12, State Historic Preservation Officer Certification
CotAHVfiU TGUÛ/V S//9/1 - \IIG<ú oF FÑ9A)T~ RTF' sSO. coa /o vofik L ei en» en/MAy XttfOOk fAJ CoAvujÑll re io a/ Mil - e/vTfiAê/ec? C0KA)(P*LL TOOôN ff/9lk • /**«*» sc c. a fies wo** Pico* 4A/b ÇAoy* K«TCH^V CoKMIVHkL TguüM ttftkk- PfÑST kAfi&fA meertA/e /Çco^t eo/r* teycAJì) J>oorQ, t é/ir/t? CotMMALU Tolo*/ MIL - FtfiST FLooZ se Leerme*/s Atc:eTtA/<L rtooyy) TCVÜA/ MU • fmZT PLCòR -td^A/ cur*** ¿>FF'CC?. souTrtioesr co«*** COKMtVrtkL To\x>N ìtALL- ' F Leo * Tot»A/ C.Le«K't cFFfC* - FAST COALL- TowA/ M iL - Fl*ST PL06*. ToOJN Off/Cfr' -No*THt»6S?r tofiM* tuo fiuvúALL TOUÜ/V H AIL - ssco+rb COtHlülMí ttti-li* - PLooZ SOUTH sh^T Cjohaj&A CLOANUJfií^ TôUO/V tftLL- ^¿00* SO UTH Uü CC*AJe*> ¿OiM/CftU To LU A/ setom* mo« No ÄTtf cofzsr ^^ PA 0*1 Pi AST Plôo United States Department of the Interior NATIONAL PARK SERVICE P.O. BOX 37127 IN REPLY REFER TO: WASHINGTON, D.C 20013-7127 m I 6 S06 The Director of the National Park Service is pleased to inform you that the following properties have been entered in the National Register of Historic Places beginning May 4, 1986 and ending May 10, 1986, For further information call (202) 343-9552. ST ATE, County,Vicinity,Property, Address,( Date Listed) ALABAMA, Choctaw County, Mount Sterling, Mount Sterling Methodist Church, Near jet. of CR 43 and CR 27 (05/08/86) ALABAMA, Colbert County, Leighton, Preuit Oaks, Cotton Town Rd.
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