to share the ride—and places and new people. The Uber lease pro- October. We did a Cuban-based theme and Homecoming week, so this experience the cost—with another person request- gram is valid for up to three years and you really thought about how we were going to has been something diff erent for me. I’ve ing a ride along a similar route. can make your own hours, which is conve- incorporate it with each event," said Coordi- enjoyed all of the activities," she said. “I do not like that when I go home to nient for a college student’s schedule. nator of Campus Programs Matthew Hayes. After the boat races was the lip sync battle Spain, I cannot use Uber,” said Rubio. For students who travel at late hours or It kicked off Sunday, Feb. 5 with the later that night. It was standing room only According to The Wall Street Journal, who leave a party while under the infl uence, window painting event where student as the night progressed. The highlight for Uber was banned from Spain, India, and Uber is also a safer alternative than the bus, organizations compete for a $1,000 cup many was the Thursday night salsa event, Thailand in 2014 due to illegal opera- riding with a fellow intoxicated friend or get- prize to create the best drawings on the featuring a live pianist, Cuban décor and tions. They claimed unfair competition, ting stranded in . It can even be windows of Landon Student Union. So, Cuban food as well as the "Havana Nights" since drivers were working without the used to have food delivered to your dorm if you were wondering why all the win- offi cial homecoming dance on Friday. expensive license taxi drivers need to le- with the new feature UberEats. dows in Landon had Havana painted on Chelsie Nicholls, a sophomore busi- gally perform their job. Sophomore Taylor Baker says, “thanks them, now you know. ness management major had never at- For example, UberPool mandates driv- to Uber, I never drive drunk. College is The campus came alive with events tended a homecoming dance before. ers to pick up two, sometimes three, pas- hard; a safe ride shouldn’t be.” like the golf cart parade, the introduction “Being that it was my fi rst time ever go- sengers and drop them all off for the price Uber also off ers special promotions of the homecoming court, a bonfi re, the ing to a homecoming dance, I thought it of one and a half. This benefi ts the cus- for college students such as 50 percent 22-year-old tradition of Festival of Nations was a spectacular event. The food was del- tomer, but drivers consider it unfair. off unlimited rides that begin or end on and the annual "Buccaneer Boat Race." ish. I loved the empanadas. The music was While Uber has provided job oppor- campus. Barry is currently working on This boat race, which was held on Feb. good and so was the performance. Hands tunities for thousands, it has also taken adapting its Flex Bucs program so that 8, is normally well attended as nine student up homecoming committee," she said. away clientele from Miami-Dade taxis. students can pay for trips using their organizations build a boat from cardboard, Homecoming ended with our Barry Last May, Miami-Dade commissioners campus identifi cation card. fl oaties, and tape (a lot of tape) so they may teams playing Tampa on Sat- passed ordinances that legalized the Uber Whether you’re trying to make some race across the pool and back. PRIDE was urday and our homecoming court being business model in the county even though extra money, round up friends for week- the winner of this year's competition. announced in between games. Miami-Dade’s taxis sued the county for end fun, need a ride back from class after “I’m actually really enjoying this $1 billion over the new Uber law. a long day or just want to pay your near- Sophomores Sloane Campbell, Andrea Cyr, and “While taxis must wait in a holding by family a visit, there are many ways homecoming week. They have a lot of Andres Konowalskyj prove their school spirit in their new races, which is nice," said Diomaris Barry shirts and face paint during Homecoming week. lot for hours for a chance at Miami In- Uber has changed the college lifestyle! Spring 2017 News 7 THE CURIOUS CASE OF BARRY'S ATTENDANCE

Swany Fernandez SENIOR STAFF WRITER [and] you miss your class because of traffic... “I don’t think that it’s fair to automatically be “But, in our perspective, because we know miss four times and you’re out,” she said. dropped,” he said. “Especially, if you’re in my situ- that students have various kinds of commit-

She concedes that some students do ad- ation where you’re about to graduate.” ments that are competing for their time and, here to the policy but others struggle with Resident and senior English major Anis- Barry’s attendance policy is meant to help to instill upon students the importance to at- special circumstances such as jobs or families sa Hester said that if she lived off campus, students find structure within their newly tend class, sometimes providing that structure and should not be penalized if they continue she might find the absence policy harsh, but found freedom, yet some students find that it for people is a good way to focus on that pri- to manage all or most of the course expecta- the tardy policy of some professors is just as might be too restrictive. ority.” tions. harsh on resident students. However, for students with persistent med- In fact, many professors encourage stu- Senior broadcast major Kaelena Hughes-Ben- “Sometimes, I’m like 5 minutes late… ical conditions, the university has a policy "to dent attendance by adding class participa- ensure that all with incipient emotional, tion to their overall marking system because, mental health or physical needs receive according to a study conducted by timely assessment and access to service." Professors John C. Bean and Dean According to school policy, as Peterson for USC Fresno, students long as the student submits all the who are graded on class participa- proper documentation from a physi- BUELLER? BUELLER? tion tend to sharpen many different cal or mental health professional, the skills. student can take a leave of absence The study cited "growth in critical from classes and return later when thinking, active learning, develop- they can complete the coursework. ment of listening and speaking skills Barring medical condition, needed for career success and the though, some Barry students find ability to join a discipline's conver- the attendance policy like that of sation" among class participation's the College of Arts and Sciences at- benefits. tendance policy too restrictive. The Nevertheless, university policies policy states: on attendance are being challenged For courses having 3 credit hours, daily in the new age of technology a total of 6 hours of absence will as students are choosing to forego result in withdrawal with W, WP, or traditional in-person learning for WF, if within the designated with- online classes. drawal period, or with an automatic According to Montgomery College F, if not. It is the students respon- in Maryland, some advantages to sibility to initiate the withdrawal online learning are convenience, during the designated period. Oth- flexibility, and they teach students to erwise an F will be issued at the end be self-disciplined. of term. For students who are looking for an The policy aside, Department alternative to the traditional class- Chair and Professor of Commu- room setting, Barry does offer open nication Dr. Vicente Berdayes says enrollment of some online courses that if a student should have a like THE 352, HSA 339, MUS 321, life-altering event, he would not pe- Photography by Victoria Newell MAT 154 and IT 372. However, nalize a student for missing class as according to Provost and Chief long as the student keeps in contact Academic Officer Dr. John Murray and keeps up with the course work. nett agrees with Despaw, adding that student at- maybe or like 2,” she said, “You’re taking at- there currently aren't enough courses offered However, Berdayes also recognizes that tendance should be based more on merit and the tendance, so what does it matter? Class hasn’t to know for sure how that affects enrollment attendance is important for interactive learn- kind of work they produce rather than if a student started yet.” but there's hope that they do. ing. is physically attending the class. Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Online attendance is easily measured as "If you're not in class, you can't partici- “Maybe they should have it where you get and Associate Vice President for Undergrad- every student leaves behind a digital footprint pate," he said. dropped from the class if you miss too many as- uate Studies Dr. Karen Callaghan was pres- that tracks their engagement in the class, and Commuter and senior pre-professional signments or have been making bad grades,” she ent when the policy was first enacted and said Murray would not discourage any student biology major Austin Despaw doesn’t be- said. “Some people just don’t go to class but they they revisit the discussion from time to time, from becoming involved in such classes. lieve that students should be automatical- turn everything in and ace their exams.” noting that the point of any policy is to give "It really depends on the student, the best ly dropped for missing one more class than Senior sports management major Jordan Bak- students support. way to learn, and their circumstances," said they’re supposed to, though. er hasn’t personally encountered a professor who “It often doesn’t feel like support to stu- Murray. “Let’s say it’s a Tuesday and Thursday class isn’t lenient about the policy, but says it's unfair dents, it feels like something else,” she said. when professors are sticklers. 8 News Spring 2017 THE DRIVE-BY WI-FI BARRY STUDENTS ARE DISPLEASED WITH THE SCHOOL'S WIRELESS INTERNET SERVICE Swany Fernandez ing my homework online,” she said. “If Ramirez said all these access points “I think the server is not strong SENIOR STAFF WRITER it doesn’t work here, it kind of defeats the and monitors are working fine and, un- enough for as many people as there are Some Barry students, especially com- purpose of me doing my homework here." less the problems are pointed out by stu- on campus,” said junior business/HR muters, have become frustrated by the Barry’s technology division, DoIT, dents, DoIT cannot resolve the issue. major Jessenia Medina. lack of consistent wireless internet con- has a help desk located in the rear of the Ramirez told The Buccaneer that Early in the morning, she said she has nection on campus that has affected their library and in Garner 235 where stu- the biggest issue they had between the no problems connecting to the web, but ability to be productive. dents can go to receive support for their fall and spring semesters was an outage realized that during lunch time it moves Senior applied sports and exercise wireless connection problems. on Jan. 24 that lasted about 40 minutes. much slower. science major Bethany Parada said she “[But] students just don’t bother re- Students who tried to log into the wire- Senior broadcasting and emerging failed to complete an assignment online porting it because it might be, you know, less internet could not connect, but those media major Matthew Kydd agreed with before she left on a planned family trip an issue that happens here and there,” who were already connected remained Medina. because she could not connect to the said Associate Chief Information Officer operational. “[It’s] because everyone is not in class wireless internet on campus. Darrell DuVall. One of the causes of the problem and everyone’s like, ‘gotta kill time!’ and “[Professors] don’t care because they’d According to DuVall, students are ac- was that one of the domain controllers that’s when everyone is online.” say, ‘oh there’s the library’,” but I live off customed to wireless networks and feel crashed and the authentication server Ramirez conceded that they could campus and that commute is kind of hard as though they can connect their systems had a "bug" on the software that stopped certainly monitor areas during specific when you don’t have a car,” she said. without help because of how simple the it from using the back up servers. times to see what the problem may be. On long days when commuters have process is. The problem has since been fixed, the “It could be that there’s too many peo- to stay on campus in between classes, The issue still stands, he says, that if domain controllers have been restored and ple in that area that we weren’t planning they use the school’s Wi-Fi to be able to students notice a pattern of these prob- the authentication server has now been up- for or maybe it’s an access point that is complete assignments, lessening their lems and do not report them, a resolu- graded to eliminate the bug, said Ramirez. damaged or something that’s wrong.” workload when they get home. tion will come slowly or not at all. DoIT continues to monitor any situa- Students can take charge of their own Junior psychology major Perla Tor- There are 1,300 wireless access points tion students might have with their wire- Wi-Fi situation by running their own speed res begins her day at 9 a.m. on campus around campus that are constantly being less connection and have upped their en- test on their computers and forward the and ends it at 6 p.m. For her, having an monitored and there are about 115 dif- gagement with Residential Life to make results to the DoIT Help Desk so that the inconsistent network connection is coun- ferent monitors that connect to the net- sure that the Wi-Fi remains stable. team can look further into the problem. terproductive. work everyday, according to Director of Still, some students speculated that “If it is an issue, we’re more than hap- “It’s one of the reasons I don’t do my Network and Telecommunication Maxi- the slow wireless connection may be due py to work with students and figure out work here [on campus] because I’m do- mo Ramirez. to high traffic. what is going on,” he said. JUAN VALDEZ CAFÉ $ IN CASE YOU NEED AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE THE SALTY DONUT $ Serves pastries, cold drinks and Colom- Nutella in a donut? Yes! Cozy, artsy en- bian java. A Latin style café with a cozy vironment with the best gourmet donuts vintage theme. DRIVE-BY WI-FI, GIVE THESE NEARBY CAFÉS WITH in Wynwood. Don’t forget to ask for the lemonade-coffee. FOOD. COZY. VINTAGE THEME. GREAT AMBIENCE AND RELIABLE WI-FI A TRY! HOURS 7 A.M.- 9P.M. Brittney Luckey FOOD. COZY. ARTSY 1801 NE 123RD ST, NORTH MIAMI, FLA. EDITORIAL ASSISTANT HOURS 7:30 A.M.-6 P.M. 50 NW 23RD ST #112, MIAMI, FLA. PANTHER COFFEE $$ ALASKA COFFEE ROASTING OF MIAMI $ ALL DAY $$ Upscale coffee house known for their in- A fun modern atmosphere, serving fresh The sister café to Panther Coffee, All day AROMA ESPRESSO BAR $ house freshly made coffees with the op- coffee with a variety of baked goods and serves a gourmet menu of pastry favor- This modern style diner serves espressos tion of a city view. wood-fire pizzas. ites and barista coffees. with great breakfast, salads and quick bites for lunch. FOOD. INDOOR/OUTDOOR FOOD. COZY. MODERN. FOOD. COZY. GOURMET FOOD. MODERN. ESPRESSO HOURS 7 A.M. -9 P.M. HOURS 7 A.M-10 P.M. HOURS 7 A.M. -7 P.M. HOURS 7 A.M.-10 P.M. 2390 NW 2ND AVE, MIAMI, FLA. 3130 BISCAYNE BLVD, NORTH MIAMI, FLA. 1035 N MIAMI AVE, MIAMI, FLA. 2491 NE 186TH ST, MIAMI, FLA. Spring 2017 News 9 BARRY RADIO GOES FM

