Poole Local Plan Site Assessments: Appendix 4 – Newly Promoted Sites

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Poole Local Plan Site Assessments: Appendix 4 – Newly Promoted Sites Poole Local Plan Site Assessments: Appendix 4 – Newly promoted sites November 2017 List of newly promoted sites:- Site Reference(s) Site Name Recommendation NEW1 Land Adj Sweet Home Inn, Parkstone SHLAA NEW2 Land south of Magna Road, Merley REJECT NEW3 Junction of Canford Magna & Queen Anne Drive, Merley REJECT NEW4 Land at Stoats Hill, Merley REJECT NEW5 63 Gravel Hill Road REJECT NEW6 Rushcombe Farm, Higher Blandford Road REJECT NEW7 The Sloop, 5 Commercial Road SHLAA NEW8 380 Ringwood Road REJECT NEW9 144 Canford Cliffs Road SHLAA NEW10 Land To The West Of Belben Road REJECT NEW11 Hamworthy Club, Magna Road REJECT NEW12 Canford Business Park, Magna Road REJECT NEW13 Station Approach car park, Broadstone SHLAA NEW14 Canford School OTHER NEW15 Beecroft Garden Centre SHLAA NEW16 / B2ai / MTP Merley Court Touring Park, Merley See appendix 3 NEW17 / B2aii North of Merley Park Road, Merley See appendix 3 T13 Skinner Street and Surrounds ALLOCATE U16 Hillbourne ALLOCATE U14 Land west of Roberts Lane ALLOCATE Poole Local Plan. Site Assessments. Appendix 4. November 2017 2 NEW1: Land Adj Sweet Home Inn, Parkstone © Crown Copyright and database right 2017. Ordnance Survey 1000124248. Ward Parkstone Ownership Private Site Area 0.25 ha Current/Last Land Retail and offices Use Current Policy None. Designation Environmental • The site is outside of 400 metres but within 5km of Dorset Heathland and Poole Harbour SSSI, Designations SPA and Ramsar sites. Planning History • In 2013 planning permission was granted for change of use of the former squash courts into A1 and B1 units, and alterations to building and external landscaping (APP/12/01284/C). This was on land to the north of the Sweet Home Inn which originally formed one large site. Previous Not included in the consultation for options. Consultation Feedback Other Known Not known. Constraints Site Description • The site is a recent build which accommodates a convenience store and offices. There is a surface car parking to the frontage of the site which is accessed off Ringwood Road. Surrounding the car park is a low level landscaped area and a few trees. To the rear of the building is woodland which is set on an embankment leading up to Jellicoe Close. • The building is single storey but appears higher as a result of the less traditional roof form which has an inverted pitch and high eaves. Surrounding • To the south of the site is the Sweet Home Inn which is a public house. Context • The site backs onto the former college site (ref SSA17). • Directly to the north of the site is a row of two storey houses which back onto Ringwood Road from Felton Road. • Along the west side of Ringwood Road are rows of dwellings which are either bungalows or two Poole Local Plan. Site Assessments. Appendix 4. November 2017 3 NEW1: Land Adj Sweet Home Inn, Parkstone storey houses. Green Belt N/A. Heritage and Step 1 – Which heritage assets might be affected by the potential site allocation Archaeology • To east of the site is the Lady Russell Cotes House which is locally listed. • Further along Ringwood Road are 34 & 36, and 42 & 44 Ringwood Road which are two pairs of Lady Wimborne Cottages which are also locally listed. Also off Ringwood Road not far from the site is Poole Cemetery which is a registered historic park and garden and also contains The Lodge and cross, and two chapels which are locally listed buildings. • In the wider area is The Hermitage, Hermitage Road which is locally listed; to the south are three different conservations area; Heckford Park; Ashley Cross; and Poole Park. Poole Park is also a registered historic park and garden. Within and surrounding these conservation areas there are numerous listed or locally listed buildings. • There is no known archaeology within the site or surrounding area. Due to the Step 1 analysis no further assessment is required at this stage Trees and • There are numerous trees within and adjacent to the east and south of the site which are covered Landscape by a woodland/group tree preservation order (TPO/93/00319) and an area tree preservation order (TPO/65/00036). Ecology • In an ecology report on the adjacent site, it was highlighted that there was potential for roosting/hibernating bats and badgers although in this case only a fox was found. Having regard to the proximity and site features, the ecology constraints would likely be similar. Geo- • There are no known issues of contamination, although some of the existing parking areas may environmental require investigation and remediation. Transport • Vehicular access is already provided to the site via the Cooperative Supermarket access. If the supermarket is to be retained then as alternative access would be required which should be located and spaced appropriately, with further detailed consideration of the potential impacts on north / south