B ulletin The North American Paul Tillich Society Volume XLIV, Number 1 Winter 2018 Editor: Frederick J. Parrella, Secretary-Treasurer Religious Studies Department, Santa Clara University Kenna Hall, Suite 300, Room H, Santa Clara, California 95053 Associate Editor: Jonathan Rothchild, Loyola Marymount University Assistant to the Editor: Vicky Gonzalez, Santa Clara University Telephone: 408.554.4714 or 408.554.4547 FAX: 408.554.2387 Email:
[email protected] Web: www.NAPTS.org/Webmeister: Michael Burch, San Rafael, California ___________________________________________________________________________ In this issue: ❏ A Note from the Editor ❏ Renewal al of NAPTS RSO Status ❏ Call for Papers NAPS 2018 November 16-17, 2018, Denver, Colorado ❏ “State Philosophy, Micro-Fascism, and New Materiality; Paul Tillich’s contribution to Recent Political Philosophy” by Jari Ristiniemi ❏ “’A Tender Care That Nothing Be Lost’: Whitehead, Tillich, and the Eternal Life of the Ecosystem” by Janna Gonwa ❏ “The Tillichian Dispensability of the World to God” by Kirk R. MacGregor ❏ “Bernard Loomer as a Bridge Between Whitehead and Tillich: Towards a Ground-of- Being Process Theology” by Demian Wheeler A Personal Note from the Editor to complete work on the bulletin until this time I sin- cerely promise, if my health continues stable and solid, y sincere apologies for the lateness of the Winter to have the spring bulletin to you at the end of June. M Bulletin. Due to illness in December and January Thank you for your understanding. as well is a very busy academic schedule, I was unable Renewal of NAPTS RSO Status Tillich Society as a Related Scholarly Organization. Congratulations! [Editor’s Note: This is very good news for the fu- The AAR expects all of our partners- including ture of the NAPTS.