Summer 2017

Summer 2017 1


Assistant Photo Editor Victoria Newell

Copy Editor Rachel Tellez

Editorial Assistant Brittney Luckey

Staff Writers Kahelia Smellie Eva Patyi Rachel Tellez Paris Razor Kuajuan Moore Abigail Solórzano Swany Fernandez BARRY SAYS BYE TO HOLLY HOUSE Pg. 10 Photography by Victoria Newell Staff Photographers Abigail Solorzano Jazmin Brown Anastasia Zharova Kaitlyn Parotti Victoria Newell

Contributing Writers Destiny Ricks

BUCCANNeER staff BUCCANNeER Girlari Rivera Brandie Morvan Javerious Gilmore

Faculty Adviser Tiffani Knowles

The Buccaneer welcomes student contributions. Editors assign stories for pay at this time. Letters to the editor, story ideas, news releases, photos and artwork can be submitted to The Buccaneer of- GRADUATION: THE POINT OF NO RETURN Pg. 15 ce in Garner Hall or through campus mail, or email. All contributed Photography by Abigail Solórzano material must include the signature and the mailbox or telephone number of the contributor. The Buccaneer reserves the right to edit COVER DESIGN letters and guest columns for style and length. Contributed material by Victoria Newell and Sophia Naves does not necessarily re ect the opinions and policies of The Bucca- neer editorial sta or those of . Summer 2017 News 3 hesitantly to commands such as “if your Lives” vs. “All Lives” Matter movements, parents worked nights and weekends to minority group incarcerations, Muslim DO YOU KNOW YOU’RE PRIVILEGED? support your family, take one step back” terrorist stereotyping, reverse racism and and “if you feel confident that your par- male advantage in the workplace. Barry Students Discuss Racial and Social Advantage ents would be able to financially support As moderators, we noticed each panelist you in financial hardships, take one step had something very significant to contribute. By Kahelia Smellie & Brandie Morvan ater, both hesitantly agreed that privi- lege is, “an advantage that someone or a forward.” Whoever walked the fur- As an explanation for the necessity of STAFF WRITERS group of people can have.” thest away from the original start point the Black Lives Matter movement, Spen- reached closer to a table of cookies. cer-Archer simply said, “if a house is on Imagine this! You’ve been working at an And Josue Cleridor, a first-year transfer It was uncomfortable and grew even fire in a neighborhood and the fire de- accounting firm for a few months now. You student, humorously joked in one simple more so when Brandie exclaimed to the partment comes, do they hose down all started somewhat inexperienced, but your phrase that privilege is “white people.” As student closest to the cookies, “Well, go of the houses or do they just hose down parents went to college with your new boss. he was only kidding, he turned around and ahead and get your cookie because you the one on fire?” Her statement cleared They even threw the firm some business a reworded his idea by saying “…getting the are privileged!” The people tried to mask up a lot of misconceptions. year prior, so you were handed the position upper hand through circumstances.” their discomfort by laughing at the state- To top things off, Anderson Beavers told us with a smile. You’re honest enough to ad- Interestingly, it seems that each student’s ment. Would it have been different if it a story about a student she met when vol- mit that you’re not the most qualified. In definition can be summed up in one word: were a job promotion? It may not be as unteering in low-income Liberty City. Dy- fact, some of your co-workers have been advantage. A person’s privileges may vary clear as in the demonstration but, the re- mond had a fun-loving personality, she said. working there for several years yet still based on their upbringing, their surround- ality is, privilege is common in the work- Unfortunately, Dymond had a violent out- don’t have the boss’ attention. ings, the people around them, their knowl- force, school and at social gatherings. burst in school so, when Emma went back One day, your boss calls you into his of- edge, their race, their social class, their gen- Special guest speaker Dr. Nickesia Gor- the next time, Dymond had been suspend- fice and says, “Congratulations! You’re der, or their sexual orientation. don, associate professor of communica- ed without resolution. Would Dymond’s being promoted!” You’re somewhat con- Who exactly are the privileged and tion, told audiences that simply being a situation have been different if she went to fused yet thankful for the position. When what divisions can’t underprivileged Barry student is a sign of privilege be- another school? What if she had another you step out of your boss’ office, though, people cross? This was exactly what we cause only 40 percent of Americans even name? Anderson Beavers asked us, how far word has gotten out and you receive wanted to answer, so we decided to host have a college degree. do you think Dymond will get in life? menacing looks from your co-workers. a mini-conference on April 12 at the Student panelists Corey Taylor, pres- Although the actual event went smooth- Should you feel bad, knowing that there David Brinkley Studio on “What is Priv- ident of Black Student Union; Emma ly, a couple of audience members were are others more suited for the promo- ilege?” to discuss these topics out loud. Anderson Beavers, president of the Col- reported to have exited the room in out- tion? You’ve been privileged enough to We gathered six student leaders before an lege Democrats; Jasmine Sanchez, presi- rage, exclaiming, “Well, white people go have both parents in your household audience full of students and a few facul- dent of Caribbean Students Association; through things, too!” growing up. Privileged enough that both ty members like Dr. Nickesia Gordon, Dr. Diomaris Bello, president of the PRIDE And, of course they do! Are we not all attended college. Privileged enough to Sean Foreman in political science and Pro- organization; Antonio Rodriguez, sen- human beings despite the color of our land a promising job. Privileged enough fessor Charles Stringer in podiatric science. ator of Student Government Associa- skin or the culture we were raised in? Yes! to receive a promotion. You deserved it, At the outset, we conducted a “Privilege tion and Sunita Spencer-Archer, public Human beings battle issues every min- didn’t you? But was it fair? Walk” where volunteers were instructed relations officer of Caribbean Students ute of every day. But human beings are On behalf of the United States, pat to stand behind a line and step up or Association discussed some of the touch- also afforded privileges every single day. yourself on the back. You are among the back based on their answers to a series of iest topics on privilege like the “Black So, what do we do? Become color blind? so-called Privileged! personal questions. Students responded Merge all continents together to rebirth the Of course, on the surface, privilege is theory of Pangea? No. Instead, as human a wonderful concept! It’s great to know beings, we should peacefully discuss these that you are one step ahead on the pro- issues to achieve a higher level of under- verbial stairway to success. But, at times, standing despite our many differences. being privileged intersects with the realm Some of us enjoy greater privileges of injustice. Due to constructs like race, than others at Barry, in , in the gender, “it’s who you know, not what you U.S. or in the world. There is no shame know,” one’s privilege can wrong another. in having privilege because of who you Barry University students weighed are or where you come from. It’s a bless- in on the topic. ing to have two parents in your home, it’s Craig Campbell, a sophomore major- GRADUATION: THE POINT OF NO RETURN Pg. 15 of great value to have a college degree, ing in criminology, said that privilege Photography by Abigail Solórzano and it’s a fortunate experience to have is “something that is given to a certain enough money in your pocket every day. group of people in a society that helps However, one who is privileged must un- them succeed, but does not benefit or derstand their circumstance and not use it give the same equality to other groups.” against others who aren’t in the same boat. Nehema Georges, a freshman majoring Instead, he or she must use it to support, in physical therapy, and LaQuontae- encourage and develop others in need. Wright, a sophomore majoring in the- Design Courtesy of and enhanced by Sophia Naves 4 News Summer 2017 ACCOMPLISHMENTS OBAMAʼS TOP 10 & FAILURES

Eliane Hernandez Economy: Obama rescued the nio, the author of A Consequential Presi- Terrorism: As commander-in-chief, CONTRIBUTING WRITER country from the Great Recession dent: The Legacy of Barack Obama has Obama oversaw the Navy Seal at- of 2007 to 2009, adding 14.1 mil- claimed that regardless of what Obama tack that resulted in Osama bin lion jobs. Yet, only 36 percent of has done for both communities, he was 9 Laden’s death in May 2011. How- Did Barack 3 Obama fail to live up to ex- pectations? He went from upsetting Hil- Americans approve of the way he han- severely criticized for eliminating many ever, critics like President Trump say he lary Clinton and winning the Democrat- dled the economy, based on the most re- working class White people. also made grave mistakes that have cost ic nomination to defeating John McCain cent Gallup poll. many lives like the intervention in Libya and later becoming the 44th President Nuclear Weapons: Obama initi- that led to the death of four brave Ameri- of the United States and the African Immigration: By enacting the De- ated the bi-annual Nuclear Secu- cans in Benghazi in 2014 and the spread of American elected to the White House. ferred Action for Childhood Ar- rity Summit in 2010, addressing terrorist organization ISIS. W he hilecontinues to be a relatively rivals (DACA) program, Obama 8 the global threat posed by nucle- popular president, Mr. Obama has still 4 helped an estimated 700,000 of ar terrorism and advancing a common Education: Obama proposed not been immune to critique and contro- K-12 students, according to the Pew approach to reinforce nuclear securi- America's College Promise, versy, including the accusation of order- Hispanic Center, by providing education ty, according to the Institute for Policy the initiative to make two ing a wiretap on Trump in the run up to and giving them temporary protection Studies. Additionally, research released 10 years of community college the 2016 election. from deportation. At the end of his term, by the Pentagon showed that Obama free. He provided $75 billion in grants though, Obama left 11 million people had made fewer reductions to the U.S. for people seeking technical training or During his eight-year-legacy, Mr. living in the U.S. illegally who may now nuclear weapons reserve than any other job-driven training opportunities, ac- Obama achieved the following wins be at risk for deportation under a Trump President since the end of the Cold War. cording to The Edvocate website. Yet, and upsets. How many of these 10 administration. he invested $7 billion in items will be undone by President the School Improvement Donald Trump? Marriage Equality: In June 2015, the Grants program. Critics Supreme Court ruled that states can- say the results, however, Care (Obamacare): Ac- not outlaw same-sex marriage and have been lackluster. cording to CBS News, Obamacare 5 Obama recognized it "a victory for is considered to be one of the great- America" after shifting his position from 1est domestic achievements, reaching being against gay marriage to publicly 17.6 million people with coverage; how- supporting it in 2012. Many Americans, ever, as reported by UPMC Health Plan, though, still oppose it out of deeply-held Inc. - one of the leading health religious beliefs. care companies in the U.S - 30 million people have opted to buy private health Climate Change: According to Inside insurance and the other four million pre- Climate News, in 2015, Obama ne- fer to pay the tax rather than pay for its gotiated directly with countries, such coverage. 6 as France and China to build support for a global climate agreement; however, he Gun Control: According to Inter- failed to advance the topic when trying to national Business Times, in January bring the country out of the worst econom- 2016, Obama issued new executive ic crisis since the Great Depression. 2 actions to strengthen gun rules after being stymied by Congress' inaction on the Race Relations: Under Obama, grad- matter; however, he was accused by Republi- uation rates for Hispanic students in- can speaker of the House of Representatives creased from 71 to 75 percent and Paul Ryan of ‘‘dismissiveness" toward Amer- 7 Black student graduation increased from 67 to 70 percent, between the years of Photography Courtesy of The New York Times Summer 2017 Career & leadership 5

