

SPECIAL NOTICES. »: niCAiioN At. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. THE LABOR INVESTIGATION. FAIR. THE FATAL GALES. FOREIGN. THE MYSTERIOUS WRECK. Published every day (Sundays excepted) bv the PI BL1C SIOOLS. POKTLASD PUBLISHING COMPANY, Cure Your Corns At 07 Exchange St., Portland, Me. and China Dollars a Year. To mail subscrib- Alleviation of the Classes .Vlntoh- Fine France Steadily Drifting BY USING Fall Term of the Publio Schools will Terms: Eight Working Ploughing Exhibit of Not the United States Steamship f|3HE begin ers. Seven Dollars a Year, if paid In advance. More Vessels Reported Wrecked. A MONDAY Morning, Sept. 10. As schools Clones—The Distinguished Guests. Into War. open Rates of Advertising: One inch of the Aliance. so late in the season it is ileslrable that should space, SCHLOTTERBECK’S pupils of column, constitutes a Manchester, Sept. 4.—At noon the be as prompt as possible In with their class- length “square.” people uniting per square, first week; 76 oents An Elaborate Scheme es. By order of School $1.60 dally per Passed. within the grounds of the New England fair Committee, week after; three insertions otlejs, $1.00, continu- Wart & Bullion Solvent. THOMAS of Schools.!-. oonld Volcanic Eruptions Felt in Several Parts Corn, TASH, Supt. * ing every other day after first 60 cents. not have been less than 18,000. The Lives Lost. harmless; is not a caustic. Portland, August 30,1883. td week, Many Entirely uug81 Half square, three Insertions or less, 76 one first But Believed to be the Missing removes Bunions and Callous cents; event in the was an extensive of It Corns, Warts, cents week after. The of programme Europe. a bleu ish. week, $1.00: $60 per Supposed Compensation without leaving Special notices, one-third additional. plowing matoh in a field 3-4 of a mile south of Brush for in each bottle. Ludwig. applying SCHOOL NOTICE. Under bead of “Amusements” and “Auction Editors and Reporters. the IS park. There were seven classes with a fgrA CURE GUARANTEED.^8 Sales,” $2.g0 per square per week; three Insertion* Ceremonies at the Unveiling of the or large number of entries The The Experience of the Pas- Price 'i5 cent*. For Rule by all lass, $1.50. in each. fore- Tragic Dracgiat*. noon on the Sept. G.-The ashore of ground was devoted to the exhibi- Lafayette Statue. Montreal, steamship it and you will be convinced like thousands opening Chestnut Street Primary School, THE STATE PRESS. New York, Sept. 6.—John Swinton tion sengers of a Steamer- Try appear- of stallions and other borsea. Gov. Batter near Indian N. Is the who have used it and now to its value. THEowing to the not being quito ready, Harbor, S., supposed by testify building Published every Thursday Morning, at $2.50 a ed before the Senate sab-committee on educa- was met a Auk for Mchlotierberk’N Corn tiad Wart win be deferred one or until September 17lb. by reception committee which in- of the White Cross Line to be the miss- week, year; if paid in $2.00 a year. cluded agent Nolvcut and take uo oilier. advance, tion and labor Iu to what President Loriug and the officers of the of Schools. Advertisements inserted m tlic “Maine State to-day. regard legis- London, 8ept. 6.—A private letter from Pe- steamer nov23 sndtf THOMAS TASH, Supt. two agricultural societies, Gov. Hale of New ing Ludwig. Press twlitcli lias a large circulation in every part lative measures could be introduced to alleviate kin says that the Li Hang Chang are really in September 1883. septi-dtd of Hampshire and ex-Govs. St. Johns, N. F., 6.—The French bark 5th, the State) for $1.00 |ier square tor first Insertion staff, Weston and Sept. favor of a of the LATER REPORTS FROM HALIFAX. the condition of the’ classes the wit- of New peaceable solution difficulty and 60 oents per square for each subsequent inser- working Chany Hampshire, Hon. Moody Cur- is a total wreck at Sables—DaLoune. sur- RARE Hortense with France, while the intriguers who more definite OLD ENGLISH BOOKS. tion. ness would recommend: rier, city officials of Manchester and others. Halifax, Sept. G.—Something crew was saved. Seven schooners more round the throne are in their cry for St. Catharine’s Address all communications to Gov. Butler’s were The argent has been received relative to the unknown Hall, X—The revival of the Among party several of one 118 Middle Street newly opened for sale ns. PORTLAND income tax as origin- on war. Prince Kang, of the Conservative Aumsi'A, PUBLISHING 80. his staff, Gov. Jarvis of North Carolina and were wrecked Miqnelon Island in the sterm sunken steamer off The wreck STOREof above, and of current and standard Second- ally in force. members of the government, expresses the Indian harbor. Diocesan School for Girls, under the direction of Chandler and brother. The French hand Books. Libraries and Collections of old boeks 2— 'The establishment of a national board of Secretary Senator of Thursday. bank fleet is slowly that war will be the for a num- to have been noticed the of Maine. Pike opinion signal appears f&t Saturday, purchased. Bishop of was with the the 4th of MADAME MON Principal. METEOROLOGICAL. Industry empowered to collect labor statistics party arriving. On this month twenty- ber of outbreaks in the empire- The empress and there the went DAN, and also ex-8enator Hollins, Commodore Bad- is little donbt that ship Assisted seven competent teachers. of every description and to is reported to be even fearful for the perma- by INDICATIONS FOR THE NEXT TWENTY-FOUR including power ger, Paydirector Gilmau, Chief one cases more of Iobs of life on the Banks down the violent last Wednesday 10,000 Old Books Wanted Im- Mrs. A. S. Fhothimiham, Matron. enforce the eight hour law. Engineer nence of the dynasty, and is inclined to favor daring gale instruction In HOURS. Hobie and several others. The were were All of the French fleet that Th s school affords thorough all de- 3— The establishment of effectual boards of guests reported. such measures as shall secure peace. night. Captain Albert Pride of the packet mediately. with full college course in Latin ami oscorted about the and the numbers partments, War Dkp’t Offioe Chief Signal health, education and works. city inspected have arrived report of dismasted ves- The Standard’s Hong Kong dispatch says schooner who was the first to make tbe sndtf Greek. .Modern Languages and Conversation j public mills. Arrow, _ Officer, Washington, 0. C. 4— Industrial schools and on the Amoskeag Company’s sels outside and of the people of China seem to have,- little fear of Classes under the charge of native teachers. Special j colleges At 12.50 the arrived at the and large quantities floating discovery, has arrived at Sherbrooke and he 1 A. M. French system. party park the result of a war with France, and believe advantages for the study of Music and Art. Sept. 7, were The Cromwall line BtSlAENN driven to the headquarters. wreckage. steamship Ca- armaments makes tbe CARD*. TERMS: #450 a yeur. Sixteenth school year For New England, 8—Public ownership of railroads and tele- president’s that with their new and the vastly following report: A general and hand took became a total opens septsiuber ‘la. graphs on the Belgian system. reception shaking mima, Capt. Farquhar, wreck improved discipline of their forces the nation Sunday last, when near Mate Shoals, my Fair weather during the day followed by place, which was followed brief addresses Address the Matron as above until Sept. 1st, after 6 -Freedom of patents. by this She struck Gull at the is far better able to cope with a foreign enemy vessel southeast by south, two miles local soutboast to southwest W Geo. B. morning. Island, bearing which date be made of the rains, winds, Coring, Uovs. Hale of New war A Ch inese inquiries may Principal. 7— Postal banks .under the British system. Hamp- of St. than it was in the oi liidO. pa- from Mate on the east side of Indian harbor, I eodiim. lower barometer and slowly rising tempera- shire, Butler of Massachusetts and Jarvis of mouth Mary’s bay, aud sunk almost im- SIGN PAINTING Jlyd_ 8— Laud laws which will prevent the hold- per urges that immediate action be taken to observed a ship's spar in the water with heel ture. North Carolina, Hon. W. E. Secre- The and in ud Lettering of Every Description, ex- ing by private individuals of great traots of Chandler, mediately. passengers crew, sixty prevent the annexation by the French of any upward, showing about 12 feet In the trough of SPECIAL BULLETIN. tary of the of ecuted in an Artistic Manner land. Navy, Mayors.Palmer Boston, all, got ashore on an island rock about a mile portion of the Cninese territory, aud expresses the sea. It was pitch pine and about 18 Inches Putuam of M. and at short notice. MRS. THROOP’S A storm of slight energy'ms developed iu !).—Publio ownership of coal, iron, gold and Manchester, P. Duval, presi- distant from the shore. The schooner Thistle indignation that such au attempt should have in diameter. It appeared fast to the standing the Northwest near dent of the of Paris and is central St. Paul. other mines and all oil wells. municipality and others. was despatched to the scene of the wreck to been made at a time when China was at peace rigging of a vessel and evidently had been ENGLISH AND FRENCH SCHOOL A After f M. T. hurricane is reported in the West Indies Everyone of these measures, he said, bad render assistance to Capt. Farquhar. The with France. sawed half through and then broken off. MuLhaIjX., -FOR- near Puerto Uico to the North- qM ted moving slowly been put in practice in one country or another. French bark Kermalo, laden with 9000 quin- A large number of Cninese who have been White paint aud a little loose canvas were JsnS !I» TEHFLE STREET. eodly west. Fair weather in the Young Ladies and Children, prevails except They were all capable of enforcement by legis- tals of codfish, from St. Pierre to France, sunk employed on board French vessels have desert- visible beneath the water and a derrick boom upper Lake region aud Northwest, where lation and have in every instance proved suc- with all hands at the entrance of the river Gi- ed, and captains find great difficulty in ob- similar to those used on steamships was at- Will reopen NEPTS9IBER 44th, 1883. cloudiuoss has NEW YORK. increased with light raiu. cessful. The general government had power rond. The schooner Lizzie, of Sydney, Capt. tatning bauds. tached to the spar. Tbe water was thea quite Alls™ A For address MRS. No. 51 cooler north to east 1AYLOR, circulars, THROOP. Slightly winds prevail iu to take of mines and oil wells the Tobin, stranded on the west side of Mi- The Times a from thick and black with a substance that seemed st. Me. charge by to-day prints dispatch Hong Jligb Portland, jyiieod till octl tile Soathern States, and a coot wave is Fresco Fainter!?, ap right of eminent domain. quelan. The French banker Augusta, just an- Kong, which states that, advices received there to be coal dust, and in consequence nothing NO. 11 B' it TC preaching northern Minnesota where the tem- 1C S rr I< K K T Seuator Call objected that these were under Nulla E. than A Hroa. chored in the roads, was severely wrecked and from Haiphoug auuouuco that the French could be seen more than inch or two below the has fallen over 10 Agnlusl PORTLAND, ME. perature degrees. Slightly State ooutrol uud outside of the jurisdiction of lost six men. The banker Maria Emile is re- Admiral will blockade the ports of Canton aDd surface. warmer south to west New York, Sept. 6.—The National Park winds prevail In New but the down while at anchor on the are C. 8. AUSTIN. J. NAYLOR. EDUCATIONAL. Congress, witness thought this could Bank has action in the ported gone Great Pakoi unless the Chiuese troops withdrawn The made Pride ia doubted 1SS3. Th« NEW CALF1VHAR of tlie 1834. England and thence westward over the Like be done brought Supreme with all report by by Halls and Private Dwellings Decorated undar the supreme power of the Court Banks hands. from the Tonquin frontier. It is stated that Churches, NEW- ENGLAND ar.d against Fayette Shaw and Brookley some, but others corroborate his story. The In a firet-cla** s«d at short notice. region upper Mississippi valley. Slightly federal government. Steamer Cabot has just been despatched to Chinese merchants are leaving Canton be- manner, Repair- Shaw, of the firm of F. Shaw & to re- old a CONSERVATORY of MUSIC warmer fair weather is indicated for Witness was Bros., St. to down to St. Johns the are and distrust wrecked steamer struck e sunken ing frescoing specialty. myoOeodtf asked to give some facts in re- cover Mary's bay bring cause their letters open they probably Illustrated. 64 FREE to districts on the Atlantic 8129,355.03 for loans and advances made Beautifully paces. SENT coast during Friday, to the of those who are passengers and crew of the Camima. The lat- the Cantou mandarins. and down youraeir and musical filenda. Send nam& and address gard compensation to them between 1st and rock went before any one on boerd fullowed on and in- January July 1st, est from wire TELEPHONE 115. to E. TOURJEE, Franklin Boston. Maw. Friday night Saturday by engaged in newspaper business, and Trespassey by says that the Ca- China I urns to Sq. cloudiness replied 1883. The Metropolitan National Bank and England. bad time to leave her. What her name ia will The Largest and best Untie. Literary ami creasing and local rains. there are two branches of the mima struck this morning in a dense fog, a appointed business, the Market National Bank, both of this city, have The of the Exchange Tele- Art Schoolftmd HOME for young ladies, in the ti/orbi. Cooler clearing weather is indicated for and the editorial and bsavy sea running. The passengers and crew correspondent remain unknown until the scene is reached manufacturing reportorial began similar suits against the same the at Paris says that, if the nego- Win. BURROWFS, jtt‘29 dlavr8wF the npper :Lake region and Northwest on work. Iu each firm, bad to leap for life and saved The graph Company divers. Fears have been that it considering branch it may be former for and the lattor for nothing. tiations between tbo and M. by expressed Saturday with frosts. Vessels on the Atlantic said 843,32G.58 $5,- sank without time to Marquis Tseng that there is no more profitable ship giving procure pro- be the United S-ates steamer Alliance coast should uot sail for southern industry 113.12. Challemel-Lacour fail, China will be willing might ports until in the world than that which is on visions. Capt. exhibited great skill carried by Farquhar of with a Instruction in anti Class- further are received relative to Arrival of Hon. .VI. Pierce. to accept the good [offices England J which is expected at Halifax from Charleston. Inglish reports hurri- some of the great newspaper corporations. Henry and management aud the safety of the lives of BUILDER, cane now in the West view to a peaceful solution of (the question at reported Indies. Some of them as muoh as 119 oent. on Hon. M. Pierce of Massachusetts ar- the passengers aud crew is ascribable to him. That vessel, however, was to call at several Has removed to the corner of Preble and Kenne- ical Studies pay per Henry issue between the French and Chinese govern- capital invested, and there are editors who rived from Mr. Pierce re- od the and not be due for bec street, directly opposite the Portland and Roch- Europe yesterday. St. John, N. B., Sept. 6.—The last French ments. The same correspondent says the places way may ester au4dtf given to private pupils by the subscriber are also proprietors whose salaries are at least fused to talk to a reporter in regard to Massa- Depot. banker arriving at St. Pierre roads accounts for French government has declared that, upon several days yet. FATAL ACCIDENT. 8500,000 or 8600,000 a year. In of chusetts politics, giving as a reason his lack of speaking another batch of fifty-four lives lost out oi his arrival iu the Tseng, the Bion Bradbury. A. W. Bradbury stated that the with the situation in Massachusetts. Paris, Marqnis WHAT IS THR THOUGHT IN WASHINGTON. reporters'oompensation,Swinton familiarity another section of the French banking fleet. Chinese will be asked to J. W. minimum received was He will make a ambassador, explain COLCORD, probably 81000 a year, careful study of the case be- One vessel alone lost twelve men. The A special despatch to the New York Dieppe the reasons for the movement of Chinese A Man Cut in Two by a Train at Bidde- and the fore & highest 84000, the latter was deciding whether or not to run for Gov- a BRADBURY BRADBURY, salary brig Gabrial, also Dieppeis, rode out ibe two to the Tonquin frontier. The ministry Herald dated Washington, [September 5, con- 143 Pearl Street. only obtained in cases. Writers ernor. troops ford. exceptional storms of Sunday and Both masts the of a war for A milk Thursday. is seriously weighing prospect tains the statement about the Alli- fan24 dtf newspapers as correspondent, etc., received War Impending. were carried and decks of following away swept every- with China, which event is now considered by Connsellors at Law. from 85000 to 825,000 a year. There were 25,- The between the milk of The fate of the crew is unknown. It ance: straggle producers thing. no means impossible. 