In the district of San Sebastián, central canton of the province of San José, at seventeen hours on February 6, two thousand and eighteen, the following people meet as founders: Alberto Arnoldo Campos Barrantes, ID one thousand two hundred five-nine hundred and nineteen, music educator, single, neighbor of Paso Ancho, Urbanización Finza, in front of the Vizcaya ice cream parlor, house number seventy-six; Luis Mariano Piedra Vargas, ID one-eight hundred thirteen-seven hundred and fifteen, music educator, single, neighbor of Calle Fallas de , Multicentro, six hundred meters south and fifty meters east; Diego Bonilla Camacho ID one-thousand one hundred and fifty-two hundred and thirty-six, university student, single, neighbor of San José, San Pedro de , Los Yoses, from Spoon fifty meters west, one hundred south and twenty-five east; Ricardo Francisco Gonzales Céspedes IDs one-thousand five hundred twenty-nine- eight hundred ninety-five, administrator, single, neighbor of San José, , , in front of the EBAIS de Piedades; Mauren Giselle Lizano Jiménez ID one - seven hundred thirty-seven - four hundred sixty-seven, sociologist, married once, neighbor of San Antonio de Coronado, Don Pancho mall, eight hundred meters to the east, and eight hundred to the north, Urbanización Carlomagno, house number ten C; Wagner Antonio Campos Barrantes, ID one-thousand three hundred seven- four hundred thirty-two, systems engineer, single, neighbor of Paso Ancho, San José, three hundred meters north of the Paso Ancho roundabout, Casa Real condominium, house twenty-four A; Karla Alejandra Romero Morales, older, married, housewife, ID one - thousand fourteen - three hundred and seventy-six, neighbor of Río Oro de Santa Ana, of the super market Río Oro, nine hundred meters to the south, house on the right hand side; Luis Manuel Romero Vargas, older, separated, ID four - one hundred and thirty eight - nine hundred and eighteen, lighting technician, neighbor of San Rafael de Heredia, residential Jardines Universitarios B, in front of the communal hall, apartment number three; Daniela Artavia Sandí, elder, married, housewife, ID one - one thousand four hundred and forty-seven - one hundred and ninety-one, neighbor of downtown Santa Ana, from the old offices of A and A, twenty-five meters to the north; and Irene Quirós, older, married, housewife, ID one - seven hundred and seventy-six - seven hundred and seventy-three, neighbor of Barrio Bellavista de Piedades de Santa Ana, fifty meters before the end of the concrete street, house by hand right; We who agree to form an association that will be governed by the Associations Law, its regulations and reforms, as well as the following statutes: Article One: The Association (non-profit) will be called MESTIZZO MUSICAL CULTURE ASSOCIATION. Second Article: The domicile of the Association will be in the Finza Paso Ancho Urbanization, in the district of San Sebastián, central canton of San José, opposite Heladería Vizcaya, house number seventy-six. Third Article: The aims of the Association are as follows: A) contribute to the cultural development of , through the organized participation of musical educators, artists, cultural managers and the different communities where the aims are to be carried out. B) Obtain the effective participation of the different communities for the realization of the purposes of the Association, in terms of creating shelters for national and international artists, implement educational training in Cultural Management, educational training in educational sciences with emphasis on Musical Education , educational training and training in Costa Rican folklore and cultural manifestations, and improve the cultural offer through communal artistic spaces. C) Promote the economic, social and cultural development of the community, collaborating for it with the Central Government, and local governments or any national or international organization, whose activities contribute to the development of the community through the active participation of the community's neighbors. , and inform them of the programs and plans formulated in order to get their participation. Article Four: To fulfill its objectives, the Association will carry out, among others, the following activities: A) Collect quotas and contributions among its members, to finance the achievement of its main and essential objectives; B) Manage specific items, donations from public and private entities, both national and international, for the development of their activities; C) Carry out socio- organizational activities to promote projects of interest to associates; D) Encourage the support of State organs and institutions, other community associations or organizations, as well as private companies or non- governmental organizations, both national and foreign, to strengthen the activities of the association; E) Request, collect, generate and channel financial, human, material and technical resources to improve the quality of life, dignity and opportunity for improvement of the associates, as well as of the communities where their purposes are developed. Article Five: For the fulfillment of the purposes of the Association, the following resources will be available: A) monthly and entrance fees established by the Board of Directors for the Associates; B) contributions; C) donations; D) grants; E) Specific items; F) activities to generate resources. The Association may acquire all kinds of goods, received as a donation or from any transmission, such as sale, trust, among others, permitted by law; enter into contracts of all kinds and carry out all kinds of lawful operations aimed at achieving their goals. Sixth Article: The Association will have the following category of associates: 1) Founders: those who appear in the articles of association of the Association 2) Assets: those who join after the constitution of the Association. Active members will have the right to speak and vote. 3) Fees: those that the General Assembly, by reason of special merits, declares as such. They