KEY FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE INDEPENDENT MONITORING OF COVERAGE IN ONLINE MEDIA AND THE SOCIAL NETWORK FACEBOOK OF THE 2020 LOCAL ELECTORAL CAMPAIGN IN UKRAINE Rivne region Chernihiv region Volyn region Zhytomyr region Sumy region Lviv region Kyiv region Zakarpattia region Luhansk region* Vinnytsia region Chernivtsi region Donetsk region* Kyiv-2020 KEY FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE INDEPENDENT MONITORING OF COVERAGE IN ONLINE MEDIA AND THE SOCIAL NETWORK FACEBOOK OF THE 2020 LOCAL ELECTORAL CAMPAIGN IN UKRAINE Diana Dutsyk, Olga Yurkova, Design and cover by Yelyzaveta Kuzmenko, LLC Event Envoy Oleksandr Burmahin Graphics: This publication was produced with the financial maps/ukraine, support of the European Union and the Council of Europe. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of either party. © Council of Europe, December 2020. All rights reserved. The reproduction of extracts (up to 500 words) is Licensed to the European Union authorised, except for commercial purposes as long under conditions. as the integrity of the text is preserved, the excerpt is not used out of context, does not provide incomplete information or does not otherwise mislead the reader This publication was elaborated as to the nature, scope or content of the text. The within the framework of the source text must always be acknowledged as follows Project “EU and Council of “© Council of Europe, year of the publication”. Europe working together to support freedom of media in Ukraine” that is aimed to All other requests concerning the reproduction/ enhance the role of media, translation of all or part of the document, its freedom and safety, and should be addressed to the Directorate of the public broadcaster as an Communications, Council of Europe instrument for consensus (F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex or
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