000 persons in New York city iu news- this State and the wholesale dealers of 1b were engaged this reported they taken off after the gale The Standard’s Hong Kong dispatch says Washington, Sept. 8, 1888. 31 ABBQTT NIILY SCHOOL Last night Thomas Falvey of paper work. In answer to a question from is still and a war similar to went down. Earl ^ Exchange street, Biddeford, city impending, troops continue to arrive from the north. Commodore English, Chief of the LITTLE I'nrmiu- Ilaiue. Seuator Blair, witness said that the was that of last March is threatened. Both sides Bureau of BUCK, on, aged 40 years, attempted to get on the engine press Glocoksteh, Mass., Sept. 0.—Schooner Hy- Large amount of bullion are on the way from Equipment and Recruiting, says jy27 rORTLANO, MAINE, d3m Atknresa A. II. Principal. as a rule unfavorable to the classes. are the resnlt of the farm- Abftt ihe haa ABBOTT, of the Boston & Maine train laboring anxiously waiting arrived from a bank this afternoon, Canton, it is supposed for war expenses. department heard from Com- eodl5t doe in this city “I am convinced of that perion trip ang9 myself,” said Seuator ers’ mass meeting at Goshen on Friday next, aud the loss of two dories with four of mander Allen U. Reid, commanding the Uni- at reports Tiuxea on the Mitnation. 7.55 just as the train was leaving Biddeford Blair, "Since these have been for at that it is that The ted States steamer within a Herbert O. investigations meeting expected the her crew in tne great storm of Sunday, August Alliance, few days Bragins, but and fell on to the in progress, and in my opinion Buch willful as to raisiug the will ho The Times in an editorial today says that and that be encountered most of the last School for Boys ami Girls. slioped track. Two question price settled, 26. Their names were Norman McLaud, gale English misrepresentations should be criminal- and war or peace determined. Frauce is into a war with week off the coast of Nova Scotia, but that he ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR cars passed over him, his com- punished Thomas King, Isaac Devoch and Domerick steadily drifting CHAN, M. PEBRY will open Sep- cutting body ly.” "A never continued The latter is vulnerable in those succeeded in under the lee of an — OF — tember newspaper lies,’, A Case of Dag All were natives of Breton and China. only getting island MB«. at 119 Winter street, a school in two. A few weeks a son EalDog. Perry. Cape 2-ithf pletely ago of Mr. Swinton, "but frequently mistakes are made which a international and rode out the storm without damage of for children from six to ten years old. J. P. Wesoott, cashier at the Coney Island all unmarried except the last, who leaves a ports occupy quasi posi- any American * Foreign Pales®, care will be to Falvey, 10 years of age, was killed in unintentionally.” tion, and any blow struck there would be felt kind. For this reason Commodore la Special given teaching young chil- precisely Club pool rooms at West has de- widow. English dren to read. C'lnsaea in uuuu uarrtu, x-resiuem. or me Brighton, confident that the steamer sunk off Newittg on Saturdays the same way. Mr. Falvey was a btickmason* Amalgamated with to his throughout Europe. reported from other schools will be Association of camped 84000 belonging employer. St. John, N. B., Sept. 8.—The schooner No. 93 Exchange St, Portland. Me. Pupils admitted to these Iron and Steel Workers, of nl (.anion. Indian Harbor cannot be the Alliance, thongh classes He was arrested bat while on his way to Olive froai for New which Troop* Arriving cp^All business relating to Patents promptly and and will be advanced as in any other branch Pennsylvania, was the next witness. He said jail Miramiclie York, it is true that she has been cruising along the executed. of overpowered the officer and escaped. into this for had her Pabis, Sept. 6.—A dispatch from Hong faithfully ju!2dtf study. MAINE. he had been engaged for 25 years in the irou put port yesterday refuge, fishing banks and is still in that locality. At Apply on Thursday and deck load washed decks cab- no Chinese men-of-war have ar- Tuesday, Friday mornings industry of Pennsylvania. The association of Irish Demonstrations. overboard, swept, Kong says first he was somewhat startled at the after Sept. 16th. For circulars, address 119 Win- Ledgur rived there from the north. Three Chinese report which he was the was in galled, provisions destroyed and her fore- MEETINGS. ter street. head, composed of the Fifteen thousand were in attendance that it was feared the lost vessel was the Alli- auglSdlwteodtf persons sail, flying jib and Gaff topsail carried away by transports readied Pakui a fortnight ago with employes of the iron and steel rolling mills. at Ridgewood Park, at the ance, but on recalling the recent teports of Fire in Cambridge. The Brooklyn, recep- the 750 regnlars and 1750 militia, who arrived at object of the organization was to secure tion given the Irish National of that gale. commanders of onr naval vessels he distinctly 5.—Farm the by League Canton Saturday on board a merchant steam- Notice. Dexter, Sept. buildings of David moral, social, mental and financial im- to Alexander of the London, Sept. 6.—The German bark Ka- remembers the report of Commander Reid and MISS MORGAN'S city Sullivan, president er. A large quantity of supplies and provi- Annual of the Stockholders of Dia- g?K“SE: Pease of were provement of the members, and to bring about National of America. The tbinka from Hambnrg August 20 for Port the details of the letter, though he could not Meeting Begins tenth year, September 26. PORTSMOUTH. Cambridge, entirely destroyed League demonstra- sions are collected and stored at Canton. mond Island Association will conditions the of workmen are was abandoned in a condition being fix the where he said ne THE be held at City N. H. fire Peese lost all his whereby rights tion was a very enthusiastic one. The An- Royal, sinking place encountered the jlyl2eod3w by today. household fur- a The Volcanic Eruption*. Building, Thursday, Sept. 20, at 7M» p m., for the recognized, that they get fair day’s wages cient Order of Hiberniaus and St. Patrick’s on tlie 2d inst. Her crew have arrived at Mil- storm. The Alliance sailed from New Tork •lection of officers for the and the tons of a ensuing year niture, farming tools, fifty hay and all for day’s work. There were many mills in Alliance marched out with the ford Haven. London, Sept. 6.—A despatch from Amster- for the fidiing banks July 6. She was at Prince transaction of such other business as leagues may legally this Total loss no Pennsylvania which were not under the con- dam that the fact that the Dutch con- Edward Island and the last come before said year's grain orop. $5000; in- says August 27, report meeting. MISS SARGENT’S SCHOOL trol of the Union. In these the rate of troller at was to- is dated at P. 0. LARRABEE, S«c. surance. wages THE RAILROAD WAR. Katimbong. Sumatra, saved, August 30, received the Navy De- -AND- was invariably lower than in the Union mills. MASSACHUSETTS. with his indicates that the de- A search was made for Sept. 6,1883. sepGd2w Gov. llobie’n movements. geter family, partment yesterday. KINDERGARTEN There had been numerous strikes before the struction in that quarter by the volcanic erup- the report until after midnight, and though it Eastfobt, Sent. 5.- Gov. Robie aud staff of the Union was was not One book- -WILL BE- supremacy acknowledged by tions absolute. Euiopean appears upon the key of letters received the BUSINESS DIRECTOR!. have just arrived from Calais. The Frontier the manufacturer. Among the members of a keeper and two natives were the only persons document could not be found in the usual Mlatemeni tram Parker A RE OPENED new organization there was a Gannett. Rates in the West. whose lives were saved at where not a The that it took SEPTEMBER 19. Guards fired a salute. There will be a always tendency Cutting Merak, place. fact, however, six recep- to strike at the Miss Proctor the of the least provocation. Now the Boston, Septr 6.—The creditors of Parker & building was left standing. At Fandjong days for it to reach the Navy Department Book Binder. continuing charge Kin- tiou aud ball at the rink dergarten. skating tonight, method of arbitration was pursued largely Gannett met thiB morning and appoited a com- Priok, 58 miles distant, the sea suddenly rose shows that the Alliance must still have been at Witt. A. with results. mittee of four to consider QUINCY, Book? 11, Fricttn -FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS- fleeting of Good Templars. satisfactory Representatives of (he statement made eight feet and then fell ten feet, cansing wide- Prince Edward Island, that being the period it workmen and manufactures met once a by Parker ana to recommend such terms as devastation in that The float- has taken for five letters dated Bxcbangr If Exchange Street Stetson, Sept. 5.—The Penobscot district year An Agreement Said to Have Been spread region. previous there 143 Spring Street. and decided on a scale of prices and wages. they thought best. The committee consists of ing dock, which went ashore at Tanjougkaik, to reach the department. Naval officers do eodtf lodge of Good met with the Reform aug2 Templars He continued: All iron workers were in George g, Taylor, 'William E. Wood, John Reached the Companies. has been floated with very slight damage. In not suppose for a moment that the steamer re- S. by lodge of Stetson today. There was a good del- favor of protection because it protected them Patten and Lawrence. The statement made view of the fact that the Nederland Steamship ported lost is a vessel of our navy, for Com- in their Protection did not increase by Parker shows liabilities of Princess Amelia egation present. Among the number were B. wages. 898,600, assets of Company’s steamer arrived mander Ried has the reputation of being a IRON PORTLAND the prioe of steel but if it did not exist there 889,000. at Batavia and that the Rotterdam careful seaman and there does not so far BEEF, ACADEMY. C. G. W. C. T. of the order iu today, appear Torsey, Maine, would be no for the iron and The firm’s and store employment patents fixture: were St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 6.—The only new fea- Lloyd’s steamer Batavia arrived yesterday, it to be any cause for apprehension. Fall Term begins SEPT. IO, at the rooms In and Geo. E. Bracket, G. W. 8. Tbe day was steel workers. In some mills which are not excluded from the statement of assets, of is believed that the Snnda Straits are still nav- being ture in the railroad War is a carrent last STILL LATER NEWS FROM THE ALLIANCE. & controlled by Union workmen are the nominal value. The stock whs report WINE. Block. devoted to business, and closed with a public paid merely taken igable with proper cantion. Motley same wages as in those in English manufac- at cost, and includes considerable that night that the Ohio and Mississippi Company To the Editor of the Preu: meeting iu the evening. District has Germany Friendly to Franco. As a Nutritive it would be The usual courses of for of both Templar tures. Jarret in answer to Senator Call said a been on hand for several years. In to has or will the Chat- The Advertiser of this the tonic, study pupils regard restored, to-day restore, The North German in an editorial evening suggests sexes. For to Gibson presiding. Addresses were made by B. man who sold his iron for ton less the claim in the liabilities of $4500 in favor Gazette, indicated in the treatment of im- particulars apply 810 per of rate to This is as fear that it be the United States steamer MISS E. A. than B. tanooga §14.55. regarded article, says that In all questions pertaining to may FILES, Principal. C. Torsey and others. another, but disposed of three times the 8. Bentley there is some uncertainty, as d3w a on the of the Ohio Us foreign policy since the last war the gov Alliance, in Canadian waters this paired nntrition, improvishment Portland, Sept. 1,1883. quantity of his competitor would be able to Mr. Parker said that he sent money to his showing disposition part cruising The Gift of Benjamin E. Bates to Bates ornment of has observed to- of the and in all the various pay better wages; but that the trouble would brother, James O. Parker (to and the and to withdraw its to Germany strictly summer,which was wrecked near Halifax late- Blood, pay it, Mississippi opposition France a benevolent and is College Declared Void. be to make him 1 latter said that he so. ward attitude, pre- exercise his ability in this did No offer ot settle- the Louisville It Is can forms of This and Nashville road, leaving the to observe the same attitude in the fu- ly- simply impossible that it be the general debility. THE SUB-COMMITTEE IN NEW BoaTON, Sept. 6.—The controversy which has respect. The laboring classes, he addei’sfl itnent was submitted. pared fight to proceed between the Ohio and Missis- ture whenever France sees fit to assert her in- Alliance, and the tear is groundless. The preparation is made from the been in the should be compelled to attend school and bo ENGLAND. pending Supreme Court for some Juvenile Thieves. terests in a legitimate manner. world renowed extract educated, and the government should appro- sippi and the Air Line. It is also thought great gale occurred Wednesday night and Liebig’s time arising out of a conditional gift of $100,- For some time past has a Lafayette Statue. priate means to carry out a system of public systematic robbery by some to be a step to Unveiling Thursday, the 29th and 30th of of been on in the preliminary negotia- August. By Beef, Citrate of Iron and Pure 000 to Bates College has been decided against education. going yards of the Boston and Pabis, Sept. G —The unveiling of the statue Lowell road at East A few tions which will end the war. The Ohio and letters received here from her, she was safe at Sherry Wine. bottles 50 They Visit the Woolen Hills in Rhode Is- the college. In February, 1873, Mr. Bates, iu a Cambridge. days of Lafayette took place today at Lepny in the Large ago several arrests were made for theft of and the Air Line continued the §1 anchor at P. E I. land. THE COLBY BILL. Mississippi presence of an immense.crowd of people, de- Georgetown, Friday Aug- eents. letter to the president of the college, offered to large of lead. Toe other quantities morning rate to Louisville yesterday, but the Ohio and spite the severe rain storm. Among the dis- ust 31st, after the gale was over. on an officer stumbled over a house a Boston, Sept. 6.—The sub-committee of the give $100,000 condition that a like sum in remote persons present were Mr. corner of Mississippi still charged §5.50 to Cincinnati. tinguished Morton, She intended to go thence to the Magdalen should be the yard. This was formed by walls to United States Senate Committee on Education raised within five years. The col- Several efforts have been made to obtain an United States Minister France, Mr. Sar- It Passes the Senate and to the Gov- of sleepers and covered roof iof the same. It Islands in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and to CONCENTRATED goes by of bnt gent, United States Minister to and Labor, consisting of Senators Aldrich, of lege claimed that the conditions were complied was explanation this war, statements differ Germany, ernor. handsomely furmshod There were valu- Gen. Colomb and Col. who C. B.. and cannot therefore be I. but after the death of Mr. able so much that it is difficult to determine wbat Lichtenstein, rep- Sidney, expect- Rhode Island, Pugh, of Alabama, Kimball, with, Bates the ex- rugs on the floor, curtains at the win- President and Gen. Vinel- dows the facts are. The most plausible reason seems represanted Grevy, ed to be at Halifax until September 10th to Jr., secretary of the committee, and Eugene ecutors of his will disputed that proposition. and oil paintings on the walls. Iu the lermot, who represented Gen. EXTRACT JA- to be that the Air Line on August 1 named a Thibandin, 15th. She is to come to Portland and centre of the one room was a small marble-top of the Interior. M. stay Davis, stenographer, made a visit to the manu- The decision of the court turned on a note for §5 rate to Louisville and a §10 round Minister Morel, president Concord, N. H., 6.