will have a voice in the general meetings but not a vote. Seventh Article: For the affiliation of associates, the following rules will be observed: A) to be over 12 years of age, in accordance with article eighteen of the Childhood and Adolescence Code. B) send a written request to the Board of Directors accompanied by the documents deemed essential C) Cancel the entrance fee established by the Board of Directors D) commit to respect and comply with the provisions established by the Associations Law, the Statute, the Regulations of the Association and those that are issued in the future. Article Eight: Associates will cease to belong to the Association for the following reasons: 1- Voluntary resignation addressed in writing to the Board of Directors 2- Death 3- By expulsion agreed by simple majority of the General Assembly, due to any of the reasons that The following are detailed: a) immoral conduct that threatens the good name of the Association and the purposes pursued b) late payment of 6 consecutive fees c) acting on behalf of the Association without the consent of the Board of Directors d) violation of the provisions of the Association Law, Statute or Regulations of the Association. When it is verified that the associate is on the grounds of dismissal for violating his obligations, the following procedure shall be followed: the Board of Directors will send a letter to the associate indicating the reason why he wants to disenroll him and will grant him thirty working days in order to proceed. to prepare your defense. At the end of the thirty days, the Board of Directors will call an extraordinary General Assembly so that with the parties' reports, a simple majority decides the permanence or disaffiliation of the associate. Article Ninth: The associates will have the following rights: A) To choose, be elected and reelected in the positions of the Board of Directors, the Prosecutor's Office or the Commissions that are named. B) participate in all activities organized by the Association. C) participate with voice and vote in the General Assemblies, and present motions and suggestions. D) denounce before the Association Prosecutor's Office any irregularity that affects the aims of the Association and its image. E) use the defense mechanism in case you find yourself on grounds for dismissal. Article Tenth: The duties of the associates: A) to comply with the Associates Law, the Statutes, the Association's Regulations, as well as the agreements that emanate from its organs. B) punctually pay the fees established by the Board of Directors. C) attend the meetings or General Assemblies to which they were called. D) seek the aggrandizement of the Association and lend all the support within its reach so that the ends are accomplished. E) Associates are prohibited from dealing with issues of politics or religion, during the holding of Assemblies, or in meetings of any kind, or using politics or religion as a vehicle for attracting new associates, without being prevented, under any circumstances, that associates exercise their freedom of religion and political affiliation in the private sphere. For the above purposes, the secularity of this association is declared. Article Twelfth: The General Assembly: is the highest body of the Association, made up of all its members. There will be two types of Assembly. Ordinary and extraordinary. The Assembly will meet in Ordinary form the first fortnight of the month of March of each year to listen to the reports of the President, Treasurer and Fiscal of the Association, and any other matter that has to be dealt with. The Assembly will meet Extraordinarily every time the Board of Directors summons it, the Office of the Prosecutor or a number of not less than ten associates or a simple majority in case the number of affiliates is less than ten. Both Ordinary and Extraordinary Assemblies will be called by the Secretary by means of a personal letter delivered to the associate with their respective received in accordance, and no less than eight days before the date set for the Assembly. Both the Ordinary and Extraordinary Meetings are considered constituted when half plus one of the associates occur, the above on first call. If the minimum indicated does not appear, he will meet on second call an hour later with the associates who are present; however, in no case may it be less than the eligible positions in the organs of the Association. The agreements will be approved by simple majority, except for those cases that by Law or Statute require two-thirds of the associates. Article Thirteen: They are powers of the Ordinary General Assembly. To elect every two years the Board of Directors and Fiscal of the Association. Listen to the reports made by the President, Treasurer, Prosecutor and Commissions of the Association. Approve or disapprove the reports. Article Fourteen: The powers of the Extraordinary General Assembly are: fill the vacancies occurred due to definitive absences in the Board of Directors and Fiscal, reform the Statutes when necessary, approve the Regulations issued by the Board of Directors. Agree to purchase goods and accept donations and bequests. Agree to dissolve the Association. Article Fifteen: Of the Board of Directors: the direction of the Association resides in the Board of Directors made up of five members like this: President, Vice President, Recording Secretary and Correspondence, Treasurer, Member, who will be elected by direct and secret vote every two years and may be reelected. They will take office on April 1 of the corresponding year until March 31, two years after the corresponding year. The election will be made in the first fortnight of March of the corresponding year. Temporary absences from the Board of Directors will be filled by the Board itself, for definitive absences an Extraordinary General Assembly will be called to fill the vacancies for the rest of the period. It will meet once a month in an ordinary and extraordinary way each time the President calls it. Fifty-one percent of its members