
THIS 3U1N, WEDNESDAY, 22, 1891. JULY 5 . Illl " ' . till 9X , ' OlllTVAtlT, iitTisa n.iun 10 stov rut: naiiT, SVltPJllSKS AT CUVSS BILL FOR DIRECTORS TO FOOT. TEMPLE BAR WON TUB PRIZE. iii The nuri!,t:Ucs-lUcrha- irJ, &t. l James II. Hall, a former wealthy earrings lint It Looks 11a Flfrslnimnn 11 nil Ilnll l'ollocli Turns (lie on Iletmnr, Greatest Safety ' ir Tables the A A.'!' Vv ,MV wi rtielrrslatidi the (.hambei-'- i 'flU'sIji vv.ovose builder of Uoston, died on Moudity from the Would IIiitc lt Out To.Nlclit. Hliita Chumploti, Jt 1, 1, nc inuli ne Ad iron ilIMsI, box lint, IS BCft iioatuor.ni'MH to 31111 KBSTVCKT UOItSB 7..1.YOS Mill 1,1110 Jltt e iost doBo rln: ellecta of n of laudanum, supposed Br. r.ttjr., July 21. Tho warrants issued yes. Ekaskitki.fs, July in (he Kew 'fix SB luxu KrxnrTiuxa. -- Lo.n ndmluietered with suicidal latent. S 10,000 ST.tKli terdny for tlio rrostof Hob l'llslmmous nnd York Btulo Chess Association's A Jin HIVil II' IIY V ti.i i aiiied ImtnedlaTdv I ft touriiamsut .'V I .LlitNAN rr a; Heit iitti it. j wK5 A(ttltjT:iuHhe Amtrlcnii I.onn nnd Trtit Mr. Unit wns the son of James Hall, tho founder his ttnincrs. Bmlth and Cnrmll. wcra sorted continued l'ollocknnd Delmnr llnlshod tjjt - Milnnc-U- - i At. MM. .1 tviM.tiWoii'.i I' Kenernl wori- - k, J It 'Hit Wtt Nexllxcnll- of the ImuicnsocanlnKO manufacturlnc estab- . hiiikI Coirp"iy I'rodlsi.l, Illolher to Piitrnu, tt ns ravoillo late this nftoinoon, both inoii boliic taken In thu hocond name of their match, which was 2 liiau Il ivtirc l ac. at UOYI.I ,s, v, 7tll av, V I ' Tritmticlloii l Hllver itntl now ns Hull 3 rim Little lishment known tho Carrlue tow by Chlof Chirk of tho St, l'nul pollco faxco. Marled 011 Monday ovotiluc;. hnd to ii-.- ta- - Help Itiililvvln. nt tlie rstnrt. but Kubert'a Hon it a I'lisl Others tvhli i.er.rnoe hi e'ectroirpc I.i It illl IJiitUiont tilth of Company 21 and Hnwklns streot. Uoston. 1'i Wei't i , top pcattion. at 'ii nnd Unme MmtEls It, Wins llin Ull7 They weio at onco Inkon befoio JiideoCmy contest (holf ciinufj In thu tournament for the it ait st Poor sieat'y S'lli '111 Judco of Iho Kittiren.o Court rtrnntod About four yenrsnvo the elder Hall dlad, loav-In- u nnd l'liLAlminons itato n bond of J VlO to keep bl.ter cup jiresenlod by tho Mnnf.s SCrilimj, MH'I'itsiT i ,rs eia.s Ji,ti rniepoeitrr. whoean p,lj fjt or - In Tor ' ' 't f npi'llontlon of J. ltl- to lilt son ti lino ncomtort-iibl- o lnce 11 mi W. No Coiiilltlnn it ' m r ."" ".'V .v'.'1" "''s ",''" I'.ne eiberunoet. 51 y,9totd.iy the business nod tho penco, whllo Carroll mid Smith WirJ lil'o tho Kioat majority wcro In tho lu it A Ih.s-st- . fill Mllc-To.d- APlll I'llil.il' tscin en, I? wx:il Mniir.unr. of '.ho Aincrlciin Loan mid lortutie. In two years' tlmo he bad lont n l'ust ni's Attritctlotifl, on ball, (Loir caso belni: contluuod till ntinual handicap, ilow Delnmr throw nwar FJIVtim I.i: In n a fnee.ry to take charja fofT , VJ lartfo pun of It nnd iissljinineut. - - rf JlS for hiivu to a Ulvliionil iiiadunii but woll-bre- l.a I.o j"itl Coiapnnr DnmntT, July 21. Tomplo Dor, a d I'll day mntnlr.c. lilsilinnee nr scorlnj n second victory will be eiuui- nil i..ier Tt.lv. nber msn who MB tut Itutitrli roiidetod him iiconipntatltely poor i lilt to proTiTrod ll i in .1' bl u ma linrntei en i rs, ii' work vers. . 1.1 of 3J lont. tlio creditor!. 1UU v, ' fill ior iiihiii hu paid ruiiiH un every iloilarof his black Btalllon from Kentuoky. won afpleudld Jim Hall arrived this mornlns nt.d has boon toen from thu un of tho came, which is t.itlriM I.MnM .11 le-i- ull0.ree.ft. M '2tti tit tho samo tltna titiltstl- - In li n. Ho life, f I'firrntt bledno then roiltoU Horn victory nt tho DrivltiR thl t In nroiind town nil day but was anosttd, ns Major nlso sulToiod dufo.it . J JiJro - l'nrk niton oen i.ot Hanham T.iir. Ti ort'l'i'hs tvtsTl It mist bea - ol werlf. llsO; iV. W. KlJniis.in in I laco of tlio AiiktI- but has been utvi since. Ills ttlfo. -. y II I K tntfJ fiimous hnrpNt, tho race for tho Merchnuts' nnd Manufa- lnu been rtiuiorod. Ilo was out dilvlin,' nnd for tho cup In a similar manner, nnd had to n laintii .if. i,i,i. ai Utile A t! Vm Tph.. Coiiiiuiiy w trustee: tho llorenio then i n s i tin km in it-- i f'lliliTl'l) cn Lfsn to ik up tho battle, and now Is on cturers' Stake. A wool; nun ho would have been did not show himself In court when his tn iloinotiy, the Hungarian, nnd champion "' until ll'.Kst-siliiri.- t irt". ' n triiht moila:tn oxocutod by tlio North n tour with ii concert lomtumy. ( TAI.niiK'HN I,, Ifl under latorlte on public loriu, but l'rodl.al, n full icucthy opponetit's caso wns cnllid. of tho New York City lub. Jilnekman nt the 1 it t vie r,s t t,t lM lli-- or y it Corurr and mi Vorstsit., Jersey city. Hallway Corn nun Vl.tno. y , li tl hV ,nl I'tvi. tiion lo Anlonlo jiropt letor of tho Hotel Vlnno. brother to Patron, boat such n Rood Held at Tho llrt-- t Hop In Iho ntlompts to Mop llrooklvn Clu1-- who was opposed In tho cup For S'.CO.MW of bondj. ri'.l Last I luhtoentliBtrcot. consumption r J Atish-- SI u.l.n tunnel. ::i l!a;tunT7tiiriot-- " rllll'Slt pror."r to srctiro dledot botweou Hull point by A. 11. Ices, Bicycle onHiilidny iiioniilii; nt ii:.,n. in tho d Hncliiaw.ifovv days niro, trottlncone heat iu Ihofluht nnd I it?sliiimoiis was etltloii Ho the b'latcn Riders '' SIiiinionM 1:1 coiilldunt that tlio . yenrot Ins au'i-- Ho born ut Tunu In lbl'.l. 2.17 , nnd n rnronth closo to 2:20, Hint ho tho cniillutnitlon of Inst nlcht's muss mm-tlm- Island o'uininton. a brilliant flixlit. i lll it mi wanted 110 ' L'l 111 'ij I tm male nnd 1) hnrl ttrml trnntdln? at hand will nay tlio oroforrod creditors mi i bus beon n keeper n I his life, In ilrevv lies in having a bottle of lowtry C.i I r o,.w I ' hotel cauiclit most of tho talonl for his Clov. Morrlam hud uromlbod to io;clvo tho alter uboiit lllty inotOJ. Thulesults of a'.iriiu ultjji'iiu rny'-Ociu- i oniraiioiuont lift itf Italy until ho ciiin-- to this country In tho as In fill, nnl Hint cnn eventually iur 1 ifuuius nto follows: i I ttsn tn nf hi Ififl Is.i' i. nnd slhcu New iU. hero. Iloltlnc bocnti litis mornlni: on tl.o memorial aducto nt (ho mcetlm: and ulio h s rit nihitlMilT. tsk 'clisrue JellTerr llr.J' nnprpforrod thnt tlmo In Ills m:cumi I ,irpari.-inn- t ToM MN tHIK A CO, 171 and it Ci oa tNc d' lo tlio orcditors. "If IliRt eet.ibllshtneiil wis on Hast KlHlitcontli stake, and In the larco.it pools Trodlcst ntuwer this momlne. Thomas tcchrnn. Ji.. o.tvi: or Tim match, til tho claim for fCC'.V.lj ) nnlnst utroet. bjitteon Third ninl nnd With it (he was aiv lurK.'. lean Kouro utcutiiH. IJUC. Temple I2UD, tvlillo oieneil Rtatoniont (lint law ' Corn-,-- -. laip) broiicht Ilnr solliiiunt k. ruiMir. 1. w. it. (p. brnr'-- nii'ttifaclurer: one wh MilllS ll'iV-iu-r and Nnshtillo Improvemont was ii wel. known nnd popular about to bu tlolntod. (hut Hint wero w.UKrnnoci. iiimii. ictiocc UTtvrr;i t . the nnd l.upt Honest llootire. Abblo Y nud Clara Wilkes to llnlle (toil. IIAilr. Hlntk. n. tiidrr) ati'is t li Liaiiie-a- to takt) if Id S Pio inotoj iiiitoi.l l.lithtoeiith unnhl prelum its violation, nnd they culled I r-- P-- 11 ' Im and "1 can pay the y.i. -'ti Ki mi'-v- ni tbar.etl'n. r; luunlre ftroot. nnd llnally to whore lhe hotel rnnuod from tlaU lo ilOU. tiro othors luakitic on tho Hovel nor tn roe to n enforcenient. m-k- iki iia vjki-M- g-- Jr-r- t: I lhl.itln.lin j :i 1.1 1 c ln'1 r'.t'AX. a i.din !an. croilltomln full. tolloto nowHtiunls. Ilo went to Italy In .Innuiiry lor Archi Ishop Ireland, It. i!!-- ;5 !'- -.' 11 1 fJliS (he total otor fl,20(l. JuticoS. (Uiiila.) mlu) r ttsekte-t.ie- r nn.l tt press rr,ont any will monlinilly ho cood. hill health, nnd had luck just tioekH luid D. II. Nojcs f. llovjod with fuilhei' 4 IH M II I si tNTl'l hand for , Ft Jffft corn to f. when hotlloil, The funeral was held fiom tho When tho uatos woie oponod (his nftoinoon iiruiiniftitfl. (lov, nsultn-tlo- n j'- -l) 3 IM suy-- kj OIIP ' to II." Msriliiui ald thai c 1.1 11 I t M in.si 'vtnhiis.'.f tl I'.. A )J; It 'il'i tatoRiimo tlmn ad. list i 'i'uunty-thli.