Society for Freshwater Science 2016-17 Annual Reports from Standing Committees
Society for Freshwater Science 2016-17 Annual Reports from Standing Committees Finance Committee Report for 2016 Calendar Year Committee membership Kim Haag - Chair (appointed) Mike Swift (Treasurer) Irwin Polls (Journal Bus Mgr, non-voting) Dave Strayer (Past President) Matt Whiles (President) Emily Bernhardt (President Elect) Betsy Colburn (appointed) Anna Hamilton (appointed) The Society for Freshwater Science (SFS) ended 2016 in sound financial condition, with adequate operational income to meet operational expenses, and sufficient assets to provide a strong financial reserve against unanticipated events. The total revenue for SFS was $93,972, including dues ($70,694), awards income ($1,140), miscellaneous income ($56), and interest and dividends on the Investment Account ($22,075) and the Checking Account ($7). Operating expenses ($52,490) and SFS direct expenses at the annual meeting ($7,279) totaled $59,769, resulting in a positive balance of $34,203 for 2016. The profit from the 2016 Annual Meeting in Sacramento, CA was $30,298, after allocations to the various committees. The annual meeting profit was made available in equal parts to the Special Projects Fund ($15,149) and the Strategic Plan Initiatives Fund ($15,149). A total of $7,522 was spent from the Special Projects (Presidential Discretionary) Fund in 2016 on requests approved by the President. A total of $22,190 was spent on Strategic Plan Initiatives authorized by the Long-Range Planning Committee. The cash assets for SFS at the end of 2016 were $675,219, including the Checking Account ($82,345) and the Investment Account ($592,874). This includes the money set aside for use by the various special funds and committees (Student Resources Committee, Conservation and Environmental Issues Committee, Technical Issues Committee, Special Projects Fund, and Strategic Plan Initiatives Fund), which had a combined balance of $84,171.
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