The eighton ews L April 2015 NNumber 292

Some of the faces behind the names of those who were instrumental in developing the Leighton estate and village over three centuries: Clockwise from left: John Naylor as a young man Christopher Leyland Thomas Leyland John Naylor in later life Senator Rupert Davies

More information about John Naylor and Thomas Leyland on page 6

The deadline for the May edition of The Leighton News is Thursday 23rd April Please send your copy to: JENNY SANDERS 01938 559562 [email protected] or ALLAN SMITH 01938 553598 [email protected]

This month’s issue of The Leighton News is kindly sponsored by

ALEXANDERS OF to whom we are very grateful. Please see the back page for a message from our sponsor 2 Services at Leighton and in April and May

Date Day Church Time Service Priest/ Leader

5th Easter Day Leighton 9.30am Holy Eric Brazier April Communion

Treylstan 3.00pm Family Service Wardens

th nd 12 2 of Easter Leighton 11.15am Family Service Eric Brazier April

3rd 5th of Easter Leighton 9.30am Holy To be May Communion announced

Trelystan 3.00pm Pet Service Wardens

th th 10 6 of Easter Leighton 11.15am Family Service To be May announced th th 17 7 of Easter Leighton 6.30pm Evensong Eric Brazier May

st 31 Trinity Group Service 10am Holy John May Sunday at Marton. Communion Daniels Celebration of the new roof.

SIDESMEN FOR APRIL: TONY AND JANE WALTON ALTAR FLOWERS AND BRASS CLEANING: JENNY AND DAVID SANDERS 3 Holy Trinity Church The Church will be holding its formal AGM immediately after the Morning Service at 11.15am on Sunday 12 th April. At this meeting the PCC and the two Church Wardens for 2015/16 are appointed together with the Sidesmen, and the Annual Report and Accounts for 2014 are presented. Please do join us and have a say on the management of your Village Church. John Markwick and James Evans Church Wardens

The Rev Robert Leach You will all have heard that Robert suffered a heart attack on Sunday 22 nd February. The system worked well and he was whisked off to Stoke, where he was operated on immediately. He had recovered enough to return to Chirbury on 26 th February. Now he has to take things easy whilst also taking light exercise, like walking around Chirbury. Robert would like to thank everyone who has asked about his health, have sent him get well cards and offered transport. The saga does not end here for the Leaches. Janet had a new knee fitted on Wednesday 18 th March at Gobowen Hospital, Oswestry, and their daughter Amy has taken time off work to look after them. I know that they will be house -bound for a while so any offer of transport would be of great help. Any message on their answer phone will be responded to. If any one wishes to speak to a priest please let me know or speak to the Rural Dean, Reverend Margaret Jones at Pontesbury. Her telephone number is 01743792221. John Markwick

Saturday 18th April — An Evening with Churchyard Cleaning Day Alan Herbert Spring is nearly here, and it is time with light supper for the churchyard clear -up Friday 17th April 15 after the winter. 8 ll Late If you could spare some time between 9.30a.m. and 12.00 Marton Village Hall you will be very welcome. Tickets £10 in advance Do come along —we look forward Ticket from Welshpool Jewellers, to seeing you there Laura Yapp and Yvonne Evans:


£12 on the door In aid of Trelystan Church



Leighton Recreaon Commiee would like to say a big thank you to all of you who called in to share a drink with us at the Pop-Up Pub night at the Village Hall.

Your thirst for Welsh beer, Welsh Cider Tony, Robin and Simon doing 3-part harmonies. Sadly, Tony was the spare part! and fizzy white wine exceeded our esmates (we shall have more next me…). The quiz went well and everyone enjoyed their Welsh snacks. But we did keep the best unl last and if you went home aer the quiz then you missed the singing. We were fully connected into the village hall’s impressive sound system with guitar, mouth organ and vocals.

We raised over £400, which is going to go towards our sports pitch on the piece of ground between the village hall and the new farm screening bund.


Ed Tuffin entertaining us all. The recreaon commiee will be geng busier, the hedge has gone and our piece of ground now has an extension. We now have the work to do, finding some money and deciding what exactly we need to build. If you have any opinions, ideas or suggesons then please share them with us.

There should be another pub evening soon.