- I'm-nr- y II IVs'lc. 2 Ol'X I" 7'i Jotin.onnr. ktrn t. tat i touch bur h In t lo tho hpoctators c.imo by (housuuds till tbo with leiial nuihoritv hail shown thnt ho 7 tlio ilmiLtftil cliarnc-ler-ol ; (allies Kt 4 21 .13 nie-- l bt Jir. Simmons spoko of L'mutcry, lostoiiluy mornliii:. had no authority tint r. Kll-h- Vt'AMI.P ,onl biirksn lihi one to rorx fil li!r (trntid htnnd tho space In matt. but l.l 2- K i - . -- and front of it were In- kl lied ti .U'le- d et ,t otls lif Isr a Ho did not know what he would do what was In his power. Helm: II 11 K 2 .'illl-K- If . the other .'el. Jlrs. U li Daionport, widow of tho nctor. fully occupied, t2 II3 I vii'iui. i.Tti, vitii.MMi 3 whllo a thousand or bo were In humed by uiorntty-deiicri- bo IUM-K- 14 (J- -O KI-- cti.r.M til If aniiM realized upon Itiom. ilo was not I.. L. Davonpoit, dleil on Jiuiid.iy at Canton, tbinp that 2 '.'7 I lo Hnten-por- lullowluuilm:-umot- it mlu.) (iu mm.) .tHKt-- lij lia t v r . f. B !f er. I'll., nt Hid hum iluuu'luor, I'nnny l. the outer Hold. 'Iho weather was on iisuood lould iKSiioiipriclainitloii, tho maken man who has hd ei" lio-iv- thoy yrnuld nin-tif.- other 11 -- 2II--KI.- I KI-- tu-- coL'clu. that add hUHlumd was in tvasulteli out 11 tn the l'..Oi-utlt- Ml lei U4 I" irrln'ci In i tinier factory. Attdreia Uox at, pi MS Her bulled Uoston. and bohavlor. and tho track, whllo not nt Its best lill-g- r, Ut-- II hi-I- rual on hnnd. Ho oaid linoat ot theSlau-hl- s i iiy.i :'U it 3 H' If to tho It Is probabln thnt will be laid lesii.ohliu. iai.i-i.- ts g-- il up J was fnslor thiiu It was yestotdny. Ill et cumo It liavh n my aikisKt tht rTeteitdr" AsV iTsilj the bio-- ', holders laiiiti Ibubutli Mtilnwus born Iu Lnclatid, lei'ii eni.t.i hi irtentliiu bj ,' M-I- 3! kt-- l.t KJ t.S'll it"c,...i i.t.ertwrlslit' lob. ,,1 cry that ccull uotifot 01 .Hid bv 1.1 rk'.lll ,t I'll nnd went on tho Rtuuo about IMl'l. Hhottas tho 2:17 paco, for which l'iokawny sold nt Sal) flllven. this Male ul lislinl nntlte. Hint lhe 1.1 .!l!3 I Kt si .VI Q It -- Kin o ll il Ail... iihimi, jprlnis su, .New Broa- -. I'I fin ovihiii I ptr.E'. JIib. (illl 1 Dnteuport las Inn entered lnu,.. to nil PIP- - II I loforo lalttnnl inn lo lo 12U oTcr the Held, 'I ho diow Inside ,11ie 11,0 ,l-- ,t4llt Pxlt 9 lavonte artulesiir imr(eiiintnr iiciii, and ilietext nf 17 Kt II .1, II II I!- -'-" Killer " 'I-- .' K l x Always in I the inn"! Intorpstlnu c.ibos nrlslas her his wife, and with that 12 lien-r- - Kt3 V Reach. ti I'Vt:. t: AMI STIIIPKII w"anVetBRYr (il Oioof fninoiis tutor she .'tlnpler or lhe ll Ki-- i;-j - I'D plncn nnd was not headed Iu tho Urn bent Inusi.t are then ui.oled IS I' x la L0V-yi- l2 i. i ' bankruptcy in tho claim of ltocuivor llrst appearnd In Amer i.i on Jliiich 2. lus'i. nt In lull, and the proo anuiiiiii conifniies And a Urte II AM (i. .tli.rits,i- tntwrcu IWHh and ItClksC IV outoltlo '1 Mur-miM- 'l though It lively him, nnd wns iiuiiilier or I'ltuftiis Mai-- i 1; resi-e- Tho k.iuiq wns finally by Henry thu o.il Ilniadw.iy lien io, this c.ty. hh Simmto made for i.i tlm li.ivn ett crave won blnclt. "W " t.n i. ve frstio wlrit worker ' hi Blmir.onsaiialnsl 15ucKotitfvrsl7.7i;:'.5l'. ' uiiprehetisiuii the nerrn.ary - BlU V.'inei" ln"i.oto's co. HUo only 2:10. Monkey that leirai s.cin vioiiid nut T.uir.1) tu- This old and popular remedy IV VMl'l'il. til. Tvi. ltl..lfyi Nat- half a lonulli behtud in I inlteit 10 pievtui said loutctt, and 10 utilsli tin a tiASii: ':iik m.viui. IttlilhlM. Ill i'lM Mr. lSmkout was taanluTof tho l'ourth tin state ninny joare nijo. ' L ller Holla l'icknwny In tho tious ors ltd law. t -- I cia-- s be. bl -- includo l'.uii y Duv upon outfootod from the wire ilrilclsii iirstlir,, W'A'.TI rtt inai'ti piiiu'cr mttit TaU l- n-- J then Octntius llaldwin was chililreu .Not. tberetorr, It laetprestty upon nt! nflb also, and always, CURES PAIN of pi) I pi ' hans l. ol 11. Diitenportl. I h (who next hear, pacer could enloine.l rotiora. tsiu. imtocK. ' rciommr.ii.cl ai Vleit I2.ith tt. 11 i"rt.MdcM a! tti.il hank. Mr. llnjilvvln be- K rence Is and tho cheBtuut cer. ivhiisti duty tn tin- j re veu niiu of the n '1 c. it BU 111 re'atrsiu i'iicI. tiAor. ;ii it. a of lean i, Jlay Mm t nin unlii.ii Ion or end of a I I'-- P-- II- tin inr rnMJtof came Iho American heimourl.undllduar not do more thau tret to his wheel as sill ofenie lie punishment I2T .1 -1. I the Cramp and Colic family l"ATKi tun uinlers'.viitlne iUlB profuM-lou- . IlKt IT s nil s. nldiav to tintl (nth ecule the s one l'- 4 114 dnuii brown uni. ski rnik uv Company and Mr. Uuckout h. Uatciiport. tioiiioiio - -h I.HO-J- la U4 il IHlea nod Tn..! I.o .Mulshed In Aftor Jlonkoy tu lhe lenor III obedno-r- In olll ahi-KD- of 'J lloynoliU, 2:17'. thetior their 3 ,211 i.t4 i3 I i, nrr.i-i- wauon worei" tra in i- l- 1'ioaiilont th blnl 1'ean who died nt Iho Albany n.l r- Pain of the Cough Cold fam- linn p.tlu'ers, iteidy led to In mile, llalnohs, il Inril r). ris.ly eui.illt.il npini.ll 4 -ii 3 K t , u 3 ,11 l' l and hi (imt: st. ,f IB.' Kanx. 'J i.o story In that lliiakout. oa u low ln n nco. uited 75 yniiH. was Itilln tho third iiuarter tho next i.Uic-r- s I let-r- t' aiitliority s to Co Jems Nlioa.,I - avuu t.inppiel.tnd ';I-I- I4 .1111--ixl1. q d John Slivin- lo over- ay htm, an. etu'itiieil In e vl ila'te-- i nr II - n--I'xl' XI. I.'. a rvriiiitl bom and ra'sed nt horttlyht. Dolawaro coun- l'lukatt Passed bat aitnlu had a c!ovi tl .aid Piw. It.e x icn 32 u 11 11 ily Pain the and San. -- ur nny ilt of Cut Bruise hl la thoThlnl National Hank ty, iiiul was at one a ttealihy widely neit'ert nlllcer lo ierf.rui mil ilnlv liutesel Kt-l- lsn - draw count tlmo nnd call, when Himinlu stolo up next tho pole, nud x.l Wsiatcfl- - i unyupandlluckoulwout lipen him ii) nuv Inwor llils Malt, will be dealt tvuli l.l.t-i;- attalw aUicUnucousT3 M rot knoun cattle ilealer. Soon ulior thu war ho Allntie- BIMIlM 2 MV-H- H family every in II iicrorllui; tbo or Pain every family. l. an had him beaten tlllhomttdo a bicnk just nt in provisions ot the eletutes ij la- -it 3 : .', o-- tl'JiK- -it to Itaalwiti of Iho American nndxnmt lost tho bull: if his Ionium by an unlucky SOtiU ensiles ht s 2 (ON.I l.in watrd tttmut 17 wajes to slarl Ml y imrroi-o- il tho money 1 proton speculn'lon. At lllh-- Kl II Kt3 .nlll-l- is ht-- KJ K IH 1'oraix-- aril this he lost hoart and took o Ihowiro. rickawny col demoralized in tho 1;.' ciclatiero Juil.s lii.MI'SKV. '.uCraads. MM i Tho rcnlly !', '''t J7KI-- K4 maklms a timoU.nn Ine Jan. ii7 liwl. tl, ink und other mcIous courres nnd eventual-l- v . foil li Lent, Mauirio H.. who bad been flovornor's nroclninntion bears on For Horses and Cattle also. -- n liimMl. and lit I.t 3s hi 11 a l)il i JI.I.I r,. hniUoepor, aMnpInr v IIu-U- t.iko up Iho non. pauper. the Sheriir moro than li does Iho city o'llilals. ( tit; dorfc IJ ou'd not nttlinl beeumo a taurant nnd Ho had loeti tv.iltlni.', went nut nnd lauded tlm inroeleverl). J'- -h 1 I.t IIS III 11 Iv gui III (Mtondod with Iho latter not heliijr stihjeot to pitspenslon by y-- time audit Tin IntHron from nn inmate of tho almshouse about tv.n teats, him eoind havo shut out In tho llflli, 14 II IU g.t lou-i.i- -.-' i; GOOD if used. - ;- iii.ill.ii.-i- Must. It amount-ai- Is Mild wile, the Ooveniur. ShorllT ilenn this iirtoi nnon wn l'.1:?-1'- .- mi-- ki 41 hi-i- .i3 114 for llrht iletlvary w.tfoti- tlmo to In- whn l lt that bis who loiiK nun cot u but I'doll up tn lei the lulieu favorite it -- sss rarrlaxi I ill. Sun-bo- Oht-k- DttlHt l vt L 'hi", l!r. Simmons found thin vt rco In eoiisiiliniion with Attotney U alter II. tsi 1.3 lloom 2. ,l ,'lilnctou tt nrootrJj-- S iu 10 $li i'. Irom him. Is litlnu In New York with In. Hecnuld not wait for him iu tho hlxth I IlKtvl: IIM.l 'fS KH 43LI-U- I tlio American i.onn only n away, and bo says that what his l.iwior (ells -- J 4 Sold Everywhere. Buy NOW. tt IT.r.VM I NT ot prn-ur- 1 ;iote In (hi rn of mid their child, dmiuhtor. heat, as Jh.nkey I!ollant jouaioil nud iso-K- nj Ti nil kinds for men. taef Im w.ih m.i.le receiver, liiin in hi- - lot'nl iluty lio will do. 4iu-i,- ts h 2 J-- kelp yers. 'U 11 Co r.on S. 1 was only beaten by n t.oad, tvhl'o l'lcknivay n ht-i- i furiilsbtd Irre Tr.ift tl Kvllov. David Walkrr of riorldadio nt Whllo confi-rii-tc- " :-' it x I Ernad-a- y. HV .l.'iil-- all knowlidtto of tlio tho tvus in procress Trank 211 I til'.rmii'Ol.tTAN ai. NOV. 710 llurlout ai flrt his roslilomo In Tiilliiliascn on Monday, I wns far behind the distance. Summaries: II Jt -h 1.1 IU 11 X ll l' II The American CMirl-tlHt- i l'.inleiivitr i dii his iilitn.iiuro on thn . act Shaw was at the Twin City Jockey Club ollicn 21 tJ 47I--II- Siiclef3. 