Abigail Solórzano DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS dents majoring in the field. If you major in elite graduates who is 20 percent more Approximately 34 percent of U.S. art- computer science at Barry, there is already likely to receive employment because of STAFF WRITER ists are self-employed, according to the a job waiting for you once you graduate. bilingual skills. “Any language opens the Kauffman Foundation. “Since the industry is young-driven, it gateway for communication to happen From biology to business management, What does that mean for a Barry fine is an avenue by which you can graduate and facilitates your understanding of the from graphic design to computer science, arts major? It means that no matter what and in a very short period of time can world,” said Rodriguez. from psychology to exercise physiology, major you choose in Barry’s fine arts de- make a significant impact,” said Dr. Ri- there is something for everyone at Barry. partment, you don’t have to be consid- cardo Jimenez, assistant professor and ANDREAS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS And the opportunities awaiting gradua- ered a starving artist. chair of the mathematics & computer tion? Well, they are endless. “Students who major in the visual or science department. According to the National Association performing arts do so because they love Senior Roland Schiller is double major- of Colleges and Employers, the average THE COLLEGE OF NURSING & HEALTH SCIENCES what they do,” said Silvia Lizama, pro- ing in computer science and mathematics. starting salary for a business graduate fessor and chair of the fine arts depart- “The professors at Barry are always is approximately $55,000 per year. So, The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has ment. “These are passionate and cre- there to help explain things if you don’t graduating with a business degree is a estimated an 11 percent growth in the worthwhile investment. job demand for all other occupations be- “Anything that has to do with the future tween 2014-2024. But when it comes to of an individual or society has to do with health sciences, it is expected to double, business thinking, and here at Barry, we or even triple. teach our students how to think in a re- Sofia De la Puente, a sophomore exer- sponsible way,” said Dr. Tomislav Man- cise physiology major with a plan to pur- dakovic, dean of the Andreas School of sue physical therapy, says, “if you want to Business. “And we are proud that many help an athlete get back into their sport, of our alumni have actually started their then [exercise physiology] is a good fit for own businesses.” you.” Natalia Estrada is a junior double ma- joring in business management and mar- DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY keting who wants to start her own shoe company. “In any aspect that you go to, When it comes to science, most believe you’re always going to work for a compa- that you need a master’s degree or a Ph.D. ny or a business, and it’s really important to get a job. However, psychology is one Sofia De la Puente turns her passions for people and sports into a career in physical therapy. Photography by Jazmin Brown to know how [the business] functions... of the few science majors that offer var- management teaches you how to one ious entry-level positions that only re- day be your own boss,” said Estrada. quire a bachelor’s degree; these jobs include positions in management, sales WANTED: CHOOSE YOUR MAJOR DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY and social work. At Barry, psychology is the second most popular major. Biology is ative individuals.” understand and they make themselves Out of all the professions in the medical the first. Veronica Gravina, a graphic design ma- available if you need them,” Schiller said. field, they all have one thing in common: Psychology Department Professor and jor, believes that graphic design is a great . biology. As a biology major at Barry, you Chair Dr. Frank Muscarella points out way to express yourself and your emo- DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH & FOREIGN LANGUAGES will not only be entering a world of dis- that psychology “helps you to under- tions. covery but will also be preparing your- stand how people think and behave. All “It’s a good way to get your message Did you know that the most common self to enter the competitive yet demand- people try to influence other people, so across not just verbally but also showing undergrad major among Fortune 500 ing field. psychology is the discipline best suited to what you can do. You can be proud and CEOs is English? Andrea Jung, former Senior Lashunda Barrios is a biology helping and training people how to influ- say, ‘I created that,’” said Gravina. Avon CEO; Mitt Romney, CEO of Bain major planning to pursue the physician ence other people.” Capital and even award-winning Steven assistant program, which is one of the Brooke Freckleton, a freshman interna- DEPARTMENT OF MATH & COMPUTER SCIENCE Spielberg all majored in English. most in-demand positions within health- tional student, chose psychology because “You’d be surprised how many success- care science. she wants to help kids as well as athletes, What do Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook de- ful business people have told me over the “It’s always about helping people,” she said. since she’s also on Barry’s team. veloper, and Larry Page and Sergey Brin, years, ‘My success is not due to my mas- “It’s very fulfilling to be able to ease this per- “Psychology is so fascinating, and the co-founders of Google, have in common? ter’s in business. My success is due to my son’s pain and help them get better. What feeling you get when helping a kid is They all majored in computer science. bachelor’s in English,’” said Dr. Laura you can do and where you can go is endless.” amazing,” she said. “There are so many Due to rapid technological growth, the Alonso-Gallo, professor and chair of the parts to it, and learning about everything U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts English and foreign languages department. gets you so captivated.” that there will be 1 million more jobs in Johanna Rodriguez, a senior double computer science than there will be stu- majoring in Spanish, will be one of the 6 News Summer 2017 HIGHLIGHTING TRUMP’S THE ULTIMATE BUCKY LIST FIRST 100 DAYS The Bucky List is a compilation of 10 creative, fun and memorable things that every Barry student EDUCATION BUDGET CUTS should do before they leave campus for good. Swany Fernandez personnel in 2018 with $314 million. Are you up for the challenge? SENIOR STAFF WRITER Though the Trump administration plans to leave, “the Pell program on sound foot- ing for the next decade,” as it is written President Trump has proposed a 14 per- in the budget blueprint, Inside High- 1. Attend the annual White Attire 7. Enroll in one of Barry's many Institu- cent budget cut to the Department of Ed- er Ed reports that many advocates for pre-Labor Day party—or GLO. tional Activities in Sport and Recreation ucation and elsewhere to offset the cost of low-income students believe the opposite classes such as yoga, spin class, boot increase for defense spending. of this is true. 2. Go to a Buccaneer sporting event. Did camp, aerobics and more! This budget will bring significant chan Their report finds that by cutting nearly you know that our Bucs hold 16 NCAA ges to the Pell grant but won’t gut it com- one-third of the program's surplus and Championship titles? 8. Attend Founders/Homecoming pletely. cutting other college access programs, Week—especially the bed races! What Trump does plan to eliminate is the administration is jeopardizing the 4. Watch a production at the Broad Au- the Federal Supplemental Educational Pell grant's long-term sustainability. ditorium. It will not disappoint! 9. Attend a networking or guest speaker Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) program, Junior history major Dominique Mc- event on campus to make connections which supplies grants for students with Millian, who is a beneficiary of the 5. Attend a lip sync or karaoke night at for after college. individual financial need. This grant is grant, believes this might be a challenge Bucky’s Cove. different because it is campus-based and for future students who may have bene- 10. Choose your team and play intramu- sent directly to the school's financial aid fited from this program. 6. Study abroad! Barry offers several ral sports with your friends! offices, not to the student. “I think it’s very unfortunate,” said Mc- programs that allow students to experi- “It is not a cut to the Pell grant, but a Millian. “The Pell grant really helps stu- ence what it's like to be an international reduction of the Pell grant surplus,” Se- dents that come from low-income back- college student. - Brittney Luckey nior Associate Director of Financial Aid grounds or from single-families which is Aida Claro told The Buccaneer in an email. where I come from. It makes affording “The surplus is expected to be from $8 college a little bit easier.” billion to $10 billion, so reducing it by The difference between a grant and a $1.3 billion to $3 billion won’t have any loan, reports USA Today, is students don’t impact on the actual Pell grant.” have to pay back the grants, which is a big The Pell grant will be reduced by $3.9 incentive for most going to college. billion, according to the budget blueprint Communication Department Chair provided by The White House, because Dr. Vicente Berdayes said he believes Trump is seeking a $54 billion increase Republicans have been undermining in defense spending. the public education system as a whole To offset that cost without affecting the for decades, including broader access to national debt, cuts were made. higher education. “It really sucks that we’re the ones who “That’s going to affect poor people, are being antagonized, when there are a that’s going to affect people of color,” he bunch of other problems in our coun- said. “All types of people who are first try,” said sophomore English major Jon- generation college students are going to athan Gonzalez. be totally impacted by it.” President Trump is asking for an invest- ment of $2.6 billion for high priority, tactical infrastructure and border secu- rity technology, which includes funding for a physical wall along the southern border. He has also proposed to recruit 500 new border patrols and 1,000 new Immigration and Customs Enforcement Fiddler on the Roof, held in the Broad Auditorium, was the first musical production of the 2016-2017 academic year. Photography by Jazmin Brown Summer 2017 News 7 WHERE ARE WE NOW? Barry faces up to an $8 million revenue deficit, according to Barry President Sister Linda Bevilacqua

Swany Fernandez After the news of the original deficit and potentially quell any fears students wouldn’t before she got her diploma. broke, students became suspicious of might have had about their degrees be- “Honestly, I don’t really care,” said SENIOR STAFF WRITER certain acts by the administration, in- ing devalued and the school being shut Philippe. “I just want to graduate first.” cluding the abrupt closing of the School down. Graduating senior psychology major Last fall, The Buccaneer reported that of Human Performance and Leisure Sci- The first hour was dedicated to Sister Tebria Pittman felt that the atmosphere there was a deficit because Barry did not ences (HPLS) at the end of 2016. Linda rehashing information about the was very uncertain. She did not have any meet its Summer I enrollment goal in the Provost John Murry told The Bucca- alliance, information that students read expectations going into the forum but last fiscal year. In August 2016, the rev- neer that the decision to close HPLS was about in a Herald article one week she still wanted more concrete answers enue gap was reported as $13.5 million part of university restructuring. earlier. to students’ questions. and, by that December, school officials "The basis of my decision to put the The second half of the forum consisted “I left more confused, and actually a lit- said the gap was significantly reduced to sport management program in the of students' questions that took on a life tle bit frustrated,” said Pittman. “A lot of $1.9 million, only for it to go back up to School of Business was that there are a of their own, as they got real about their the questions weren’t necessarily being $8 million during spring semester 2017. number of universities around the coun- concerns regarding school pride and answered directly.” To lower significant costs around the try where sport management is housed what could have been done to focus on There is speculation that the low en- university, temporary budget cuts have in a school of business," he said. "I student retention instead of "merging" rollment numbers and subsequent defi- been put into effect. As of April 2017, thought there would be strong synergies without consulting them first. cit might be due to lack of school pride. some of these cutbacks included: with the School of Business. It was also Some students were dissatisfied with Also, students don’t seem to be talking important to me that we maintain ties to Sister Linda’s responses and were left about Barry in the same way they used Temporary reduction to the the “sports” programs now housed in the with more questions than answers. to because the vibe around the school 401(k) CNHS [College of Nursing and Health Senior psychology major Daniel Marin has changed. Sciences]." is less concerned with Sister Linda’s per- Student leader who wishes to remain Amid all of the changes, students won- formance at the forum as he is with the anonymous said the focus should be Reduction of controllable ex- der what truly caused the deficit? way Barry’s board of trustees went about more on what the students need rather penses in all areas of the uni- A private school, Barry's revenue is putting the alliance together. than what the board wants. versity 90 percent tuition-reliant and since “If 90 percent of the revenue comes “You can’t fix everything. There are the school’s undergraduate enrollment from students and student tuition...peo- probably other issues,” she said. “A lot of Hiring freeze on any vacant dropped from 4,619 in 2012 to 3,512 ple pay tuition dollars for this school, the students are dissatisfied. A lot of students or new positions in 2015–a 24 percent dip, resulting in a board of trustees made a bad call by not here have no pride, a lot of students $12 million decrease in tuition revenue, a asking students if this is what they want- don’t love Barry. Students go to FIU Sale of Holly House Apart- deficit arose. ed to do,” said Marin. [and] they’ll be like, ‘I love FIU!’ or go ments at NE 119th Street On Monday, Mar. 27, Sister Linda held Junior computer informational science to UM, ‘I love UM!’ but you don’t really a student forum in the Landon events major Zenobia Philippe was unable to at- hear that about Barry. There’s really no and NE Second Avenue and a room to address students' burning ques- tend the student forum but heard plenty Barry pride.” house on NE 116th Street tions about a “strategic alliance” be- from friends. She said her only concern Due to conflicting schedules, Sister Lin- tween St. Thomas University and Barry was, if the school is to shut down, that it da was unavailable for comment. Davie location will be closed and consolidated with the *Staff writer Kuajaun Moore con- Pembroke Pines location tributed to the reporting on this story. Over 25 staff positions will be eliminated, effective immediate- ly Apr. 30, with severance pay. DEFICIT 2.0 8 News Summer 2017 STUDENTS LEAVE BARRY FOR CHEAPER SCHOOLS

In a recent forum, The Buccaneer asked anything... I go to school for free due to Barry for neighboring schools, current Girlari Rivera Sister Linda Bevilacqua, OP about the grants and financial aid's help. But even students are wondering if a merger will CONTRIBUTING WRITER future of Barry if enrollment continues if I had to pay for FIU, I'd only be pay- attract or disinterest future students. to decrease and she responded that "in ing like $6,000 a semester with housing “I think it all depends on what St. If you started off at Barry with many friends 2017, we are trending much higher than included. That compared to Barry being Thomas has to offer. This merge can then realized that as each semester in the past.” like $42,000 is fantastic," she said. either go awfully wrong or super great. passed, they one by one started to leave, This cannot be confirmed, however, be- While Barry may not start up a football We’re just going to have to see what hap- you’re not alone. cause the 2016-2017 statistics have not team any time soon, students feel that if pens,” said freshmen Sorys Perez. Senior Taylor Baker is one of the many yet been made available to the public. Barry improved in other areas, then it If the merge does occur, Barry and St. students who watched her circle get Barry, in fact, is one of the many uni- could compete with other local universi- Thomas will be one of the many schools smaller. She suspects the cost of tuition versities across the country at which en- ties. which have merged and gone on to ben- is behind the diminishing enrollment. rollment has decreased. “I know I’m not the only one who efit from it. “I know more than six people who left According to CNN Money's "College en- thinks Barry needs to improve things like Schools such as University of Detroit Barry because they couldn’t afford it," rollment is dropping; Bad Sign?" there were the WiFi, the cafeteria food, more soror- and Mercy College merged in 1990 and said Baker. "Maybe if our tuition was 812,069 fewer students walking around col- ities and frats, more sports. And hous- are now University of Detroit Mercy. cheaper, people would want to come lege campuses by the fall of 2014. ing too. These dorms are very old and According to their school website, UD here and actually stay." And, an ABC 2 News article mentioned small. We’re paying all Mercy has been listed in the top tier of Chyanne Ellison is a student who left that debt is one of the main reasons why this money and not ful- Midwest Best Regional Universities in Barry for Miami International Universi- college-aged students are deciding not to ly receiving our mon- the 2017 edition of the U.S. News & World ty of Fashion & Arts (Ai Miami) at the attend school, citing the differences be- ey’s worth,” said junior Report’s “Best Colleges” ranking. This is end of her freshmen year. tween public and private school costs. Matenin Sheriff. their 16th consecutive I left Barry because I was paying full tu- "This year's average tuition was $32,405 One redeeming qual- year being featured. ition, which is a lot of money. Barry also for private colleges. At public schools, ity, said Sheriff, is that While The Buccaneer didn’t offer my major, interior design, so in-state students paid an average of classes are much small- made repeated attempts I transferred to Ai Mi- $9,410, while out-of-state students paid er than at other univer- to secure comments ami which is cheaper $23,893," the article read. sities. from the office of reg- and offers my major,” Case in point is Shanice Ware who left “It’s easy to get that istrar, financial aid, and said Ellison. Barry after her sophomore year for a va- one on one with your the Vice President for In comparison to Barry's riety reasons, one of which is, again, the professor, if needed, but Institutional Advance- tuition/fees of $29,700, tuition cost. I’d still like to be able to ment and External Af- Ellison now pays $24,000 “I transferred to Florida International enjoy my stay at Barry fairs Sara Herald, no at Ai Miami. University because it was cheaper for outside of the class- one responded by time Barry's enrollment be- me. Also, the people are more social and room, too,” she said. of publication. gan to decline in 2013, diverse, there’s more activities for stu- In March, an email according to statistics pro- dents, access to a lot of stuff, and hous- was sent to students vided by Barry's Office ing is way better. We also have a football stating that Barry was of Institutional Research. team,” said Ware. going to start an explor- In 2012, enrollment was At present, she doesn't atory program with St. at 9,070 students and by pay anything out of Thomas University for 2015 it was at 7,971 stu- pocket to attend school. a strategic alliance.

