Driverless Vehicles’ Potential Influence on Cyclist and Pedestrian Facility Preferences


Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of City and Regional

Planning in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University


Michael Julian Armstrong Blau, BA

Graduate Program in City and Regional Planning

The Ohio State University


Master's Examination Committee:

Gulsah Akar, advisor

Jack Nasar

Jason Sudy


Copyright by

Michael Julian Armstrong Blau




Research in the field of autonomous vehicle technology focuses on the enhanced safety and convenience it will likely convey to vehicle occupants. This thesis seeks to establish a new and equally important line of inquiry that addresses the same implications for cyclists and pedestrians. It is well-established that motorized traffic volume and speed have a strong influence on non-motorized agents’ behavior and facility preference but whether this will continue to be the case in a driverless environment remains unknown.

A stated-preference survey was crafted asking respondents to select their preferred facility in various scenarios with and without the presence of driverless vehicles and on street types of varying motorized traffic volumes and speeds. An ordered logit model was estimated to illustrate that street type had a very strong influence on cyclists’ preferences for more separated facilities as traffic volume and speed increased. The presence of driverless vehicles significantly amplified this trend. Preferences for bike intersection features, pedestrian facilities, and pedestrian crossing behavior are also examined. Infrastructure and policy recommendations are presented as well as suggestions for future research in this nascent field of study.



I dedicate this thesis to the countless victims who have lost their lives on the road. It is my hope that this research will contribute to a future in which we can bring the number of needless traffic

fatalities closer to zero.



I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the following people

for their guidance, patience, and support during this research:

Gulsah Akar

David Blau

Sasha Gallant

Jack Nasar

Jason Sudy



2009...... B.A. Psychology, Goucher College

2012...... Transportation Intern

City of Asheville, NC

2013 to 2015...... Healthy Places Program Assistant

Columbus Public Health

2015...... Capital Projects and Planning Assistant

Central Ohio Transit Authority

2015...... Teaching Assistant

Driverless Vehicle Transportation Studio

City and Regional Planning, The Ohio State



Blau, M. (2009). The Straight Way: A Narrative Study of Conversion to Islam. Verge (6).

Baltimore: Goucher College.

Blau, M. (2009). The American Ummah Project: Using Ethnodramatic Social Action to De-other

the Muslim-American Community. Goucher College, Baltimore, MD.

Fields of Study

Major Field: City and Regional Planning


Table of Contents Abstract ...... ii

Dedication ...... iii

Acknowledgments...... iv

Vita ...... v

List of Tables ...... ix

List of Figures ...... x

Chapter 1: Introduction ...... 1

Historical Precedents ...... 2

Chapter 2: Literature Review ...... 9

Autonomous Vehicles: Background and State of the Technology ...... 9

Projected Timelines ...... 10

State of the Technology ...... 11

Infrastructure ...... 17

Behavior Determinants ...... 20

Cyclists ...... 27

Bike Infrastructure ...... 27

Behavior Determinants ...... 28

Chapter 3: Methodology ...... 36

Recruitment ...... 36


Response Rate ...... 38

Descriptive Statistics ...... 40

Transportation Characteristics...... 41

Survey Content ...... 43

General Results ...... 45

Ordered Logit Model ...... 52

Hypothesized Results ...... 54

Post-estimation Analysis ...... 61

Multinomial Logit Model ...... 63

Comparisons ...... 66

Limitations ...... 67

Chapter 5: Discussion ...... 73

Bike and Pedestrian Infrastructure in a Driverless World ...... 73

Bike Infrastructure ...... 75

Bike Intersection Features ...... 78

Chapter 6: Policy Recommendations ...... 76

Public Awareness Campaign ...... 78

Small-Scale Driverless Technology as an Educational Tool ...... 80

Autonomous Vehicle Operating Standards—Collision Avoidance ...... 83

The Full Picture: ...... 88


Bike and Pedestrian Facilities and Autonomous Vehicle Operating Standards...... 88

I. Vehicle ...... 88

Chapter 7: Conclusion...... 92

References ...... 95

Appendix A: Survey Instrument ...... 111

Appendix B: Survey Response Rates by Question ...... 131

Appendix C: Change in Bike Faci lity Preference by Street Type, Revised ...... 133

Appendix D: Bike Facilities Generalized Ordered Logit Model ...... 134

Appendix E: Other Scenarios ...... 136

Bike Intersection Features ...... 136

Pedestrian Crossing Behavior ...... 139

Pedestrian Facilities...... 142

Appendix F: Pedestrian Facilities Models ...... 144

Appendix G: Mode Choice in Four Driverless Environments...... 147


List of Tables

Table 1: Crossing Behavior Literature Summary ...... 22

Table 2: Cyclist Behavior Literature Summary ...... 29

Table 3: OSU Sample Statistics: ...... 37

Table 4: Descriptive Statistics ...... 39

Table 5: Transportation Characteristics ...... 42

Table 6: Facility Choices and Behavior Types by Scenario ...... 44

Table 7: Percent of Respondents with Same Answer for Both Conditions ...... 46

Table 8: Chi Squared Results ...... 47

Table 9: Variable Definitions...... 56

Table 10: Bike Facilities Ordered Logit Model Iterations ...... 57

Table 11: Bike Facilities Ordered Logit Model ...... 59

Table 12: Brant Test Results ...... 62

Table 13: Bike Facilities Multinomial Logit Model ...... 64

Table 14: Marginal Effects of Driverless Vehicles on Facility Choice ...... 66

Table 15: Facility Recommendations ...... 74

Table 16: Bike and Pedestrian Intersection Features ...... 78

Table 17: Bike Facilities Generalized Ordered Logit Model...... 135

Table 18: Pedestrian Facilities Ordered Logit Model ...... 144

Table 19: Pedestrian Facilities Brant Test Results ...... 145

Table 20: Pedestrian Facilities Multinomial Logit Model ...... 146


List of Figures

Figure 1: Pro- and anti-automobile campaign materials ...... 4

Figure 2: Correlation between autonomous vehicles and decreased wait times ...... 15

Figure 3: Diagonal crosswalks ...... 20

Figure 4: Example Walk Audit Ratings ...... 27

Figure 5: Change in Bike Facility Preference by Street Type ...... 48

Figure 6: Change in Preference by Facility ...... 51

Figure 7: Buffered bike lane depicted in survey ...... 70

Figure 8: Elevated parks and greenways in Paris, , and La Paz ...... 82

Figure 9: Floating bike roundabout in Holland (left) and rendering of proposed SkyCycle in

London ...... 83

Figure 10: Fraction of U.S. motor vehicle deaths relative to total population...... 77

Figure 11: Rendering of a driverless shuttle operating on the OSU campus ...... 82

Figure 12: The perils of socially acceptable collision avoidance ...... 87

Figure 13: Change in Bike Facility Preference by Street Type, Choices 5 & 6 Combined...... 133

Figure 14: Change in Bike Intersection Features Preference by Street Type ...... 137

Figure 15: Change in Pedestrian Crossing Behavior by Street Type ...... 141

Figure 16: Change in Pedestrian Facility Preference by Street Type ...... 143

Figure 17: Mode Choice in Four Different Driverless Environments ...... 148


Chapter 1: Introduction

The advent of driverless vehicles is fast approaching. As they proliferate their presence will drastically change society, just as automobiles did 100 years ago. We can only speculate as to how they will alter fields including transportation planning, urban design, public policy, economics, environmental studies, and public health, to name a few. The question of how society will plan for and adapt to the spread of autonomous vehicles is complex. I intend to address a very specific question within this emerging field:

How will the proliferation of autonomous vehicles affect the built environment for pedestrians and bicyclists and how might it change their perceptions, preferences, and behavior?

Research in the field focuses on the interactions between automated and autonomous vehicle technology and the human drivers or occupants of the vehicle (Hamish, Merat,

Carsten, & Lai, 2013; Le Vine, Zolfaghari, & Polak, 2015). This thesis seeks to establish a new and equally important line of inquiry that addresses the same implications for cyclists and pedestrians. Findings suggest that there will likely be a greater public demand for separated and protected bike and pedestrian infrastructure in a driverless

1 society. Planners, engineers, and policy-makers will need to address this demand in their decisions.

The thrust of my research focuses on what may occur after complete adoption of autonomous vehicles. Considering that cars built in the 1970s and ‘80s still cruise the streets, this scenario will likely occur many decades from now1 and the question of how it will impact pedestrians and cyclists must be revisited frequently as technology develops and trends change.

In current non-motorized and active transportation terminology, it is customary to refer to cyclists as vehicles, which confers on them the same rights and responsibilities as motorists. However, for the sake of convenience and clarity I use the term vehicles only when referring to motorized vehicles. Non-motorized roadway users will be specified as either pedestrians or cyclists.

The terms autonomous vehicles and driverless vehicles are used interchangeably throughout the thesis. I explain distinctions between these and other terms used to described the technology in Chapter 2.

Historical Precedents

To situate this research within a broader historical framework, I compare and contrast the automobile’s initial impact on pedestrians in the early 20th Century with potential

1 This prediction applies to cities in general. There may be special cases, such as university campuses, that see the onset of driverless vehicle technology and the disappearance of human-driven vehicles earlier than the rest of society. I discuss this possibility in Chapter 6. 2 implications for the arrival of driverless vehicles. Chapter 2 provides a synopsis of how cyclists and pedestrians function in our current transportation network, with particular attention to their facility preferences and behavior. Finally, Chapters 5 and 6 theorize how cyclists and pedestrians should function in a fully driverless environment.

There will likely be parallels between the automobile’s arrival and the advent of the autonomous vehicle, and history may give us some clues as to how this new mode of transportation will affect other road users. Before the automobile, city streets were the people’s domain. The roadways accommodated pedestrians, horses and buggies, streetcars, and a number of other modes. It was generally accepted that pedestrians had the right-of-way (Mars, 2013). Traffic moved at a slow pace, as evidenced by the fact that it was considered normal to tell one’s children to “Go outside, and play in the streets” (Mars, 2013, para. 1). Streets were not just a conveyance for various vehicles; they were a space of social activity.

The dawn of the automobile drastically changed the roadway environment. Fast, noisy, dirty cars violated the established norms of the road. With a growing number of vehicles on the road in the 1920’s, pedestrian fatalities increased as drivers pushed for higher speed limits. Between 1920 and 1923 instances of automobile drivers killing other road users rose by 47 percent (Johnson, 2013) and children bore the brunt of these fatalities. A strong backlash threatened to derail the still-nascent popularity of the automobile.

Resistance to the new technology took the form of anti-automobile clubs, which sprouted up in major cities throughout the country. These groups claimed that the automobile was

3 the “Modern Moloch,” an ancient god who supposedly received child sacrifices (Mars,

2013). The public agitated for jail sentences for reckless drivers (Mars, 2013).

The car lobby met this onslaught with a concerted campaign that painted pedestrians, not cars, as the problem (see Figure 1). A survey of newspaper articles from the 1920’s and

30’s reveals a plethora of stories describing anti-jaywalking campaigns nationwide. At the time, a “jay” was a derogatory term used to describe a person from the country who is unfamiliar with cities and their many attractions. A jaywalker, therefore, “is someone who walks around the city like a jay, gawking at all the big buildings, and who is oblivious to traffic around him” (Mars, 2013, para. 8). Proponents of the automobile redefined and popularized the term to refer to clueless pedestrians who did not follow the rules, acting as a nuisance to other roadway users.

Figure 1: Pro- and anti-automobile campaign materials Sources: Mars, 2013; Jackson Citizen Patriot, 1922


The campaign of shaming and humiliating pedestrians worked in concert with anti- jaywalking laws that empowered police to fine and arrest pedestrians who tried to cross mid-block. Major cities across the country passed these ordinances, the first instance occurring in Los Angeles in 1924 (Johnson, 2013)2. Studies such as the one conducted in

New York in 1922, claiming that out of 7,337 reported accidents the driver was to blame in only 450 cases (Jackson Citizen Patriot, 1922), further bolstered the legislation. In conjunction with the car lobby’s agenda to shape popular opinion and social norms, these efforts effectively exiled pedestrians to the roadside and car enthusiasts claimed the road for the automobile.

The fact that pedestrians seemed to be at fault in most automobile accidents is likely because for the first time in history human beings were no longer the dominant users of the road. The advent of the automobile and its effect on pedestrians is the most dramatic instance of a technological innovation in transportation supplanting one mode with another. Certain parallels can be drawn between this historic shift and the arrival of autonomous vehicles. For example, currently we can only theorize what pedestrian street-crossing behavior will look like in a driverless society, just as people at the turn of the last century never imagined that within 20 years they could be jailed for crossing the

2 Ordinances that allowed police to fine and arrest jaywalkers were passed as early as 1917 in smaller towns (Kalamazoo Gazette, 1917).

5 street at an undesignated location. But could autonomous vehicles conceivably bring another wave of oppression against other road users?

Many cities in the United States are slowly recognizing that comprehensive bike and pedestrian amenities are an essential component of a livable urban environment (Pucher,

Buehler, & Seinen, 2011). In addition to this newfound awareness on the municipal level, the federal government has incorporated bike and pedestrian policies, facilities, advocacy, and research into many of its funding initiatives3, acknowledging the strong advocacy movement focused around cyclist and pedestrian issues, led nationally by organizations such as the League of American Bicyclists.

Given the confluence of these trends, it seems unlikely that cyclists or pedestrians would be subject to as brutal an onslaught of discrimination and disempowerment under driverless vehicles as they were during the rise of the automobile. Autonomous vehicles will use existing roadway infrastructure rather than usurping space from pedestrians and cyclists, as the automobile did. As autonomous vehicles proliferate, human-driven vehicles will be the most endangered form of transportation, not pedestrians and cyclists.

And this historic mode shift should herald a safer environment for all roadway users instead of the carnage wrought by the automobile. That being said, it is difficult to predict how driverless vehicles will alter the built environment. Active transportation

3 The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices now includes guidelines for bike and pedestrian facilities (Federal Highway Administration, 2015), and bike and pedestrian projects are eligible for funding through federal grants, including the Surface Transportation Improvement Program, Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery, Transportation Enhancement Activities, and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (Federal Highway Administration, 2014). 6 advocates, planners, and policy-makers must continue to safeguard cyclists’ and pedestrians’ rights to ensure that this new technology does not subvert them.

In the next chapter I present a brief description of the state of autonomous vehicle technology and projected timelines for its adoption, as well as a review of the literature on cyclist and pedestrian facility preferences. I then describe this study’s methodology and data collection, followed by an analysis of the results. The analysis relies on a web- based stated preference survey of 1,312 cyclists and pedestrians that measures behavior and facility preferences under current and driverless conditions, conducted at The Ohio

State University in 2014. Survey results were used to estimate ordered and multinomial logit models that predict what facilities non-motorized agents will prefer in a driverless society. The models measure the effects of having driverless vehicles on the road after controlling for the factors that are known to affect bicycling and walking preferences.

Despite the expected benefits of driverless technology to public health and safety— namely, a dramatic reduction in traffic fatalities (Wierwille et al, 2002; Lin, 2013;

Fleming, 2010)—survey results show, and the models confirm, that respondents overwhelmingly preferred more separated and protected facilities when driverless vehicles were present compared to preferences under current conditions. Based on these findings, recommendations on policy and infrastructure are outlined to overcome this public misperception and lay the groundwork for an informed, empirically-based approach to non-motorized infrastructure and design in a driverless society. In addition, I describe several hypothetical scenarios that illustrate how cyclists, pedestrians, vehicles,

7 and infrastructure will interact in a fully driverless transportation network. The thesis concludes with suggestions for future research.

Autonomous vehicles will change the foundation of our society and the field of planning, leaving long-held assumptions such as travel time savings by the wayside4. We can only speculate as to how this technology will affect social equity, population growth patterns, land use, and so on. Discussion of these fields is beyond this study’s purview as it focuses primarily on the changes affecting cyclists and pedestrians; however, it is important to remember that these changes will not occur in isolation—they will coincide with other historic shifts in society due to the proliferation of autonomous vehicles.

4 Planners often judge proposed transportation projects—such as toll roads, tunnels, or transit service—by the time it will save travelers. These criteria may become less relevant since longer trips may not have a negative influence if travelers can use that time for other activities, such as work, leisure, or sleep.


Chapter 2: Literature Review

Several elements of autonomous vehicle technology are described below5. The next section summarizes the literature on pedestrian and cyclist infrastructure, facility preferences, and behavior determinants, focusing on how motorized traffic influences cyclists’ and pedestrians’ perceptions of safety, route-selection, and use of infrastructure.

Autonomous Vehicles: Background and State of the Technology

In 2013 the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration issued a white paper that identified five levels of vehicle automation:

 Level 0: The driver completely controls the vehicle at all times.  Level 1: Individual vehicle controls are automated, such as electronic stability control or automatic braking.  Level 2: At least two controls can be automated in unison, such as adaptive cruise control in combination with lane keeping.  Level 3: The driver can fully cede control of all safety-critical functions in certain conditions.  Level 4: The vehicle performs all safety-critical functions for the entire trip, with the driver not expected to control the vehicle at any time. (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2013)

This thesis uses the terms driverless vehicle and autonomous vehicle interchangeably.

