A Handful of Published Gaming Projects…
Translation into European Spanish… Experience videogame scripts for dubbing or subtitling, in-game text, in All Sorts of manuals, box sleeves, advertising copy, press releases, Platforms banners and other related material. Any Platform. Any Size. What you Get… > on-Time deliveries. Always. > Efficient terminology management to ensureConsistency. > Experienced and personalised handling for All Sorts A HAndful of PublisHed GAminG Projects… of Platforms: Pc, X360, Playstation 3, Wii, nintendo ds, Whois… Action + AdvEnTure Overlord: The Dark LeGend, DunGeOn SIeGe II, Brute Force, Ps Vita, Xbox, Playstation 2, PsP, iPod, mobile phones, MechAssault: LOne Wolf, FInal FAntasy FableS: chOcobo TaleS, Dragonology, Xbox liVe Arcade, Playstation network, WiiWare, wordhive is Marta Rodríguez, an experienced translator Overlord: MInionS, LeGO IndianA JOneS, Voodoo Vince, Grabbed By The GhoulieS, facebook and more. with a BA in Translation and Interpreting and a postgrad High Road to RevenGe, Silverfin, degree in Software Localisation: a thorough linguist who Crimson SkIeS: SneAkers, YounG BOnd: Bomberman Mobile, > dependable Quality based on a proven methodology, feels right at home amongst computers. Marta wants to Zombie HunTers, Zombie Virus, Global deFence Force, Party CarnIval… RTS + Strategy inherited from in-house work and enhanced through MAelstrom, Rise of LeGendS, AGe of EmpireS III, Rise of NationS, Rise of NationS: freelance practice. stay sharp, so she regularly takes linguistic-improvement ThroneS & Patriots, The TitanS, and specialist courses in areas such as subtitling and script AGe of MyThology, AGe of MyThology: Worms ArmageddOn translation for dubbing. These have come in really handy in decAde, Worms PSn, AGe of Booty, AncIenT EmpireS II, Castle ConqUeror… the wordhive approach Create & RAce, her gaming projects.
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