A few of the customers. 6 John Naylor of Leighton Hall

This picture of John Naylor, the man who built not only Leighton Hall as we know it, but also the church, the school, the model farm and much of the village, is taken from recently updated material on the internet. It shows him as a young man, who had just taken over the reins of the Leighton estate from his uncle, Thomas Leyland, (see below) who had made him a gift of Leighton Hall.

The second picture shows John Naylor in later life, in about 1873, when many public honours had come his way as a result of the vast investment he had made in the local .

By the time this second portrait was made, the official return of owners of land showed that John Naylor owned an estimated 9,275 acres of land in , with an estimated annual rental of £12,594.

In 1776, Thomas Leyland, his generous uncle, had won £20,000 in the state lottery with a business partner, which enabled him to expand his shipping concern. He was actively engaged in the slave trade. In 1798 his slave ship “Lottery” made a profit of more than £12,000 on a single voyage, an amount equivalent to more than £900,000 today. With another nephew he set up a private bank, Leyland and Bullins, and was able to become a powerful backer of the slave business between Liverpool, West Africa and the Caribbean.

He served as Lord Mayor of Liverpool three times between 1798 and 1820. He was not alone in having a close connection to slavery: by 1787, 37 of the 41 members of the Liverpool Council were involved in some way in the slave trade. In fact, all 20 Lord Mayors who held office between 1787 and 1807 had similar business interests. When Thomas Leyland died in 1827 he was one of the wealthiest men in the country. Leyland and Bullins Bank continued in business until 1908, when it was taken over by the Midland Bank. 7 Happy Easter

from Leighton Village Hall

Thank you to everyone who supported the recent Coffee Club morning. As well as having an enjoyable chat, a great coffee and croissants, we raised over £100. Special thanks to Sarah Garratt for her wonderful singing throughout the morning.

REMEMBER Leighton Village Hall is now fully licenced so please book early for your parties, family get togethers and events. Your hall for you to use! Tel:0785 410 3058 or e-mail [email protected]

'Love your Playground' clear up . David, Rachel and Dave & Zac did a great job clearing the debris and scrubbing the decks. Also thanks to Peter Glazebrook, Rob Jones and Martin Dyson who have all helped with repair issues recently. Thanks to you all.

The Coffee Club on Saturday 9th May 10.00am —12.00 There will be a gardening theme to this Coffee Club. Please come along with plants to swap or sell (in aid of Village Hall funds). If you have a gardening business which you would like to advertise please ring 555458. This will be a good opportunity for keen gardeners to get together and find out what gardening services are available locally. More details about the Garden Trail on June 6th will be advertised too. Draw prizes gratefully received. All the usual Coffee Club ingredients will be there —cafetiere coffee, croissants, crumpets, music, and good company. We are working on Sarah to entertain us with flower/garden themes! See you there. 8 Leighton Community News

Good Luck to our Leighton Legend Our thoughts are with the family of Haydn Jones when he runs in the David Jones whose funeral was held London Marathon later this month. in Leighton recently. David was born It will be the 11 th time Haydn has and grew up at Church House, Trelystan, competed in this particular marathon where his parents still live. We send out over 25 years ,which is quite an best wishes to all David’s family at what achievement in itself. must be such a sad time for you all.

Happy 70 ththth Birthday to Phil Mills , Get well soon to Vicar Robert who is who celebrated this big birthday with recuperating in Chirbury. We all look a small sherry a couple of weeks ago. forward to his return fit and well in the Phil, renowned for his temperance coming months; and best wishes also tendencies, was dragged against his to Janet. wishes to take part in wild celebrations in the Compass. He and Barb were also celebrating their 50th Wedding Congratulations to James and Anniversary so it was ‘cheers’ all round. Helen Griffiths , now of Trewern but Congratulations to you both. formerly of Pentre Farm, on their recent wedding at . We wish them every happiness in the Wonderful to hear that Tom Evans future. is making a steady recovery from his recent operation, and we all look forward to seeing him out with his dog Sadly Rees Davies has recently Toby once the sun starts shining. passed away. Our thoughts and fond Get well soon Tom, we all miss seeing wishes go to Marge, Jonathan, Jayne you around the village. and the boys. Rees has been such an important part of Leighton life over so many decades and will be greatly to Becky ( nee Congratulations missed by us all. Walton) and Rob Smith on the birth of their baby daughter Willow Erin , a sister to Hattie and Zara and most importantly, making Chris and Terry doting And finally, Congratulations grandparents once again. to Bert Jones , who on April 30th will reach the magnificent age of 95. We hope you have a wonderful day, Bert. 9 Hello everybody from Offa Class at Leighton C.P.School !

