Corps of Discovery Hats 20 What Did the Explorers Really Wear on Their Heads? by Bob Moore
Chinook Point Decision Columbia Gorge John Ordway White House Ceremony The Official Publication of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, Inc. May 2001 Volume 27, No. 2 C ORPS OF DISCOVERY HATS What did Lewis & Clark and their men really wear on their heads? ROW 4/C AD The Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 3434, Great Falls, Montana 59403 Ph: 406-454-1234 or 1-888-701-3434 Fax: 406-771-9237 Mission Statement The mission of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, Inc. is to stimulate public appreciation of the Lewis and Clark Expedition’s contributions to America’s heritage and to support education, research, development, and preservation of the Lewis and Clark experience. Officers Active Past Presidents Directors at large President David Borlaug Beverly Hinds Cindy Orlando Washburn, North Dakota Sioux City, Iowa 1849 “C” St., N.W. Washington, DC 20240 Robert K. Doerk, Jr. James Holmberg Fort Benton, Montana Louisville, Kentucky President-Elect Barbara Kubik James R. Fazio Ron Laycock 10808 N.E. 27th Court Moscow, Idaho Benson, Minnesota Vancouver, WA 98686 Robert E. Gatten, Jr. Larry Epstein Vice-President Greensboro, North Carolina Cut Bank, Montana Jane Henley 1564 Heathrow Drive H. John Montague Dark Rain Thom Keswick, VA 22947 Portland, Oregon Bloomington, Indiana Secretary Clyde G. “Sid” Huggins Joe Mussulman Ludd Trozpek Covington, Louisiana Lolo, Montana 4141 Via Padova Claremont, CA 91711 Donald F. Nell Robert Shattuck Bozeman, Montana Grass Valley, California Treasurer Jerry Garrett James M. Peterson Jane SchmoyerWeber 10174 Sakura Drive Vermillion, South Dakota Great Falls, Montana St.
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