Both of these terms refer to a Level 4 vehicle in which humans have been removed from

5 The complexity of this subject goes well beyond what is covered here but a basic understanding of the mechanics of the technology is important for the purposes of interpreting this study. 9 any decision-making processes and the vehicle is responsible for all functions at all times.6

Clearly, advances in and field-testing of technology must occur before Level 4 vehicles are commercially available, let alone widespread. With this caveat in mind, the issues this thesis seeks to examine occur in an environment where all motorized vehicles on the road are completely autonomous, meaning that level 4 functionality is ubiquitous and that additional elements, such as vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications technology and smart infrastructure systems like Autonomous Intersection Management (AIM)— discussed below—are also in place.

Projected Timelines

The shift to more automated vehicles began decades ago, with the advent of automatic gear shifting, followed by power steering, and then cruise control (Vanderbilt, 2012).

Indeed, the very term “automobile” implies some basic form of autonomy on the machine’s part. Autonomous vehicles are the next logical step in the technology’s progression. One could argue that vehicles are already more automated than not. What were once fundamental driving skills—shifting gears, navigating, parking—are now becoming obsolete, and what is currently an innate part of driving—steering, braking— will soon become anachronistic as well.

6 There is a distinction to be made between these and other terms used to describe self-driving vehicles; an automated vehicle, for example, may describe a Level 2 vehicle in which partial control is ceded to the vehicle. 10

Car manufacturers and technology companies give varying dates as to when they will offer fully autonomous models: Audi plans to have one by 2017, Google by 2018, Nissan by 2020, Jaguar/Land Rover by 2024, Daimler by 2025 (Hars, 2015), although legal restrictions may bar it from functioning at full autonomy. In addition, leading universities and government organizations are conducting research and field tests; these include the Department of Defense, The Ohio State University, MIT, Carnegie Melon

University, and Cornell University, among many others. The Institute of Electrical and

Electronics Engineers predicts that autonomous vehicles will “account for up to 75 percent of cars on the road by the year 2040” (Institute of Electrical and Electronics

Engineers, 2012); IHS Automotive, an auto industry consultant, estimates that by 2035, autonomous vehicles will account for nine percent of global automobile sales (Reuters,

2013). These estimates place the proliferation of autonomous vehicles well within the standard 30 year time period used by transportation planners in forecasting and long- range planning.

State of the Technology

Driverless technology is rapidly evolving, and the platforms described below may be obsolete well before driverless vehicles dominate the roadways. With this caveat in mind, the following section explains the standard machinery and software that allow driverless vehicles to function.

Object Detection, Tracking, and Collision Avoidance


Basic driverless technology enables vehicles to navigate through a “cluttered urban environment, detecting and tracking fixed objects, moving objects, pedestrians, curbs, and roads” (Aufrère et. al, 2003). More recent developments in technology have matched, if not exceeded, the limits of human ability. Google, for example, now uses software that can simultaneously distinguish between hundreds of moving and static objects and determine the appropriate response based on algorithms and the vehicle’s previous experience. It can recognize and interpret a crossing guard holding up a stop sign, a pedestrian about to step out into the street, even a cyclist’s hand signals (Google

Blog, 2014).

Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR)

LIDAR uses laser technology to scan the vehicle’s surroundings, illuminating everything from trees to pedestrians. These roof-mounted systems are integral to the design of all autonomus vehicles, constantly rotating as fast as 600 rpm (Iliaifar, 2013) to ensure that the vehicle’s onboard computers are fully aware of its surroundings while making decisions. More advanced technology observes specific features of the environment.

Some test vehicles are equipped with facial recognition software and processors that can tell the difference between an ambulance and a regular car, for example, or a pedestrian with or without a stroller (Sedgwick, 2015).

Smart Infrastructure: V2V, V2I, and V2X

Well before the arrival of fully autonomous vehicles, V2V (Vehicle-to-Vehicle)-equipped cars will be on the road, exchanging information about traffic conditions and other

12 environmental elements. Currently, human drivers function on a user-optimal basis; that is, they make decisions based on what will get them to their destination in the quickest and most convenient manner (Vanderbilt, 2008). The fusion of V2V and driverless technology will allow the roadway network to operate more efficiently at the macro level, or on a system-optimal basis. Due to their near-instant reaction time, vehicles will be able to travel in tightly formed platoons which, to today’s driver, would resemble reckless driving and widespread tailgating. With more vehicles operating safely and efficiently and requiring less space than human drivers, the roadway network’s capacity may effectively increase with no physical expansion required. By exchanging information amongst one another vehicles will, in effect, be able to “see” what is coming around the corner and even miles beforehand—be it a traffic jam, an ambulance, or a child in the street—and react accordingly.

The development of smart infrastructure will allow computer-controlled roadway features—from street lights to traffic control devices—to communicate with vehicles, known as V2I (Vehicle-to-Infrastructure) communication. This technology is already widely used to give signal prioritization to emergency and rapid transit vehicles. Lastly,

V2X synthesizes V2V and V2I technology into a single, coordinated, network. A V2X- enabled driverless vehicle could, for example, encounter an unknown object in the road and, unsure of how to react, send this information to a central computer that is connected to thousands of other vehicles (Sedgwick, 2015). The computer scans through its library of objects that other vehicles have documented, selects the best match to the unknown object, and in a matter of microseconds sends this information back to the vehicle, which

13 continues on if the object turns out to be a plastic bag and takes evasive action if the object is a baby7.

Autonomous Intersection Management (AIM)

Stone and Dresner (2008) created a comprehensive model for AIM using a multiagent system. A server located at an intersection would process “reservation” requests from oncoming driverless vehicles to enter the intersection and perform a given maneuver.

The server, called an intersection reservation manager, could field thousands of requests every minute and would render traffic lights obsolete (Badger, 2012; Dresner and Stone,

2008), assuming all road users were autonomous vehicles. According to Dresner and

Stone’s model (see Figure 2), when 95 percent of vehicles are autonomous, there is a major drop in delays and accidents. Once the system reaches full autonomy, there are virtually no delays and accidents are exceedingly rare.

7 The question of ethics in driverless vehicles has yet to be fully explored, but will likely lead to major controversy in the years ahead. Who is to decide what lives and what gets run over? For an in-depth discussion see Lin, 2014. 14

Figure 2: Correlation between autonomous vehicles and decreased wait times Source: Dresner and Stone, 2008

AIM will directly affect pedestrians’ crossing behavior and cyclists’ use of the roadway; yet to date, this model does not fully account for non-motorized agents. Stone proposed two options through which pedestrians and cyclists could be integrated into a multiagent approach to AIM: dedicated crossing times (via push-buttons) during which no reservations are given to cars—in other words, temporal separation of vehicles and pedestrians using the same technology that is widespread today; or, equipping pedestrians and cyclists with transponders so that they can request reservations from the intersection manager.


User-activated signals like the push buttons Stone suggests would be familiar to today’s urban pedestrian. On the other hand, wearing a transponder so that the intersection manager could detect oncoming cyclists would be a novel and potentially anxiety- inducing task. Since a cyclist will still control his or her bike, some sort of alert system would need to be installed that could inform the rider of the intersection manager’s decision, dictating the rider’s next action. This device could either be embedded in the bike itself or on the person riding the bike. Whatever the case, the responsibility to obey the intersection manager’s decision would rest with the human rider and not his or her bike, as opposed to the autonomous car that makes these decisions without human interference. This remnant of human control in an otherwise autonomous system could cause accidents. Though some have brought attention to this flaw (Alpert, 2012; Badger,

2012) no alternative or improved model has been proposed.

The Role of Cyclists and Pedestrians

There is a growing body of research that studies how people will interact with autonomous vehicles in the future. However, most of this research approaches the question from the driver’s perspective (Hamish et al, 2013; Le Vine et al, 2015). To date, modeling of autonomous vehicles’ behavior focuses almost exclusively on motorized traffic and ignores the issue of interactions with other roadway users, which will be just as important, if not more so. This reveals a number of questions that have yet to be answered: what roles will cyclists and pedestrians have in a driverless society? How will the presence of driverless vehicles change pedestrians’ and cyclists’ facility preferences and behavior? Specifically, will cyclists and pedestrians prefer more separated and

16 protected facilities under driverless vehicle conditions than they do under current conditions? Before addressing these questions, I provide a description of common pedestrian and bike infrastructure and examine the body of research on pedestrian and cyclist behavior determinants.



Pedestrian facilities can be sorted into two basic classes: those that are pedestrian- exclusive, such as a sidewalk, and those that are shared with other modes, such as a plaza with limited vehicle access or a woonerf.8 Pedestrian-exclusive facilities that are separated from vehicles are divided into three categories: horizontal separation, vertical separation, and temporal separation (Braun & Roddin, 1978). Sidewalks and pedestrian crossing signals are the most common forms of horizontal and temporal separation, respectively. A horizontally separated facility can be parallel to vehicular traffic or displaced from the roadway network. Most pedestrian infrastructure is located adjacent to the road for convenient access to destinations. A quadrangle on a college campus is an example of a displaced network; these facilities are less common.

The most widespread type of vertical or grade-separated facility is the pedestrian overpass or underpass. Although rarer than horizontally separated facilities, vertical separation does offer several benefits that other facilities lack: by eliminating both spatial

8 Woonerfs are streets that do not delineate separates spaces for different modes. They are typically used in dense, urban environments, particularly in Europe, where slow speeds are expected.

17 and temporal competition between motorists and pedestrians, grade-separated facilities reduce accidents and fatalities (Braun & Roddin, 1978). The use of Grade Separated

Pedestrian Systems or GSPS (Cui, Allan, & Lin, 2013) became commonplace in many cities during the 20th Century, often taking the form of Underground Pedestrian Systems

(UPS). There are a number of reasons for channeling pedestrian activity underground: protection from inclement weather, connecting various land uses, degradation or lack of street-level facilities, and linking to transit hubs (Cui et al., 2013). Skywalk systems are generally less expensive than UPS but the existence of underground transit networks such as subway systems may justify the construction of UPS instead.

The success of GSPS is mixed. Tanaboriboon and Jing (1994) found that pedestrians prefer signalized, at-grade crossings to grade-separated crossings. Räsänena, Lajunenb,

Alticafarbayc, and Aydinc (2007) uncovered several factors that positively influence pedestrian bridge use, including convenience, time-savings, and safety benefits.

However, grade-separated facilities can also be inconvenient, especially for disabled users. They require more effort to access than at-grade facilities and can also be aesthetically dissonant with their surroundings, especially in historic urban centers. The final and biggest drawback to grade-separated facilities is their high construction cost

(Braun & Roddin, 1978).

Horizontally separated infrastructure offers less protection than its vertical counterpart but allows more convenient access to adjacent land uses (Braun & Roddin, 1978).

Although they can provide some level of separation between vehicles and pedestrians,

18 poorly designed facilities or ones that are diminished for the benefit of motorized traffic can be unpleasant, and in some cases, dangerous. In addition, horizontally separated facilities must compete for a finite amount of space with the vehicular roadway network in the public right-of-way.

Temporal separation is common in dense urban areas with high potential for conflict between pedestrians and vehicles. It generally offers the least protection because it regulates space that is used by both modes, often at the same time. Signalization tends to force pedestrian crossing movements simultaneously with parallel traffic flow, which causes potential for conflicts with turning vehicles. Diagonal crosswalks (Figure 3) combined with universal red lights could solve this problem but are rarely used because they degrade vehicle level of service with longer wait times (Richard, 2008).


Figure 3: Diagonal crosswalks Source: Richard, 2008

Behavior Determinants

The literature on pedestrian behavior models is divided into two categories: route choice and crossing behavior (Papadimitriou, Yannis, & Golias, 2009). I begin here with a survey of crossing behavior before examining determinants of pedestrian facility choice, which spans both categories. Route choice studies a number of factors influencing pedestrian behavior, including “crowd and evacuation dynamics…congestion, bi- directional flow and bottleneck situations” (Papadimitriou et al., 2009, p. 242). Crossing behavior models generally use gap acceptance theory or utility theory to explain pedestrians’ decision-making. In gap acceptance theory, each pedestrian has a critical gap in which to cross the street between vehicular traffic. Preferred gap distance depends on the individual, which fluctuates based on a number of factors including distance from

20 oncoming vehicles, traffic speed and volume (Hankey et al., 2012; Yagil, 2000; Yang,

Den, Wang, & Wang, 2005), waiting time (Li & Fernie, 2010; Tiwari, Bangdiwala,

Saraswat, & Gauray, 2007; Van Houten, Ellis, & Kim, 2007), reaction time, confidence level, time of day, and presence of other pedestrians (Rosenbloom, 2009; Zhuang & Wu,

2011). In addition, risk tolerance varies greatly between individuals and has a major influence on decision to cross.

Utility theory treats relative cost, time and effort as the primary factors influencing decision-making (Heinen, Maat, & van Wee, 2010); time has long been considered a

“fundamental unit of cost in transport activities” (Keegan & O’Mahony, 2003, p. 891).

Applied to crossing behavior, every crossing decision has a number of spatial or temporal alternatives such as delaying crossing or using a different location. Each of these alternatives is treated as a latent random variable (Papadimitriou et al., 2009) whose effect depends on individual preferences and the relative benefits and drawbacks of the alternative (such as increased or decreased wait time, more or less effort involved, and greater or lower level of risk). Table 1, partially compiled from Brosseau, Zangenehpour,

Saunier, & Miranda-Moreno (2013) provides a partial summary of the literature on crossing behavior.


Table 1: Crossing Behavior Literature Summary

Authors Topic Findings Bell, Miri, Chan, & Mount, 2012; Motorized Higher levels increase perception McAndrews, Flórez, & Deakin, traffic of danger 2006; National Highway Traffic volume Safety Administration, 2008 and speed

Bernhoft & Carstensen, 2008; Guo, Age and Elderly and females more risk Gao, Yang, Jiang, gender averse 2011; Rosenbloom, 2009; Tiwari et al., 2007; Yagil, 2000; Zhuang & Wu, 2011 Evans & Norman, 1998; Moyano Personal Young people have a more Dı́az, 2002; Zhou, Horrey, & Yu, attitudes positive attitude towards 2009 committing violations Brosseau, Zangenehpour, Saunier, Group Larger groups increase perceived & Miranda-Moreno, 2013; size and actual safety Rosenbloom, 2009; Zhuang & Wu, 2011 Guo et al., 2011Li & Fernie, 2010; Waiting Shorter waiting times reduces Tiwari et al., 2007; Van Houten et time dangerous behaviors al., 2007 Lavalette et al., 2009; Cinnamon, Traffic Violation rates depend on street Schuurman, & Hameed, 2011; violation width and presence of signals Sisiopiku & Akin, 2003; Yang et al., 2005 Li & Fernie, 2010; Yang et al., Weather Inclement weather increases risky 2005 conditions behavior Cinnamon et al., 2011; Zhuang & Land use Connectivity and convenience are Wu, 2011 important

A number of complex decision-making processes occur every time a pedestrian approaches a crossing. Researchers have developed models using the Theory of Planned

Behavior (TPB) to explain different facets of pedestrian behavior before and during road crossings: Evans and Norman (1998) applied TPB to crossing intentions and constructed

22 a hierarchical regression model showing that social and psychological variables and perceived control predicted the manner in which people cross; Yagil (2000) used a multivariate regression model to reveal gender differences in risky crossing behavior and found that normative motives are only predictive of male behavior; and Moyano Dı́az

(2002) constructed a structural equations model based on TPB that explains risky behavior as a function of attitude, perceived control, and intentions, finding that young people and men are more likely to commit traffic violations.

Turning to more practical explanations of crossing behavior, individual attributes and environmental factors are found to be significant. Brousseau et al. (2013) found that group size increases perceived and actual safety and that countdown displays reduce risky behavior. In agreement with other research, Brosseau et al. (2013) and Mfinanga (2014) found that gender and age influence pedestrians’ preferences in crossing facilities: women generally wait longer than men to cross (Tiwari et al., 2007), are less likely to jaywalk than men, and perceive more risk when doing so (Holland & Hill, 2007). Young people and men tend to commit more traffic violations than adults and women, respectively (Moyano Dı́az, 2002; Rosenbloom et al., 2004). Regardless of gender, a pedestrian’s risk tolerance increases with waiting time (Tiwari et al., 2007). Older adults are more likely to cite safety reasons, respect for the law, and lack of trust in their own cognitive and physical abilities as determinants in their pedestrian behavior than are younger adults (Bernhoft & Carstensen, 2008).


Environmental determinants of pedestrian behavior include the presence and character of motorized traffic. Bell, Miri, Chan, & Mount (2012) looked at seven factors that influence pedestrians’ perception of a shared space environment9, including the intensity of motorized and pedestrian traffic. They concluded that a high volume of motorized traffic is usually associated with an increased perception of danger to pedestrians. This finding is confirmed by earlier research (McAndrews, Flórez, & Deakin, 2006).

Sisiopiku & Akin (2003) used survey and observational data to study how the placement of crosswalks affected pedestrians’ compliance rate (i.e. the percentage of people who cross at designated areas). The researchers recorded the crossing compliance rate with respect to crosswalks placed midblock and at intersections. They found that midblock crosswalks were more attractive to pedestrians than signalized crosswalks at intersections and concluded that most users will cross at a crosswalk rather than at the most convenient location. Although it is perceived to be riskier (Rouphail, 1984), it is statistically safer to cross mid-block rather than at an intersection, where turning motorists are not always watching for crossing pedestrians that are parallel to their travel paths (Vanderbilt, 2008).

