Technologies Driven Strategies and ​ ​ Corona Virus: Lessons for Future

Compiled By:

Dharati Dholariya Assistant Professor

School of information Technology and Cyber Security

Raksha Shakti University


List of Articles:

1) Technology As a Helping Hands during Corona Pandemic ​

Author: Ms.Dhara Shah,M.Tech-II,SITCS

2) China’s Technological Fight against Corona ​

Author : Ms. Shivangi Mehta,M.Tech-II,SITCS

3) Various Technologies used by Emerging Startup for analysis,Diagnosis ​ and research related to Corona. ​

Author : Mr.Himanshu Prajapati,B.Tech-VI,SITCS

4) CORONA: Comparison between Steps Taken by Different Countries ​ and Its Effect

Author : Ms. Mayuri panchal,M.Tech-II,SITCS

5) Role of Doctors in the lock down situation ​

Author : Mr. Rushi Mamotra,M.Tech-II,SITCS

6) Lessons on COVID-19 pandemic ​ ​

Author : Mr. Hardik Varma,B.Tech-VI,SITCS ​ ​ ​ ​


Technology – As a Helping Hands during Corona Pandemic

Author: Ms.Dhara Shah,M.Tech-II,SITCS

Today, sitting under the roof at my home due to lockdown while holding video-conferencing sessions and virtual house parties with long-lost friends, a sudden thought that struck my mind was: what if this happened in 2000 before the smartphone era started? Many of the digital tools that we are using to keep ourselves connected to others did not exist back then or were available to only a few.

But the connectivity that we have today gives us ammunition to fight this pandemic in the ways that we never thought can be done before. Smartphone apps, data analytics, and artificial intelligence all are here to find and treat people with an infectious disease far more efficiently.


Ever since the coronavirus outbreak in , the government authorities have taken several steps across India to curb the spread and make residents aware of the COVID-19 virus.

With several initiatives at the place, it can be confusing for someone as to where to look for the right information and what services can be used easily. So, here is a compilation of some of the COVID-19 tech-based services launched by the government of India and other authorities or companies in the past few weeks.



World Health Organization’s Situation Dashboard provides the latest updates on the novel coronavirus outbreak. These include updated numbers of infected people, deaths, affected countries and other related data regarding the COVID-19 outbreak. There are many map tracking tools and apart from viewing, locating and reaching the nearest testing lab, MapmyIndia’s COVID-19 live Dashboard provides information about isolation and treatment facilities by government and private players. Apart from obtaining critical information, users can also add photos and post a review of a testing center based on the amenities available and hygiene. The app also provides COVID-19 live Dashboard which gives latest updates on the spread and mitigation of Coronavirus in India — confirmed cases and number of patients recovered, government-authorized testing/treatment facilities across India and much more.



The world’s largest instant messenger tied up with the World Health Organisation (WHO) to make a chatbot service that answers user's questions on COVID-19. The Indian government has also set up a chatbot that is created by Reliance Jio-backed Haptik Technologies called MyGov Corona Helpdesk, which works through WhatsApp to provide verified information to users in India.


It includes symptom checks, preventive measures, myth busters, health and travel advisories, official government helplines, links to public health resources, and more.



Drones have the ability to play a key role in combating the coronavirus. Drone startups in India are working alongside authorities providing services such as disinfecting contaminated areas, managing crowds and delivering medical supplies.

Corona Cavach:


This location-based app by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) is in beta and is listed on the Play Store. The app uses your phone's GPS location to track the user and check if they’ve come in contact with a COVID-19 positive person.

Aarogya Setu:


Aarogya Setu is a mobile application developed by the Government of India to connect essential health services with the people of India in our combined fight against COVID-19. It is aimed at augmenting the initiatives of the Government of India, particularly the Department of Health, in proactively reaching out and informing the users of the app regarding risks, best practices and relevant advisories on COVID-19.

Flipkart, and others are operating in India Talking about services, E-commerce firms such as Amazon, , Flipkart, and others are operating in their Fastrack mode. Although you may not get the non-essential items, the basic food items are available with most of them. One can order food from Zomato, or use services like Dunzo during these times


Social Media as a good partner!