will form a quorum and their resolutions will be valid if they are agreed by simple majority, in the event of a tie the President's vote is worth two. Their agreements will be firm when they subscribe to the corresponding minutes by the President and Secretary of Minutes and correspondence. Article Sixteen: The powers of the Board of Directors are as follows: A) Take the necessary agreements for the Association to fulfill its purposes B) present an annual work report to the General Assembly C) call General Assemblies, which will be done through the Secretary D) appoint the commissions that it deems necessary E) know the entry of new associates. To comply with this requirement, the Board of Directors, once the request has been received, within thirty business days, must notify the interested party in writing of the resolution, if it rejects it it will do so by reasoned agreement. Article Seventeenth: Powers of the members of the Board of Directors: the President will be the judicial and extrajudicial representative of the Association with the power of attorney generalissimo without limit of sum. He will preside over the meetings of the General Assemblies and the Board of Directors; will sign the minutes together with the Secretary of Minutes and Correspondence, will sign together with the Treasurer the withdrawals of money from the bank account that the association has. You must render an annual report to the General Assembly. The Vice President will replace the President in his temporary absences with the same powers and obligations. Corresponds to the Secretary of Minutes and Correspondence, draw up the minutes of General Assemblies and Board of Directors, He will sign the Minutes together with the President once they have been approved by the respective body, he must keep in order and up to date the register book of associates, that of General Assemblies and Board of Directors. He will read the correspondence and process it as soon as possible. It will keep an orderly and complete file of the affairs of the Association. The Treasurer is obliged to collect the fees that are set for the associates; will take care of the funds of the Association that will deposit in the respective bank account. It will render an annual report to the General Assembly. Withdrawals will be made by signing jointly with the President, or with the Vice President in the absence of the President. It will keep an orderly and complete file of the financial support of the Association. You must submit a fidelity policy to the National Insurance Institute for the amount established by the Board of Directors. For the bookkeeping the Board of Directors will hire the services of a collegiate accountant. The member is responsible for assisting in the tasks entrusted to him by the Board of Directors and temporarily replacing the absence of some of the members in the Board of Directors, except for the President who may only be replaced by the Vice President. Article Eighteen: Of the Office of the Prosecutor; There will be an adult prosecutor and appointed by the General Assembly. He will have the following powers: he will last two years in his functions and may be reelected. The election will be held in the first fortnight of the month of March of the corresponding year and will take office on April 1 of the corresponding year. It will ensure compliance with the Associations Law, the Statute and the Regulations of the Association. You will hear complaints from associates and make appropriate investigations. It will summon the General Assembly when it considers it urgent and necessary. You must render an annual report to the General Assembly. Article Nineteen: The total or partial reforms of this Statute, must be approved in an Extraordinary General Assembly by two thirds of the associates, their registrations will be made in accordance with article 19 of the Associations Law. Article Twenty: The Association may be dissolved when the causes indicated in articles 13-27-37 of the Associations Law occur. Upon termination of the Association, its assets will be distributed equally among the founding and active members of the Association. And the Civil Judge of the domicile of the Association will be asked to name one to three liquidators, who accrue the amount set by article 14 of the Associations Law. In everything not exposed and provided for here, the current Associations Law will govern- in this same act, once the previous Statutes are approved, we proceed to elect the first Board of Directors and Fiscal that will be done definitively and that goes from day six of February of the year two thousand and eighteen, to the thirty-first of March of two thousand and twenty, the appointment falling on the following persons: in the Presidency, associate Alberto Arnoldo Campos Barrantes, in the Vice-presidency, associate Irene Mora Quirós; in the Secretary of Records and Correspondence, associate Diego Bonilla Camacho; in the Treasury, associate Ricardo Francisco Gonzales Céspedes; Associate Mauren Giselle Lizano Jiménez as Vocal. Also, the associate Wagner Antonio Campos Barrantes is chosen as Prosecutor. All accept the charges and will take possession of them as of February 6, two thousand and eighteen. In this same act we request the issuance of the Association's Legal Certificate to the Registry of Persons of the Public Registry. For the purposes of registration of this Association, the associates authorize the lawyer Theidyl Lucienne Arias Chaves, older, single, lawyer, ID one - nine hundred and eleven - seven hundred and five, professional card eleven thousand eight hundred and sixteen, neighbor of San José, to take to carry out the necessary administrative procedures for proper registration. We attach the names, ID number and signatures of the associates attending the constitution of the association, duly authenticated by attorney Arias Chaves. Without further matters to discuss, the Session was adjourned as it was nineteen hours on February 6, two thousand and eighteen.

Name Cedula Signature