«*» Hostile infantry and cavalry Baltimore. Md 44 2*> its Phoenix. Ariz s4 m .... 4 II 18 r e south of Sereth. Bismarck, N. 1» Pittsburgh. Pa. "8 ...» SPECIAL NOTICES. GIRL SCOUTS CARRY CHEER ALONG WITH pulse-1 I'd 3o 'Js CHRISTMAS Boston. Mass 34 Port IhihI. Me. 22 -4 .... "in Dobrudja our progress continues. as TO THE STOCKHOLDERS, CITY A on Buffalo. N. Y 22 II j 2o for:l.iml. on Art art 0. 14 Tiie enemy is opposing resistance 12- 21 Saii ljike it tail. Art 2rt 34 SUBURBAN RAILWAY OF WASHINGTON. PRESENTS TO HOMES OF THE: NEEDY. Lake Chicago. 111. ,v J«; j v. 0.O4 the front comprising Babadagh rinolnn.it!. Ohio 23 l'» 2»;I St. -. M Art 1* 32 A dividend of two per cent <2*"i) has ln-en SCOUTSACT ; 'GIRL Denistepe. and Turkora. ;«l 12 21 St. Paul. Minn. rt ...» on the stock of the City Allbeikley Chfjomif. Wyo fully paid capital derlared "» A Suburban Railway of Washington. payabb Our cavalry routed the 3(1 Cossacks Oav- ti]M»rt. Iowa *22 Is San AiiWnto. Tex Art AS .... December 1916. at the office of tlie Division. which had arrived December iVlirer. « «»I. 3d 32 ! San PraneN «. t'al.. 52 42 44 O.rtrt 30, Ids ti 22 1H Art lrt Hth and c st*. n.w.. Wushiugtou. I>.cotupany.< 17 in Dobrudja. The Cossacks suffered Moiu'-s. Iowa 22 Snringlb 1. 2H .... N !!« J I i 7 4 .* »irt. to all holders of certifleatea of Haiti stock fully heavy losses, among: the dead being iVtroit, Mich. .21 a:.., a. .. " nl« «>!.! 2rt rt paid of record at the close of business on the ===jl Co!. Vonedoroff lMiluth. Minnlit12 2't .... ASSANTA'SENVOYS K1 I'm .. 1. \ 4 t \ i« 7.s Ail .... 29th day of December. 1916. «2 M KMiiir^. r,2 i l ex. ft 42 ." »! WASH.. I>. r. 14 27 Art .... S. K. ROW EN. Secretary. jBinigSMp Tulcea Galrrstwi. Reported Occupied. Helena. Mout S " » A statement from Berlin tonight Indinnnpols. Ind 2S 12 2«» THE COMMITTEE OF LADIES WHO HAVE Take Presents to Kiddies Writ-! Jacksonville, l"|a. »ts 4tt .* I To Give Annual Dance. known* r.n at M. says: fit*. Mo. 31 in ....' Wen soliciting aul for the Rrticti Home j Thf a < 11 t> of Store the print "!- ie;d Marshal von Mackensen s army Little Bock. Ark »» 2* 1" Cabinet, undergraduates Goldenberg's Dependable during 1 .os fa week wish to publicly express their thanks to Care of ! Angeles, I. 42 a; the I'niversity »»f Michigan who liva ing in jffik 1 group in Dobrudja.Allied (Teutonic) Marquette. Mich. is 2 s ..j its mem Iters and employes, collectively amiHifirm, in Washington, is to its annual individually, for th«- fa< lities placed at tlo-.r \j troops took several Russian rear-guard Memphis. Tenu it ;i2 every |»oxsihle occasion. The ladies the s'i;;il! ballroom of New unmindful of the part taken l»y the contributing occupied Tulcea. on the lowed Danube. New York. V Y 34 24 32 the Willard public ami thank th-m most heartily for their The number of prisoners reached more North IMattf. \eh. 10. 2 14 Hotel. Many of Michigan alumni and liiteral res|N>nscs to the plea of "A penny for than l.tiOO. Several machine guns and OmaiiM. Nch. «(t ii ittij .- ra.iu;it«,s from othrrs olU'ges «r« tlie (tallies." The eontribufions received will so Philadelphia. Pa. 3s 21 ''1 expertotl to attend. *" oti".- booty were taken. far in helping this worthy privately support-.! MANY TOTS MADE GLAD! -y v ^ of establishment in its care of dependent little "Mace ionmn front.In the region children. Luke Doiran there wa« some art'llery I fir**. On the Struma plain there were "Where do we p«> next?" engagements of vanguard post OFFICE «if MI'TCAI. Fll.'ii INSI KAM I: ">! Warehouse alley." I pany of tie- Distr of or. 13th "The number is ,"22 Russ Admit Retreat. street and New York av. D mb. r ID. 1916. "Where 011 earth is that and how are Policy holders are notified That i»>l i« s exp n- on PKTROOKAK, December 23, via Don- the last Monday :n Deremb r (2."»tli instant) ami we going: to get there?" ^V rate on-- Wireless the of renewal for 1917 is ?«r "iitmn And a city-wide 1L\ past month in the care of The Star, ind southwest of Rimnik-Sarat ware ami in effect enemy back our Virginia Railway Company: toys and yesterday pressed JiwemtHT 1'." on ami al't»T thi- ''a*-- mi il they took food, clothing, posts, and lively battles wereadvanced further notice. steamer leaves Washington for dies. The mention of a new address conducted in the region of Italtiniore ami riv.w at 4 specting the genesis of tlie visible lamlines Monday p.m. nut canjhad in and Vadulsoresoi. only. Jos IV STEPHEN si i\ \ after one particularly "hard ami the maimer ami orderuniverse Kakovitcheni of came CHEAP KI EL Pott SALE « <»K.N culls. 'been cracked" always brought dismay, which the various forms life 2tK> bushel* or more for Delivered. into being, citing several curious paral- Squadron Bayoneted. Lower to the minds of the girls and of the price at mill. lels such as the primeval water-chaos, KEEPUP RUSSIANS one of: wilkins I:

I r 1 r- iii.'-'i,'-('oiiSfeiaC.". &18.V39''-iTinrSSSS: -'a"