—In the New table, and on this were two several trip trip a and then the rest of Sept. revolvers, the of the Lafayette Memorial Court, performed while, join the North centres of Rhode Island trav- $25,000 which the counted in its sub- a daring bolding of the exposition in that facturing to-day, college Senate the bill pipes and number of novels of the “Bed the ceremonies of the Hampshire yesterday Colby The straight rate of $5 was to nnveling statne. Atlantic squadron at New Tork, which is to MAICA GINGER. miles and 120 rail- of $100,000, and it is held that this Handed Dick” order. Around auotber table city. objected eling twenty by carriages by scription was made a in the after- the Ohio and and the latter in to to special assignment at the side were seated six by Mississippi, Earthquake Europe. go up Newburg, N. T. participate in the Tbe left this this note was not actual aud that the beardless boys play- party city morning, making money gift of noon. road was with alio*ing commissions 6.—Several The Delicious Family Medicine Senator Harry Bingham spoke for two ing a quiet game of poker with a small limit. charged Berlin, Sent. shocks of earth- celebration there October 16th. on Louisville tickets. This to cuts on the first stop at Woonsocket, where they were Mr. Bates becomes void. There were four led were felt at Dusseldorf from hours |n to the measure a double the quake Tuesday night was seen prepared the true Jamaica opposition it, styling cotsjranged along both sides. The Ohio and then an- The derrick which attached to the met L. W. ex-member of walls and several Mississippi but no damage ensued. Shocks were also felt by Ballon, Congress, transaction and the creation of carriage robes spread upon Ginger, combined with choice aro- stock-jobbing floor. nounced a §0.50 rate to Chattanooga and §1.75 on the island Ischia at the same which mast, and the blackness of the water from F. G. present of the House of the They were iu the habit of loading time, JillsoD, Speaker one grand and that to Evansville. This interfered with the some alarm bnt did no matics and French Bran- monopoly, claiming there their plunder into a boat and rowing out iDto created damage. coal dust about the sunken steamer, clearly genuine of Rhode H. A. FROM OUB EXCHANGES. Louisville and Nashville and in re- in- Representatives Island, was no demand for the channel. There interests, Note*. it popular it, but ths reverse. they would be met by a Foreign dicates it was a coal steamer, a number dy, rendering vastly superior to T. W. John of a man 82 taliation that road made a §1.50 rate from Cin- Jenckes, Esq., Harry Lippett, J. Ellis, Vickery Lewiston, years Senator Whittemore of Pittsfield followed in a junk dealer from Boston to whom the The at all the feat of freight cinnati to St. and the Air Line September meeting Croydon, Eng of which have been running this summer from other preparations of Ginger and others, and were taken in carriages to the old, performed remarkable walking half-hoar’s argument against the bill, on the would be sold. Louis, dropped from down to between St. Louis and opened today. The race for the Croydon different the mill that city to Hallowell on Tuesday last. was in §1 Louisville. the coal of Cape Briton and Nova Scotia now before the factories, incloaing privilege ground that it the interest of lower was won J. R. Keene’s ports public. The distance is about 30 miles. Grand Army Reunion at Worcester. The Ohio and Mississippi met the latter cat, handicap by 3-year old owned by the Harris Woolen Company, who though freights and fares only, aud would de- colt Bolero. ClTIXEN. It but maintained a rate to It bay instantly relieves ran the woolen water wheel in the M. of an Worcester, Sept. 6.—A reunion §5.50 Cincinnati. Cramps, largest Joseph Gordon, Franklin, has been ap- prive tributary sections of opportunity to two-days to rnmors that the Invincibles are 6. of Grand of this was that the war Owing Portland. Sept. Colic, Cholera world, and the Social mill, owned by the Social pointed keeper of Avory’s Rock Light Btation, seenre lower local rates. Pending a division Army posts country began predicted Wednesday night Morbus, Diarrhcea, would be over before the end of the week. responsible for the death of Marwood an in- Manufacturing who also own the in of Thomas E. who on the of to a here this morning. com- and ail Summer Com- Company, place Dodge, has been question ordering the bill third Twenty-five po3ts, quest will be held. Dysentery, Globe and Nourse mills. At the to prising about 1200 men, are LATER. HIGHWAY ROBBERY. Privilege transferred Barntcoat Harbor Light station. reading, the body adjonrnad until evening. present. They A who has returned from Induces mill manufacture north of made a brilliant street escorted correspondent just plaints. copious perspir- they §1,5000,000 The house of W. H. At 7.30 the consideration of the bill parade, by the The restoration of railroad rates to Chatta- a Davis of Ellsworth was Colby Guards tonr through the heart of Zululand reports goods and GOO operators, 75 was and resulted in a City and Light Battery. have ation in sndden colds and chills. annually, employ entered by burglars on tho night of the 31st recommenced, long par- They nooga went into effect this morning. The that the natives are on the eve of a war of or 80 cent, of whom were found to be for After goon into camp on Agricultural Park. There An per ult. The screams of a female inmate of the liamentary straggle delay. long Ohio and Mississippi Railroad Company has mutual extermination. After the Western Frontier invaluable remedy in Flatu- French Canadians. A number of them havo and for the will be a grand dress parade by torchlight this Style. house, who was awakened in the night by the speeches against bill, by Senators also restored the Evansville rate to §5. The Sir Henry Morse, Governor of Newfound- and Di- become citizens and own their own bouses, and Drew and all amendments evening. Iu tbo alteruoon there were.various lency, Dyspepsia Sluggish hand of a man on her throat, awakened the Robinson, ^ere vot- Air Line has also raised the Cincinnati rate to land, is in some cases own several houses which they ed down and the bill was ordered to, a snorts incident to army life, which afforded dying._ gestion. family, and the burglar fled without booty. third §5 50, and it is likely to remain at that figure rent. The Social mill turns out a pleasing entertainment to the eighty yards reading by vote of 18 Jo 6, rendering certain spectators. In during the exposition. This narrows the fight One of the most daring and successful high- The residence of York Harbor aud beach are the big bonfires were WASHINGTON. A delicious Stimnlant and Ton- cloth a yard wide per week. Oue young girl of the final passage of the bill, all the Senators evening lighted, the down to the Ohio and and the Air the formation of a local Mississippi way robberies was a of 17 at this tuds six looms and makes agitating telephone heretofore counted doubtful bands played and the exercises closed with a perpetrated upon part; ic, capable of des'rojing an factory having decided to Line on Louisville, and the §1 rate .to that appe- to with each. company. The route is from Ports- dress the veterans ladies and gentlemen of East from forty forty-five yards daily proposed support the bill. The motion to pass the bill parade, carrying Chinese point still prevails. Weymoath, tite for intoxicants by its influ- treasurer of mouth to York CoMMr, from there to Walker’s lanters instead of Four Mr. Lippitt, mills, testified that under a suspension of the rules was lost a guns. thousand Mass., while retnruing from the illumination thence to York where by people ti.—The misunder- Yellow Fever lucrcasitm at Pensacola. ence on the stomach and the best were Americans; then came store, Harbor, offices vote of 15 to two-thirds not were present. Camp will be broken Louisville, Ky., Bept. organs help 19, voting in favor. Thursday at Nantasket Beach The was will probably bo bad at Stevens’ the noon. standing between the Louisville and Nashville Washington, Sept. 6.—The Surgeon General Tuesday. night of English. Irish and Canadians, in the order store, A motion was made to reconsider, and then digestion. Goodwin and Norwood farm, from which and the Ohio and Mississippi railroads, which of the Marine Hospital Service has received a dark and the driver was to alow to giveD. One of the overseers at this mill, E. A. place ensued a succession of dilatory motions Sen- obliged go it will go to the Hotel Barllelt and Sea Cot- by C'nthalic Property Sold. led to the catting of passenger rates during the despatch this afternoon from the President of Mongean, is a Canadian. He is also oue of ators Drew and Bingham. The yeas and avoid other teams that might be on the road. tage at Long beach, to Concord- nays Lawrence, 8ept. 6.—St. Mary's church past week, lias been settled by a mutual agree- the Board of Health at Pensacola stating that the selectmen of the town. continuing were called, 18 to G. A motion to was par- At the foot of a hill a of 2S or adjourn and five acres ment made here and the usual rates the fever is worse at the gang 30 men tne went to ville and CapeNeddick. Should this sonage of land, owned by the yesterday, getting navy yard, DR. from woonsocaet party Asuion, arrange- made and points of order raised, etc. A recess WELLING- ment go into effect two offices at least will be Augustinian valued at w»» will be restored to-day. thero having been six deaths within the last rushed from the roadside, seized the horses’ a small factory village of some six or eight of 15 minutes was taken at 12.40 a. m. for con- Society, S333.000, kept open all winter, that at Walker’s sold uuder a $50,000 mortgage held by llie Es- Other Railroad Items. six hours. overcame what little hundred people. The faclory is owned by the viz; ference. On reconvening the motion to recon- heads, (resistance was of- store and at the office at Neddick. sex Savings Banks, this afternoon to Peter Civil Service Examinations. Lonsdale Company and is beautifully situated Cape sider and at one o’clock The executive committee of the trunk fered and to collect the watches prevailed, exactly the Hulhhan, the St. joint proceeded and TON’S CHOLERA on tbe banks of tbe Biackstoue river. Hon. In Hodgdon, Aroostook county, last week a bill was passed by a vote of 1G in the afiimative representing Mary’s Society, lines met in New York yesterday with closed Judge Thomas of the Civil Service Commis- for $73,700. The snm realised is sufficient purses of the party. Before they had finished Jonathan Chase, member of Congress, and burglar eutered the dwelling house of and 8 in the The bill now only doors at the offices of Pool Commissioner Fink. sion has returned from a visit to the Pacific Henry negative. only to meet the just a mortgage and accumulated interest their work the horses broke loose and dashed Mr. Robert Gammell joined tbe party hero. Ingraham and stole pocket-book containing awaits the Governor’s signature to become a The threatened break in freight rates slope, whither he went to inangnrate the ex- thereon and tax, and having MIXTURE. Tbe here are English or Irish, and $20 in money and notes to the value of $200. law. unpaid leaving nothing been the conference it amination of candidates under the civil service away. The robbers followed a little in an operatives for the in averted, yesterday will, way were found comfortable homes and Tb house of Samuel was depositors the savings insAntlou with Berry entered and is said, have an important effect on the present law. He fonud a high standard of excellence soon which failed. The St. is com- open wagon but gave up the chase. The seemed very happy. Haring the dinner hoar $19 in silver was taken belonging to Fred Mary’s Society position of the trunk lines and their Western among the For Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, THE VIRGINIA STATE DEBT. of applicants. assailants are still at The several of them were visited by the committee. Knowlt in. His vest with $100 in one of the post'd mainly Augustinian priests, who also connections. large. ladies were Violent represent the which a Cramps, Dysentery, Purg- They were English and said they were much pockets escaped the thief. Augustinian Sooiety, is The New York and New England Railroad very roughly handled. Their watches and petitioner in insolvency. Undertakers in Uonuril. ing Pain in the &c. better off than io the old country. The houses The Trustees of the State have Company is rapidly pushing forward the work other ornaments and their bowels, College elect- An Important Decision Rendered. parses were taken. here are brick and have modern improvements ed Mr. J. Fred as Givil Nervicc iu Roalou. of its double track. At 2 m. Wednes- Providence, Sept. 6.—The Undertakers’ This is the most valuable of all Webster Treasurer of the laying p. Edward who was on the aud ventilation. of the.m have or 6.—A decision of ut- Association of the New States con- Howley, standing step* Many organs college, to fill tho caused the Richmond, 8ept. the Boston, 5.—Insurance day the double track was extended and opened England the vacancy by most Sept. Commissioner in the seized two varieties in use, stands unriv- pianos and are more than comfortably fur- importance has been rendered by Judge to about 37 miles in use cluded in this city tc-day its fourth annual rear,was by ruffians,who threw death of Hon. Eben Webster. Mr. J. Fred John K. Tarbox is shortly to make a change in Blackstone, making nished. There are BOO hands here. Bond, of tbe United States Circuit con- now out of Boston. session. members have attended. alled and is particularly recom- employed Webster is a sou of the deceased treasurer and Court, the personnel of his department. The commis- Other portions will soon Seventy-live him down upon the ground and beat him se- The list is fonr the State debt. After a decision was be The association was welcomed salary 815,702.84 every weeks, is an active and business man. cerning sioner has notified James G. ready. by Mayor Hay- tore off most of his mended for children. it. enterprising rendered the just Havey, sec- ward. verely. They clothing and Buy Try making the average wages paid each em- by United States Supreme Court ond clerk ol the The President of the Pennsylvania, After the annual address of the Presi- Intelligence was received in Ellsworth last department, that in order to Slating- kicked him about the head and it and will find it a household including women aud children, $30.85 last spriDg in the Virginia debt case, counsel ton and New Railroad Mr. dent and annual reports, lectures on embalm- brutally body. you ployee, week, from of schooner Altave- employ iu the administration of the depart- England Company, lor four weeks’ work. A number of Capt. Alley, for the bondholders of London, Jno. F. and several of the ing were delivered by E. 0. Washburn of His nose was broken and he was otherwise in- every foreigu through ment a whoso services as an Ward, directors, necessity. lia, that the mate, Mr. Isaiah P. Haynes was their Williams gentleman official and Dr. C. M. Luitens und these have money in the bank. The company attorneys, and Royal of New have tendered their resignations, ft is stated Springfield, Mass., the men lost overbsard and drowned on assistant I very much desire, be is obliged to jured. Daring scuffie the secared his i furbish free baths and have a pnblic library of Snndayi nfglit, York, instituted a number of suits in the Cir- that tho object of this movement is to have Prof. J. II. Clarke of the Cincinnati School August 2(1, while off Cape Cod. Every effort make a change in the clerkship October 1. valuable watch and chain and his pocketbook some 800 volumes. Houses rent for from 84 cuit Court of the United States to test the con- the places of resigning directors filled by par- of Embalming, followed by discussions. Tbese The three above wa> made to save him, but without avail. Mr. Herbert Morrisson, third cleik, also received a preparations to $7 per month. clusions which Mr. Royal insisted that decisiou ties who have agreed to furnish capital suffi- officers were elected this morning: President, containing a large sum. In the meantime the Haynes was a son of Thomas of Ells- similar notice, his duties to cease however can be found at one in From here the drove to Amidon to Haynes had led to. Judge Bond has decided these cient to and the road. Horace B. Knowles, Providence; Vice Presi- rest of the had set the other just place party worth. He was about 26 of and September 19. Bavey has been connected as fully complete equip gang upon gentle- visit the Chase Mills, Some comfortable years age cases. He holds:—First, that a tender of cou- dents, J. B. Swan, Carndeu, Me.; A. C. Fisb, the City. leaves a widow and child to tnonrn agency clerk with the for 12 men in the stage, who, un- The here his loss. for taxes is a that all department years Concord, N. C. L. Brown, being altogether houses were here observed. houses pons legal tender; conse- at a of H.; Brattleboro’, salary 81500. could make no resistance, are wood, each one having a nice Samuel Ltbbey, Esq., of Orono, during the quences which flow from another legal tender NEW HAMPSHIRE. Vt,; E. G. Washburn, Springfield, Mass.; G. armed, James yard. They are of seven rooms present season had a fine looking field of pota- flow from this, and that this is the effect of tbe W. Simmons, Bristol; B. C. Porter, New Burke, Thomas M. Fawn and David Queen for from to month. This toes. On last they were and on Court that officers POLITICAL. Britain, Conn.; Secretary, W. F. and rent 84 $7 per Tuesday dog Supreme decision; second, Bennett, were brutally pounded and suffered serlons in- careful measurement the was New W. F. d H. GUPPY & (JO. mill is one of tbe oldest, having been bnilt ip yield found to be of the State will be enjoined from levying on C oncord, >. II., Post-office Robbed. Milford, Conn.; Treasurer, Bishop, One of them was robbed of a valuable 1823. The paid here are men at the rate of 376 bushels to the acre. a taxpayer’s property after a tender of Bridgeport, Conn.; Executive Committee, C. juries average wages Charg- coupons Concord, N. H., Sept. 6.