We have been very busy this term learning about Houses and Homes all around the World. Here are some pictures showing what we have been up to!

Making pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. We really Having fun working together to make a mud house. enjoyed tasng these with a range of toppings! We also made a tent and a brick house.

A workshop with the storyteller Millie Jackdaw Making Welsh Cakes for the parents on on World Book Day. St David's Day.

Looking at the solar eclipse through a colander Learning about India - looking at pictures and real clothes! A note from the Deputy Headteacher I would like to thank Mr Ian Corke who donated the Leighton School banner that is so proudly displayed outside our school! We are very grateful for all the connuing support that we receive from parents and members of the community. We are currently collecng Sainsburys vouchers, any donaons gratefully received. If you are able to volunteer some me to help with reading or to help run an aer-school club, please contact the school on 01938 553261. 10 NATIONAL GARDENS SCHEME LOCAL GARDENS OPEN FOR CHARITY

Spring is here and the 2015 National Gardens Scheme is underway. With your help last year The National Gardens Scheme donated £2.5 million pounds to Marie Curie, Macmillan, Help the Hospices and other caring charities of which £13,000 was raised here in North – an increase of £3,000 on 2014. Thank you so much for your support. Discover more at or pick up our new 2015 Powys leaflet at your local library. Sunday 12 April 2 -5pm Maesfron Hall,Trewern, Welshpool SY21 8EA Open 2 -5pm Admission £4 children free. Georgian house (partly open) built in Italian villa style set in 4 acres of South facing gardens on lower slopes of Moel -y-Golfa with panoramic views of The Long Mountain. Terraces, walled kitchen garden, tropical garden, restored Victorian conservatories, tower and shell grotto. Woodland and parkland walks with wide variety of trees. Some gravel, steps and slopes. Homemade teas. Saturday 25 & Sunday 26 April 1 Church Bank, Welshpool SY21 7DR Open 12 -5pm Admission £3 children free Visitors also welcome by arrangement Apr to Sept min group 6. A jewel in the town, Gothic arch over a zigzag path leads to exotic arbours in the intimate rear garden of an old town house. Sounds of water fill the air and interesting plants fill the outdoor space. Inside garden room well established with mystic pool with smoking dragons. Shell grotto with water feature and sitting area. Children’s garden quiz. Featured in Garden News. Saturday 2 May and Sunday 3 May Tan -y-Lllyn, SY22 6YB Open 2 -5pm . Admission £3.50 children free Visitors also welcome by arrangement April to October The garden sits on the side of Broniarth Hill above the Vyrnwy Valley. Shrubs and perennials border the grass paths running along the contours: wild hedges are punctuated with porthole views before merging into the surrounding woodland. The garden hovers between clipped control and barely tamed nature. 20 years of summer events will be celebrated in May with an exhibition “Artists Retrospective” – works by artists exhibiting at Tan y Llyn 1995 to 2015. Homemade teas and plants for sale.

Susan See -Paynton Assistant County Organiser 01686 650531

FORDEN WITH LEIGHTON AND TRELYSTAN COMMUNITY COUNCIL A vacancy for a Community Councillor will be arising soon and anyone who may be interested in applying for the vacancy when it is adversed, is welcome to contact the Chair (Linda Corfield 01938 580725) or the Clerk (Mal Hewi 01938 580121) for an informal discussion.

The Community Council (CC) has recently been contacted by Mr. Clark of , a local historian of war memorials. Mr. Clark has sent details of Mr. Charlie Wood, son of Mary Jane Wood of 5 Pentre, Leighton, Welshpool. Mr. Wood was killed during the 2 nd World War whilst engaged in war work as a fireman in Liverpool. He is recorded on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission roll of casualties, and is buried in Liverpool County Borough Cemetery. It is suggested Mr. Wood be commemorated locally for his war work, maybe by erecting a small plaque. If anyone wishes to comment or seek further information regarding commemoration, please contact Community Council Clerk, Mal Hewitt 580121 or Chair, Linda Corfield 580725.

LEIGHTON SCHOOL : Councillors are more than happy to support the retention of Leighton Primary School and a letter is to be sent to in support of keeping the school open. Councillor Corfield agreed to draft such a letter.