Eliane Hernandez but also to give the communi- STAFF WRITER ty’s voice real shape and real direction.’' This is the chance to have your voice ‘‘A lot of people have heard! Barry students and faculty gath- said that the radio is dead! It’s ered on February 15 to officially launch not! And it never was!’’ she the university's new FM radio station - said. ‘‘Other kinds of digital 99.5 The Mix. media and print media are With the help of engineer and consul- very exciting and creative, but tant Ralph Chambers, it took three and nothing is like radio to have the a half years for Barry's new station to get voice of others come directly to up and running. It came a long way from you in your car, in your home, the AM station - WBRY - that operated in your office.’’ out of the Garner building in 1989. Saverimuttu said that WBUJ The Mix-FM now aims to of- those who are not directly in- fer hands-on radio practice for students volved with the internal work in the communication major and to ex- at the station or communica- tend the college's reach by empowering tion studies can still be a part students, alumni, staff, faculty and res- by hosting their own radio idents of Miami Shores to openly pro- show, regardless of the audi- duce their own content in music, sports Dean of College of Arts and Sciences Karen A. Callaghan and Darrin Tucker are broadcasting some of Dean Callaghan’s favorite songs on the new WBUJ 99.5 The Mix FM. Photography by Anastasia Zharova. ence and exposure. and local concerns via the station. ‘‘Since I started study- Girlari Rivera, the station manager ing at Barry, I’ve never heard "Promoting is very important in any- viser to WBUJ, said that in order to de- and junior broadcasting student at Bar- about the radio station before,’’ said Jes- thing, everything you do," she said. "We termine the station's format, they will ry, was one of the chief individuals be- sie Martinis, a sophomore biology stu- have a social media site where we post be performing an actual analysis of the hind the station's overhaul. dent. ‘‘This would not only be a way of a lot of content, we have Instagram, population in the community. ‘‘Im so proud of the progress we’ve benefiting the students themselves, but Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, posters The radio is a low-power FM station made,” she said, who has been with the also the university in terms of expenses. and we're handing flyers out around the that broadcasts varied musical genres station since her freshman year. ‘‘We went As being part of the Barry family now, I dorms on campus." from hip-hop to reggaeton to classic rock from being on AM which no one probably hope they finally address our daily prob- Mahen Saverimuttu, the faculty ad- to jazz to inner city blues and with shows listens to, to now being FM which is more lems, particularly about public safety.’’ like ‘‘One Night Stand’’ by Blake Cole. popular and defnitely gives us the opportu- Gabriel Lausis, a junior biology major, is It extends for a 4-mile radius beyond nity to be heard.” also hoping that the station gives voice campus into neighborhoods like El Por- Rivera said they now have four stu- to more serious campus and community tal, Belle Glade, Upper East Side, Little dent staffers and have brand new equip- concerns. Haiti and Little River. ment such as FM transmitters, a digital ‘‘I know that a radio station has an "Right now, we first want to have a audio recording and mixing console, an entertainment-based purpose where we good product before people start listen- active studio monitor and studio con- will have talk shows, broadcasting music, ing to our programs," said Saverimuttu. denser microphones. and so on,’’ he said. ‘‘But since it was Just like FIU has its college stations "The main purpose of this model is launched in our university, concerns like on 88.1 FM and on 95.3 FM in North to have students to express themselves in Barry's high tuition, sports, and political Miami and has its an educated manner on air,’’ she said. and economic news that may affect our station on 90.5 FM WVUM, Barry now ‘‘When I say express themselves, I mean, community should also be considered. offers the same opportunity to their stu- if they are passionate about sports, they After all this hard work that the univer- dent body. will get to go on this platform and talk sity members and outside collaborators College of Arts and Sciences Dean about it.’’ have put in this project, I hope it pays Karen Callaghan also acknowledged Rivera also mentioned various social off.’’ networks that will be used to connect ‘‘it’s a wonderful way to express our mis- with listeners. sion and purpose to the larger commu- nity, which is to educate and serve them, 10 News Spring 2017 SOCIAL MEDIA AFFECTS #INSTALOVE INTIMATE PARTNER RELATIONS Paris Razor STAFF WRITER FLEX Within the most recent decade, social be on the phone during a date instead of media has become an essential tool for INSULTS talking to each other. relationships. However, a 2014 survey Relationships fall prey to insults on so- A study from Andrew K. Przybylski cial media, too. Often over-sharing occurs BUCS conducted by Barry University students and Netta Weinstein of the University BARRY UNIVERSITY Jennifer Martinez and Javerious Gilmore on social media that can range from the of Essex found new research which sug- IS INCORPORATING revealed that 50 percent of Barry stu- couple kissing and complimenting the oth- gested that cell phones remind users of MORE USES FOR FLEX BUCS dents believe social media weakens rela- er to the couple fighting and revealing se- opportunities to interact with a wider crets on public posts. Over-sharing by put- tionships. So why is that? network, preventing a person’s ability to Destiny Ricks ting someone on the spot online can also Some would say that insecurities, in- interact with someone inches away. CONTRIBUTING WRITER sults, and unwanted people are byprod- be destructive because it does not promote It also concluded that cell phone us- ucts of an active social media life. healthy communication and resolution but age may reduce social consciousness. So, Flex Bucs, a service offered to Bar- creates more anger. If you happen to post INSECURITIES not only is being on your phone during ry students and faculty where funds are something that hurts or offends your part- a date distasteful in regards to social eti- placed on an university-issued ID card to Felix Vega-Pagan, a sophomore study- ner, it’s best to take it down. quette, but science is saying it’s making it make purchases at campus eateries, the ing criminology, said one negative effect harder to connect to your date. bookstore and for printing, is bringing social media has on relationships is that UNWANTED PEOPLE Another danger to social media is sex- fast food and fast cars to campus. “they make it easier to cheat on your loved Lastly, one of the biggest issues in the ting. Sexting is when someone sends sex- Associate Director of Business Ser- ones and can break up relationships.” social media world is the presence of ually explicit messages or photos online vices Gaston Arellano is spearheading a Students like Vega-Pagan believe a unwanted people such as exes. Often a or over the phone. project to incorporate additional uses for loss of trust is often amplified over social huge problem with social media is that In the study conducted by Martinez Flex Bucs on campus. media because it is easy for a partner to one partner may still be friends with and Gilmore, sexting wasn’t deemed ac- One of his short-term goals is to make a send messages to others than their better their ex on social media, allowing them ceptable to any of the couples they inter- pick-up service available from Bucky’s Cove half. The feeling of doubt and uneasiness to not only see their content but re-in- viewed during the first or second round and Subway. Using the app, GET Mobile, from insecurities is a disease that rampag- tegrate themselves by liking photos and of interviews. students are able to check their Flex Bucs es relationships through social media as commenting on posts. As our culture Sexting can be dangerous since you account by using their Barry login. one partner may believe that the other is places emphasis on exes becoming a dis- never know what the receiver may do By spring break, he anticipates that cheating on them, leading to other devas- tant memory, when a person sees their with the content. the app will enable students to order tating accusations and confrontations. loved one still maintaining contact with food in advance from Bucky’s Cove and Martinez and Gilmore found that often their ex, problems can arise. REVENGE PORN Subway, making pick-up from the loca- these insecurities manifest in “social media Martinez and Gilmore also found out For instance, revenge porn is a phe- tion easier and faster. control,” where one partner controls who from their study that to prevent this issue nomenon where a person will share that He told the Buccaneer that soon the other can contact on social media and couples will establish strict boundaries sensitive content without the other per- there will be another machine installed what content they see. This form of con- where partners may not like photos or con- son’s consent. Often revenge porn will be in Thompson Hall, adding more conve- trol can even go as far as who they’re al- tact the ex and often simply unfriend them used as blackmail against the subject to nience for the student population. There lowed to see and talk to in person. to prevent the rekindling of an old flame. punish, continue an abusive relationship, is now only a Flex Bucs machine in the Albeit, social media control is often Autumn Bakerpeat, a sophomore or force someone into doing something Student Union next to Landon 103 used to keep the peace between part- majoring in applied exercise science, be- they don’t want to do. Women are more where students are able to add cash to ners to ensure that one is not crossing a lieved boundaries like that are “good in likely to be threatened with revenge porn. their Flex Bucs balances. boundary by interacting with someone helping to maintain the peace as long as From a survey of 5000 adults conduct- A long-term goal of Arellano’s is to problematic, serious cases can fall into you don’t go overboard.” ed by Match.com in 2012, as many as 10 integrate the usage of Uber with Flex the category of abuse when they’re iso- percent of ex-partners have threatened TEXTING AFFECTING INTIMACY Bucs, allowing students the ability to use lated from friends and family. to expose naked photographs of their Social media has also affected the in- their Flex Bucs to order an Uber. “I (sic) seen it in relationships. I know ex-partners and 60 percent of those who timacy in relationships as couples would This, however, may take longer to ac- that my best friend for a long time wasn’t make such threats actually follow through. rather send short texts to each other than complish because there are logistics and allowed to be on Facebook. That hurt Looking back to the time of our spend long hours talking over the phone. prep time needed to provide several services. our friendship because I was constantly grandparents and great grandparents, A text of “Hey, what’s up?” has replaced At this time, Arellano wants to grow tagging her and posting and she wouldn’t dating and falling in love wasn’t easier a phone call to discuss the day. Converse- student interest in creating different be able to see it. It was one of the big but posed different challenges. Perhaps, ly, a couple might constantly text each services using Flex Bucs and, if there is ways we communicated, through social one should put down the phone every other until the late hours of the night strong support for the project, Barry stu- media...” said one of the Barry students once in a while and enjoy the moment but, when in person, they have stale con- dents could see these services on campus interviewed in the study. with your loved ones. versations. Or, even worse, couples will very soon. Spring 2017 SPORTS 11 TO MAKE A COMEBACK

