New England Lovers ­ NELL

NELL Fall Trip 2009

" of Western Long Island Sound

by Tom Kenworthy 9/12/09

On September 12, 2009, the New England Lighthouse Lovers cruised the lighthouses of western Long Island Sound. The day started out the same way as last years cruise of eastern Long Island – cloudy with light rain. A short time after we got underway, the rain stopped, and the skies started to clear. That was just a taste of what could have been. As we slowly watched the sun disappear behind the clouds, the rain started again. At times, it was as if it would never stop, pouring down on us in what seemed like buckets full, only to slow to a very pesky drizzle staying with us off and on throughout the day. Thankfully, the heavier rains were between lights and did not interfere with our picture taking – too much.

Leaving the dock, we headed for Blackwell Island. In 1921, the island was officially renamed Welfare Island and renamed again in 1973 to Roosevelt Island due to a planned memorial to then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

From here, we went on to see the following lights: Stepping Stones, Sands Point, and Execution Rocks. Which legend has it, got its name because the British, during Colonial times, and at low tide, would take the condemned prisoners to the reefs chaining them to the rings that were in the rocks and let high tide carry out the sentence of death.

We continued on to see Cold Spring Harbor, Huntington Harbor and Eaton’s Neck. Due to the fact we were making such good time we were able to see some additional lighthouses. So off we headed for the shores of Connecticut to see Pecks Ledge, Sheffield Island, (I would like to mention that Sheffield Island was a recent recipient of a NELL Grant of $5,000.00 for restoration of the kitchen), Greens Ledge, Stanford Harbor, and Great Captains Island.

What a pleasant surprise it was when we saw the “Captain” with its new coat of paint looking very sharp, especially when compared to the last time I saw her….full of rust stains and looking very run down. I would like to congratulate the Town of Greenwich, CT, for awarding a $1.13 million contract in May 2008 to completely restore the lighthouse. Congratulations also go to the Greenwich Chamber of Commerce, and the Indian Harbor Yacht Club for helping to raise money for the restoration.

It was at this point in our cruise the captain told Mike that we might be able to make it to Jeffreys Hook if the current did not get any stronger. So, from Great Captain Island we went full steam ahead to the Bay of Brothers, where North Brothers Island Lighthouse once stood. Upon arrival and with the stopping of the boat, we were able to see the remains of the oil house along what appeared to be the foundation of a once proud lighthouse.

We then proceeded into the where we were stopped by the Coast Guard. With all of us wondering why we were stopped, the boat started to pick up speed and we were once again underway. We later found out that there was a sailboat race about to cut across our bow so no motor vessels were allowed to proceed any further in that direction. We were directed to continue, but only to the rear of the sailboats. For those of you that are unaware of this, is celebrating NY400, a celebration of the 400th anniversary of Henry Hudson’s discovery of the Hudson River. That sailboat race was part of the ongoing celebrations.

The captain proceeded as quickly as safety would allow, and we finally arrived at the lighthouse that thrilled me so when I was a little boy travelling down the west side highway to visit my grandmother ­­ the “Little Red Lighthouse”, Jeffreys Hook.

New England Lighthouse Lovers ­ NELL

Blackwells Island Blackwells Island with sea gulls

Stepping Stones Lighthouse Stepping Stones Lighthouse

Sands Point Sands Point

Execution Rocks Execution Rocks

Cold Spring Harbor Cold Spring Harbor

Huntington Harbor Huntington Harbor

Eaton's Neck Eaton's Neck

Peck's Ledge Sheffield Island Sheffield Island

Green's Ledge Green's Ledge

Stamford Harbor Light Stamford harbor Light Great Captain Island Great Captain Island

Great Captain Island Before New England Lighthouse Lovers ­ NELL

Coast Guard Stopping Us Sailboat Race with Ellis Island in the background

The boys from Long Island Topside Grants Tomb

Delta taking off

In the cabin This is not the USS New York ­ the New York is a two stack ship

Tugboats U.N. Building U.S. Building Jeffreys Hoook and Park Ranger

Jeffreys Hook Jeffreys Hook

New England Lighthouse Lovers ­ NELL

Jeffreys Hook A Smiling Cruise Ship

Old Glory with and Jeffreys Hook Storm clouds rolling in over NYCity skyline

New England Lighthouse Lovers ­ NELL

Thanks to Ron Foster for these wonderful photos

Stamford Harbor Light Great Captain's Island

Stamford Harbor Light Stamford Harbor Light Great Captain's Island with Skeletal Tower Great Captain's Island Lighthouse

Great Island Lighthouse Gull Sailing past Green's Ledge Light

Great Captain's island Light Station Private island home with a little lighthouse

New England Lighthouse Lovers ­ NELL

Sailing near Green Ledge Light Green's Ledge Light

Green's Ledge Light Peck's Ledge Light & Green Buoy No­5 Peck's Ledge Light Peck's Ledge Light

Sails in the fog Passing Tug Francis E Roehrig

Tug Francis E. Roehrig towing barges Penfield Reef Light

New England Lighthouse Lovers ­ NELL

Penfield Reef Light Fayerweather (Black Rock) Light

Henry marine tug passes pulling barges Black Rock Light Fayerweather Light Black Rock Harbor

Car Ferry Grand Republic Car Ferry out of Bridgeport passes

Cormorants drying wings at 13A Tongue Point Lighthouse Approaching Tongue Point Light Tongue Point

Tongue Point LIghthouse Love Mary Beth's Green boots

Searching for Stratford Point Light in the fog Hanging on in the fog & rain

Stratford Point shines through the fog Stratford Point Light

John, Noreen, Bob & Lynne Henry & Stephanie Stephanie & Al Mary Beth, Arlene, Mike &

Joe MJ Henry & Arlene Joe MJ Stephanie Henry & Arlene

, , , , ,

Hanging On Is Mike sleeping while hanging on? Augie, Reg & Lisa share a laugh Stratford Shoal (Middle Ground) Light

Stratford Point Stratford Point

Stratford Shoal (Middle Ground) Light appears in a distant fog Stratford Shoal (Middle Ground) Light Tom and Arlene On deck smiles

Passing sails Sailing past Sheffield Island Light Green's Ledge on the return trip Passing No. 3 with Stamford Harbor Light

Stamford Harbor Light Stamford Harbor Lighthouse

Passing No. 3 with Stamford Harbor Light Stratford Shoal (Middle Ground) Light Stratford Shoal (Middle Ground) Light

Stratford Shoal (Middle Ground) Light

Stratford Shoal (Middle Ground) Light Stratford Shoal (Middle Ground) Light

New England Lighthouse Lovers ­ NELL

Stamford Harbor Lighthouse Back at the dock

Sunday morning meeting place Sunday morning scene Sunday morning scene Sunday morning scene

Sunday morning scene Sunday morning scene

Roseann and Mike

Thanks Ron Foster for the GREAT MEMORIES!!