dents. WHERE "At FIU, I don't pay With students leaving GOING? IS EVERYONE


Kuajuan Moore The Herald spoke with Dennis Gephardt, a “We are just at the beginning of a pro- “I’d like to think that Barry is strong STAFF WRITER vice president and higher education analyst cess that was requested by the sponsors enough to withstand any temporary at Moody’s Investors Service and he said of both St. Thomas University and Bar- setbacks without having to merge with While we don’t know if the name thing “it’s especially tough in Florida because the ry University - the Archdiocese of Mi- another institution," he said. "This kind is going to work out, understanding the public universities are such a good value. ami and the , of move is indicative of a larger issue than purpose of a collegiate alliance is im- The small schools keep their sticker price so respectively," said Fernandez. "Specifi- what we are being led to believe and my big- portant, especially when a $112,000 de- low it makes it that much harder to compete cally, they have asked us to begin a stra- gest concern is: what exactly is that issue?” gree hangs in the balance. without a strong brand.” tegic planning process to identify any Taylor is worried of the outcome and On March 3, the student body received Sister Linda maintains that the "strategic opportunities for collaboration and/or other students around campus aren't an email from Sister Linda stating that alliance" with the school situated only 6 alliances between these two universities. very comfortable with this alliance. "Barry University has been asked to There seems to be a disconnect between work with St. Thomas University in ex- ST. BARRY? NO, THAT’S NOT IT. what the faculty knows and what the stu- ploring opportunities for a possible stra- dents want to know. tegic alliance." HOW ABOUT BARRY THOMAS?... "I don’t know what to think about the Then, on March 18, The Miami Her- merger, but in a way it upsets me that Bar- ald published an article written by Linda THE BUCCANEER CATS? ry can't keep their financials in check, to Robertson and Alex Harris, unearthing miles from Barry's campus is “about iden- We cannot speculate on where this pro- be honest. It makes you wonder what's the information about both schools' fi- tity, we can’t say that we will be a merged cess will take us.” really going on?" said Chelsie Nicholls, a nancial woes and the alliance. entity, the process is just beginning.” Though the alliance is meant to strength- sophomore. "St. Thomas looks like a great “Barry’s president, Sister Linda Bevilac- While Barry officials claim a merger may en the utility of the two schools, but what school and I hope that they can fulfill peo- qua, held forums with faculty and staff be premature, in the case of University does that mean for the students? ple's needs once they join together." discuss a projected 2017 of Toledo and the Medical College of Sister Linda proposed a possible discount- Sister Linda assured students at the budget gap of up to $8.6 million and ac- Ohio which merged in the last decade, it ed tuition at both schools and program en- forum that they don’t have to change companying cutbacks," the article said. worked out well. Today, the University of richment. St. Thomas has a few programs schools nor majors to get their degree. After Barry made the local news, stu- Toledo is Ohio’s third largest public insti- Barry doesn’t offer and vice versa. The school will still be enrolling more dents began to link the "alliance" with the tution of higher education. For example, St. Thomas has the School students and she emphasizes that the de- financial struggles that both universities At the forum, Herald told students that of Science with an engineering program gree the students will obtain from Barry are currently experiencing. Rumors began the board of directors is discussing the pos- and the Gus Machado School of Business will not be devalued. to scatter all over campus that the collab- sibility of a merger because these Catholic that can add even more value to Barry’s Fernandez also confirmed the inten- oration with St. Thomas – which has also institutions have had a long history togeth- accredited Andreas School of Business. tions of both schools. suffered from a decrease in undergradu- er and it’s only a coincidence that they are For courses that aren't offered at Barry, “For us, it’s ‘business as usual’ at St. ate enrollment- was only because Barry's in talks while having seen a decrease in en- student can take them at St. Thomas. Thomas University; we are getting ready debt couldn't be dealt with alone. This, of rollment in the past couple of years. “We do believe that this presents oppor- for finals and spring commencement, and course, was a subtle cause for concern. However, Kent Chabotar, former pres- tunities for our students, as these discus- gearing up for our summer and fall class- Then, a student forum was held on ident of Guilford College and an expert sions may identify additional academic es. Our students here, and at Barry, should March 27 in the Landon events room and Harvard lecturer on higher educa- options and access to facilities and pro- know that the priority remains THEM – where school administration said the al- tion finance and leadership said, “you’re grams,” said Fernandez. and that this process, wherever it takes us, liance was not about the money. going to see an increasing number of Barry administration seems to be con- is likely to only mean bigger and better op- Sister Linda and Sara Herald, vice pres- institutions in financial trouble reaching trolling the details of the alliance while portunities for everyone," she said. ident for institutional advancement and out for alternative ways to survive and, projecting a positive and excited feel From a limited perspective, it may seem external affairs at Barry, dispelled some of unlike the past, radical steps like mergers when it comes to its discussion. But that like two pirate captains shaking hands on the rumors that had to do with a “merg- and acquisitions will be more frequent excitement doesn't seem to be bleeding a sinking ship. Will they repair the dam- er” between Barry and St. Thomas. than they have been.” into the student body. ages together or continue floundering "We’re trying to compete with larger Hilda Fernandez, vice president of Black Student Union president Corey as singular vessels? Still, this process will schools…we want to strengthen who we university advancement and marketing Taylor is "skeptical of the long term im- take a little while to solidify. So, for now, are,” Sister Linda told students. It’s true & communications at St. Thomas, cor- plications.”He attended Sister Linda’s it's just a waiting game. that private schools are having trouble responded with The Buccaneer about the forum to gather a clearer idea of what competing with larger public schools. *Staff writer Swany Fernandez contributed progression of the alliance. the alliance was about. to the reporting on this story. 10 News Summer 2017 BARRY SAYS BYE TO HOLLY HOUSE APARTMENTS...

Rachel Tellez all incoming, returning, and transfer stu- just focus on getting their work done, and think I would be lucky enough to have it dents. For instance, Browne Hall, Mot- do not tend to mingle with their neigh- happen a third time," Wright said. STAFF WRITER tram Doss Hall and Flood Hall will all be bors as much,” said Baldwin. “Though, Junior advertising major Derrick assigned as double-shared rooms in the personally, I liked undergraduate hous- Brown, who currently lives in a sin- Ready or not, come fall semester, off fall for upper class returning students, in- ing much better. To me, it had much gle-private room, also believes that this campus Holly House Apartments will stead of the current single-shared layout more of a community feel, and I believe change is unfair and will cause confusion no longer be available for Barry student for graduate students. The single rooms that is the way college should be.” by combining undergraduate and gradu- housing. Built in 1968, the 57-unit apart- in Sage Hall will also be doubles this fall. Meghan Junor, associate director of ate residents in the same buildings. ment building at 11950 Northeast Sec- Meanwhile, graduate residents are get- business services in the department of "I feel just a preliminary email without ond Avenue has been a part of Barry’s ting an upgrade—but that’s not all that’s housing, residence life and student con- asking students how they feel about this resident housing since the new millenni- going up. Administration has decided duct, reassured graduate residents via is ludicrous. In the end, it will do Barry um. that graduate residents will be relocated email that when they are applying for an injustice because some students will First opposed to the idea of living off from single-shared rooms in Flood Hall housing, they can communicate their not want to do shared living for their en- main campus, sophomore LaQuontae and MD Hall to single-private rooms preference in room location or floor for tire college experience," he said. Wright said that living at Holly House with their own private bathrooms in Ko- Benincasa or Kolasa Hall. Brown thinks housing officials should essentially gave him a better sense of in- lasa Hall and Benincasa Halls. Although the housing application does think of fall semester as a trial period. dependence. However, with housing upgrades and not specifically ask for room location "There is just not enough space, but if "Having a kitchen and being able to privacy, graduate residents will also preference, Junor has notified students they say there is, then I say let's just wait cook when I want to and getting away have to pay the higher housing rate of that if they would like special accommo- and see," said Brown. "[We'll] give this a from campus has been an overall positive $4,605—meal plan not included—for dations, they can personally reach out trial period for the fall and if it doesn’t experience," he said. a single-private room, which is almost and discuss the situation with her. work, then they should return to the However, according to Housing and $300 more than what they would pay for "I will be living alone next semester previous living conditions where gradu- Residence Life, this past school year, out a single-shared. anyway, but if I were moving back to ates and undergraduates live in separate of all residence halls, Holly House has Although Barry does not have an offi- campus and had to room with someone, dorms." received the most amount of complaints cial graduate housing program, improve- I don't think I would like it," said Wright, Duncan, on the contrary, sees the bright and discontent from students with re- ments in graduate residency options who is going to be a resident assistant side. gard to maintenance, indoor air quality, were long overdue. next semester on campus. "I believe that Barry is taking a step in the commute to the main campus, safety “So far, living on campus has been a Room selection has even been pushed the right direction allowing graduates to and security and other problem areas. step down from when I was an under- back until the last week of April this year, live in Beni and Kolasa next year. Being For instance, Wright also mentioned that grad,” said Blaine Duncan, graduate res- the week before finals, to allow as many closer to Landon and the athletic activi- out of the entire apartment building, ident pursuing his MBA. “As an under- students as possible to get registered and ties will help me out a lot." there are only four washers and dryers grad, I stayed in Dominican Hall, which be able to participate in the room selec- Junor’s advice to all residents, now, is available—and most of the time, one or was the best option in my opinion. Even tion process. to ensure that they fill out their FAFSA, more of them are not working properly. then I got to choose which hall I wanted In the past, the deadline for room se- get registered for fall housing, which has Even with renovations in mind, Barry’s to live in.” lections at the beginning of April stood been open since March 15, sign their President Sister Linda Bevilacqua, stu- Duncan explained that he was never as a barrier for many students in getting housing application and start to form dent government, board of trustees and given an option of where he wanted to a room and roommates of their choice their roommate groups if they want to Department of Student Affairs ultimate- live before being assigned to Sage Hall, a because it did not give students enough have roommates. ly decided on selling the Holly House freshmen/overflow residence hall. time. Junor also encourages undergraduates property to offset the $8.6 million budget Graduate resident Ryan Baldwin, also Barry's undergraduates and graduate who would like a single-private room to gap. pursuing an MBA, but with a focus in students have continued to express a still apply for one; although they are lim- So, how does this affect Barry resi- finance, agreed with Duncan yet admits variety of mixed opinions and concerns ited, they do still have a chance to get the dents? that graduate housing at Barry seems to about these changes. room they would like if they complete all Due to an overall decrease in occupancy have a quieter and calmer atmosphere "It's hard finding roomates that you can housing requirements on time. over the last couple of years, Barry does compared to undergraduate housing. actually vibe with and I've been lucky have the available space to accommodate “In graduate housing, most residents enough to have it happen twice, I don't ...MEANWHILE, GRADUATE RESIDENTS GET AN UPGRADE Summer 2017 FOREIGN 11

refugees, even while fleeing a dictatorship, BARRY’S HAITIAN STUDENTS UNDERESTIMATED BY THEIR ORIGINS and were denied asylum and often locked in detention centers for months before be- ing deported back to Haiti. Eliane Hernandez & Eva Patyi The Buccaneer surveyed 14 Haitian-Amer- dent. From that point on, it was called Haiti. Haitians who managed to stay in Miami STAFF WRITERS ican students at Barry regarding how they Other countries, however, were slow to feel about their roots stemming from the recognize Haiti. faced more challenges, as locals saw them poorest country in the Western Hemisphere France recognized Haiti in 1825 but in as unsanitary and uneducated. Floridians “Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, and how it affects their social lives. return they demanded compensation for feared that Haitians would use voodoo to plain and little, I am soulless and heartless? Interestingly, the majority of them re- the land their plantation owners had lost curse or poison them. They also believed You think wrong! — I have as much soul as mained silent and put their faces down in Haiti. The Haitians were forced to pay that Haitians carried TB and HIV, result- you, — and full as much heart!” while others avoided the topic entirely. a large sum of money, which they didn't ing in unstable employment. Charlotte Brontë, 19th century English Only three out of 14 persons felt comfort- pay off until 1887. Haitians represented a triple minority novelist and poet, addressed one of so- able enough to further discuss the subject. Britain recognized Haiti in 1833 but in Miami because they were black, they ciety's most pressing issues that remains Jerry Augustin, a biology student from America refused to recognize the nation were immigrants, and they were linguis- relevant over two centuries later. Cayes-Jacmel, Haiti understands his until 1862. After 1843, Haiti had a long tically isolated, as the majority of Hai- Haiti is the poorest country in the West- country's reputation on the world stage period of instability. Between 1843 and tians speak Kreyòl, their native language. ern Hemisphere, yet the richest in nat- but claims that the same foreigners who 1911, Haiti had 16 rulers, 11 of them Dr. Smith Joseph, originally from Saint- ural resources such as bauxite, copper, scorn them are the reason Haiti contin- were overthrown by revolutions. Louis-du-Nord, Haiti and now a perma- calcium carbonate, gold, silver, marble ues to remain in poverty. nent resident of , is a doctor and hydro power. ‘‘Most of the people don’t talk about it, Haiti's Development Underestimated and now the mayor of North Miami. He And while the country’s gross domestic but besides our government and society, I Kendra Pierre, a nursing student from claims the key to becoming a successful product (GDP) expanded 1.40 percent think that Haiti is still facing poverty be- Haiti's capital Port-au-Prince, said that Haitian immigrant is to ignore the critics. in 2016 from the previous year's GDP cause you have all those outsiders who own when they hear about Haiti, mostly the At Barry, the 35-member Haitian In- of US$8.77 billion, according to Trad- businesses there and are making profits out foreigners, they tend to underestimate ter-Cultural Association (HICA) attempt ing Economics' website, due to such an of it,’’ he said. ‘‘They introduce technology them, even though two of Haiti’s most to bring light to the country's worth. unstable economy, this country has been to our country and at the same time, they common higher education professions They regularly organize programs such overlooked, resulting in an overall bad take away all the benefits from us, keeping are in medicine and law. as Walk for Haiti, Praying for Haiti, reputation on the international stage. everything for themselves.’’ The École Supérieure Catholique de Race to Haiti, Haiti Relief Kick and oth- This reputation seems to follow Hai- Droit de Jérémie (ESCDROJ) confers er volunteer opportunities. tians who have moved to and live in the The History of Poverty in Haiti law degrees and the University of Haiti When Pierre was asked about how she United States, including some Barry Haiti is a part of the island called His- has origins that date back to the 1820s handles discrimination or racial slurs, University students. paniola. The name came from Chris- when the colleges of medicine and law she immediately responded. Nehemie Lausis, a biology student from topher Columbus who landed at Mole- were first established. "I don’t care if someone calls me a ne- Saint-Louis-du-Nord, Haiti said she faced Saint-Nicolas on the northwest in 1492. In latest news, the world’s largest so- gro or a monkey. I mean, I would not discrimination when she first moved to The Spanish claimed ownership over the lar-powered hospital - Hopital Univer- want to argue with you about it because Cape Coral, Fla. for high school. island but settled mainly in the east and, sitaire de Mirebalais - opened its doors that’s your opinion," she said. "Unfortu- ‘‘When I came here, I didn’t speak En- in the 17th century, the French settled in in Haiti in 2013 and boasts over 1800 nately, you will never be able to hide your glish. And I remember when I first went the west. Haiti became rich by exporting solar panels on its rooftop. The building true identity because this is who you are to school, they introduced me to a Haitian sugar, coffee, cotton, indigo and cocoa in is located at Mirebalais, which is 30 miles and there is nothing you can do about it." girl who showed me around, but after a the 18th century. However, the prosperi- away from the capital, Port-au-Prince. It Lausis mentioned that regardless of while, she pretended not to speak Creole ty depended on slavery. is actually one of the first solar-powered poverty, in many ways, Haitians demon- anymore, but English,’’ Lausis said. When the French ideals of liberty and hospitals in the hemisphere. strate a great deal more etiquette and In many cases, most Haitians, and Hai- equality reached the colony, the slaves Still, in Miami and in many other parts of class than many Americans. tian-Americans, opt to hide their identi- started to rebel and the war begin. The the U.S., Haitians have received some of the “When talking to Americans, they usu- ties rather than experience being under- war ended when France abolished slav- worst treatment of any immigrant group. ally remain on their cellphones, which estimated for their origins. ery in 1794. By 1801, Toussaint L'Over- The first Haitians arrived by boat to Mi- for Haitians is extremely disrespectful,’’ According to Roland Lommé, report- ture, an African-American rebel, was ami in 1963, followed by more a decade she said. ‘‘And that is why I still honor my er at The World Bank newsletter, this is in control of the island. He declared all later. In the 1970s, as the result of Jean- moral system.’’ common of those who come from a poor slaves free and became head of a new Claude Duvalier’s brutal dictatorship, Lausis leaves this message for Haitians country as they are often ashamed of government and published a new consti- much of Haiti’s working class was ready who are afraid of embracing who they their own condition. tution. The French sent an army fearing to make the dangerous sea voyage to are in an American society. ‘‘In a thriving society, they feel inade- to lose their colony and, by using a trick, Miami, and by 1977, Haitians regularly ‘‘Even though we come from Haiti, quate and dehumanized by their depri- they captured Toussaint. A former slave arrived at the shores of Miami. Between you have to remember that unlike other vations and are subjected to public con- called Jean-Jacques Dessalines continued to 1977 and 1981, more than 70,000 Hai- countries, at least, we are united. We are tempt and even reprobation, resulting in fight against the French and, on the first of tians migrated to South Florida this way. still there for each other when someone a personality failure,” he wrote. January, 1804 the island became indepen- Haitians were rarely considered political is in need,’’ she said. 12 SPORTS Summer 2017


