September 07,1883
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. _ ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862—VOL. 21. PORTLAND, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 7, 1883. PRICE THREE CENTS. SPECIAL NOTICES. »: niCAiioN At. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. THE LABOR INVESTIGATION. NEW ENGLAND FAIR. THE FATAL GALES. FOREIGN. THE MYSTERIOUS WRECK. Published every day (Sundays excepted) bv the PI BL1C SIOOLS. POKTLASD PUBLISHING COMPANY, Cure Your Corns At 07 Exchange St., Portland, Me. and China Dollars a Year. To mail subscrib- Alleviation of the Classes .Vlntoh- Fine France Steadily Drifting BY USING Fall Term of the Publio Schools will Terms: Eight Working Ploughing Exhibit of Not the United States Steamship f|3HE begin ers. Seven Dollars a Year, if paid In advance. More Vessels Reported Wrecked. A MONDAY Morning, Sept. 10. As schools Clones—The Distinguished Guests. Into War. open Rates of Advertising: One inch of the Aliance. so late in the season it is ileslrable that should space, SCHLOTTERBECK’S pupils of column, constitutes a Manchester, Sept. 4.—At noon the be as prompt as possible In with their class- length “square.” people uniting per square, first week; 76 oents An Elaborate Scheme es. By order of School $1.60 dally per Passed. within the grounds of the New England fair Committee, week after; three insertions otlejs, $1.00, continu- Wart & Bullion Solvent. THOMAS of Schools.!-. oonld Volcanic Eruptions Felt in Several Parts Corn, TASH, Supt. * ing every other day after first 60 cents. not have been less than 18,000. The Lives Lost. harmless; is not a caustic. Portland, August 30,1883. td week, Many Entirely uug81 Half square, three Insertions or less, 76 one first But Believed to be the Missing removes Bunions and Callous cents; event in the was an extensive of It Corns, Warts, cents week after. The of programme Europe. a bleu ish. week, $1.00: $60 per Supposed Compensation without leaving Special notices, one-third additional. plowing matoh in a field 3-4 of a mile south of Brush for in each bottle. Ludwig. applying SCHOOL NOTICE. Under bead of “Amusements” and “Auction Editors and Reporters. the IS park. There were seven classes with a fgrA CURE GUARANTEED.^8 Sales,” $2.g0 per square per week; three Insertion* Ceremonies at the Unveiling of the or large number of entries The The Experience of the Pas- Price 'i5 cent*. For Rule by all lass, $1.50. in each. fore- Tragic Dracgiat*. noon on the Sept. G.-The ashore of ground was devoted to the exhibi- Lafayette Statue. Montreal, steamship it and you will be convinced like thousands opening Chestnut Street Primary School, THE MAINE STATE PRESS. New York, Sept. 6.—John Swinton tion sengers of a Steamer- Try appear- of stallions and other borsea. Gov. Batter near Indian N. Is the who have used it and now to its value. THEowing to the not being quito ready, Harbor, S., supposed by testify building Published every Thursday Morning, at $2.50 a ed before the Senate sab-committee on educa- was met a Auk for Mchlotierberk’N Corn tiad Wart win be deferred one or until September 17lb. by reception committee which in- of the White Cross Line to be the miss- week, year; if paid in $2.00 a year. cluded agent Nolvcut and take uo oilier. advance, tion and labor Iu to what President Loriug and the officers of the of Schools. Advertisements inserted m tlic “Maine State to-day. regard legis- London, 8ept. 6.—A private letter from Pe- steamer nov23 sndtf THOMAS TASH, Supt. two agricultural societies, Gov. Hale of New ing Ludwig. Press twlitcli lias a large circulation in every part lative measures could be introduced to alleviate kin says that the Li Hang Chang are really in September 1883. septi-dtd of Hampshire and ex-Govs. St. Johns, N. F., 6.—The French bark 5th, the State) for $1.00 |ier square tor first Insertion staff, Weston and Sept. favor of a of the LATER REPORTS FROM HALIFAX. the condition of the’ classes the wit- of New peaceable solution difficulty and 60 oents per square for each subsequent inser- working Chany Hampshire, Hon. Moody Cur- is a total wreck at Sables—DaLoune. sur- RARE Hortense with France, while the intriguers who more definite OLD ENGLISH BOOKS. tion. ness would recommend: rier, city officials of Manchester and others. Halifax, Sept. G.