MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC AND PRESS ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND Summons to attend Parish Council Meeting to be held on Wednesday 8th May 2019 at Congregational School Room, Nether Kellet at 7.30 pm A G E N D A 19034 To receive apologies 19035 To approve Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 3rd April 2019 19036 To receive Declarations of Interest 19037 To adjourn the meeting for a period of public discussion and to provide ‘information only’ updates on activities in recent weeks. (Note: Any matters needing a ‘decision’ will be considered as an agenda item at a future meeting) (i) Public discussion (ii) Clerk’s report on correspondence, activities and actions since last meeting (iii) Members updates and reports since the last meeting, including: 1) PACT 2) LALC 3) Quarry 4) Twinning Association 5) Fly-tipping 6) PRoW 7) Village Hall 8) Projects 9) B4RN 10) Lodges Charity 11) Lengthsman 12) Other matters:

19038 To consider the list of planning applications/road traffic orders/consultations and decisions set out below: Application No: Description 19/00308/FUL Change of use of agricultural barn to offices and related works – 52 Main Road, Nether Kellet LA6 1EF 19/00382/FUL Erection of a filed shelter – Street record, Hallfield Lane, Nether Kellet 19/00088/FUL Amendments to application re erection of a two-storey dwelling and associated access – Land adjacent to Meadowcroft Hill Lane, Nether Kellet 19039 To receive an update on planning authority decisions on previously considered applications (papers enclosed) 19040 To authorise payment of the following accounts: Cheque No. Description Amount BACS Mr R Bailey, Clerks fees and expenses – April 2019 £205.04 BACS Glasdon UK Ltd – Lowther Seat and plaque £693.00 BACS Signs Express – Nether Kellet Play Area sign £198.58

19041 To consider tree works applications 19/0031/TCA and 19/0031/TCA and next steps 19042 To consider Village Hall refurbishment fund available from Central Government 19043 To consider date and time of next meeting

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MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC AND PRESS ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND Parish Clerk 26 April 2019 28 Wilson Grove , , LA3 2PQ Tel: 07828254149; Email: [email protected]

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PARISH OF NETHER KELLET Draft Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held at Congregational Church School Rooms on Wednesday 3rd April 2019 at 7-00 pm.