cruited precisely because they are tough soccer and water polo. This allows the "Whether in the boat, during a race or Kahelia Smellie under pressure. girls to reinforce and strengthen the practice, strength and conditioning, we STAFF WRITER “The team members are excellent stu- bonds that already exists as both team- have to be focused on what we are do- dents as well as rowers. Based on how mates and friends," he said. "Travelling ing to achieve maximum growth to im- Barry University’s rowing team is gear- the team manages and achieves their for competitions also allows the girls to prove,” she said. ing up for a third win at the NCAA Row- academic success, it reflects on how they bond as they do activities together such Teammate Alexa Kalinowski insisted ing Championships this May. achieve the same results in rowing. This as going to restaurants and studying to- that being able to take criticism without With two national championships un- is the reason why these girls were recruit- gether.” being offended is key. She says that she der their belt, the pressure is on to con- ed," he said. Luna Ugrenovic, the team's second is pulling her weight and not letting the tinue their winning national streak. The team practices every day, dividing captain, said that they have all become pressure of maintaining the title affect Paola Girotto, one of the team's two the mornings and afternoons between friends because of the sport. her or the team. captains, said that instead of losing fo- inland and rowing training. They train “We eat together as a group, either at At the end of it all, although Assistant cus, they channel the pressure into hard approximately 15-20 hours per week: breakfast or dinner because it creates less Coach Nicholas Johnson wants the team work. doing weightlifting, cardio, strength and drama and frustrations. Plus, it allows to achieve the national championship ti- “We have to work really hard to beat conditioning and yoga for stretching. for communication to be easier with the tle for the third time, he said there are our times and be in sync as the other Di- The women also participate in team team, as it creates an atmosphere where other more important goals. vision II rowing teams that we’ll be com- bonding, which helps to create a cama- everyone’s concerns are heard and dealt “At the end of the day, I want the girls peting against for the national champi- raderie, although it is not officially struc- with," she said. to enjoy rowing and have fun while do- onships and that want the title as much tured during practices. Girotto said it is not beneficial to bring ing what they love. Enjoy the workouts, as we do,” she said. “When the team can obtain adequate outside problems on the boat, as it will working as a team and always maintain Head Coach Boban Rankovic stated free time during our busy schedule, we result in distraction, "which will in turn the same level of drive and passion to that the women on the team were re- have the girls play other sports such as cause a ripple effect to the entire team." continue rowing even after graduating.” Summer 2017 SPORTS 13 remember: the one when there’s a ring been working hard and putting in a lot of ceremony and when names are put in time to achieve their successes. the record book… and that’s the nation- The women’s team placed second out al championship.” of 15 teams at their last regular season Golfer Eirik Groenhaug, senior entre- tournament hosted at our home Don preneurship major, agrees with Stobs Shula’s Club. The team fell to Rol- BARRY GOLF about the team not performing to the lins College by 10 strokes. best of their abilities this season. Although placing second as a team, "We have high expectations for our- sophomore Tilda Larsson was the indi- selves, and I think we know, individually, vidual winner for Barry and even broke a that we have good players. But, we just school record with her third tournament need to get everyone to be play their best title of the season. all in one tournament… and if we do Larsson has finished within the top 10 TAKES ON that, then we should be competing for in every regular season tournament and the victory for sure,” he said. with seven top five finishes this season. Since Groenhaug has been playing for “It’s a lot of fun to win tournaments. Barry, the team has won two national It makes me motivated to practice even championships (2013 and 2014) and says more. It’s just fun to break records,” she that he’s ready to get back to that. said. “We’re a good team and we have a “In my years at Barry, I think the chemis- lot of good players. If everyone is per- NATIONALS try we have as a team now is better than it forming their best, then we definitely Rachel Tellez when the team, like this season, did not has ever been. Everyone is practicing a lot have a high chance to win." STAFF WRITER win a single tournament, yet came out and putting in the work… so that part isn’t a Senior golfer and graphic design major Martina Bertuccioli agrees with Larsson. Five Barry University teams are ranked “We’re really excited and anxious for within top five in the nation—two of what’s next. We want to make it to na- them are the men’s and women’s golf tionals this year and get that ring.” teams. With the men’s team ranked No. Bertuccioli said that the team hasn’t 3 and the women’s team ranked No.1 in made it to nationals since her freshman the NCAA Division II rel- year. ative rankings, both teams are headed “Since we started really well from the to the Sunshine State Conference (SSC) beginning of the season and continue Championships with positive mindsets. to work hard for the same goal, it really Although ranked No. 3 in the nation helps us get excited to know that we’re all and having played in eight regular sea- on the same page.” son tournaments thus far, the men hav- Overall, both teams are in high spirits en’t taken a win all season. after long hours of hard work and high However, the losses haven’t stopped rankings this season. But, will that be them from scoring well and ranking enough for our Bucs to make it through within the top five of almost every tour- nationals? Follow along at gobarrybucs. nament. But, will their losing streak of com and Barry University Athletics high scores keep them from winning the Facebook page to stay updated on the SSC, super regionals, or nationals? championships and for the final results. “I think that the guys are starting to Senior golfer Martina Bertuccioli is practicing in a sand trap. Photography by Anastasia Zharova The men’s team will begin the SSC play a little bit better, and as a coach, you championships on Sunday, April 23 in want your team peaking at the end of the on top by winning their first NCAA Di- problem for us, it’s just performing the best Melbourne, Fla. and the women’s team season, not at the beginning,” said Head vision II national title in Barry’s school we all can when it really counts,” he said. on the same day in Winter Haven, Fla. Coach James Stobs. “We haven’t come history. Will that be the case this season? Meanwhile, women’s head coach, Shan- close to playing our best, not even indi- “We came in second place six times non Sykora, is quite pleased with how vidually. But we’re starting to see some that year and we were in top five in the their regular season went, taking the No. good numbers and we’re starting to play rankings going into nationals, and that 1 rank in the country for Division II. As a better. Hopefully, we’ll get in the winner's last one was the only tournament we relatively young team, playing three fresh- circle at conference and get rolling for re- won. So, this team reminds me a little bit men, one sophomore, and a senior as the gionals.” of those guys,” said Stobs. “In the end, lineup (occasionally changing throughout Stobs recalled Barry’s 2007 season there’s only one tournament that people the season) Sykora said that the girls have 14 sports / c & l Summer 2017 LET'S GO INTRAMURAL! 9 STEPS TO AVOID THE MILLENNIAL MELTDOWN Rachel Tellez 1. RECOGNIZE THAT YOU ARE THE CEO OF YOU! Abigail Solórzano Director of the Department of Campus STAFF WRITER What are some of the ways you can take STAFF WRITER Recreation & Wellness Eli Olken-Dann said more initiative to ensure that you experience that it "is a great way to stay active, relieve the success you desire after you graduate? Is there a sport you'd like to play or the stress and get good exercise. It’s also a way to Did you know that millennials are com- one you want is not available? meet other students on campus with similar monly known as the generation to switch Barry's Department of Campus Recre- interests." jobs more frequently than any other gen- 2. DEFINE YOUR PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL GOALS. ation & Wellness (CRW) provides a wide eration? The CRW’s goal is to make students, What are your top three personal and array of sports and activities for you to Or that six in 10 millennials are open to faculty and staff aware of the different professional goals? What’s your strategy both keep fit and make school history. new job opportunities? And what do you programs offered.There are even work for accomplishing each goal? It’s been said you don't have to be var- opportunities through CRW, such as of- think about millennials being the least sity to play sports. That’s more than true ficials and scorekeepers, and CRW often engaged generation in the workplace? 3. FIGURE OUT WHAT LIGHTS YOU UP. here at Barry. works with other clubs and organizations What are some careers you think you’d From volleyball, , , soc- Last semester, Howard University alumna to help put on events. Students can also really enjoy and why do they appeal to cer and even ping-pong, there is something and former Google employee turned life- take classes in the Instructional Activities you? for every student's interest in Barry’s CRW in Sport and Recreation (ISR) Program, style and career coach, Bernadette Shep- department. And, if you don't see the sport such as spinning, Zumba and strength herd presented to students in Coach JR 4. START BUILDING YOUR RESUME TODAY. you’d like, you can create it. That’s what Steele’s public speaking classes on “How training, for credit, which will help them What are your biggest academic, pro- happened with Club Lacrosse. to Avoid the Millennial Meltdown.” remain active and healthy. fessional, and leadership related accom- Freshman Lorenzo Flowers had played If what you want to do, however, is show plishments? lacrosse since high school and, after having some school and sport spirit, the depart- According to Shepherd, the “millennial torn his ACL and meniscus, looked for- ment is still a great way to get involved. meltdown” refers to the state of confu- 5. BUILD YOUR NETWORK. ward to returning to the game in college. sion and anxiety a millennial experiences The “Bucc Squad” is Barry’s cheerlead- What are three ways you can start ex- But Barry didn’t have a team or even a when they graduate from school only to ing club, which was started by pre-pro- panding your network? club. fessional biology sophomore Gabriella find they spent ‘mad’ money yet are now The club was created last semester Galguera (president) and biology sopho- without a job or without gainful employ- 6. LEARN TO ASK FOR HELP. when Flowers, the club’s president, met ment, or likely both.” more Natalie Leza (vice president). Which areas of career planning do you first-year graduate student Thomas An- Common side effects of this dreaded “The club started because our school has need help in and who can you reach out driani, who is now the club’s adviser, at a meltdown include extremely light wallets previously had cheer clubs, but they have to? M.A.L.E.S. meeting. failed,” said Galguera. “So that encour- or an empty bank account, anger about “I had lacrosse gear with me at the meet- student loans and confusion about where aged us to make ‘Bucc Squad’ succeed!” 7. LEARN TO LIVE OUTSIDE OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. ing,” said Flowers. “Then Tom came into it all went wrong. The club, with its 20 members, aims to Shepherd said “success is outside of your the room and sat down. At that point, he promote spirit for Barry and its men's and comfort zone.” So, what are some things saw I was a lacrosse player and was eager During Shepherd’s presentation, stu- women's sports and, ultimately, compete you want to accomplish that you haven’t to play. We started talking and began the dents asked questions and shared their as a team against other squads. attempted yet? best club to hit Barry’s campus.” So, whether you’re a beginner, an ex- own concerns such as “I want to get an Now, the club has 20 members and are pert or have never played any sport in internship early to know if I’m in the 8. VALUE YOURSELF. bonded through brotherhood and unity right field, but I also don’t want to waste your life, you are still more than welcome Do you feel that you are worthy and ca- of the “medicine game,” the title given my time.” Another student asked, “how to participate in what CRW has to offer. pable of creating the life that you want to the sport because of its origin. do I know if I’m even in the right field?” Visit Landon 112 for more information. for yourself ? Why or why not? However, participating in intramural clubs is more than just playing a sport. This is where Shepherd’s expertise 9. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOUR RESOURCES. comes in as she specializes in mentoring Photography by Abigail Solórzano At Barry, students are always encouraged millennials to “unleash their greatness to stop by the career services depart- and create a life that they love.” ment for job inquiries and career advice.