1 note lli ol 7ii. (lot-- Walker tta lorn in Locnn county, 'J li. liace iurie SJUt). II: ('I,,tSSr.,crlrtiC,'.U.Ie-in- n hi plntnbere-soi- l 'N l.;s. ho was coiitrontfd with n, 11) 4 4 otlorlui: to llu.Uit) to S.ilid the llitht 22 li h 111: -U 2 4M llll hi fo- - IH iiole' il.it at Ma.'Ule M,bi.rk Turn (O'lf 4 I tl.nt TornsTO, 21. Ar n Pfncln! of -l hy.. Kulni: to rinrldiinbont llfty Ilu It, br 11 !,l"-l- J Julr meotlnc ..;..,!.lf." !"".' ''." '" V's Eivllc partleoUre, tl heV'l.tan br on Sopt.ai. lisii). to inrsiii:r. xioik'-- lima miiiiIh a I a r. v '.' would come oil as arrnu.cd. Ilu round nn tl It !, I 4'l Sc'l liJ itoMvouii. tnsain, tun tclco. IM was tho first Statu Senainr fioni I.oi n and Mliliillt:(llalritlittiiii 3 '2 ii 2) It Kt I I'- -l) II 4 (J li 21 111) the 1'xecutivo Columbian nf the American i'QEM :. silver. i:Ra.." lor I17.0.). I lira taker". When the Majo cnino to hlsofflco - lllli Sjn) i iVakiillu -- .. y-- , l oior-J'.i(- coiailles after liorldabeciimeaMiito. llckilMny . . ..1 J I 4 Lo I'x Vt bocn-tv- Till-- ciiofi. it olalmeil, p.ibl Silver's ii lllloaerion IdK this mninlni: rouml u resolution upon his - Christian Indent of bold In this eltv. JRFH7s;"",1,',v'1,'"r,,'''lnf"Mw" Vil National Hunk. Soto nl tosrs befoio that he was it leconnlzed l.iiiiuii inoti ) 3 ft .1 :t ,tr. d k from Si. I'nul Iiunrd of Tir.ilo 2Uy-K- t.! PM- jtato the Ilev, Dr. of Dunkirk'. N. Y.. was UI.I1 (lhl. I l tunnel uaklnr bvslneasV j ,1 III Aii'uint nt!i Ihlrd Ill-l- lha uskinK no - lea or of iho thlc unity. In 1S(I5 b was J il J 7'4. -- Mr, i!ijii'4, a -- 'J'.'n't. - romietllton shritil.i act.r.- ot the Iatatit Ij lEll smwM by Klmiuoni tii collect the municipal iiuthorilles not to inlurlerj wltli lltMC V13JM THE ftTl- TOUltNAMUNT. olocted ceueral inanacor and bin erli.tendout. Adjtut.v.le H .o Ad.lte-- a with ' . flectml Hoveinor, holdlliu' ofllio 'fit At ',. lb- - stimri t the luiiiri friim litickout has iidriicco'-s-nii- liW. Of tho thirteou named for the stake. John iicht Irregular Cli.NKIlMliATKH Midi'. CO. Salem, lfius, H IH tho timo of lii.i death he was tho antl-ncl- j HH .Mr. Mnuiion- - ihori-for- Juduo of Mndilen's yanilotte wns tho otih Tliete has been appointed by tho . . bronuhl Socond Judicial (int. li'ii'i-- .1'in. Ifa-t- 1.11II. Knicl yoH rrdny did lircuir Coint. I'lemini: llls'iicni drew the polo, but a break at the mils-- rneetinc 11 eo nl m oi'iil-ne- v iitvi-.-- i . "tV.in.fi. It and i.e. rut mill, 1 "J liuckoiit Hint he not Issueii jtit commit lliteen J. h. j t ti.Mivv-- s. Kitntr. frm.i.rs. a f and bourl.ror n 'H an order dliejtlct; drnplnir IP-KI- t IH tho ol thu behlntl, 11 coin-m- M '12I--II- tiemin's :ito ' taU n' out this tnininctlnit. He did .tart lelt blm nntl 'leniplo liar, who tbo ntiposith to the Unlit, i.tol tills i ll.l juir, shuit Uisinuce nil .laitiiarioa HB Capitol for thirty load, 1)4 h'i it. lirookltm not U'liiii ti i t ibii o nnrtnlui: wroii, nnd dats. t"iik the soon made a mlilnko which tee will call on the Slierin In the moriilnc 2 Jiyxt) roim. ' li rn 3 l'- -h. I -- 3 24I-- ..4 I'M--lave UP-TOW- N !l III tillntiir.il wliloh Mr. Mru-- Tho Cliernl.eo Nation is In mournltiK for Iho I'ickpunl.i to et front. Sho kept theio to learn what he proposes to do. I.t hi; I, Slfirro-eoersi- T no Iwiicn'J th.it tfi' i Sll-'- t.l )' 2.t P I f It ltrl SI'.! order rnnk, i 'M .1 nf W. 11. Illl l'lOill.tal, who from hall, NiititliliKtaiiiiii IU XI) I' mn OFFICE, Ah IH lio loan uus amply death hei lo.iillnc Rtatesmnn. trailed the tho nnd snonr; l.t-g- y.lltruadwuy hm fur ul auniclont Senator k M'-- li irj 2Di:-- it'i -.ii itsoi.rivrr V 8aH con-ls- u who illed dow i. opposltl th.- H - 'H !o itlitt'ii t. T i s I'olliiivrnl of llos. veiy suiioeuly in Jlonday I'uino niter bor tho stiotch. and nto I'abl. seems certilin tha it 12 11 IJ J . tn r a man LadyToiT - Illl- to'tt or a inirt.t tl IBV H uf diHrn.i.iiit i lip was too mure, w come ml 'I in- .Sl--ht2 33JiTl03.X-xLra.-5r- IVWMI t , j. 'H t;,.iuoi tlio l.nal ri 'lorniinnl t'otnpanv inornine hi'iit his hon.e In the hot lor iho i.s mmoun el. prltuiiials 7 h 1.2C3 nu-i- In the snap buaine tn to- - KM B lnt - .our thro-- i Hhl-l- hit." lv itrt-- t it bonds. iiibson. Senator lttiSh wilt a half bleed, bo that 1'iotlgal bad lenulbs will undoubtedly bo vvhenthejni-Ju'i- ir ti ) 1. lt i aul) work, a IBM MWM inn'tu.ii:'' p.Tiout. Mr.liuckout about urieitn! - iJHItl- l ntrr pos.lton. tint dhT.eutl la flllt bo-- t; I 1, 1: iV OpitonU th u.:l l Tim Hit'T ii tro unrtli in tho iniirkotH" fit years nf uuo. nnd w.ii educated nt 1'rlncetou the t or it In 2:l7's. This sont his stn uii, in thu 1I111:. but tvi at mieocivo bonds Hliia-ll- 3 J Kttll Nrar St., tniitcrlal, slate wiml stl.irv you will wnrkroraitd tiowmucal i (.i antra u.l Llll'-lj-.illll Oll-- timo i.1vu me. Addle-- , a !u t i s.ild they woio licco by his uncle Chief John lioss. Heen-- l ninl It was fin to f,ri on him for the Ila lot their nppetiu nnd Iho Hunt wllli.ro-leu- d lui il ts lou ci.ii wuh staiap. Kl IIIBIB ii. i worth . iav. c, iiji'ra ho :s t 11 .1. 11 "p publi ho auo Wii-- lint up in Ills place v. hen tho vvitlmnt ii-p m 1a1.11 ACVEIlTISEfilENTS RECEIVED UNTIL P. M. mix. o. i t :h.m lo ns Ho in.irl.ol Mood now. lint toied ifoai of .'.'. mid linn held second .nr'lif r interruption. 1, :: 1. 'n '' IN - I, :::i. I I i fsrcjd nlmo-- t nlhce In ilu- Hip Nation, and l'lckpntil i to tho third Iii o it few o In hi.ts :1a AOHST- - - th i' lit1! ft lor s.ilo the prlco eteil' clft of nir.iin bd the snnttiuK fiateru'ty now 13 -1- 1 j -i;, -1, k:i atntse. yeaia- H .!.i'"-i"- it ( ilotMi I nlo-p- (li'-elt- v - (ifricr-- ..111 JtVI- vritli IH iil.--l oo from h of Ho tins a lenii nnut-- i iiuarter 1'rineu tl. ami Temple liar were inny lo tearful ut t ul the crent 4 aii'-- ui 1: Ttnles nt llie fntlnu'iiit- lie the eld mtt'h cacti uult, sample taxUett. M .' ,ff lil.ma iim.i h 1 i i.iii-i- a.t 1.1- -hj .111.-1- - ti- - i territory fi ale & " .iked nbnut this transne-i-t- n duilii tbo war In Iho niifoder.iio ."iimy. alter, and both pus.nl the inuro as tliny tunu ii ma mliy 1110 coul'iiont that they will 1.1 iii.xl- aaine lliose clinrcril tic the ntiilii nfllLei ruts, r Iffl a1. I . ai .'I. I j il -- "' I Ho a nr.uor ;'Ud u luiiiio l'iiidu:al was with u ovenlim-- HI l'- -ll t 1, I. x '! 1. l.r hit 22 ast i7ihst5ewToHt efty. M Ii. a ii lh.s inu id lliK'koiil's was tii rilllnnt leader uf the coiniui: stmnK t'loat lluht mi Httlo tin I - Ml - I.t W. II. yolHHIAV. ,11 AV COIl. I'll BT.; 231 II I'x l' a It 4 K2 H I no o!'ui;i"it o. ii.e and my does not Nn'loniil pans. lush mi the outslrto whon I'r.nce JI. sweitrd Ihitv fear tiio 0ip siiioti thus lar lunulroaiod - AV. I lilt. ST. 1 Atlhil forcitatca. oo chlbiren; 33X niuuo miii-l- n :m 1. 1: u 14 Illl ;.v. I & H II by a roas In his plnef. clearly iu m.il tint N&H I ruids-- y. ih.i c' itik which liuckoiit Henry cleir oiferlnc tliieateied mrests that nn..ily every u.i 1: --- 4 n.: IIAKIIKI1 I'tiUTII AV.rn" ill JM, nit. niron diw :'. Dunn died ol hear: PiV-- -' so la I s ' 1. tvitb him. Templo HioU-t- o IHOMAs ii 'uril'M.-.- V.AItKCT, tin' ii. o ii Im American I.o in mid Trimr disieiiso Har had it till seit has been b.iiu:ht. AH but lour of tl.o 2i 4ii;-yk- f-- iai IIAMI.I. 30 in i.ite on Jd.ndiiv niuht nt his home in 1; I lorty-elirh- lax iixta t2 , 111 .111,11 II -- Com 1 o he to u run, and l'lli-i- JL oat him out t boxes nlil n-- will necn-pie- d -- J g 11:1 Ai r IP M.li t'lllic. .im Soulier till revolt tho n.oncy Newark, liowns boruiii New lliuiiawlcl. N..I.. am bo leu) and black won I nil vv n ii t. liy u nrd bui was punished lor Ids swerve by Iii not only th-- i -- Mivii.i.m i.isii.irn m.aii tsr st. Steam power operators on In o i.ii'i. m' !.,' In id !. und wear to .Newurk when u boj lomurf loadlnc iiortim; A Mclil.'.M:-- . '..iVtl.sr 1ST II iru H 'J ; . nnd pH.nc place 1 Templo tho 111 11. bv many Jt.tlls sl.KOOSti ict utor lias ittn Iliipkout'si'liocU. l.tnt iiml tho mufoti's Ho r. rl 1 In Inst llnrKcltini: heat but ais.i ol our rcpresentntlvo llh.M lit All. I. CO MiliillA.MtKT ill tiudu. the a 0(2:11'.,. Temple did . .101: Ml )i is ii'iiilo ojt in onlerof "JnlniH Slltci. Ttt't'iitv N.,uv ulun- - and mark liar not litljeii!-- ItIs'lvon out tli.it no seats will le i:r.r.ixisttoisrn kxocki:i vrr. AUH .tlltLKlISINl. tn t W Cull llltn'OWAV ; j M ltli lleuimei.t. .leis.. I fants' cloaks also I. ;.'. 