Kuajuan Moore major from Germany, said even though STAFF WRITER they lost in the regional finals last year, the team chemistry is much better now. "As of now, the team feels like a family. The chemistry is there and everybody is While Barry’s tennis teams won five working hard and pushing ourselves. Like of the school's 16 national champion- coach says, we have a lot of depth in the ships - three from the men’s team and team and we have a lot of talent,” he said. two from the women’s team - last year Tahirovic admits that their hard work they took a big hit. Will this year be a is one of the signs that they'll make a year for a turnaround? strong comeback. In 2016, the men's team placed 10th “[We practice] usually Monday and women's team placed sixth, but both through Friday, three hours a day. Some- teams now have a renewed sense of fire times we come out on our own on the to be back on top this year. weekends. Some of the guys stay after "We had a good fall semester. We had practice for more hours," he said. "We some good results, we played different get together as a team sometimes on the tournaments. We got a big team, we got holidays. Whenever we have time we’ll a lot of depth. We also have a lot of top come out and practice.” heavy players, which is good because Freshman business management ma- that’s what we didn’t have last year," said jor Martin Gutierrez never experienced really strong all the way through,” he said. Avi Kigel, the head coach to the wom George Samuel, the men's team head the glory of the team's national cham- Another freshman, Carlos Gomez from en’s team, says her focus was getting the coach. “A lot of strength at the top. For pionships, but expressed his enthusiasm Spain, believed he made the right decision women conditioned. me, I’m very optimistic, a lot more than about his first year playing with Barry. to move to Miami to play for Barry. “There’s a lot of new blood on the I felt last spring.” “I haven’t really been through the pro- “I really like the decision I made last team. So, the first month was about get- Samuel's optimism may also be rub- cess but I’m excited to see the competi- year to move. In the beginning, we were ting them into better shape and getting bing off on the players. tion. I feel confident. I feel our team is practicing a little bit less but now since the team unity to work, " she said. "For Ajdin Tahirovic, a junior marketing the season is coming up we’ve been prac- us, as a team, we are trying to find the ticing a lot more and harder. We have best doubles combination and just train- different exercises that we go over and ing hard and staying together. Staying we hope to make nationals,” he said. humble and getting better each day.” Samuel agreed that the women's team The tennis teams sound as if they are exhibited much of the same hunger and closer than ever and they aren’t afraid to dedication as his team. utilize all the time they can spare to prac- Judith Bohnenkamp, a junior finance tice and get better. major, articulated that her second season This sounds like a team ready to take with the team seems comparatively bet- back nationals and if they’re ready, then ter than last year. let’s support them. “I like our philosophy. We fight hard The District II National Champion- and we put emphasis on team bonding,” ship will be held May 9-13 in Altamonte, she said. . Bohnenkamp explained that the sheer size of the team this year minimizes the effect of losing a player due to injury. “I feel like we have a lot of chanc- es this season. We have a much bigger LET’S GO BUCS! team. We used to have a lot of problems because of injuries and we didn’t have enough players but now our size will Dasha Salnikova is a women’s tennis freshman from France. She is an international business help a lot,” she said. major. Photography by Jazmine Brown. 12 SPORTS Spring 2017

tarians but they removed meat from 0.36 to 0.86 grams of protein per pound. dad that she did not want to eat meat their diets. Contrary to popular opinion, protein anymore she was six years old. They VEGETARIAN “It really motivated me to take a proper supplements are not needed to achieve were shopping together. Her dad picked care of my body. I wanted to eat clean. I even the highest level of protein intake. up a piece of meat and Amanda asked, started eating tuna and turkey, sometimes For proteins, Hartman eats a lot of “Dad, what is that juice? chicken, but barely,” said senior Momirov. beans; she turned to rice and pasta for “When he told me it was blood, I said I ATHLETES? Raw food such as broccoli, spinach, cu- carbs. do not want to eat this anymore,” she said. cumber, lettuce, fruits and nuts replaced “I never felt weak, but when I first A few years later, she realized that her meats. started the diet in my sophomore year in body had negative reactions to meat; she THEY'RE MORE “I learned in my biochemistry course high school, for ski racing, it was tough would have a fever and severe pain. that proteins are way healthier than any- bcause my family didn’t really like that “The days I did not eat meat, I felt so thing else. They are long-term energy I was a vegetarian. I was kind of feeding much better!” she said. COMMON THAN nutrients and should be the dominating myself. For two years, I made my own All four athletes claim that they did not food on our plates,” said Momirov. meals,” said Hartman. feel any weaker than their teammates. As far as protein goes, one cup of Foppoli loved to eat eggs for breakfast Instead, they felt strong and healthy. YOU THINK cooked broccoli contains four grams, and especially loved when the cafeteria “Most of them do not understand Eva Patyi one cup of cooked spinach contains five had falafel. how you do not eat meat,” said Mascia, STAFF WRITER grams, one cup of cooked brown rice There are roughly about 3.6 ounces who is the only vegetarian on her team. Her coach was not too happy either when Mascia told her that she was vege- Generally, one pictures athletes as mus- tarian and tried top feed her chicken. cle-bound, ripped, meat-eating machines. GETTING THE GREEN LIGHT Despite the fact that vegetarian ath- However, did you know that there is not letes are often seen as strange, many enough scientific evidence for why vegetar- vegetarian athletes argue that their diets ian athletes cannot compete with non-veg- assist with their performances. etarian athletes across multiple sports? One of the most famous and most suc- The truth is that all athletes have high- cessful vegetarian athletes in history is Carl er-than-normal protein and calorie needs. Lewis, former American track and field In a 2016 Arizona State University star who won 10 Olympic medals and 10 study conducted by Heidi Lynch, she World Championship medals in his career. found that “meat-eating athletes have no Other famous athletes include base- advantage when it comes to cardio and ball legend Hank Aaron, NBA Hall of strength training.” Famer Robert Parish and boxer Mike Researchers gathered 70 elite endur- Tyson. ance athletes, including 27 vegetarians Even star tennis player Venus Wil- and 43 meat eaters. They monitored liams is an athlete who does not eat meat. each athlete’s nutrition for a week and They say that they perform better on a discovered that they had almost equal plant-based diet and they also recover faster body-mass indexes and the same per- on a plant-based diet full of antioxidants. centage of muscle mass. The results sur- Barry team members Jelena Momirov and Ellen Hartman share a laid back conver- For various training regimens, vege- prised Lynch herself. sation over a delicious and nutritious vegetarian dinner. Photography by Anastasia Zharova. tarian diets can provide all known essen- While many athletes do attest to be- tial nutrients in adequate quantities, with ing unable to survive such hard practices contains five grams, nuts usually contain of chick peas in three falafel balls, giving the exception of iron and zinc. without daily meat intake, several ath- up to 27 grams and beans contain 12 her about 26 percent of the daily rec- And, according to nutrition specialists letes at Barry are convinced that their grams. ommended fiber. Secondly, falafel can Bill Proulx of Appalachian State Univer- veggie diet is the way to go. Although protein is certainly an es- improve bowel function and decrease sity, Stacey Sims of Massey University at When senior member of the rowing sential nutrient which plays many key the absorbance of both cholesterol and Wellington in New Zealand and Deborah team Ellie Hartman was in high school, roles in the way our bodies function, we simple sugars. Shulman, vegetarians had significantly she thought she should try the veggie diet do not need huge quantities of it. Only “The only differences I saw [in my higher intakes of carbohydrate, ribofla- due to health and animal rights concerns. about one calorie out of every 10 we take performance] were in my running en- vin, niacin, vitamin B12, folate, vitamin According to Hartman, meat produc- in needs to come from protein. durance and in my blood as my bad cho- C and ratio of polyunsaturated to sat- tion in the United States is unethical and Vegan athletes, especially in the ear- lesterol went lower and my good choles- urated fat and lower intakes of saturated the amount of meat Americans consume ly stages of training, may have higher terol went higher,” she said. fat than the non-vegetarians. is “absurd.” protein needs than vegans who exercise Junior player Amanda Mascia As surprising as it is, it seems like vege- Rowing mates Jelena Momirov and moderately or who are not active. Vegan has been a vegetarian for seven years. tarian athletes are getting the green light Anais Foppoli didn’t become strict vege- athletes’ protein needs can range from The first time she mentioned to her to go. Spring 2017 FOREIGN 13 "Pero Like...Is That Spanglish?" Spanish is the second most widely spoken language in all the world. Chinese is the first and English, the third.