Nowadays, Social media is one of the best ways to share news, especially if you are trying to alert people of something serious in a quick manner. Whether it is COVID-19 news from various states or news on a national scope.

The news of how the number of people got affected by the virus made people aware of the situation that has been constantly deteriorating the sense of normalcy across the nation.


China’s Technological Fight against Corona

Author : Ms. Shivangi Mehta,M.Tech-II,SITCS

Like any new search, today when I searched for COVID-19 on google, the screen splashed out with a red alert of Coronavirus Disease. The disease that originated from China caused a respiratory illness with symptoms such as a cough, fever, and in more severe cases, difficulty in breathing to lots of people worldwide. You can protect yourself only by washing your hands frequently, avoiding touching your face and close contact with unwell people. Here the jargon Quarantine became the centre of public attention.


As China institutes the largest quarantine in human history, locking down more than 50 million people in the country, those who have recently been to Wuhan are being tracked, monitored, turned away from hotels and placed into isolation at their homes The lists of hundreds of people from Wuhan are circulated containing sensitive personal information including addresses, phone numbers, national ID numbers, dates of birth and occupations. ​


People in China were using mobile phone apps to follow and perhaps help to slow the spread of the coronavirus. The Chinese government along with the country’s two technology giants Alibaba Group and WeChat rushed to fight against the pandemic. They created color-based systems that record the health of individuals and identify carriers of the coronavirus. Individuals are asked to report recent travel outside the city, as


well as symptoms of flu, such as high body temperature or strong cough.

After completing the questionnaire, users receive a mobile phone message that includes a color-based QR code related to the health condition they described. Users with a red code are told to quarantine themselves for 14 days and continue reporting their condition by using Alibaba's DingTalk messaging app. Users with a yellow code are told to stay in quarantine for seven days, while those with a green code can travel freely.Alibaba


also built an AI-powered diagnosis system and claimed 96% accuracy at diagnosing the virus in seconds.

Mobile networks in China have also released tracking features. China Unicom and China Telecom - both state-owned telecom operators — are asking people to put in the last few digits of their ID or passport number, which will then be used to track a person’s whereabouts. They will get messages outlining where they have been. Again, the feature could be used if a building has a strict restriction on people entering who haven’t been in quarantine for 14 days.MicroMultiCopter, also in Shenzhen, is


deploying drones to transport medical samples and conduct thermal imaging.

UVD robots from Blue Ocean Robotics use ultraviolet light to autonomously kill bacteria and viruses. With a noticeable use of technology and AI, China’s surveillance system used facial recognition technology and temperature detection software from SenseTime to identify people who might have a fever and be more likely to have the virus.


So,All these technologies have helped china to fight against COVID-19 and wuhan being the starting centre of corona is now being Corona free as they are using technological alternatives in their daily routine.


Various Technologies used by Emerging Startups for analysis,Diagnosis and research related to Corona.

Author :Mr.Himanshu Prajapati,B.Tech-VI,SITCS

AI/Bioinformatics/ML/DL/Data Science technologies used by Various Institute and Industries

1. AI Cures

It is a group of machine learning and life science researchers who are collaborating on developing machine learning methods for finding promising antiviral molecules for COVID-19 and other emerging pathogens.

2. Kiwi Data Science ​ It leverages AI and advanced statistical techniques to vast amounts of data and develop solutions that allow their clients to


extract meaningful information and knowledge. For covid-19 visit

3. Korkin lab

It provides a comprehensive structural genomics and interactomics road-maps of 2019-nCoV and uses these information to infer the possible functional differences and similarities with the related SARS coronavirus. All data are made publicly available to the research community at

4. Analysis by Technology review ​ All of their reporting on the COVID-19 outbreak, provided for readers.

5. Kgp Hacks Corona (IIT Kharagpur) ​ IIT Kharagpur’s Undergraduate Students Council has launched KGP Hacks Corona, an initiative for the IIT KGP community to build software and data solutions aimed at tackling challenges


