1 Intelligence Ethics: An Uncompleted Project Michael Andregg, University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, MN, USA,
[email protected] for the 2018 ISA Conference in San Francisco, TB-57, April 5, 2018, 10:30 am – 12:15 pm [submitted to INASIS in Brazil but no news back] abstract d-7 The International Studies Association (ISA) helped to develop a very slowly emerging sub-field called intelligence ethics. ISA’s Intelligence Studies Section has been a venue for many efforts to develop literature on ethics for spies. For one example, we hosted three panels with 18 papers on that topic in 2007, contributing to a reader on intelligence ethics that was used by the CIA and DIA for a while. 1 Dr. Jan Goldman of the NIU, FBI and other positions, also presented papers at ISA, and edited the “Scarecrow Professional Intelligence Education Series” that published 13 books, three focused on ethics for intelligence professionals. He started an international ethics association, and a peer-reviewed journal. 2 However, this worthy effort to professionalize intelligence education with an ethical dimension was and remains greatly slowed by something Dr. Goldman labeled “ethics phobia” among the bureaucracies. The association is now dormant and the journal’s last print edition was in 2013. Senior executive Brian Snow also tried at NSA, where a team of colleagues created a model code of ethics for collectors that did not gain traction for similar reasons. Individual and institutional concerns result in a “fear” of ethics among many three-letter US-IC agencies. 3 What agencies fear, practitioners avoid because children need feeding and pensions have meaning.