The research on pedestrian facility preference has established that lack of pedestrian facilities, along with traffic volume and speed, are the main sources of perceived risk

(Todd & Walker, 1980). The National Survey of Bicyclist and Pedestrian Attitudes and

9 Shared space is a concept developed by Dutch traffic engineer Hans Monderman that rejects conventional roadway design—which emphasizes segregation of modes and prioritizes vehicles over pedestrians—and encourages mingling of different road users, resulting in more uncertainty and therefore more awareness of one’s surroundings (Vanderbilt, 2008). 24

Behavior found that 62 percent of pedestrians cited speeding motorists as the primary reason they felt threatened (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2008). The survey also found that the most common reason for not using sidewalks or paths was lack of convenience; in other words, facilities were unavailable or existing facilities did not provide efficient access to destinations. Bernhoft and Carstensen (2008) found that 40 to

60 percent of pedestrians consider the availability of sidewalks an important factor in route choice, and Replogle (1995) found that their presence strongly predicts commute mode choice. By contrast, Rodríguez, Aytur, Forsyth, Oakes, and Clifton (2008) concluded that sidewalks and traffic did not affect walking levels in their sample and that the availability of car parking was a much more important factor, suggesting that the presence of pedestrian facilities is not always correlated with higher rates of walking.

When using crossing facilities, pedestrians prefer raised crosswalks or traffic islands

(Hine & Russell, 1996). Concerning preferences for on- or off-road facilities, they prefer paths with some separation but which are still connected to the street network rather than completely displaced in order to gain convenient access to destinations (Nuworsoo,

Cooper, Cushing, & Jud, 2014), which corroborates findings from the national survey.

There is a growing literature around the concept of “walkability” and what factors contribute to a walkable environment (Ewing, 1999; Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade, &

Douglas, 1993; Pikora et al., 2002; Sarkar, 1993). To establish a normative definition of walkability, researchers have developed various pedestrian level of service (LOS) measures (Clifton, Rodriguez, & Livi Smith, 2007; Sarkar, 1993). Important factors in pedestrian LOS include safety, convenience, connectivity, aesthetics, and facility

25 condition. In practice, municipal governments frequently use these findings to guide their decisions about pedestrian infrastructure. Many cities and planning organizations conduct sidewalk inventories to assess coverage and connectivity of pedestrian facilities.

On the neighborhood level, cities use walk audits or walkability assessments to measure pedestrian LOS, determine where facilities are lacking or in disrepair, and promote areas that are found to be highly walkable. City staff and residents assess sidewalk conditions, width, connectivity, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance, crosswalks, street furniture, and landscaping. Walk audits also consider roadway attributes such as traffic volume and speed, presence of parked cars, transit stops, bike facilities, and type of land use that the road serves (Robb, 2015). Figure 4 shows an example walk audit rating scale. The data gathered during a walk audit can be used to justify pedestrian infrastructure improvements and prioritize funding. In reality, facility options are usually limited to different sidewalk configurations and attributes such as landscaping and width; pedestrian bridges, tunnels, and separated walking paths are rare. Although walk audits typically do not cover all of the facilities discussed in this thesis, their practical application to facility preference offers an instructive example of pedestrian-friendly planning and street design.


Sidewalk conditions Street and furniture conditions

Figure 4: Example Walk Audit Ratings Source: Robb, 2015


Bike Infrastructure

Bike facilities are commonly divided into two categories. Class I facilities are separated from motorized traffic, providing a distinct network that is accessible only to cyclists and other non-motorized modes. Off-road cycle tracks, bike paths, and shared use paths comprise Class I facilities. Class II facilities are on-street, meaning they use the same infrastructure as motorized traffic, and are reserved for the exclusive use of cyclists (Dill

& Carr, 2003). The bike lane is the most common Class II facility, typically separated from vehicles by striping, signage, or physical barriers such as bollards. According to

27 some studies it is also the most popular facility overall, probably because it provides some protection from vehicular traffic and is more convenient than bike paths (Nuworsoo et al., 2014)10. Other on-street facilities include sharrows, bike boulevards, and signed bike routes, although cyclists must share these facilities with motorized traffic. Class I facilities are typically more expensive and require more space, and thus may be easier to construct in low-density areas. Although less cost-prohibitive, it is also difficult to find space for Class II facilities, as typically they must fit within existing right-of-way, sharing space with traffic lanes, parked cars, sidewalks, and utilities.

Behavior Determinants11

Many studies have examined the factors that affect cycling behavior and attitudes. There is substantial disagreement over determinants of cyclists’ facility preferences.

Fernández-Heredia, Monzón, & Jara-Díaz (2014) divide the psycho-social factors that influence cyclist behavior into three categories: socio-demographic characteristics, cyclist choice factors, and latent variables. In addition to these, other variables that have been found to influence cycling behavior include demographics (family size, age, income, gender), trip characteristics (destination, length, duration), and external factors

(weather, topography, built environment). Table 2, partially compiled from Hunt and

Abraham (2006) provides a partial summary of the literature.

10 This contradicts other findings (Schoner et al., 2014; Dill, 2009; Caulfield et al., 2012; McClintock & Cleary, 1996), discussed below. 11 For a comprehensive review of the literature on influences of bicycle use, see Hunt and Abraham (2006). 28

Table 2: Cyclist Behavior Literature Summary

Authors Topic Findings User-friendliness of roadways shape Caulfield et al., 2012; Dill, attitudes; some 2009; Hankey et al., 2012; cyclists exhibit McClintock & Cleary, 1996; Personal attitudes cavalier attitudes Nuworsoo et al., 2014; towards pedestrians Schoner, Lindsey, & and deferential Levinson, 2014 attitudes towards motorists

Mixed: separated Antonakos, 1994; Axhausen facilities lose & Smith, 1986; Broach et importance as cyclists al., 2012; McClintock & Experience/confidence gain experience; Cleary, 1996; Nuworsoo et levels cyclists of all al., 2014; Sorton & Walsh, confidence levels 1994; Taylor & Mahmassani, prefer Class I 1996 facilities

Females exhibit a lower risk tolerance Akar et al., 2013; Byrnes, than males; female Miller, & Schafer, 1999; commuters prefer DeGruyter, 2003 ; Dill & routes with maximum Voros, 2007; Garrard, Rose, separation from Gender, income, and & Lo, 2008; Krizek, motorized traffic; age Johnson, & Tilahun, 2005; higher incomes Moudon et al., 2005; Pucher correlate with greater & Buehler, 2008; Tilahun, odds of choosing Levinson, & Krizek, 2007 more attractive facilities; cycling rates decline with age



Table 2 continued

Abraham, McMillan, Brownlee, & Hunt, 2004; Akar & Clifton, 2009; Antonakos, 1994; Axhausen & Smith, 1986; Bradley & Bovy, 1984; Calgary, 1993; Chataway, Kaplan, Alexander, Nielsen, & Reductions in traffic Giacomo Prato, 2014; Davis, volume and speed 1995; Epperson, 1994; increase people’s Fernández Heredia et al., 2014; likelihood to bike; Garrard et al., 2007; Hankey et stress levels increase in Motorized traffic al., 2012; Hopkinson & conjunction with traffic volume and speed Wardman, 1996; Jacobsen, speed; inverse Racioppi, & Rutter, 2009; correlation between Landis & Vattikuti, 1996; Mars traffic volumes and & Kyriakides, 1986; speeds and levels of McClintock & Cleary, 1996; cycling; Providelo & da Penha Sanches, 2011; Sener, Eluru, & Bhat, 2009; Sorton, 1995; Sorton & Walsh, 1994; Stinson & Bhat, Tilahun et al., 2007; Hoedl, Titze, & Oja, 2010

Fear of accidents with motorized traffic is the Antonakos, 1994; Kroll & primary deterrent for Ramey, 1977; Kroll & would-be cyclists; Sommer, 1976; Lott, Tardiff, Safety concerns presence of bike & Lott, 1978; McClintock, facilities increases 1996; Nuworsoo e al., 2014 streets’ perceived safety


Motorized traffic speed and volume strongly influence cycling behavior. Davis (1995) finds broadly that these are the most important factors governing cyclists’ behavior.

Hopkinson and Wardman (1996) found that reductions in traffic volume and speed were among the top incentives that would increase people’s likelihood to bike. Sener et al.

(2009) determined that cyclists will travel more than ten minutes to avoid motorized traffic speeds of 20-35 mph and more than 20 minutes to avoid speeds in excess of 35 mph. Their findings indicate that avoiding motorized traffic is more important than time savings. Sorton and Walsh (1994) add that cyclists’ stress levels increase in conjunction with traffic speed. Traffic travelling at 25 mph induces medium stress levels and traffic travelling at 45 mph induces high stress levels. Together, these two studies provide strong evidence that motorized vehicle speed has a monotonic, negative impact on cyclists’ willingness to travel in mixed traffic.

In addition to speed, Providelo and da Penha Sanches (2011) found that lane width was among the most important roadway attributes influencing cycling behavior. McClintock and Cleary (1996) concluded that roadway design, such as wide lanes that encourage speeding and accommodate large volumes of motorized traffic, was the most significant influence on cyclist behavior. Fear of traffic amongst cyclists is connected to gender, car frequency use, and cycling frequency (Chataway et al., 2014). Females exhibit a lower risk tolerance than males and are more likely to be afraid riding in mixed traffic (Akar et al. 2013; Byrnes et al., 1999; Garrard et al., 2006; Krizek et al., 2005; Tilahun et al.,

2007; DeGruyter, 2003). Garrard et al. (2007) confirm this finding, concluding that


female cyclists base their route choice primarily on “maximum separation from motorized traffic” (p. 55).

In agreement with the above findings, a number of studies (Tilahun et al., 2007;

Hopkinson and Wardman, 1996; Abraham et al.; 2004) using stated preference surveys found that cyclists would pay more for off-road facilities even with an accompanying increase in trip time. These results illustrate the interaction between the presence of motorized traffic, the type of existing bike infrastructure, and their combined influence on cycling behavior.

Others have found that preference for separated facilities loses importance as cyclists gain experience (Hunt and Abraham, 2006; Taylor and Mahmassani, 1996) and that preference for bike lanes (ie. less separated facilities) rises with experience. In terms of street type, Stintson and Bhat (2003) concluded that respondents preferred residential streets, most likely because of lighter traffic volumes and slower speeds. Their respondents also preferred Class II facilities such as bike lanes more than Class I facilities such as bike paths.

Tilahun et al. (2007) caution that these results may be due to sample populations, many of whom were self-selected cyclists. The preference for bike lanes in some studies could indicate that in certain cases connectivity and convenience are more important than safety and complete separation from motorized traffic. In addition, experienced riders may


value travel time more than perceived safety and opt for in-traffic facilities, even if they prefer separated facilities when time is not an issue.

The use of bike facilities is directly related to perceived risk, as protected facilities are generally thought to be safer than in-traffic facilities (Schoner et al., 2014; Dill, 2009;

Caulfield et al., 2012; McClintock & Cleary, 1996). Others have found that a well- designed bike network encourages bicycle use (Broach et al., 2012; Taylor and

Mahmassani, 1996) whereas even a comprehensive network will fail if real or perceived safety concerns arise (de Dios Ortuzar, Iacobelli, & Valeze, 1999). Fernández-Heredia et al. (2014) concluded that convenience, such as the availability of bike facilities, are more predictive of cyclist behavior than other variables. The National Survey of Bicyclist and

Pedestrian Attitudes and Behavior found that the majority of respondents who did not use bike paths (58 percent) or bike lanes (51 percent) cited lack of convenience as the primary reason. A significant number of respondents (20 percent) also cited safety as a reason for avoiding bike lanes (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2008).

Although there is some disagreement, many studies have shown that cyclists of all confidence levels prefer Class I facilities (Schoner et al., 2014; Dill, 2009; Caulfield et al., 2012;

McClintock, 1996). For example, Wardman, Tight, & Page (2007) found that cyclists viewed the introduction of a segregated cycleway as a substantial benefit. In terms of route choice, Bernhoft and Carstensen (2008) found that 45 to 60 percent of their respondents consider the presence of an off-road bike path more important than time-


savings. Krizek (2006) substantiates these results, finding that cyclists are willing to spend 5.2 minutes of additional travel time to reach a bike path. However, Krizek also found that the presence of bike lanes increases cyclists’ acceptance of longer travel times by 16.3 minutes during a 20 minute trip, three times greater than the effect of off-road facilities. Tilahun et al.’s (2007) theory that connectivity is more important than safety could explain this finding.

Some question the safety value of separated facilities for cyclists (Bracher, 1991), but general public perception is that the further removed from motorized traffic, the better

(Tilahun et al., 2007). There is broad consensus that fear of accidents with motorized traffic is the primary deterrent for would-be cyclists and a concern for cyclists of all confidence levels (McClintock, 1996; Nuworsoo e al., 2014). The models estimated in this study that show cyclists’ facility preferences around driverless vehicles corroborate these findings.12

In the present study, gender, age, race, education, mode choice, and confidence level are used as explanatory variables. In light of the well-documented influence that motorized traffic speed and volume have on cyclists and pedestrians, these two factors are used as controlling variables to determine whether they have a stronger influence on cyclists’ and

12 However, in Chapter 6 I discuss how, in a world of complete motorized autonomy where all cars on the road require no human control, cyclists may actually find it more convenient to use Class II facilities, or even forego dedicated bike facilities altogether.


pedestrians’ facility preferences when driverless vehicles are present. Survey content and design are described in detail below.


Chapter 3: Methodology

The use of stated preference surveys is common in cyclist and pedestrian facility preference studies (Krizek, 2006; Mfinanga, 2014; Perdomo, Miranda-Moreno, Saunier,

Patterson, & Rezaei, 2014; Tilahun et al., 2007). I used the same format in this study for its proven reliability and for purposes of comparability.


A stated preference web-based survey13 was crafted and participants were recruited by a number of means. The primary method of recruitment targeted The Ohio State

University student, faculty and staff populations. Based on response rates from previous campus transportation surveys, I determined that sending the survey link to 13,600 OSU emails would ensure an adequate sample size at the 95 percent confidence level with a four percent margin of error. This method produced 767 responses, or 58 percent of total survey respondents. Table 3 presents the number of OSU respondents in detail.

13 A copy of the survey instrument is in Appendix A. 36

Table 3: OSU Sample Statistics:

Survey % of OSU Autumn 2014 Population+ Respondents Respondents Undergraduates 44,741 117 16 Graduates 10,389 52 7 Professional Students 3,192 N/A++ N/A Faculty and Staff 33,175 556 74 Total 91,497 725+++ +Source: Ohio State University, 2014 ++Graduate and Professional student responses were counted as one category in the survey +++Not all 767 OSU respondents revealed their status (student, staff, etc.)

The survey link was also posted on social media and news websites such as Facebook,

LinkedIn, Reddit, and Columbus Underground. Emails were sent out to City of

Columbus employees and Columbus Public Health Department clients, affiliates, and partners. Other organizations such as civic associations also assisted in distributing the survey.

The survey was active for one month, from October 13, 2014, to November 13, 2014.

Due to the sample’s heavy reliance on OSU respondents, I distributed the survey in the middle of autumn semester while classes were in session to ensure an adequate response rate.


Response Rate

2,343 surveys were started and 1,225 were finished, a 52 percent completion rate. Of the

2,343 respondents, 44 percent dropped out of the survey shortly after beginning, providing little or no usable data. The actual number of respondents is 1,312; the entire usable dataset therefore includes 1,312 partial responses. Only 16 percent of respondents completed the entire survey. In addition, the survey used skip logic to present bike- related questions only to those respondents who self-identified as cyclists14. For this reason, and because respondents were not required to answer every question, each question has a different sample size, ranging from 1,310 to 75015.

14 Respondents who answered “I never use a bicycle” in the first section skipped all subsequent bike-related questions. 15 Sample sizes for each survey question are listed in Appendix B.


Table 4: Descriptive Statistics

Population Population Gender N % Education N % US, % US, %

Below Female 489 59 51 bachelor's 238 23 71 degree Bachelor's Male 326 39 49 degree or 778 77 29 above Race Income Less than White 849 84 74 51 5% 7.2 $10,000 $10,000 - Other 150 15 27 46 5% 11 $19,999 $20,000 - Age 66 7% 15 $34,999 $35,000 - Under 30 307 30 ~40 113 12% 13 $49,999 $50,000 - 31-45 294 29 ~20 190 20% 18 $74,999 $75,000 - 16% 46-60 326 32 21 152 12 $99,999 Continued


Table 4 continued

$100,000- Over 60 89 16 19 185 19% 13 $149,999 Greater OSU affiliation than 152 16% 10 $150,000 Faculty/ 557 74 N/A Children Staff Student 169 22 N/A 0 0 75 N/A Alumnus 29 4 N/A 1 118 12 N/A

Marital Status 2 89 9 N/A

More Single 337 34 32 45 5 N/A than 2 Married 511 51 48 Mean 1.45 0.81 Unmarried 70 7 2.3 Living Situation partner Divorced 66 7 11 1, Just me 179 18 N/A Widowed 11 1 6 2 401 4 N/A More 423 41 N/A than 2 Mean 2.6 2.55

Descriptive Statistics

Table 4 presents descriptive statistics for the sample population. I compared the sample for this study against the 2013 American Community Survey (ACS) five year population estimates for the United States (US Census, n.d.).

 Gender: About 60 percent of respondents were female, as opposed to roughly 50

percent of the general population.