CILCEWYDD ROAD : Once again Powys County Council is to be contacted about the state of this road during frosty weather. 11

The Leighton News has received kind donations this month from Mrs.Margaret Harrison and from Freda and Peter Davies. Thank you for your support. We are always grateful for donations from our readers, which allow us to continue to produce the Leighton News and distribute it free of charge to every household in the village.

FORDEN, LEIGHTON & TRELYSTAN ALLOTMENT SOCIETY have plots available off Grove Lane, Forden. Various sizes are on offer, at affordable rents. If you like a bit of healthy exercise and enjoy eang fresh fruit and vegetables, or if you want to grow prize winning flowers, this is the right me of year to get started. For further details contact Richard Dawe on 01938 580766 or

YOGA IS GOOD FOR YOU ––– WHY? Juli Moran has been teaching Yoga for over 16 years and her style of teaching is quite unique. Her years of experience combined with a positive & fun approach within her class, keeps them coming back for more. Her aim is to get as many people as possible doing Yoga. With this in mind, she is offering a FREE class. All you need to do is to bring the voucher below and turn up at Leighton Village Hall, any Wednesday at 6pm. (Yoga mats are provided. Just wear loose, comfortable clothing) If you suffer from:-A bad back, stress / anxiety, aching/stiff joints, headaches, or simply want to feel better – YOGA CAN HELP Yoga is good for everyone . It can help you to;- Strengthen and tone muscles Learn to relax physically and mentally Discover the benefits of proper breathing Improve circulation Increase flexibility Alleviates stress (helps lower blood pressure) ------FREE YOGA CLASS VOUCHER Leighton Village Hall, 6 – 7pm Valid until 30 th June, 2015 Any questions? Ring Juli 01691 860283 12


March 2015 winners £20 Margaret Landgrebe

£10 Sandra & Steve McGill £10 Alice Walton & Stuart

£10 Tom Sellers

£5 Jean Underhill £5 Eluned Tibbott & Lloyd

Congratulations to you all. As you can see from the accompanying page, we now have an incredible 128 lottery club members which means we can add another £5 prize to each month’s prize draw. Thank you to everyone who has entered already but if you would like to enter next month’s draw then please contact Catherine Williams, Caeberllan, Hope, Welshpool, Powys SY21 8HF with your £9 payment to LEG100Club. You have got to be in it to win it! *********** This year’s show will be on Saturday 5th September 2015 by kind permission of Jean & James Potter with the kind support of Dave & Theresa Futter, on the showground in front of the Church. We need lots of offers of help please to put up the marquees, mark out the show ground and put up sideshows as well as help on the day with gate men/women, sideshows, tea room etc. We will be selling raffle tickets before the show which will be drawn on the show day. The fun dog show will be back by popular demand as will the annual fun run . If you have any new ideas for sideshows please contact me on the number/email above. This year we would like some entertainment for the main ring during the day if anyone has any ideas. Vintage machinery, cars and motorbike display Tug -of -War competition Fancy Dress ************* As you will know from last Month’s newsletter, I have agreed to organise the Show Day for another year from 2 -6pm but I am not organising the evening entertainment so please volunteer your services if you can help. We need someone who is used to organising events to step forward so that we can start getting the food and entertainment booked for the evening — otherwise the event will close at 7pm. Please contact me as above if you can help. NEXT MEETING THURSDAY 16th APRIL 7PM—GALLERY AT LEIGHTON VILLAGE HALL 13

