2006 Newsletter
Registry news Database and website manage your details he ATR has worked hard to Aujard, has developed a system not allow marketing companies to T develop and launch a new that lets us track each and every access or ‘purchase’ our member’s database and website. letter and response from a twin details under any circumstance. The database is one of the most pair, ensuring that our members are In addition, if you have provided important tools we have for not overloaded with requests to be any extra information for us to hold ensuring we retain updated details involved in studies. on the Registry database, such as for all of our members. It is held on It is important to note that details a secure server, protected by from our database are never password-only access. passed on to others without the Our database designer, Kelly express consent of the twin. We do New faces join the team ... hanks to funding received from the National Health and Medical T Research Council in 2004, the ATR has been able to expand its ranks with new staff, including a Deputy Director, Sue Treloar, who works at the Queensland Institute for Medical Research. Sue has a wealth of experience in twin studies, most recently on endometriosis. Her appointment further establishes the ATR as a truly national resource. In addition, we have developed a team of experienced ATR Research Assistants: Marian, Susan, Jackie, the name of your spouse, this Helen and Shaie. Led by Project Support Officer Jenny information remains strictly Boadle, this team allows us greater opportunity for confidential and is not passed on to telephone follow-up and faster turnaround times for researchers.
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