6. NVIDIA ​ NVIDIA will provide a free 90-day license to Parabricks to any researcher in the worldwide effort to fight the novel coronavirus. Based on the well-known Genome Analysis Toolkit, Parabricks uses GPUs to accelerate by as much as 50x the analysis of sequence data. parabricks/

7. Analysis by University of Cambridge

Machine learning techniques can help determine the most efficient course of treatment for each individual patient on the basis of observational data about previous patients, including their characteristics and treatments administered. machine learning can help to answer questions like “what-if” about each patient, such as “What if we postpone a couple hours before putting them on a ventilator?” or “Would the outcome for this patient be better if we switched them from supportive care to an experimental treatment earlier?” The University of Cambridge is coordinating a range of activities to address COVID-19. Providing wide range of worthwhile projects. ​


8.Article by Matissa Hollister – AI can help with right human input. cial-intelligence-creativity/

9. Semantics Scholar ​ A free, open resource for the Global Research Community in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

AI powered Industry standing against COVID-19



-Benevolent AI

-EndoAngel Medical Technology Company

-SRI Bioscience and Iktos


-Insilico Medicine





-Terra Drone

-Blue Ocean Robotics


CORONA: Comparison between Steps Taken by Different Countries and Its Effect

Author : Ms. Mayuri Panchal,M.Tech-II,SITCS The world is preparing to halt the coronavirus that has infected over 1,039,158 and more individuals and died more than 55,163 and many others.Many countries have effectively closed their borders to all but their citizens required strict restrictions on internal travel and directed people to stay in their homes. An effective way to stop COVID-19 is social distancing if people get to interact with a virus that has spread so far. Here I write about the top 4 countries that are affected by COVID-19.


The U.S. has some 245,442confirmed cases, and at least 6,098 people have died. Cases have been found in 50+ states.

The government has not declared remarkable across the nation measures to contain the spread of the virus, past limiting travelers from specific countries from entering the


U.S. Limitations or control measures have mostly originated from state and nearby experts.

On 2nd April,2020, New York Gov. announced a “containment area” with a one-mile radius in New Rochelle, in suburban Westchester County. The National Guard has been deployed to the containment area to deliver food to homes and help with the cleaning of public spaces. All schools, churches, community centers within that radius will be closed and large gatherings halted, measures that are set to last for two weeks. Number of universities across the U.S. have canceled in-person classes. President Trump said that he will ask Congress to pass a payroll tax cut and relief for hourly wage earners, to assist workers who may be squeezed financially by the corona virus outbreak.We are going to take care of and have been taking care of the American public and the American economy Trump said.

Effects: The US takes too long to declare the lockdown and a lot many people get affected. American economy is experiencing an outbreak. A major coronavirus pandemic in the U.S. is like a big snowstorm that shuts down most economic activity and social communication only until the snow is cleared away.



Italy has more than 115,242 cases and 13,915 deaths related to the virus, mostly in the North. The number of cases there has jumped significantly in recent days. The Italian government announced excellent measures to contain the virus that first spread there in late February. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced all of Italy a red zone — meaning people should stay home except for work and other emergencies.

Public gatherings have been banned and freedom of movement sharply curtailed. All domestic sporting events in the country have been suspended until conditions get stable.

Italy has the highest death rank. The country has the second-oldest population on earth, and its young tend to combine more usually with the retired, like their grandparents.

Effects: Impact on sectors like manufacturing, construction, retail and hospitality is huge. Risks of an economy slipping into a recession increase manifold, leading to a spike in job losses. Daily wage workers and migrant laborers are


particularly hard hit as major employers like manufacturing and construction companies cut operations significantly.


China has had more than 81,620 cases and more than 3,322 deaths since the coronavirus emerged in the city of Wuhan in December. People in Wuhan and elsewhere in Hubei province have been largely confined to their homes for almost 50 days — a policy that is controlling the movements of tens of millions of people.