1 Rachel Tibbott 33 Rob Davies 65 Wendy Jones 97 Jackie Johnstone

2 Gethin Edwards 34 Annie Evans 66 Holly Dyer 98 Phil & Barb Mills

3 John Markwick 35 Margery Davies 67 James Evans 99 Edward Griffith

4 Lee Allison 36 Hugh Williams 68 Sally Green 100 Caroline Rogers

5 Sarah Bowyer 37 Derek Clare 69 Di Stevens 101 Elliot & Ben Turner

6 Carol Alexander 38 Sally Senior 70 Delia Sellers 102 Edward Tuffin

7 Catherine Williams 39 Terry Walton 71 Jane & Tony Walton 103 Marjorie Cadwallader

8 Ann Markwick 40 David Griffiths 72 Jan & Mike Williams 104 Anne Bason

9 Alice Walton & Stuart 41 Elisabeth Griffiths 73 Marjorie Cadwallader 105 Chris & Jen Marlow

10 Sarah & Haydn Jones 42 Brian Underhill 74 Gareth Davies 106 James & Jean Potter

11 Evie & Jamie Evans 43 Pat Roberts 75 Karen Davies 107 Roma Tibbott

12 Eluned Tibbott & Lloyd 44 Lou Clare 76 Julie Griffith 108 Amy Williams

13 Catrin Tibbott & Will 45 Iris Pinchen 77 Sue Andrew 109 Peter & Liz Styles

14 David Griffith 46 Rachael Briggs 78 Tony & Sarah Garrett 110 Pat Orr

15 Meg Edwards & Dan 47 Melissa Myatt 79 Verona Allen -Phillips 111 Jane Tibbott

16 Huw/Henry/Rachel 48 Jean Jones 80 Tom Sellers 112 Barry & Liz Griffin

17 Dylan Walton 49 Jean Underhill 81 Ian & Helen Jones 113 Sharon Wainwright

18 Jack Edwards 50 Liz Lawson 82 Victoria Crewdson 114 John Cookson

19 Margaret Landgrebe 51 Tara Jones 83 Ann Cadwallader 115 Sandra & Steve McGill

20 Lynne Harris 52 Jean Underhill 84 Margaret Carey 116 Yvonne & Jeff Naylor

21 Charlie Hocking 53 Jenny Sanders 85 Jim Evans 117 Mick & Jan Sayers

22 Sarah & Haydn Jones 54 David Sanders 86 Mick & Jan Sayers 118 Russell Cadwallader

23 Margery Davies 55 Phil & Barbara Mills 87 Rita Gries 119 Jane Powell

24 John Bennett 56 Dylan Walton 88 Sandra Knobbs 120 Victoria Crewdson

25 Brian Underhill 57 James Evans 89 Bernard Oliver 121 Victoria Crewdson

26 Eva & Leo Griffith 58 Rob Jones 90 David Williams 122 Victoria Crewdson

27 Christine Walton 59 Teresa Jenkins 91 Marjorie Cadwallader 123 Victoria Crewdson

28 Sylvia Helliwell 60 James Evans 92 Pauline Evans 124 Victoria Crewdson

29 Gordon Helliwell 61 Eva Evans 93 Maureen Marriott 125 Victoria Crewdson

30 Marjorie Cadwallader 62 Alice Walton 94 Rob Lacey 126 Victoria Crewdson

31 Carol Alexander 63 Jenny Sanders 95 Maureen Marriott 127 Victoria Crewdson

32 Tricia Hamley 64 David Sanders 96 Julie Lacey 128 Wayne & Kevin 14 THE LEIGHTON DIRECTORY

MID - & BORDERS PEST CONTROL Paddock Electrical Ltd Wasps, Flies, Moles, Rats and Mice: Established 22 Years Testing and Inspection whatever your pest, we can help. Fire Alarms/Emergency Lighting Call Simon on Installations & Rewires Electrical Condition Reports 01938 556807 or 07811 637896 Solar Panel Installation [email protected] Simon Johns (RSPH Level 2) Technician Tel 01938 555521 email [email protected]

KINGSWOOD FRAMES & MIRRORS CHAMELEON HAIR STUDIO Framers, Carvers, Gilders, Restorers Broad Street, Montgomery Tim Haysell Specialising in foil colouring, plus all other hairdressing requirements. Unit 2, Offa’s Dyke Business Park Now stockists of the vibrant and fun Tel: 01938 554985 Jackie Brazil Jewellery

Fax: 01938 554901 01686 668286


Decorating Contractor Quality Workmanship Roy Maddox For your free estimate, contact Building and Joinery Services 01938 535050 Unit 6, Leighton Centre Mobile: 07870 274228 [email protected] 01938 553748


AND CATTERY HOPE LANE, WELSHPOOL, POWYS GROUP TRAVEL FOR ALL OCCASIONS Gerry Hill and John Nunn 48 seat Executive Coaches 21, 35, 53 & 57 seat Standard Coaches 01938 580346 14 and 16 seat Minibuses Daytrips and excursions info@brooklyn -kennels Contact Mike or Chris on 01938 553465


