Nuclear Power Summary – Licensing Actions August 2020
NUCLEAR POWER SUMMARY – LICENSING ACTIONS AUGUST 2020 Congressional Legislative Action: o August 2020: • The American Nuclear Infrastructure Act of 2020, which was heard by the Senate’s Committee on Environment and Public Works on August 5, 2020, will enable U.S. international leadership, preserve America’s uranium supply chain, reduce carbon emissions, and strengthen our economic, energy, and national security. • The Nuclear Energy Leadership Act (NELA), included in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal year 2021, was passed by the Senate on July 23, 2020. NELA will help facilitate the path to market for advanced reactors by allowing the federal government to be an early adopter of commercialized technologies; providing for needed scientific research facilities; demonstrating advanced reactor concepts; breaking down fuel availability barriers when the market cannot; and training the next generation of nuclear scientists. • The Nuclear Energy for the Future Act (HR 6796), which was introduced to the House on May 8, 2020, builds on the Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act (NEICA) to provide full authorization for the Versatile Test Reactor. • The Nuclear Energy Research and Development Act (HR 6097) was passed by the House Science, Space, and Technology Subcommittee on Energy on March 12, 2020 and forwarded to the full Committee. This act would authorize many programs within the Office of Nuclear Energy, including further research and development on the existing fleet of reactors, advanced reactors, hybrid energy systems, and advanced fuels. • The Integrated Energy Systems Act of 2019 (S 2702), which was heard by the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on December 17, 2019, would direct the Department of Energy to establish an integrated energy systems research, development, and demonstration program.
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