The provincial government in Hubei began enforcing round-the-clock closed management of all residential complexes, banning the private use of cars, forbidding residents from leaving their apartments without permission and requiring buyers of cold medicine to expose their temperature, location and credentials product at the pharmacy. Many community officials began buying and delivering groceries and medication for residents in their jurisdiction. Many residents in Wuhan have become reliant on delivery workers on scooters and motorcycles to deliver food or other necessities. Hospitals also rely on those couriers to deliver medical supplies, in which case the drivers wear hazmat suits.


Chinese governments also built two hospitals in Wuhan in just over 1 week. Healthcare mechanics of all-over China were sent to the outbreak’s center. The government started an unusual effort to track connections of confirmed cases. In Wuhan, more than 1800 teams of five or more people tracked tens of thousands of connections.

Chinese hospitals rushing with COVID-19 sufferers a few weeks ago now have vacant beds. They advised that staying home has done self-isolation or self-quarantine.

Effects:Growth in services production contracted 13 percent in the first two months, according to official data. Coupled with the industrial production figure, the data suggest that China’s gross domestic product contracted 13 percent during the first two months of the year, according to Capital Economics.


Over 1,500 people under observation for coming in connection with 73 positive cases of coronavirus, as reported by the Union Health Ministry. 10.5 lakh people screened so far at 30 designated airports in India, says the


ministry. 4000 people got affected and 100 people died due to this virus.

Union Ministry of Road Transport and Highways advised states and Union Territories to take all steps for sanitization of public transport vehicles and terminals. This is to ensure sanitation of seats, handles and bars at all bus terminals are disinfected. The ministry also suggested that public transport should display public health messages in vehicles, bus terminals, and bus stops and asked states and UTs to take expeditious action and mobilize all necessary support in this regard.

All educational institutions, stadiums and sports clubs in Srinagar are closed from till further orders amid the coronavirus scare as a precautionary step, the city administration has said.

The Corporation also ordered the cancellation of all sports events within its limits and phased separation of flea markets, including weekly markets, with an instant result. It has also issued an advisory asking people to desist shopping, especially eatables and garments, from roadside vendors.


On 24 March, the Government of India under Prime Minister Narendra Modi commanded a nationwide lockdown for 21 days, limiting action of the entire 1.3 billion population of India as a defensive measure against the 2020 coronavirus pandemic in India.

The order issued by the Home Ministry on 24 March allowed the functioning of shops dealing with food items as well as the manufacturing units and transportation of essential goods However, the lack of clarity on "essential goods meant that the policemen on the streets stopped workers going to factories and the trucks carrying food items. Food industries also faced shortages of labor because the workers were unable to reach workplaces and the factory managers faced the fear of legal action. The Ban on people, from stepping out of their homes. All services and shops closed except hospitals, banks, grocery shops, and other essential services, Closure of commercial and private establishments (only work-from-home allowed).


Effects: PM Narendra Modi takes efficient steps to stop the corona virus and it works after 12 days of lockdown coronavirus cases decrease. Every industry suffers due to lockdown but people's life is more important than the economy as per India’s honorable PM.

* The numbers given are approximate and depending on the date(5th march,2020) the article is written by Author.


Role of Doctors in the lock down situation ​

Author : Mr. Rushi Mamotra,M.Tech-II,SITCS

Today when the country is suffering from such a global epidemic, Doctors and nurses are ready to save people. They treat patients like they are family members.

Medical staff in the ward at hospital


Doctors and medical workers in India are being excluded from communities, evicted from their homes and have to sleep in hospital bathrooms and on floors over fears they may be carrying corona virus.

Today transportation has been stopped even though if we talk about the primary health center in the village, the medical staff of the center are living far away they used to come to their allotted center at their own risk. My father is in the medical field. He used to go 30 Km far away from the home. He goes everyday with full of happiness. I have no words for appreciation.

As the corona virus pandemic has begun to fully take hold, with almost 1,000 reported cases, and the entire country of 1.3 billion people has been placed under the world’s largest lock down, fear has gripped India, particularly because of


concerns that population density and poor sanitation. However, medical staff are ready to help and save people..

