The History of Scotland from the Accession of Alexander III. to The
i^ Hi^^i'''^''-"iii 1 i I'-n iiP PP piilliiHHiiiw "ill !ii;iilsi;ii;si iii ipiJliiiiHjiiiijli .luiimlu'iiiiiip Columbia ©nitiersfitp ^ in tf}e Citp of i^eto |9orfe LIBRARY HISTORY OF SCOTLAND. / l6 THE HISTORY OF SCOTLAND, ACCESSION OF ALEXANDER III. TO THE UNION. BY PATRICK FRASER TYTLER, F.R.S.E. AND F.A.S. NEW EDITION. IN TEN VOLUMES. VOL. IV. EDINBURGH: WILLIAM P. NIMMO. 1866 MUKKAY ASD GIBB, PRDJTERS, EDINBURGH. CONTENTS OF THE FOURTH VOLUME. CHAP. I. JAMES THE SECOND. 1436-1460. Relative situation of the nobility and the crown, after the assas sination of James the First, lietreat of the queen-mother to Edinburgh castle, Coronation of James the Second, A truce concluded with England, The young king secretly conveyed from Edinburgh castle to Stirling, Siege of Edinburgh castle by the Earl of Livingston, Marriage of the queen-mother with Sir James Stewart, The king carried off, by Crichton, to Edinburgh castle. Distress of the people occasioned by the feuds of the nobles, Turbulent conduct of William, sixth Earl of Douglas, His execution in Edinburgh castle along with his brother David, bl Friendly relations between Scotland and England, . 33 Exorbitant power of Williajn, eighth Earl of Douglas, . 36 Feud between the Craw&rds and Ogilvies, . .49 Sagacious and determined policy of the young king towards the nobles, . .' 52 Border feuds, 55 Marriage of the king and Mary of Gueldres, . .59 Vigorous proceedings of the king against the turbulent nobility, GO Important parliamentary enactments, 64 Determination of the Earl of Douglas to maintain his power, .
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