 Race: 84 percent of respondents were white, ten points higher than the general


 Age: 30 percent of respondents were under the age of 30, compared to 40 percent

in the general population. 31-45 year olds and 46-60 year olds were both overly

represented in the sample by about ten percentage points; 60 year olds and over

were slightly underrepresented in the sample by ten points.

 Family Composition: Just over half of the respondents were married, roughly the

same number as the general population. Roughly one quarter of the sample

population had children living in their households, a slightly lower percentage

than the general population, at 30 percent. Less than one fifth of respondents

lived alone, as opposed to over one quarter in the general population.

 Education: Over three quarters of the sample population attained a Bachelor’s

degree or above, a much higher percentage than within the general population (18

percent). This discrepancy is likely due to the sample’s reliance on OSU

participants, who accounted for more than half of respondents.

 Income: Sample population income brackets were typically higher than that of the

general population, with the exception of the less than $10,000; $10,000 -

$19,000; $20,000 - $34,999; and $35,000 - $49,999 brackets, which were

underrepresented in the sample population.

Transportation Characteristics

The survey asked respondents to share information about their mode choice, general travel patterns, and experience levels as cyclists and pedestrians. Given the sample


demographics—mainly working professionals and students—I assumed that most trips are work- or school-related and therefore comparable to the ACS commuter data.

Approximately 80 percent of respondents use a car or other private vehicle as their primary mode of transportation for most trips. This number is slightly lower than the general population, of whom roughly 85 percent commute to work in a private vehicle

(US Census, 2013). At 7 percent, respondents were slightly more likely to walk as their primary mode choice than the general population, at 3 percent, and they were equally likely to use public transit. At 6 percent, a much higher percentage of respondents used a bicycle as their primary mode choice than the general population, at 0.06 percent.

Table 5: Transportation Characteristics

Mode Choice N % Car or other private vehicle 1,032 79 Bus or other public transit 55 4 Bicycle 80 6 Walk 88 7 Pedestrian Confidence strong pedestrian confidence 847 65 medium pedestrian confidence 371 28 weak pedestrian confidence 88 7 Cyclist Confidence strong bike confidence 201 15 medium bike confidence 330 25 weak bike confidence 387 30 I never use a bicycle 392 30


Survey Content

The survey asked respondents what bike facilities they prefer; what intersection features they prefer as cyclists; what pedestrian facilities they prefer; and how they normally cross the street as pedestrians. They were also asked the exact same questions for a hypothetical driverless vehicle environment. Respondents selected their preferred pedestrian or bike facility for three street types in each of these eight scenarios, for a total of 24 possible iterations: 12 for cyclists and 12 for pedestrians. Three street crossing methods and 17 facility options were available: six pedestrian facilities, six bike facilities, and five bike intersection facilities. Refer to Table 6 for a description of each choice.

Street types were described in terms of motorized vehicle speed, volume, and street width. Descriptions were created based on Congress of New Urbanism (CNU) roadway classifications that use terms such as “boulevard” and “avenue” instead of “arterial” or

“subcollector.” CNU terminology is more descriptive and accessible to the general public than conventional transportation planning roadway classifications (Institute of

Transportation Engineers, 1999). Street types were classified as follows:

 Street Type 1: A quiet, 2 lane residential street with slow traffic and few vehicles  Street Type 2: A moderately busy, 3 to 4 lane avenue with a mix of local and through traffic, and speeds under 35 miles per hour  Street Type 3: A major boulevard with more than 4 lanes and lots of traffic travelling over 35 miles per hour.


Table 6: Facility Choices and Behavior Types by Scenario

Scenario Facility Type No bike facilities, cyclists share the Wide shoulder, no Bike lane directly travel lane with bike facilities next to traffic vehicles Bike Facilities Buffered bike lane Cycle track or bike with barrier or Network of cycle path completely pavement markings tracks elevated above separated from between vehicles and the roadway* vehicular traffic cyclists Sidewalk with trees Sidewalk directly or other landscaping No sidewalks or adjacent to vehicles that buffers pedestrian facilities with no separation pedestrians from vehicles Pedestrian Facilities Sidewalk that is Network of separated from traffic Elevated network of pedestrian subways or by fencing or other sky walks with tunnels with complete impassable barriers, complete separation separation from except at designated from vehicles vehicles crossing locations Signalized Unsignalized Signalized intersection with intersection where intersection where designated bike bikes and vehicles use bikes and vehicles use through- and turn- the same lanes the same lanes lanes Bike Intersection Features Intersection equipped Intersection equipped with AIM technology with AIM technology that recognizes any user (cyclist, pedestrian, that only recognizes etc) with a smart phone or other GPS-enabled driverless vehicles* device*

Behavior Type Walk two or three Walk two or three Wait at the most blocks to a designated blocks to a designated Pedestrian Crossing convenient place to crossing facility, such crossing facility and Methods cross until there is no as a crosswalk or cross the street in traffic coming and pedestrian signal, and front of oncoming then cross the road wait for my turn to traffic cross


Chapter 4: Analysis

General Results

Given the primary interest in determining whether the presence of driverless vehicles influences facility preference and behavior, looking at how many respondents selected the same facility for both conditions16 gives us a good starting point (see Table 7). On average, for all street types, just over half of respondents preferred the same bike facility in both current and driverless conditions; 40 percent of respondents preferred the same intersection features in both conditions; three quarters of respondents preferred the same pedestrian facility in both conditions; and roughly 80 percent of respondents preferred the same crossing behavior in both conditions. For all questions except pedestrian crossing, the percent of respondents who selected the same answer in both current and driverless conditions decreased as motorized traffic volume, speed and street width increased.17

16 For the purposes of this analysis, condition refers to the driverless vehicle variable: current conditions or driverless vehicle conditions. Scenario refers to the facilities or behavior in question: bike facilities, bike intersection features, pedestrian facilities, and pedestrian crossing behavior. 17 Not all respondents opted to answer both condition questions in a given scenario. This analysis uses the subset of respondents who selected facilities for both conditions in a given scenario. 45

Table 7: Percent of Respondents with Same Answer for Both Conditions

Scenario Street Type % 1 (residential) 65 2 (subcollector/avenue) 54 Bike Facilities 3 (arterial/boulevard) 43 Average 54

1 53 2 34 Bike Intersection 3 29 Average 39

1 81 2 75 Pedestrian Facilities 3 72 Average 76

1 88 2 76 Pedestrian Crossing 3 84 Average 83

The remainder of the analysis focuses on bike facilities; bike intersection features, pedestrian facilities, and pedestrian crossing behavior are discussed in Appendix E.

Pearson’s Chi Squared tests the hypothesis that the rows and columns in a two-way table are independent. In this case, the rows are conditions (either current or driverless) and the columns are facility preferences. If pr < 0.05, results are significant at the 95 percent


level. Pr = 0 for all results listed below, meaning that the results for current and driverless conditions are not independent of one another. Chi Squared test results are presented in Table 8.

Table 8: Chi Squared Results

Condition Facility Cycle No Wide bike Buffered track/ Total facilities shoulder lane bike lane bike path Current 416 98 297 479 916 2,206 Driverless 318 103 339 438 1,004 2,202 Total 734 201 636 917 1,920 4,408

Pearson chi2(4) = 21.85 Pr = 0

I then looked at the change in responses within each condition by street type (Figure 5).

Although the primary interest was determining if there was any difference in preferences between conditions, examining changes in response by street type was instructive. It provided an overall picture of the results before looking at each facility individually.



Current Conditions Driverless Conditions

2.49% 3.41% 38.93% 77.03% 33.16% 14.17% Street Type 3 Street Type 3 15.73% 2.23% 5.50% 1.97% 1.57%

2.10% 1.70%

1.83% 2.62% 11.52% 29.88% 28.93% 39.71% Street Type 2 Street Type 2 29.45% 20.45% 19.76% 5.64% 5.50% 2.49% 2.23%

6.79% 5.87% 4.96% 13.19% 13.97% 8.88% Street Type1 Street Type1 12.14% 16.19% 19.06% 5.22% 6.40%

49.74% 37.60%

Figure 5: Change in Bike Facility Preference by Street Type 48

A clear trend emerges under current conditions: respondents prefer more protected facilities as motorized traffic speed, volume, and street width increase. No bike facilities was the most preferred choice for Street Type 1. For Street Type 2, buffered bike lane and cycle track or bike path were the most popular choices. Finally, for Street Type 3, cycle track or bike path was by far the most preferred facility.

Facility preferences under driverless conditions follow a similar trend but the change in preference between street types is less pronounced. A new facility choice was added under driverless conditions: network of elevated cycle tracks (shown in gray in Figure 5).

Due to the scarcity of such infrastructure today, this option was not included in current conditions18. No bike facilities is still the most preferred choice for Street Type 1 under driverless conditions. For Street Type 2, the moderately protected facilities including both bike lane types and cycle track or bike path are the preferred choices. Elevated cycle track and at-grade cycle track or bike path are the most popular choices for Street

Type 3.

From these findings, it is clear that the preference for separated bike facilities grows with increases in motorized traffic speed, volume, and street width. Preference for protected, horizontally separated facilities increases with each Street Type in current conditions, and preferences for protected, horizontally and vertically separated facilities increases with

18 Rare and new forms of bike infrastructure are discussed in Chapter 5. 49

each Street Type in driverless vehicle conditions. General analysis concludes with an examination of the changes in preference between conditions for each individual facility.

1. No Bike Facilities 49.74% 37.60%

2.49% 2.23% 2.10% 1.70%

Street Type 1 Street Type 2 Street Type 3

2. Wide Shoulder

6.40% 5.22% 5.64% 5.50% 1.97% 1.57%

Street Type 1 Street Type 2 Street Type 3

3. Bike Lane

20.45% 16.19% 19.06% 19.76% 5.50% 2.23%

Street Type 1 Street Type 2 Street Type 3



Figure 6 continued

4. Buffered Bike Lane

39.71% 29.45% 15.73% 8.88% 12.14% 14.17%

Street Type 1 Street Type 2 Street Type 3

5. Cycle Track or Bike Path 77.03%

29.88% 28.93% 33.16% 13.19% 13.97%

Street Type 1 Street Type 2 Street Type 3

Figure 6: Change in Preference by Facility

For Street Type 1, no bike facilities saw a drop in popularity under driverless conditions.

Under Street Types 2 and 3 its popularity decreased slightly. Wide shoulder remained relatively steady across conditions although its popularity saw a moderate increase with the presence of driverless vehicles for Street Type 1. Bike lane also saw little change across conditions, with a slightly higher percentage in Street Type 1 under driverless conditions and a slightly higher percentage in Street Type 2 under current conditions.

For Street Type 3 it ranked higher by several points. The preference for buffered bike lane increased slightly for Street Types 1 and 3 and decreased for Street Type 2 by ten points under driverless conditions. There was virtually no change in preference for Cycle 51

track or bike path with Street Types 1 and 2, but a dramatic decrease in popularity for

Street Type 3 under driverless conditions. This anomaly is almost certainly due to the introduction of an even more protected facility under driverless conditions, the elevated cycle track19.

Ordered Logit Model

Ordinal regression was used to better understand the effect of driverless vehicles on facility preferences. The ordered logit model assumes that the dependent categorical variable is ordinal; that is, that the outcomes are inherently ordered. It estimates a single parameter for each explanatory variable, rather than multiple parameters as in the

(unordered) multinomial logit model. The sign of a given parameter determines the impact of the associated variable on the ordered choice. For example, if the parameter on age is positive, this indicates that age causes an increase in the probability of selecting choice X relative to choice Y, choice Z, etc. Applied to this study, it assumes that the effect of driverless vehicles on cyclists’ facility preferences is monotonic: driverless vehicles either increase or decrease the preference for separated facilities, depending on the sign of the parameter estimate. This assumption is valid if people base their decisions primarily on the presence of driverless vehicles. The model does not account for other factors that may be at play, such as bike infrastructure connectivity and

19 The cycle track or bike path and elevated cycle track options were combined for the purposes of estimating the models. This decision assumes that respondents who selected elevated cycle-track under driverless conditions would have made the same choice under current conditions had the option been available. Appendix C presents a graph illustrating the revised results. 52

convenience. But, since the survey focused exclusively on the presence of driverless vehicles, it is assumed that respondents based their decisions on that variable alone20.

The ordered logit model can be expressed as follows (Williams, 2015):

Where Y* = intensity of preference for a given facility;

K = cutoff parameters.

X = explanatory variables (gender, age, race, etc.); and

β = coefficient that determines how X affects facility preferences.

Cutoff parameters, or cutpoints, are estimated for the choice variable to differentiate facility preference when values of the predictor variables are evaluated at zero (UCLA

Institute for Digital Research and Education, n.d.). The five bike facility options are separated by four cutpoints:

∗ 푌푖 = 1 푖푓 푌푖 < κ1

∗ 푌푖 = 2 푖푓 κ1 ≤ 푌푖 ≤ κ2

∗ 푌푖 = 3 푖푓 κ2 ≤ 푌푖 ≤ κ3

∗ 푌푖 = 4 푖푓 κ3 ≤ 푌푖 ≤ κ4

∗ 푌푖 = 5 푖푓 푌푖 > κ4

Where Y = actual categorical outcome (facility choice) and K = estimated cutpoints.

20 Although the model also controls for explanatory variables such as gender, age, race, and so on. See Table 9. 53

Hypothesized Results

Given the well-established body of research that has studied factors influencing cyclists’ preferences for facilities, I predicted that respondents’ proclivity for protected and buffered facilities would increase along with motorized vehicle speed, volume, and street width. In this vein, I hypothesized that a natural ordering of bike facility preferences would emerge from the responses—namely, respondents would prefer no facilities for

Street Type 1, moderately protected facilities for Street Type 2, and highly protected facilities for Street Type 3. Given the lack of data on people’s perceptions of driverless vehicles from a pedestrian’s or cyclist’s perspective, it was difficult to make an educated guess as to how this new variable might influence responses. However, based on anecdotal evidence and a survey of popular media sources (Alpert, 2010; Badger, 2012;

Handsfield, 2011; Johnson, 2013; Lin, 2013) I posited that driverless vehicles would increase the preference for protected facilities, despite their enhanced reliability and safety features.

Variables included in this model are presented in Table 9 and can be categorized as follows:

 Personal characteristics: gender, age, race, education;

 Transportation characteristics: primary mode choice, cyclist confidence level; and

 Scenario attributes: street type, presence of driverless vehicles

The variable “familiarity with driverless vehicles” could fall under personal or transportation characteristics. An interaction between the familiarity variable and the


driverless vehicles condition variable was created to control for the effect of respondents’ familiarity. A number of other variables were included in initial estimations of the model but were not found to be statistically significant; some of these variables remain in the final model for explanatory purposes.


Table 9: Variable Definitions

Reference Dummy Reference Dummy Category Variables Category Variables Street Type Race Street Type 1 Black Street Type 3 White Street Type 2 Other Condition Education Driverless Current Conditions Less Than BA Vehicles Bachelor's Degree Familiarity With Driverless Vehicles More Than BA Unfamiliar Familiar Primary Mode Choice Gender Bus Male Female Car Bike Age Walk 31-45 Cyclist Confidence <30 46-60 Intermediate Advanced Over 60 Novice

Ordered logit coefficients are in log-odds units and cannot be interpreted as regular

Ordinary Least Squares coefficients, although interpretation of z-scores remains unchanged (Torres-Reyna, n.d.). The results are converted into odds ratios (OR):

“exponent(a)” rather than “a” for a more direct interpretation of the coefficients. The odds ratios represent the odds of an increased preference for protected facilities with a one unit increase in the given variable. If the odds ratio is greater than one, it has a positive impact; if it is less than one, it has a negative impact (Torres-Reyna, n.d.).


Several iterations of the model are displayed in Table 10, followed by the final model in

Table 11. The initial model includes the Street Type and driverless vehicle variables.

The familiarity variable is introduced in the second model. While the effect of the Street

Type variables remains unchanged, the magnitude and significance of driverless vehicles positively increases. As explanatory variables are added to the subsequent models, the effect of driverless vehicles on facility preference declines. The effect of the Street Type variables changes very little across the models, including the final iteration, meaning that their magnitude and significance remain steady regardless of which explanatory variables are included.