'aid endorsed liySdtor. This chock Is was (). lose the polo in the licit two heats. l'rniliKiiI Mild.it iho iiiniiliitheatre etenlnir. AMI aul II M isom.OtllW VY, l"l III: AlttVAi. fiuiskers. M tens, ami aim iiilm of Lincoln l'ott. A. 1 s s -- u w in e l ii. 1.. itolvor ' lnnkii ir a bo'd bill for the third heat, (III he trot j lie itrruiiitL-ineiit- lot ueln-i- nud Will " fi-av- i 1" c. I'T. i.:i.:i:ui av . m.r T.m a.miti.iii Tu ti ii'i'ib Simmons. !. fouryeiirsas iiolko The Iliiicl: TiiinliUx lllin Alil.-NLl- lie Aldoriniiii. Awi.lo.v y Alounil .11 tvi I.L'hAUlLltllMMI ', 'I : lirookltn cf siockhoblersof tancletl 011 tho huincMreteu. Tlieluiirthlie.it bo perloct in ovei detail (lie Im- - irJIhLKl.UKEIl & mid four mown chilJio.'i htirviti. niiu. Ilo was on- ltlnc Fle ICoiitllln. I1KI.I T STERN SCHL03S, H Kie i i i ii'iil Couiiiuuy ioo-lio.t- e f tins a litelv - nt first. Nutilni; Kim: atnl Ilnll nnd may bo I tin. o'lii n ritslniiuons .1. r. AV. i'ii Tn:t member, Mmm' Ararat l.ticampment unit e laitlsnns Mrnl.TVN. I.rsp l.Tlt : H n It Imt (ortue MtNNr.troi.is, 21,-- Tho h it t.i.. nlt.iniiice or the clause In tl.o Mien i.'illt l.odue I.O I) 1". iho ltulHlitt of est lieni.-- niaklm: loader till round ai oten corner, but wiih fowoxceptlona July lnh-- flht .ILl.lL.SBI.l'llliLlllI, 17 CAN AI. ST. AND 157DIVIS-1(1'- . i iiarte it iititinncd n 'I'M r.SiiN several monilis Honor, and Iwiluhts of I'j they etruek the homeslroti'h. nhero 'lomtiln odds ate not ulveii un either man. between lillinifstv. or ,sl. 32 Howard jl N the thins. diOA Joe rth Nework, 1 MCI AV. St. aj'.nhe id .in iliro. lots, elthor in Jlr. lln'.-tnil- .i liar uwat' nnd lluislied Irosh and strong I' HAS., 3D im H'ratlo'i or iindet Mr llnldw-n- . (lOiiiiri' li. William .. brother of 1'ollee e. in 2:1!) 1. Turner bn.l muted Abbio V. up in tlio raiddiu-weluh- l champion of I W scilii.M.MI IT.lKASTRnTIST nto William", in iil-- i Mnyioit, IMiLLU A Ill'ChMAN. .1 llitOAUW AT. s.n i' e leli for $i.i.i)ii to iho stool, holders. tot dioi homo nl tho Inst two hent.s. but fi. ninl tho clip too last ji.tu.y nii.i: ol America, and HariLs Jlnitm. (tetter known Ko'i .Urr cr romniwoa to hxirllft 'fl r'ti Conn., on Jb inlay iiltoinoon or of tlio ay Suiuimity: SALFSl!! itKDilCAl Ink H fhis ioiiofclwi coptli Ci nl is. led by cancel lor tho ki mare. " . t.rlnj ? H l'iuliloni '1 he lusp-itorl- .Mo'iilny as tho lllack rearl," ol Miunrnpol.'s attracted lux not-'U- i prMa-- .. rniL .lohn i. .Ienk.i.s o' tho 1'lr-i- l Nn'.ionnl Hunt: hiiait. tlio cllr on Mfrcliatita' and Uanutactutera Make, ? li.fa 0, 2 21 Prlzett Inner IVIio !slini-t- l II111I Tliey II:ul iiitooKi.Y.v orncih crcr Kfaiei Lk 'M M m I t nn-- in ri but Ida luother was de.i.l bo c a - .1 that more toBted tho thorcurnh f tniitn. IHO W H .i.Mfoil , lawyer HcKcen A. liowit . 'J inir. when l.'teil ut ti. file Turiicrs- .Mullo. throne than capaiit of 4l:l Court SI. to i n 4n's1n he 'Irmpl-lia- r, 11 1 1 it tirrccnt. iiro.'.i iii--rt anuiuiuatt ta H iriii'hnii lliyport. Jlr IMllinnvi was In liv Tirliert iSpear) I lui'-flA- rtnt' '.iWj. born tho bic niniihlthentio ol Twin City r.TbsiNu i - T tn ris.n: ?., Rity--evi- n 1 r, :i the Athletic tinnitr. ahvi 12m red- i'i .nnothrrt.?.' iro litcr ir nut ! .. v. Scot a tears auo. and bad rre.it?: ticiiowriti Tbo prbos of tho Turnfest In Willlnrnhburcl: 1,401 U3 fine proe m r, l.nr-- t f .tpltnon ttint a or tti Intf ill I ' (MclJonald) 4 a 7 Club. Thu wns $1.50U. FfJlIll At., toi HI. hAI.a AV. UJ.OADU'AY. ciiirsctir .vent tii .BM HM eon enirm-'oi- l in II. e luuibei for tort.' lioii.tneorfTf j i'sht for a purso of tury. ror tern-- ui J nil (itrCscntarsfr miUrvii ES r..'litril Lie r.iinlmlijr Imv" li.eli nulily i.r n trol" ' I'I I. r .111-- ( ..lller) 'J ,', a .', wore distributed i.i llidffewuod I'.irk last uiKht lOLIIThr ml .ifj ihernlty y .ins lie .mil his brother, W lil.un'H. Mil- - nnd it was said Unit In llltutlh'lA'N AUVMlTInlNll Afll.M'Y, :i'(7 FUl.TflN Till. MuMlUL. MULSMH CO.. M H iui f lor luiPfi. t. r taiiiiio.l iuiiii lew .Mitrietr luiin (iir.itilirau) to 1 2 4 thou-an- d thu event of VIC i no.l.ij Hums in tht uroseucd nl sovtral tieople. ST. .1 .N I.III. 1IAKUY ll j l.Ni; ibtl lllllltlJV.Ay, of l. for ltMii.ut riuoiit. no Iliii i eondiutel tonet'iim: mrks m Aiot n Iriinev; htiioii :il.-i.'i- tho Now MlAIl Wk jM H Oa i .111. '.!. I - Yorkois snecebs ho had AV tnza - .ilex eg' ipq 13'. lit h rrifir.!. (lie niinCiiintthl.il ir Ilo widow , Ahlt . tl '1 und the lucldt-n- t to plca-ur- e ul i.t leatcs a und of (itirntr- s ti uuL mar lhe was 1 Tli itch hi i ..'ii tt the ale .lncclur. tm iMnk iiro .latiio till dauuht.-i- s l(vi..ii.1T (stw-art- l een promised amnio backii-- to n.ect any- j niifiMKiiii'i: a co. 8. iv con. van sicle.v tiruairlaci.itiiltv twrxftarr H hen "Ill tilt tho refusal nf tlio Now Yurkor AMI I.IHI.KIV TT Cnrrew p.if sell in muri- - 9mII Ijr tfcVnr.. I I 7 it 1. Turn Yorein to Als. I; .mt rr r iii: n db-- aketreo l'rtiica Itliin.lllel t. body f, miilillii-ttelc- NflsTI-.ANI- ) tr- Aa iii ii .ir lir clrirtorii repc-J- of Nnthnnie! fi.rim.ier st rpi.lnt'. N. H 1. . r the I'lmmt'lonsliip. K I'NM.Si.llAM. ll.f. AV. New acenU inim Oe d aruL.iy stcila ncn. imm 'Hi tht il.etr nicer. lii.iu.inc luriiTi 11 o ncioptlliui-lxt- tlio ii , IS HI T- - hlH-flt-i .IIMMIIMIOII f I uUoin llrst moupof tho I uloves .1 11. HAt lu otiu tiny cleared ;tt(. u CMLAlarvU) If UPllTllly flll'l" t'l (0 lltlll or oiiSuiKl.iy.nueil.il. Ilo was Tioiisiirei-o- tho I" ..ru vvilkc fMcllriii)) 12 lo s 7 ' tverotfon-- uiul oaeh man llllll WATUMIl At ntirnl ran yu ,H M h J I up l.iti-r- Noroln " in n le-- s 15'J 1.1I0T1IL, I, AV. NUAIl DHOADWAY. free ALMM" ttu rni.i.n ..'..ir uuil itrlHii. Irft tin not liil'i.. Ints Mi' Jliinl:, hint i Selectman. 1'raine i.il e i.tnine.) ;. . o s iu y Turners it dulied fraetloii than pounds. lui Miitll.I. SfE H IB a nr 11 t. ul lienM'iti. hi: mil i:.ctn nuy Im it. e for liMl ivueino-e- . t J '1 Jim Jlcl'nr by 'Join v!1 and prnmlneii' ii Hininj: tho lima UV iillHf, j itiw. ho fourth day's fes ivitles brcau with cym-nastl- uiiiiiu. iho wrestler. and la truo if. IIIuks-wortl- i. 1,(1X11 ' I war ho i'i u cataliy Ills fi W. tiemco Williams acted .is seconds lor i IM.t.M) CtTYl t?. i nl lly ojeirri i!lri ti r will e ilHermltiM roKitnent. About o'clock I.t m and Clayton enme early iu tho moruini: by set-ora-l hun-dro- d IITANTED l.erru ts for It C. Mario Cbrps: 8 H A It with Jimmy i'orterai.il Loverly jolts' tv 5 UOJIDEN AV. (Teleption k t th I r'li lo fi.''i. imc .ii K'ltiift or llicni nrllirr ur.iuilMihoi Willliim l'lumer. was I'nltod dr.ittinc a noat load tvaiton with JIntthevv lteeseo nwitl.N, Ca tt marri"'t roltM mm. t'e.rm ttit ajrtn rf i IHj UJ-- 7 nit ehildion, It was by 10 (Ireeupoiut) '.nrnlirttl ii will litt iin'iiry liei.tri. tltiitlli tie' Id tu Slates S'onntor. nnd foil r yeiirs dor llilov o( Nov. dilt inc. 'Iheywoio and followed popular and itobei: iiii'iiaidsou for tho l'earl. lioiiry .x. inarhut or ccucrxJly tsJtonea tn Urjrv Urm U W ll It a iTlAllll In It clml In Milt i .oik totrv beoley oflli'iatui a- - 0 nnd trhcti t Ma haia a tire eppcnunUr tu H Hi thm llif Im. root nl the .State: w.is a rrosldeiitlal eleclo" to ben a cup nnd w. nwav lUhlutks. Thero won) btono thmtvlnB. lope roler A ffond tc oxtiM Bftanu ir.ly or th l.ir Is'-'- for siLter n' tlio sowers operators, ladles and of Ilit world ll ihreftnr ilu iitttH ijenrit. In u. und cant the o vote for II .14 lu llml round imth men sparred for nn Q H on ha. ir.tae far rnoLfli to lunlift iij. in siui: Jthn tn In the iiuarter iu 'i Beonnils, but a break climblni:, and polo tiiul'.ii.t;, ns well us racinir npoiiliiir. k'lrls to learn ilristuinkiiu a d cutlluir IW1I or AlV'Y &t KecrcEilncStstlan. Cb.uiitcn . M tit Utilm-- V back-tretc- i.llliitfsvturth dolni: thu Ho a sKI.Mj I f i"coi inie ul iir tint nut stiouU ho bruuic.i; Adams. made by Ltnn on the li caused t luadin. write Hill Sbtl (t, lui West 21st et. uliaririiu - iu which twenty mou took part, tho distnuce succeeded In yetllnuin 11 couple of booj Lody T ANTI'I) -- ltl. Willi hbI'thiic... Dr. C. 1'. shoamaker of Ifondlnc died on Sun- Mr. Kile;- to pull up and lome back for n fresh blows as was At once. & inn "rka mB 9 Tb f.i toiixrit in ti. bro stitbythe lee iter, an thin day in hihoith youi. Ho was Known all lital. lie started moro slowly, but or o;o root hcluu cotored bt Cieort-- ltoi'ler of tlmo culled. AnninNTICns, cond sewers operators; ladies and tt and Is rant e of dItTma.r mutvreM; M B I'atii, tv Mmii 111 oter - In tlie ond dretsui iktnic ana input ticiMit'cr und tan of llo a.e:a nf compinv If tin- - L'nited as a specialist nurdi-e.