Don’t hesitate to reach out and establish Below is a recap of Shepherd’s expert relationships with the designated depart- advice to Barry students as the nine most ment staff that are there to help. important steps to avoid the “Millenni- al Meltdown” along with questions that all students should ask themselves when thinking about post-grad life. Summer 2017 Career & leadership 15 GRADUATION, THE POINT OF NO RETURN

Kuajuan Moore “I recently received my acceptance let- spend our four years at Barry trying to them. Be open and brave about getting STAFF WRITER ters from the at fi nd how we can “set the world on fi re." to know someone you only kindof heard the to start my mas- You might not fi nd that specifi c purpose about. Find adventures outside your ter's of music in classical clarinet perfor- here, but these four years have gotten dorm room. Uber or Lyft can actually Is it really over? Wow, it’s hard to be- mance, and also received an acceptance you closer to understanding who you re- save your life. Don’t get married if you’ve lieve that graduation is right around letter from Cleveland State University ally are and that’s all you need. Graduat- only known each other for a year," said the corner. It's the door that closes it- for the same program," he said. ing takes courage. Walking that stage is Beavers. self when you walk through. The stage Emma Beavers, senior philosophy ma- an open statement to the world, saying “Don’t forget to call your parents and that only goes one way. Life is about to jor, is taking her involvement on campus you are ready to cut the strings. Hit the go to school events to stock up on free change dramatically for most graduating and applying those skills overseas. She ball running and start off on your best food,” said Barclay. seniors and there is an infi nite amount plans to live in China and work with foot, you only take this step once. “The business is really good. There’s of uncertainties that your brain won’t be children before she attends law school on A few of the seniors have parting words. not that many students in classes, so you able to comprehend. The sick feeling of the West Coast. From there, she wants to “Always remember that you are the have one on one chances with the profes- anxiety sneaks up every once in a while, specialize in international development. inventors of your reality. If you dream sors. Make good experiences here," said but pride and excitement takes over Barclay has secured an internship at about a certain lifestyle, make that Deville. when you think about all the work you’ve Disneyland and Pittman is pushing for- dream your reality because through hard "Do what you love, and never let an op- put in to make it this far. ward to get a master's degree in psychol- work anything is possible,” said Pittman. portunity pass you by. Strive higher than Mallory Barclay, senior photography ogy, specializing in marriage and family “The friends that will make college tru- expectations and truly become an expert major, demonstrates this phenomenon therapy. ly memorable won’t be there day one. in your fi eld,” said Hogue-Smith. perfectly. Whether it’s a big plan or a small one, But when you’re lucky enough to fi nd “I’m really excited to graduate, but I’m it’s important to prepare yourself. We them, they’ll be there when you need nervous…. I thought after four years of being in college, I would be ready for the real world but here I am eating ramen and calling my mom for money. Other CONGRATULATIONS than that, I’m pretty excited,” she said. Psychology Club President Tebria Pitt- man said, “the fact that I’m graduating in less than three weeks feels surreal to be CLASS OF quite honest. Now I’m at the end and it’s bittersweet. I’m both nervous and eager about entering this demanding world.” Experiencing confl icting emotions is 2017! inevitable. But, a plan—any plan—can help minimize the amount of confusion. Luis Deville, senior accounting and business management major, plans to take the exam to become a Certifi ed Public Account as soon as possible and fi nd a job soon after. “Before I knew it, graduation hit me like a wall. I’m starting to think about graduation more but I’m not really too worried about it. I have an internship now, so hopefully that can help me fi nd a job,” he said. Travis Hogue-Smith has been battling with the butterfl ies for months before his ap- plication to graduate school was solidifi ed. Ready to graduate, Tebria Pittman desires to continue her studies after Barry with a master’s in marriage and family therapy. Photography by Abigail Solórzano 16 Career & leadership Summer 2017 ADULTING: LIFE AFTER COLLEGE While Earl may not have yet scored his tails about jobs you've applied for in the past. Jabari Davis dream job and it took Hoyte five months to 2. Indeed The more you search and apply, the more ac- find an entry-level one, at least they are both curate the results. This is helpful, as it's easy CONTRIBUTING WRITER Indeed represents one of the single largest employed. to get into a routine and miss out on certain sources of job posts on the entire internet. According to the Economic Policy Institute, opportunities you didn't realize were avail- The beauty of this site is that it's a job ag- Justin Hoyte, 24, sits on the couch watching “for young college graduates, the unemploy- able. gregator, meaning it draws postings from television in the very spacious one-bedroom ment rate is currently 5.6 percent.” company websites, other job listing sites, jobs apartment that belongs to his best friend. However, CNBC reported that “the class of If you are unsure of what to do after college, posted in niche industry websites, jobs posted He'd rather be at work, but he doesn't have a 2016 has better job prospects than those in here are some tips to help you establish your- in online classifieds and other places. job yet. any class since the Great Recession.” self: “When I started college back in 2011, I nev- While this may be great news for some, it is er thought I’d end up here,” he said. still essential for students to plan for life after 3. Save Money Hoyte, a broadcast communication major, What's unique about is that you college. Students can keep themselves up to Open a savings account, or simply start sav- graduated in 2016. He spent the majority of can also search for jobs by university, which date about jobs in their field by visiting these ing money on the side. Cut down on things his summer looking for both a place to live is specifically designed to help recent college top four websites for college graduates, as rat- that aren’t necessities. In the world of adult- and a job. graduates. You'll find this feature in the bot- ed by ing, this is key and it requires a lot of maturity It took him roughly 5 months, but in Octo- tom left-hand corner of the homepage. Click in order to do so. ber he landed a job in his field: “I woke up to on it and you'll see a growing list of univer- a phone call for two positions. It was a bless- 1. LinkedIn sities and colleges. If your school is on the All you have to do is click "Jobs" at the top ing.” list, you can then find available jobs near the Budget of your homepage and then type a keyword, It very well may have been a blessing, but campus. This is an extension of saving money. Deter- between the time that he graduated up until title, or company into the search box. You can mine the amount of money you have at the the day he landed the job, Hoyte believes his filter by industry, location, and numerous oth- current moment and how much money you decision to grow up and become an adult did er metrics. Be patient, make introductions, 4. CareerBuilder can afford to spend in the future. Limit your- While the search functionality is basically the trick. Hoyte quickly learned that network- continue building your network, and don't be self to how much you would like to spend a the same as the aforementioned sites, Ca- ing, saving money and not making excuses surprised if LinkedIn connects you to a few month and stick to it! were just a few of the many tricks to master opportunities. There will come a time when reerBuilder sets itself apart with its "recom- the art of “adulting.” you have to take over the process on your mendations" feature. As the name suggests, “Being lazy is not going to get you any- own, but LinkedIn can give you a nice head this feature recommends jobs based on past Make a Plan Network at career fairs, local networking where. Complaining is not going to get you start. searches, keywords in your resume, and de- events, create a LinkedIn profile. Start craft- anywhere.” he said. “Be social, express your ing a plan on how to reach your goals and dreams and save money towards your goals.” stop at nothing until you achieve them! The term “adulting” is a newly coined word that refers to behaving “in an adult manner” while also engaging “in activities associated Side Hustle with adulthood.” Find a temporary job or hobby that pays. College students, for instance, are constantly Dedicating some time to an activity other forced to “adult” and it becomes a perma- than your full time job is the best way to stack nent process after graduation. your money so that you are not broke, miser- While some students gradually learn how to able and depressed. conquer the difficult process, others get lost along the way. Such was the case for Mark Say No Earl. (to going out, clubbing, eating out, ubers, Earl, a psychology major and a Washington etc.)– Friends will pressure you to go out D.C native, also graduated last semester. Yet, clubbing, to fancy restaurants for lunch, since graduating, his dreams of becoming a dinner, etc. But why unnecessarily spend all clinical psychologist have been overshadowed that money when you can be saving it to put by the lack of a supportive network. toward advancing your future? Be wise. Be “I have no connections here. I don’t know smart. Say no! anybody. I’d rather go back home. It’s not as difficult there,” he said. After recently ending a four-year relationship, being stuck at “a job from hell” and having to scrape up money for rent that he cannot af- ford, Earl is one of the many who have been pressured by the idea of “adulting.” Summer 2017 Career & leadership 17 BARRY STUDENTS TALK ABOUT THEIR MID-COLLEGE LIFE CRISIS

Abigail Solórzano advanced you get in school, the harder Cousett’s goal after graduating is to full-time or part-time. STAFF WRITER and more time consuming the course- pursue law school, so she decided to take “Something has to go,” said Sr. Anas- work is. the LSAT. However, she didn’t get the tasia. “Most juniors and seniors because All college students are familiar with one Sr. Anastasia said, “it’s inevitable that Stanford score that she wanted, which of their level of study can’t maintain small word that has a big meaning— the longer students stay here [in college], led her into a dark period in her college the same level of student involvement stress. And with stress, comes the dreaded the more they will begin to realize that experience. that they may have had as freshmen and mid-college life crisis. Especially juniors the coursework is getting more difficult.” “I went through what my professor de- sophomores.” and seniors who are just around the cor- The demand for attention and comple- scribed as senior depression,” said Cous- Dasilva agrees. “[Students] need to ner from graduation. So, what exactly is a tion of assignments is greater and expec- ett. “The fear that the entire culmination identify what they’re going to give up mid-college life crisis? tations are higher for upperclassmen be- of everything I had been working for in early. It doesn’t have to be permanent, The phrase was first used by a journal- cause they realize that graduation is just the last four years was just going to be just a little hiatus,” he said. ism student from Woodlands, Texas, who a year or even a semester away. Soon, useless is one of the worst things a col- “Socially, I stopped hanging out with so defines it as the moment students realize many people once I became a junior,” their time in college is almost over be- said Cousett, “having a bunch of friends cause they've reached the midpoint of is not as important to me.” Dasilva also their college experience. doesn’t hang out with as many people as Barry upperclassmen share how their col- he used to. lege life changed once they reached their “You also have to have a plan,” said mid-college point and Sister Anastasia Ma- Weir. “Start planning. It’s frightening and guire, director of the Center for Counseling you maybe don’t want to think about it, and Psychological Services, shares some ad- but start planning and figuring out what vice on how to overcome this crisis. you need to be doing for the future.” Freshman and sophomore year in col- Going to college is more than just having lege are usually considered the best or fun, enjoying life, and getting a degree. most fun years of any college student's Students have to set their priorities and life. Why? It's a brand new experience, goals. filled with brand new people and oppor- Once Weir became a junior and then a tunities. Students are living on their own senior, her mindset changed. and in a brand new place. “At first, I was looking at the present, Senior philosophy major Jessica Cou- but now in my senior year, it’s got me sett, who will be graduating this May, thinking about what’s next? What do I said, "freshman year was a year of find- While she admits she battled a mid-college life crisis, Jessica Cousett persevered to make it through 4 years at Barry. Photog- need to be doing so I can be good and raphy by Jazmin Brown ing yourself. You learn things about ready when I graduate?” yourself you never knew." they will be leaving the four walls of lege student can experience.” “Know what you want to do,” said With a wide variety of campus clubs the education system to either enter the Sr. Anastasia said that students some- Cousett, “and make sure that your ac- and activities to choose from, many “real world” or go to graduate school. All times think something is wrong with tions are geared toward that goal. Stay students decide to get involved in these of this adds and increases the students’ them because they can’t handle or do all focused.” clubs the moment they start college. stress and anxiety levels. the work. Most importantly, students need to They have free time to spare because the “It’s stressful, and worse if you’re not “They’re not acknowledging that the learn to take charge of their own lives. coursework is easy. prepared,” said senior business man- work has become more difficult and As Sr. Anastasia advises, “It’s about or- "Freshman and sophomore year, I had a agement major Rhasheda Weir. “You more involved, so they become stressed ganizing time, negotiating with yourself lot of free time," said senior Julian Dasil- don’t really know what’s going to happen or get anxiety or get depressed.” and establishing priorities. If you’re not va, a double major in computer science when you leave here.” Student involvement is also a factor that in charge of your life, everything else is and math, also graduating this May. “I Job security is a major stressor, espe- adds to stress. Each club or campus ac- in charge of you, and that builds your used to play a number of video games cially among graduating seniors. Even if tivity requires time and dedication from anxiety and stress.” for x amount of hours per day, as many the goal is to go to graduate school, not the student members. The students not The Center for Counseling and Psycho- as I could get in.” However, now as a se- knowing whether you will be accepted only have to make time for those add- logical Services offers free confidential nior, he barely plays video games at all. into your desired graduate program or ed responsibilities but they also have to counseling to all Barry students who may One thing that most, if not all, upper- if you will find a job upon graduation is study and do homework. Some even need guidance and support. You can visit classmen can agree on is that the more frightening for most students. have off-campus jobs where they work them in Landon 105. 18 STUDENT HACKS Summer 2017

[for an international student] is that not only are you living away from home, you also have all the expenses that a U.S. stu- dents has, but you don’t have the fami- INTERNATIONAL SAVERS ly support, perhaps as would American students. They can’t just go home on the weekends and do their laundry.” Flowers, who’s from Atlanta, Ga., says his mother does the grocery shopping for & AMERICAN SPENDERS him and then sends it to him. All he has to do is pick it up. She has also donated “If I see a good deal, I just can’t pass it lies since there is no federal or state aid to the lacrosse club. Abigail Solórzano up,” he said. provided for them and they must either In an average week, due to club dues STAFF WRITER At one point, when Flowers was with self-finance or garner scholarships to and other expenses, including lacrosse, some friends at Dick’s Sporting Goods, stay in school. he spends $100 -$300. In 2015, asked buying some gear for the lacrosse team, However, according to junior Orianna “There are so many opportunities here 5,000 adults how much money they had he found himself buying on an impulse. Camargo, that is not always the case. [in America] and there is some privilege in savings. About 75 percent of millen- “I ended up buying a stick, even though Coming from Venezuela, a South being from the States because you get nials, ages 18 through 34, had less than I have like eight of them already, so I am American country with the biggest infla- financial aid, but international students $1,000 in savings. And, more than 9 in definitely a compulsive buyer,” he says. tion in the world, Camargo says paying have to pay for everything,” he said. 10 millennials overspend, according to But, how do international students dif- for college is almost impossible for most Although tuition is the same for both survey from TD Ameritrade. fer? Do they even? Venezuelans. domestic and international students at When compared to other countries, Humeston thinks so. “Due to the inflation, we don’t have the Barry, unlike domestic students who pay such as China, with a 51 percent savings “Most American students don't seem option just to go to the bank and get dol- only a $225 enrollment deposit, interna- rate, Switzerland with 32 percent, and tional students are required to pay $1,000 India with 28 percent, America’s savings as well as prove they have sufficient funds rate comes to 10 percent (as stated in an REAL WORTH CHECKING 11 Balance $200.17 to support one whole academic year of Available** $200.17 article on Jan 18 - Feb 16, 2017 30 days study at Barry.