Present: Councillor Mr D Whitaker (Chair) Councillor Mrs J Bentham Councillor Mr C Halhead Councillor Mr N Johnson Councillor Mr P Riley Councillor Mr I Williams In attendance: Bob Bailey, Clerk, City Councillor Mr JR Mace (part), three residents 19024 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Councillor Smith. 19025 MINUTES: It was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 6th March 2019 be approved. 19026 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS: There were no declarations of interest. 19027 ADJOURNMENT FOR PUBLIC DISCUSSION & INFORMATION ONLY UPDATES: 1) Public discussion: City Councillor Mace enquired about the bench that he is donating to the village to mark his service as the City Councillor for the Kellet Ward since 1999. The Chair reported that the bench had been delivered and was being stored until being placed in position and ‘unveiled’ at an agreed time following the May local elections. Councillor Mace thanked the Parish Council for its support throughout his years serving as the Ward Councillor and as Town Mayor. Councillor Mace then left the meeting. Residents raised matters relating to the Decision Notices relating to the proposed felling of the Poplar tree (19/0031/TCA) located at Land off Halton Road/Main Road. There was a strong feeling that felling the poplar tree would have a negative impact on wildlife and the environment. It was acknowledged that if left uncontrolled the tree could cause damage and be a danger to the public, but there were several actions suggested to tackle the immediate issues and keep the tree under control, thereafter. Members thanked residents for their attendance and comments, which were further considered under Agenda item 19031 of the meeting. 2) Clerks report: The Clerk presented his report, setting out updates on previous actions, activities and resolutions. Members were informed that County Council are still investigating responsibility for the dangerously bulging wall on the Shaw Lane boundary of the playing field. A response has been received from Lancaster City Council about CCTV stating that this is now part of a district wide review in partnership with Vodafone based on a risk assessment. Lancaster City Council have reported that a further update will be provided later in the year. The Clerk informed Members that as requested a new sign for Nether Kellet Play Area had been designed by Signs Express of Lancaster and could be supplied at a cost of £198.58. The pothole at Church Hill and the broken road salt/sand box on Laithbutts Lane have both been reported to Lancashire County Council and the Lengthsman has been informed about the repair needed to the noticeboard on Laithbutts Lane. Other matters in the Clerks report were to be considered on the meeting agenda. After some discussion, it was RESOLVED that the Clerk’s report be noted and that approval be given for the Nether Kellet Play Area sign to be purchased. 3) Members updates on issues arising since the last meeting: a) PACT: Nothing to report; b) LALC: Councillor Halhead reported that the last meeting had been held at Arkholme Methodist Church. There had been a general discussion on several matters including the maintenance of verges by parish councils on behalf of Lancashire County Council and the proposals and potential impact of the Eden project in Morecambe; c) QUARRY: It was reported that meetings had been held at Back Lane and Leapers Wood quarries in recent weeks. Both quarries are producing a substantial amount of materials, around 70 – 80k tonnes of per month. There has been a high number of blastings recently that continue to be monitored. Both quarries act positively and promptly to concerns/complaints received. Work on a viewing platform is continuing, with a further update expected in September. The offices at Leapers Wood are to be re-located and new, more efficient and powerful wheel wash equipment has been acquired; d) TWINNING ASSOCIATION: Councillor Bentham informed Members that 23 visitors will be arriving on 12th and 13th April. All arrangements and planned activities and events during their stay are in place; e) FLY-TIPPING: There has reported fly-tipping at Whorlley’s Moss Lane and Hallifield Lane that have/will be reported and dealt with; a) PRoW: Footpaths are generally in a good condition – nothing further to report; b) VILLAGE HALL: It was reported that all officers and Members of the Village Hall committee were re-elected at the recent annual general meeting. Some younger Members are looking to set up a ‘youth organisation’ connected to the Village Hall. The plans in relation to the garage have had to be amended slightly to allow access to the B4RN cabinet; c) PROJECTS: No further update; d) BA4N: Councillor Bentham reported that the Nether Kellet project qualifies for a voucher scheme which aims to upgrade the speed of internet connections to the local community. Details of the scheme were outlined, and it was reported that B4RN will get their subsidy if residents and businesses obtain the vouchers. Subject to this there should be enough funds to complete the project. Recently some progress has been with the ducting and Lancashire County Council have advised that they will provide a wayleave for ducts through the school grounds meaning that the school should be able to obtain a free B4RN connection; e) LODGES CHARITY: Nothing to report; f) LENGTHSMAN REPORT: Councillor Smith provided a written report on the work undertaken by the Lengthsman in recent weeks. It was reported that the annual hours allocated to the parish council had now been fulfilled; g) GENERAL MATTERS: The Clerk reminded Members that a volunteer is needed to carry our regular checks of the defibrillator at the Village Hall. It was suggested that the Village Hall Caretaker would be best placed to undertake this. ACTION: Councillor Johnson to contact the Caretaker. It was reported that the tarmac damaged during work by B4RN is to be made good. It was questioned whether the village school could apply for community funding and it was advised that it was likely that this would depend on what is being requested and whether there would be a benefit to the wider community as well as the school. It was then RESOLVED that Members updates be noted, and that follow-up action be taken where necessary.