Table 10: Bike Facilities Ordered Logit Model Iterations

Model 1 Model 2 Variable Coef. OR z Coef. OR z

Street Type 1 -3.48 0.03 -39.2 -3.52 0.03 -39.26 Street Type 2 -1.59 0.2 -20.5 -1.6 0.2 -20.54 Driverless Vehicles 0.25 1.28 4.23 1.14 3.11 7.66 Familiarity with DV -0.34 0.71 -6.54 Female Black Other Less than BA More than BA Log likelihood -5246 -5166.2 Cut 1 -3.69 -3.73 Cut 2 -3.29 -3.32 Cut 3 -2.28 -2.3 Cut 4 -1.08 -1.09 Continued


Table 10 continued

Model 3 Model 4 Variable Coef. OR z Coef. OR z

Street Type 1 -3.6 0.03 -33.57 -3.63 0.03 -33.65 Street Type 2 -1.64 0.19 -17.67 -1.66 0.19 -17.78 Driverless Vehicles 0.87 2.39 4.83 0.85 2.35 4.7 Familiarity with DV -0.25 0.78 -3.93 -0.25 0.78 -3.81 Female 0.51 1.66 6.87 0.52 1.69 7.08 Black 0.03 1.03 0.17 Other 0.66 1.93 4.89 Less than BA More than BA Log likelihood -3689.6 -3667 Cut 1 -3.57 -3.54 Cut 2 -3.15 -3.11 Cut 3 -2.1 -2.05 Cut 4 -0.87 -0.82

Model 5 Variable Coef. OR z

Street Type 1 -3.65 0.03 -33.72 Street Type 2 -1.67 0.19 -17.83 Driverless Vehicles 0.85 2.34 4.67 Familiarity with DV -0.25 0.78 -3.79 Female 0.54 1.71 7.23 Black 0 1 0.02 Other 0.65 1.91 4.83 Less than BA 0.34 1.4 3.09 More than BA 0.08 1.08 1 - Log likelihood 3655.7 Cut 1 -3.45 Cut 2 -3.02 Cut 3 -1.95 Cut 4 -0.71


Table 11: Bike Facilities Ordered Logit Model

Variable Coef.* OR z

Street Type 1 -3.79 0.02 -33.78 Street Type 2 -1.73 0.18 -17.97 Driverless Vehicles 0.80 2.22 4.25 Familiarity with DV -0.22 0.80 -3.3 Female 0.31 1.36 3.8 31-45 -0.04 0.96 -0.42 46-60 -0.15 0.86 -1.46 Over 60 -0.07 0.93 -0.45 Black -0.07 0.93 -0.35 Other 0.77 2.15 5.41 Less than BA 0.48 1.62 4.11 More than BA 0.15 1.16 1.75 Bus 0.26 1.29 1.46 Bike 0.00 1.00 -0.01 Walk -0.42 0.65 -2.5 Intermediate cyclist 0.35 1.42 3.37 Novice cyclist 0.96 2.61 8.44 Cut 1 -3.22 Cut 2 -2.79 Cut 3 -1.67 Cut 4 -0.39 *Coefficients in bold type are significant at the 95 percent level.

LR chi2(17) = 1612.58 Prob > chi2 = 0.00 Log likelihood = -3481.09 Pseudo R2 = 0.19

As expected, street type had a very strong influence on respondents’ preferences.

Compared to the reference category, Street Type 3, the odds of selecting a more protected facility are only two percent for Street Type 1 and 18 percent for Street Type 2. In other words, preference for protected facilities decreases as traffic volume and speed decline.

This finding corroborates earlier studies (Davis, 1995; Hopkinson and Wardman, 1996;


Sorton and Walsh, 1994; Garrard et al., 2007; McClintock and Cleary, 1996; Providelo and da Penha Sanches, 2011; Sener et al., 2009).

The presence of driverless vehicles appears to amplify this trend, as does familiarity with driverless vehicles, which are both significant at the 95 percent level. All other variables held equal, under driverless vehicle conditions, the odds of selecting protected facilities are more than double (2.22 times) the odds under current conditions. Implications of this major shift in preferences are discussed in the following chapters. Respondents that are familiar with driverless vehicles are 0.8 times less likely than those who are unfamiliar to select protected facilities. This result indicates that the more self-reported knowledge people have of driverless vehicles, the more comfortable they are around them.

Several of the demographic variables produced noteworthy results. Relative to the odds of a male, the odds of a female selecting protected facilities with respect to the reference category (no facilities) are 36 percent higher, all other variables held equal; a finding that agrees with previous research (Akar et al. 2013; Byrnes et al., 1999; DeGruyter, 2003;

Garrard et al., 2006; Garrard et al.; 2007; Krizek et al., 2005; Tilahun et al., 2007).

Education level has a moderate influence on facility preference. Respondents that attained less than a Bachelor’s degree are 1.62 times more likely to select protected facilities than respondents who attained a Bachelor’s. Respondents who attained a higher degree are 1.16 times more likely to select protected facilities than those with only a

Bachelor’s. Thus, on either end of the education level spectrum, from high school


diploma to PhD, people are more likely to prefer protected facilities than those in the middle of the spectrum, with only a Bachelor’s (all other variables held equal). Every age category was less likely to select protected facilities than the reference category, people under 30. This finding disagrees with earlier studies (Bernhoft and Carstensen,

2008; Moyano Dı́az, 2002) and with the common perception that older people are more risk-averse than younger ones. However, none of the age variables are significant at the

95 percent level so their effects are not definitively different from zero.

In terms of transportation characteristics, the odds of selecting more protected facilities were greater for respondents whose primary mode was bicycling or taking the bus than for those who primarily used a private vehicle, while the odds decreased for those who primarily walked. Relative to the odds of an experienced cyclist, the odds of selecting more protected facilities were 1.42 times greater for an intermediate cyclist and 2.61 times greater for a novice cyclist. These findings indicate that the preference for separated facilities loses importance as cyclists gain experience, which corroborates earlier research (Taylor and Mahmassani, 1996),

Post-estimation Analysis

Post-estimation analysis included a Brant test (Table 12), which tests the ordered logit’s proportional odds ordinality assumption; that is, that people treat the alternatives as if they are ordered. This assumption is often violated in practice and may or may not significantly affect the model’s accuracy (Williams, 2006). A significant test statistic

(p<0.05) indicates that the proportional odds assumption has been violated.


Table 12: Brant Test Results

Variable Chi2 p> Chi2

All 310.69 0.00 Street Type 1 37.22 0.00 Street Type 2 41.54 0.00 Driverless Vehicles 2.00 0.57 Familiarity with DV 6.66 0.08 Female 9.60 0.02 31-45 2.93 0.40 46-60 3.18 0.36 Over 60 3.36 0.34 Black 5.06 0.17 Other 0.23 0.97 Less than BA 9.44 0.02 More than BA 12.13 0.01 Bus 14.58 0.00 Bike 13.89 0.00 Walk 6.20 0.10 Intermediate cyclist 0.54 0.91 Novice cyclist 1.48 0.69

The Brant test shows that the bike facilities ordered logit model does violate the assumption of ordinality, due to the Street Types variables, among others. The driverless vehicles variable, however, does pass the Brant test.

To determine if the data may be better suited to another model, a multinomial logit model was also estimated. The multinomial logit does not assume an intrinsic ordering of the results and is therefore more flexible than the ordered logit.


Multinomial Logit Model

The multinomial logit model, presented in Table 13, estimates a set of coefficients for each possible outcome. In this case, the model produces four sets of coefficients, one set for each bike facility. No facilities is set equal to zero and is used as the base case. The estimated coefficients measure the change in facility preference relative to no facilities.

푒푉푖푛 푃(푖\퐶 ) = Pr(푈 ) , ∀푗 ∈ 퐶 푃 (푖) = 푛 푗푛 푛 푛 푉푗푛 Σ푗∈퐶푛푒

Ben Akiva and Lerman, 1985


Table 13: Bike Facilities Multinomial Logit Model

Cycle track Wide Buffered (at-grade and Variable Bike lane shoulder bike lane elevated) /bike path Coef.* z Coef. z Coef. Z Coef. z Street Type 1 -2.52 -6.91 -1.94 -6.38 -3.99 -13.86 -5.44 -19.66 Street Type 2 0.72 1.73 1.33 3.61 0.62 1.82 -1.18 -3.5 Driverless Vehicles 0.42 0.82 0.17 0.45 0.77 2.05 1.3 3.67 Familiarity w/ DV 0.01 0.07 0.13 1 -0.18 -1.33 -0.29 -2.27 Female 0.65 2.82 0.43 2.7 0.65 3.93 0.64 4.01 31-45 0.08 0.27 -0.06 -0.31 0.17 0.81 -0.08 -0.39 46-60 0.2 0.71 -0.29 -1.48 -0.26 -1.28 -0.34 -1.76 Over 60 0.77 1.79 0.05 0.15 0.16 0.5 0.03 0.11 Black 1.2 2.61 0.47 1.18 0.34 0.84 0.21 0.54 Other 0.38 0.85 0.42 1.5 0.76 2.68 1.29 4.89 Less than BA 0.35 1.1 0.24 0.98 0.98 4.07 0.93 3.95 More than BA -0.77 -3.28 -0.2 -1.21 -0.13 -0.74 0.05 0.29 Bus -1.61 -1.53 0.47 1.31 0.53 1.41 0.46 1.26 Bike -1.19 -2.61 0.06 0.26 -0.04 -0.17 -0.15 -0.59 Walk -1.02 -1.72 -0.07 -0.22 -0.4 -1.15 -0.78 -2.27 Intermediate cyclist 0.32 1.11 0.35 1.75 0.49 2.28 0.75 3.57 Novice cyclist 0.14 0.45 0.35 1.6 0.78 3.39 1.53 6.83 Constant -0.05 -0.1 0.51 1.32 1.34 3.63 2.58 7.33 *Coefficients in bold type are significant at the 95 percent level. LR Chi2 (68) = 1932.2 Prob > Chi2 = 0.00 Log likelihood = -3321.26 Pseudo R2 = 0.23

In the multinomial logit model, the effect of driverless vehicles generally increases the preference for separated facilities, which partially corroborates the ordered logit model’s results. The presence of driverless vehicles has positive and statistically significant effects on buffered bike lane and at-grade or elevated cycle track, meaning that respondents were more likely to choose these facilities relative to the reference category,


no facilities, under driverless conditions than under current conditions. The effects on wide shoulder and bike lane preference are also positive but not significantly different from zero. With the exception of bike lane the magnitude of the driverless vehicles coefficient increases as facilities move from less to more protected.

As degree of separation increases in facility type, preference for separated facilities is lower for Street Type 1 relative to Street Type 3, the reference category. In other words, respondents have a stronger preference for more protected facilities on busy roads than they do on quiet, residential streets. The effect of Street Type 1 is negative and statistically significant for all facility choices, while the effects of Street Type 2 are mixed and are significantly different from zero only for bike lane and at-grade or elevated cycle track.

The same explanatory variables are found to be significant in both models: street type, gender, cyclist experience, and, to a lesser extent, mode choice. Race and education are significant for some facility choices but not others. Age is not significant in any facility choice, which also agrees with the ordered logit model.

Being female had a consistently significant and positive effect: females were more likely than males to choose separated facilities relative to no facilities, a finding that agrees with the ordered logit model results and earlier research. Mode choice generally did not have a significant effect on facility choice, with the exception of respondents who primarily biked being less likely than motorists to prefer a wide shoulder relative to no facilities


and respondents who primarily walked being less likely than motorists to prefer a cycle track. Similar to the ordered logit model, both novice and intermediate cyclists were more likely to select protected facilities than advanced cyclists, with magnitude and significance increasing for novice cyclists and more protected facilities.


Marginal effects, presented in Table 14, show the change in probability of selecting a particular facility when the independent variable changes from current conditions to driverless vehicles.

Table 14: Marginal Effects of Driverless Vehicles on Facility Choice

buffered no wide bike cycle bike facilities shoulder lane track lane Baseline Frequency in CC* = 0.18 0.04 0.13 0.21 0.4 Marginal Effect -0.05 -0.02 -0.11 -0.02 0.21 % change over baseline in Mlogit -28 -50 -85 -10 53 DV** z score -2.66 -1.06 -2.99 -0.53 4.02 Marginal Effect -0.06 -0.03 -0.08 -0.02 0.19 % change over baseline in Ologit -33 -75 -62 -10 48 DV** z score -4.1 -4.06 -4.38 -3.08 4.34 *Current Conditions **Driverless Vehicle conditions


In essence, the marginal effects for both models show that the probability of selecting a less protected facility is lower when driverless vehicles are present. For example, in the multinomial logit model the probability of selecting bike lane decreases by 85 percent under driverless conditions. The only facility that sees an increase in probability is the at-grade or elevated cycle track, the most protected options. The chances of selecting cycle track rise by approximately 50 percent in both models. These results confirm that when driverless vehicles are present, preference for increased separation and protection rise dramatically. Further, results of similar magnitude between the two models indicate that, despite the ordered logit model’s failure to pass the Brant test, the presence of driverless vehicles has roughly the same effect in either model.

Basic results for the three remaining scenarios are discussed in Appendix E, and multinomial and ordered logit models for the pedestrian facilities scenario can be found in Appendix F. Most of the survey material required answers from a cyclist’s or pedestrian’s perspective; however, one question addressed the issue of mode choice in a driverless world, allowing the respondent to choose his or her preferred mode in a series of different environments. For a discussion of the results, refer to Appendix G.


The survey was limited in several respects. First, it allowed respondents to skip any question and continue to the next one; therefore, each question has a different sample size. Although forcing respondents to answer every question would have produced a more uniform sample size, it likely would have increased the dropout rate as well.


The survey was limited in geographic scope. Respondents who gave their location represented 29 different states and several countries, but 89 percent of them live in central Ohio and 75 percent are affiliated with the Ohio State University, located in

Columbus. The League of American Bicyclists rates Columbus as a bronze level Bicycle

Friendly Community, meaning that it is an emerging cycling city with improvements needed in education, enforcement, and infrastructure (League of American Bicyclists,

2013). Survey responses from cyclists in Columbus are not necessarily representative of cyclists’ experiences and opinions in more established bike-friendly locations such as

Portland, Oregon, or cities that have very few bike facilities. Additional analyses, such as developing two separate models for central Ohio respondents and others, could address these threats to external validity.

The survey presented respondents with a spectrum of bike and pedestrian facilities, some of which would be unfeasible for most cities to construct (such as elevated cycle tracks and pedestrian bridges). The survey did not ask respondents if they would be willing to pay for such facilities, therefore it was implied that no facility would have a greater cost for the respondent than any other choice. Because there was no cost-benefit element included in the survey, there was nothing to deter respondents from selecting the more expensive options. This omission is not necessarily a drawback, because it allows us to understand people’s preferences in an ideal world, which provides valuable information.

Although it was beyond the scope of this study, future research could include a cost-


benefit analysis of bike and pedestrian facilities that may become more prevalent with the onset of driverless vehicles.

Some of the facilities presented to respondents, particularly bike facilities, may be unfamiliar to most people. With this in mind, certain survey questions featured photos depicting the facilities listed (refer to Appendix A). This visual information combined with text descriptions may have caused some respondents to match the street pictured in the photo with the street type choice for that answer, rather than focusing on the facility in the photo. Furthermore, the unique features of the facility shown in each photo could have unduly influenced responses. For example, the photo of a buffered bike lane

(Figure 7) depicts a very wide buffer striped with paint, perhaps twelve feet. If the photo depicted a buffer of only three feet, respondents may have been less prone to select a buffered bike lane as their preferred facility, since they may have judged its safety and utility features by the pictured example rather thinking about the facility conceptually.

Or, if the photo depicted a buffer of fencing or landscaping, respondents may have been more likely to select it. In reality, there are many iterations of each facility listed in the survey and selecting one photo to encapsulate each category is inherently inaccurate.

However providing respondents with a visual example likely increased their understanding of the facilities in question, thereby allowing them to make more informed, if not slightly biased, decisions. Should this survey be replicated in the future, multiple versions could be distributed, each one with different photos of the same facility type, which would reduce potential bias in the overall results. Nasar (2008) found that color photographs generalize to on-site responses; conducting field interviews where the bike


facilities in question are located could corroborate findings in this study (Goubert, L.,

Nasar, J., Salmon, J., De Bourdeaudhuij, I., Deforche, B., 2012).

Figure 7: Buffered bike lane depicted in survey

For simplicity, the survey conflated motorized traffic speed, volume, and street width, assuming that all three increase equally. This is not always the case, as discussed in reference to dense urban thoroughfares with slow speeds in the bike facilities recommendations. Likewise, a two lane rural road with low traffic volumes traveling at high speeds would not fall under any of the three street types; thus, cyclists’ and pedestrians’ preferences for certain street typologies were not captured.


The survey primarily focused on motorized traffic speed, volume, and street width as the main determinants of pedestrian and cyclist behavior, given those factors prevalence in the literature, discussed in Chapter 2. However, all three of these roadway elements may change in a future with autonomous vehicles. For example, speeds on arterial roads could be much higher than current speeds, as driverless vehicles will coordinate their movements, reducing congestion and regulating their speeds in anticipation of upcoming changes in traffic flow. Conversely, vehicle volume may decline in urban areas if the prevalence of autonomous carsharing renders private vehicle ownership obsolete and increases the average vehicle occupancy rate. Finally, driverless vehicles will make more efficient use of the roadway than human-driven ones, operating at close following distances and with no need for wide lanes that are built to accommodate human error. In this scenario, we may see a decrease in street width, with excess lane miles repurposed as greenways for cyclists and pedestrians. In essence, these factors may no longer be the strongest determinants of cyclist and pedestrian behavior in a fully driverless environment.

Finally, the survey asked respondents what their preferences may be in a distant, fully driverless future. There are many incremental steps we must take to achieve this eventuality. By the time it is realized, cyclists and pedestrian may have already acclimated to the presence of driverless vehicles and react less warily to the new technology than survey results suggest. Regardless, more protected and separated facilities may still be preferable to establish an equitable and pleasant environment for active transportation users.


Notwithstanding the aforementioned limitations, if the present findings hold they suggest certain policy directions, discussed in the following chapters.


Chapter 5: Discussion

Discussion and recommendations are presented in two chapters. This chapter puts forth detailed recommendations for bike and pedestrian infrastructure based primarily on survey and model results. To provide a more comprehensive guide for decision-makers and future research, Chapter 6 expands the discussion to include policy recommendations and suggestions for autonomous vehicle operating standards in a driverless environment.

These recommendations are based on the finding, shown in the ordered logit model, that as familiarity with driverless vehicles increases, preference for protected facilities declines. I then synthesize these suggestions into a comprehensive framework that illustrates how all roadway users might function in a driverless transportation network that is built upon these recommendations.