So, the Buccaneer set out to compare Date Description Deposit Withdrawal Balance Moreover, Camargo says that $1 in the way our American students and our Withdrawal Debit Card W/D / Venezuela is equal to a couple of thou- international students view a dollar. SQU*SQ *LE CAFE INTERN sands and a scholarship would be what 02/16/2017 11300 ne 2 ave MIAM Date $10.58 $200.17 Dart Humeston, Barry’s director of fi- 02/15/17 704658000780 5812 someone in Venezuela could make in a %% Card 18 #733810 nancial aid, says that the change in the year; therefore, she doesn’t spend money Withdrawal Debit Card W/D / American economy from being manu- SQU*SQ *LE CAFE INTERN on things she doesn’t need. 02/16/2017 11283-11373 North M Date $4.62 $210.75 “Going to the beach and taking an facture-based to consumer-driven has 02/15/17 704651000776 5812 greatly affected the way the current gen- %% Card 18 #733810 Uber, I cannot do it. I find friends with eration sees and values money. Withdrawal Debit Card W/D / cars or I have a bike,” she said. CHINA TOWN 715 NW 119TH “We’ve shifted. And the economy is 02/15/2017 ST NORTH MIAMI FL Date $18.85 $215.37 So, is the American millennial doomed 02/13/17 704558010000 5812 now based on spending money. Every- %% Card 18 #733810 to live a careless, spendthrifty lifestyle? thing you see is geared toward buying And will the international student always Withdrawal Debit Card W/D / things and toward spending. Whereas SQU*SQ *LE CAFE INTERN have to sacrifice “fun?" 02/15/2017 11283-11373 North M Date $3.62 $234.22 years ago, it was making things and sav- 02/14/17 704558000130 5812 “Right now it’s hard, but one day it’s ing money,” he said. %% Card 18 #733810 going to be worth it because you know Today, young people in America are Withdrawal Debit Card W/D / how to manage yourself and your mon- 02/15/2017 APL* ITUNES.COM/BILL 1 $5.40 $237.84 bombarded with different ways to spend Infinite Loop 866-7 Date ey,” said Camargo. money -- from TV commercials, radio Humeston offers a word of caution. ads and billboards to easy access to credit An actual bank statement from an American student at Barry University. “Everyone has a plan for your money. cards and online shopping. If you don’t have a plan, the corpora- “First of all, stay away from,” tions do. They will find a way to get your jokes freshman Lorenzo Deon Flowers to be as concerned about money as are lars. That doesn’t exist. The only way to money. Be responsible for yourself and about the luxury product discount web- international students, who seem to be get dollars is through the black market, pay yourself first in savings before paying site. more aware of what their expenses are,” which means you buy it from whoever all your other expenses. Because if you President and founder of Barry’s Club he said. is selling it, at whatever price it is,” she don’t, then you won’t have anything to Lacrosse team, Flowers considers him- Most people believe that internation- said. save in the end.” self a spender and compulsive buyer. al students come from wealthy fami- Humeston also adds that the “challenge Summer 2017 A & E 19 No Hablo Español

No, I cannot translate that with nearly 70 percent of the popu- the thing: Miami is so culturally di- to my boyfriend for answers. In Spanish conversation for you. lation identifying as Hispanic or Lati- verse that even if I did learn Span- other words, I turn to the white, No, I cannot teach you how to no— and still not speak Spanish? Peo- ish from my family (Mexican and Midwesterner to come to my speak Spanish. ple ask me all the time “Why don’t you Puerto Rican dialects) it would not rescue. Why? Because he just Why, yes, I am Hispanic. just learn it?” Wow, thanks. I’d never have made too much of a difference happens to be a member of a Yes, both of my parents are flu- thought to do that before! Believe it or with Miami’s version of “Spanish.” mostly Cuban baseball team. I ent in Spanish. not, learning a new language, as an It’s all just a combination of Cuban, guess I just figure that he’d know Yes, I do live in Miami. adult, is a lot easier said than done. Dominican, Portuguese, Colombi- more than me at this point, No, I do not actually speak Trust me, I’ve tried; it was probably an, “Spanglish,” and a race of who which is true in most cases. Spanish. the longest two hours of my life. can talk the fastest. Yes, there are distinguishable variations in dialects Being a Hispanic in Miami is Here’s the dilemma: our nation Where I was raised, there were not between the Spanish languages. And tough if you don’t know how to is struggling to decide between enough Hispanic people for me to just how Americans use much slang speak Spanish. The whole “No embracing foreign languages feel the immediate need to learn and Americanized words, other His- hablo español” thing doesn’t get and wanting everyone to speak Spanish; my parents, apparently, panic countries do the same in their any less embarrassing when you English or “American”— what- never thought so either. So, I never own languages, which make it a little say it to someone who doesn’t ever that means. For us Hispanic learned it. Although my parents al- more difficult for others to translate. know any English. But, if you’re Millennials, we are caught right ways told me that it would come in not confident about translating, in the crossroads of “Hello, handy to know Spanish one day— Fortunately, I have learned to pick it’s okay to say no. It’s better to we’re in America… speak En- ya know, like balancing a checkbook up on many key words and phrases take the easy way out then to glish,” and “Oh, you’re Hispan- or changing a flat tire— I still didn’t used by Hispanics such as “Habla hear them ramble for a couple ic but don’t know how to speak think that “one day” would’ve come español?” If you’re a non-Spanish minutes in a different language, Spanish? That’s not good… you so soon. Even though my parents speaker like me, the answer to this is while smiling and nodding your should learn.” Hey America, were both born in the States, they always “No.” I say “always” because head, and then telling them no. make up your mind! grew up hearing their parents speak even if you think you have the slight- Believe it or not, it’s becoming only Spanish and everyone else est chance at being able to translate, more common that Hispan- As a second generation Hispan- speaking English, so now they’re able you don’t. Trust me. The moment ic Millennials are growing up ic American born and raised to communicate in both languages. you say yes, you’re automatically speaking mostly English— I in the States, I was able to get Good for them, right? Well, tough seen as one of their own— a native mean, we are in America af- away without being able to speak luck for me because I ended up with Spanish speaker ready to help them ter all. We’re all in this togeth- Spanish because well… we’re in the short-end of that stick. with whatever they need. And once er, right? So, if you’re like me, America. Unfortunately, for me, they start… good luck trying to tell don’t worry. There is hope to that excuse doesn’t apply every- So, here we are: I am a three-year them never mind. So, what do I do surviving Miami as a Hispanic where. “Congratulations on your Miamian and still fall victim to 21 when this happens? Well, from habit who doesn’t speak Spanish. acceptance into [a university in questions from white people, black of always looking to my mom or dad Miami].” Damn it. What made people, and especially my fellow for translation help, I now just turn me think that I would get away Hispanic people about why or how with moving to Miami— a city I don’t speak Spanish. But here’s By Rachel Tellez 20 A & E Summer 2017

be scarier and might have a higher dra- matic effect on people. Get Out is about Rose and Chris, an in- HORROR terracial couple. When they reach a mile- stone in their relationship, Rose thinks that it is time to introduce her boyfriend to her parents. MOVIES On the surface, her parents seem to be getting along with her black boy- friend; however, Chris feels uncomfort- able around so many white people. He THEN becomes aware of increasingly strange, and potentially murderous, behavior. At the beginning of the movie, Chris questions Rose if her parents know that & NOW he is black. At this point, he becomes aware that his race might present a chal- lenge. Eva Patyi Get Out, the new 2017 horror movie by Jordan Peele, highlights true terror of the mind Other indicators are present. The black STAFF WRITER people around this family seem to be too means to an end. This level is explained need a real good stomach to lay on your obedient. The jobs of the parents, the with the “chest-buster” scene from Alien, bed and complete the ever popular Con- mother being a hypnotherapist and the The horror film genre reached a new according to King. juring trilogy. father being a neurosurgeon, serve as peak within the last two years and is en- But why do we like to be scared? The Producers are still capitalizing on "the hints toward terror. joyed by today’s audiences more than psychological explanation is that we epitomes of horror" themes to scare a Finally, Chris realizes that if he wants to ever. The thing is, simple violence is not want to feel pressure, fear, and tension in millennial generation but today. Typical get out, he needs to kill and fight for his enough for this generation, we want a order to be able to feel relaxed and calm modern examples are Tim Burton's films life. stronger and clearer presence of terror, after the fall of our blood pressure. Our such as the Corpse Bride, which recently Get Out shows that it might be scary to horror, blood and the supernatural in the brain stores intense emotional experi- seems to gain more and more interest be a black man, even in the 21st century. modern horror films. ences with more detail and as more im- among the youth. The Woman in Black It is ready to push the boundary of the The horror specialist Stephen King di- portant than non-emotional experiences. starring Daniel Radcliffe would be an- horror genre. vides horror into three distinct categories. This is the body’s way of making sure we other good example which fulfills this “It is one of the very, very few hor- The first category in the hierarchy is remember what makes us feel good and category. We can't forget Pan's Labyrinth, ror movies that does jump off of racial terror. It is the finest emotion where the what makes us feel bad. The Others, and Sweeny Todd. fears,” said Peele in a 2014 interview. imagination alone is stimulated and the The epic horror films of Jaws and Fran- As that category is more popular than During the film, minimal violence is reader/viewer does the job on him/ kenstein both celebrate the features of the ever, this is the very reason why Peele's shown but the story turns upside down herself. It is what the mind sees that "epitomes of horror." film, Get Out, is unique in its own way. approaching the end of the film. makes these stories quintessential. Jor- Can you believe that there are still peo- The film represents a departure from the Such as King explained, this type of dan Peele's recent release, Get Out, would ple out there who when first saw the 1975 above mentioned category; it seems to horror belongs to the finest emotion cat- represent the terror category. film about a huge white shark called Jaws break the trend. egory. The director went further than The next category is the epitomes of had no nerve to take even a step towards Peele introduces the "evergreen" idea the human body, he targeted the next horror, that emotion of fear that under- the seemingly calm sea for a month? of discrimination against black people level: the human mind. In this way, he lies terror, an emotion which is slightly What would you say about Frankenstein, in America within the context of horror. achieved not just horror but real terror, less fine because it is not entirely of the the iconic horror movie from 1931? Di- One thing is sure, by choosing such a top- as well. mind. Here, horror invites a physical re- rector James Whale seemed to accom- ic, the film became a boundary-breaker All in all, whatever the category, horror action by showing us something which plish his goals when film critics consid- in the genre. appeals to us because it says - in a sym- is physically wrong. William M. Gaines’ ered Frankenstein pretty creepy. However, It trends backward to the terror of mind, bolic way - things we would be afraid to horror comics such as Tales from the Crypt after almost 90 years later, Frankenstein nothing nasty. Peele chose this departure say right out, it offers us a chance to exer- and other horror comics from the 1950s would not be considered horror, even from the nasty because racial prejudice is cise emotions which society demands we are an example. though it is a classic. truly terror you cannot always see, but is keep tucked away. The third category is revulsion. It hap- Today, most people would say that these under the surface. You know it is coming, pens when the story lacks any real logic, kinds of movies could barely fit into the causing terrible things which you are not motivation, or character development, category of horror, though. Rather, you going to be able to stop. This can often but the story itself is more than the Summer 2017 A & E 21 BEAUTYBEAUTY ANDAND THETHE BEASTBEAST ISIS AA MARVELMARVEL

Destiny Ricks CONTRIBUTING WRITER small, they make a significant difference the relationship of Belle and her father of Maurice and Belle's relationship is to Belle and the film overall. turned the character of Maurice from Belle's participation in inventing, like her Beauty and the Beast is pure Disney mag- Everyone in the film brought their char- a goofy inventor to a competent, loving father, while always ready to hand her ic. It is brilliantly crafted, bringing back acters to life wonderfully, from Luke Ev- dad. It was beautiful to watch a positive father whatever gadget he needs with a the musical genre that people love while ans as Gaston to Kevin Kline as Maurice, father-daughter relationship be high- fond look and a smile. adding nuances and details that make Belle’s father. The new details added to lighted in such a way. A simple example While some say the live-action Beau- the film even greater. From the flawless ty and the Beast is an exact replica of the performance of Belle to the original song animated film, the director, writers, and “Evermore,” passionately sung by Dan actors added new flourishes to the film to Stevens as the Beast, from the beautiful flesh out a great story while still satisfying costume and production design to the die-hard fans of the original animated stunning visual effects, Beauty and the Beast movie. Beauty and the Beast is a near per- is a film created with passion and execut- fect film but there are negative aspects ed with precision. that don’t take away from the story of All songs featured in the animated the film yet need to be addressed. Beauty and the Beast were featured in Before Beauty and the Beast was released, the live-action version and they were ex- director Bill Condon released a state- ecuted spectacularly. Stand-out musical ment that the character LeFou, Gaston’s numbers were “Belle,” “Be Our Guest” sidekick/friend, has an “exclusively gay and the original song “Evermore.” The moment” with Gaston and is a part of opening of the film with the perfor- the LGBTQ community. In the film, it is mance of Belle was magnificent and a very small moment and it’s been very drew the viewer in; the stunning produc- overblown. LeFou’s sexuality is not com- tion of “Be Our Guest” was a marvel to pletely acknowledged in the film and any behold and the impressive ballad “Ever- “gay moments” with LeFou’s character more” surprised viewers with amazing are played for laughs, which is similar to lyrics and Stevens' vocals. queer-baiting. Condon’s statement un- Emma Watson’s casting as Belle was a necessarily had viewers looking for ev- perfect decision. Watson embodies the idence of LeFou’s sexuality rather than character flawlessly, while adding her paying attention to the character himself. own touches that flesh out the charac- Also, a small criticism is related to the ter even more. She truly becomes a live character Gaston. Luke Evans portrays action Disney princess. There were even the character wonderfully and is true to distinctions added to Belle's character. the animated Gaston at the start, yet as The character of Belle was, in fact, cre- the film goes on and Gaston becomes a ated as a direct response to some of the true evil, he loses his fun factor and his negative criticism about boy-crazy Ariel flourish. from The Little Mermaid. Overall, Beauty and the Beast is a beauty Belle's passion for reading and disregard to behold—from the musical numbers to of Gaston and marriage has been a sta- the actors' performances. If this is what ple for the character. But, reading can be Disney can do with a live-action Beauty seen as a passive activity if nothing is re- and the Beast, fans everywhere have a lot ally done with it; in the live-action Beauty to look forward to with the upcoming and the Beast, not only does Belle read and live-action adaptations of Aladdin, Mulan, sing her heart out about "adventure in the and The Lion King. great wide somewhere," she also teaches girls how to read and is an inventor like her father. While these details may be 22 A & E Summer 2017 FROM SCOTT JOPLIN TO KENDRICK LAMAR The Racist History Of American Music