19028 PLANNING APPLICATIONS/TRAFFIC ORDERS: Application No: Description: 19/00217/FUL Erection of four new dwellings with associated access and regrading of land - Land Adjacent 5 Main Road Nether Kellet Temporary Road Closure: Main Road, 0800 hours on Monday 29th April 2019 until 1700 hours on Friday 10th May 2019 After some discussion, it was RESOLVED that a ‘neutral’ comment be made on planning application 19/00217/FUL that conditions be applied regarding access and egress from the site; cleaning of vehicles during the excavation/construction and lines of sight during the construction. It was also RESOLVED that the temporary road closure be noted. 19029 PLANNING AUTHORITY DECISIONS: Members considered the up-to-date position on decisions of the planning authority (Lancaster City Council) on planning application previously deliberated by the parish council. It was then RESOLVED that the decisions of the Planning authority be noted. 19030 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT: Cheque No: Description Amount £ BACS Mr R Bailey; Parish Clerk Fees and Expenses – March 2019 £205.04 Lancashire Association of Local Councils – Annual BACS £149.27 subscription 2019/2020 It was RESOLVED that the above payments be authorised. 19031 TREE WORKS APPLICATIONS: Members considered in detail Decision Notices relating to the proposed felling of the Poplar tree (19/0031/TCA) and the pruning of cherry trees (19/0032/TCA) located at Land off Halton Road/Main Road. The comments made by residents in the public part of the meeting were taken into consideration and the reasons why the parish council had taken the decision to fell the polar tree explained. It was also pointed out that it had always been the intention of the parish council to replace with another tree(s). It was noted that permission had been given to fell the tree by Lancaster City Council ‘In the interest of good arboriculture practice, amenity and wildlife benefit’. Several conditions were also applied including; work being carried out within a two-year period and in accordance with British Standards and in line with relevant legislation relating to wildlife and the countryside, and that the tree is replaced by a recommended three new trees. The point was made that had Lancaster City Council disagreed with the reasons given by the parish council to fell the tree, permission would not have been granted. It was also argued that if the tree remained it would need regular and potentially costly attention and maintenance. Regarding the pruning of the cherry trees it was suggested that there needed to be clarification of the guidance in the Decision Notice that the cherry trees be pruned to ‘…reduce, re-shape and balance, limited to secondary branches not exceeding 3cm in diameter’. After much discussion, it was RESOLVED that a decision on whether to fell the poplar tree be deferred to enable other residents to air their views and subject to a full report being requested from Lancaster City Council’s Tree Preservation Officer for consideration. It was further RESOLVED that clarity be sought regarding the guidance given in respect of the cherry trees.

19032 PLAY EQUIPMENT: As requested the parish clerk had requested and received an alternative quotation for the refurbishment of the rocking horse, excluding the supply and labour cost associated with re-painting it with a view to this being carried out by volunteers. The revised quotation amounted to £1,657.50 (excluding VAT). After some discussion about the type of paint that would be needed it was RESOLVED that the quotation for the refurbishment of the rocking horse be approved and arrangements be made for the work to be carried out. 19033 DATE & TIME OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting of the parish council will be Wednesday 8th May 2019. The Parish Council meeting closed at 8:10pm

Clerk of the Council: Date:

Chair: Date: Nether Kellet Parish Council Correspondence – May Meeting 2019

Date Sender Topic 28/03/2019 Parish Clerk Agenda pack April meeting 01/04/2019 Lancashire County Council Urgent Action: Play Area wall Update on outstanding matters raised 03/04/2019 Parish Clerk by Cllr Smith 04/04/2019 Lancaster City Council Notice of uncontested election 04/04/2019 Lancaster City Council Planning Application 19/00308/FUL 04/04/2019 Lancaster City Council Planning Application 19/00382/FUL 06/04/2019 Lancashire County Council Winter Bulleting 05/04/2019 06/04/2019 Lancashire County Council Trading Standards warnings/alerts Planning Application 19/00088/FUL 17/04/2019 Lancaster City Council (amended) Response to issues re Trees works 24/04/2019 Lancaster City Council decision notice 19/0031/TCA Response to issues re Trees works 24/04/2019 Lancaster City Council decision notice 19/0032/TCA 25/04/2019 Parish Clerk Draft Minutes of meeting - 03/04/2019 26/04/2019 Resident Footpath report

Planning Application Comments & Decisions May 2019 meeting

Application Number / Parish Council Planning Authority Description Comment Decision / Status 18/01310/CU: Change of use of No representation Awaiting Decision amenity land for the siting of 6 static caravans and creation of an associated internal road - The Hawthorns Caravan Park, Main Road, Nether Kellet, LA6 1EA 19/00088/FUL: Erection of two Object to the planning Awaiting Decision storey dwelling with associated application access – Land adjacent to Meadowcroft, Hill Lane, Nether Kellet 19/00217/FUL: Erection of four ‘Neutral’ comment – Awaiting Decision new dwellings with associated access apply conditions re site and regrading of land - Land access and egress; site Adjacent 5 Main Road Nether Kellet vehicles and lines of sight during the construction.