—The post-office 8159 women, $1.17 per day, and ing to the crop all the money paid out for labor had been made; third, that, as the in L. Brown, Brattleboro’, Vt,; E. A. Bnrfee, pin, and they all lost their watches and other per day, questions .luilgc Drveu Deeline*. wsb robbed last night. It was have a and and a amount for the dress- these suits the evidently Rockland, Me.; B. F. Foster, N. REMEMBER THE PLACE. children 53 ceuts per day. They free Reed, proper depend upon constitutionality done who took Milford, H.; jewelry and what money they had. a by professional cracksmen, John reading room, also at Ashton. One of the op- ing supplied, they cost him 30 cents per bush- of the State’s legislation, the Baits arise under Boston, Sept. 6.—Judge Devens, in letter, Reade, Charlestown, Mass.; J. P. Ar- from the safe $600.6!) in cash and $1600.87 in R. A. eratives said that in England lie could only el. There were very few small potatoes in tho the constitution, and Circuit Courts of the declines to become a candidate for Governor. nold, Pbeuix, I.; J. Kenyon, Plante- Damps, besides books, papers and one regis- of what ih our would he about $5 25 lot and they were ail fair and smooth. United States have the of vilie, Conn. The place the next meeting ST. ALBANS IN TROUBLE. make money jurisdiction them, Thore no to the tered letter. is clue burglars. was tho executive week, while here lie could make $10 30. In the town of without regard to the of the par- left with committee, and per Prospect resides Mr. KRlman citizenship of Bond’s over Chicago’s Street Cur Tux. The Probable Effect the Colby Bill. tho association adjourned and went down tho At Amidon is a large boarding house where who is nearly 95 years of age and lias descend- ties. Judge jnrisdiction extends Silver for a shore Adamson’s S3 week for women, and 83.50 ants living of the fifth the entile State. If bis decision is not reversed Concord, Sent. 6.—In the upper branch to- harbor to Spring dinner. Botanic charge per She has a 6.—Five ihey generation. Chicago, Sept. years ago the city Fifteen Thousand"- >>Uara in Interest next dsove to & a it would goem that tbe State can collect no Senators Folsom, of Rochester, aud Davis, for men. The party Berkley daughter aged 73, grand daughter aged 55, a council passed an ordinance Imposing an annu- day cambric is more revenue until she the cou- of Marlboro, notice that they should move Orders Londsdale. At the latter place groat grandson of 34. and a great grand daught pro-ides for al tax or license of $30 per car on oach street gave Frizc Fighters must Go to Mexico. Bearing OutstStSiia^-. vote 11 were so a reconsideration of the by which the — manufactured. The homes here not cr 12 years. The old lady is in perfect health pons. car operated In the city. The companies unit- fobs Unauthorized. railroad bill was 16 to 8. It is Kansas City, Mo, Sept. 6.—Madden and comfortable as at Ashton and Amidon. Tbe and recently walked oue and one-half miles to ed in resisting tbe collection of this tax on the Colby pacsed by Lord stated that the action of Messrs. Folsom Mitchell were hero last night. Madden telo Balsam condition of the wage workers was found 11 be and returned. She has Coleridge in Boston. ground that it violated their and the now berdaugtiter’s lately charters, Rice, for that nuless a (Jong!) far belter at all tbe placeB visited than Lord Chief Justice and Davis arose from a misunderstanding with graphed manager Slade, today spun, doubled and twisted five skeins of yarn Coleridge and members matter lias been pending in the courts ever those of Fall River. The some of the Senators in relation to the course reply was received here by Monday morning committee, especial- per for six successive whloti is con- of his party arrived in Boston at 1.58 p. m. to- since. The street railway have The finances of the town of St. Albans are day days, companies to be his proposal to fight in he has the endorsement of Jas. G. Senator Fngb, expressed much pleasure sidered a over the Eastern come taken upon the railroad commission bill. accepting Mexico, ly good day’s work for any lady. She day Railroad, having lately agreed to withdraw their opposition and a that There is a an and Mitchell will return to New York and the in bad condition, and it is likely muoh over their visit. From Lonsdale the commit- reari cl on a train whioh 11 a. report that explanation has been Rev. C. F. Penny, hug eleven children ; six sons and five speoial left Portland at drop the case in the courts, provided the city will be declared off Blaine, Esq. for t > and that Messrs. Folsom fight forever. As indicat- trouble will ^>e before the matter tee took tbe cars Providence, returning m. In the were Messrs. would the on a basis of made, iaud Davis will experienced Col. Rev. daughters. party Elliott F. Shep- compromise matter ed Madden and Mitchell Thomas Lombard, E. H. Boston on the 6.20 train. Tomruorrow the ard of not their motion for a lecousideratiou. above, decline to go tbe interest Marshal True of New York and Edwin Yonng of Al- 828 per car for the past five years. A compro- push is set right. In 1875 bearing debt City Hallowell, went to A to Chicago, arguiDg that the matter can be as W. ot coart to South Manchester and Willimatic, members of the committee of mise ordinance to this effect was prominent railroad official has been inter- Smith, (all Augusta. go Lewiston on Tuesday, after the boy, Bertie bany, arrange- accordingly well by of the town was 831C0, and last spring it was Conn. ments of the New York Slate Lieut. John passed, and the companies yesterday and viewed in relation to the probable effect of the arranged telegraph. Reynolds, an adopted son of J. W. Jones of Bar, today that tbe financial condition was the McClellan, U. S. A., James L>. Johnson and paid the city treasurer $44,000. The $30 license passage of the Colby bill. He said:—"It may reported We sell more Officials Steal $150,000 in Philadel- Somerville. Reynolds loft Johns’ on Monday ADAMSON’S City Turner A. Beall of New York. A committee will be hereafter collected annually. possibly be years before any objects will be ac- same. The loose way in which matters have phia. alternooii, with $213 arid a sorrel mare which under the Colby bill, which MINOR TELKtiBAVI. BOTANIC COUGH be bad stolen of tbe Cumberland Bar accompanied them as complished Only been conducted, bas been a source of com- from Jones True was unable to of to The Ancient and Scottish Rite of 6.—It is stated the far us Portsmouth. At were awaits the signature the Governor become Accepted than of all Philadhlphia, Sept. by find the boy in Lewiston. It is now Newburyport they Mu for some and led BALSAM [other thought loon Keeper* Above the Law. a law. One view taken the railroad Matrons celebrated by de- plaint time, certain parties to that have that ho by Attorney General Sherman and Col. by sup- Lafapette’s birthday truBteesof the gas work deficiencies did not, go to Gardiner or Hallowell as joined the statue of in Union Cough Remedies United. and of the Governor's on St. porters of the measure was that it would be a corating Lafayette take steps to bare an investigation. Up to this in the accounts of that office stated, hut to where he put at Major Sweeney staff, Louis, Mo., Sept. 6.—yesterday Judge been discovered Augusta, up the of statute of protection for them in ca*Be the cor- Square, New York, with tlowers and trailing time for part the State, and Anstiu Brown, Esq., Noonan dismissed a test case a saloon they have discovered Interest bearing or- exceed George Robinson’s the night. Tuesday he against interests which should be vines. and that the defalcation may $150,000. representing the Suffolk Bar. The was ior on porate they roproseut drove the horse uu near the Block party keeper selling liquor Sunday in defiance ders outstanding against the town to the Staples -driven to the re- in danger, in which case they could unite for Carrio and Amelia Weaver of The has been in progress for some where it remained hitched about nine in Revere House, where after of the law. This endB the fight against the sa- Waldraayer investigation from The two leading to 19 and nmonnt of of this sum it is believed moving the marks of were loon re- strength. objects sought aged respectively 21, 819,000; time aud startling revelations are prom- the morning until lato in the afternoon. Dep- travel, carriages keepers uuder the Downing law, and it Philadelphia, past taken for a drive bo gained under the consolidation and were drowned in the Raritan river, New .Jer- that at least was Marshal Brton took the in about the city. His lordship mains to bo seon whether the Governor will leasing 815,000 unauthorized and that uty animal custody of the bill were the ised. an to see the as provisions nnion of the Wednesday __ notified the having expressed especial desire really, he c >11 an extra session of sey, night. the town never received tbe C.H. and owner. The boy while in Au- threatened, roads in benefit of the with the wharves and Fanenil Hall and other the as centering Concord, together of New who met The Wool (Ironcrit and the Tariff. some new clothes at a store shipping, Legislature to have that hill so amended H. J. Hastings York, with gusta purchased of interost. Manchester and Lawrence and North Weare same. Who has been guilty of taking the and a ticket at tho for places to effect the repeal of tbo law of 1878, uuder a severe accident on Monday, is to-day pro- Columbus, O., Sept. 6.—A meeting of the bought station Port- and the of the Eastern Railroad to the will not be made land. Whioii the saloon keepers hi.vo gained this vic- leasing uounced out of danger. money public at present. The Ohio Wool Growers’ Association was held yes- Boston & Maiuo. There are, it must be ad- The Corn West tory. The boiler of a steam thresher on the heaviest losers by the fraud are several worthy terday, at which a spirit of opposition to the A despatch to tho Associated Press Wednes- Crop nnd South. mitted, some doubts as to whether the former farm tiie of Abraham Overholtzer, in to invest their GUPPY tiriff bill was manifested. At a caucus of the day reported death of F. Jordan of Cincinnati, (i.—A of the corporations can reach a mutual basis for Dauplin county, widows, who, wishing George Sept, special report A ftnilwny Silin.hiip l'n’o Tim Killed. and secretaries of six State atfd it Penn., exploded Wednesday in- presidents Biddeford attributing to suicide. An corn crop by Clias. B. Murray,'oditor of the union, and it looks now as if there were legal afternoon, funds where they supposed they would be per- associations it was to call a held outlie from stantly killing Simon the national decided autopsy body yesterday morning Cincinnati Price Current, makes the outlook Cincinnati, Sept, ti.—Meagre reports obstacles in the lease of the Eastern to the Brinser, engineer, fectly safe, loaned their money as they sap- of wool that death resulted and Jacob J. Kline, both of Klizabethtown. maBB meeting growers and sheep shows from the formation in the Western States favorable fora gain of Waldron’s Station, on the Cincinnati, Indian- Boston & Maine which will a perma- posed to the town. Mrs. Haskell is a bolder of 25 at of blood prevent breeders for September the Grand Pacific of a firm clot which completely clog- 75,000,000 bushels over last year, hut the South apolis, St. Louis and Chicago Railroad, stale nent arrangement of that kind under the pas- A despatch from Gallatin, Mo„ says the these bogns orders to the amonnt of 81300; Mrs. to organize a national associa- the that a ran the one of has returned a a enough keep lighted, motion. He was buried in a pine cofijn with OPERA CO. a while ribbon theu put on Henuilt-aM, so that it cannot as BOSTON JUVENILE the second place in the list of manufactur- ing it from between his lips to cast a whirl- around his neck. The c dflu open, is These are all in fine French Lisle and will be all FRIDAY, SEPT. 7. the case of Rubber goods appreciated by was lowered by the widow’s eldest son Into Belting made in the ordinary PRIZE NRATING-In the afternoon ing nations; our mechanical and in- ing curl of blue smoke into the air, set him lovers of fine PAYS ALL, OVER THE a Gold mining a grave three feet deep in the rear of the way, and the plies being so firmly stitched, as wel Hosiery. V IS. FOBKNT CITY 8. H. CO. Pin will be awarded to the beet lady skater; la dustries down as an who cares lit- a of employ 3,000,000 persons and the easy going fellow, family mansion. wore as frictioned together, that the belt cannot »p7-d2t LINK. the evening pair Window's beet akatee will Fifty people present separate be to the beet tle for how the world and no at given gentleman skater. aggregate produat of our industries reaches goes more for the funeral, attracted by curiosity and the t*s many belts made in the d way will, after beio fame PROP. F. W PCHOT will give ieeeone Wed- himself. He has keen and deli- of the wonderful cross-eyed cat. used for a time, especially when run at a the enormous sum of $6,000,000,000. perceptions greag nesday and Thursday afternoons, and Friday af- cate sensibilities. He will not create trouble speed or in damp places. st* ternoon and evening Exhibition The secret of this remarkable success the FRANK Base Ball. Skating. is to see Con9ress but apt it out when it is once be- We particularly call the attention of all Mill own- in GOUDYT561 found the but Not speaker mechanical genius of Beware of the man who never releases ere to „„ Between Oak. and Green. Last Least. gun. Loss and Gain. this Belt as being in the end the cheapest belt iS 30 dt1 the The the from the of his teeth and is Boston population. abundance and variety cigar grip in- they can buy, while the first cost is only about tea Dirip vs. John l. Whiling & Son of SATURDAY, SEPT. 8. of the raw different whether it burns or dies. He is cent more than material, he believed, had con- CHAPTER I. per bolting made in the ordlnarv P NlPSCOT PARK. and He is sel- RESIT Grand Sham Battle! tributed hut if cool, calculating exacting. way. We bei eve t “’*11 wear more than double the little, any, to it. This was dom but lives off “I was taken Pick a year ago Bl' BOS WORTH energetic physically, easily With billious lever.” length of time. For ueavy main belts on will find POST, the oniy country where the mass of the those peo- who perform the labor. A man who it to “My doctor pronouncod me cured, but 1 got sick superior anything made. It Is also superior for REMEMHER THE ple had an instinctive appreciation of me- smokes a bit, reads a bit and fumbles the TURNER Saturday 8tti, * Afternoon, Sept. uulexe as we BROS. with terrible in back and Dr!in, stitch the in snob Admission Game called at 3.00 o'clock. more or again, pains my sides splice 25 eta. chanical relations and cigar less is apt to be easily affected way that it i-auuet ready and so nrp>unir. d2t Steamer 25 Cte. comprehension He be I got bad I sep7 Emita, of by circumstances may energetic, OFFER sep6-d4t the functions of the parts of a com- Could not move! careful, generous aud courageous, but be is try Our Giant ftolf. We will Warrant I shrunk! plicated machine, and it was no extrava- vacillating and liable to change on a mo- Sat Ufactlun. From 228 lbs. to 120! I h«,d been gance of speech when au ment’s notice. If the cigar goes out fre- doctoring for Saturday, Sept. 1st, ERYEBIIRG CAMEETIYGS. English and ou man my liver, but it did me no I did not Samples quotations furnished application. man quently tne has a whole-souled disposi* good. expect to -A FULL LINE OF- ANNUAL FAIR declareed that “invention is a normal * FORTY-SIXTH is a a live more than three months. I to use tion, devil-may-care sort of fellow, began Hop — OF THE — function of the 1 REVERE RUBBER The Portland District Methodist American brain.” It is with a brain aud a Bitters. CO., live'y glib tongue, aud Directly my appetite returned, ray pains 173 & 175 CirvouNliire It on this Mi., tan. AMERICAN COLORED characteristic, Gen. Walker thought, geuerally a fine fund of anecdotes and yarns. left me, my entire system seemed renewed as if by 57 Rrade «l., I\e» York. SILKS. Cumberland Campmeeting F-eiorit nt i hdiien, Hnwi. County Agri- that accouuts for our wonderful manufac- To hold half of the cigif iu the mouth and magic, and after using several bo’ ties I am not nnder direction of Rev. C. J. Clark, will commence ntar2«ood3m ja Ctsep smoke is a man's habit. as sound as a but EXTRA cultural -at- turing progress. indifferently lazy only sovereign weigh more than l QUALITy, Society are of little They generally force, and their did before. To Hop Bitters I owe my life.” Will be held at TO ART HA'S GROVE, Fryebnrg, TOe., Gen. Walker, found shadows in however, characters are not of the highest strata. A June ’81. Dublin, 6, R. Fitzpatrick. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER3, th« picture. The adinintrative of nervous man, or one under influ- capacity exciting Presumpscot Park, and close Sunday Sept. 9. Some of‘the beet fumbles his a deal. chapter II. evening, the American manufacturer was inferior to ences, cigar great He ART GOODS 21 INCHES preaching talent in the State of Maine has been is a kind of popiujay among men. Holding “Malden, Mass., Feb. 1, 1880. Gentlemen— WIDE, secured for this meeting, and several prominent that of the Englishman. The American had IN PORTLAND, the cigar constantly between the teeth, I suffered with attacks of sick headache.” GREAT VARIETY. preachers from out of the State are expected, end not learned the value A T- a and most is antici- thoroughly of saving. chewlug it occasionally, and not caring Neuralgia, female troublo, for years in the most SEPT. II, 12, 13 & 14, 1883. very large interesting meeting He and pated. had rather earn one penny !han save whether or not it has been lighted, are char- terrible excruciating manner. Art sis’ acteristics of men with the of No medicine or doc or Materials, and was tenacity bull- could give me relief or 81.20 PER Premiums are offered in the Fare to three, therefore he not sufficiently -xAND — YARD. Large Agricultural Fryebarg Depot and dogs. They never forget anything aud nev- cure until 1 used Hop Bitters, and Stock departments. eareful of his outlays. He had been too No such Quality and Width Return. er release a hold. The fop stands his cigar “The first bottle $fiO and $25 are offered for the beet Town Team Outfits ever offered at the Price. of 10 From Portland, $1.70; from Cumberland grasping, also. He had not been content to on end aud an inexperienced smoker either cured Sketching yoke. Hills, Nearly me;” for all at Town Clabe of the County are invited to exhibit $1.70; from White Rock, $1.40: from SebagoLake. make the most it ahead or almost at branches, of one good thing, but de- points straight right The second made me as well and strong as when on the grounds under their own tents, to whom free from all other stations on line of Portland one-half angles with his course.” a child. tickets will be furiehed upon certificate from their J1.26;Ogdensburg R. R., fare. veloped a tendency to spread himself over secretary. From so too “And I have been so to this day.*’ Fryrburg I'rpol Comp Ground much territory and to undertake too Farmers’ Meetings will be held Sept. 12 aud 13 in nod Return, 30c. A Y ear of Disaster. My husband was an invalid for with Stubbs’ the Auction Sale of Stock a. twenty years evening. Friday m., many kinds of business. He had failed to Algernon Trains leave Portland at 8.25 a. m., 12.35 and a serious at 11 o’clock. [Boston Transcript.] TURNER Members of the be C.26 p. m. Leave Fryebarg for Portland at 8.3$ tbe economic as well as Tomplo Street, Society will furnished Tickets appreciate moral liver and urinary complaint, and lu.ftS a. m.. and 2 48 and 6.35 m. Had Professor who a or two “Kidney, BROS., to the Fair by applying to p. Beard Grimm, year and significance contained in the command, “Pronounced by Boston's best physicians— A large assortment of Engravings, Photos, Art aug23dtdJ. J. FRYE, Sec. lodging, $1.00 per day or $5.00 per week. The dire calamities from the Novelties too numerous annual business meeting of Martha’s Grove and ago predicted por- “Incurable!” Good-?, to mention.sgto 488 & Camp- “Live let live.” These defects, how- Framing iu all the 490 CONGRESS STREET. Arsnciation will be held at the tentous the leading styles. «epl dtf meeting preachers’ aspect of jjreat planetary bodies, Seven bottles of bitters cured him aud I stand. at o ever, Gen. Walker believes are being grad- your Gold. Bronze, Plush, &c. FINANCIAL. Tuesday, Sept. 4, 1 clock p. m. postponed the disastrous epoch until the know of the Great inducements GEO. L. KIMBALL, Secy. ually remedied. offered. Portland, Aug. 28,1883. aug29d»t present, he could with confidence have “Lives of eight persons” Tbe In my neighborhood that have been saved great mass of the testimony heard by claimed that his prophecies of evil bad been by Old Stand Mtubbe Bros,) SILKS! SILKS!! SILKS!!! your bitters, the Senate committee on labor has been the literally fulfilled. One-fourth of 1883 is BON S. yet And many more are using them with great poorest kind of rubbish, and tbe time to come, but its record of death •( Portland UAL A spent appalling benefit. City 6a. CliUll DAI in to it has “ “ Zaoearille, Ohio 4 I 'Jt. listeuing been misspent. The from accidents and elemental disturbances “They almost Affer WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 25 Pieces French “ “ 5th, Colored Gros Grain EnstMaginnw. filch. 3a. AT testimony of John Roach is an exception. gives to it a ghastly prominence, and it will Do miricles?” —Mrs. E. D. Slack. Silks 22 in. wide, at $100 per yard; former price $1.50 per yard. “ «• Fort Wu.ne, I id. 6a. We to Portland Water 6a. Mr. Roach has had as both labo-- call special atteation this lot of Silks, as we shall sell them at this Company experience pass into history as the year of disaster. How to Get Sick.—Expoee yourself day and O. “ 6a. price for only a few days. Akron, ei and and his views in to of night; eat too much without exercise; work too hard .tlainr Central R. K. 3a. GREENWOOD GARDEN capitalist, regard The great agents destruction—flood, fire, We “ <■ have received Autumn and Winter Dress Goods, which we shall dis* “ 7 a. the without rest; doctor all the take all the vile -ON- relations of capital and labor are conse- famine, volcano, earthquake, tornado and time; CLARK’S play at this time. Androscoggin At Kennebec K. R. 6a. nostrums advertised, and then you will want to Mombasa paridc R. R. 6a. quently jieculiarly valuable. Mr. Roach’s epidemic—have each contributed a list « “ Saturday, September 8, 1883. long know how to get well, which is answered in three Nartbern 6a. experience teaches that the of Nt Panl A No. Pacile Guaranteed 6a. condition the of victims, which seemingly unusually fre- words Take Bitters! Hop stp3MWF&w4w36 Loan Ac Secured l&oi classes has TrnalCn. by R. Ealale 6a. The STEADIER EMIT* will run hourly iug improved. This is in quent minor accidents on land and sea have MILLETT-&T from Franklin Also other desirable securities for sale by Wharf to Jones Landing as follows, LITTLE, at direct to the Circulating ▼is: 11 a. m. and of most of to swell to Library. 7, 9,10, 2. 6. opposition testimony helped frightful proportions. i i-----' 12,1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9,10 p. m. The 7 and 9 a. m. will ran ts the so-called labor reformers who 3le St. trips have tes- A statistician who kept an imperfect rec- ISfe- Congress Jones snd Trefethen’s Landtags, all other trips „is or H. M. PAYSON ft Jones Landing only, her time la* tified, lectured, before the committee, the ord of the first seven months of the year es- The CO., resuming regular largest and best in the city. 32 Exchange Street. ble on Sunday and Monday next burden of v hose cry has been that labor was timated that the fatalities from CHAS. A. resulting DYS New Books received soon as pub- augl7 eodtf sep6d3t SPARROW, Manager. more and mure But Mr. Roach’s causes had theu entfry| oppressed. extraordinary already lished. Terms 2 cents a for observation day. MW YORK & have far MWEMLAND opportunities been reached the enormous aggregate of 27,000. Special rates to Subscribers. A RAILROAD. better than theirs and bis testimony on this To this now must be added the awful des- large and elegant assortment of J. B. Brown & FOREST CIIY AMUSEMENT CO, is therefore far more point trustworthy. truction of life by the overwhelming calami- Stationary and Fancy Goods con- Sons, trades unions Mr. Concerning Roach’s ty in the Indian Archipelago. B at it is to stantly on hand. GREAT THROUGH LINE Poalt’s Island. views are BANKERS, eminently sensible. He does not be hoped that a more careful survey of the C. L.UkC'EIili.nAMAGEB. to 218 middle object them, but he points out several desolated region will reduce tb e fearful loss There is no time to be lost when those To New York., Street, radical defects in their system. Their de- of life now reported. At present it is esti- Offer for 1 nl we love are taken with these mand that all workmen of the same class, mated that from 75,000 to 80,000 human malar Central ...... 7a A short season of Burlesque Opera. Return ofthe Frank B. Pliiladelpliia, Portland and ... were lost. Should these Kennebec 6a. favorites, whether or lives figures, how- terrible Clark, good bad, be paid alike, is a se- diseases. Baltimore and Androscoggin and Kennebec 6a. ever, not be disproved, the widespread disas- Psrtland and vere blow to the industrious and Ogdeaabnrg fia. intelligent ter which overwhelmed these tropic isles City of Portland ...... 6a as 515 W THE BOSTON IDEAL workman, inasmuch its tendency is to will prove the most destructive of modern The beauty of PERRY DAVIS’S CONGRESS ST. ashington. and other first-elk.1* bonds and stocks. ju22 eodtf The only line running bring wages down to the level of the laziest times. Below we give in tabular form a list of those calamities which have resulted in PAIN KILLER is tha it acts Sterling aud Continental Exchange and most ignorant. Mr. Roach says many THROUGH PULMAN CARS the greatest, loss of life during the first three- | bought and sold at most farora- JUVENILE OPERA CO. of his workmen own the houses live in so promptly, and (ram Bo>l» la nkarr paint* without change. Tirk.i* for ante nt Ticket OAcea in hie rates. they fuurths of the present year: surel/ Home nnd t*ew It .ggi.gr checked Hnnip.hire. through. iaimrnie convenience for decl4 eodtf and several are landlords on a considerable Indira with children n> thi* line AVOIDS CHANRE OF PARIS By floods in Germany and IN NEW YORK. January Hungary efficiently. TRY IT KDTRAVII. WITH (III.1IIORV. A«k for ticket, vin NEW & a number of houses. All about 160 lives were lost. YORK scale, owning this NEW KN(i.nAA'U »t Ticket Office. Jan. 11—Burning of the Newliall Milwau- HAlI.RwAO, nn. Two in One is lu cheerful contrast to the and de- House, Operas Day. gloomy kee, and loss of 69 lives. Don’t be without Pain Killer : spondent tone of the testimony which the Jan. 16—A circus building in Poland was burned and 270 people pirished. The NORWICH I,INK for NEW YORK hn« ike Ar e.l atenmer* in the eonntrf. Gardiner, Mo., 4s committee has to Have it for instant use! thi* line rnn ►ecm r Pnrloi nt or listened for the last Jan. an accident on the Southern Pacific ready Fn**rngrr- inking Cars Boaton Worcealrr ... 2f—By d. M. FKl.TOV Brunswick, Me., 4, month. Railway, at Tehicbapi Pass 22 were burned and Jr., A.C.KKttDALL, cru-hed to death. Keep it with you at home Oenrrgl iUnnngrr. General Fanraicr Agent. Lewiston, Me., '4s 21—The steamer ■"»»* d3w Me., ... fl* Gould’s before Jan. Clmbrla collided with the Portland, Jay testimony the Senate or Du. E. C. \V .car's Nkrvjc and Tjuat- • • LA Sultan off Merkum Island, aud 398 were lost. abroad! Brain Portland Water Co.. 6s MASCOT srcc ficlor committee was more remarkable for what it Jan. 22—By explosion of powder works at Oak- mENT,a.gnarj'ntc.-1 Hysteria, Di/.aaness, Railroad 6s 26 wore killed. Convulsions, F.ts, Nervous Headache. Equipment Co., land, Gal., Neuralgia, — AND — left out than for it Nervous Prostration c »us*d St. Panl & No. Pacific anything contained. The Jan. 24—Flooding of a mine in Australia caused by the ure of aUohol EIKTE (guaran- or | knows that the loss of 22 lives. ALL THE DRUGGISTS SELL tobacco, Wak*!trn»«. Mental I) pres ion, Soft- teed by No. Pac. R. R.) 6s public already Mr. Gould has IT of th.t Brain re^u ri-tin Feb. 1—Italian steamer Ansonia wrecked on the ening ln«t*n.iy nud leading Maine Central R. R. 7s succeeded in a number coast of loss 20. to misery, decay ar.d death,•Fuji. aturc Old Age, consolidating large Tripoli; • > 7s Feb. 2—Psnic in a at loss 23. Impotency, Weakn«>* in cither sex, Involuntary Clerelaud, Ohio, of railroads and in some factory Bombay; way reaping large Feb. 8—S-earner Kenmore Castle wrecked in the Losses and Hpermatorrhasac »u»ed bv ov»r-cxcrtir>n FOR BALE BY H. of the brai abuse or I. S. >, self Each PINAFORE. A true of the methods Bay of Biscay; loss 32. over-indulgence. profits, history by box contains O’.e Feb. 17-A cident in Diamond Coal mine at Joli- month's treatment. 81. abox.tr which G boxes for sent mail on this was accomplished is what the et, loss 77. $").i 0; by prepaid of 111.; receiptWith THE would Feb. 21—Fire and panic In a Catholic school In price VVeguaran'-eGb (xesloctueauycase. WOODBURY & public like, aud this Mr. Gould did each order received f• In convention in New York on June panic position Urg IS I Ik; better and than “DOMESTIC"3EWING MACHINE C3, Moonlight. at loss 197. cheaper PER CENT, Act 3—Exterior of a London ing an entertainment Sunderland, Eng.; (■ lass, English and American Double and CONGRESS & EXCHANGE 8TS. Caramels, Police Station discussed oi a theatre on Lake It- Cor. online Act 4—Exterior of Tuesday and the mission onne 26—Burning Como, Single Guns, together with a general assortment of Marlebone Workhouae lives. Act 5- The on the One aly, and loss of 47 at the head. GUARASITEtO Borough Saturday Night of Greenback party. of speak- hteamers Hurunui and Wait- It itande Lime Juice 6 June 26—British fluufisig and Fishing Goods. “nnMCCTIP” Dunuo Tablets, secured First Interest « er* thought it was their first to aina collided; loss ^6. Holler and The Light gunning UUIlILd ! \h by Mortgage. payable at Ap^ «*• duty Ice Sliale*. Middletown, or at the Fourth National dcrrndda7.1Sn Home. Watertown & Og- from the trade tilled at lowest prices. Design. Faultless in Fit. the and the min- 36 wounded. width*. And qualities. abolishing lawyers making densburg Railroad; 22 killed, 4 A Great Variety of Other First- EVERETT BA>JO &nd 28 at between 3000 COR. CONGRESS EXCHANGE STS. OUITAiPlESSONS isters on while a July Earthquake Ischia; SCSI MicLdlo street class aPr21 SMITH^sauTcEs^o& preach Greenbackism; and 4000 killed and 1000 injured. Confectionery. ttmeod loss 36. Janies & Opp, Fuliuoutb Hotel. o«°“ third announced the patriotic purpose of July 29—Explosion of a mine in Sicily; Abbot, BK&KnpSlAJSfT'"lth8 iWn.a»d Aug. 21—Cyclone at Minn.; loss 16. BaleDt America “the land of the free and Rochester, 58 making Aug. 20.—Steamer Woodburn rundown off Eddy- Kilby St., HENRY ipo“i.i0.rBlAnjONra,ed stone Light; lots 18. L. CLEWS & "n’,>ither BaDj° the home of the brave.” A fourth, of a BOSTON. G. BAILEY. GIVU HUH A CALL ! No. 18 New CO., Aug. 29 Volcanic eruptions in Java; loss esti- Streei, also 9 Wall Street, N. Y. I orG^t5rrTr"d«FHluS!dew!n'tPr'. turn of mind than his mated at from to eoalyrnrm dtf more fellows, 76,000 80,000. my30___ (NEXT DOOR TO THE e81reu- or practical — STOCK send on the EXCHANGE.) for terms of instruc- that had better succeed in Aug 31-Storm Grand Banks and a re- Hankers tion. Intimated they ported loss of 80 men. SEE here: nn. M. P. M. P. M. easy many fully up to the Ver....26a.2Go Red Top.3 25®4 leave Rochester at (mixed) 8.46 a. m„ 11,16 This train, equipped elegant Parlor oars and STEAMER GAZELLE 10 In coaches and 1.46 2.10 2.16 2.20 standard.’1* Cboioe.20®21e Timothy.2 00@2 Whlteflelil, Sopt. 1, Annie P. Ho«th, ag«d a. m., and 8.86 p. m.; arriving at Portland new passenger baggage oars, will run 27 without to 3.00 3.26 3.80 Good.16@16o Clover.16 @16 years. (mixed) 8.40 a. 1.26 m. and 6.40 m. through change Montreal,with through m., p. p. 4.30 6.10 6.00 4.60 CAPT. A. I. OLIVER. “What is the standard?” Store.12@14o Raisins. In Whltctield, Sept. 2, Lucinda A. cars to Swonton and Burlington via. St. Johns- Greeley, aged “5l (taecarappn, Cumberland 8.10 6.30 6.40 6.46 Muscatel. 