Javerious Gilmore cordings) or the Georgia Fife and Drum pressure to compose “I am Thinking of get paid for the film which would be a CONTRIBUTING WRITER Band, you can hear the connection. My Pickaninny Days” despite the fact recurring theme throughout his life. that he was never resistant to pain nor During the rediscovery period in the was he a slave. blues (1959-1970s) when researchers The hashtag #GrammysSoWhite in COON SONGS The negative effect on society is almost found that old blues musicians were still 2017 may have appeared to be a part Before and even after black musicians incalculable as for decades you had sing- alive, one finds the same stereotypes alive of a string of minority grievances that entered vaudeville, white musicians per- ers like Ethel Waters performing in field and well, too. some may discount as rabblerousing.You formed and songwriters wrote demean- clothes or in front of giant watermelons too may have questioned how come Be- ing songs about black people. for no apparent reason. MUSICAL GENRES SUPPRESSED yonce was passed over for Album of the This meant that if a songwriter (black Consequently, most black artists were Year for her politically-conscious “Lem- or white) wanted a hit or somewhat of stereotyped. Most people don’t know Some unfortunate musicians like Missis- onade.” She lost to a safer Adele’s “25.” a fanbase, they were encouraged to that the great Lead Belly, a criminally sippi John Hurt had racist managers and Some would say, yes, Adele is deserving, write or perform what was known as a underrated guitarist who predated blues some musicians like Bukka White had but do you know that since 1959 only 10 “coon song,” a song that portrayed Afri- and the folk movement in the 1940s, their musical expressions suppressed. African-American artists have ever won can Americans as lazy, stupid or with no could play Jazz and was pretty adept at White wanted an electric blues band like album of the year? moral code. the violin. He was prevented from play- his cousin B.B. King. There came an And then who can forget the back- An example of a coon song would be ing such things because Alan Lomax, a unfortunate side effect with this particular lash Kendrick Lamar received from his “Gib Me Ma 15 Cents,” a song full of a well-known musicologist and anthropol- blues boom of an idyllic south that was Grammy performance in 2016? dialect that no one spoke and was full of ogist, feared that people wouldn’t believe free from the influence of technology and Sadly, this really is nothing new when demeaning imagery like killing someone a black ex-con could play such sophisti- modern times. They suppressed the sounds it comes to African-American participa- over 15 cents or being genetically predis- cated music. and the fashions of these bluesmen. tion in the music industry. posed to chronic gambling. Ironically, a Even the liberals of the time weren’t If you check out clips from the Amer- For far too long, many people in the modern adaptation could be Rihanna’s immune to this imaginary black commu- ican Folk Blues Festival from the 1960s music industry believed that black per- “B@$#% Better Have My Money.” nity they built. Proof of this is a news- you can see J.B. Lenoir performing with formers could do two things and nothing Even the most respectable black artists reel in 1931 about Lead Belly’s release denim overalls (instead of his iconic ze- else: 1) a minstrel or comedy act that was participated or composed songs of that from prison starring Lead Belly and Alan bra or cheetah print suits) and playing an usually self-demeaning, in which actors nature, including Gussie L. Davis - the Lomax, Sr. and it was deemed racist in acoustic guitar (instead of an electric and or performers would perform what peo- original composer of “Goodnight Irene” 1931! To Lomax’s credit, he was dis- with a full band). At the same festival, ple mistakenly believed was negro dia- - and Scott Joplin of “The Entertainer” mayed at how badly the film turned out Muddy Waters is presented as a wander- lect or 2) some lowdown gutbucket blues. and “Maple Leaf Rag,” felt economic and Lead Belly was upset that he didn’t ing hobo (he had a chauffeur) and the This was the only way to get into Car- great Sonny Boy Williamson is presented negie Hall (or any decent-paying club) as a hobo with a rag cart. and even then you had to fit the perfect It is most unfortunate that we live in a image of what someone thought was a society where most people don’t know blues musician. the racist history of American music or, Let’s start with the drum and fife tradi- even worse, don’t want to know. Choos- tion, which is mostly associated with the ing to ignore our shared history comes revolutionary army bands and the civil with damaging consequences and will war infantry units. This kind of music lead us to repeat mistakes that are entire- predates marching bands in the American ly unavoidable. sense, but a fife is a flute-like instrument If John Lennon is viewed as a saint made with sugar cane or wood and about for his overtly political music then how four different drums (snare, bass, etc). can we deprive Kendrick Lamar for his? After slaves were freed (post-Civil War), However, I honestly feel that talking they began experimenting with music about race relations in this country is and incorporating African rhythms and something we can’t handle. Alas, this patterns to create a sub-genre of blues vicious cycle will continue and the circle and folk music named after the two in- will remain unbroken. struments (fife and drum). If you listen Kendrick Lamar received backlash for his controversial 2016 Grammy performance featuring black men in to Othar Turner (The Alan Lomax re- chains. Photography courtesy of Vanity Fair Summer 2017 editorial 23 open visa program at the time. After a few months of living in Ecuador without jobs because the government refused to grant them the legal documents, they were forced out by max expulsion. They then decided to try their luck and jour- ney all the way to the U.S. It was far from an easy trip. When they were evicted from Ecuador, friends of theirs were beaten by police. They had to sleep in the street or wherever they could with little to no food, sometimes they CUBAThe New Frontier weren’t even able to bathe. In Colombia, they boarded with at least 700 other Cu- bans in cramped, poorly ventilated spac- es. In Honduras, they were detained for a month without explanation. Living in Cuba isn’t exactly the lap of luxury, but there are homeland comforts. There are the people you know, your friends, your family. What makes the idea of taking this dangerous cross-coun- try trip worth it? From the things I’ve seen and the things I’ve heard from my family both in Cuba and in the U.S., no hay libertad económica para el pueblo Cubano. There are many professionals in Cuba who aren’t working in their professions Photography Courtesy of Wikimedia because those jobs either don’t exist or there is no money in them. Because of this, people – especially the young - leave Swany Fernandez bans have now chosen to essentially walk My mother was a little bit more reserved Cuba, risking their lives to cross the ocean SENIOR STAFF WRITER cross-countries, risk malnutrition and in her answer about the policy removal -- for economic freedom or walk for it. Now that Wet Foot, Dry Foot is no I remember sitting on the wall of El chance being beaten by militants. People “por mar o por tierra, hay muchos Cubanos que more, the people who will suffer the most Malecón in Havana one night on my last will do crazy things for freedom. han perdido su vida buscando un sueño.” is el pueblo Cubano. People who are now visit, and I was trying to look out into the January's news of the removal of the When the Obama administration end- stuck there, those who have become dis- sea–something that proved to be rath- "Wet Foot, Dry Foot" policy was met ed the policy that many politicians have illusioned with their lives by the lack of er difficult because of how dark it was with mixed feelings in my household be- long argued was overdue, it was a bit- prosperity–young people who know they beyond my vantage point. I remember cause my aunt and uncle made their way tersweet end for Cubans here in South deserve better than the hand they were asking my mother why anyone would to the U.S. through Ecuador about two Florida. dealt. People like my aunt and uncle who ever want to go out in that; the water was weeks before the policy was repealed, ef- For 20 years, Wet Foot, Dry Foot gave want better for themselves and their chil- crashing on the bank below rather force- fectively making them one of the last few preferential treatment to Cubans, giving dren, looking for a means to get out by fully, I could feel the wind it created on to make it in before the nation closed the them the opportunity to enter the U.S. any means necessary. my face, the dirt in my hair and the salt metaphorical door on Cubans. without visas, the right to stay in the If there’s one thing I know about my on my skin. It was cold, bitter, though According to a Pew Research, 56,406 country and an automatic path to citi- people, though, and I believe this is true not completely unpleasant. entered via the ports of entry in the fiscal zenship. for a lot of immigrants, is that water With the roughness of the water crash- year of 2016, an uptake of 31 percent The policy also gave many people the won’t stop people from coming into the ing against the wall, I began to serious- from 2015 when 43,406 Cubans entered opportunity to reunite with family and U.S. and neither will a wall. Immigrants ly contemplate why millions of Cubans the same way. start anew, but the journey is as danger- don’t immigrate because they want to, would leave their homes and their family I asked my uncle how he felt about the ous on water as it is on land. they immigrate because they have to. to travel across an uncertain sea. The sea elimination of this policy and he said that My aunt and uncle started the trek to Cubans are a very resilient people, they- does not discriminate, it won't ask you he found it a little unfair that there was no the U.S. through Ecuador in June 2016. make something out of nothing and they for permission before taking you under. prior warning that this was being done. It was a long and arduous journey but will share it with you if you don’t have it. It's a dark and scary journey that seems He is, however, more worried about what it was a risk they were willing to take to If they can’t come to the U.S., they’ll find so endless, you start to question whether is going to happen to all of those people improve their future. Initially, my uncle a way somewhere else. you'll make it or die trying. But I real- who are now virtually stuck in countries traveled to Ecuador to visit an old child- ized it's for the same reason many Cu- he knows does not want them. hood friend because of the country’s 24 STUDENT HACKS Summer 2017 WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY? Paris Razor they felt during their week, and the third the part of your brain that responds to food through college and life. You are who STAFF WRITER group wrote about their week without a and sex. Giving to someone by donating you surround yourself with.” direction of it being positive or negative. your time and working with organizations If you want to check your happiness If you were to ask a university student After 10 weeks, the first group was not- that align with your passions or causes that over time, “Track Your Happiness” is an what their priorities in life are, they may ed to feel more optimistic about their you care about can make a difference in app available on your smartphone, that say their academics, their family and daily lives, they exercised more and they both someone else’s life and your own. uses science and technology to help you friends, their professional responsibili- visited their physicians less. This opens understand what specifically makes you 2. Writing a Letter of Gratitude: ties. But how long do you think it would up the discussion: what activities can a happy. The app sends random notifica- Writing a letter of gratitude to someone take until they mention their happiness? person do to raise their happiness? tions on your phone that ask you about who has made a positive impact on your Happiness - an ambition, a state of Sister Anastasia Maguire, a licensed your general feelings at the moment, and life can help you become happier. mind, or whatever you may perceive it clinical social worker at the Barry Center will compile your feelings over time to to be - is a virtue elusive to some and a for Counseling and Psychological Ser- 3. Logging Acts of Kindness: Log analyze your level of happiness in life. way of life for others as we dive into the vices, believes students can increase their the kind acts you do every day. The app was created by Matt Killing- content and despair of college students. happiness by having gratitude and help- sworth, PhD and Professor Dacher Kelt- Dr. Robert A. Emmons and Dr. Mi- ing other people. 4. Wellness: ner from the Department of Psychology chael E. McCullough, authors of the “Volunteering is very important be- Exercise and meditation can also in- at the University of California. study “Counting Blessings Versus Bur- cause happier people usually help oth- crease your happiness. The happiness tracker will ask you ques- dens: An Experimental Investigation of ers, as well as [other ways to be happy “College is the time to spread your tions like “how do you feel?” “where are Gratitude and Subjective Well-Being in is through] perspective, gaining self-con- wings. I think the keys to happiness is by you?” “what are you doing?” and “are Daily Life” conducted an experiment fidence, and [remembering] past chal- surrounding yourself with good friends, you alone?” to assess what your actions by asking different groups of people to lenges that they’ve succeeded,” she said. making experiences, and letting loose,” and feelings were at that moment. Over write about their week. The first group time, you can look back at your answers 1. Helping Others: said Akil Andrews, a senior majoring of people wrote about events in their from a certain amount of time and see Helping others as a way to find your own in communications. “Have people who week that made them grateful, the sec- how happy you really are. happiness has been scientifically proven genuinely care about you and it will ond group wrote about the annoyances to be a cause of happiness as it activates make a difference in how you navigate


HOW DO YOU FEEL? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? HOW PRODUCTIVE ARE ARE YOU ALONE? VERY BAD WORKING YOU? YES IN THE MIDDLE EATING NOT AT ALL NO VERY GOOD DRINKING IN THE MIDDLE TALKING EXTREMELY INTERACTING WHERE ARE YOU? Other:______HOME Take this survey every day and record your SCHOOL answers (or download the app) and you’ll WORK soon be able to analyze exactly how happy Other: ______you are and what facets of your life affect you. Summer 2017 STUDENT HACKS 25

