Esta lista solo existe en inglés. Cette liste n’existe qu’en anglais List of Participants 4 – 8 November 2002 SPECIAL INVITED PARTICIPANT Hon. Fiame Naomi Mata’afa Tel: (685) 22958 Minister of Education Fax: (685) 22955 Government Building A pia, Samoa Cook Islands Ms Ngatuaine Maui Tel: (682) 20725 Anthropologist Fax: (682) 23725 Ministry of Cultural Development
[email protected] Rarotonga Cook Islands Fiji Mr Isireli Senibulu Tel: (679) 3220415 or 3220405 Secretary General Fax: (679) 3303511 Fiji National Commission for UNESCO email:
[email protected] Marela House Suva, Fiji Kiribati Mr Timau Tira Tel: (686) 28091 Secretary to National Commission for Kiribati Fax: (686) 28222 Ministry of Education, Training & Tech Tarawa Ms Kateata Binoka Tel: (686) 28951 EFA Coordinator Fax: (686) 28222 Ministry of Education Tarawa, Kiribati Marshall Islands Ms Brenda Alik Maddison Tel: (692) 625 5262 625 7594 Assistant Secretary of Education Fax: (692) 625 3861 Ministry of Education Email:
[email protected] P.O.Box 263 1 Majuro, MH 96960 Nauru Ms Ella Cain Tel: (674) 4443133 Ext. 275 Education Officer, Ministry of Education Fax: (674) 4443718 Yaren District Email:
[email protected] Republic of Nauru New Zealand Hon. Margaret Austin Tel: (644) 473 5536 (office) Chairperson Tel: (644) 643 358 8687 (home) New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO Fax: (644) 473 5518 (office) C/- Ministry of Education Fax: (643) 358 5167 (home) P.O. Box 1666 email:
[email protected] Wellington, New Zealand Ms Elizabeth Rose Tel: (644) 473 5523 Secretary-General Fax: (644) 473 5518 New Zealand Commission for UNESCO email:
[email protected] C/- Ministry of Education P.O.Box 1666 Wellington, New Zealand Niue Hon.