Today, more than 60 percent of the residents in our very own Miami-Dade County speak Spanish at home, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Spanish speakers living within an American culture like this one will often take the English pronunciation of a word, then add the suffix -ear to turn that “borrowed” English verb into a Spanish verb. This is what we know as Spanglish!

So, here is a list of 15 phrases that are actually Spanglish. ¡Pa’ que lo sepas!

Abigail Solórzano 8. PRINTEAR = TO PRINT STAFF WRITER DID YOU KNOW THAT MOST WORDS Just like machear, this is an incorrect word that has crept into the Spanish language. VAMOS A JANGUEAR ARE FORMED BY BORROWING The correct Spanish word is imprimir. 1. VAMOS A JANGUEAR = LET’S HANG OUT. This phrase was made popular by young FROM OR MERGING WITH OTHER 9. CLICKEAR = TO CLICK = people who sought the company of their LANGUAGES? There really is no Spanish word for LET’S HANG OUT. friends who were familiar with the Amer- click. Just as English has adopted certain ican colloquialism for enjoying time to- French words such as hors d’oeuvres, gether. 6. TE LLAMO PARA ATRAS = I’LL CALL YOU BACK Spanish adopted the word click as its 12. FRIZAR = TO FREEZE To some, this phrase may not seem own, even though it is spelled clic. Not to be confused with the actual Span- 2. FLONQUEAR = TO FLUNK wrong, but it is. It should be “Te regre- ish word frisar which means to frizz, this Also used by school-age youth, this word is sare la llamada.” This phrase stemmed 10. TEXTEAR = TEXT word (spelled with a z) is not recognized in the Spanish dictionary. The correct used in the context of failing a class or exam. from replacing the English words with Same goes for texting. Albeit the noun word is congelador. their respective Spanish words instead of form text in Spanish is texto, the verb 3. TE VOY A TAGUEAR = I’LL TAG YOU interpreting the context. form doesn’t truly exist in Spanish. Social media has become such a major 13. CHATEAR = TO CHAT part of our lives in America that it has 7. MACHAR OR MACHEAR = TO MATCH 11. GOOGLEAR = TO GOOGLE This word has become even more pop- ular now with the use of WhatsApp, even influenced the Spanish language. This word should not to be used in a Because of the popularity of this search GroupMe and other chatting mobile Just as you can tag a person on Insta- formal setting. The correct translation engine, to google (in lowercase g) was of- apps. Though hard to believe, chatear gram, Twitter, or Facebook, you can is combinar, yet many Spanish speakers, ficially added to the English dictionary has been adopted into the Spanish dic- taguear someone, too. both young and old, have begun using in 2006. Though not yet in the Spanish tionary and is only used in relation to this word more often. dictionary, it’s only a matter of time. 4. CHEQUEAR = TO CHECK. mobile or online chats. What Spanish speaker has not said this? It comes from the English word check and 14. CÓGELO SUAVE = TAKE IT EASY means the same thing—to examine or in- Instead of interpreting the context and spect. It has also been formally adopted saying “Tómalo con calma,” the English into the Spanish dictionary and has its own words have instead just been replaced with conjugations, such as “Yo chequeo,” “Tu TE VOY A TAGUEAR the Spanish words for this colloquialism. chequeas,” and “Nosotros chequeamos.” 15. RENTAR = TO RENT 5. PARQUEAR = TO PARK Rentar is another word that has now been officially adopted into the Spanish This word has also been adopted into the language with its own conjugations. The Spanish dictionary with its own conjuga- = original Spanish word is alquiler or alqui- tions. These include “Yo parqueo,” “Tu parqueas,” and “Nosotros parqueamos.” I’LL TAG YOU lar, which is still used in some Central or South American countries. 14 FOREIGN Spring 2017 THE PARTY DOESN’T STOP ON JANUARY 1 NEW YEAR CELEBRATIONS CONTINUE AROUND THE WORLD

Eva Patyi two holidays, just as is done in the STAFF WRITER United States. “The biggest amount of food you can Although the western world ad- imagine is on the Serbian Christmas. opted the Gregorian calendar, which There has to be enough meat because celebrates New Year’s Day on the first we are “meat-eaters” and also enough day of January, there are many cul- cookies. So for Christmas, you have tures and countries around the world the most delicious meals in the whole that wait for their New Year’s celebra- year,” said Mrdja. tions. Finally, the Jewish New Year is known Barry’s student community is in- as “Rosh Hashanah,” which rep- credibly diverse with students hailing resents the birthday of the universe, from all around the world. Thus, it is the day God created Adam and Eve. our international student body whose “Rosh Hashanah” means head of the new year celebrations have just begun. year and is celebrated for two days, The Chinese New Year traditional- beginning on Sept. 20 and ending on ly falls between Jan. 21 and Feb. 21, Sept. 22. depending on the new moon’s date in “It is such a nice day because the the first lunar month. This year, it was whole family shares the dinner some- On Jan. 26, several Barry students celebrated the Chinese New Year with a traditional dragon per- times even until sunrise. There is so Jan. 27 when the colorful dragon and formance. Photography by Victoria Newell. lion dance performances took to the much energy you can perceive. Ev- streets. “That is the day when we would get the lamps that they decorate themselves erybody helps to prepare the food, the Chinese New Year celebrations last the red pockets filled with money. You into the night sky. table and to organize the house,” said more than a week. On the eve, a Chinese visit everyone from your mom’s family: The food during the New Year cel- freshman Alejandra Alonso Alderette person cleans every single spot of their your aunts, grand aunts, grandparents, ebration included chicken, meat, fish, from Paraguay. home and buys new clothes—usually red uncles, brothers and sisters,” said senior homemade dumplings, pork, seafood A symbolic act Jewish people do is the in color and, because it is winter, many Qiwen Su. "They usually wish someone and vegetables. “Festival of Candle Blessing” and the will wear red jackets or coats. a good year by bowing, and this is what "There is a lot going on every single “Kiddush,” which is the blessing over “After you clean the house, usually the red pocket is about: giving away the day," said Su. “New Year's is loud." the wine. They also recite a blessing over everyone would come to dinner because blessing to have a great year." Serbia, a country in Eastern Europe, the bread, and eat "challah" or apples in China most people live separately, es- On the third day, there are specific celebrated their Orthodox New Year dipped in honey. pecially if they are married they will live teams who perform the lion dance, usu- called “Stara Nova Godina”—meaning “Another traditional act is on the first with their own husband or their own ally each house would hire a team, and Old New Year—on Jan. 14. The coun- day of Rosh Hashanah, you go to a near- wife outside of the house,” said junior they would have that specific perfor- try’s new year date is different because by body of water and symbolically cast Yiyan Song. mance in front of their house. Lion and Serbians use the Julian calendar, which away one's sins or wrongdoings from Younger celebrants will customarily dragon dancers appear in the four-hour pre-dates the Gregorian calendar. the past year. One usually tosses bread- go to an older person’s home or a grand- show while people sing and dance. “You can feel it in the atmosphere crumbs into the water. This is a physical parents’ home, said Xiaoxi Dong, who Barry University commemorated the when the new year is close. People are act to remember our actions, rights, and is in Barry's curriculum and instruction Chinese New Year by organizing the in a good mood, and when I see that ev- wrongs, and to refocus ourselves for the doctoral program. “Chinese New Year Lantern Release” on eryone is preparing for the celebration, New Year,” said Alderette. On New Year’s Day, people usually go Jan. 26 at 5:30 p.m. in front of Landon people get me under their influence and In short, many different calendars shopping or stay at home; it is not that Student Union. I become excited, as well,” said freshman have been used in different parts of the much of a celebration—except for the The event highlighted several of the Zorica Mrdja from Serbia. "The prepa- world, some count years numerically, fireworks. traditional Chinese dragon and lion per- rations begin in the morning and last while others do not. So just because New “We have to have the fireworks, the formances. No one left with an empty all day long, then when the night comes Year's Day in the Western Hemisphere fireworks are very important,” said Song. stomach since authentic Chinese food people go out and enjoy themselves." has passed on Jan. 1, don’t forget that The second day is actually the cel- was also present during the event. For Serbians, Christmas is celebrat- the celebration continues in many other ebration day. You visit your maternal After everyone finished trying out dif- ed the week before they celebrate New countries around the world. grandparents' home. ferent dishes, the participants released Year's Day, so the nation connects the Spring 2017 Career & leadership 15 BARRY ALUMNI DEFY LIMITATIONS BARRY’S ALUMNI HIGHLIGHTS