Iranian doctor, Dr Shirin Rouhani lost her life while treating coronavirus patients. Due to the lack of doctors and medical staff to assist such a large number of patients, she kept treating patients until her last breath. She herself was on IV while treating patients.

Dr. Shirin Rouhani was a physician and general practitioner of Shohada Hospital in Iran, and she lost her life to corona virus. Although she was moved to different hospitals, she died serving her country’s people in the fight against the deadly corona virus.Women who work as private ayahs — domestic servants — in hospitals described how they too had been driven out of their homes in the past few days. Kajori Haldar, 48, an ayah at a Calcutta Medical College ​ and Hospital, said neighbors had visited her husband and


told him they would not let her return to the community for the next three months because of fears she was carrying a coronavirus.Saraswati Naskar, 40, another ayah who lives ​ in a slum in Kolkata and works in a government hospital, said she had to pretend to her neighbours she now worked in a restaurant. “I know many ayahs and other low-profile ​ hospital workers who have stopped going to their homes and now sleep somewhere inside the hospital campus,” said Naskar.

Doctors and medical staff from all over the world are leading this battle against Coronavirus from the front. They truly are the real heroes selflessly doing their duty, putting their own lives at risk and saving the world. The best we can do is appreciate their efforts and support them by co-operating and staying at home. They are putting their families, their food, their sleep, everything on low priorities to save people they don’t even know.


Lessons on COVID-19 pandemic

Author : Mr. Hardik Varma,B.Tech-VI,SITCS ​ ​ ​ ​

In the face of COVID-19, social media is a great way for individuals and communities to stay connected even while physically separated. During the 1918 flu pandemic, which the CDC estimates infected a third of the world’s population, people didn’t have the same sources of communication we now have in the 21st century to quickly share news and information. For context, a public health report on Minneapolis’s response to the 1918 flu shows that critical information regarding the virus was primarily shared via postal workers, Boy Scouts, and teachers. Can you imagine having learned about COVID-19 from a Boy Scout knocking on your door, encouraging you to wash your hands?


What has stayed constant is the indispensable role that the media play in society. Media don’t just help us pass the time; they keep us informed. Increasingly, media create shared cultural moments and reflect who we are as people. The industry needs financial models that work to be able to keep fulfilling these functions, which appear ever-more important during times of COVID-19.

One of the most direct ways to gauge value is engagement, and on this front media is doing well. Between 80% and 90% of us read, watch or listen to news and entertainment for an average of almost 24 hours during a typical week. It’s no surprise that engagement with media is high, considering the variety of quality providers there are today.


There is evidence that media engagement intensifies during shelter-in-place events. In 2017, Nielsen measured a 56% increase in television usage in the US during Hurricane Harvey. The trend is replicated in today’s context too. Italy and South Korea, two countries further along in their experience of the pandemic, have seen increases of 12-17% in TV consumption.

Another barometer for value is the number of paying consumers. Some argue this is the most important, because it is a critical component of financial sustainability in the industry. Here, there is room for improvement. On average, under half of consumers pay for media – 44% for entertainment and only 16% for news.But these benchmarks are static: they don’t demonstrate whether


media’s value proposition to consumers is getting stronger. A more indicative measure may be future willingness to pay. This provides a dynamic reflection of value, because it implies that the right mix of product and price exists, it just needs to be matched to customer and context. The fact that the proportion of consumers willing to pay in future – 53% for news and 70% for entertainment – is higher than those who currently pay suggests that media companies are in a good position to prove value to greater numbers of people.This is emphasized by the trend that paid subscriptions are higher among young people than older age groups. On average, over 60% of consumers aged 16-34 pay for entertainment, compared to 22% of those aged 55+. The younger group is also more likely to pay for news. This generation grew up with the internet’s culture of free, so their greater desire to consume and pay is another indication of improving value.