—Something crew was saved. Seven schooners more round the throne are in their cry for St. Catharine’s Address all communications to Gov. Butler’s were The argent has been received relative to the unknown Hall, X—The revival of the Among party several of one 118 Middle Street newly opened for sale ns. PORTLAND income tax as origin- on war. Prince Kang, of the Conservative Aumsi'A, PUBLISHING 80. his staff, Gov. Jarvis of North Carolina and were wrecked Miqnelon Island in the sterm sunken steamer off The wreck STOREof above, and of current and standard Second- ally in force. members of the government, expresses the Indian harbor. Diocesan School for Girls, under the direction of Chandler and brother. The French hand Books. Libraries and Collections of old boeks 2— 'The establishment of a national board of Secretary Senator of Thursday. bank fleet is slowly that war will be the for a num- to have been noticed the of Maine. Pike opinion signal appears f&t Saturday, purchased. Bishop of New Hampshire was with the the 4th of MADAME MON Principal. METEOROLOGICAL. Industry empowered to collect labor statistics party arriving. On this month twenty- ber of outbreaks in the empire- The empress and there the went DAN, and also ex-8enator Hollins, Commodore Bad- is little donbt that ship Assisted seven competent teachers. of every description and to is reported to be even fearful for the perma- by INDICATIONS FOR THE NEXT TWENTY-FOUR including power ger, Paydirector Gilmau, Chief one cases more of Iobs of life on the Banks down the violent last Wednesday 10,000 Old Books Wanted Im- Mrs. A. S. Fhothimiham, Matron. enforce the eight hour law. Engineer nence of the dynasty, and is inclined to favor daring gale instruction In HOURS. Hobie and several others. The were were All of the French fleet that Th s school affords thorough all de- 3— The establishment of effectual boards of guests reported. such measures as shall secure peace. night. Captain Albert Pride of the packet mediately. with full college course in Latin ami oscorted about the and the numbers partments, War Dkp’t Offioe Chief Signal health, education and works. city inspected have arrived report of dismasted ves- The Standard’s Hong Kong dispatch says schooner who was the first to make tbe sndtf Greek. .Modern Languages and Conversation j public mills. Arrow, _ Officer, Washington, 0. C. 4— Industrial schools and on the Amoskeag Company’s sels outside and of the people of China seem to have,- little fear of Classes under the charge of native teachers. Special j colleges At 12.50 the arrived at the and large quantities floating discovery, has arrived at Sherbrooke and he 1 A. M. French system. party park the result of a war with France, and believe advantages for the study of Music and Art. Sept. 7, were The Cromwall line BtSlAENN driven to the headquarters. wreckage. steamship Ca- armaments makes tbe CARD*. TERMS: #450 a yeur. Sixteenth school year For New England, 8—Public ownership of railroads and tele- president’s that with their new and the vastly following report: A general and hand took became a total opens septsiuber ‘la. graphs on the Belgian system. reception shaking mima, Capt. Farquhar, wreck improved discipline of their forces the nation Sunday last, when near Mate Shoals, my Fair weather during the day followed by place, which was followed brief addresses Address the Matron as above until Sept. 1st, after 6 -Freedom of patents. by this She struck Gull at the is far better able to cope with a foreign enemy vessel southeast by south, two miles local soutboast to southwest W Geo. B. morning. Island, bearing which date be made of the rains, winds, Coring, Uovs. Hale of New war A Ch inese inquiries may Principal. 7— Postal banks .under the British system. Hamp- of St. than it was in the oi liidO. pa- from Mate on the east side of Indian harbor, I eodiim. lower barometer and slowly rising tempera- shire, Butler of Massachusetts and Jarvis of mouth Mary’s bay, aud sunk almost im- SIGN PAINTING Jlyd_ 8— Laud laws which will prevent the hold- per urges that immediate action be taken to observed a ship's spar in the water with heel ture. North Carolina, Hon. W. E. Secre- The and in ud Lettering of Every Description, ex- ing by private individuals of great traots of Chandler, mediately. passengers crew, sixty prevent the annexation by the French of any upward, showing about 12 feet In the trough of SPECIAL BULLETIN. tary of the of ecuted in an Artistic Manner land. Navy, Mayors.Palmer Boston, all, got ashore on an island rock about a mile portion of the Cninese territory, aud expresses the sea. It was pitch pine and about 18 Inches Putuam of M. and at short notice. MRS. THROOP’S A storm of slight energy'ms developed iu !).—Publio ownership of coal, iron, gold and Manchester, P. Duval, presi- distant from the shore. The schooner Thistle indignation that such au attempt should have in diameter. It appeared fast to the standing the Northwest near dent of the of Paris and is central St. Paul. other mines and all oil wells. municipality and others. was despatched to the scene of the wreck to been made at a time when China was at peace rigging of a vessel and evidently had been ENGLISH AND FRENCH SCHOOL A After f M.