ONE BELT ONE ROAD: SHOULD NIGERIA SIEVE THE CHINESE BENEVO- LENCE, OR ACCEPT IT AS A FREE LUNCH? ARAŞTIRMA MAKALESİ R. A. Lukman QUADRI National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies Kuru near Jos, Plateau State. Nigeria
[email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-1352-030X Gönderim Tarihi: 06.05.2020 Kabul Tarihi: 30.05.2020 Alıntı: QUADRI, L. (2020). One Belt One Road: Should Nigeria Sieve the Chinese Benevolence, or Accept It as a Free Lunch. AHBV Akdeniz Havzası ve Afrika Medeniyetleri Dergisi, 2(1),43-77. ABSTRACT: With the BRI according to its initiator ‘China’, claimed that it is a win-win deal. However, the findings of this scientific study brought to the fore that it is not a win-win but a visually and mentally appealing subterfuge, especially when viewed through a modernisation theoretical prism. The BRI occupied the warmest space in the heart of African leaders and the AU, as it is evident in the presence the of the African Heads of State, and the core technocrats of the African Union (AU) in the third Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). Central to the attendance of the African leaders at the summit is the unanimous conjecture, better said, hope that the OBOR would translate to economic prosperity and speedy infrastructural growth. In the view of the African leaders, the OBOR loan is a better alternative compared to the ones offered by the Western axis. However, it is a typology of loan that takes away the power of the sovereign to decide what the loan would be used for, and equally thickens the chain of dependency in multiple folds.