Storycorpsu Gold Stories 2012-2013 Through 2014-2015
StoryCorpsU Gold Stories 2012-2013 through 2014-2015 We believe that our students possess the strengths and capacities that will help them succeed and create fulfilling lives for themselves. Within StoryCorpsU, students’ strengths are reflected in the stories they tell. StoryCorpsU Gold Stories (By Theme) Compilation of 2012-2015 Readers’ Note: The stories in this document are a testament to the outstanding courage, insight, perspective and self-reflection demonstrated by the students in our program. The stories selected for inclusion in this document are ones we, in the Education department, believe are the most important stories recorded by SCU students during the past three school years (2012-2013 through 2014-2015). We call these the Gold Stories; they are the most important stories, instead of the best stories, because they reflect the perspectives and insights of the students, themselves (as opposed to what we, the adults, think the students should be concerned about), and the stories are told in ways that can only be done by the students. Each of these student stories reflects at least one of the StoryCorpsU program goals; these goals are development of speaking and listening skills, self-awareness and social intelligence, and strengthening of relationships between students and teachers, and students and students. These Gold stories are also organized around themes that reflect the commonalities and uniqueness’s of life experiences, concerns and perspectives of SCU students. The themes are: Academic Engagement & Achievement; Bullying & Belonging; Culture; Family & Peer Relationships; Gangs & Gun Violence; Gender & Sexuality Issues; Health, Wellness & Ability; Identity; Immigration; Life Lessons & Milestones; Passions & Aspirations; Resilience, Loss & Change; and Role Models.
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