THE I Prepare Your Business for Hurricane Season I Meet the Mobile Area BUSI NESS Chamber’s Board of Advisors I Manage Small Costs VIEWMOBILE AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE to Drive Profits JULY 2008 | VOLUME XXXVIV, N O. 6 FFiinnddiinngg BBaallaannccee...... SShhoorrttccuuttss ttoo SSuucccceessss THE BUSINESS VIEW is published monthly, except for the combined issue of December/January, by the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce 451 Government Street, Mobile, AL 36602 (251) 433-6951 CONTENTS ©2008 Publisher . Winthrop M. Hallett III ON THE COVER Executive Editor . Leigh Perry Herndon Managing Editor . Susan Rak Blanchard THE Copy Editor . Alison W. Gonzales Additional Writers and Editors BUSI NESS Ashley Collins, Klaus Jeschke, Michelle R. Matthews Printing Services ......... Interstate Printing/Direct Mail VIEWMOBILE AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Graphic Design .................................... Wise Design Inc. Advertising Account Executive ............. René Eiland 431-8635
[email protected] 10 Develop a disaster business plan and increase the odds of surviving the aftermath of a hurricane ADVERTISERS 13 -28 The Mobile Area Chamber introduces Alabama Orthopaedic Clinic . 22 its 2008 board of advisors Alabama Power . 29 Alpha Move . 26 31 Guest columnist Klaus Jeschke 4-5 On the Cover: Meet five Mobile-area BancorpSouth . 33 shares how reducing minor business women who have found ways to balance their costs can drive significant bottom-line professional and personal lives. Businesses like Dream Century Bank . 7 profit increases Dinners provides a much-needed shortcut to success. Coast Safe and Lock . 38 Community Bank . 11 Photo by: Leigh Perry Herndon Cooper Restaurants . 9 Dauphin Realty . 26 Expense Reduction Analysts . 26 FEATURES MONTHLY FOCUS Inkworks .