movements along the corridor as a whole, and ensuring any improved junctions can deliver safe access to development. Double yellow lines are painted on the carriageway both sides, north and south of the access, therefore there should not be any issues relating to parked vehicles causing risk in proximity to any new access. A wide footway is provided on the eastern side of the carriageway. Non segregated cycle lanes are provided on both sides of the carriageway. The servicing of the shop by large vehicles would need to be catered for in any layout. • The layout and parking provision within any development should have regard to the Parking and Highway Layout in Development SPD (or any subsequent replacement document). • It is not considered that development at this site would place unacceptable pressure on the network. Accessibility • A bus stop for southbound services is provided approx. 10 m south of the site outside the Sweet Home Inn. Stop has a High access kerb (HAK), no seat or shelter. This stop is served by frequent services into Poole by services U10, 11 and 6. A northbound stop is provided directly opposite the supermarket. Stop has a HAK, no seat or shelter. This stop is served by frequent services north by services 11, 14, 16, 17 and x6. • The nearest doctor’s surgery is in Ashley Cross or Oakdale which is 0.5 miles away and nearest dentists surgery is in Oakdale which is 0.4 miles away. • The nearest bus stops are located just outside the site and there are services to Poole and Bournemouth town centres as well as several other areas. Services to Poole vary but are sometimes as frequent as every 5 mins. Other Site •Borough wide infrastructure (as set out in the Reg 123 list) will be covered through payment of Specific CIL. No other infrastructure needs are identified at this stage, however if further infrastructure is Infrastructure required, this would need to be secured through developer contributions (i.e.S106). Residential • The nearest designated open space is playing field sited 290 metres away off Ringwood Road. Amenity Poole Local Plan. Site Assessments. Appendix 4. November 2017 4 NEW1: Land Adj Sweet Home Inn, Parkstone Air Quality/Noise No issues. Flood Risk • Some small parts of the site around the existing building and adjacent in Ringwood Road may be at risk of surface water flooding. • The site may be suitable for SUDs. Viability and Market Attractiveness Suitability Suitable for development including housing:- including Historic • Being with an existing urban area, the accessibility of the site, in terms of public transport and England Advice services, is relatively good. Note 3 – Step 5 • The existing use as a convenience store is a community facility and should ideally be retained. However, there may be some potential to building above the existing building to create additional storeys or alternatively demolish the existing building and to erect a new building. However, as the neighbouring buildings are only two-storey the potential to increase the height is limited. Availability Available - private ownership promoted through the local plan process Achievability Achievable - no known site constraints Timescales 2023-2033 Recommendation SHLAA – The site has potential for around 20 dwellings Poole Local Plan. Site Assessments. Appendix 4. November 2017 5 NEW2: Land south of Magna Road, Merley © Crown Copyright and database right 2017. Ordnance Survey 1000124248. Ward Merley and Bearwood Ownership Multiple Site Area 6.1 ha Current/Last Land Residential Use Current Policy • Green Belt Designation • Safeguarded Minerals Area Environmental • The site is outside of 400 metres but within 5km of Dorset Heathland and Poole Harbour SSSI, Designations SPA and Ramsar sites. Planning History •None relevant. Previous Not included in the consultation for options. Consultation Feedback Other Known Not known. Constraints Site Description • The site comprises of two large detached houses which occupy large individual plots. There existing access onto Queen Anne Drive which is shared by the two dwellings. • The site formed part of the larger promoted site (ref B4). Surrounding • To the east of the site is Les Bouviers which is a small hotel and restaurant set within a spacious Context plot. Along Arrowsmith Road there are a number of residential dwellings which lie within large plots set out in a coarse grain. To the south-west of the site is a row of residential properties which are set out more consistently but remain spacious. Green Belt • The site lies within the Green Belt. In the Poole Green Belt Review (2017) the site was assessed under parcel 17, and sub parcel 17C which is considered to make a high/medium contribution to the purposes of the Green Belt. Sub parcels 17A-17D contribute to Green Belt purposes, despite being affected by some urbanising development within them. • As the site makes a higher contribution to the purposes of the Green Belt it would likely cause Poole Local Plan.
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