Here are four primary roles that social platforms are playing during the COVID-19 outbreak:

1. A source of information (and misinformation)

Never have we had more realtime information available at our fingertips in the face of a worldwide event. Such information can help keep us safe, providing us with a better understanding of what is occurring and how it might impact us and those we love. Yet, social media can also spread falsehoods, including miracle preventative measures, false claims about the implementation of martial law, conspiracy theories, and more. Finding trusted sources of information regarding COVID-19 is extremely important.Social media companies are working to combat


misinformation on coronavirus At a time where many of us are grappling for as much information as we can get our hands on, the public is especially susceptible to false and sometimes hazardous claims, which are then passed on to others. According to a new PEW Research Center report, about half of Americans say they’ve seen made-up news about the coronavirus.


Distinguishing between trustworthy and untrustworthy sources on social media The best rule of thumb for making sure information is accurate is to check original sources and make sure that (a) those sources are indeed trustworthy, and (b) the information was relayed accurately. Just because someone claims to have learned something from a reliable source doesn’t mean they’re relaying that information accurately.

If you’re the one presenting information, whether on behalf of a business or your personal account, it’s your responsibility to cite and fact-check your own sources. Be wary of using verbiage that is alarmist or absolute. There are still so many unknowns about the virus, and nobody is sure what the coming weeks and months hold. It’s always best to be cognizant of this and avoid unnecessary bold statements.


2. An influence on public response to the outbreak

Billions of people are free to publicly share their opinions on COVID-19 across various social platforms. In the past few weeks, we’ve seen individuals, organizations, and businesses use social media to spread awareness of COVID-19, as well as the public actions that can be taken.

Here are a few of the most distinct ways social media has influenced the public since the virus reached epidemic and pandemic levels:

Social distancing and home quarantine are trending

Until a few weeks ago, many of us hadn’t even heard of “social distancing,” which refers to staying at least 6 feet away from others to help prevent the spread of infection.


Now, social media users, from friends and family to celebrities and governments, are regularly calling for social distancing.

3. A marketing platform

The COVID-19 outbreak presents a defining moment for many brands in how they choose to market their product.

Unfortunately, we’re going to see people who are selling snake oil-type products (think essential oils claiming to provide immunity). Some businesses will prey on mass hysteria, especially businesses putting extra dollars behind social media ads, selling products like hand sanitizer and facemasks (despite frequent claims from health organizations that facemasks are not effective if you don’t have the disease).


Socially responsible product marketing

Despite the uptick in alarmist-focused media spend, there are many businesses providing powerful and empathetic responses to COVID-19. The main responsibility of brands right now is to provide for the safety and wellbeing of their employees and customers. That said, there are certain business models that lend themselves particularly well to providing relief for many people during this time.

Streaming services, for instance, are providing entertainment for those bored at home. Markets and restaurants with delivery services are able to safely provide groceries and meals to those unable to venture out. Online courses are being offered for free and at reduced prices. All in all, we’re seeing many businesses do the best they


can to ease the fear and discomfort being experienced by so many.

4. A powerful way to bring positivity to a scary time ​

No platform is perfect. But where there has been misinformation and fear on social media, there’s also been an abundance of vital, lifesaving information, connection with others, and global unity. The ability to share


experiences with family and friends helps to combat both literal and emotional isolation while also reminding us that we’re all in this together.

Here are a few of the ways that social media has made positive impacts during COVID-19:

Fundraisers organized and distributed on social help raise money for those in need COVID-19 has put many people, especially the elderly, those with disabilities, working parents who are losing childcare, and those who are losing their jobs, in challenging situations.

Communities are rallying together to support organizations and individuals by sharing fundraisers with large audiences on social media.


People are also taking to social media to offer support in any way they can, such as picking up groceries for individuals who are unable to leave home or sharing information on how to support local businesses who are struggling to pay their employees.

People are posting pictures and videos to share their experiences Posts from people quarantined at home have ranged from videos of living room yoga to pictures of snuggly pets who are thrilled their owners are with them 24/7. There have also been posts acknowledging how difficult and frightening this time is.

These are just a couple of the millions of examples where people have shown their support and empathy on social media. And while tone and delivery vary, the message from one user to another remains constant: you are not alone in


this, there are silver linings to be enjoyed, and it’s okay to experience this in any number of ways.