1 70® 2 40 20 years. Westbrook and Woodford’.. bury. “The is not to answer. We .... 2 JJ*11*! m. 9.00 ,-- leaves question easy 10® 12 London Lay’r 20@2 30 In Richmond, Aug. 19, Lucinda, wife of Jabes “•> 0.30 and p. (Transfer station 1.00 p. m.) Express Leaves Leaves Leaves 10 1.09, (mixed) 7.30 10.15 expect a to be NYFact'y.. 10S12 Ondura Val.. % @11 Ya Robinson, aged 88 years. _*DeifO Pt US e for Orlen House, Crawford’s, Fabyan’s and all Portland. Peaks'. White Head Cashings lady quiet, yet confident; Mountain A.M. Apples. Oranges. In Ptttston, Sept. 22. Harrison Clark, aged 67 yrs The 1.09 p. m. tialn from Portland oonneote at White Resorts, will not stop at So. A.M. A.M. A.M. alert and wide White 9.00 awake, yet polite and agreea- Batingp bbl. .4 00®4 60 Valencia @ lu Gardiuer. Aug. 22, John L. Leavitt, aged 23 Tunnel Houle tor Wludham, Rock, Hiram or Brownfield. 9.20 9.30 9.40 Evaporated Florida. @ O.’dd >». For Bartlett and Intermediate stations. STEAMER MINNEHAHA. 10.30 11.00 11.10 11.80 ble ; easy and a touch IblGViSlSVi years. Worcester, for p* frank, yet possessing Dried Apples.. ..OtuglO Mesalua. ® New York via Norwich“‘•J* “v*,*1’ and 12.16 11.46 Line, nil rail. Train* arrive m Portlaad : CAPT. of and not so as to In- Sliced ...lo® 10Vi Palermo.6 60@6 00 vlaSpriaggeld, also with N. V. * N. BLR wn. J. CRAIG. PM. P.M. P.M. P.M. firmness, outspoken 8.40 a. m.—from Bartlett and local stations. Sugar. Lemon*. HAIUNG DaVM OF MTEAUIMUIPM. B .("Steamer Maryland Ronte") for Philadel- 12.40 trade. In a 12.66 noon—from Fabvan’s and all Mountain Leaves jure fact, good is Granulated lb ■••• B Messina.4 00 phia. points. Leaves Leaves 2.00 2.30 2.40 saleslady B 60@6 FROM FOB Baltimore, Washington, and the No. Eztra Palermo.4 ('O Boulh and A 6.16 p. m.—from Conway (mixed train leaving Portland. and Tref. Diamond, 3.16 6.00 rather a article under a ex- O.8V4 60@6 with Boston Albanv K. B. for Evergreen 6.10 5.29 complex simple Fulda.» ..New No. Conway 2.00 p. m. for Portland and sta- A- M* A. M. The quotations of American stocks at York..Bremen.Sept 6 the West. Parlor Care on train leaving Portland way A. M. Patience and following City ..New York. .Vera Crus... 6 at tions.) 6.46 6.10 6.20 terior. coolness are among London were received to-day cable: Washington. Sept 1.05 p. m. and train leaving Woroeeter at 8.00 by POWDER 7.43 P. from 7.00 7.26 Sarnia.Quebec.Liverpool... .Sept 8 a. m. ra.—Express Montreal, Burlington, 7.36 the best points can I some- Atlantic* Great Western,firsts. 42 Parisian Ac. 9.00 9.30 they possess. .Quebec.Liverpool... .Sept 8 Close connections made at Westbrook Jane- (Jgdensburg 9.46 Do seconds... 10% Pure. J. H A III II-iTON, 10.30 11.00 times feel in a doubtful Newport.New York..Havana. Sept 8 with trains of Mo. Central R. and Superintendent. 11.16 STEAMER obliged, case, to test Reading... 20% Absolutely ttaje through R., CHAN. II. POT K, «. T. A. MINNEHAHA. Furnes8ia.New York.. Liverpool.... Sept .8 at Grand Trank Transfer, with through New * Western....22 This Portland, June 1883. M. p. M. CAPT. WM. J. CBAIO. the applicant upon this point of York,Ontario Germanic.New York.. Liven ool... .Sept 8 Powder never varies.1 'A marvel el porky, trains of Orand Trunk K. R. Portland, 22d, jun23dtf p, M. equanimity Illinois and than 2.00 2.30 leaves Leaves Leaves Central.132% Batavia.Boston.Liverpool •.. .Sept S strength wholaeoaioness. More eoouaeateal ■Through tickets to all points South and at 2.40 by trying the effect of some little the and West, 4 80 5.00 Portland. and Tret. Diamond. aggravat- Cienfuegos.New York. .Cienfuegoe. .Sept 11 ordinary hinds, oaunot be sold in competi- Depot offices and at Hollins h Adams’ No. 22 Kx- 5.16 Evergreen ing remark. If she remains cool and pleas- Hides and Tallow. Bothnia. New York..Liverpool_Sept 12 tion with the multitude of low test, short weight Obange Street. flllUe CENTRAL RAILROAl 6.10 6.40 6.56 A.M. A.M. A.M. Adriatic.New 13 alum or phosphate powders. Hold onto 0 The are York..Liverpool_Sept ■• not stop at Woodford’s. her chances are if she colors or following Portland quotations on Hides Koval Baaing Powdek 10# 10.30 11.20 11.80 ant, good; Alps.New York..Kingeton,J. Sept 14 Co., Wall St., N. T. J. and Tallow: ■oh# W. PETERS,’Supt. On and after June her I am to her as Samaria..Boston.Liverpool... .Sept 16 dljr jn6 MONDAY, steamejTgazelle. bit9S lips, forced regard P.M. P.M. P JI. Ox and Steer Hidss over 90 lbs 7c D lb Pavonia.New York.. Liverpool... .Sept 19 lMtli, Faasenger Trains will run weight.. CAPT. A. H. 2.00 2.30 2 Inexperienced, and put her in some simple Ox and Steer Hides between lbs.. 6o City of Rome...... New York .Liverpool... Sept 24 as follows OLIVER! 40 80@90 4> lb 3.16 6.00 6.16 Steer Hides under 90 lbs. lb Parthia.Boston.Liverpool.... Sept 23 EXODBMONI. department—hosiery, for example. One of 5%c{> Lenre Portland tor Dealer, 6.00 6.30 0.40 Cow Hides, all weights. tb Belgravia.New York. .Liverpool_Sept 29 Bangor will leave as follow?, except on Excursion 6%c$> & Vauceboro, Ml John, Halifax and days, the instincts that an has Bull and all SacfHiver when notice will be in the 4e & Bridgton Stag Hides, lb given papers. inexperienced girl weights. Railroad the Provinces Ml. Andrews, Ml. Mtepken, daily Calfskins.10c lb to contend is the to stiffen & SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Predericton Aroostook County, and mil Leave Leave Leave Leave against tendency Light and Deacon Skins.26 to 40c each MINIATURE ALMANAC.SEPTEMBER 7. Bttttions on B. A B. B., 1.16 Portland. Peaks. White Head. Cushing’s If a customer a Rendered Tallow.• *. S m rises.6.29 2.56 Piscataquis up becomes little disagreea- 7%c$> lb High water,

»AY, MAY 14th eieam NEW YORK—Ar schs W H 555.15and 6.30pm.FOB SALMON era New Yorkjand Vermont, 21®23c for Nova Scotia ! 6th, Card, Crabtree, our peopl. who are unable to take a vacation in 8.45a.m.,12 ft-IMPPSVaSBR of this Cine will are correct.” Dora Union July FACCS,at a. m., and 5.15 “Exactly; you quite and PEI. Brunswick; Matthews, Brown, island; or Auguxt, but can .pare a week In 6.15,8.45 12.55, Railroad Wharf, Ada September, p.m. FOR .L,aT* “And I Potatoes—Eastern at 60,@60c p bush. S Allen, Dudley, Hillsboro; Abby iDgalls, In- (which ia the moat comfortable and CAIHP^EEEIS. EXETER, HAVERHILL, SL5**4® street, every Monday, Wednesday shouldn’t expect you ever to pay decidedly pleaa- CA WHENCE, AND LOWELLat “* 6 galls, Joggins; Zeila, Hallowell, Hillsboro; Clara E anteat month in which to the 6.16, p- “ ■ ,or and SC travel,) 8.45 and m. FOB NEW t°k with Eastport it.” Rogers, Rogers, do; David Torrey, Goidthwaite, a.m., 12.65, 6.30p, John, connections for Calais, Bobbinston. St. I*ire Slock market. Gardiner; Lubec; Brave, Strat- Portland, Bangor, Mt. Reset t and Ma< Fare to Orchard Beneh and return MARKETt at 6.15, and 8.45 a.m. FOR Pembroke, “Of course of course not.” Chicago Lookout, Dinsmore, Andrews, Honlton, Woodstock, Grand not; ton, and Angola, Dyer, Sullivan; Minquas, Cole, chias Steamboat Co. ROCHESTER, FARMINGTON, N. H., Annapolis, (By Telegraph.) 80 Cents. ACTON WOL FRO ROUGH AND xSRS*lleLr*br’ Yarmouth, “Then didn’t ask me direct to Tenant’s Harbor; Kolon, Libby, Macbias; Enter- BAV, Windsor, Halifax, Moncton, Newcastle, Amherst why you Chicago. 14 000 will place on sale during September, a special tick- HARBOR at 8.45 a. and Sept. 6—Hogs—Receipts head; Bowdoinham; from Fare to Elite and retnrn a CENTRE m., 12.55 Pietoo, prize, Robinson, Laurel, Davis, et transferable) to Mt. Desert and Camp including rid Shedlae, Bathurst, Dalheusie. Char shipments 6< OO head;'weak; packing at 4 35@4 60; Eva Boston. (not return at the in p. m. FOB MANCHESTER! AND CON- lottetown Fort give you $20?” Franklin; May, Nickerson, the along Beach, the observation cars of th Exirheld, Grand Falls, and othn and 4 at 4 80 a following rates: CORD! N. New Market at 6 “Because, sir, I do business in a business DackiDg shipping 75^10: light Ar 6tb, barque Payson Tucker, Tucker, Turks Orchard Beach R. R. H.,(via Jot.) 16 stations on the New Brunswick and Canada, Inter- 5 40; skips 3 4(*g4 50. Island. Portland to Sontk West Harbor and return. a. m., (via Lawrence) at 8.45 a. m. MORN- colonial, Windsor, and way. I never borrow money of a man who Annapolis, Western Oonn- Cattle—Receipts 7600 head; shipments 2,800 hd; Cld 5th, ships Ellen Goodspeed. Henry, San Fran- Single Tickets.. $4.00 SO Cents. INK TRAIN CEAVES KENNEBUNK Mes, Rail Roads, and Stage Routes. will endorse for and I make all 6 to choice to South FOR PORTCAND at 7.25. me, calcula- steady; exports 00@6 35; good shipping cisco; S R Park, M E Portland West Harbor and return, b#'Freight received up to 4 m. and in- steers 5 90. Mead, Portland; brig Leigh- Passenger trains leave Portland at 10.00 a. m p. any tions on the endorser the notes. 40<$5 sch Five to Ten, each. 8.50 •Stops an hour and a quarter at Old Orchard formation the same paying It’s ton, Leighton, Progresso; Pavilion, Norwood, 1.00, 3.30, and 6.30 p. m. leave Orchard regarding may be had at the Sheep—Receipts 2200 hoadshipments 2000 head; Portland to Sooth West Harbor and Returning Beach. offlee of the the same thing in the end, but we arrive at Boston. return, Beach for Portland at 12.22, and 9,49 Freight Agent, Railroad Wharf. steady; inferior to fair 2 75®3 60; good 4 26;choice Ten or more, each. 2.46, 7.30, t Passengers may also reach these points For with it iu a I Passed the Gate 6th, brig Harry Smith, from New 3,00 m. by taking Circulars, Excursion Routes, Tickets business way. believe in making 4 40. Portland to Bar Harbor and the 2.15 p. m. train from Portland and at State Rooms York for Buenos Ayres; schs C A Ropes, do for Lu* return. Single S. H. STEVENS, Gen. stopping and farther information applv a the horse dray the cart. You can’t me Ticket.. Agent. Old Orchard Beach until 3.50 p. m. *0 give bee; Ann, Hoboken for Portland; Kate Mitchell, 4.60 JlylSdtf JAS. T. Gen. Company’s Offlee, Rxehange St. Portland to Bar FURBER, Supt. 12.55 train from Portland con- $20, sir, but if you will have the kindness to Domestic Market* Amboy for Gardiner; D H Ingraham, do for Port- Harbor and return, Five or H^The p. m. T. 0. HEHBEY, President, and Manager land Nettle do for Boston. more, each. 4.00 nects with Sound Cine Steamers for New endorse a note to that amount, I will see Cushing, m"”_- dtf (By Telegraph.) PERTH AMBOY-Ar 4th, schs Alta-Vela, Alley, Portland to Bar Harbor and return, Ten or York and all Hail Lines for the West, and the 6.30 that are $20 out of train all you pocket.” New York, Sept. 5.—Floor market—Receipts and W S Jordan, Crowell, Boston. more, each. 3.60 Romford Falls & Buckfleld p.m.. with Rail Cines for New Yerk and the South and West. 16,446 bbl*; exports 772 bbl»; rather more sternly Sid 4th, schs Aita-Vela, Alley, and D D Ingraham, A Ticket—Bav Harbor to 'Summit (Special Parlor Cart on all trains. with a decidedly better business fir export, largely Mullen, Portland Katie Mitchell, Oliver, Bath. of Breen Mountain and Bcturn—will through Seats Wit and in Mill extra with secured in advauce at Ticket Office. Wisdom. City moderate jobbing trade;sales PROVIDENCE—Ar 6th, sch Maggie Cummings, be eold with the Bar Harbor Excar- Depot 28,600 bbls. Murch. New York. ■ion Tickets _Leave Janton for Portland and for #1.00 rack. SUNDAY Flour quotations—No 2 at 2 45@3 55; Superfine Sid 6th, schs H Wiiliams, for Alexandria; .■ 4.45 and 9.46 a. m. TRAINS. Heyer, The view from the of Green Mountain JKSSf38|Lewiston Western and State at’3 25@3 75; common' to good Sarah A Reed, Hallowell, New York. top surpass- Leave Portland for Canton, at 9.00 PORTCAND FOR BOSTON and WAY Brought up by hand—the coal-hod. es in beauty the view from Mt. Two extra Western and State 3 25@4 60; good to choice DUTCH ISLAND HARBOR—Sid 5th. sch Sarah Washington. —1**-““a, m. and 1.30 p. m. STATIONS at 1.00 and 5.30 m. BOSTON round trips per day from Bar Harbor to the Summit p, do at 4 60@7 25; common to choice White Wheat Eaton. Dix, (from Wood Hole) for Philadelphia. Leave Lewiston at 9.45 a. m. and 2.30 p. m. FOR P«»KTCAND at 8.30 a. m. and 6.00 Western extra at 6 do 7 are made during September. For time table see ad- Hereford's Acid as a Nerve 25@7 00; fancy 10@7 40; VINEYARD-HAVEN— Ar 4th, barque Hannah Stage connections with Byron, Mexloo, p. m. PORTCAND FOR OCD OR- /Steamers! Phosphate vertisement in this paper. For any further Inform- Dlxdeld, common to good,extra Ohio at 3 80@6 76; commo McLoon, Keen, Algiers for Boston; Zulmira, Port- Peru, Livermore, West Sumner and Turner. CHARD BEACH at 10.00 a. m. and Food. to choice extra St. Louis at 3 00; Paten ation and staterooms, write to 1.00, 90@7 land for New York; schs Geo Savage. Rondout for L. L. LINCOLN. Supt. 3.30 and 6.30 p. m. OCD ORCHARD FOB FARE $1.00. Dr. J. W. Smith, Wellington, O., says: “In Minnesota extra good to prime 5 60S6 60: choic Bostor; Lunet, fm Gardiner for New York; Millie GEO. L. DAY, Gen. Ticket Agent. Portland. June. 16, 1S83 octl4dtf PORTCAND 12.22, 2.45, 7.30 and 9.49.p.m. to double extra ao at 6 80(6/7 New York for for nervous I have nsed it to 50;lncThding 12,000 Trim, Castine; Sabao, Macbias Portland, Sept. 1,1883. sep3dlm Portland for Biddeford at 10.00 a. m., 1.00 and impaired snppiy bbls Mill extra at 6 70. 1600 bbls City 26 choice at 6 35@6 75. Sailed, sch of the East, Olive Eliza- W. A. S. St. John and Halifax. Also connect with (Sundays excepted). calities where the conditions are unfavorable to lead one to think that Baskin runs a soda Light Kolon, Grand Wheal—receipts 338,448 bush; exports 26,538 beth, Mary Stewart, Reno, T Benedict, L M Collins, Trunk trains at Grand Trunk and Maine Passengers by this line are reminded that they se- he lth, this famous vegetable invigorant and altera- fountain.—Boston Post. Station, cure a rest and avoid bush; spot %@%c and options 1@1% hierher, clos- Oregon, Chas H L Curtis, Wm 8 P Central and Portland & trains at comfortable night’s the ex- tive, Hotietter's Stomach Bitters, nas been found a Cooper, McLoon, Ogdenburg Trans- and ing very strong at outside prices with a fair export Thurlow, John Bird, Kenduskeag, EvaG Yates, B L fer Station. pense inconvenience of arriving in Boston late potent safeguard even to feeble constitutions and The worn and should take at a weak, dyspeptic trade and moderate speculative business xeported; Eaton, E ma K Smalley, Caroline C, Fannie F Hall WOLFE’S All trains stop at Exeter ten minutes for refresh- night. fragile frames, while as cure for indigestion, bil- Colden’s sales 3,866,000 bush futures,361,000 bash en spot; Quoddy, Yankee Blade. Manitou, A Hayford, and ments. First class Rooms at HFTickets and* Staterooms for sale at D. H. iousness and kindred complaints, it Is without a Liquid Beef Tonic. Ask for Colden’s, Dining Portland, 272 No 2 Spring at 1 07%; hard No 1 Duluth to arrive; J ** Moulton. Transfer Station, Lawrence and Boston YOUNG’S, Middle Street. rival. of Exeter, Tickets to New via the druggists. No 4 Red 96c; No 3 at 1 10@1 11%: No 2 at 1 15 EDGAKTOWN—Sid 4th. schs America,Amboy for THROUGH TICKETS to all points West and Through York, varioni For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. 