-- W. was lnm- from n thib lound Llilncstvoitb led out cutllu ' acute Apptjr to BOuTU MBfjd, Ifl - it.r.hill.l not hrlrnr au.'h ault. tlini Ilia tor Slntes in i l.rnn corn city in twenty seconds. Thoro woio Willi iho riuht nin! left, ltlH.MitiAKl It let West Slat et iMaiiLie, Conn. HM loilertiuAyl'f- os. Ilo craduated irom the I'nltirslty of which had just neon removed, and would not ue.irlv sendiui; the IrinlL mak Hie rfi'vner a putt do- - i "turninc cxeiclsoa" by tbo chlldicn In the lVfirl to tho mound. Tho latter LADY eaay. ftn.lan ftml al'eiriii; la rflnmiu to tirinjr suit. J eniisiltHiiia in and was the nutliorof keep level so. after nunthor l"slnc break near rusbeii. and wanted hi each town and tillaite; VirA.NT I) Man wort hoiltatlvy tbo mile wns 2:27. pnlr nftemoou. and tuo Kiris did wand half n doon Miiurt blows weio eMhnncod. A ItitTatlre empiomeiit lor particulars address lo at If czvara bSTtntn an4 XI.-- an modicnl woiks. besides the hair In Tho will try jounc the 'J Tea :,u vi maLe liiuiiLf tcueriily tuefaL CaliaxxiiftUiar, I Simmon" and Jlr. Jenkins nnd tho law- - l he followed up an ndtantiiKe, j. s. niEtli. .m nib et. tt S H belnc a iontrili.it r tn niedleal jout-lutl- s. ntr.iln hiiminr. when Mr. Klloy hopes Lynn drill, dumb bull oxeuiaos. and club swincinc. diattini! I jers Yernin conultr.t.on to tordny nlternonn wn u W. will be lirst blood from LHiiiksw. rth'sno k, and seht a o . His noalh the lesult of rail fruin himself. Twenty men look part to 1110 ACTIVE c.lltt.s. about 17tole.rn machln lihninatto and Jlr. Simmons aiiid ho his stops u month Nelson Is the It u card for IiIh in tho fencing, both him the uroiiihl as bell sourde '. paid while learning .. ply 144 West lllth St. AVTKD Un rn fatttr Keimen t Lnrtiao aa4 M was Willi li i ii'o. and Ur to Ins suit undor tho charter nf ' twenty-eiuh- pai'.lci-pnte- il Tho l'earl Marled iu to rush thlnics In llin Is.vcr;iool; HJ f". Hovey. clinncos seem cood lor n milo below his recoui llolret and s.ibrj and t nn shop wori.farfrepjr. HCrriiwiat. Ifl lliei'onn.nny n.nlasl tl: directors allowed j Jfis Justii odn widow of tho Into In third round, and a vicious upnei-cu- l foil wed BAfTi;r. fne ru.toni and Teste' hlxhrit to of liny litis snmo nnd will tho clun swiiiidnu content. 01 MAN Mrat-t-- Im deiifljiirni. ' Cbarle I' Hovey. rounder or the n 2:in'.. the maik. II nd a lolt I llin::-wi- n steady work Kurt lllhst, third door about 18 to make rr mtvX im fa- - Amone lha dlrettors wero it, whllt. 'The distributed 111 tho followlm; iinuu sent tli on bis back. YUl'Ka H W.il-ije- 1 Hovey ,V Irv to boat the 2:17 and 2:21 trotters P. Jt ca, box mt. El Join u Maeii:i),.y. (leorKO V. Hurt o dry K.io.lr house ol L. Co. of Hi by juditeb. lln went duttii a second timo fiom a blow be- HJI.Tn.ll i.'T Chambers foi.linir machine. a San oSle. II And-eti- s. will meet In the recular otonts. o.'der the oreins Turners BOOK c. John I. Hialr. Momhiy nt tho aco ! 71, .Mr. lirst hind tho lelt .ir. Ul O W. AM. . A Mil. Ik lus 1Mb at. Thomas Hovey Krutin. Novviii u Tnin erein I'atoreou ' ttea I'. l'la'.t J.iniis F. Thtirton, W. I'. was a dauchtor of Capt. I'. Aiicustus Vereln. I'hiladolphiii A iroiieralexchanceot bodynnd face blows experienced bands." Fantcrt .Millu-- . .1. lVy-t- oi of New York, was TS'etv 2ttlO In Kentucky. 'lurn Turn , .Situation? Fraato. Jules II. Kennoy. rharles io nnd married lo Ferlormrr Clinton, liuir.i o. Nuvy Yoik b llowed. LIlliiuMvoith bnini' loa-o- onto the KltlklN-- Mcl.SUoHi CO. IllMacloiik-als- t I n I'nrstii.s. i.e.! ce A. Jlr. Hotev In 1MH. Of late years JIis. Hotey (who, press - Ktnns. (iianvlllu I. I.fximitov, July 2), Thl was Ilia opentDfi: day of iho refu-i- d their diplomat. Jlorldan, Gerni.inia of table and his bii.oil spttttoilnc the paper win. led cm.oicBO uouAv"ir- a ii?KattaBi H Hawits Tra-y- . hud uiiido her home Iu New reporter.--. HAMis Call or Wwm H ra nmli K heeiotary luik.siondlnctho r.lcliulotid Irettlnir racea The attendanc-- t was I'hihiilflptna lirookltn, Ik ., ' nud lit.eu of tho A lilow IUVt rilT.sHAMhl:. A MEYCII. 701 Broadway. rtiamtirnnaio. adtire C B.il.r41 B m oilhe winters In Host. n. lame . Uoston hlm ' bins 'iftili-iiiiiil- i st. javr.JohnS. Slltrr. T. h. Roodrion. O. of a lllonmluu-'iale- Kocho-te- r. Syracuse, Soiiln-tvar- down nc.iln and "fevou wascallol n IhI .11 .1 1". i:x-u- and tho iport lilffi clan, contests In two ot the li.I!n dwln. (!. r'lada. Link, 1 by the timekeoper belort ho was h lb Ditf.ssVtAKi:tts.-0l- rl fnrdresmakins parlor". aliir I'latt JIai'.r Henrv the oldest member ot the remarkati.y close nnd eTCiilnir hiladolplila. and Central of New 'inr.c on feet. a UnatIou as laolcraa. lirfiMi B IH nr.dnt.'rt''nry Tra.'yretlrnd aB dlrnctnrs short-ralt- unty ilie.l rncfi Kourrew A righthander sent him down (biu Hreismiklni: io.. lui Mitt. MKNCIlll KfBti st- -. Ilirklmo:' c bar, at his home nt I erinriiiera were aiJJed io the --':u0 luc, as tne foiiuwhig Tuin ctolns. ttioup: llulyoku. .M.ms : uirain and rltf. fl! B l'rcs uen: ll.ilmvin took tho roins. 1 lttlo i'nllson fj iturilay. 6U. Ilo was n : 01 J.IUHbett:, N. ouilo'l tho iouiid. AI llhrt.S I'nstcrs and small bands wnlited on rtred tuituiiaiU sIiiih vmwderu .1.: .tow Haven. '1 or,sf,tt ORK or nt'Stalrti wort of con My ' ho .Now Yorker wns harillv to fancy leathers Apply lo H. o.o llroaj braroaarGrmsa fl H lintivo the and bad practiced his Vearlinir Make, half milt. beat.. Miliodo. New Hr tain. Iludsou City, it. J.; nb'e keen his tvay. II plrl. ti il rr4 flf tlnenti roiest-Ini- i llltv-llt- n yenr-s- . feet when r.e up ritror i;en nt Mr- Tirii.tiry Dcintrtntpnf. I there for Ilo wns n Ti.nt t , ij talicuiu torwniiR. Newark: .scruniou, Loin; Isl.u , euinu lor the fniittti lound. Mili i l.tldrrn ami not arraid oTwcrli. C.iUhct:at ITS WJi W HhIlfl I i (rovvd )o'.lo.i .tciidfust Dem trut. mid ns tho candidate ri'i.cln. 2 ' nnd ilrnoklyn Turn oieins, ninl Hartford Iho "'Hi iow up thu stonco" Li'Nrv HlATHMJs.-Want- ed pn.ters on ilnesrwork. u. i e.r .Hi t m ffHI ffisiiiMiTov Mr. Uess. con-'.rsc- I're-tde- '! ie 1111I ' Llllmrs-ttnrt- Jul21. Jacob Ih pm ty had been ohcted of tho Ian a s Turneibund, nnd Torn i'on't murder the man but li .r Appivto Ketone.;' 4 a ' was I aITKCN, SON 1 CO.. i:r a eatab!eireiihc:r.: rixr m sH for ilu ,iso of und lo Important uirl c line. Tho oail b mv Ilroidw.ty, comer ifih bl HOl'hKW'fiKk'.: eir dutlnblo merchant tillairo other lObtts ilo llme-l.'- .'l, Thirdurouu: 11nvartH0f llolyoko, Vorttnits rallied ulior conk nnl Uuudreia.l-iiT-- t HI .Now-- blow 111 on his fnco mid Itnly, i raiMmx lH dine at .Now lo.uos a wife. of liuitikltn, ot mndltur A Y Co-i- l i alt li ITUi JLA.L1. the it nf York, nal n eonforence ?:inc!.its, first illil'.n torwaiiH lurk: Lniuu l:i blm 1.1 Ml PrATIimts. wanted steady a.. near si. Mra. .1 Hill, (laiulirliius nf l'hllidelphia. down his coiner lour timus in us K I M M HI.I-- . .,v. with "ester and t'ociotnry J'rof. John C. Nash, who died Inst week y.imlili, b, K'inif Altiimit lloinken mn nv almost work, itood pity. A J. i; ilroadwai. Asslbt.int 7.r rriit-- by JJlotator .12111a a liario.i', Alloutottn Siaton Amttartb-0- f econds nt l'arkeisbiirir. W. nued was born ami a Inland: Tin-lllt- AM' V rfpanldins In 1 In, II . I by 1,1111; I und Inst wns 1.1 FllATIIKItS f.n'd h.iu.ls wanted: etendy .gituationtf Btfd R M tecar to that survlca. Ho N. . Ho u Allnotit 2 dia. lialiimoni. .New Uin.lci)n, llreouiinlni, lound a roimiition of 3toteTI ral'eil at I.atvtillo. was mini of Us. the puce line 0110 work ll. HI l.llul i.M.. IT Wis: Itli.t mailn on ' , tint South lliookln. and Mount Moirls lilllncsv.ortli mnklnif but A atitor j.rjtesl contliniod pre.it leiuniii!.' ami nomott hat eci oniric views. Mnrk Il Tuin 11 k Jn Infant's nMrre ly & rerDrctaK cstsxlly f ' Prime nn iiilnnt's slstauco, whllo blood wanted In pamp'ile I Indery. tnMninr 'h- lie fore ho avu i Verolc.s. tho llowud I.iOI.IlKRS uJ.in-- t u.t etiarpe 'locution of - Colloi' or's his death directions tliai bis ieiettlu.es .lis. race. Antii-iiu- i Ji (jpj.!ieit of kaar wrtl order closlnc tho . llo'ton, from Lis on sent blm Till. IIII.I..S lilt, 30 West 13th st. m.Fi c ttt.? HIHhI ArDralafrs' -- tores ,"i ' tlue.t suns hb uld carry his iniiuilnh to tho Hms- -2 2 ii. t s. - 2 '."ua, 2.37;;. l.a'lies' Cla'ses Holokon, Hudson rei'llue;'' Imp Itir'it lamterworl-- tfvcr U r.'liaaT HkHHhI at 1. M . which practice ho City, Ho tiled to rise, fe. I tn un cunuxry "Id was i.itjUHi ' Kiutennd bit y them, without any fervlces or '.'llnc'ai-- accolnl dlilslnti stalcn island. liinik'Iin, L. It.; South but back (.1111 St 01R1S1 Ftnirt clrs, wideawake ti tlie lia live years rcfrrenca. flusM bWhhHbI not nl mo tn him but io tho loi II Green-poi- just asi.iulnn tbioit un Hie npnimc GIII1.S' ( orlt. m., nruoUjn. niJlnejs ee i wiiateter. Ilia directions ttoroob-beitc- Itaiilbrllin I'llnl llatnbilno i llrooklvn, oivt. rts of JJroukliu, nt.d and one of tuke tree trial letson ipi evrritm call HhHHb! of tl o countr.' In ileliisini: I. ally by liaron vvilLcs .... 