Bike and Pedestrian Infrastructure in a Driverless World

It is inherently difficult to make recommendations for a hypothetical scenario which in reality may produce many outcomes. With this caveat in mind, here I outline appropriate bike and pedestrian facilities for various situations in a driverless environment, based on survey respondents’ stated preferences and a review of the literature. Table 15 presents preferred, acceptable, and unacceptable bike and pedestrian facilities for each street type.


Table 15: Facility Recommendations 21

Preferred Acceptable Pedestrian Cyclist Pedestrian Cyclist Facilities Facilities Intersections Facilities Facilities Intersections B-Sidewalk, A- Street Type 1 A- no Sidewalk, A-No (local/ Unsignalized, separation N/A N/A landscaped facilities residential) shared lanes C-No buffer facilities


A-Universal A- A-Buffered B-Sidewalk, Street Type 2 AIM22 C- Sidewalk, bike lane fenced C-Bike (avenue/ B-Signalized, Signalized, landscaped B-At-grade buffer lane collector) separate shared lanes buffer cycle track C-Skywalk lanes

B-Signalized, A-Skywalk A-Elevated C- Street Type 3 separate B-Sidewalk, cycle track A-Universal Sidewalk, C-Buffered (boulevard/ lanes landscaped B-At-grade AIM fenced bike lane arterial) C-Car-only buffer cycle track buffer AIM


21 Facility preferences are ranked with letter grades (A, B, C, etc.) to avoid confusion with numbered Street Types. Respondents ranked preferred facilities first in their respective categories. If the top two facilities are within five percentage points, they are both listed as preferred. Otherwise, the second and third choices are listed as acceptable. The remaining choices are listed as unacceptable. Only facilities with a lesser degree of protection than the preferred facility are listed in the acceptable and unacceptable categories. For example, cyclists preferred no facilities for Street Type 1; therefore, acceptable or unacceptable facilities are irrelevant.

22 Autonomous Intersection Management that recognizes and responds to cyclists and pedestrians as well as vehicles. 74

Table 15 continued


Pedestrian Cyclist Facilities Facilities Intersections Street Type 1 N/A N/A N/A (local/ residential) D- Sidewalk, D-Car-only Street D-Wide no AIM Type 2 shoulder separation F- (avenue/ F-No F-Subway Unsignalized, collector) facilities G-No shared lanes facilities D-

Sidewalk, D-Bike lane Street D-Signalized, no F-No Type 3 shared lanes separation facilities (boulevard/ F- F-Subway G-Wide arterial) Unsignalized, G-No shoulder shared lanes facilities

Bike Infrastructure

Respondents viewed dedicated bike facilities as unnecessary on quiet, residential streets

(Street Type 1). In lieu of facilities, driverless vehicles would operate at a maximum level of caution on these streets, discussed in Chapter 6. On moderately busy collector roads (Street Type 2), cyclists preferred buffered bike lanes or at-grade cycle tracks. On busy arterials (Street Type 3) respondents preferred elevated cycle tracks, indicating that they may value safety and separation over the relative convenience of an at-grade facility.


Although instances of elevated bike networks do exist, currently their cost is prohibitive in most circumstances. In dense, urban cores with high volumes of traffic travelling at low speeds, I recommend that cyclists share the lane with vehicles or be provided with a bike lane directly next to traffic. Although respondents did not display this preference, busy urban thoroughfares with slow speeds do not fit neatly into one of the three street types presented to them. In this environment, separated facilities are unnecessary. Slow vehicular speeds would allow generous reaction time for all roadway users and cyclists would be able to maintain speed with motorized traffic.

Although respondents preferred cycle tracks or paths removed from the roadway network, displaced bike paths require more space than on-road (Class II) facilities and are not always possible in dense urban environments (McClintock & Cleary, 1996). For intra-city travel, I recommend bike paths or separated cycle tracks where possible and where respondents preferred them (Street Types 2 and 3), but view buffered, on-road bike lanes as a more feasible option. On major roads—other than congested urban thoroughfares—with high speeds and traffic volumes and varying land use, I recommend bike lanes that are buffered by bollards or other physical barriers from autonomous vehicles to ensure real and perceived safety on the cyclists’ part, convenience to their destination, and to discourage interference with adjacent driverless traffic. In areas of lower density, I recommend separated bike paths or cycle tracks that are displaced from the roadway network but still conveniently accessible.


Pedestrian Infrastructure

Of the various infrastructure types studied, pedestrian facilities are arguably the most removed from motorized traffic. Whereas cyclists must often share the same space with vehicles, pedestrians usually enjoy some degree of horizontal or temporal separation.

Given the enhanced safety features of autonomous vehicles, highly protected and separated pedestrian facilities seem largely unnecessary in terms of safety, although in terms of appeal they may be more preferable in some instances.

Under driverless conditions a sidewalk with a landscaped buffer that shields users from traffic was the most preferred facility for Street Types 1 and 2 and came in second, after skywalks, for Street Type 3. Sidewalks with landscaped buffers provide a reasonably safe, aesthetically pleasing, and feasible option for pedestrian infrastructure. For Street

Type 3, skywalks were slightly more popular (by 5.53 percent) than landscaped sidewalks; but given their much higher cost and difficulty of installation, I recommend landscaped sidewalks for Street Type 3 as well, especially in established urban areas with dense land uses and historic fabric. As a caveat, skywalks may be appropriate in urban areas under certain conditions, discussed below. In new developments with major arterials, skywalks should be considered if a sufficient volume of pedestrians could justify their construction.

While cyclists’ and pedestrians’ facility preferences are the focus of this research, driverless vehicle infrastructure and technology designed to keep cyclists and pedestrians


safe are an equally important consideration. The question of how these two factors interrelate and should inform policy is addressed below.

Bike Intersection Features

In Chapter 2, I discussed the technology known as Autonomous Intersection Management

(AIM) and its implications for pedestrians and cyclists. Returning to this topic equipped with empirical results, I propose the following recommendations.

Table 16: Bike and Pedestrian Intersection Features

Facility Priority Street Type 1 Unsignalized, Pedestrians and (local/ shared lanes Cyclists residential)

Street Type 2 Depends on ratio Universal (avenue/ of vehicle to AIM collector) bike/pedestrian volume Street Type 3 Universal (boulevard/ Vehicles AIM arterial)

On quiet residential streets, survey respondents opted for unsignalized intersections with shared lanes under driverless conditions. In lieu of AIM, vehicles would yield the right of way to cyclists, pedestrians, and other road users at all times and operate on a first- come first-serve basis between vehicles, similar to today’s traffic circles or intersections that are regulated with all-way stop signs. This way, a cyclist or pedestrian approaching


a minor, unsignalized intersection would only need to scan for other bikes or pedestrians, confident that any motorized vehicle will yield.

At larger intersections the picture naturally grows more complex. For Street Type 2 respondents preferred universal AIM technology whereby the intersection manager would recognize a cyclist’s presence23 and communicate with him or her via some sort of audio, tactile, or visual method, such as an embedded earpiece or vibrating handle bars that indicate when to proceed, or a flashing light at the intersection. As for pedestrians, the intersection manager would sense their presence and activate a walk signal for them.

Once people become accustomed to this infrastructure, a signal may be unnecessary and pedestrians would simply cross when they see that the intersection manager has halted motorized traffic. AIM would prioritize users based on size of intersection, time of day, and vehicle to bike/pedestrian volume ratio. Vehicles would still use their collision avoidance and automatic breaking technology to avoid imminent accidents with cyclists or pedestrians who disobey the intersection manager’s directions, but they would not automatically yield due to the presence of cyclists or pedestrians, as in the Street Type 1 scenario.

For Street Type 3 a much higher volume of motorized traffic is assumed and AIM would prioritize vehicles, stacking pedestrians and cyclists and allowing them to cross after all motorized traffic is halted at designated times (an effect similar to today’s walk signals).

23 It is unclear exactly how AIM technology would distinguish between vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians. Intersection managers would need to be equipped with a combination of weight and motion sensors, LIDAR, facial recognition software, or other technology used in driverless vehicles in order to implement these recommendations. 79

Long wait times for pedestrians, however, should be avoided. As wait time increases, the chance of risk-taking rises and only 10 percent of pedestrians claim to wait for a cross signal (Sisiopiku & Akin, 2003)—depending on local customs, many people instead wait for an acceptable gap in traffic to cross, using their own fallible judgment (Vanderbilt,

2008). Because speeds may be much faster on arterial roads that driverless vehicles occupy and gaps in traffic less frequent (due to the close following distances that driverless vehicles can achieve), crossing against the signal would arguably be very dangerous. Even if a vehicle avoided an imminent collision with a pedestrian, it may cause an accident with another vehicle. Elevated crosswalks could potentially mitigate this concern, but their cost may limit them to the busiest intersections—in terms of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic.

Respondents preferred bike-friendly AIM for Street Type 3; yet they also preferred elevated cycle tracks. If these were present, bike-friendly AIM would be unnecessary, as cyclists could cross over the intersection above-grade. If above-grade facilities are not present, cyclists would have to wait along with pedestrians for AIM to halt motorized traffic. Theoretically, cyclists using on-street facilities could pass through the intersection along with motorized traffic, as they do today. However, the controlled mayhem of an autonomous intersection, while manageable for a machine, would be impassable for a cyclist. To ensure safety, the intersection manager would halt vehicular traffic in all directions while the cyclist travels through the intersection; alternatively, it could deny requests from oncoming vehicles whose paths would bring them into conflict with the cyclist, while allowing unaffected vehicles to continue through (assuming the


cyclist communicated his or her intended travel path). For the sake of simplicity, the survey did not question respondents about scenarios where different street types intersect, for example Street Type 1 (residential) with Street Type 3 (arterial). In this situation, it is assumed that the AIM standards for the busier street should prevail.

Elevated Infrastructure

The survey presented respondents with several bike and pedestrian facilities that are not yet widespread, such as elevated cycle tracks and pedestrian skywalks. Because respondents strongly preferred these facilities in driverless conditions24, this section considers the feasibility of elevated bike and pedestrian infrastructure. Such projects may strike some as a fantasy but elevated, enclosed pedestrian walkways do exist in many cities (although in most cases they do not form a comprehensive network that is accessible to the public. More likely, they connect an office building to a parking garage and are used exclusively by office employees). Further, many cities integrate UPS

(Underground Pedestrian Systems, discussed in Chapter 2) into existing transit networks; although respondents strongly preferred above-grade facilities to UPS (35 percent versus six percent, respectively, for Street Type 3, driverless conditions).

In an effort to infuse built environments of steel and concrete with a sense of nature, several cities have resorted to elevated parks and greenways (Figure 8) for pedestrian use only, and many other cities are considering similar ideas. These projects use repurposed

24 Both cyclists and pedestrians ranked elevated infrastructure first for driverless conditions in Street Type 3, at 39 percent and 36 percent, respectively. Pedestrians also preferred skywalks for Street Type 3 in current conditions, at 33 percent. 81

infrastructure such as elevated rail lines, or facilities that are intentionally constructed for pedestrian use. If the widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles does result in excess lane capacity on existing roadways, we may see more and more elevated highways being repurposed for non-motorized users.

Figure 8: Elevated parks and greenways in Paris, New York, and La Paz Sources: Balderston, 2013; Farago, 2013; Ricks, 2013; Smith, 2013

Elevated cycle tracks were discussed as early as the 1890’s (Wainwright, 2014) and some tracks were partially built, before the automobile rendered bicycles obsolete. Talk of a


“SkyCycle” network in London has revived this idea and adapted it to modern times

(Figure 9). And in 2012 the Dutch installed a “floating” bike roundabout known as the

Hovering above a major intersection (Campbell-Dollaghan, 2014). Advocates of elevated cycle tracks point to benefits such as decreased travel time, protection from the elements, relatively low cost and maintenance compared to elevated transit systems, and the potential for a dramatic reduction in cyclist fatalities (Dalton, 2015).

Figure 9: Floating bike roundabout in Holland (left) and rendering of proposed SkyCycle in London Sources: Campbell-Dollaghan, 2014; Wainwright, 2014

Although cases of elevated bike and pedestrian facilities do exist, for the moment they remain scarce. The question is will the presence and widespread adoption of driverless vehicles create more demand for such infrastructure? Grade-separated facilities ranked highly in respondents’ preferences and did increase slightly under driverless vehicle conditions: 36 percent and almost 40 percent of respondents selected skywalks and


elevated cycle tracks, respectively, as their preferred facility for Street Type 3. Further,

Hopkinson and Wardman (1996) found that cyclists’ willingness to pay for separated facilities is very high, which should be considered in the future as planners and policy makers contemplate the feasibility of elevated bikeway and walkway networks. I cautiously endorse the use of elevated infrastructure in established urban cores under these circumstances:

 If active transportation advocates support the project;  If elevated facilities would decrease travel time for pedestrians and cyclists;  If unused elevated structures are already present or new structures can be built cost-effectively;  If the design is aesthetically pleasing and well-integrated with existing architecture; and  At major intersections with high speeds, to facilitate motorized traffic’s efficient movement and keep cyclists and pedestrians safe. This chapter summarized recommendations for bike and pedestrian facilities and smart infrastructure in a driverless transportation network based on survey and model results.

Chapter 6 presents recommendations for crossing behavior, the fourth survey scenario, in conjunction with autonomous vehicle operating standards.


Chapter 6: Policy Recommendations

Chapter 6 expands the discussion, providing a proposal for increasing public awareness about the benefits of driverless technology based on this study and on research conducted by the Spring 2015 Driverless Vehicle Transportation Studio in the City and Regional

Planning department at The Ohio State University. In addition, I explore how autonomous vehicle technology should interact with other roadway users to ensure a safe and equitable environment. As stated earlier, these recommendations are more speculative, informed partially by the results of this study, as well as other fields of research. I then synthesize these recommendations into a comprehensive framework that illustrates how all roadway users might function in a driverless transportation network that is built upon these recommendations.

According to some, the most important benefit driverless vehicles will bring is to public health. Every year approximately 1.3 million people around the world are killed on the road, between 20 and 50 million sustain non-fatal injuries, and pedestrians, cyclists, and other vulnerable road users account for 46 percent of global traffic deaths (World Health

Organization, 2009). In the United States, motorists injured an estimated 457,000


cyclists and 473,000 pedestrians within a two-year span (National Highway Traffic

Safety Administration, 2008). Between 2001 and 2013, 460,536 Americans were killed as a result of motor vehicle collisions, over 35,000 fatalities per year (Johnson, 2013).

Figure 10 illustrates historical trends in motor vehicle deaths in the United States.

Figure 10: Fraction of U.S. motor vehicle deaths relative to total population Source: Wikimedia


Many predict with confidence—and I agree—that the enhanced safety features of autonomous vehicles will bring the number of traffic fatalities closer to zero, creating a safer transportation environment for all roadway users. Why, therefore, did survey results show that people prefer more separated facilities when driverless vehicles are present, thus indicating an increased fear of accidents?

Before particular questions, the survey included short descriptions of driverless vehicle technology to educate respondents. Preceding the bike facilities question, the survey explained that “In a future where the driverless vehicle is the dominant mode of transportation, experts predict that they will dramatically reduce the number of pedestrians and cyclists that are killed in traffic.” Naturally, this would lead one to believe that protected bike facilities will be less important in the future and that cyclists will in fact be safer sharing the road with driverless vehicles than with human-driven ones. Despite viewing this strongly suggestive statement immediately before answering the question, the results show that respondents were more than twice as likely to prefer more, not less, protected bike facilities under driverless conditions. Assuming that people would indeed be more fearful around driverless vehicles, I provide several recommendations to address this seemingly dissonant result.

Public Awareness Campaign

Historical innovations in transportation technology that the public initially confronted with fear and skepticism may give us some clues as to how the acceptance of driverless


vehicles will unfold. The elevator, for example, was a novel and intimidating mode of travel when it was invented in the mid-19th Century. In 1889, the invention of Muzak, soft, soothing melodies piped into elevators across the country, created a relaxing and welcoming atmosphere (UMW . n.d.). Attendants taught passengers how the elevators functioned and allayed their fears. Although their presence was superfluous from an operational standpoint, they played a key role in educating the public about the benefits of this new technology.

In our current transportation network, commercial airlines ferry millions of passengers around the globe on a daily basis. Many airline passengers are under the impression that, with the exception of takeoff and landing, a computer is responsible for keeping them aloft. In fact, computers simply assist pilots in controlling aircraft, similar to a surgeon’s reliance on medical technology during an operation (Smith, 2011). The widespread belief that airplanes essentially fly themselves, and the flying public’s acceptance of this idea, indicates that driverless technology may face less resistance than survey results suggest. Its convenience could outweigh any initial fear or skepticism, similar to the acceptance of the elevator.

Unlike other recent forms of technology that have been widely adopted—smart phones, for example—it will be important for the general public, including pedestrians, cyclists, other motorists, and users of this new technology, to have a basic understanding of driverless vehicles’ operation and functionality. This is especially true in the transition


period during which these cars will share the road with human-controlled vehicles—a phase that may endure for quite some time. Therefore, I recommend a public awareness campaign that disseminates information about the technologies that we will all eventually encounter on the road. This campaign may naturally take the form of advertisements from car manufacturers and dealers, who will have a vested interest in promoting the safety features of their products that utilize automated or autonomous technology.