Shaquille O’Neal earned his doctorate shoot my films,” said Girlari Rivera in education in 2012. Actress, model, Parker. TV host and beauty pageant titleholder Even though his CONTRIBUTING WRITER Amy Diaz graduated in 2007 with a de- work didn't win, he gree in broadcast communication and a admits that the spec- Did you know many successful, well- minor in psychology. Danny Burgess, the tacular feedback he known public figures graduated from our former mayor of Zephyrhills, Fla. grad- received was enough very own Barry University? uated from Barry’s Dwayne O. Andreas to keep him going. Former Miami Heat basketball player School of Law in 2011 and is a current “One of the ven- member of the Florida dors said my work House of Representa- reminded her of a tives. young Kanye West. After graduation, some I’ll never forget that,” think it takes a while to said Parker. make headway in your Former Barry bas- career. However, our ketball player Yunio 2016 graduates seem to Barrueta achieved his be defying those limita- career goal at age 23. tions. Although a crimi- Twenty-two-year-old nology major, his tal- Brandon Parker at- ents landed him else- tended Barry for four where. years and graduated “After I got my de- with a degree in broad- gree, I signed a con- cast communication. tract and I’m currently While attending Barry, playing professional Parker filmed a music basketball in Belgium,” video for his song “Fif- said Barrueta. teen16” and a short He said that his horror film named coaches, professors, and “School Spirit.” He teammates helped him “Even though I haven’t fully achieved submitted both videos get to where he is. my goal, I am certainly half way there. to the 2017 Miami Ur- “Both Coach Estes and Coach Furr I started teaching a portion of a speech ban Music and Film pushed me to be the best man and player class and also became the only first-year Festival and quickly I can be. They challenged me mentally graduate to join the general education learned they were both and physically,” he said. program team at UCF,” said Merill. selected to be screened His favorite Barry memory is making He admits that Dr. Gordon, in the in January's main school history by reaching The Elite 8. communication department, is an inspi- event. When asked what advice he had for ration to him. “When they texted me future graduates, Barrueta responded, “I’m also in the process of getting my that my work was cho- “If you want to succeed as bad as you first article published. I definitely owe it sen, I couldn’t believe want to breathe, then you will be success- to Gordon’s advice and class lessons that it! Definitely an honor. I ful.” helped me get to where I am today. I feel like I owe it to Bar- After graduating in 2016 with a dou- can’t wait to go visit.” ry because if it weren’t ble major in broadcasting and mathe- We are Barry proud of our alumni’s for me being able to matical sciences, Kelly Merrill Jr., is cur- successes and wish the upcoming gradu- Brandon Parker, Barry broadcasting graduate, testing his camera to borrow their camera rently pursuing his master’s degree at the ates nothing but the best, too! prepare to record footage. Photography by Kaitlyn Parotti. equipment I wouldn’t University of Central Florida. His goal is have been able to to become a tenure-earning professor. 16 A & E Spring 2017 BARRY CLASSICS SWEEP THE STAGE


Do you enjoy classical music? The opera apprentice program, opera studio sound of the piano and violin? The op- program, high school vocal program, or- era? The Miami Music Festival, an in- chestra institute, piano institute and con- ternational destination for young artists, ducting institute. made Barry University one of its 15 au- Senior vocal performance major Ya- dition locations in the United States this nessa Morillo-Delerme was one of a few month. Barry students who auditioned. Auditions were held on Feb. 17 and 18 She has been taking voice lessons from 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Cor Jesu Chap- since she was eight years old with four to el. five different instructors. The Miami Music Festival was found- When it came time to choose a col- ed in 2013 as an off-season event of the lege, Morillo-Delerme chose Barry be- arts in Miami. In three years, the festival cause she assumed there would be more developed into an international event opportunities to audition in the South that prepares budding artists for the than in bigger cities in the North, since harsh realities of the professional music she's from Pittsburgh. She felt positive industry. Barry University is a festival about her chances of gaining more ex- partner. perience here at Barry and in Miami. Some of the audition programs for Sophomore vocal performance ma- which participants can apply include the jor Amanda Lund also auditioned for the festival. She started singing eight years ago, in middle school, but her Amanda Lund rehearsing her vocal performance before her second audition for the Miami "actual training just start- Music Festival. Photography By Anastasia Zharova. ed in college.” uations like that,” she said. "It gets really every time she sees them. Lund decided to apply intimidating when you stand in front Rios, however, is the direct liaison to for the festival because her of only one person who is judging you... the Miami Music Festival. teacher Dr. Giselle Rios if you do it over and over again it gets In 2016, the festival held produc- thought that the audition less and less scary.” tions of La Bohéme, The Crucible and process would prime her For Morillo-Delerme, she hopes to Mahler's 6th Symphony at Barry's Broad for bigger auditions she audition as a means of affirming her tal- Auditorium. might have on a daily ba- ent. For her audition, Lund sang "Quando sis in her field. “Almost everything that I have done, me’n vo" from La Bohéme and a song Lund auditioned last performance-wise, is important because called “Burn” from the Hamilton musi- year and made it to the you still question what you have as tal- cal on Broadway. Miami Summer Music ent," she said. "It is what I feel com- Morillo-Delerme sang as a soloist, in a Festival and is excited to fortable doing. Knowing that it actually trio and in a group number. try again. makes some people smile or cry; I did “By myself, I sang a song called “Still “It is always super that for them." Hurting” from a musical called The Last beneficial for singers to Dr. Beverly Coulter has mentored Five Years. There are also two group get in front of big recruit- Morillo-Delerme and Lund and was re- numbers, one is a waltz the other that we ers like Michael Rossi (ar- sponsible for preparing them for this au- are doing is the “Seasons of Love” from tistic director and founder dition. the musical Rent. I am also singing in the of the festival), and get the “She is just amazing, fun and inter- trio with two other girls, we are singing a feedback and the experi- esting," said Morillo-Delerme, who says song called “Satisfied” from Hamilton,” ence of playing with piano Coulter encourages the students to sing she said. in front of high intense si- what they like and makes them practice Spring 2017 A & E 17

won for his role, even if he is only in the sa relatable and a person to look up to. movie for a short time. He brings life and Barry Jenkins presents a very personal MOONLIGHT REVIEW new meaning to a type of character that is and important film that allows the view- Moonlight is a quiet, soulful film that often seen in cinema. Juan’s chosen career er to have a glimpse into a young man’s Destiny Ricks enraptures the viewer from beginning to as a drug dealer usually paints a negative head and thoughts. Chiron is someone CONTRIBUTING WRITER end. —Moonlight is simplistically beautiful light, but Jenkins develops the character with whom all viewers can identify— as it tells the story of a young man, Chi- in a way that makes the viewer forget the regardless of background, age, race or ron, growing up in the rough Mi- exterior career and focus on the interior. gender. Overall, there is not a lot of dia- ami neighborhood of Liberty City. In the short time that the viewer and Chi- logue in the film. In fact, the message of The narrative structure of the ron knows Juan, they both see that there is the film is left unsaid—intentionally by film, told in three parts, lets the more to meet the eye than is presented to the director. There is much more con- viewer look past Chiron’s outward the world. veyed in the looks that each character appearance and background to Janelle Monáe as Teresa and Naomie gives and more is said in the silence than dismantle stereotypes and identify Harris as Paula, Chiron’s mother, rep- in the dialogue. with him. resent women on different ends of the The score by Nicholas Britell is in- Each part of the film stars a dif- spectrum in the environment portrayed credible and it often fills the moments of ferent actor as the main charac- in Moonlight. silence in the film. The elegant, enchant- ter, Chiron. Each actor that plays Teresa is a mentor and a safe haven ing nature of the music fits perfectly with Chiron—Alex Hibbert, Ashton for Chiron and Paula is a drug-addicted, Moonlight and the score will linger with Sanders and Trevante Rhodes— verbally abusive caregiver. Both actresses the viewer as the much as the film. captures the character exquisitely. portrayed their characters spectacular- Moonlight is a surprisingly wise film From the youngest to the oldest ly. Regardless of Paula’s poor decisions, about identity and self-discovery. It hits actor, not only does everyone do Naomie Harris’ portrayal of the char- home with anyone who has struggled their job efficiently, they go above acter makes the viewer sympathize with with identity and who is attempting to and beyond to portray Director her situation and her ultimate regret of find connections in a lonely, harsh world. Barry Jenkins' message. the treatment of her son. Moonlight is fluid and compassionate in Mahershala Ali as Juan, a local Janelle Monáe, who also stars in Hid- the message conveyed and it leaves the drug dealer, is the stand-out of den Figures, plays Teresa, a safe haven to viewer desiring what Chiron wants in the the film. Ali undeniably deserves Chiron from his own home. Monáe’s end: to understand, identify and connect the Screen Actors Guild award he natural charisma and spunk makes Tere- with another.

