20190628-5298 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 6/28/2019 4:41:30 PM 2416 Cades Way Vista, California 92081 (760) 599–1813
[email protected] June 28, 2019 The Honorable Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street NE Washington, DC 20426 RE: Lake Elsinore Advanced Pumped Storage Project FERC Project No. 14227 Submittal of Study 28 Fire Study Dear Secretary Bose, The Nevada Hydro Company, (the “Company”) filed an application for an original license with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“Commission”) for the Lake Elsinore Advanced Pumped Storage facility, FERC Project No. 14227 (the “Project”) on October 2, 2017. In response to the Commission’s June 15, 2018 request for additional studies, January 22, 2019 request for additional information, and May 13, 2019 letter approving the Fire Study Plan, with modifications, the Company herein submits its Fire Study Report (Study 28). The Commission’s May 13, 2019 letter requested the Company to file the results of the modified Fire Study by June 30, 2019. The Company has actively solicited information required to complete the Fire Study Report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (“USFS”) and the enclosed study report represents the Company’s best efforts to complete the study in the absence of the USFS information. The Company notes that there are a small number of yellow highlights throughout the document – particularly Section 6 and Section 7 – where additional operation-specific information is needed from the USFS. While more detailed information specific to USFS operations and capabilities will be helpful to understand the impact of the proposed project on USFS fire suppression capabilities, the information provided in the Study Report submitted herewith addresses the objectives of the Commission’s June 30, 2019 study request letter by including a robust analysis of fire risk and fuel loading, potential project effects on fire suppression activities, and the availability of the upper reservoir water for firefighting.