Information from government agencies responsible for road safety should provide an objective view as well.

Small-Scale Driverless Technology as an Educational Tool

Despite their proven safety record (Anthony, 2014), and greatly increased reliability when compared to human-controlled vehicles, our gut reactions naturally tell us to be skeptical, if not fearful, of driverless vehicles. Indeed, the image of “robot cars” zipping around at break neck speeds and coordinating their movements in a constant ballet of near collisions would strike fear into the heart of any roadway user. Proponents of driverless vehicles should consider introducing this technology in a safer, more controlled environment. In addition to the major car manufacturers and technology companies who have their sights set on privately owned, fully autonomous vehicles occupying public roads, another field is emerging that focuses on smaller, slower, transit-oriented, vehicles for use on private roads and enclosed campuses. Induct Technologies is one company that develops operating systems for driverless vehicles and is currently marketing a small, eight-passenger shuttle on campuses across the United States (see Figure 11). Shuttles


are already operational in Singapore (Nanyang Technological University, 2013) and may soon be navigating through campuses in the United States (The Ohio State University,

Stanford University, West Point), government agencies (Florida Department of

Transportation, NASA), and private enterprises such as amusement parks. They operate at speeds of 12 to 15 miles per hour in heavily trafficked bike and pedestrian areas (Moss,

2014). Going one step further, the University of Michigan plans to deploy a fleet of networked driverless vehicles on public roads by 2021, for which testing is well underway (Moore, 2013).

In terms of public awareness, endeavors such as these are ideal for educating the public about the functions and benefits of driverless technology. During their initial deployment, attendants could play a didactic role, welcoming riders into the shuttles and explaining how they work, similar to elevators in the 1800’s. In many cases, they will be used by or interact with college students, a generation who may live to see a world of complete motorized autonomy where all cars on the road require zero human control.

They will demonstrate their competence in difficult traffic environments dominated by cyclists and pedestrians, who would hopefully feel much safer encountering one of these vehicles than they would a full-sized, full-speed driverless vehicle on a public road.

Questions of equity will likely arise when it comes to education about and exposure to driverless vehicles. College students comprise a small minority of young people and many poor, low-income, and underserved groups would not have access to these vehicles


on college campuses. Fortunately, scalability is a major consideration of these projects.

The ability to replicate a successful operation on a much larger scale and in disparate environments—downtowns and dense urban neighborhoods in particular—and incorporate them into existing transit systems as a first- and last-mile solution would allow a greater share of the population to experience driverless technology before it becomes widespread.

Figure 11: Rendering of a driverless shuttle operating on the OSU campus Source: Sudy et al., 2015


Autonomous Vehicle Operating Standards—Collision Avoidance

The basis of most research rests on the assumption that segregated facilities are inherently safer than ones shared with motorized traffic. A woonerf or shared space street, discussed in Chapter 2, encourages mingling between modes, which creates more uncertainty and therefore more awareness of one’s surroundings, especially on the part of motorists. Because people behave more cautiously in unpredictable spaces, the result is a safer environment (Vanderbilt, 2008).

If driverless vehicles operated at a maximum level of caution, similar to Street Type 1 operating standards, they could safely and slowly navigate through spaces shared with pedestrians and cyclists. It is possible that the efficiency with which driverless vehicles use the road network, dramatically increasing capacity by travelling extremely close together, would result in a surplus of unneeded lane miles. Excess roadway could then be repurposed primarily for pedestrian and cyclist use, reverting to the 19th Century norm before the advent of the automobile. In this environment, driverless vehicles would likely be sparse, as only 9 percent of respondents said they would use a private vehicle in an urban environment in which large sections of a city are pedestrian- and cyclist-only plazas and green spaces25 (refer to Appendix G for a discussion on mode choice).

25 Major arterials and highways would likely bisect cities in certain areas and continue to serve suburbs and intercity travel. 83

Segregated bike and pedestrian facilities would still be necessary in a fully driverless environment. It would be impractical to convert all major roadways into shared spaces.

Theoretically, cyclists could travel down six-lane major arterials, weaving in and out of motorized traffic and secure in the knowledge that vehicles would always give them the right of way. Pedestrians could safely cross the same streets at the most convenient point, with or without the use of a crosswalk or signal. But if this behavior was the norm it would render urban roadways completely inefficient, cancelling out the positive benefits such as reduced emissions and travel times that driverless vehicles could confer.

Hopefully law enforcement would discourage such behavior. In addition, public awareness campaigns could propagate social norms that model appropriate behavior for cyclists and pedestrians around driverless vehicles. Cialdini, Demaine, Sagarin, Barrett,

Rhoads, Winter (2006) found that injunctive norms, which indicate the level of others’ disapproval, are more likely to suppress unwanted behavior than other methods. Public service announcements that illustrate injunctive norms, such as a group of friends chiding one of their peers for jaywalking in front of a driverless vehicle and disrupting traffic, could work in conjunction with enforcement and engineering solutions to keep roadway users safe and encourage them to be responsible.

According to the survey results, some change in pedestrian crossing behavior is expected in a driverless society26. Pedestrians will be less likely to wait for their turn and obey traffic signals on busy arterial roads and more likely to cross in front of oncoming traffic

26 See Appendix E for a detailed discussion. 84

at a designated facility. Hence, the collision avoidance systems and automatic breaking technology employed by driverless vehicles must be virtually fail-proof in order to accommodate potentially riskier behavior on the part of pedestrians.

Collision Avoidance (CA) has been a fundamental concept of autonomous technology— both vehicular and humanoid robotic—for many years (Shiomi, Zanlungo, Hayashi, &

Kanada, 2014). Using human behavior as their guide, robotics engineers have successfully taught their charges to respect humans’ socio-normative personal space while they navigate through crowded environments, such as a shopping mall (Shiomi et al., 2014). Other researchers (Aksun Güvenç & Ararat, 2008) have developed complex algorithms based on Elastic Band Theory that guide the CA behavior of autonomous vehicle-on-vehicle interaction. But it is only recently that researchers have begun to ask what a socially acceptable collision avoidance mechanism would look like from the perspective of pedestrians and cyclists in a driverless society (Aksun Güvenç, 2015).

Pedestrians and cyclists will likely expect driverless vehicles to follow established social norms that govern the rules of the road in conjunction with actual laws (Shiomi et al.,

2014). Even if these norms are superfluous from a pure safety standpoint, they will serve to make other roadway users feel comfortable when interacting with driverless vehicles.

However, social norms differ dramatically depending on the context, which returns us to the recommendations at hand. Should driverless vehicles operate on different levels of

Collision Avoidance based on street type, cyclist and pedestrian volume, speed, and local


customs, or should they operate at a default maximum level of caution at all times regardless of street type?

Aksun Güvenç believes that programmed stopping distance and CA operating levels should adjust according to the external cues that the vehicle receives, either from self- collected data and observation or from rules conveyed by smart infrastructure. These inputs would determine which CA algorithms dictate vehicle decision-making and maneuvering. Thus, on a small residential street with high pedestrian flow and no sidewalks, CA algorithms would mimic responsible human drivers by operating at a maximum level of caution and a medium stopping distance based on high pedestrian activity and slow vehicular speed, respectively. Conversely, on a limited-access highway, CA algorithms would operate at a low level of caution27 and a long stopping distance based on lack of pedestrian activity and high speeds, respectively.

Interactions between vehicles and pedestrians at crossing locations are currently dictated by both driver and pedestrian behavior. Pedestrians can often gauge whether or not an oncoming vehicle is preparing to yield by eye contact and behavior communicated through a vehicle’s maneuvers. For example, some drivers may accelerate as they approach a crossing to indicate their intention not to yield (Varhelyi, 1998). If the recommendations in this thesis are applied, a driverless vehicle would not exhibit such

27 In regards to pedestrians and cyclists; behavior towards other vehicles on the road would likely follow a different algorithm. 86

aggressive behavior towards pedestrians; but the vehicle would not inherently know the socially acceptable stopping distance that is expected of responsible motorists in a given situation. One study found that drivers’ decision whether to yield occurred roughly 50 meters before the crosswalk (Varhelyi, 1998). This distance may be too far in some cultures and too close in others to be socially acceptable. Vehicles would need to learn social norms and customs in addition to laws that govern the roadway in order to yield and avoid collisions as a responsible human driver would.

Figure 12: The perils of socially acceptable collision avoidance Source: Inman, n.d.


Concerning this thesis, the presence and type of bike and pedestrian infrastructure should also be factored into CA algorithms and default vehicle operating levels. In a fully autonomous society, smart infrastructure would likely convey this information to vehicles. The following examples theorize how a vehicle’s default levels would adjust as it moves between different environments and how pedestrians and cyclists would navigate through the same environments.

The Full Picture:

Bike and Pedestrian Facilities and Autonomous Vehicle Operating Standards

I. Vehicle

The vehicle begins its journey on a residential street with high pedestrian flow at certain times of day. The street is equipped with wide sidewalks that have a landscaped buffer.

As it travels this route every day, the vehicle knows when and where to watch for pedestrians and operates at a maximum level of caution and full collision avoidance, leaving a generous distance between itself and crossing pedestrians or cyclists.

The vehicle then turns onto a minor arterial road with less pedestrian traffic but increased cyclist and vehicular traffic. It turns its attention from scanning for potential longitudinal conflicts with crossing pedestrians to lateral conflicts with bikes and other vehicles. It therefore switches its braking mechanisms to a lower level of collision avoidance but augments its steering control to avoid other roadway users travelling in the same direction.


The minor arterial road joins with a heavily trafficked thoroughfare that bisects the city’s main commercial district. This area is a hub of activity for all types of roadway users.

Because potential conflicts could arise from any direction, the vehicle reverts back to a maximum level of caution with full CA. An autonomous intersection manager directs the vehicle to stop at an intersection while pedestrians cross and cyclists proceed through.

Due to the relatively low speeds in this congested corridor, the manager also informs the vehicle that no bike lanes are present and that it should expect to share the lane with cyclists.

Finally, the vehicle enters a limited-access highway that prohibits non-motorized traffic.

Smart infrastructure informs the vehicle as it proceeds down the entrance ramp that elevated skywalks and cycle tracks exist above the highway and that the chances of encountering a pedestrian or cyclist are extremely low. It switches to a latent CA level, diverting most of its attention to synchronizing travel and avoiding conflicts with other vehicles.

II. Cyclist

A cyclist proceeding down a residential street shares the lane with motorized traffic and expects vehicles to yield and cede right of way at all times. Other cyclists and pedestrians are the main source of potential conflict. As she turns onto a buffered bike lane on a minor arterial, the cyclist continues to scan for conflicts with pedestrians.


When approaching a moderate intersection, the cyclist signals her intention to proceed through. The intersection manager recognizes this gesture and responds by means of a bike-specific traffic light for the cyclist to stop. The manager then halts any vehicles requesting to make maneuvers that could result in a collision with the cyclist and allows her to proceed through the intersection. As she enters the major arterial road, the cyclist decelerates and merges into mixed traffic, following whatever commands are issued at intersections along the way. Eventually, she reaches an elevated cycle track paralleling the highway and proceeds to her destination.

III. Pedestrian

In a fully autonomous scenario, a pedestrian crossing a residential street would presumably know that she has right of way and that all vehicles will yield generously as she crosses. As she proceeds onto a minor arterial road, she is buffered from motorized traffic by a landscaped sidewalk and a bike lane; thus, her main points of conflict with vehicles are located at intersections. Most intersections are equipped with AIM; depending on pedestrian volume, weather conditions, time of day28, and other factors, the intersection manager either instructs the pedestrian to wait via a crosswalk signal, or allows her to proceed, halting any oncoming traffic. She could disobey the signal and still safely enter the roadway, knowing that vehicles will yield to her using their emergency braking mechanisms—but the potential accident this could cause between vehicles and the fine or penalty she could incur would likely deter most people from such

28 i.e., during peak hour traffic, assuming that rush hour still exists in a driverless society. 90

behavior. She then turns onto a main thoroughfare, also equipped with a landscaped sidewalk, and eventually ascends an enclosed pedestrian bridge that crosses over a highway and continues to her destination.

Based on this study’s findings, these descriptions provide just a few examples of the many possible combinations of bike and pedestrian facilities, smart infrastructure, and driverless technology, and how these elements would collectively maintain a safe and pleasant transportation experience for all users. Numerous other iterations are equally possible, but the above scenarios describe an ideal environment according to respondents’ preferences.


Chapter 7: Conclusion

This study attempts to predict outcomes of a hypothetical situation. A review of the literature and state of the technology clearly show that the arrival of driverless vehicles is fast approaching, but no one can predict if or when they will become ubiquitous and what effects this momentous change may incur. Based on research and educated hypotheses, I have examined several scenarios and the possible impacts that driverless vehicles may have upon cyclists and pedestrians.

I seek to establish a new line of inquiry that addresses implications for cyclists and pedestrians in a driverless environment. There will likely be a greater public demand for safe, convenient, and efficient infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians in a driverless society, despite the expected safety benefits of autonomous vehicle technology (Bartz,

2009; Fleming, 2010; Lin, 2013; Wierwille et al, 2002). Planners, engineers, and policy- makers will need to address the perceived danger of driverless vehicles in their decisions.

By focusing on a fully autonomous, distant future it is my hope that this study will provide a point of comparison for subsequent research. It would be equally valid to study


the more imminent and likely prolonged transition before the above scenario occurs and I encourage others to explore the possible impact on cyclists and pedestrians during this phase as well. Furthermore, I hope that my focus on the distant future is not misconstrued as a sign of impatience or lack of understanding as to the many steps that lay in between. The public’s initial acceptance of driverless vehicles will occur during the transitional period and I understand the need for caution and incremental progress, as one fatal accident involving a driverless vehicle could push public acceptance back for years (O’Donnell and Mitchell, 2013). Regardless, as we look ahead it is imperative that policy makers and planners incorporate a fully autonomous vision into comprehensive and long-range planning efforts.

Research in this nascent field should focus on developing a pedestrian and cyclist level of service in a driverless environment. Literature on how pedestrians and cyclists may react to new traffic control devices, such as Autonomous Intersection Management, should also be established, with guidance from earlier innovative traffic control studies (Hakkert,

2002). Robotics experts and electrical engineers should develop a model that dictates driverless vehicles’ deceleration and stopping distance standards around pedestrians and cyclists based on prior knowledge and environmental inputs such as speed limits, local customs, type of bike and pedestrian facilities present, and volume of pedestrians and cyclists. Deceleration and stopping distance should correlate positively with increased vehicular speeds in any multimodal environment. It is my hope that this research will contribute to a future in which all roadway users may enjoy a convenient, efficient, and


equitable transportation network, one that is an improvement upon the status quo, and one in which we can bring the number of needless traffic fatalities closer to zero.



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Appendix A: Survey Instrument





















Appendix B: Survey Response Rates by Question



Appendix C: Change in Bike Facility Preference by Street Type, Revised

Bike Facilities Preferences Driverless Conditions (%)


39.94 41.53 30.24 20.25 20.11 20.3 12.9 16.28 6.8 2.28 5.65 1.76 1.63 5.7

Street Type 1 Street Type 2 Street Type 3 1. No bike facilities, cyclists share the travel lane with vehicles


2.Wide shoulder, no bike facilities

3.Bike lane directly next to traffic

Figure 13: Change in Bike Facility Preference by Street Type, Choices 5 & 6 Combined


Appendix D: Bike Facilities Generalized Ordered Logit Model

The generalized ordered logit is similar to the ordered logit in that it does assume an intrinsic ordering but it drops the proportional odds assumption and can therefore “fit models that are less restrictive than the proportional odds/parallel-lines models fitted by o[rdered] logit (whose assumptions are often violated) but more parsimonious and interpretable than those fitted by a nonordinal method, such as multinomial logistic regression” (Rogers, 2006)


Table 17: Bike Facilities Generalized Ordered Logit Model

1. No facilities 2. Wide shoulder 3. Bike lane 4. Buffered bike lane Coeff. OR z Coeff. OR z Coeff. OR z Coeff. OR z Street Type 1 -4.05 0.02 -16.34 -3.44 0.03 -19.34 -3.72 0.02 -26.24 -3.09 0.05 -25.84 Street Type 2 -0.13 0.87 -0.42 -0.70 0.50 -3.48 -1.58 0.21 -11.51 -1.98 0.14 -19.08 Driverless Vehicles 0.80 2.22 4.26 0.80 2.22 4.26 0.80 2.22 4.26 0.80 2.22 4.26 Familiarity w/ DV -0.16 0.85 -2.17 -0.17 0.84 -2.42 -0.28 0.76 -4.01 -0.23 0.79 -3.35 Female 0.53 1.69 4.47 0.32 1.38 2.90 0.38 1.46 3.88 0.21 1.24 2.25 31-45 -0.04 0.96 -0.43 -0.04 0.96 -0.43 -0.04 0.96 -0.43 -0.04 0.96 -0.43 46-60 -0.16 0.85 -1.59 -0.16 0.85 -1.59 -0.16 0.85 -1.59 -0.16 0.85 -1.59

135 Over 60 -0.09 0.91 -0.56 -0.09 0.91 -0.56 -0.09 0.91 -0.56 -0.09 0.91 -0.56 Black -0.13 0.88 -0.68 -0.13 0.88 -0.68 -0.13 0.88 -0.68 -0.13 0.88 -0.68 Other 0.73 2.07 5.19 0.73 2.07 5.19 0.73 2.07 5.19 0.73 2.07 5.19 Less than BA 0.69 1.99 3.84 0.54 1.72 3.40 0.73 2.07 5.17 0.31 1.37 2.34 More than BA 0.18 1.20 2.08 0.18 1.20 2.08 0.18 1.20 2.08 0.18 1.20 2.08 Bus 0.25 1.29 1.41 0.25 1.29 1.41 0.25 1.29 1.41 0.25 1.29 1.41 Bike 0.16 1.17 0.84 0.36 1.44 1.99 -0.03 0.97 -0.21 -0.11 0.90 -0.68 Walk -0.50 0.61 -1.80 -0.01 0.99 -0.05 -0.51 0.60 -2.40 -0.44 0.64 -2.14 Intermediate cyclist 0.68 1.96 4.88 0.48 1.61 3.61 0.27 1.30 2.22 0.35 1.42 2.93 Novice cyclist 1.00 2.71 8.60 1.00 2.71 8.60 1.00 2.71 8.60 1.00 2.71 8.60 Constant 2.87 17.68 10.23 2.18 8.89 9.88 1.68 5.37 9.10 0.48 1.62 2.98 LR chi2(41) = 1916.16 Log likelihood = -3329.3 Prob > chi2 = 0.00 Pseudo R2 = 0.22


Appendix E: Other Scenarios

Bike Intersection Features

Responses to the bike intersection features scenario may be somewhat misleading. Two additional options were presented in driverless vehicle conditions that were not available in current conditions: Autonomous Intersection Management (AIM) that only recognizes vehicles, and universal AIM that recognizes any roadway user, including pedestrians and cyclists. Responses are therefore distributed across a wider range of choices under driverless vehicle conditions; nevertheless, these results reveal several important discoveries.