1 Rail and Sound Lines for sale. @1 15% in clev. 16@1 10% afloat; No 1 Red Rockland; Bertha, and Maggie Bell, Hoboken for KNOW THYSELF.4Piil9 South may be had of M. C. William*. Ticket sep3 ecd&wlmo Two commercial travelers notes: State at 1 White do 1 18: new Red Southern at for Freight taken as usual. comparing 19; do; Ella Pressey, Amboy do; Caroline Knight. Schiedam Agent, Boston & Maine Depot, and at iJnion t 1 20. h a Aromatic J. B. ( OYI “I have been out three weeks,” said the first, 18@1 stronger; 37,000 Western 68 New York for York; M L Newton, Hoboken for Bed A Bwak for Every Jinn ! Young, middle- Ticket Office, 40 Exchange St. E, JrM General Agent. “and have only got four orders.” That beats 72%c. Cam— spot without decided change;options Beach; R W Denham, do for Augusta; Billow, Am- nged and Old. J. T. FURBER, Gen. Supt. dtt opened %@% steady with reaction ooy for Sbco; Sami Port Johnson for Ports- .H. HOTEL me," said the other. “I have been out four higher, closing Fish, Tbe untold B STEVENS, Gen. Agent, Portland. DIRECTORY. ©f %@%; export inquiry moderate with fair busi- mouth; Frank Norton, do for Boothbay. miseries that resnlt from indiscretion weeks and have only got one and that’s in life be ap5 order; ness in options; receipts 239,376 bush, exports 79,- BEV KLY—Ar 2d, sch Montezuma, Rich, Calais SCHNAPPS. early may alleviated and cured. Those PACIFIC MAIL S. S. CO. an order from the firm to come home.” who doubt this assertion 809 bash; sales {1,320,000 bush future, 224,000 on via Boston. should purchase and rsad the new medical work tbo spot No 3 at 60c; No 2 at 61 %c elev and in storo, Ar 3d, seb Pratt, Calais. published by Penbod the Sylvan, medical Inatltnle, TO Embracing leading Hotel, at whieb the Daily Many times yon want to keap meat or fish 62@62% afloat; No 2 White 60% @ 2% c; No 2 for DARTMOUTH—Ar 4th, sch Lucy Wentworth, Boston, entitled The Mci CALIFORNIA, As a general beverage and rnce of Pb»s* be found. September at 61@61%c, at 61c; October at Hanna, Calais. necessary Life; or, Self-Preservation. It is HEADING R. l may always for several it in a eolation of Bex closing not a days. Lay 61@61 %, closing 01%; Nov PLYMOUTH-Ar sch Fannie only complete and perfect treatise on Manhood, 60%@60% c, closing 5tb, Mitchell, Davis, Exhausted JAPAN, CHINA, Magnas over night and yon can it for at 00*4 ; December at 69%. Oat*—spot %@%c New York. corrective of water rendered impure by Vitality, Nervous and rbysioal Debility, keep Premature Decline In Errors of higher, options opened shade lower, afterwards ad- BOSTON-Ar 6th. barque Gem, Dow, Philadel- man, Youth, eto., Bound Brook Route. k.ilwleh Island., New Z.al.ed ud weeks. You can also keep milk a week or but It contains ono hundred and AUBURN. vanced %@%c, closing strong and fairly active re- phia; schs Mary A Klllen. Allen, Charleston; 8 P vegetable decomposition or other causes, twenty-five pre- Auntralin. scriptions for acute and chronio each one -BETWEEN- ELM more by stirring in a little of the “Snow Flake ceipts 101,ilO bush: exports-bush; sales 575,- Thurlow, Eaton, Newport News; CH Baich, Man- diseases, Steamers sail from New York for HOUSE, Court St-W. 8. * A. Young, Pr*. of which is invaluable.so proved by the author Aspinwall on brand.” 000 Cush futures, 130,000 bush on spot:No 3 at 32; son, Philadelphia; Samos, O’Neil, aBd Kenduskeag, as Limestone, Sulphate of the the 1st, 10th, and 20th of each month, prieton. White at 32 llo 2 at White A H Copper &c, whose experience for 21 years Is such as probably New Trenton & carrying BATH. -4c; 3g%@33%«; 34% Whitney, Amboy; Hodgman, Frye, Weehaw- York, Philadelphia. passengers and freight for all the above named No 1 at White at 41c: No 2 and never before fell to the lot of any physician. It “What be them?” a @34%e; 34c; Chicago ken; Reno, Colbeth, Mary Stewart, Coombs, porta. SHANNON’S HOTEL—Jerry said cooflfeymaD, stop- Mixed Western at do Aromatic Schnapps Is superior to contains 300 pages, bound In beautiful embossed Shaunou. Proprietor —; 32@30c; White 35a/40c Port Johnson; Lizzie Brewster, Smith, and Jane L every Steamer of 10th does not BATH HOTEL—C. M. ping in front of a fruit-store and full got, embellished with the finest oonnect fer San Fran- Plummer, Proprietor. yffiterday, White State at 36%@40c, including 160,000~bush Newton. Stover, Hoboken; Dolly Varden, Smith,do; oovers, very STATION IN NEW YORK FOOT LIBERTY ST, cisco. to a bunch of bananas. No 2 for at other alcoholic A steel engravings, guaranteed to be a finer work In Having September 38%@33Vi c, closing 33%; Telegraph, Thorndike, Rondout; Julia & Martha, preparation. public Steamers sail from San Franeitco for BETHEL. he a do October every sense—mechanical, or regularly Kintingirned, bought plump red-skin, and with- 220/00 34%@34%c, Closing 34*/*c; Hopps, New York; Leaping Water, Hopkins, Vinal- literary, professional— Stations in China and BETHEL F. than any other work retailed in this for Philadelphia Japan, Sandwich Islands, New Zealand HOUSE,—W. Lovejoy A Son, Propota out stopping to peel it bit off the end. The ba- 116.000 November at 36%?a36%c, closing 35% c; haven, St Leon, Perkins, Castine. saltr of over 30 rears duration in every country and Australia. ton. December is or the will he refunded. Price nana was finished in the same 30%. Nugar steadier refining 6%@ Ar 6th. barque T K Wclden, Baldrey, Port Cale- *8.60, money only NINTH AND GREEN 8TKKETN, For primeval style, *1.26 mail. Gold Medal awarded the Na- Freight, Passage, sailing lists and further BOLSTER’S HILLS. 6 ll-16c: refined strong; C6%a0%; KxC 7%@ donia ; sebs Nellie A Drury. Pensacola; by by and then the granger remarked: “The rind Wilson, section of our country of Wolfe's tional Medical Association to the AND THIRD AND BERKS STS. information, apply to or address the General Eas- 7%c; White do 7%c; Yellow off A 7%@8, Hattie Brunswick; Nellie W Cdolpho officers of which HANCOCK HOUSE—M. Hancock, Proprietor. ain’t bat the is fair.” 6@6%; Turner, Beluno, Craig, tbe author tern Agents, much; petti patty standard A at at Geo K Harden refers. Illustrated sample sent on re- 8@8%c; powdered 8%@9c;granu- Pierce, Georgetown; Hatch, brook, of C. 1. BARTLETT A- BOSTON. lated at Confectioners A cut loaf and A L Schnapps, Its nnsoltcited endorsement by ceipt six cents. Send now. CO., 8%c; 8%c; Philadelphia; Wilder, Blake, fm Camden- Wm IIANlairNtrerl, Cor. Ilroad Hostoii. Cubes at Molasses is Pe- Address PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, or Double Stone Balias At., PARKER HOUSE, School St.—H. D. Parker A tks No man from the Atlantic to the crushed 9c. 8%c. quiet. Stovrns. Carter. Bangor; Isabella, Jewett, Wiscas- Express Trains, Track, or to intelligent _ W. 1). LITTLE & troleum-refined In I low sales the medieal a Dr. W. H, PAKKER, No. 4Bnlfinch Street, Boston, 00., Proprleton. 8@8%. steady; set; Volant, Smith, Vinalbaven. faculty and sale Re .ore I * feb8dtf unequaled Mass. The author be consulted on all diseases bur ticket, (at any railroad or tteam- 31 Exchange St., Portland. Pacific, [whether young, middle-aged or old, 260.000 lbs 7% @7 13-16C. Pork held Arm; sales Below, brig Abbie Clifford, from Barbadoes. may CRAWFORD HOUSE, Court St.-Stumcke A Good- requiring skill and experience. boat office lu New England) rin can consider his library complete withont “The 220 bbls mess Jspot 13 00@13 26; 160 clear back Cld 6th, barque John Johnson, (Br) Pickels, for by any other alcoholic distillation have my80d*wly22 win, Proprietors. 17 60. 125 bbls family mess 15 76. Portland. BOUND BROOK ROUTE of 60@IS 6

FRIDAY MORNING, SEP. 7. LIGHTS O’ LONDON. Camp ot the Sabbatarians. Another audience wag Household Furniture, Cabinet &c, good attracted to the WATERVILPE, Sept. 5. Organ, Portland Theatre last night and AND VIC delighted The sky this morning was heavy with clouds BY AUCTION. CITY NITY. with the beautiful scenery of this spectacular aud a warm drizzling rain dampened the en- drama. The various situations strong were campment, but not the spirit of the tenters, HKW ADVGBTISGIIIENTR TO BAY. on heartily applauded. two more shall sell Wednesday Kept. 12th, at 10 Ooly oppor- for at an were astir and LADIES’ at House No. 1134 early JERSEYS! a. Lour.they alijalive o’clock m., Congress ENTERTAINMENTS. tunllhs remain to see the piece. WE with zeal and ambition. The question: “Do i UNDERWEAR. St.. Llhbv’s Corner, the furniture Sc. consisting of Base Ball—Preeumpscot Park. Mirrors, Fins Cabins! THE PAVILION. think it week?’’ has ATLANTIC Sofas, Easy Chairs, Lounges, Forost City Amusement Co. you will be a rainy been Organ, Chamber Sets, Mattresses, Dining Table and Don’t forget that two more remain in Ware, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. days discussed and although a few faint-hearted dis- Chairs, Crockery and Glass Cooking Rang* which to Bee the Boston Juvenile Ideal Co. in and Stoves, Kitchen Furniture, Sc., Sc. Owen, Moore & Co. ciples express doubts and fears, the majority Mutual Insurance To Let—House. “The Mascotte’’ and "Pinafore” atthePa- Co. of the workers are cheerful and hopeful. Oc- F. 6. BAII.EY Sr CO.. Auctioneers, Coparti erslnp-Notice We shall TO-DAI a itd W vilion, Peaks’Island. The Forest City boats open «ep7 anted—Blacksmiths. will casionally a deep base voice rings through the op new YORK To Let—Rooms take you right to the spot. CLOSING-OUT SALE OF ODD BROK- grove to of saw STYLES, Wanted Clerk. singing the accompaniment large and choice line of P. «. BAILEY A CO., Entry NOTES. EN INSURE For Sale—Horse. and hammer the inspiring song: LOTS AND ANY SOILED, SHOP-WORN AGAINST MARINE Found Cane. Mr. Curtis has booked the following attrac- Anctioueers and Commission Merchant “When the mists have rolled in Ladies’ at Notice Is splendor Jersey Waists Hereby Given—2 tions for the Portland Theatre this season: From the of tho OR DAMAGED FOR Wen tod—Girl. beauty hills,'’ GOODS LADIES, RISKS ONLY. Nnlearaoui IN Eacl sage Nl. Denman JUuss Bros. Thompson, Duprez Minstrels. Rob- and even as the words echo on the air tho from a. o. BiiLBT, c. w. iurs son and prices varying $2.50 Crane, Hearu’s Hearts of Oak. Rice’s GENTS, BOYS AND CHILDREN. Thl» will AUCTION SALES. threatening clonds lift their gloomy shadows Company take risks at their office, New Surprise Carrie Boston Theatre on sale of Furniture and Genera Merohan. Parlv, Swain, the Vork, Vessels, Cargoes and Freights, anil Issue Regular Household “And suuBhins warm aud tender, to $5.00 each. dise every at 10 o’clock a. Furniture, die. Co., Hazel Kirke, Summer Boarders, open policies to risks as Laturday, coinmeneing Bijou Palls in on the hills, merchants, making binding gladness as water-borne. m- Consignment, solicitedoot8dtf Theatre Co., Dan Msguiuuis, McLorley’s In- Hoys’ Gray Mixed Fall in ail soon flation, Kentz-Santley, Rebau’s 7—20—8 giving promise of a pleasant day. There Underwear, damaged, sizes, 42c The moat Co., * welcome addition to the choice Young Mrs. Winthrop, Lawrence Barrett, seems to be more than the usual amount of Gents’ Heavy Gray Underwear, all sizes, damaged, 50c Premiums on Marine Risks from 1st WANTS. things of the larder is Hub sold in Haverly’s Minstrels, Mrs. Mr. and January 1882, to 31st December, Punch, Langtry, work to bo done this year in fitting up the These brought 30 cents last year. bottles Mrs. Geo. S. Knight, Howard Athenaium 1882.34,412,693 68 only by Grocers, Druggists end Wine Co., as on Policies not marked off Wanted Tom Keene, the Pat grounds, last year the tent floors were taken Ladies’ White all Premiums tragedian, Rooney, Tony Underwear, 35c 1882... ANTED at once, a few first class box Merchants generally. sep3M,Th,F&w Neil the lumber sizes, 1st January, 1,616,844 86 \Ir sawyers: Denier, Burgess, Margaret Mather, The up, removed aud the grove return- These are almost and ▼ ? steady men. G. W. FROST & Joe perfect CO., Hanlons, Murphy, My Partner, Maggie ed to its original condition One of tho III os t are cent Total Marine Premiums. 36,929,538 43 aepo-dlv Saco, Me. B. regulur 45 goods. Th e rooms of Mitchell, MoAuley, O. D. Bvron. Drs. Damon & Wesley at the active members af the cauip-meeiiug commit- Children’s White Fall Falmoath Underwear, four smallest sizes, 20c Wanted. are daily thronged with invalids tee has died since the last convention, leaving ASSETS, School Committee. and Gentlemen. We end e Medium furnish light, elm number have already been cured of dis- a sad Sizes, only 25c •opts dtf Au adjourned meeting of the School Board vacancy, yot notwithstanding those draw LADIESpie work, sent by mail any distance, and pay a eases which have been abandoned as price when it can be done at home hopeless was held backs scores of active hands are rapidly cluing finished; yesterday afternoon, at 3 o’clock, Mr. Sooduniig leisure hours, or an steady work; the work is by other physicians. the 2 Fox iu the onair. ing appearance of the woodlaud, making SI3,171JB7S.0 easy anf Thirty Days Girl Wanted. by the use of Rex The Humiston Food arily employed by the committee. her direction manifest a Magnith, mirton Food Preservative Co., 72 Kilbv Street. zeal aud enthusiasm Preservative. It COMPETENT Cook and girl for general house- Mr. preserves Meat. Fish, Milk, Cream, After Proof, Boston. j>30-da«2m Bradley, supervisor of the Builer sohool, worthy of praise. Good 75c Laundried Shirts .50 Rgg" and ail kinds of Animal Food fresh and sweet A work. An American preferred. Wagea that Mr. Geo. $ for weeks, even in the hottest weather. This can liberal. Inquire at 51 Stale state. au30d2w* reported H. Bliss has been em- The oircle of tents is than it has been J. D. JON BS. larger “ “ “ be proved by the testimonials of hundreds who have President, ployed us CHARLES Vioe temporarily principal of that school, any previons year, and forms a back of 90c .75 tried it. You can prove it for yourself for 60 cents. DENNIS, President Municipal Court. ground W. H. H. 2d Vice Wanted. and this acti in was vote You will And that this is an article which will Bave MOORE, President, BEFORE JUDGE GOULD. by approved. snowy whiteness to the objects within the cit- “ A. A. to sell on wide you a deal of money. RAVEN, 3d Vice President Eagle Wringers install- That Extra and 1.00 great ments. Good or T O’Donnell Voted, Miss Andie L. be trans- cumference. The trees stand long J, H. Chapman, Secretary, CANVASSERS salary commieion paid. Alee Tuesday.—Bartley and John Mc- Libby among the tents Ta.efcc we have am! NO NOIBED .7111,14. ferred from lhe Centro street primary to the now in all sizes, each one is Agents to sell Wildes, Patent Button. Apply Gowan. A»cault. Fined $3 and costs each. “massive, tall and fit shtiue B. B. North school. dark, for humble warranted to be satisfactory, or money refunded. NO SPOILED 71*AT. PR TLAND: MART IS. Manager, Napoleon B. base and Fred Fuf liman. Intoxics. ^EXCHANGE ST. augBOdtf 36 Street. Miss Ellen worshipper to hold communion with (his Mak- NO STALE EfiBS. Temple Goold was elected ~ ttoD. Fined and cost* each. primary teach- $3 er. The stand It will them fresh and sweet for er in the Center street school speeker’s has been mode very keep many days in place of Miss and does not with Impart) he slightest foreign taste to J. W. REIT WAITED. Libby, transferred. beautiful, wreaths, hanging baskets, the articles treated. It is that MUNGER, Brief sosimpleln operation Jottings. ferns, trailing charts oud a child can follow the directions, is as harmless as CORRESPON ENT About Voted, That children of the sixth class in viues, lovely flowers. the middle of September, Tile Musical salt and costs only a fraction of a cent to a pound of Herald for September has hem the primary schools shall not Mottoes have been placed among tho trees and a be required to meat, fish, butter or cheese or to a qu riof milk. convenient tenement of six or received It is a number. purchase readers iu the us other decorations are This is uo it is endorsed uc men as good Leigh’s type, enough being prepared for the humbug; by seven rooms in a central location. readers of ihe common are now Prof Sam*i W. Johnson of vale College Sold SAVE Dr. Colby, of the Bar Harbor Tourist, Is at type owned by tents and grounds. by VuUR MOVE! I the city for use iu that grade. druggists and grocers. Sample pounds sent prepaid Address N. J. Press office, stating the Falmouth Hotel- The mail or (as we on of Voted, That of the following towns are represented DRESS by express prefer) receipt price. — and It la an — pupils fourth class in by S CTS. place the and location. Fine tents: CAMBRICS, Name express office. Viandine brand for meat; price 42° at grammar schools Linneus, Washburn, Huultou, Monti- y<»ur yesterday. Mercury snnrise, 65° procure Fish’s Arithmetic, Ocean Wave for fish aud seafood; Snow Flake for *7 every tbirly forty-five min- gettiLg lower between the different d« and stable in this lot is 56 feet Mr. S. of We have the Fall styles for young or rear, by 120. A 2Vfc utes. Towle, Lowell, Mass., ban com- denominations. birck house on Chatham old men. Better than the story street. No. 9, lot 36 pleted some views At 7 o’clock Bev. Geo. C. Andrews Savings Bank, by 40. This property is sure to increase in value The Horse Car company will make an ex- splendid photographic which of York as it is in the center of the and can are on an tender which no about 4 city be used for exhibition at ev preached earnest, sermon upon gives insurance, pays per cent, cursion Saturday from Morrill’s and Wood- King’s photograph houses or stores; This will be sold at a Taking up the cross.”