Package 'Laplacesdemon'

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Package 'Laplacesdemon' Package ‘LaplacesDemon’ March 4, 2013 Version 13.03.04 Date 2013-03-04 Title Complete Environment for Bayesian Inference Author Statisticat, LLC <[email protected]> Maintainer Martina Hall <[email protected]> Depends R (>= 2.14.1), parallel ByteCompile TRUE Description Laplace’s Demon is a complete environment for Bayesian inference. License GPL-2 URL, Repository CRAN NeedsCompilation no Date/Publication 2013-03-04 20:36:44 R topics documented: LaplacesDemon-package . .4 ABB.............................................5 as.covar . .7 as.initial.values . .8 as.parm.names . .9 as.ppc . 11 BayesFactor . 12 BayesianBootstrap . 15 BayesTheorem . 17 BMK.Diagnostic . 19 burnin . 21 1 2 R topics documented: caterpillar.plot . 22 CenterScale . 23 Combine . 25 Consort . 27 CSF............................................. 28 data.demonsnacks . 31 de.Finetti.Game . 32 dist.Asymmetric.Laplace . 33 dist.Asymmetric.Log.Laplace . 35 dist.Bernoulli . 36 dist.Categorical . 38 dist.Dirichlet . 39 dist.HalfCauchy . 41 dist.HalfNormal . 42 dist.Halft . 44 dist.Inverse.Beta . 45 dist.Inverse.ChiSquare . 47 dist.Inverse.Gamma . 48 dist.Inverse.Gaussian . 50 dist.Inverse.Wishart . 51 dist.Inverse.Wishart.Cholesky . 53 dist.Laplace . 55 dist.Laplace.Precision . 57 dist.Log.Laplace . 59 dist.Log.Normal.Precision . 60 dist.Multivariate.Cauchy . 62 dist.Multivariate.Cauchy.Cholesky . 64 dist.Multivariate.Cauchy.Precision . 65 dist.Multivariate.Cauchy.Precision.Cholesky . 67 dist.Multivariate.Laplace . 69 dist.Multivariate.Laplace.Cholesky . 71 dist.Multivariate.Normal . 74 dist.Multivariate.Normal.Cholesky . 75 dist.Multivariate.Normal.Precision . 77 dist.Multivariate.Normal.Precision.Cholesky . 79 dist.Multivariate.Polya . 80 dist.Multivariate.Power.Exponential . 82 dist.Multivariate.Power.Exponential.Cholesky . 84 dist.Multivariate.t . 86 dist.Multivariate.t.Cholesky . 87 dist.Multivariate.t.Precision . 89 dist.Multivariate.t.Precision.Cholesky . 91 dist.Normal.Precision . 93 dist.Normal.Variance . 95 dist.Pareto . 97 dist.Power.Exponential . 98 dist.Skew.Discrete.Laplace . 100 dist.Skew.Laplace . 102 R topics documented: 3 dist.Stick . 104 dist.Student.t . 105 dist.Student.t.Precision . 107 dist.Truncated . 109 dist.Wishart . 110 dist.Wishart.Cholesky . 112 Elicitation . 114 ESS ............................................. 116 Gelfand.Diagnostic . 117 Gelman.Diagnostic . 118 Geweke.Diagnostic . 121 GIV............................................. 123 hpc_server . 125 IAT ............................................. 126 Importance . 127 interval . 130 is.appeased . 131 is.class . 132 is.constant . 133 is.constrained . 134 . 135 is.model . 136 is.proper . 137 is.stationary . 139 joint.density.plot . 140 . 141 Juxtapose . 142 KLD............................................. 145 KS.Diagnostic . 147 LaplaceApproximation . 148 LaplacesDemon . 155 LaplacesDemon.RAM . 168 Levene.Test . 170 LML............................................. 172 log-log . 175 logit . 176 LossMatrix . 177 LPL.interval . ..
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