Current Conditions


67.45% 58.27%

34.12% 17.98% 7.61% 6.96% 2.89% 4.72% 2.37% 6.45% 4.87%

Street Type1 Street Type 2 Street Type 3

Unsignalized intersection, shared lanes Signalized intersection, shared lanes Signalized intersection, separate lanes No Preference

Driverless Conditions


41.60% 40.72% 35.51% 28.07% 21.20% 16.93% 12.40% 9.88% 9.08% 6.00% 5.21% 1.87% 1.07% 3.74% 0.80%2.41% 4.01%

Street Type1 Street Type 2 Street Type 3 Unsignalized intersection, shared lanes Signalized intersection, shared lanes Signalized intersection, separate lanes Intersection equipped with car-only AIM technology

Figure 14: Change in Bike Intersection Features Preference by Street Type


Respondents exhibited a clear preference for more segregated and controlled environments with driverless vehicles present. Although it ranked first in both conditions, unsignalized intersections, shared lanes29 saw a significant drop in popularity for Street Type 1 with an increased preference for separation in driverless conditions. For

Street Type 2, 75 percent of respondents preferred signalized intersection, separate lanes and universal AIM, rising to 88 percent for Street Type 3.

Respondents preferred unsignalized intersections, shared lanes for Street Type 1 in both conditions (68 percent for current conditions, 42 percent for driverless). For Street Types

2 and 3, less than 3 percent of respondents selected unsignalized intersection in both conditions. Respondents ranked signalized intersection, shared lanes second for Street

Type 2 in current conditions, at 34 percent. Under driverless conditions, it was ranked a distant third, at only 10 percent. It ranked fourth for Street Types 1 and 3 under driverless conditions.

Under current conditions, signalized intersection, separate lanes ranked progressively higher as vehicular speed, traffic volume, and street width increased, ranking second, and first, for Street Types 1 and 2 respectively, and with 86 percent for Street Type 3. Under driverless vehicle conditions, it came in second for all street types, with a distant 21

29 Particularly long answer choices to bike intersection features and pedestrian crossing behavior are truncated for the purposes of this discussion. For a listing of verbatim choices, refer to Table 6. 138

percent in Street Type 1, a close 36 percent in Street Type 2, and dropping off to a very distant (half the percent of the first choice) 28 percent in Street Type 3. The reason for this drop may be attributed to the additional choices in driverless conditions that were not available for current conditions.

Intersection equipped with AIM technology that only recognizes driverless vehicles came in last for Street Type 1, a distant fourth for Street Type 2, and a distant third for Street

Type 3. It received 1.87 percent, 9.08 percent, and 5.21 percent, respectively. Universal

AIM ranked third for Street Type 1, and first for Street Types 2 and 3.

Under current conditions, there is a clear progression from preferring unstructured to structured bike facilities as vehicular speed, traffic volume, and street width increase: unsignalized intersection for Street Type 1, and signalized intersection, separate lanes for Street Types 2 and 3. In driverless vehicle conditions, unsignalized intersection still ranks first in Street Type 1, but signalized intersection, separate lanes and universal AIM are the most preferred facilities, coming in second and first, respectively, for both Street

Types 2 and 3.

Pedestrian Crossing Behavior

A first glance, preferences for the pedestrian crossing scenario look very similar in both conditions. Jaywalk with no crossing facilities and no traffic came in first for Street Type

1, with 93 percent and 83 percent for current and driverless conditions, respectively. 139

Responses for Street Type 2 saw virtually no change across conditions. Use crossing facility, obey signal (or wait for gap) ranked first, jaywalk at crossing facility in traffic ranked second, and jaywalk with no crossing facilities and no traffic ranked third. In

Street Type 3, use crossing facility, obey signal (or wait for gap) ranked first, with 89 percent and 78 percent for current and driverless conditions, respectively.

In driverless conditions on quiet residential streets respondents are less likely to jaywalk with no crossing facilities and no oncoming traffic. They are more likely to use a crossing facility and either jaywalk in front of oncoming traffic or wait for their turn to cross. On busy arterial roads, the reverse seems to hold true. Respondents are less likely to wait for their turn and obey traffic signals and more likely to either cross in front of oncoming traffic at a designated facility or cross with no facility and no traffic. The results’ implications are discussed in Chapter 6.


Driverless Conditions

83.02% 78.35%

46.87% 29.00% 24.13% 11.62% 6.81% 10.17% 10.03%

Street Type1 Street Type 2 Street Type 3

Jaywalk, no crossing facilities, no traffic Jaywalk at crossing facility in traffic Use crossing facility, obey signal (or wait for gap)

Current Conditions

92.59% 88.51%

45.94% 30.00% 24.06%

2.47% 4.94% 5.35% 6.14%

Street Type1 Street Type 2 Street Type 3

Jaywalk, no crossing facilities, no traffic Jaywalk at crossing facility in traffic Use crossing facility, obey signal (or wait for gap)

Figure 15: Change in Pedestrian Crossing Behavior by Street Type


Pedestrian Facilities

No pedestrian facilities was very unpopular, scoring less than 2 percent on Street Types 2 and 3, both current and driverless conditions, and roughly 10 percent on Street Type 1 for both conditions. Sidewalk, no separation was progressively less preferred as vehicular speed, traffic volume, and street width increased, scoring roughly the same under both conditions for each street type. It came in a distant second for Street Type 1 in both conditions, third for Street Type 2, current conditions, fourth for Street Type 2, driverless conditions, and second to last for Street Type 3 in both conditions.

Sidewalk, landscaped buffer ranked first under Street Types 1 and 2 in both conditions, with over 50 percent, and second for Street Type 3 in both conditions. Under both conditions, sidewalk, fenced buffer came in third for Street Type 3, a distant second for

Street Type 2, and fourth for Street Type 1. The preference for a landscaped and buffered sidewalk corroborates earlier research showing that pedestrians prefer separated facilities that maintain connectivity to the roadway network (Nuworsoo and Cooper,


Skywalk came in sixth for Street type 1, fourth for Street Type 2 and first for Street Type

3 in current conditions. In driverless conditions it came in fifth, fourth, and first for Street

Types 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Subway came in fifth for Street Types 1 and 2 and fourth 142

for Street Type 3 in current conditions. In driverless conditions it ranked sixth, fifth, and

fourth for Street Types 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Respondents prefer grade-separated

facilities on busy roads only if they are above-ground.

Current Conditions

66.14% 51.03%

32.84% 27.29% 28.01%25.94% 13.43% 10.34% 8.19% 7.50% 7.00% 4.14% 4.53% 2.86% 2.86% 1.28%1.38% 0.69% 1.18% 1.58%1.78%

Street Type1 Street Type 2 Street Type 3

No Pedestrian Facilities Sidewalk, No Separation Sidewalk, Landscaped Buffer Sidewalk, Fenced Buffer Skywalk Subway No Preference

Driverless Conditions

58.40% 51.58% 35.67% 30.14% 25.15% 19.37% 14.33% 9.27% 8.79% 12.15% 5.42% 3.75% 3.36% 6.72% 2.56%2.27% 1.38% 1.78%3.16% 1.68% 3.06%

Street Type1 Street Type 2 Street Type 3

No Pedestrian Facilities Sidewalk, No Separation Sidewalk, Landscaped Buffer Sidewalk, Fenced Buffer Skywalk Subway No Preference

Figure 16: Change in Pedestrian Facility Preference by Street Type


Appendix F: Pedestrian Facilities Models

Table 18: Pedestrian Facilities Ordered Logit Model

Variable Coef. OR z

Street Type 1 -3.23 0.04 -36.74 Street Type 2 -1.65 0.19 -22.67 Driverless Vehicles 0.46 1.58 3.33 Familiarity with DV -0.14 0.87 -2.74 Female 0.13 1.14 2.14 31-45 0.07 1.07 0.86 46-60 0.18 1.20 2.38 Over 60 0.28 1.32 2.31 Black 0.11 1.12 0.80 Other 0.20 1.23 2.00 Less than BA 0.14 1.15 1.57 More than BA 0.08 1.09 1.20 Bus -0.44 0.64 -3.39 Bike -0.56 0.57 -4.94 Walk -0.27 0.76 -2.05 Intermediate pedestrian 0.45 1.57 6.83 Novice pedestrian 0.86 2.37 7.01 Cut 1 -5.12 Cut 2 -3.34 Cut 3 -0.23 Cut 4 0.81 Cut 5 2.96

LR chi2(17) = 1812.18 Prob > chi2 = 0.00 Log likelihood = -5526.45 Pseudo R2 = 0.14


Table 19: Pedestrian Facilities Brant Test Results

Variable chi2 p>chi2

All 434.39 0.00 Street Type 1 98.44 0.00 Street Type 2 51.68 0.00 Driverless Vehicles 4.84 0.30 Familiarity with DV 4.41 0.35 Female 14.70 0.01 31-45 8.59 0.07 46-60 23.87 0.00 Over 60 40.49 0.00 Black 16.79 0.00 Other 5.02 0.29 Less than BA 26.98 0.00 More than BA 8.20 0.09 Bus 12.13 0.02 Bike 24.49 0.00 Walk 7.92 0.10 Intermediate 18.56 0.00 pedestrian Novice pedestrian 28.64 0.00


Table 20: Pedestrian Facilities Multinomial Logit Model 2. Buffered 3. Buffered 1. Sidewalk sidewalk sidewalk 4. Skywalk 5. Subway no separation landscaped fence Variable Coef. z Coef. z Coef. z Coef. z Coef. z Street Type 1 0.48 1.60 -1.42 -5.58 -3.74 -13.38 -5.13 -16.34 -3.62 -10.87 Street Type 2 1.95 4.51 1.49 3.76 0.16 0.40 -0.74 -1.84 -1.03 -2.26 Driverless Vehicles -0.27 -0.65 -0.12 -0.32 0.35 0.83 0.67 1.59 0.36 0.67 Familiarity with DV 0.13 0.81 0.06 0.40 -0.15 -0.92 -0.15 -0.91 -0.07 -0.35 Female -0.30 -1.56 -0.01 -0.03 -0.05 -0.23 0.19 0.93 -0.37 -1.45

14 31-45 0.35 1.33 0.59 2.33 0.62 2.24 0.50 1.79 0.18 0.47


46-60 -0.54 -2.34 0.00 -0.01 0.21 0.90 -0.18 -0.75 0.46 1.47 Over 60 -1.60 -4.96 -0.96 -3.43 -0.56 -1.75 -0.85 -2.58 0.11 0.26 Black -0.71 -2.08 -0.84 -2.77 -0.82 -2.33 -0.47 -1.37 0.15 0.36 Other -0.32 -1.06 -0.22 -0.76 -0.17 -0.55 0.12 0.39 0.43 1.12 Less than BA -0.20 -0.85 -0.52 -2.39 -0.30 -1.21 -0.11 -0.46 0.66 2.02 More than BA 0.59 2.73 0.59 2.91 0.59 2.67 0.59 2.60 0.86 2.79 Bus 0.22 0.57 0.14 0.40 -0.84 -1.94 -0.51 -1.23 -1.15 -1.82 Bike -0.21 -0.62 -0.02 -0.07 -0.67 -1.88 -1.65 -4.05 -1.50 -2.47 Walk 0.84 1.88 0.72 1.67 0.40 0.85 0.08 0.17 0.41 0.74 Intermediate pedestrian -0.50 -2.48 -0.21 -1.11 0.33 1.63 0.42 2.04 0.68 2.66 Novice pedestrian -1.52 -3.43 -0.10 -0.29 0.42 1.17 0.98 2.74 0.75 1.64 Constant 1.01 2.65 3.02 8.96 2.65 7.36 2.83 7.83 0.83 1.82

LR chi2(85) = 2172.83 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 Log likelihood = -5346.1242 Pseudo R2 = 0.1689


Appendix G: Mode Choice in Four Driverless Environments

Most of the survey material required answers from a cyclist’s or pedestrian’s perspective;

however, one question addressed the issue of mode choice in a driverless world, leaving

the question of which mode to take up to the respondent. Three urban environments were

described, each one with a different transportation network:

Environment 1 Environment 2 Environment 3 Urban environment with a Urban environment with a Urban environment in which network of bridges (sky walks network of pedestrian and large sections of a city are and cycle tracks) raised above cyclist subways or tunnels pedestrian and cyclist-only vehicular traffic underneath vehicular traffic plazas and green spaces

The question included a fourth environment, to provide a point of comparison: “The

neighborhood in which you currently live, the only difference being that all vehicles on

the road are driverless.” The survey asked respondents which of the following modes

they would use most often for a one mile trip in each scenario: private driverless vehicle,

driverless transit, walk, or bike30.

30 The survey only specified the length of the hypothetical trip, not the purpose or destination, which would have introduced too many factors. Respondents could have been thinking about a trip to the grocery store, their commutes to work, trips for exercise, leisure, or a combination of the above. 147



36.39% 34.54% 29.93% 30.55% 26.86% 24.52% 22.74%

16.78% 14.96% 15.65% 13.65% 13.42% 9.37% 9.75%

Environment 1 Environment 2 Environment 3 Environment 4

Private driverless vehicle Driverless transit Walk Bike

Figure 17: Mode Choice in Four Different Driverless Environments

In Environment 1 almost half the respondents opted to walk, a quarter chose to bike, and the remainder was split roughly evenly between private vehicle and transit (both driverless). In Environment 2 transit and walking each received about 30 percent, biking remained fairly steady, and driverless transit gained about three points, from 14 percent to 17 percent. In Environment 3 over half the sample chose to walk and over a quarter chose to bike. Private vehicle and transit received about 10 percent each. Finally, in

Environment 4, 36 percent of respondents chose private vehicle, followed closely by walking. Transit and biking were split roughly evenly for the remaining 30 percent.


The results clearly indicate that in the first three environments respondents prefer walking, biking, and transit, in that order, over private vehicles. Overall, walking was the most preferred mode, ranking first in every scenario except Environment 4, where it came in a close second. Biking held mostly steady for the first three environments but dropped in Environment 4. Out of all the environments, transit was most popular in

Environment 2, nearly tied with walking, and least popular in Environment 3. Private driverless vehicle gained by far the most votes in Environment 4, the respondent’s current neighborhood. Several factors may explain this result. The first three scenarios are idealized, futuristic environments with highly separated and aesthetically pleasing

(perhaps with the exception of tunnels) bike and pedestrian infrastructure. In reality, approximately 80 percent of respondents use a car or other private vehicle as their primary mode of transportation for most trips. When thinking about their actual neighborhoods, their daily routines likely informed their responses. Since most of them use a private vehicle, they may have assumed that would continue to be the case in a driverless environment. Considering that most people drive, walking received surprisingly high scores in the other three environments. Only seven percent of respondents walk for most of their trips, yet 34 percent of them chose to walk in

Environment 4. Possibly, respondents would prefer to walk in an ideal world with no safety, time, or other constraints. Perhaps some respondents live in what they consider to be an “unwalkable” area where land use and transportation infrastructure necessitate the use of private vehicles. Spatial data was obtained by asking respondents the names of the two streets that intersect closest to their homes. Future research could map out


respondents’ locations and compare survey results to neighborhood walkability scores and other indices to clarify what factors are at play.

In a driverless environment, elevating non-motorized users above motorized traffic would reduce vehicular travel time by removing conflict points from the road network and increase pedestrian and cyclist safety. Although walking and biking were the most popular choices in this environment, elevating these modes above-grade is not necessarily the best option. Chapter 5 discusses some exceptions to this rule.

It is doubtful that any of these scenarios will fully come to pass. Rather, a mélange of attributes from each environment will likely evolve to varying extents depending on political, technological, financial, environmental, and other factors. Nevertheless, it is instructive to have at least a general idea of people’s mode choice and travel behavior in each scenario.