Agricultural Contracting and Hardwood Logs cut to size for fireplace or woodburner Septic Tank Emptying Trailer Loads delivered Bulk Bags for collection 01938 553219 Call BEN on 01743 884403 or 07971 171576 15


DOG GROOMING & HOME BOARDING at Whitley Crest, Does your dog hate being left alone while you're at work, on Halfway House, . holiday or just out for the day? We can board your dog in our home where he will enjoy woodland walks, canine companions For more information contact and lots of cuddles. We are licenced, insured and Kennel Club Assured. GIVENY ANDREW Contact Elaine on 01938 559128 or 07773 301239 email [email protected]

WINDOW & SOLAR PANEL BEAUTY BY AMANDA - - CLEANING Ultimate Non Surgical Face Lift * Massages* Tanning * Shellac manicures * Hair Removal * Local Service for Residential and Hot Stone Massage Commercial Properties For an appointment or consultation contact Amanda Free Quotes and Affordable Rates on 01938 580002 or 07950 385215 fb page “Beauty By Amanda Welshpool” for special 01938 570854 or 07779 837268 - offers or e mail [email protected] Also available Spray Tan Parties; Consultant for “Arbonne”

FEEL GREAT WITH ALOE VERA SPLASH Plumbing & Heating Engineers Superb quality Aloe Vera and bee products. GAS SAFE & OFTEC Registered. Fully Trained and CRB Drinks, treatment creams, supplements, -checked staff. Free Quotation and Advice. Installation, personal care, skin care, weight management, Service and Repair, from a tap washer to a complete - cosmetics, animal care (domestic and farm). plumbing/heating installation. 24 hour Emergency Call Out available to our customers. Fully Insured. Special gift ideas. 60 -day, money -back guarantee. Try some products at home free. Call your local plumbers on: Carol and Paul Harris 01938 553430 01938 580113 or 07800 552026 [email protected]

BABY MASSAGE N.J.EVANS AND SON Your Local Established Central Heating Specialists in Welshpool I offer baby massage in the comfort of your own home. Established over 40 years The benefits of baby massage are: Promotes deeper Planned Annual Maintenance on Oil, Gas & LPG Central sleep * Develops baby muscle tone and co-ordinaon * Heating Boilers with 24 Hour Breakdown Cover. Helps reduce colic and discomfort from wind * Aids Free quotations on new efficient central heating boilers. baby’s digeson * Strengthens baby’s immune system * Now is a good time to act and save money on fuel costs. Showrooms at 1 & 2 Jehu Road, Welshpool Relaxes parent/baby/whole family Juli 01691 860283 01938 552976

LEIGHTON GARDENING SERVICES BOOKKEEPING SOLUTIONS A cost effective bookkeeping service for small to For lawn -mowing, cultivating, long -reach medium size businesses. Services include hedge cutting, patio cleaning, fencing, computerised accounting, VAT Returns, and any other gardening needs. management accounts. IAB Registered

GARRETTS LTD Contact: Tel: 01938 580533 01938 570241 or 07813 720080 e-mail: [email protected] 16 SARAH EVANS THE HERBERT ARMS, CHIRBURY PROPERTY SERVICES 01938 561216 OFFERING RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL LANDLORDS A PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL Lunches and evening meals served daily, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SERVICE apart from Tuesday. Regulated by RICS Sunday Roast lunch, with dessert, for only £10! CONTACT: SARAH EVANS B.Sc.(Hons) MRICS T: 07989 175441 E: [email protected] Local Ales Available

A: Castle View, Leighton SY21 8HH Happy Hour, Monday to Friday 5—7 p.m.

DI STEVENS What would you do with your life if you could wave a magic wand? MCSP HPC Reg Do you know anyone (any age and anywhere in the UK, Chartered Human and Animal Physiotherapist or overseas) looking for more control over their income, a better pension, or a way of helping others? If so, please 07808 529925 ask them to talk to us about how to achieve totally Helping you and your loved ones reduce pain and uncapped and willable income in a few hours a week. restore movement Carol and Paul Harris 01938 553430 [email protected] Home Visits Available And finally….. A word from our sponsors

29 Broad Street, Welshpool, Powys SY21 7RW Tel: 01938 552329 Website: E-mail: [email protected]

Alexanders of Welshpool is one of the best stocked cook shops in Mid Wales specialising in Kitchen, Camping and Gardening products