Brandie Morvan person is, their background, and their cluding sweating, trembling, and the ac- this. Here’s the problem, here’s the solu- CONTRIBUTING WRITER own personal experiences. One individ- celeration of the heart. tion.” ual may define fear as a heart-racing, Wouldn’t it be nice to simply get up in When you communicate with someone, palm-sweating, emotionally and excruci- front of a crowd of people and speak to you should know exactly what you’re Picture this! You’re blindfolded, led to ating feeling but the actual term is found- them as if you were speaking to a best talking about, said Steele. walk up a few steps, and then urged to ed in science. friend you’ve known for countless years? For example, you go away on a spec- stop on the base of what feels like a spa- Dr. Thierry Steimer who works in the JR Steele, speech instructor and coor- tacular trip filled with fun and pleasure. cious platform. You’re then instructed clinical psychopharmacology unit at the dinator at Barry University, explains key You then proceed to come home and try to remove your blindfold. After doing Geneva University Hospital explains in points to overcoming the fear of public to explain the details of your trip to all so, surprised and shocked, you realize his article, “The Biology of Fear and speaking. of your friends but for some reason you you’re in the presence of several, un- Anxiety Related Behaviors," that fear is “Women sometimes in relationships-we can’t remember what exactly went on in identifiable people, blankly waiting for a motivational state aroused by specific get ourselves into trouble. We have an is- your brief getaway. You just remember you to start some sort of speech. Would stimuli that give rise to defensive behav- sue over here but we start talking about your trip went in your favor and exceed- you be ready? ior or escape (Steimer, 2002). this, then we go here, then here! And ed your expectations. Unfortunately, to some, public speak- In the presence of something threaten- guys can’t multitask like that-they can’t It would be difficult and confusing for ing seems like stepping into the dooms ing or frightening, the brain’s initial reac- see the path," she told her class of fresh- your friends listening to your story to un- of Hades' fiery pit and to others it’s a tion occurs in the amygdala, where excit- men this semester. "It’s just blah, blah derstand the basis of what happened. It’s lovely spin in a field of sweet daisies and atory signals will be sent to other parts of blah and they tune us out because we the same concept when you speak before dandelions. the brain to make known of something weren’t clear about what it is we wanted. a public audience. You must know and So, would you rather stand on a stage hazardous (Shere, 2015). With fear con- She teaches you to overcome that with a understand what your speech is about to and have millions of unfamiliar fac- suming every part of a person’s mind, plan. get your purpose across. es staring back at you as you present a physiological impulses will kick in, in- "So, today I’d like to talk to you about FEAR OF PUBLIC SPEAKING A former student of Steele, Ariella Gor- public speech or would you rather jump don, states that once she understands off of a cliff and plunge to a speedily what she’s talking about she’s effectively yet agonizing death? One might say the more likely to deliver her speech with comparison between those two scenari- great confidence. os seems quite ludicrous, right? Not so. “Of course I used to be afraid of public However surprising, given those two speaking- a majority of people are- but options, most Americans in the United once I research my topic and I under- States fear public speaking more than stand what I’m going to talk about, I’m they do death. confident in my delivery,” she said. From kindergarten all the way to Steele thinks the key to overcoming the the12th grade, one is expected to devel- fear of public speaking and, she boldly op a comfort with communication skills states it, is to “get over yourself!” and a confident demeanor before an au- Public speaking is not about you, she dience. said. It’s not about how you feel, how Varying from first-day-of-school per- afraid you are, or how badly you want to sonal introductions starting with “Hi my run out of the room. No! Mind the au- name is…” to uncomfortable classroom dience more than you worry about your- presentations, the fear of public speak- self and acknowledge the fact that your ing is a challenge that must be under- sole purpose is to get the message across. stood, tackled, and defeated. Once you can focus on that concept To understand the fears behind public alone, you free yourself from any egoistic speaking, one must first grasp and define barriers that will prevent you from being what fear is. What is fear? What causes comfortable before your audience. it? Where does it come from? There are Barry student Nico Skinner gives a passionate speech about ‘change’ in his speech class. Photography by Always remember, the fear of public several factors that may cause this unde- Kaitlyn Parotti speaking does not exist when one under- sirable emotion, depending on who the stands purpose. 26 Social justice Summer 2017 STUDENTS CAN NOW VEGAN PEANUT BUTTER MEDITERRANEAN EATING ORDER FRESH KALE SMOOTHIE COLLARD WRAPS PRODUCE ON CAMPUS TIME: 5 Minutes TIME: 20 Minutes HEALTHY SERVINGS: 1 SERVINGS: 1 "My personal experience was great be- INGREDIENTS: INGREDIENTS: cause it had a variety of fruits and veg- CAN'T ½ cup Plant-based Milk etables. It's quality and organic, and I Large Collard Leaf thought it was worth the money. It was a 1 Frozen Banana 2 Tablespoons Hummus or Pesto little expensive but you know that you're 1 Cup Kale GET ANY helping the community," said Alberto ¼ Cup Sliced Vegetables (Various Greens, Bell Liriano, a senior biochemistry major. 1 Tablespoon Peanut Butter Peppers, Cucumbers) To purchase the produce, students ½ Cup Ice (optional) ¼ Cup Pre-roasted Vegetables (Onions, Bell CLOSER have to go online to https://squareup. com/store/urban-greenworks-inc/ and DIRECTIONS: Peppers, Tomatoes) Paris Razor choose Barry University as their pick-up STAFF WRITER location. All orders must be placed by 1. Add ingredients to a high speed blender. DIRECTIONS: noon every Thursday and can be picked 1. Cut out excess stem and collard vein in the For the health food junkie in need of up on the same day outside of Adrian 2. Begin blending on low speed and slowly well-priced, fresh produce or for the 208 between 3 and 5 p.m. A reminder middle of the leaf. increase to highest speed. student looking for more snack options is sent via email so that students don't besides cafeteria food, the new Barry forget their produce. If for some reason, 2. Spread the hummus or pesto spread directly 3. Blend on high for 30 seconds. FairShare Community Supported Agri- a student can’t pick up their shares on on the collard leaf. culture (CSA) initiative allows students Thursday, the CSA is willing to make ac- and faculty to purchase shares of pro- commodations. 3. Arrange sliced and roasted vegetables in duce (fruits, vegetables and herbs) grown If you have any allergies, there is a com- from local farms and pick them up at a ment section on the order sheet where the center of the leaf. distribution point on campus. you can write any allergies or concerns 4. Fold the leaf in half and begin rolling the The CSA program offers weekly shares Associate Director of CSI Courtney Berrien gets a whiff of to help CSA best meet your needs. leaf tightly to resemble a burrito. of non-certified organic produce that “Buying from the CSA is an investment her fresh herbs. Photography by Kaitlyn Parotti ranges in share bag size and price. The in your community. [They] work with type of produce distributed in CSA Urban Greenworks to eradicate food share bags depend on South Florida's deserts like Liberty City and revitalize harvest season and what is being grown the local environment with community at the time. For instance, produce such gardens in places such as schools and as kale, strawberries and eggplant are plant trees," said Ashton Spangler, an currently in harvest and can be found in AmeriCorp Vista from the Center for your share. The CSA also offers honey, a Community Service Initiatives (CSI). dozen eggs, and Café COCANO coffee "When you buy from Barry FairShare, for purchase. the revenue helps Urban Greenworks The CSA produce is distributed from a in those programs and helps grassroots community partner called Urban Green- farms earn a living wage." works—a local nonprofit organization that works to address environmental and If you have any questions or concerns food access issues in South Florida. about this service, you can email bar- The available share options and prices [email protected] or call 305-899- include the following: discounted student 3696. share with 7-9 items for $23, a half share with 10-12 items for $30 and a full share Here are two delicious recipes to of 18-20 items for $52. Sold separately try from the Barry FairShare! is honey for $9, a dozen eggs for $6.50 and the coffee with a choice of medium blend and whole bean for $16.99. Summer 2017 Social justice 27

the same Christ have the same morals sizes. Genitalia is only our physical body and understanding without a need for and it truly has nothing to do with how interpretation. we are and how our personalities devel- DOES RELIGIOUS Even though there are differences in op. Once we let go of that pseudo-con- ideology, the LGBTQ community wants nection that we have created, we can religious persons to know the difference move past the focus on genitalia." between denying someone who hurts or Bello and other panelists said that leg- FREEDOM CONFLICT attacks someone else and denying some- islation like Senate Bill 35 can be pre- one who just wants to love their signifi- vented with the proper education of the cant other. Conversely, religious persons public about transgender individuals. WITH LGBTQ RIGHTS? want to be able to follow their religious The debate over gender identity and sex standards and morals. in the is contrary to the position held by the panelists, however. lawmakers in Arizona decided to pass a Paris Razor SENATE BILL 35 Pope Francis, like Pope Benedict XVI, RFRA law that could possibly legalize STAFF WRITER When “Senate Bill 35” was introduced maintains the Catholic church's stance a business owner's right to discriminate in 2015 it brought controversy as the that people may not change “their very against gays if it violated their personal language was confusing and discrimi- essence.” In a speech at the Vatican in A deliberative dialogue hosted by the beliefs, such as in the case of the own- natory of transgender and intersex per- 2008, Pope Benedict cautioned Catho- Center for Community Service Initia- ers of Masterpiece Cakeshop bakery in sons. Members of the panel stressed that lics about “destroying the very essence tives initiated a conversation on Feb. Lakewood, Colorado who refused to bake a person’s sex is biological and a person's of the human creature through manip- 16 about the controversy surrounding a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. gender identity is in the brain. Yet, leg- ulating their God-given gender to suit LGBTQ rights as they conflict or inter- However, a year later, the U.S. Supreme islation such as Senate Bill 35 - an Indi- their sexual choices" as it can lead to the sect with religious freedom in its legal, Court would make a 5-4 ruling to legal- ana bill that stated all people must use self-destruction of the human race. social, and political dimensions. ize same-sex marriages. The lines would restroom facilities that correlate to their Furthermore, in 2015, the Vatican stat- A panel consisting of students, staff, soon be blurred regarding whether it was assigned biological gender or face up to a ed that transgender individuals could and the community discussed the Reli- possible to protect both the LGBTQ com- year in jail - prohibit people from choos- not become godparents, saying "[it] re- gious Freedom Restoration Act, Senate munity and a person’s religious beliefs. ing to do what goes with their identity, veals in a public way an attitude opposite Bill 35 and other legislation germane to In the past, religious persons feared the how they dress and feel. to the moral imperative of solving the the LGBTQ community. behaviors of an LGBTQ person, consid- "Society has socially constructed only problem of sexual identity... it is evident Panelists included Aiyana Angeni, a ering them “contagious," using trauma-

two genders and have associated them that this person does not possess the re- student who identifies as a transsexual fe- tizing tactics such as conversion therapy with specific sexes. One thing they left quirement of leading a life according to male and is prayer chaplain coordinator to make them heterosexuals. out during this construction is that there the faith and in the position of godfather of the Unity Church of Practical Chris- According to the Catholic church, ho- are more than two sexes; therefore, there and is therefore unable to be admitted to tianity; Diomaris Bello, student and pres- mosexuality is immoral because it is un- should be more than two genders," said the position of godfather or godmother." ident of the PRIDE organization; Dr. natural under God's will and "they close Bello. "We don't like to talk about that Overall, all the panelists from the delib- Elsie Miranda, president of the Acad- the sexual act to the gift of life." This because a majority of us have either a erative dialogue believed that education emy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians caused tension between the two com- vagina or a penis but there are significant and laws working from the local level of the United States who has studied munities. Some panelists argued that if numbers of people that don't have either upward could change the way LGBTQ queer theology; Bren Pantilione, a cam- all humans were created in God’s image, one, or both, or in different shapes and persons are treated in society and help paign member of SAVE, an advocacy why does a person’s sexual orientation others understand. organization that promotes employment matter? nondiscrimination, LGBTQ healthcare, The Catholic church would argue say- marriage equality, and HIV/AIDS de- ing homosexuality is a moral disorder criminalization and Dr. Mark Smith, an and sinful when one acts upon it. How- associate professor of social work and a ever, the panelists at the event mentioned Our Bad member of the Board of Directors for the discrepancies such as that the Bible’s In the Spring 2017 story "It Can Happen to You," the paper in- International Association of Social Work. original language was not written in En- correctly reported the 80 incidents of theft on campus as "robber- glish, making the book a loose transla- ies." While these crimes included but were not limited to larceny, THE RELIGIOUS FREEDOM RESTORATION ACT (RFRA) tion and open to interpretation. burglary and motor vehicle theft, they were not officially filed as The relationship of LGBTQ rights to re- Still, religious persons quote Ephesians ligious freedom in the United States dates 4:5, "One Lord, one faith, one baptism" robberies, which imply theft by force or threat of violence. back to 1993 and, in 2014, Republican to explain that all people who believe in 28 Creative section Summer 2017 VIRTUAL REALITY

It is quiet and dark inside, Funny it’s made of zeros and ones, But the cruel words from kids down the you are up to. And the soft glow illuminates the room. And I’m made of experience and cells, street That pushed himself to flesh. What time, what location, this is what 6 o’clock. But I’ve forgotten to drink or eat, Or how about the girl abducted last they do. That website is selling your I’ve been glued to buttons Go outside to learn and play. week? Guess that wasn’t really “little information, “Privacy” is a little fools Tangled in colorful wires Because I have to write this tweet. Jimmy’s” physique. dream. From early morning, The future is ensured this way. But now, now, don’t be scared! To late in the night. The ads are getting worse, buy these Technology is great! I swear! My eyes are bloodshot, There is a new addiction today. jeans! You are the child of a new age, My spine so curved and slumped. That’s colorful as chrome and tastes like This doll! The innocence of a little girl, You are the birth of a new era. But I have not left this spot for hours, metal, But everyone knows they’ll stay. we are still funding slavery? It’s twelve o’clock. Maybe even days? New information is posted, The beginning of a new day. Who goes outside anymore New roles to enter digitally. Spend your time wisely, Split computers from real life, I’ve got everything I need right here. Like the obese kid locked in their room, The weak get lost in the vortex of Be the one who holds the knife. Wait, statistics say obesity is a leading infinity. Ding goes the screen. killer? The illusion of new and being updated BRB, LOL, it’s all virtual, No way! May be the goal of another who’s But the effects are physical. But sadly it wasn’t even the fat dictating. There is power in these codes. That got to his heart and stopped it. I mean, the government knows what - Paris Razor

Spiritual Encounters EVA-VINCE BY EVA PATYI No means no NO! And yes means yes No means no So when you align your body to mine And yes means yes Feeling your racing heart as it gallops So when the barriers are broken and my over my chest mind free to be high Hoping to start a fire to my heart Clothes disappear in shadows and your I will still say no. lips taste like honey When I tell you I am not ready for the in- Mhmmm… timate joining of our souls to become one Sweet desire rolls of my tongue unto And for our minds to sync and skin to yours sharing our mutual desire. sweat passion with blood infused scents So until then when I am ready for your fumigating the air spiritual sexual encounter to baptise me Making me drunk on your love… in your God given love…. I am still not ready. No still means no When my eyes closes and my ears hurts Because my words that escapes curved to your charms and pleadings of ballads lips is bound to my soul And your fingers caress my heated skin And I cannot freely give my body to you flushed in the heated night unless you will respect me and mine As the shadows creeps in they disturb So don't hear my cries of no as suspect my mind as you enforce your debate of and reject oneness with me But as a respect to you and me I will still refuse such tithings And to our souls... For I am not in church for you to bless Because we are freely given this choice me with your sexual grace And it is my freedom to say no. I am baptised in my spirit and blood so I can say with conviction and testimony: - Kahelia Smellie