The Wade Genealogy (Illustrated.)
The Wade Genealogy (Illustrated.) Compiled by STUART C. WADE. " He tolde a tnle of Wade." OHAUCER:-'l'roih,s and, Oreaseide. NEW YORK, STUART C. WADE, t48 WEST 34TH STREET, 'l'he marshalled Coat of Arms (with r r quarterings) and Crest of Sir William ·waad, Knight, Secretary of the Privy Council, Lieutenant of the Tower of London, and Ambassador. (From his ton.1b in the Parish Church of Mannden in the County of Essex, England, as recently restored by William de \Tins vVadc, Esquire, Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Judicature, Great Dunrno\\·, Essex.) To JEPTHA HOMER '\VADE, ESQ., (of Cleveland), To whose researches so much of this work is clue, and by whose liberal encouragement it was accomplished, the Compiler, with sincere respect, dedicates this volmne. New York, 1900. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. The History and Genealogy of the ·wade Family, of which this forms Part r, comprises over <)(Jo pages and 60 inserted illnstrations in ro parts, the six chapters being entitled as specified on the next l ,age. \Vith Part IO ancl in ample time for binding there will be suppl.eel a title page, clcclication, preface, table of contents and list of illu,,rn tions, together with a special set of pages for the inscription of the purchaser's family record. Directions for placing the foll page illus trations will also be supplied as well as a complete set of indices of Vv ades, allied families and places. No further charge will be made for these essential additions. Covers for binding will be supplied or the binding of parts undertaken at moderate cost.
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