A PRE-COVERAGE OF BARRY’S DYSTOPIAANNUAL DANCE RECITAL Kahelia Smellie nological obsessions will be highlighted Goodridge says the goal of this year's Company, Force of Nation, Venus Ris- STAFF WRITER in this year’s showcase. showcase is to tell a story that "moves" us ing and Delou Africa. She now owns a Dancers have shared their personal from division and discord to unification children’s dance company called Kumba interests and contributed ideas toward and societal awareness. and also teaches dance at the Bethune What happens when the art of dance choreography pieces for the show. “I want this showcase to open up a Elementary School of the Arts. at Barry is integrated with pressing so- Asia Arias, a showcase performer, dialogue of what is happening in our The recital will showcase contempo- cietal issues? The result is a beautifully is most excited for one of the modern society. We need to be aware and em- rary ballet, jazz, hip-hop, Bollywood and and strategically-crafted showcase that is pieces that focuses on the Dakota Access powered, to be mindful that everything Latin dancing to encapsulate the recent Barry’s annual spring dance recital to be Pipeline. affects us whether small or large,” said societal and political discord. Costumes held April 6-7. “I feel strongly against the destruction Goodridge. and props will also be used to create a Assistant Professor of Dance Yvonne of earth and the depletion of its natural Guest choreographer Anita Macbeth lasting imagery of art in its political Goodridge makes a bold move this year resources,” she said, will be choreographing the opening form. to address the American political climate Arias and fellow dancer Shanouelka piece for the recital, "Harvest Dance: and discord in her spring dance produc- Hodge will be choreographing a modern Kakilambe." tion. piece on the aftermath of the pipeline. It is a West African dance celebrating Themes ranging from the Dakota Ac- Arias is also working on a photogra- the deity Kakilambe. cess Pipeline to the various protest move- phy series highlighting the "NoDAPL" Macbeth is a former dancer with ments, cultural pride, heritage and tech- movement. companies such as Chuck Davis Dance 18 A & E Spring 2017 ARE BALLADS STILL SEXY?

topics, there are various subcategories 5. “DON’T GO TO STRANGERS” BY impact on listeners. For instance, “Send In Javerious Gilmore between them. Love is a complex emo- The Clowns,” and “September Song,” are two CONTRIBUTING WRITER tion that a lot of people do not under- ETTA JONES songs that have made people across the stand and that confusion has affected While these songs prove how timeless world think of “what could have been” many great songwriters. romance music can be, they also prove in regards to love. After the successful three-part mini-se- The content of a ballad can feature that balladry is an art form that actually One probably would not guess that ries, “The New Edition Story” on BET last someone cheating on another, or think- needs a slow groove and tempo, custom- they were both written for people who month, millions of R&B fans have been ing about cheating on another, or losing arily around 60 to 100 bpm. could not sing and that "September transported back in time to the "slow love because of cheating, or losing love Imagine if Alicia Keys “You Don’t Know Song" is about a brutal dictator finding jamz" era. in general or the timeless unrequited My Name,” was covered by a grunge band love or rather being tired of waiting for Although the name has changed, the love. as an up-tempo rocker. love. formula has remained the same. Ballads What if you heard a disco version of However, sung correctly, the listener have spanned the genres of blues, rock, HERE ARE A COUPLE OF SONGS THAT Miguel’s “Adorn” or Maxwell’s “This Wom- feels sad or sympathizes with the singer jazz, pop, hip hop and R&B. an’s Work"? and cheers when he finds real love. In the '90s, there was a bevy of great FALL INTO THE AFOREMENTIONED The story is written so that it can be Simply stated, ballads are sexy and ballads from artists like New Edition to CATEGORIES: performed in a very specific way. This is they have never stopped being sexy. Boyz II Men to R. Kelly and Aaliyah. All not to say that ballads are stuck within Johnny Hartman, a superior balladeer of these artists perfected the art of bal- one genre. They can be reworked but it active in the 1940s-1980s who was usu- ladry in hits such as “I’ll Make Love To 1. “UN-BREAK MY HEART” BY TONI is usually a long process. ally backed by a jazz trio or quartet, has You,” by Boyz II Men and “Your Body’s BRAXTON inspired “that feeling” in the same strato- Callin’" by R. Kelly. A good example is Frank Sinatra’s “It sphere as R. Kelly and Barry White. Ballads can vary from mature to friv- 2. "WE BELONG TOGETHER” BY MARIAH Was A Very Good Year,” which was original- olous. It all depends on who the artist is ly sung by The Kingston Trio. CAREY Hartman himself humorously said, and where they are in their career. “I’ve gotten more people laid than tequi- For example, compare New Edition’s 3. “LET ME LOVE YOU” BY MARIO As Frank Sinatra once said (A la,” (Ackerman, 2012). “With You All The Way,” (1985) with “Can you Man and His Music, 1965): Stand The Rain” (1988). The latter single These subjects also comprise many of One can hear this by listening to Hart- is sexier than the former, mostly due to the themes in the “Great American “There's nothing like a perfectly sung man sing “My One And Only Love,” or “Ded- the child-like voices of the band in "With ballad. I try to do it the way I think the Songbook” —songs made popular in icated To You." They have the same effect You All the Way," belying the songs ma- writer would have liked it done. For in- movies and Broadway plays. as Luther Vandross’ “Here and Now” ture content. stance…a lyric can be a lament, can be (1985), the effective statement of love an exclamation of joy or it could tell the Even with “Can You Stand The Rain's,” nurs- and desire, even though the former bal- SONG TITLES INCLUDE: sum and substance of a man's life.” ery rhyme-esque hook, the lyrics of the lads were composed in 1952 and 1936, This is also integral to whether a bal- song affect the listener's mood. respectively. Ballads are usually slow in tempo. The 1.“DON’T EXPLAIN” THE BEST VERSION lad comes across as sexy or not. There slower the music, the sadder you feel. For IS BY BILLIE HOLIDAY are plenty of songs that can be sexy or be considered romantic, but fail to incite the Ballads have held the same sway example, Bette Middler’s “The Wind Be- appropriate emotional response. One, over audiences since the early 19th neath My Wings,” is at 60 beats per minute. 2. “I THOUGHT OF YOU LAST NIGHT” the singer can’t emote or doesn’t relate to century, helping many couples set The ideal human tempo is 120 beats per BY JERI SOUTHERN the material (i.e. Judy Garland in “How minute. Anything lower, our emotions About Me?”). Without proper emotion, the right mood and proclaim state- fluctuate. 3. “IT’S THE TALK OF THE TOWN” (VAR- the singer appears to be reading the lyr- Add to the slow tempo that most bal- ments of love, changing lives for IOUS) ics, stripping them of their intent. better or worse. lads tend to surround the same two top- Second, if the singer cannot emote, ics: one, how much you love someone or then the audience fails to react and the two, how you’re going to have sex with 4. “YOU BETTER GO NOW” BY ETTA song loses its power. Interestingly, some- them. JONES times a song has to be put in context or Sexy, true, yet even within those two taken out of context so it can have more Spring 2017 A & E 19 DOUBLE TAP: BUCS GO VIRAL

Maura Padron Felix Vega-Pagan has more than for his team. To find out about the latest dles are @babyybriiii. CONTRIBUTING WRITER 2,400 followers on Instagram. He´s not games and all their achievements, follow a singer, actor or politician. He’s a Bar- him on Twitter @BarryUMGolf. FOODIES LOVE PAULA BEAUCHAMPS ry sophomore, majoring in criminology; If you’re a true “foodie” and love dis- Nowadays everything revolves around he’s also the vice president of Alpha Del- BEAUTY AND FASHION WITH BRIANA JOR covering new places and different dish- social media and its perks. In a world ta Gamma. Vega-Pagan is a man with es, you should download the app Wine where movie stars, singers and high-end many passions; for instance, one of them & Dine to check out Paula Beauchamps' fashion models were the only type of ce- is to inform students about college news, profile. She is a junior public relations lebrity icons trending on the web, social community events, fraternity gatherings major ready to let her followers know media has revolutionized and diversi- and much more. By following Vega-Pa- about the most delicious plates and des- fied the meaning of being famous, or a gan and his daily posts, Barry students serts around you. "celebrity." As social media continues to can expand their social circle and keep ¨I consider myself a foodie. I am the play a huge role in marketing and adver- up with the best parties and events in kind of person who is always searching tising purposes, companies, businesses, town such as concerts, games for new places to eat. I love all kinds of and even universities are looking forward and pool parties. His goal is to inform his foods but I die for a good pasta with ex- to being broadcast through recognized audience that college is also about hav- tra Parmesan cheese,” said Beauchamps. social media accounts. ing fun. From an upscale Japanese restaurant However, not just anyone with an ac- ¨Social media is a platform to not only in downtown Miami to an old-fashioned count can be considered a social media express yourself, but what you believe in. ice cream truck in Wynwood, there's a influencer. So, what did these people do College life can be stressful and difficult variety of food options for you to find to be considered influencers in the first to get adjusted to, so I work on putting on Beauchamps' profile. You will never place? These Barry students are consid- positive messages out there that can give get bored of eating the same food once ered to be our local celebrities by going students stress relief, ¨ said Vega-Pagan. you start following her. Join her 3,000+ viral on social media. His Instagram accounts are @felixvega- followers @Paulasagna. pagan7 and @adg_psi. EVENTS FROM A FRAT’S PERSPECTIVE WITH EXTREME SPORTS WITH HARALD BRICHTA FELIX VEGA-PAGAN ALL THINGS BARRY GOLF WITH JUAN YUMAR If you are a hardcore adrenaline junk- Barry University encourages students Barry sophomore Briana Grumet modeling ie or simply enjoy high quality photog- her very own clothing designs. Photography to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. raphy, you will not regret checking out by Kaitlyn Parotti What better way to do that than sports? Harald Brichta’s Instagram account @ It’s the simultaneous combination of If you like casual, spontaneous and haraldbrichta. Brichta is a sophomore physical discipline and fun. Barry stu- lighthearted posts, then Briana Jor- advertising major who has reached more dents can get motivated to begin an ac- dan Grumet is the girl to follow. She’s than 4,000 followers, and his posts are tive lifestyle by following Juan Yumar on a broadcast communication and music based primarily on extreme sports. He Twitter. Yumar is a junior marketing ma- major at Barry. This Miami girl shares likes to show his followers how he’s de- jor on the golf team, who’s also respon- daily advice about where you can find veloped skills in skateboarding, cycling, sible for managing the team’s social me- the best food, drinks, clothes and acces- snowboarding, kitesurfing and even dia accounts. The relationship between sories around Miami. Aside from that, motocross. In addition, this confidently the coach and the players is very strong. she also shares her guidance on fashion, reckless guy takes outstanding photo- “We’re more than a team. I consider makeup and healthy tips to stay in shape. graphs with his GoPro camera. them a family; a family truly committed Soon, she plans to start promoting her ¨I consider that to be successful in to excellence,” said Yumar. own brand of t-shirts and denim mer- anything, constancy and perseverance He will lead students through the chandise. are required. Extreme sports can give season to stay abreast of golf at Barry, “It’s a great way to get to know who you the amount of adrenaline necessary while his inspiring posts will encourage I am and how I am trying to create and to learn to deal with problems in life,” Check out Felix Vega-Pagan's Instagram to any non-fan to become a part of the ex- bring something new into this society. It’s said Brichta. find the latest updates on Alpha Delta Gam- perience. In 140 characters, or less, he is all about branding yourself,” said Gru- ma and what events are happening around able to express more than just a passion met. Her Instagram and Snapchat han- town. Photography by Kaitlyn Parotti 20 STUDENT HACKS Spring 2017 A SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Barry University was ranked — along with the University of California at Irvine — by the Wall Street Journal as the No. 8 diverse university in the United States in September. One of the main deciding factors was the percentage of international students we have Orianna Camargo enrolled at our school. Thus, each international student must be given a fair chance to CONTRIBUTING WRITER survive campus life as well as any student native to the United States.