There is still a lot to learn

This is the first time any living generation has experienced a pandemic of this scale, and we’re just beginning to understand social media’s ultimate role. In years to come, It will serve as an incredibly precise case study in the ways the public and businesses alike respond to such an unprecedented global event, and how those responses on a public platform influence not just the actions of individuals, but of corporations and governments.

Contact Tracing of quarantine people

This is the world of “test and trace.”


The Technology That Could Free India From Quarantine In the past month, the coronavirus pandemic has necessitated a deep freeze of India activity. Storefronts are closed, millions of Indians have lost their jobs, and millions more are putting their health at risk in hospitals and grocery stores. This modern nightmare may not truly end until a reliable antiviral treatment or COVID-19 vaccine is widely available.

In its most basic form, tracing—otherwise known as tracking, or contact tracing—means identifying all the recent interactions of sick individuals to determine whom they might have infected. Testing plus tracing can besiege the virus, starve it of new bodies, and return the world to its pre viral routine, or something like it.


Until recently, tracing relied on an old-fashioned technology: interviews. To stop the spread of Ebola, authorities from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention asked sick people to list recent interactions with family, friends, and businesses. That interview would produce a list of contacts, who would be monitored for illness for several weeks. The state of

Massachusetts recently announced plans to hire 1,000 people to do these sorts of contract-tracing interviews.But that old-school approach might not be enough. People have faulty memories about who or what they’ve touched, or where they’ve been. More important, person-to-person interviews might be too slow to arrest a national pandemic accelerating through a population.

The solution? Your phone.


Our cellphones and smartphones have several means of logging our activity. GPS tracks our location, and Bluetooth exchanges signals with nearby devices. In its most basic form, cellphone tracing might go like this: If someone tests positive for COVID-19, health officials could obtain a record of that person’s cell phone activity and compare it with the data emitted by other phone owners. If officials saw any GPS overlaps (e.g., data showing that I went to a McDonald’s hot spot) or Bluetooth hits (e.g., data showing that I came within several feet of a new patient), they could contact me and urge me to self-isolate, or seek a test.

Ramesh Raskar, a computer scientist at the MIT Media Lab, is working on an app that uses GPS to create maps showing the movements of people recently


diagnosed with COVID-19. “In an early version, you might see a map with hot spots—2 p.m. at Starbucks, 3 p.m. at the library—that would tell you where people with the disease had recently been,” Raskar told me. “All the government has to do is demand that every test facility release the trails of infected people in an anonymous manner, so that healthy people know where to avoid.” let’s start with China, where citizens in hundreds of cities have been required to download cellphone software that broadcasts their location to several authorities, including the local police. The app combines geotracking with other data, such as travel bookings, to designate citizens with color codes ranging from green (low risk) to red (high risk). High-risk individuals can be banned from apartment complexes, offices, and even groceries stores. Many human-rights advocates fear that what has been rolled out


as a public-health app is moonlighting as a tool of government espionage and mass discrimination.

Next, let’s look at South Korea, a democracy that has arguably been more successful than any other in containing the spread of the virus. The government uses several sources, such as cell phone-location data, CCTV, and credit-card records, to broadly monitor citizens’ activity. When somebody tests positive, local governments can send out an alert, a bit like a flood warning, that reportedly includes the individual’s last name, sex, age, district of residence, and credit-card history, with a minute-to-minute record of their comings and goings from various local businesses. In some districts, public information includes which rooms of a building the person was in,when they visited a toilet, and whether or not they wore a mask.


New cases in South Korea have declined about 90 percent in the past 40 days, an extraordinary achievement. But the amount of information in South Korea’s tracing alerts has turned some of its citizens into imperious armchair detectives, who scour the internet in an attempt to identify people who test positive and condemn them online. Choi Young-ae, the chair of South Korea’s Human Rights Commission, has said that this harassment has made some Koreans less willing to be tested.

Singapore offers perhaps the most likely model for the West. Residents can download an app called TraceTogether, which uses Bluetooth technology to keep a log of nearby devices. If somebody gets sick, that user can upload relevant data to the Ministry of Health, which notifies the owners of all the devices pinged by the infected person’s phone.


