Valentyna's Joy: a Story of Conversion and Loving Mission
12 COMMENTARY The Catholic Times • April 19, 2012 Valentyna’s joy: A story of conversion and loving mission hatever is true, what- headquartered in Springfield, “Wever is honorable, Ill. The sisters donated a 40- whatever is just, whatever is Lead, foot container of costly medical pure, whatever is lovely, what- equipment, and Chalice of Mer- ever is gracious, if there is any Kindly cy had only to pay the shipping. excellence and if there is any- This was the first of several thing worthy of praise, think Light missions – to hospitals, to a ne- about these things” (Philippi- glected orphanage for disabled ans 4:8). Christopher Ruff children, and to a hospice for the dying with a contingent of It was Tuesday afternoon, Jan. of a Catholic church for the first volunteers from the Diocese of 3, 2012. About eight of us from time in her life – Notre Dame La Crosse. Valentyna saw in around the diocese were gath- Church in Chippewa Falls – she every person, from conception ered for a Respect Life Com- remembered thinking as she to natural death, the dignity of mittee meeting, and none of us knelt down and witnessed her a child of God for whom Christ expected what that afternoon first Mass, “this is the truth.” had died on the cross. Yet her would bring. Just as we were She began attending daily Mass homeland had experienced about to begin, Katie Stelter, and in the thrill of that experi- forced abortion under Commu- a delightful young committee ence could not understand why nist rule, and abortion is still member representing the Dioc- the church was not packed.
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