Revue Rezai.Pdf
MOVEMENT DISORDERS SURGERY FOR MOVEMENT DISORDERS Ali R. Rezai, M.D. Center for Neurological Restoration, and MOVEMENT DISORDERS, SUCH as Parkinson’s disease, tremor, and dystonia, are Department of Neurosurgery, among the most common neurological conditions and affect millions of patients. Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio Although medications are the mainstay of therapy for movement disorders, neurosurgery has played an important role in their management for the past 50 years. Surgery is now Andre G. Machado, M.D., Ph.D. a viable and safe option for patients with medically intractable Parkinson’s disease, Center for Neurological Restoration, and essential tremor, and dystonia. In this article, we provide a review of the history, neuro- Department of Neurosurgery, Cleveland Clinic, circuitry, indication, technical aspects, outcomes, complications, and emerging neuro- Cleveland, Ohio surgical approaches for the treatment of movement disorders. KEY WORDS: Deep brain stimulation, Dystonia, Essential tremor, Globus pallidus pars interna, Movement Milind Deogaonkar, M.D. disorders, Parkinson’s disease, Stereotaxis, Subthalamic nucleus, Ventralis intermedius nucleus Center for Neurological Restoration, and Department of Neurosurgery, Neurosurgery 62[SHC Suppl 2]:SHC809–SHC839, 2008 DOI: 10.1227/01.NEU.0000297003.12598.B9 Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio Hooman Azmi, M.D. Historical Perspective predominantly limited to thalamotomy (8, Center for Neurological Restoration, and arious surgical approaches, such as 115–117, 149, 167, 254, 275, 343) for the treat- Department of Neurosurgery, resection, lesioning, stimulation, and ment of tremor and pallidotomy and thalamo- Cleveland Clinic, tomy for dystonia (224, 341, 371, 383). PD sur- Cleveland, Ohio others, have been used to treat patients V gery was rarely performed during this time.
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