HERE IS A LIST OF 5 DOS AND paper, and to be part of an executive 4. DON'T MISS OUT ON PERSONAL GROWTH! arrived here and probably the last ones 5 DONTS AS A NEW INTERNA- board for any club or organization. For Student leaders make an impact in you will see before you graduate. Go to TIONAL STUDENT AT BARRY: more information regarding an on-cam- and out of the classroom. Becoming a the IMP office and visit these ladies at pus job, you can visit the Career Services leader here at Barry will impact your ca- Landon 202. They will assist you with office located in Landon 205. An extra the rules and regulations regarding im- 1. DO START CONVERSATIONS WITH AMER- reer and student experience in a positive source of income is just around the cor- way. Don’t miss this opportunity of per- migration, document requests, OPT, ICAN CLASSMATES ner; go find the right fit for you! sonal growth! Join organizations like Stu- registration holds and much more. By As a new international student, over- dent Government Association, Campus the time you graduate, you will sure- coming “language barriers in class” 3. DO LIMIT TIME WITH FELLOW INTER- Activities Board, Student Organizations ly have around 20 different (I-20s) they could define and affect your perfor- NATIONAL STUDENTS Council, Orientation Team, Greek Life have issued for you. Oh, well! Hang mance. Being able to effectively com- and more. We live in a world where lead- them on your wall! municate in English inside and outside When it comes to “making friends” the classroom is essential. If you have 6. DON'T TAKE A TAXI OR THE BUS troubles with your English or your level Moving around Miami and getting of confidence while speaking it, you may to know the city is really important to have trouble understanding your classes building memories during your stay and communicating with classmates. I here. You don’t need to take a taxi or know, it is scary and uncomfortable, but the bus because they can be either really give it a try! You need to start conver- expensive or really slow. There are bet- sations with classmates and ask for help ter and cheaper options like Uber and if you need it. Every great conversation Lyft where your first ride is free; you just starts with a “Hi!” Read those English need to download the app onto your cell- presentations over and over until they get phone. If you are a more adventurous stuck in your head so you don’t mumble person, getting a bicycle will be the right that much. Professors are not as scary as fit for you. Just ride with other people for they look. Get comfortable with going to safety reasons. their offices and asking for help or clari- fying any doubts. These suggestions will really force you to develop your English 7. DO THROW YOURSELF INTO REAL CAM- skills. PUS LIFE! Beyond the routine of classes and 2. DON'T GIVE UP ON FINDING AN ON-CAM- homework, there is more to college than ership skills are a necessity. You will gain just school work. Do throw yourself PUS JOB in a new place like Barry, you may have into real campus life! Getting involved Finding an “on-campus job” is not trouble finding topics of common inter- confidence and will be able to handle the responsibilities of college and your career. in campus activities will definitely make that easy, but it is possible. The employ- est to share with non-foreign students. these four years of college a lot easier and ment limitations as F-1 students leave Understandably, you will be tempted to more exciting. Maybe you will discover a international students struggling to find surround yourself with people similar 5. DO VISIT THE IMP OFFICE club at the Club Fair or you could find a job. If you don’t have a CPT, OPT, to you (same country, same language or The amount of paperwork that inter- a friend who loves intramural sports at STEM or severe economic hardship, same culture). Do your best to limit your national students have to fill out every se- the Department of Campus Recreation you are just allowed to work on-campus time spent in groups of all internation- mester could be a bit crazy in any other & Wellness. Maybe you will find another up to 20 hours per week. Don’t you give al students and make the effort to meet school but at Barry, the “International shy international student at Festival of up; an extra source of income is possible. and spend time with people outside your and Multicultural Department” will be Nations and share this crazy adventure Alternative options of employment are comfort zone. Believe me! You can find your #1 resource to get through it. of studying abroad together. As you get available at Barry's Resident Assistance, some incredible people out there and Frederique Frage and Daisy Santiago involved in campus activities, you will the dining hall, the bookstore, the news- learn from the American culture, as well. were the first faces you saw when you find your own spot with people like you. Spring 2017 STUDENT HACKS 21

“When it’s a lot to handle, you just Cody Carnakie, a sophomore marine student waits last minute to do these assign- Kuajuan Moore don’t want to do it. You just push it off to biology major, said that collegiate tasks ments and 80 percent of the time they end STAFF WRITER the side and say ‘you know what, I have are far more challenging than grade up plagiarizing because they didn't giving time to do that tomorrow’ and the next school tasks, contributing to a student's themselves enough time to sit down and day and the next day and then you're procrastination. think," she said. "Some of the students You know that book has been on your back to square one stressing again about “In middle school and elementary can write these papers but I end up getting desk for the past two months. You also the same thing," said Rodriguez. "I pro- school, when your homework is coloring these papers and I know that some of them know that same book contains the ma- crastinate on things I don’t want to do pictures and basic algebra, procrastina- were bought or copied from the internet.” terial that your professor has been going like certain classes that I don’t really like tion isn’t going to hurt you, but it’s not As Cartright sees it, the pressure of pro- over for the last two weeks and you know or classes that aren’t as important as my a habit to continue when you get older crastination increases the chances of errors good and well that material is going to main classes.” because you’ll end up with a five-page as well as causes students to shortcut on the be on your test. So, what’s wrong? Apparently, since the stress of plan- essay an hour before class,” he said. principles of the work. Well, nothing is wrong. You’re just ning a community tutoring program is Carnakie has dubbed himself the Now that the root causes of the prob- participating in the same phenomenon unrelated to your own academic success, "king of procrastination" and recalls lem are clear, what are a few solutions to that 95 percent of college students en- then it's more attractive and least likely having started this habit in high school. procrastination? gage in. It's called procrastination. to make it onto your procrastination list. "High school homework was easy so Carnakie said that when he began

What’s procrastination, you ask? Two Jane B. Burka and Lenora M. Yuen, I didn’t have the fear or pressure to get composing music for others, it helped psychologists Laura J. Solomon and Es- two psychologists who wrote Procras- this done as quickly as possible but, like him break the cycle of procrastination in ther D. Rothblum conducted the study tination: Why You Do It, What to Do I said, when you get into an actual chal- his life. "Academic Procrastination: Frequency About It Now, claim: lenge, it’s a hard habit to break out of." “When someone says they want some- and Cognitive Behavioral Correlates" Besides lack of time management and Ashley Pollard, an international ac- thing done by the end of the week, your and define procrastination as "the act of study skills, there are some other reasons counting major from Belize, believes money is on the line, so you have to start needlessly delaying tasks to the point of for procrastination: like evaluation anxi- there is a correlation between a college now; that helped me transition into col- experiencing subjective discomfort." ety, difficulty in making decisions, rebel- student getting out on their own and lege,” he said. They examined 342 students who par- lion against control, lack of assertion, fear their inclination to procrastinate. Pollard believes that students can work ticipated in high frequencies of procras- of the consequences of success, perceived “Before I came here, I was a student on time management in order to over- tination in writing, studying, and reading averseness of the task, and overly perfec- who excelled, then I got comfortable come the habit and Rodriguez says that -- tasks that bear the most impact on a tionistic standards about competency. with that. Once you get to college, there offering herself rewards has helped a lot. college student's academic success. Wendy Ponce Hermosillo, a senior is nobody running after you anymore. "Having a planner and seeing what I They learned the following: 46 per- psychology major who works as a theater You get to make the personal decision to have to do and knowing that the week- cent of the students procrastinated on technician on campus, can attest to the do it now or later and it’s always later. end is almost here and if I get everything writing, 27.6 percent in studying, 30.1 truth of Burka and Yuen's findings. So, procrastination is one of our biggest then I can actually enjoy the weekend percent in reading, 23 percent in atten- “As you’re doing this interview, I’m issues,” she said. and not have to cram everything on Sun- dance tasks, 10.6 percent in administra- procrastinating on two assignments. I While a student has a plethora of rea- day like most people do,” she said. tive tasks and 10.2 percent on school ac- definitely have senioritis. I feel the work sons to procrastinate, none will fly with All in all, procrastination is a battle of tivities in general. that I am given is a waste of my time. I their instructors. will and if the worst that could happen Interestingly, student leaders were feel like I am not going to get anything Professor Evelyn Cartright has taught were a bad grade, then it would be one more likely to procrastinate on their as- out of it," she said. "If it’s something re- courses in English and in African American thing. But, in the real world, employers signments and not their organizational ally, really important, I won’t procrasti- and Caribbean Literature at Barry for the won't wait for you to overcome this habit. responsibilities because the pressure to nate but if it’s something that I will lose past 16 years and she's seen her fair share of Changing habits isn’t easy but it’s nec- get those jobs done didn't have a direct like 5 points then I wait at least an hour students who delay until the 11th hour. essary for success. impact on their academic success. before its due." “I see it a lot in the students and it af- So, for the next assignment you have, Stephanie Rodriguez is a senior major- Wendy suffers from mental fatigue. fects their output. Usually when the paper instead of putting your bag on your bed ing in biology, the president of the All Greek She sees the finish line and, though she’s is due, especially the assignments I give, and forgetting about it, use 30 minutes Council and the academic chair for Alpha excited, she doesn’t want to do the work they are not assignments that should be of your time to look over your notes and Phi, yet testifies as to why she procrastinates. anymore, aka senioritis. started a day, even two days before. Yet, the see how far that will take you. 22 STUDENT HACKS Spring 2017 BARRY STUDENTS TAKE OFF FOR SPRING BREAK

