Xxeox It's Good to Play Together ,Be, ,Orr Vince ·1S a Voodoo
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Xxeox it's good to play together ,be, ,orr Vince ·1s a voodoo. a mission, doll on . wn butt kicking his o _ beat his enemies. tost1 · k a pitchfork in him cand h IS" enemiesI are done. "iil ,! B i·• •·• Xxeox ,.,_ ~ .. -, ' , ~~ _-•.,,.·"_,_:·_,; PGR ™ 2 r ewards you not only ~ "-· •z- _-.- /y ' '··~ ,, for how fast you drive, but for how you drive fast. Get behind the wheel of sweet rides from Ferrari, BMW, Porsche, and ' many more in the defining Xbox Live TM experience. Join ,n 8-ptavN rnces, take ch<lllcnges, ,md make your mark on over -100 scoreboard, Vl<'I Xbox L.1vc> -0 ..--; __ -_:-- Wm with 1peed and style by domg powerslldes, s pinning )60s. stoying on the rncmg line ,md moro. , Xxeox L 1 V £ ONLINE E N AB L ED comPETE ,n THE FIRST TRUL I/ NFL Fever 2004 takes console football to the next l evel w ith Read and Lead Passing and XSN Sports----------~. 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True Fantasy Live Online is an online role- playing game ~u, i-'.(. it' where hundreds of players can adventure together in a living Jj" fantasy world . .._:, - ~•.. ,. ..,.- .· ,- your own ,.rr;•g• TR IJJ:E•F, A,Ni:BA:~rU,LV•E10NLINE- i~ \~-) 1--?JV-7r::.i9Y- 51'"/';f :J,,-f';) ·""" ~ '--------✓ Xxaox A WHOLE NEW L (1 V -E WAY TD PLAY . •i,p .r'fcr · c1r1r_! M1r_ro•,ut'. •11,:1kP'_, r1u ·:idrrdr·• ,,, ••,:;)· CJ' in1pl1Pd, \'11th rp~,pPCi tu r_h1s docurnent or the information contairwd 1n 1t_ (CJ (0UJ M1:'.rj ,nfr Corporat.1or All r1(_Jht', ir>';('.r·,,ed. Microsoft. M1uosoft GanH"' Stud1c·, iogc. Xlrnx t'i•· X:H;) V:)(Jd:JCJ Vince C~1n1',0' Sk..•·'., P·cJect Gotlcar1· Racing. True ~antci';/ ~;Je On\ ,r·•~~ '.l. ~ f.1,t::~ States and/or othp• col;r·,tr '~ 1·pCJ1StPred ;n t. 11p US Pater•t and Tradr111c'ir·k Office SeCJd. ttlr Sega loqo ar:~: ;:.i,1cn:i,:~s. Star and Phantas., Stc:H Oni1ne Episode l & lI are either r·er;w,r_pred trademarks or ~:a.1~, • 1 rl'"-'~ ct Seqa Corporat,01 ,,; SO~.ICTEAM/SEGA 1000. 2002 All R,qht:, Reserved 1:1 1:1:. Off1c1allv licensed procun c 1 PLAYERS INC T11e PLAYERS INC IOCJO !Sa reg1sterrc1 • 1 ,n1r~ry,arK of t11e NFL pIa,1e1s '-'i\'1\·111flpla/ers com CtJ 2003 PLAYERS INC l"J 2003 NFL Propr•:•,e•, LcC Tear--r1 names and logos are trademar·ks of the teams 1nd1cated. All other· [NFL-related rr1arKs] are trader--r1arks of the National Football League The NBA crnd 1nd1v1dual NBA member tearr 1dent1f1cat1ons used on or :n this product ar·e trademarks, co1wr1ghtrd designs. and othPr forn::::; of 1nt.ellectua! propeit'/ of NBA Properties. Irie and the respt>rt1ve mernber teanr:, c11·,c: r,·:av not be used, 1n •,:mole or ;n par·t. VJ1thout ttre pr10•· ·-:mtten consent of NBA Properties. In-:: © 2003 NBA Propert.1es. Inc All r·•ghts reserved. Ferr·ar1, Enzo Ferr-ar·1. all associated logos. crna the Enzo Ferrar·1 d1stinct1ve designs are trademarks of Fenar I S.p.A. All othrr TradrrY1arks Tradedr·ess and Copyrights ar·p Pr·oper·ty of the respective Ovmers. (C:J NHLPA. Otf1c1allv Licensed Product of the NHLPA NHLPA. National Hucke1,' League Plavpr·s Association and the NH~.Pt.. togo are traden1arks of the NHLPA and are used under license by Microsoft Ganie St.uC11e;:::; A'. R,glits Reserved Visit www.esrb.org or call 1-800-771-3772 for Rating information. xbox.com One M1crnsoft Wav, Redmond WA 98052 0803 Part No X09- 7112 l .