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Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1870

2-11-1870 Mount Vernon Democratic Banner February 11, 1870

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Recommended Citation "Mount Vernon Democratic Banner February 11, 1870" (1870). Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1870. 38.

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PRINTED AND PUBLISHED WEEK.LY TO CJONSU!UPTIVES. Wonldu't Yon Like to Know? the price of each article. They then went Another Cooke Scandal••·A Minister KOKOSINC home to dinner. Elopes with a Young Girl--.She Dies BY L. HARPER. The Advertiser, having J>ecn restored to 0, SAXE, health in a fow weeks by a vory simple remedy', BY JOHN Aunt Sarah bad promised to m~ke out n list of what kitchen furniture she would on His Hands---Unparalleled Vil• iliJ"' A two·legged colt is the sensation OIHce I u Rogers' Hall, Vine St. having suffered several with a severe in Chicago. Jung affectio.n, and that dread di!1ease, Consump­ TEXT. I know a girl with teeth of pearl, need, and after dinner, she sat dowu to re­ lainy. tion-is anxious to make known to his fellow­ STEAM MILLS. And shoulders white ns snow , deem it. the meantime Kate, at her [Fro1u. tho Piqua., Ohio, News.j 92.00 p13r n. nnum ,striet1yin a.dvauee. "Next year not only a part, but ALL THE In ~ Divorce is called '' Chicago Bliss'' sufferers the means of cure. She lives, ah! woll, $3.00 if payment be delayed. BLACKS WILL VOTE, and they will vote the I aust not tell- suggestion, began to add up the long row On last ll!onday week a minister, the in New York. To all who desiro it, he will send a copy of the of figures that had been the result of her ;s- Theso terms will be strictly adhered to. Would~~t yoa. like to know? Rev. Samud Walls (United States Breth­ proscription used (free of charge,) with the di­ Solicit Custom and Merchant Work. Republican ticket.-Mt. Vernon Repub. morning's work. Her cheeks flushed as .aEir Taxes arn less in Texas ihan in auy JJ2l1"'"" Advertiain~ rlono a.t tho usual rates. rectiolls for preparing and u11ing the Bame, which COmIENT. IleT sunny hair h wondrous, she proceeded, and the result seemed tu ren, ) who has a charge near Van Wert was other State. they will find a sure cu:re for Consumption, Aeth.:­ EXCHANGES FLOUR. ma., Bronchitis, oto. Tho object of the Adverti­ A correspondent of the New York World And wavy in it& flow; be very unsatisfactory, for she went over it arrested and lodged in jail at Centerville, .86)-The fruit trees around Raleigh are Who mnde it les& OF GENERAL INTEREST. ser is to benefit the nfflictod, and spread informa­ E'AYS CASB FOB. WHEAT. gives the following picture of the moral twice. Indiana. The charge against him is of in bloom. tion ho ooncoivea: to bo in::valunblo; and ho One little tress­ Aunt Sarah noticed her pcq,laxity. Wouldn't you like to know? the most revolting description, and if true, CHURCH DIRECTORY. be hopes every sufferor will try his remedy, as it Deltver"s Flonr, Meal and ..'eed ­ condition of the Negroes down in Washing­ "How much will you have left for your IJ1fil" A nig in Chicago wants a white will cQst. them nothing, and may prove n. bles­ proves bi m to be a villain of the deepest house·keeper. ton:" Her eyes· are blu&-celostial hue:­ kitchen furniture?" she inquired. Christian Church, Vine Street, between Ga.y sing, At all points town and guarantc, ,atis­ dye. Parties wishing the proscription, will please i>• · "These negroes steal, and only steal, (ex­ And dazzling in their glow; " 'rhree dollars and five cents!" . le-- There were 5,884 deaths in St. Lou­ ,rnd MoKonsie. Services every Sa.bba.tb at 10½ -On who~ they beam The old lady smiled. Saturday last the man Walls shipped a is last year. o'c1ook A. M. and 'H o'clock P. M. addrcS8 Rc•.EDWARD A. WILSON, faclio,,. cept murdering,) and that continually.­ ,vmio.msburg, Kings, County, New York. George Trnman, the Maryland ncgro, hang­ With melting gleam­ " You will have enough to get a couple corpse from Centerville, under circumstan­ Sohocl at 9 o'clock A. M.-ELn. R. MorFJ