THE FEDERATION OF (VA) AND SPENNITHORNE (VC) CE PRIMARY SCHOOLS Executive Head Teacher Mrs L. Evans Spennithorne, , N DL8 5PR Park Lane, Middleham, Leyburn, N Yorks DL8 4QX Tel:01969-623474 Fax 01969 622731 Tel 01969 623592 [email protected]. [email protected] Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. EPHESIANS 4:32

6th September 2018

Dear Parents

Dinner money for half term to 25 th October 2019 Welcome back everyone,

For those children in school who have a school dinner, please note that the cost for this half term to 25 th October 2019 will be £117.00 per child (7 weeks & 4 days @ £3.00 per meal).

School meals are free to all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

We would encourage parents to pay for the half term if possible rather than weekly, as the school is charged for every payment made and we would prefer to keep these charges as low as possible so more of the school funds can be used on resources for the children.

Please can all payments be made using ParentPay. Some of you will be new to the ParentPay system, you should have received an activation letter this week. Please activate your child’s account as soon as possible. Please can existing users check their balance before making a payment as you may have a credit or debit that needs to be taken into account. Spennithorne parents must pay any outstanding amounts on Teacher 2 Parents School Money as soon as possible.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask either Mrs Ramsay or Mrs. Martin.

Kind regards,

Helen Martin Sue Ramsay Administrator Office Manager Middleham CE (VA) Primary School Spennithorne CE (VC) Primary School Park Lane Spennithorne Middleham Leyburn North Yorkshire DL8 4QX DL8 5PR