—Heb. 12-2—" Who for interest, from which you may withuraw your de- property tablisbment. Two of them as the owner is about to leave ford’s Corners at 9.15 a. m. and 1.15 tak- ate scenes on tbe (he joy set before him posit at any time, or neglect to make It. It is easier great bargain, the p. m., endured the cross des- NEW State. one the ADVERTISEMENTS. JIUCGLLmEOVS. to make money than to save it. ing the excursionists to the wharf by transfer Tennessee, representing the deck of the pising shame.” Whence arises the neces- Terms to suit purchaser. Inquire of with all sity and the motives for to the street and Ship hands, and the other the bearing the cress was Better than Tontine Policies in JOHN C. PROCTOR, Spring line, bringing them pivoting MTOTIC’E of one of the specially considered. IS HEREHV RIVEN, thattbe THUNKS ■ep3eodlm No. 93 Exchange Street* great guns. The latter other back at 6.30 aDd 11 p. m. scene Margaret J. Clark of IV aub-crlber has been duJy appointed and taken Companies. Jersey City, evan- himself Capt. Bradford had prepared under his own gelist, Aaron Nova upon the trust of Administrator of the as shown by of results. For Hart, Beotia, evangelist; estate of comparison Kale. Mr. Thomas in There an Eevs. E. T. Sweden. eye. is admirable view of While Adams, Biddeford; A. Turner, House and lnad No. 9 Coagrem Flore, 9 Kezar J. H. JOSEPH BUTTERFIELD, late of Portland, Mr. William W. Thomas, United Head from Dr. and one of Fails; Snow, Waterford; A. J. room., price 8;t,uW. an29eodtf St|tes Torriuton’s, the re- Mr in e Known, Chestnut street, F. A. t: County of Cumberland, deceased, and given SOMETHING to Portland; AND Minister Sweden, arrived in Stockholm on union of the 13th Maine at the bonds as the law directs And I hwe Results Peak’s Island Bragdon, Conway; F. F appointed For the 19th of Gro-veacr, Cornish; Philip J. Larrabee, of Accomplished. Kale. Angnst. At where House. G. Pasterson are the new Poitland, my Agent Gothenburg, among arrivals. or 3XT El X^ . YACHT. Attorney in tbo '•tate of Maine. All persons hav- THE NORTHWESTERN has paid over $3,300 Thirty three feet long, he was consol in 1863-63, he was re- warmly Mabtha’s Gkove, Sept. 6. ing demands upon the estate of said deceased, are 000 matured endowments. Besides giving in SCHOONEReleven feet breadth. Inquire of the of M. C. 11. A. to exhibit the same; and all indebt- sur&nce these have returned A. L. ceived, flag the United States being “The wind is in the ea3t” no required persons policies the pre- JOHNSON, longer. To- ed to said estate are to No. Custom House Wharf. laised At a regular meeting of the Maine called^upon make payment to miums with 4 to 6%per cent, oompound interest. aug22dtf C, over his hotel with the flags of Sweden Charita- day has been an ideal for JAMES E. of BAGS. out of doors. N. ble day A FRENCH, Moulionborough, H., I have received a THE ASSETS OF THE and on either Mechanic Association, held last or to PHILIP J. or just NORTHWESTERN, (in Norway side. From Gotbeu- evening, marked increase in the Administrator; LARKABEE, vested in the most and solid secur- DIAMOND ISLAND. congregation is noticea- Port Ian or productive Vice President Redlon in the J. Me., Agent Attorney. number of We are for the Patent Wood Ex- ties of the bnrg ti Stockholm he proceeded by chair, after the ble. social large Instan- agents country) have earned the past ten lots and sold steamboat, Spiritual meetings, good music and Portland, Sept 4,1883. sep7dlaw3wF* celsior the above all bought by nsual routine the Trunks, strongest made ; no years paying expenses and taxes, an Building W. II. WALDRON, 180 Middle St. np rivers, across lakes and canals. business, following honorary excellent sermons have taneous of 4.27 cent interest. tbroogh profitably filled the Photographs of other dealer has them east of Boston. average per *ug21 dtf The steamer carried members were electedRev. Dr. Dr. TICK «P» HEREBY the the United States flag at Hill, time. GIVEN, that We have also Zinc, Canvass, Sole Leath- THE SURPLUS OF THE COMPANY over a 4 per William Dr. F. NOsubscriber has been duly appointed and taken Yachting and Marine oent. reserve is the foremast head daring the entire Wood, H. Gerrish, H m. W. Kev. Mr. er and Bonnet Trnnk-. $3,022,012, Brick House (or Kale. journey Grotfener, of Cornish, preached at upon herself the trust of Administratrix of the es- W. Hon. S. S>. THE and it waa cheered the Thomas, Spring, Judge 10 a. m. tate of Views, which are the SINCE 1876 NORTHWESTERN has done pleasantly and located three •ton- frequently by people. Webb, from I John 4:18—“There is no fear in centrally better by its policy-holders than any company THEied brick house on the cor- The papers of Sweden record the Judge Symonds, Hon. R. M. Richardson, T.C. JOHN WATSON, late of Cape Elizabeth, dwelling westerly incidents of love, hut perfect love casteth out fear.” The finest ever shown in in tbe country. It needs only to be known to be ner of Pearl and Cumberland streets. Terms favor- Wm. in of his progress with much Horsey, G. Twombly, R. O. Conant.Gen. theCouuty Cumberland, deceased and given preferred. Its policy-holders increase their in- able to the purchaser. to WM. H.JKRRI8. particularity and in a preacher urged the and as the Apply 8. J. Anderson and necessity possibility of bonds law directs. All persons having de- Portland. Call and see surance in the Northwestern. augll manner that testifies to the of Joseph Walfcer. mands the estate of said gratification the perfect love toward tbo Saviour upon the at- upon deceased, aro re- The committee on the Triennial quired to exhibit the same; and all Indebt- them. I am people that onr government had sent as its Festival de- tention of his persons still sell- hearers, iu a faithful and affec- ed to said estate are called to Brick House (or Sale. cided to open it Oct. 18tb. upon make pay- LIVE AGENTS WANTED. representative there one already so tionate to ment to Artist’s GLOVES No. 120 Pleasant favorably manner, bringing his aid illustra- Street, second west of apt MARY ing Materials, WATSON, Administratrix. street. Contains nine bath room known to them. The Cumberland tions and quotations. The above Endowment Policies HOUSEHigh rooms, County Fair. Cape Elizabeth, Sept 4,1883. sep7ulaw3wF* Pictures and Frames, at in all styles and colors. &c. Price $4,000. Apply to WM. H. JERRIS. Already the intending exhibitors at the fair An impressive altar service was led Elder (or sale by August 4,1883. au4dtf Sunset In the White Mountains. by reduced are making preparations. The conveniences Clark at the close of the sermon. Copartnership Notice. greatly rates, At Stubbs’art gallery, Union Mutual build- For Kale. for the stock and Bev. Merritt C. Pendexter to make room for LEWIS GORHAM be a accommodating horses will preached in the f¥lHE firm of W. S. JORDAN & CO- was dissolved Fall McLELLAN, ing, may seen new picture by Mr. F. T 306 tons rate In be better then afternoon from X September 1883, by the death of Hyperion Register, 1V4. ever. There will be of Titus 2:14—"Who gave him- 2, Wintbrop order. For of Montague, the English artist. The title of the plenty S the senior goods. BRIGgood particulars inquire self Jordan, partner. B. straw for bedding provided, and a new for us that He might redeem us from ail The Special jy!2dtf J. WILLARD. picture is "Sunset in the White Mountains of pump undersigned, the surviving partners, have this Agent. formed a new has been in to add to the and unto himself a day co-partnership under the for New The scene put conveniences for iniquity purify peculiar AT England." represents the mer firm name of W. S. JORDAN & CO, and will T. T. MERRY, STATE AGENT. watering cattle. Agricnltaral Hall has people zealouB of good works.” The as Twin Mountains, with the sun descending be- been atone- continue the business before. Jne23 «odtf TWIN COTTAGE in excellent ment and its FlUTZ H. low the of the north put condition. The plowing and purpose was made the subject of JORDAN, top Twin. The brilliant WINTHROP JORDAN. J. T. SALE. hauling matches will display some the sermon. After the sermon the venerable ^FOB colors of the sunset are reflected in a brook. splendid Portland, Sept. 5, 1883. sep7dlw STUBBS, teams, and the exhibition of town teams will Bev. D. B. Bandall gave reminiscences of his the mo«t desirable looatlon at FERRY BEACH The shed in the foreground has been used as a COST IN within two minutes walk or the Bay Yibw be one of the best features of the fair. preaching upon this circuit To be Ld. 400 temporary shelter by many camping parties. fifty-three years Congress° St. House. Very convenient for one or two familie*. at which Mr. «0*25 our Beautiful beach The has been ago, time Pendexter’s father be- dtf All of Summer goods, such as Light, Summer Visitors and scenery. For price and partic- picture very handsomely framed Smuggling. Soft and Stiff ulars, inquire of W. S. DENNETT, Saco Me. came converted. Bev. T. F. of Gor- Hats, Hammocks, Straw and Residents will find one by Mr. S'ubbs and is on exhibition at his store Deputy U. 8. Marshal Marble arrested Jones, two story frame house No. 62 High Street, j of the Jn5 dtf corner of Dan ten Had, Ac., Ac. for the It ham, Me., preached upon “Heavenly THE forth; rooms and bath room, best assortments of present. is not for sale, and will Joseph Chandler at Blaine for places," and cold water in smuggling Eph. 2:4-6 hot sleeping rooms, house heated For Snle. stay here bat a abort time. It was painted for cattle and brought him to Portland bv furnace and hot water, making a desirable res- Fancy Goods, yesterday The District idence. Stable attached. corner Carleton and Braekett for- exhibition at the Corcoran meeting closes Saturday nooD. Ste., art gallery in He was arraigned before Commissioner Gloves, HOUSEmerly occupied by Joabua Hobbe. of Band, The of this BENJAMIN SHAW, i Inquire to quarterly meeting section will be CANNED JOHN P. HOBBS, Washington. aud ordered give recognizances in 81,000 for sep7-eod2w* 48M» Exchange St. GOODS Hosiery, held upon tbeso grounds Saturday afternoon »p7dtf KO. 80 Market street. Mr. Montsgne has sold his "Glorious Sum- his appearance at the Circuit Court, 24th. Fans, Sept. and Sunday. mer Morning,” which was exhibited in Port- Wanted. Pack era! COE, Parasols, Farm For Sale or To Let. land last year to Mr. J. B. Alley of Lynn, who The Fair In FEW first-class Blacksmiths on tine sleighs of the best farms in the County of Comber- Coming Bangor. and also Travelling it National Christian A earriHges, competent superintendent Bags, ONEland, situated in Cape Elisabeth, known as the bang in his Washington residence. The la a list of Temperance Camp- following trotting premiums of smith department. R. M. BINGHAM & CO. “Brooks Farm” will be sold at a 8. meeting. Ruchings, great bargain. to be offered by the Eastern Maine Fair As- sep7dlw Rome, N. Y. THE L. CARLETON, Att’y at Law, 180 Middle St. Port- Beal Estate! Transfer*. Collars, and. Me. mafBdtf sociation at their opening iD Maplewood Driv- The National Christian Temperance Camp- The following transfers of real estate in this Horse for Sale. ing Park, Sept. 26th, 2Gtb, 27th and 30tb: meeting opened at Old Orchard yesterday at Cuffs, have been recorded at YEARS 1040 lie National county the ef weighs sound and Color Registry FIRST DAY. 2.30 p. m. Guv. Dingley opened the meeting old, pounds; Printing Co. Handkerchiefs, LOST AND FOUND. 7 kind, free from all tricks, good roader; suita- Deeds: No for in a in 1—8200 three-minute class. speech which lie discussed the condition ble for family use. Can be seen at the Horse & Has resumed business with fa- Fichus, No. for stallions improved HATTER E. 2—8250 that have never Portland—Sarah Harrington to Nellie M. beaten of the cause in Carriage Mart, Plum street. sep7dtf to do Strayed. 2.34. temperance Ohio and several SWISS’,£2? J® COLOR Laces, Hatch et als, land on Long Island. Consider- riStJ of all into my enclosure, three heifers, ene blaek No. 3—850 for 3 year-olds and other of tho Western and kinds. This ation <36. under; best 2 in Southern States. PltJN Company 107 Wi'ldle Silks, CAMEand white and two red and white. The owner can 3; half mile heats. Found, wiil wntinae to print SUPERIOR COLOR Street. Simeon et ais He also spoko atromo of the sepl axtt have same by calling at ray farm in Scarboro, situa- Skillings to Charles M. Cash- length proposed on for SBCOKD DAV. morning Exchange street,a cano, LABELS, packers of Cereals, Plants, Shawls, te I near “Buggy” meeting house. F. A. LIBBY, man, land on Peaks’ Island. Consideration constitutional amendment in this Slate. now in Marshal’s Owner can No. 4—8200 for 2.45 class. SATURDAYCity keeping. Vegetables. Meats, Fish, and the Dress Goods &e. sops dlw <138. have the same property and paying Soups, No. 6—8160 for 4 -olds and Capt. J. B. Coyle was the next aud by proving various articles of commerce, Thomas Rafferty to City of Portland, land. year under; beet 2 in speaker, charges. sep7d3t* inciutiinir at very low prices, at Consideration was listened to with marked attention. trade and advertising cards. <316. No. 6—8200 for the 2.31 class. TO LET. Windham—Louisa Rev. Mr. Sturgia et als to Charles No. 7-8160 for running race, mile Noon, Grand Woitby Patriarch of Oirl W auled. laDd. (fleet) heats; STOCK Jones, Consideration $25. best 2 in 3. the Soiib of of Rm do housework. at 1ABF.LS ALWAYS ON HANO. J. M. DYER & CO’S Yarmouth— Temperance kport, Mass., general Apply TOURISTS Charles W Jordan to Louis P. THIRD DAV. 111 AND TRAVELLERS. HOUSE TO LET discussed the outlook of tho 110 sep7d3t* MIDDLE ST. 511 Congress Street. Pomeroy, laud. Consideration $275. No. 8—8200 for 2.60 class. temperance cause House at Woodford’s, on line in Massachusetts. auglO eodtt of No. 0—8260 for 2.30 class. Famished *Koonis io Fet at 130 horse cars, tt» let. Apply to New Uniforms. No. for best gentleman’s 10,~$20o driving horse Mr. A. J. Chase of Dee ring, spoke of Park Street Vonris’H and others needing J. II. HEED, The new to style and speed considered. Woodford’s. uniforms for the Dirigo base ball wagon the ef education. t»|)7 41 w* anything in the line of FISTULA AND PILES sepBdtf FOURTH DAY, necessity elub are nearly completed and will be worn Rev. H. C. Munson of No. for 2.40 class. South Berwick, who NATIONAL Cnreii without the Use of the on the occasion of the 11—8200 Knife. Rooms to Let. game with the No. free for all horses, with 8200 to some years ago lived in WILLIAM READ D.. 12—81200, Indiana, contrasted (M, Harrtfd, 1842), and or at John L. club of Boston at the winner of iaBtest if better than 2.20. Boots, Shoes, ROBERT M. Hai unfurnished, 173 State St., In Whiting Presamp- heat, the habits of tho of that Slippers, &c„ READ (M.D., .ard, 1878), offices, oue of the best and most people State as re- » FURNISHED pleasantly situated soot next CHAS. FriuiN Blouse, 7!t Treuionl street, lto«ion, houses 111 Park, The uniforms are a I Portland, Saturday. gards with those of O’BRIQN, will Hud attention to the midway between two flr.t-olass temperance the of give special treatment of FISTF- Thieves Caught. people Color boarding bouses. Enquire on the white shirt, white bine «ND ALL premises pants, stockings, can- Maine. lie said that in Maine in 1832 it advantageous to call at the LA,FILKN DD FAMES OF A short time the Voter at Bidde- there Printing THE sepB d3t, ago Honse, Co., KKCTUM, detection from busi- vas shoes, bine belt and white wnolesalb and Retail Dealer in without cap with blue was 818.32 per capita spent for Abundant references ford, was robbed and the were un- drink; in 1882 ness. gi?en. Pamphlet sent are neat and local officers band. They very pretty. the drink bill lied fallen to 61 Equitable BOSTON mass. POP LE’S SHOE STORE, on application. able to obtain #1 per capita. Building, ) any clue to tbe thieves. Three ®u«18 <].&«• Iiu34 Office Hour* 1 a m. to 4 p.m. (except Sundays'. To-day Benjamin R. Jewell aud Dr. Dor- TO Greenwood Garden. days ago Detective Robert Davis, of this city, feblOdly LET chester will speak. COAL. Opposite the Preble Today the skating will take place at the was called to the case and set to work to ferret House, rink in the afternoon for an elegant gold pin them,out. He got a clue and worked the SDomestic Coals a|jSpecialty, at, lowest ^Market Dissolution. Store M117 &li» Jliddle St. HEW ADVEKTIMKITIKNTW. Prices. 480 S for the beat lady skater, and in the evening case Wednesday, a. resting two men named Congress the Pont all the firm of W. H SOMKJKS * CO. i> this Office where large for a pair of Winslow’s skates for the best gen- Raymond and Newcomb and locked them mutual day AT OLD ORCHARD. BF'Vi'WWholesale Houses are located. In up. W anted. Thedissolved by consent. The business ef lobbing dry 322 Commercial firm will be goods. and other Glasses of Fitted up tleman skater. In the evening Prof. Pnidy Yesterday morning they were taken before*the Street, the late settled and continued by KOB- Fancy goods. Entry Clerk lu a Dry aud Fancy floods Job- with two Countiug rooms, Brick nnd Iron Safe, Ele- of The court at Biddelord and the a ,u°— Tickets from vator. with will give exhibitions fancy skating. evidence was so AN bing House, must be goud penmau and quick Brofru’4 Wharf, Portland, Me. Portland, Counters, Tables, Mae and Water, light reoammendatious the round trip, until Monday, Sept. 10, and airy basement all in repair. Heated bT steamer Emlta is the boat to take from Frank- strong against them that they were bound over at figures. Good required. william h. good perfect Address I\ O. BUX 1382. Ordara rscdwd by No. SOMEKS, a furnace. Inquire of H. E. THOMPSON 364 to the Grand lu Tel.phon., 644, be found, lie wharf Jury 82000 bonds each. S«p7 d8t* Sept. Proprietors. 46 Gent8- Brackett St. where the key« may t »ug7 att Ported, 3rd. l8f8°.BEBX ilW *odtt .... ootS dtf