4 2112.1 t 3 tumbled in n swoon. WAI1H .s :n I I ' Tmn nielns. otei Tho ast Ith si M K triahes In jr sWtwMaV- - HMHHHa! f i''.i l",r? ol orted iniii.is. ThiiSecrittiuy klie II 1 -- t I earl was lianlly lillliif-swort- h AY'-CSf- to the rooorrr "" j i'ri.'o Siiiutni: onlrai Turn New mnrked whllo f - fai lb.it t ho would fioo'Imnn, tlie Mela II .1 :,.lla2 4 Veieln of R experienced rr.d hite'v land'd wanto I for utjlritatidN the car ami ur- i K'nres bo kept npoii later James head of the Insmnnen dis. had many bruisos nud cuts, UXV-tlO- . Lat fl H ii tr.e rtiiti'je inicin-i- ' .TMiflli It 11 4 dis, lork lirookltn, li. i'.,Turn terciu, and privatte fsinllies. Ac c!t .mil couatry, yood riat'ei nut. Ci.irtifF Addre T Lat If U ftak deinand it. firm nl Jamn- - (londiunu A t'o. of Hn.stou, ilied I .N. bottle. fl but thin im -- racy , .1. A III I I. s l, h ofTIc" I'roxcwiT. euineo wi ii. made tl o u yest. ril.i). iiKcd 'i'i. "Mi. Gooiliuan to mt llal.o'h. wag's, all Ml, un itv l,tz H y until ctter tan bo I'mun dia Slu.pk'Turniii(.--'riiu- Dcre. Hloomii-tfiialo- : Aiuti linn .nl o i b, i lmiii, Jtei. Whist 'ouurcas. WANTPIi-M- urt neejle,' l' J.KHII'N want emptormeut ititht ca iho ilopnrt on . iloston in ninl uiteieil into partnershlii Tlme-2.'- J." 2:3.'J,. 2.:ij, Henry Will C1 llll.s be bandi with to AV &ajxhi fl fl Jiipiri. 1, 2:2",, l.u. krnl acli. biasiiiiiuli; Haul 21,-- Tho of Ad'lrcfs h.i'iiiTvll.o and unt Hoard or Willi Jnines D. Kent. Iiatliiu been pievinusly I . rcaiinrtrr. July opcnlnj session of the Ame-lea- work onliiive(lles. 1Mb st . lirookltn afrf'I wor. H i o' tho Cliuis. llusai-r- i MAKI.rS , H raiAi.'.r-iinor- cin-pnn- y IJal.oih: ttillliim lirool.lm; Mi I A1.U 3 Prarl BUaVirTctfc. "rn spent aoter.tl Iiniirtt nt tho the Sectotnry of n liarl'or.l iiii.rancii 1'iick, i.'oiiKrcss a eld at .Nnrraifanseti un Hieprein-esbrl- fl H 111 Trolllui!; nt Sirncunr, Thominio lliiilaou City, Louis hluier. I'lerou l.tlllUIIIIiritl.liSIn Ihit'.tiTk ii'l A m,'"'. busliio-Bcon- - lie lepresentol ward In the II Jlondny. l.ut'cnt, A p ir.TAr iTTTKIt n fancy ra vm twr il'i ilr,i '? - Huitford: Call Now I'resldint b hi loitot tlimaukee pre aamplel. st. H BMiriiiii'h tli- .idmlnijtration of Common Council for three conscculito yeata. Pthiccii'. July 21. Thommtner meetlneo! the Ten loik; C.tistato hi l"h Jl Btaturcr wants a situation spealr air Vrvaclb I tho uflnlr.s I'fiilTeiiliure, Hiifialo; Lrnsi Scliuii.it. llriik-e-port- ; sldr.l. Au Imitation Irom the VVIMII Its. .lare-- 1ILK.NAC West lH el'dui Eear.l at tho i of New York. .New began .hallan Athletic HAltii Mi.h itoiil.ter'. st.lnii. rr, and lit niasx. M ott Louis - lileral died on Suudny inorniin; at tral fork Trottmi I'ircitU at Klrkwood Henrv Nolle. Hrooklin:Jlax Wolf. New Hub of .Sew York to bold the ut II ll I.I.ltTh'e .,07 e.t 'lull st. J'"ort-sl:.t- lieu ctnirreM In Now rAlN'THtt. ami hlslioiiiit. 241 We- -t street. iiKi'd :I7 rati to day 111 ll.e ure.enro of a larse ainlleDCe. Il J oik; William Jlil or. Now "lork, William York will be upon Ar.ool) rarncr. rtlder waptr Itrt-- t acird Vednisd.,y it was voted OI'rittTOIts.-Htsicl- sst hands wauled tn white t tio'iie lainim-?- Address K. IU .ITErUs. Cttv llurlior I.Inm, yo.iiH. Ho ttne lor ii liiiini oms n cleric tius a day for f ivorltes. Ilia track and vviaitier bein Jtlelcr. Now lork: John h'cliaflliauson, Sniith howeiir, to hold AI fl in S't.ito was u miu or tli i Ilrooklyii. . .liiockel. meeilni; In the last from tho proicrs TrialntcTtiN. tlni: lhe sl.itine. and pirftc. ycUhu: Aucust HA.MI V11A.V MFC. CO.'.IIelrlliCBt. July Srcrstnry 1 I HHh in tn .I'd of .lu.y, IK-- n 1S oiiis Hloral who Mp t e'lltln u Iho .ehauo. Llirabclli: i'aul linusehenl'iicb. 1'ntui-so- n lutluslte. A score card CdlriltT'Ii HMn ULes to"ti:r rUam H Oriirt Suitoor 'Il.eiollouhizl. Hie luinuiaryt , wan J M itt'eiJiaii'i MX; West heard arcurnsr.t by .Mr. Uetioillct. Ciihtom lloufe somo yearn aun. Ills death wns I mils si limn-).- l'hilailclihln. adopted, slim In ilajira' names loints, iiuinbe.-- l OI'I'ltAtnits experleurelniirhllJretl s calilou Pan. afariineuia. till su H .'1 ' Ullliani I e , I n u iii rw Horner pro 2 iIh.s, tioitlnc : 1 CJlliee unit ,iTr.il'e i.f p er w e.r I VI'I 1.1 fo Jlr of N. ir.ihe.lli. itatlo'i iollnwina the ".rl;t. ilo Yintor. l'liiindt.lpl.l.i Alport Hill, etch Illl a b.aull '1 i. 11 .C.iH paper ratter wiittesa iewltae. fl l'.iikard llnjomio. J.. Mmr.'le I. , , 1 t , lluiison ity: forreliiarla It iv.ia vuied II, MAM I VI III Ml CO., A lli-iii- 1111 Hoeho-te- . si Hie total of l2llVst..dit AiUrcM I!. AI'I K. t, (7 M i.Pon llin.utject lcatc a wile mid four ibildtou. Mul.cy rtt-- sclinn, i dooico l.eniilni;. in , KututUit. oUhe New lorlc harborlinen ,,,,2 2 2 P'avers leiain, ail.e uiiiiniebcliiir fanu I, iVl'l be Waul, ,1 llee.'n, of prolific Mr IM'it :i a Nuvt lork : A. I nuios, Hiooklin: llonry reliiineil by lie, .- SCAltt'S I'vprrlcnri IhnnNon men knot Yoimar man. I liolcrt one tiio most of :i dcoir, by series of i '.UTII'FH married, vast sTtoaltaa; H ""'"''''"Jev flty. Mr. I enodlct C 1 I!"Ch(s'ei". lillip Ai-'- U I Usilllcrls ittrctann mlsrarfrf Inchest pr.iM ;uld i.o work irlttoi !. said that 1'liKlish burles'iuo and libietto wiilnis. Isocn I .tiny i tvei, JJiioln; Hf..N".V I', i can turn jfunt'jlr.t rlAsrrrerrncik fl !uie-2:- ri'i ai.t-'ih- i I tlr l.iehaL-l.o- a nut hMtllleil io. .i.t Hlhst, lOllltr fill J..1 ArM mi'i, o of .,'.'. Ho was i 2.2JI.J. ThoiniiR Cuitlii!.. New York: rank I'rniidy. lostrr lli'tinftered to fold medal In ' J UKN.NhSi, I'aciaeat. ' connoctlnc tho town ut ti nun the lonteuiporarv be ionn-l,.-l l.y -- l.- -r 1,,' trr.lt;' p ace. nrooitxa f 1 J of I, uci , l, i omiHii-rn- II. I!. arnlo and nmny 'Ur'a.ra. tuoinir. . Ilnrllniil: Iiitilcriek liotlrichs. 1'atutsuu: nw l.r,. -o- rtn-sr a lIi1?m'"oli,"nw:!,"r nf Voile Hay. would and wioto I I irde.l 0. lhe lint . rfM'K' IITS. nitn toCnislihT.B H , 1 1 1 Schioo-(lo- r. emler In. ll Hands on N' iileci) i Oali-t- Due er.ii 110 uaiiii Nevtink. Henry II hl.bea mi.il siore celit'rmen's tit ck trnr: Jl in a fl fti;i"1"nn1Mno'iprnnocoil by (''ckIiioit lor Iho I.ondo under Jolin Induiiik l. lirst '."I uauiei "Injed by lilin I SI'AltlS, or and Jobi.fursl.oL Apptrt tho ''liar! Miiihou j ft 2 1 Ity; svim-uso- ; - leiwei ii i talon, l ro'.lab e, bleu Iy In. mt work V.M. I Couimm-t.rnt.-i,w'U"- cuuipaiu-tlv- o Lom: Iniiiiil i'aul riehuu. and ini.- vv .IAM1 N Mrii'ktbiist, rooklya. o "' h maiiaifemeul. Ho died in Melics-.(ius(,iv- is'il lulyl im, . i .Mil lui i'cuofV.'J .'"'"''ied ,'JI llip.iriaii .'timid liu.r a 2 4 W1II111I11- -. ce,-te- 11," wu. "c C"t .1 - I. Sinclio. Hitlycke; and a tote 01 thanks irndiredi,i 10 ,1,,,,,,. wl!l"l "lt"' desireil lo i.otoriy. J. i' . 4 :i 11 w It V,' VV. i:- -i nuntr rtead'y enter I'i 111 (ireichoii. Uih'on, mid Ciouico Itiuuss, iU '" . - r.n.lle nine lio Ih- r"i chlj in ii n all rtv lei HA mrfn want a attoattOB; by In yosfer-tin- iiuji..e tVanvicl. 0 o IdVl'i'ii'ihiur' '""" '" ' "id bl SCAl'r-- -- mil Jl . irt, mjii olTce, llholliic'islslddfiwii tlio heiibiny Lawrence dol I'lushins ilnio-- .:., Cliiitoo ncikwcir. ut, iui ..'a tt uinr llli uv, rfcftnctb. tot HI .' 2.271f, nppollilmentulth Act-ilM- fi iiinriiini;. was ."7 Hie Siiiu. my hiei.V.r''"''' '""' "" Ho oiirts ohl anil Ci iiiblpo.1 liiinlnir-IIe- -. iMI'ii'-n.i- cnni.-(n- i man a- nt 111 2 I tiekelibach tl'lll It - Ih .rouililv sletio- (1 Aatftly , vasts rtt M.lnr '"lint to day to of lleniy Latvr lice, one nf Ihn it '.'IfliB', trnltlh,' s..l: t'ouun'eut (.rco-ntr- y IHU.JII-.K- tlielr ion loio l!ionl:lyu. Louis Kins Coiiuly Clun mil Sri tvp. li i .. h . ii!i:i tl j twi itAt-u- offloe, bit rillled Ih .Not, ISiooklyn. W.iltun l.uy 1 l'liHiidflliilila:lieiiruo .shiiiti. nnl wrl'or ur i.uia 1m:,? ?"'