“Bluetooth is much better than GPS at tracking actual contacts, and it gives a good picture of which phones come close to each other,” says Ulf

Buermeyer, a privacy advocate, an officer at the Berlin Department of Justice, and the president of Germany’s Society for Civil Rights. “The downside of Singapore’s app is that you have to register with your phone number. When a person is found infected with the disease, the authorities can easily match the IDs with associated home numbers and impose restrictive measures directly on these people.”


Germany, which is helping to lead Europe’s tracing efforts, is looking to tweak the Singaporean model in a way that might make it more amenable to Western sensibilities. Buermeyer told me that one possibility is to program phones to broadcast a different ID every 30 minutes. So, for example, if I went to Starbucks in the morning, my phone would broadcast one ID over Bluetooth to all the other phones in the café. An hour later, at lunch with a friend, it would broadcast a different ID to all the other phones at the restaurant. Throughout the day, my phone would also receive and save IDs and log them in an encrypted Rolodex. Days later, if I were diagnosed with the coronavirus, my doctor would ask me to upload my app’s data to a central server. That server would go through my encrypted Rolodex and find all of the temporary IDs I had collected. An algorithm would match the temporary IDs to something called a push token—a unique code that connects each phone to the app. It could then send each phone an automated message through the app: PLEASE


BE ADVISED: We have determined that in the past few days, you may have interacted with somebody ... At no point in this entire process would anybody’s identity be known to either the government or the tech companies operating the central server.

This brief global tour of tracing technology provides at least three lessons. First, test and trace seems to work—period. Singapore and South Korea are very different countries from each other and from the U.S. But they have learned from previous outbreaks. Through tracing, both countries have reduced COVID-19 deaths much more successfully than many similarly dense U.S. cities.

Second, the sheer amount of information made available by tracing apps will be tantalizing for power-hungry governments and data-hungry corporations to monopolize. A tracing app made necessary by the pandemic cannot


become an indefinite surveillance system run by some occult government agency.

Third, the virus creates a dilemma of data. At the moment, what we don’t know—who is infected, and where they have been—can kill us. Test and trace offers a road out of ignorance. But the more we seek to learn about the sick, their locations, and their contacts, the more we begin to infringe on the privacy of patients and businesses.

For the past few years, privacy advocates have criticized advertising giants such as Google and Facebook for following us around the web and harvesting our data to anticipate future behavior. Whether you found these critiques compelling or overwrought, the accusations certainly apply to tracing technology. It is easy, then, to imagine how some test-and-trace apps might be tarred as “swabs and surveillance” and rejected outright.But while


online advertising technology might mislead consumers about the nature of the task at hand, the aim of smartphone tracing is straightforward: This is software to tell you whether your cellphone signal or daily routine intersects with a viral contagion that is killing people and destroying the economy. The pandemic has already required Americans to embrace extreme behavior in the name of saving lives. Tens of millions of Americans are living under house arrest. Many chief executives and entrepreneurs have said they agree with a government mandate to shut down their businesses. In these strange times, common rights that once seemed nonnegotiable have been suddenly renegotiated. Compared with our life just six weeks ago, smartphone tracing might seem like a violation of our dignity and privacy—and compared with our life six years from now, I hope it will be. But compared with our present nightmare, strategically sacrificing our privacy might be the best way to protect other freedoms.


Role of police officers in lock down situations.

Police cops are strictly following the rules and regulations under the lockdown period and imposed the section 144 of IPC.

Police also ensures the public safety by not allowing anyone to move out of their homes and keeping barricades to block the road.Police officers sing the songs at various corners of the nation to motivate the public to stay at the


home due to pandemic. They also ensure that the food and ration provided by the government that is properly reaching to the needed person in the country. They became violent at some place because the public is not following the lockdown and coming out their homes.They wear the helmet shape like Corona to motivate and understand the people.

They also detains the vehicle in the areas or cities which are worst affected of COVID-


They also helps the people by providing them the meal and those who lost their jobs or the daily wage workers.