Associate Director of CCSI Courtney week in a beachfront cottage they found They’ll be renting a house there for Rachel Tellez Berrien said that "Alternative Breaks" on Airbnb—a trusted community mar- the week to enjoy time at the nearby STAFF WRITER gives students the opportunity to engage ketplace for people to list, discover, and theme parks such as Disney World, Sea- in social issues with a collaborative ap- book unique accommodations around World, and Universal Studios—doing all It always looks and feels like spring proach and to consider how their actions the world. the “touristy” things. break in Miami with the salty-air breeze, affect others in their communities and “We want to be in a place where we “Ultimately, we just want to spend palm trees and hot Florida sun. If this around the world. can unwind and relax outside of all the time together. We get so busy through- is our yearlong reality as Barry students, Students traveling to McAllen, a bor- workload stress that the semester keeps out the year with work and school that why not take advantage of college trav- der town, will be focusing on immigrant bringing,” Orsik said. it’s important for us to make time to be eling and experience somewhere new for justice issues such as human trafficking at Norovskaya agrees that even though together,” said Gonzalez. the week, or volunteer to do something the Texas-Mexico border. they attend school in Miami, they hardly For students who plan to stay local, you’re passionate about? Experiential Learning Coordinator have a chance to enjoy its beach. thankfully, Miami can be a staycation Barry University’s culturally and so- Lizbeth James said that the Texas trip “Living at Barry and with so much all on its own. Although the beaches cially diverse student body plays a key will be a dose of reality for students ver- homework, we hardly have time to go to and Wynwood will be tourist central this role in determining everyone’s idea of sus what they see in the news. the beach anyway, so we’re just looking spring break, one of Miami’s biggest the perfect ingredients that make up the "There, we will actually meet the forward to being steps away from the events will be held during our break that best spring break. Naturally, it’s easy for people and help the people who are white sand,” she said. you don’t want to miss! us to dream of lying on South Beach just seeking a better quality of life,” said The great thing about Florida living, The Miami Film Festival will be held with a cold drink in our hand, not think- James. though, is that no matter where you go from March 3-12 at seven different lo- ing about the loads of upcoming course- Some students are trading in their on a road trip, a beach usually isn’t too cations around the greater Miami area. work. But maybe the idea of a crowded backpacks for beach towels as they plan far away. This international film festival prides it- beach and sunburn isn’t your thing and, a week-long island getaway. Melissa Diaz, senior professional writ- self on being an iconic cultural event for instead, you’d rather visit your dream Anna Norovskaya, junior marketing ing major, plans to drive up to Port St. Miami where well-known stars such as destination in Europe or Asia. and management major, and her close Lucie to reunite with her best friends Sarah Jessica Parker, Antonio Banderas, Either way, spring break during col- friend Margarita Orsik, senior finance that attend the University of Florida and Melanie Griffith, Sophia Loren, Sylves- lege years should be time spent making and marketing major, have their minds the University of Central Florida. ter Stallone, Ashton Kutcher, Anne Ha- some of your favorite memories. set on flying to Punta Cana, Dominican “Since we’re from such a small town thaway, , and many more From Barry’s Center for Community Republic this spring break. and all go to different schools, we just have graced its red carpet over the years. Service Initiatives, students participating “White sand, warm water, low tides, plan on going to the beach together like What's more, as a service learning op- in "Alternative Breaks" are heading out dolphin interactions, parasailing, jet ski- everyday,” she said. portunity, students who go to miamifilm- in two separate groups to address differ- ing, and a party on the beach… that’s Heading to northern Florida, sopho- festival.com/volunteer and sign up to ent forms of social justice issues in McAl- what I’m looking forward to,” said Orsik. more English major Jonathan Gonzalez is become a volunteer will receive one free len, Texas and Port-de-Paix, Haiti. The girls are planning to stay for a taking a road trip to Orlando with his family. voucher to see any film at the festival. WHAT TYPE OF SPRING BREAKER ARE YOU? 1. WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO 2. WHAT SOUNDS MORE 3. WHERE WOULD YOU Count your points and find out what DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME? FUN TO YOU? RATHER BE? type of spring breaker you are.

(0) BINGE-WATCH NETFLIX (0) STAYING OUT WITH FRIENDS UNTIL 4 A.M. (0) AT HOME WITH FAMILY OR CLOSE FRIENDS 2-3 POINTS (1) SWIMMING IN THE OCEAN (1) LAYING ON A BEACH SOMEWHERE RELAXED (1) GO TO THE BEACH To you, spring break is a time to rest and recuperate by catching up on some (2) FIND THE NEXT BEST PARTY (2) ORDERING PIZZA AND PLAYING BOARD GAMES (2) DANCING IN A LARGE CROWD WITH LOUD MUSIC of your favorite shows with your favor- ite snacks. Your ideal spring break is (3) EXPERIENCE NEW CULTURES (3) BEING INVOLVED IN LOCAL SOCIAL JUSTICE ISSUES (3) BACKPACKING IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY sleeping-in past noon, watching re-runs (4) VOLUNTEER FOR A NONPROFIT of your favorite shows, reading a good (4) LEARNING A NEW LANGUAGE FROM FOREIGN (4) ON A MISSION TRIP ABROAD book, or having a pizza night with your LOCALS Spring 2017 Social justice 23 closest friends while playing some board games. You also wouldn't mind spending a day at the beach, listening to the calm- ing sound of the ocean.

3-4 POINTS BEACH BUM Like a true Miamian, the beach is your favorite place to be for some good R & R. For you, spring break is the time to take advantage of living near the beach. The heavy workload from classes doesn’t allow you to visit the beach as often as you'd like so, you'll be at the beach catch- ing up on your tan, more than once this spring break. You may even travel to the West Coast or some island for a new beach to lay on, if you're ready for a dif- ferent beach scene. BARRY BRIDES WALK AGAINST ABUSE 4-5 POINTS Students in wedding dresses and all, joined alongside many others from local high schools and colleges, walked from Barry University to John- son and Wales University to take a stand against domestic violence. Photography by Victoria Newell. SOCIAL BUTTERFLY Paris Razor University such as President Sister Linda fee shops looking for young people who Spring break is your time to shine. Now Bevilacqua, Provost John Murray, Asso- are alone and vulnerable. is your time to catch up with all of your STAFF WRITER ciate Professor of Sociology and Crim- Abegg pointed out that if you notice friends and loosen up from the school Participants in the 2017 College Brides inology Laura Finley - the organizer of changes in behavior, expensive clothes or work stress. Your idea of unwinding is Walk walked nine miles from Barry Uni- the College Brides Walk. jewelry, or a boyfriend who is much old- surrounding yourself with the best group versity to Johnson & Wales University Another presenter was Amy Daumit, a er, one should investigate whether they of people you know and finding the best wearing wedding dresses on Feb. 17 – survivor of domestic violence who found- are being manipulated by a trafficker. parties that Miami has to offer, without some carrying posters that told the stories ed the Forget Me Not Advocacy Group. “College students are within the range having to worry about class the next of domestic violence victims who passed. In front of a full audience at the Broad of the recruitment age. [They] are now morning. Students, faculty, and members of the Auditorium, Daumit expressed how she becoming independent without their par- community came together in white for the was with her partner for a total of sixteen ents putting restrictions on them making 6-10 POINTS seventh annual event to spread awareness years, married for eleven, yet he emotion- them easily lured by traffickers who might ADVENTURER about domestic and dating violence. ally abused her by calling her names, beat take advantage of them,” he said. For you, spring break is another opportu- It targeted students in the community her and accused her of cheating. Daumit also hosted a workshop on nity to check something off your bucket with information about how to spot signs There was a dance performance by dating violence and warned that early list. Traveling is your thing, and you love of abuse, how to help someone suffering Barry’s interpretive dance group that fea- signs of teen dating violence behavior exploring new places, while getting to from domestic violence and the ills of sex tured two female dancers dressed in pur- are jealousy, being controlling, an explo- know the locals. You will take advantage trafficking. ple, the color of domestic violence, and sive temper and the partner pressuring of the break and go somewhere you've The event was inspired by the 1999 wearing handkerchiefs that covered their the other to do activities they’re not com- never been or haven't been in a long murder of Gladys Ricart who on her wed- mouths, symbolizing the fear and silence fortable with. time. ding day was killed by her ex-boyfriend. that many domestic violence victims feel. “It’s kind of scary because we live in The murder of Ricart was important After the ceremony, the walk com- a world where we sometimes can’t trust menced while workshops were held con- our partners, it’s a reality check for me,” 11-12 POINTS because many wondered whether she provoked her killer Agustin Garcia by currently. said sophomore Kassandra Cruz, a pho- HUMANITARIAN marrying another man. Kevin Abegg, the director of opera- tography major. Spring break, for you, means lending a Myhosi “Josie” Ashton founded ‘The tions at the Life of Freedom Center, an One-third of the world’s women will helping hand to the less fortunate or shar- Brides March’ by walking 1,300 miles anti-sex trafficking center, hosted a work- be in an abusive relationship and people ing your faith with people who need it the from Ricart’s hometown of Ridgefield, shop where he said that recruiters, peo- from the ages of 16 to 24 are in greater most. Your ideal spring break is traveling New Jersey to Miami, Florida in her own ple who target individuals for trafficking, risk, said Finley. abroad on a mission trip, or being involved wedding dress to honor Ricart’s legacy are experts at manipulation. If you or someone you know in local social justice issues to help improve and bring awareness to the issue of do- He said recruiters target children needs help, organizers encourage your surrounding community. mestic violence. as young as twelve who on average die you to call the National Domes- This year’s opening ceremony fea- within the next seven years. They lurk at tic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799- tured speakers from the faculty of Barry places like malls, grocery stores and cof- 7233. 24 GAMES Spring 2017