.' loiippmir Ii tin. in.iiiiif.it tinorrt In lorl; mid 1 . - - ' 1 1, ci o I nrr n i.ondciit stu.l alt c t 7o i w 1'miiI 2 J laus, llial ti'h: Ilesso. llroohlvu: 1', Tin- rr,"iilnr shor.t of the Mm.- Cf limy l,un utub aa lo nlo r letters I M!'OKT(Ht( mi hoot ornewp; IftU or u Sn.iliury Lawronco was hom in Stan lot, stieot. . i ,1 ,1 I et .brum.! l), Innwii H i!i,rli,tl,' virtlio Triitvwiod.. a liieilrichs I'aliii.s.n: C. Sehinnachur, llullalo; I I ci'.-- i!a. f nl (ftit jitlib tiir A . Mtu il I eld nt r Park yemrd iy ,eie i i 11 oSce, ! Ho io nt thu l.omaol his biother Samiiol. Hick 4 4 4 (Ml in lioi,rhlliidnj'lila:U. hoillur. Nun Yoik. aai.m ,t atj;e ll. r.nrinju itv, isiVi-- i piisr, Atluudnuce only 1.0 t bKadyworb onboo; "''""' iiiniiliiciilonitlliiii'daoiif tho t i'n.itpon, N'ew oraiid isle ,, 0 dr. L. Si'hiit'l:, e'eveu iiumoiri. iu to It e I'l'-- t ('OV.i.j-Mnl- vrr.eii ; or IhI d.i'; r ' Jllbi VniK'ir. J. nrn cr'v of linie-- nnd l'hil.uli.ilii't. ic icl.i y IN i. tinIll ll ami 'It ItlTI'l! .MiiiTnonl'J , Ad'trrtK i: ft .hex-- it, AtiiiJl -i ;.y open L 23, -- 4,'(. hu at rocks I , iiiuoi!,r ! ""tt- York d eil on JDnday iiiiiht nl tho iMinot ...3h lloiiet-Jo- All.ilr, No.y Yoik: slui.t urciily blio mcti, ul mo i.ien, t, I I you n l.i. . islsir VUl'Mi I.l.ulllM'!,, ii. i ,11. VWYX I . "ccrcsn " "rautl'ii3 taken tho pniiu'ia )iotiM nt An iiryi'iuk. Jl m-- iioaiho I'nin.! Do New link, and win nli r. nnl T her: wiost 11 one .,,r, is' Ur i.iw i. !i:-l- 10 all k tWa. IM j wnsosui lidmuinl Sicrn. t im tun ' I of lhe leiiil-i- B ol i o library Ashoclnlion or The Win nc is at iiniflrld Fnrli. Lb iiinluKiliilo. Sabre' Ji.hn Allulr. Now York. liilsihl lu.ijreii-ii- Mioetilir irom iiiui.- - Hit I. -- I. ,tV in s,t. (ul) .uit rnrni'rd ntr or riiaiTr. Ifl aafl nliii ani'iin. 01 14. ai.t bi'.irt, I'riir'tint rif.,r I.. V o'iIi til M At ilA.f-Tr-- ttKHCR. Ifsray. Jfl WM Atibnrv I'nrk, nnd too!: an ii' tlvo putt Iu thu C1111 -l- niiistiini; Lonpold .Miitius, Ho irlfi Sil . .; v .: I Vi t inn, July 21 iarllelil l'nrk truck yoku: i si ' a irm fas: live sviiii..iiki ul Hue inikr rai-i- vreri-s'io-t is. " .nin iijti.i AssrRilily. .ocluliesof iho llaidlst Chinch. liivdkltu, uud Otto Litlnthor, I'hdudul-jilil- a. ii. - in rs'ore asjafiimror Lscfcl in pr 3fl benotolent lie. ruces resu ted ns follotv h i.oruu. nrteruartl lhe nrsl vt.iailitisle. Iii eri.1,1 and 11.1,1,1 i.lll V l! on VI; IIANH man rata ( .1 out of it Hie flt'li'ltl.l .ui.iel ffiiisiiy, ci,ltred. AiUrai JslBIfl Hfl .'".V'Tti'iii a. July r. N. Thorp or K Countv onimsi.loner William It. Wrdo I Irst I'.ii-- Three wuh oi".ii. with nine slut' lu I lust ll ll st.. ecu' .I. I'nf. nuaneri ft a mite. OTrey won Club swinalnc- - Henry T.aiiK. , won by KiuL-e- l si tr i!r. VAJ Q.ruTWcat 61rtat $ unty, Con- 1.1 Max SumwolL-- afler Imeiiltr, Hilluoit. H y nf i rio ci l'.i., died on Jlonduv nt J.oii..lal eeLund sa third, 'iinie, I a.eiI T T M I It- - H nr I'ali-rito- tiollh 'AI-- KIM III l.r.l 1. v. li, hh.irt. lbs third tf.,s w, 1.1 bv Prtt.lnfr li.t.Pii-- l ' rr'Ter",y ''"nn'iharil'i beem In lilsnTlli Ilo tho (onnty Bl second line-- -- line tulle ards, and Trcols. l'lilladelphla. vtllh.li.il ,,l 1 iT.'!r nnd Jnh dosirM cord yeaf. iiuuvtvi'iitv t LlloiiiryexercIhcB-Hiinsk- tho loiirlli ninl linti iy r Mmri, breaking kt e II ter.ess n. Appty.titves lenihi FtrHi.y frfmao 'fl H H'iiiim.n "Cull dfitoiniuent" bor ro n tear-- , wealthy, havlnc nnido IiIb It 'ik ..oil, llorenie slaughter second, 1'ick I'ltitilid. oi liner. Yorwnrt.s iru uniiiOiin ni, Address llhlAXUUU, tmixM liowns ten lii-tt- ttrnidit Iu win both sweet.. Iho erL.i 'H in buslneb-- . 'film, Tuin lireln. New ioik; Adolph iiu-ue- 1. l.luk, 1., l anu Ii I'aiu'v t ,,...! Jlr. I'.wImk ad-- 5 inonoy In the lumber Uiv-d- m reiner.it. il. im. i.eliir. II, M.iKiittr. tra'licr .ml idpi. makers also delltoiolnn llilr.t mile To. 11 Kofers wou, Aibon lironklui, ninl l.l.e!, Mclron-- . , h't' r'' work I cr 1 s tec. Olio baort, U, llaeel, Jtoililnii, u, Iberli i". "trilf !nr s.per.rlirr.l ill.lr 1' '" l'oi!.." Last even nu l'rof. Q'ho Hon. Wllllnin II. nniport died at his oiel, liiun-- ihlrd 'iinie. 42Ji impromptu bie.1l.liw-Leopo- ld li "..''"'III ItMAV A i.i'.npi in,, 1..7 und t..:iiioadwny, C I.1K f;i;M-- KUII-- wUn erooloy. 1 Leon, New 1 V m ,14 )iiiurV-e- ( ;. home In Cuiiiiudnlcun jestitrdiiy ninrnlnir of niirili nar 'll'o and hair furlonc. lolia won ft oip. Lrsl refcreiues Pleavi """ton poems I J oik, l'lr I M- -' , i t flflfl i'li'lV.'.' locltnl SJcottldh hi) Ho iin'in-li-r- l.hnr.'liill I'lar.e All eltow llilrd. 'lime. 4s Oddsi VMI I'liin linii.ts i in. in,., ninl c.i(uirtj .d m r (,or, 'H oi nt liio m:u ol was n lanyillons-rroldrl- nail llitds orMiitrls. in tn.. 'sflEnfl f,.., .'i'1' iii" e wlili'li iincked etui ii'iirx. Ksi'e Ilu f lili'e Dei ch Michnol, s s, all i lubl t.,,.1 er- - , ii t ut , t.'as to tho 1 orlj-thlr- d s. lllll hil.thiain tioll, tlonletlsi Vornaits il si,ti iriliiies, T W n .o'M.c'nTan: - x " w"rd iho ruiii'iicioud nnd ter.ai.l, lin tliird. 'J mc, " vt tereln. New; oik; JIr .lohiiniia Tie fnifekrrltncLer 1'aiine Dub Is uwakriihic i Wl IM1I .1 .. N , i ;:i,i m Clir (in isri lr ttoroorhlr im- timW nin. Hon. tit liralo: nr. I - to.ic 11 c - in,n-i- fllfl iiitiiu'eruf Iiarc-ll- - now hi r ih y n sutt-ir- i miiii air ml c. ni- t'ailho wun. Dcncnaler win In. oiohi. Now i.rk; Jni,eph livily here ale ri r ruitiii- rauots hi umrluli linn'ir. intr indn annbtnar to ' '" ' iu lint Hull of Mlllei, L - P Irs- Inn.!, i n m ',1 .1 i Iin BKfl Id iccond, liot, I'erier Time 11 -i nun Ilu T.,s4i'i f or, eil mi Jed dor n- the ll'.IVTi n.i i.j.i ti intiels; lalsf ati l."i.i'it .iTlnK, tettreuct. Ilx Han lfles o 5Iiu'o, I'roRhlent WJIIiam ll.inl Lui I.lyn. nti.l obi .. - on rn.- - , '"."'on luc itioiuii wurl; mm Allen Irothor o' Iriodrleii Scliliis.ii;ei, Centiai inif 11 suildav r t t 11 If it's l.ibls orkrr- ii .ii rv Irenes 'ik'i.. i' I s winter oi.ru .liilne. Mie.v l 'H't'1' v a .T1 Ii -a I'iWI V'hnn.iin tt.'ilib 11m, worn Jlodo of the Nailnnnl lliiul: il ClmMor alloy, tun eiuin. Now loik. 'J'hu ptlu-- wuto di- i.nitiii. II tt nib. on und tv intcrliicLuui ' l.Vi.l III. .'. It. I .11 t. CJIil cinMi lnriboer cad ' flll the clun in l I 1 Hlfl ', . I'ii., iTi'i'Mcy m, I a r in tin stran an 'rtfal. l lino this wri-on- TliolniRl-lli'.- t. dioiiped dinidnl his homo In Jlndenn, uu Netv Illinois, plomas mid mediils sjl e suii.e dislante up lltti Ilu lion ,'"1' h Miiirl itlir? net afraid Ifl '"' y WW I .N,, '"' itiilnfiiSI. '.1 C'e. aul Mi.n. I" TMOJ UI.S.SM U t,iu tone. L. I. '' ' ' ,,!U0 Moinli.y. Ho was Ul old. c Tbo festival will end with n. 21 ""V .1 n l ,"" ibrlitil uruii esinb-- r vents In Iranilioo-.lu- circles the affair Hut It n runs .luly .llniinv SlclVrinlrk ii puydist I JJ sl.uei, stead) n,irn u,m r r., HlH rauihur ! liJ.J ' I'.ill.firo'tlmTeiii'li-"i..,''''"ll,- l Hitter, who died nt Allcntown on Mon- contest ami a pi. ulc .it llockutt ay Uencli, relnrledlo hate klllrd in a trlf- - flul.t in Iron I.AM, t .'. ,'f. r.i.stlthft CIT 'a wtVTKd a liorseshotr ar '' '" Jacob much ariiiiiiiriit and rostroversy Jstho pro.bsed team nud vvlinss 1let.U1 l "Hlfl ",'"" l'l" f"r ihorish'n day was iu hlh n'uhty l.litli year, nnd bad II tltcb. lor line men are sal I .ii huper Ai'ilfto jfilSfl wnriuly match beiMicu llio Matesof Illinois mid ,'iw Jirscy (liimei (lie Acnio to be iiudir arrtsi, turned up in I'bicaco alive and with (.IIP M.S'KI.V. WbUeataqa, L. I ,'ir toi i ''.' '"' ''? iMiniiiKs were Hied thero nil his lilo. lo took au actlio part of Alliletlr Asmi.t Intlou, sciricU a briilio Ho mints ihn of his 1)11.1 'at if In seicniber there Is to bo held at Unroll .1 iiuiior iiraib ir r..'iiatj Waiurrt. ATI N Ifl 'law.t'ta """" hutCs L'ouiiiiluslouor of iu pohtlcB formally jeais four data' Acme Athletic, Id grew out of (also reports otivroir oter a division il wfitiid lef all roitiil - Hifll lla lhe Aisiclatlon In their regular of tLe Si ji- .rlntr if lou note, tournament. As an additional attraction lliu nuuajtrs receipts rn f Adilrc5i ti . t(. )7. j m, ofQra. Hofo Lisle, nn aclreK o' some who had lilcni: and yamce nt the llrooklta AlUlello IMIU'.I-.'- H r i i.'. no . I itillfl are irthurloarraii'ie the ruco alluded above Hub monthly moonlight 1-pll- wmtii.oi tears t t rr. mnrrod chlelty in tho West, died In thtscltv on to fhe Maipelli Thestrond liaris parly of the wiek'v inMiient, luiuire a ur i A ,M, ; 'i M. u thrtor Pfo Jn.t from school, rati tsCuHa ItrpuV.lr crouudi at jftlcrJuy, The rrsults follovvi Club was I Ua 1 jar-ntv- . hre.u Iii.il .Mur on lire. Monday, she wuh inariiod to Trunk J- - iet-unc- o proposed conditio l.,r the match am ten en from Atlautio lloal hI la.t rvcbltu, fhe four Ihlrlrrlill, st. .f null ('fli poi'on in an Wc. Hniafl tine. hundred inrd Iluii-H- usl beat tvonby I'. Km. lnu smile barurs nf Hie club ..ere nccuplel by Jl liermuuiiRi'i. each Male, nt fifty Mills per 111.111. niuul'led ill tie - w t.urJATetiBtaV fa'r.T''. ' ruloito tn..lsi, with luoiiisl Dm liieuibeisiilnl Ibrlrludy Iricnds Ibry le I lhe turn as wsliftr- nnd th louieneti jll Hlfl men 10 leu (scrnlili, aecntid, ami l.tiii.i-11- s o rowe-- fillll, t 2 itli T' Mi van wo i, a ssTjn '.EH ' ' Walter II. (jiicb fi promlnont cnlorod Jlnsnn, iiotern lhe rcpre.ent Sew Jcrset will. In ail lliu ar.l i 11 Huioken at rmck and up tb Pud ii sifuailon oaa ibl ""' '"wr't "fpiil'lif initios In - ol.1lii.'u'i.r.l.) llilrd rime. ,t.,ioieii. I - i t ii r n . i '1 f )nii . o:i IHth rutiaiifiily, be seler'e Irani iho 10110.1 in,- .inim 11, 1.1111 in lilvr in l.r; ee. Iiurln.- tlm n iii reftra'l bas ae ex M jMu died nt Cam. leu tnulorday. In his tear, I l.y rimnihy vm.'ruiiiinr of Tnl si;t vu -' tr .. an i Vi" : ""'' ,LU lirevter or aniniuitoii .lnliu ,.t 11, vvpli iiunlau vocal aul instrumental niurlo wns on r rrtnulitle iilrl.n lrf- - v. Jl.. bn l'lll1I7J. MJU m nio.Mii!.'. Tho wan iiepntv (ir.uid Muster of - lucoit i;,iiv.,i.v Henrv Helling' sctatclij sfcond, lurried out eae.i I yon t ( mn ii ,. v. ,: n. ,. tijl. o!ic. .H ''' Ilu tho Grand A 1'eiirrieof jssili- 1. red iiiiiuibi o. - nn.l I sirl t.irtv , irrv. Iriiihi u., el luiiiii- scratch, ihirJ. .'1 arte i I'j.lis-- r i v i.s - l"ii(n,rov''''' KiiHI'iid, nut nr.t J.odco of tlio Mu'e. .ti llrd 1. Clin I'eliiloirdi, ii, itsijv, it lun 'iiuif, inliiutta 21', tn, ii j iroulit xttrm nrtnnno.- UMfal "u. I mni n. t most touriuinicut, ' . ' I icronds eii.nratile tenuis which opeurd vWai ,t t Bi r.MiC (l.iJOV fl Vi.". No 5 1 of -. !'' t tl're W el ""otiinlmiiiiKOf I.' noli, Krlenina iiiiain feirier ut .tlnntc'alr. half-rul- Walk, handicap-W- on 011 .inly 1.1 (0 a p - V l 1 ' T'J':,tui - ' iiuenn mi acrobat who achieved 1' Hue br lieorir inrne tery siiree.sfnl o.e ibu ,Mt.l!h.- ante .ul In u wiHi house-- fl n.M now I iodslcy or JloluUu niid Abo Id at w n.l ?! i biirninu- llmcelv. a of n diod In Mil i.reeniear of ttnrda .srr.iti " vtitn Peter - I'luli crnunits. Ma"ifor,.on nn ,i is 7". Im fame iliiiitinr cunlury iicn, Jt't-- iiriidotsnn rardei sec tl.e- oiind x iters ii ' . ;V "i1 liiirhaiii end, and llfuaiai Uai.lcli a Moidav. After spirited play Meltllle Unty 1 t.r.-.- 't t -' ,Jv'd ruroui.ii. 1'mtof N. Y.. recently, lie had beiu olf tho The Illinois will In alt I e ucraicli) ttnrJ. Tiuie, min- ten won hi :.!; inn si. v' .'." ,1!lH team probability, made up utes 1. s.roiius the alnzles. delaaili K ,lnhn Uatenprrt In the , tt.i 14 the III Ii. ,U'!'' "lioiidy cnted in. D.1I. lhe ilnal. SI -- btai:esii.ce from roiloittui; nell knoun tracks Abe and lieorga One Ken, Handicap Won 1 il I, 3. the tirstse: tolinf tn on tVn"I.-- tiau'e I r lor venrr.il i'.m'i; P'"1 , iiunrirr ml'e by Kerns Panuiir.rt MUurdny iu tlr' -. ?tnlc' "'"i"l loftswlll lionreiu. Ilati-flcld- hleluauier i.oll Amau. Holla I) ilharlta till, Henry ' Hnl . who a ln.ui- Iv 'i "-- r J. tho man In iscratcln with I leldluu second, last, 110. The doubles were won by Daienport an. at am .'. '"'"n, ! rd by .ino-he- Mialt N.i'lian wealthiest lard William Munoj, M. I irh. l', IV ilammon, Hjrards) and Weil ai ftit SAOTOST linii Ilambtiri.', I'll, die. I on Monday in his and llli hard Holding lonrdu third. Time, I niluute 2' 'foreneln rather easy play by 7 e t. Much credit llsl.l s.?SC2S3l il nluht t " Wl?ei!i.,,,.'ip,'',i "''''fly oiin thousand leltoliol Ctilca.a, .lames Htlce of Jacksonville, 'lom Iso-Un- e Hstijsmin Pavenper: for . ' ,1 bus- sicouds his rucressrul wanfe I '. Inrnn nssor'nient nf I'i l'irnd nnd fiqoa ?'. i"1!? De Bn'1 jenr. Ho Krevv rich in tho coul Marshall nnd A It. I'alrncrosi of Kelthibursliaiirt ', Iwohundred-an- twentr-yar- athl M J imei Call from IQ I 'llfl Inetinn tcL'u,,,i V"11. ,ul. '."" nr0 nun, nanOlrap-W- oa vt the tournament, which waa voted the LAI,.".'I.'ltl... Isi.o.nl mule ale prlees r ..ll Installineula. ouoTu- - I liupocbiljlo to say nt iness ' I'minil Uecalur, by I. Kerns (cralch) wlih Henry Anderson most enjoyable one ever held by tlie club. a rn i siii.s m 'd'llH '".'tit iliyardsi (haloid run- brtir.il huriralet U (Mr IllSifl Jinnlel Murphy, nTark Denaitment foreman, second, and 'fhouiai c, t bite (1.1 yard,) ihlrd. Iluie. The prstponsd elsMcsrid ihill race btteeen NFAT, Tinvr7iirnRr.il I. IP.1 fur net er 'housework, html llama, I'ltter.ti- makers allow pure. l &'U of Ablerinan .Mini by. died yesterday Tor llic (Jiiren'a Prize. -- it seconds from iiie Hudson and I'resreut eitita look place be onmpMeui c o',, ,',( Wit, ,'.il.s-- , r.M ll, li I'Iami llrc.lo., llunninE Huh Jump, Handicap Won by WII, uterancri in-1- , m n fal drier. rnuTu'ciilllr, 411 Mreet. July SI. Dear, Queen's Tdln-burz- fleorre alleved mile and course oa tie Hudson Klveruvst ur tint. N,r rork. nt his hon.e. Latl Nineteenth f.oroi, Frivate of lhe llama niliichesi. with the actual leap ot 4 reel s Inchest tvinr.ln ny II'ANTEII A for tl Inlteworkln irB , tie former three leiufths in l"e T .nurctr, inter "'-'- lnt '' William died nt Jlntawan, reslintnt. won tin Qui en's I'rue at the liaulei handcrson iscrntt-lr- sccuud with & ftei, and tlmn of d inluuies and I second I his tat nt a ro. n. i,.-irn- t tnusl fotbe R,'J.V,'T ' '' ''"""' "" " raonThlj 't-l- Vkm 'irlefn1"1' ' 'i"'!iei t pbi.11 ), 4 fait lerfnrm itui . -- s waj N, I , n the .Nntl innmas nurd ttlili ftetr, Incuts mused mulnly ny ilia tMs atoncn br UJied rrrrs .tin., . wl Ire. in ..s r on miiiii.iv. ilo wih fern lona tlmo ineetins of nil Mile Anoctailon at Kt'cy, - tool He mcc bslnr tl-- i ' ' n'fmw trial i'liiiiu.- .lie P.. it cup and Mini, Handicap it a by nl up riiAiil.- -, (.4 I est t .4 bat week- ' ' - ;ol.vbienrn heforo tbo Jlonnni' th loiiuty '.'on Tuw-ar- l , rowed the r.vr with be etannppi site He ' "" ' rr'"'l'1- iitY ' ' Jiifl.u iu lourts. Peer s.ored poinu iheendof hlvrard Oiirad) Herald-.)- wun put I I. llu'.,n " juttr'V ' uudty I tle.riu the oral fetil ieatliojeati1 null nra..sl nli Hie suiisr liuun I v.eroiound M Iirlm'i. Iiit.da '.1 one u' me juadlin learn, led infhes- Slmmone was b , tV,l tli, " Tho death jepoitrd of ll.i'divln Dihl.tbe the J.daard rext nith 3J feet le duel: ut sirrei 11 er w, s qui e some rne-.ini- r .'iVtil - .i ncdroiped nenn-a- I , il '' 't "".. i'0!iin'i-o-r riuitpt'iiiiiri, from the mad soon .iftt r ffa'n liadn lucres aul 'I mo by Denies (I fool), oviin tn Hie lhe ll'iiiitn'. eiHalr- Urcli.inir-i- Kr. ,'nis a,raiiiriiiaaMr 'il( Midii.th. Ineninpsiency ct 10 Wan',, ,'" ',ie l'..trek famoiib l.iulli nnd conductor. p was ntirials net the j- ot, .,.,..'.-.. ., . a I.i '' ' 'L' ,ln K -- ' - - liu , nurd with. Indies crews as'sy s'uiullanroi'1 , aollli VVuv 'I" ..en nil j; llliii,-- m ' "e imy ro Ct.11 Pletn fnjrtli place v. w.nnlnj-1- ftel'U Ma'lovr of i, 'Id-- ,no '' r mil li i.t ro'n:, Itnnnlnir Uop, Sltp uud Jump Handicap Won br erlsr JHnat i'luli was - I ' ',:' won paw w refers "In wlnnlnir erew Is Man a rv ''fl urn. .'I'.' "' ""' Ihirlntr lha Nn" Vnrk I'milral will iel neur- lunuersoii if.,, also on the ).. i'.inn Ocratcli . l)J M to run lu.'er pir.swlrtlasa ""''' ""ft a io r.th feel Incnm feter comrrstd as foliowsi )lr Te'ih, b.uri T, ,1, Urn.. 21 AYOPMI r.f - I i a, ai in. HroSklyi. al .n ilr'.t-i- i.tM'slim i. ul fajo. Tup aul er aeaitlsni tvou a of Kernsll r.inti vh .1. tnakinz reai'y, ra'.trj:, ,7 opior "' Kaurn ,L, :Jiki luclnuc ill amuber uassecoai, "lib fsst 0 inrl.es. ar.vl ilulraln. 3i A. Wl son 4i T Mrlitriunit. n 1;, Creer. l'Itif.'.-I.!- i IM adui to ;tii.l Cliul -- lr. luci-c- i orizia (iioin.i.; 1 W lumtyrf adiaurn Adlresa bo: ll.f. run w - uii 1la (I fiel), lliltd trl'll ftel 3 Inchei. U; ii. Hove), i, J. Btr.hu, itrikei W, Jonti, ooxiwaId. HHco, ft .K','"."i' S.',iK,,s li'ht.ol and siool. f- mouthly '

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