«*» Hostile infantry and cavalry Baltimore. Md 44 2*> its Phoenix. Ariz s4 m .... 4 II 18 r e south of Sereth. Bismarck, N. 1» Pittsburgh. Pa. "8 ...» SPECIAL NOTICES. GIRL SCOUTS CARRY CHEER ALONG WITH pulse-1 I'd 3o 'Js CHRISTMAS Boston. Mass 34 Port IhihI. Me. 22 -4 .... "in Dobrudja our progress continues. as TO THE STOCKHOLDERS, CITY A on Buffalo. N. Y 22 II j 2o for:l.iml. on Art art 0. 14 Tiie enemy is opposing resistance 12- 21 Saii ljike it tail. Art 2rt 34 SUBURBAN RAILWAY OF WASHINGTON. PRESENTS TO HOMES OF THE: NEEDY. Lake Chicago. 111. ,v J«; j v. 0.O4 the front comprising Babadagh rinolnn.it!. Ohio 23 l'» 2»;I St. -. M Art 1* 32 A dividend of two per cent <2*"i) has ln-en SCOUTSACT ; 'GIRL Denistepe. and Turkora. ;«l 12 21 St. Paul. Minn. rt ...» on the stock of the City Allbeikley Chfjomif. Wyo fully paid capital derlared "» A Suburban Railway of Washington. payabb Our cavalry routed the 3(1 Cossacks Oav- ti]M»rt. Iowa *22 Is San AiiWnto. Tex Art AS .... December 1916. at the office of tlie Division. which had arrived December iVlirer. « «»I. 3d 32 ! San PraneN «. t'al.. 52 42 44 O.rtrt 30, Ids ti 22 1H Art lrt Hth and c st*. n.w.. Wushiugtou. I>.cotupany.< 17 in Dobrudja. The Cossacks suffered Moiu'-s. Iowa 22 Snringlb 1. 2H .... N !!« J I i 7 4 .* »irt. to all holders of certifleatea of Haiti stock fully heavy losses, among: the dead being iVtroit, Mich. .21 a:.., a. .. " nl« «>!.! 2rt rt paid of record at the close of business on the ===jl Co!. Vonedoroff lMiluth. Minnlit12 2't .... ASSANTA'SENVOYS K1 I'm .. 1. \ 4 t \ i« 7.s Ail .... 29th day of December. 1916. «2 M KMiiir^. r,2 i l ex. ft 42 ." »! WASH.. I>. r. 14 27 Art .... S. K. ROW EN. Secretary. jBinigSMp Tulcea Galrrstwi. Reported Occupied. Helena. Mout S " » A statement from Berlin tonight Indinnnpols. Ind 2S 12 2«» THE COMMITTEE OF LADIES WHO HAVE Take Presents to Kiddies Writ-! Jacksonville, l"|a. »ts 4tt .* I To Give Annual Dance. known* r.n at M. says: fit*. Mo. 31 in ....' Wen soliciting aul for the Rrticti Home j Thf a < 11 t> of Store the print "!- ie;d Marshal von Mackensen s army Little Bock. Ark »» 2* 1" Cabinet, undergraduates Goldenberg's Dependable during 1 .os fa week wish to publicly express their thanks to Care of ! Angeles, I. 42 a; the I'niversity »»f Michigan who liva ing in jffik 1 group in Dobrudja.Allied (Teutonic) Marquette. Mich. is 2 s ..j its mem Iters and employes, collectively amiHifirm, in Washington, is to its annual individually, for th«- fa< lities placed at tlo-.r \j troops took several Russian rear-guard Memphis. Tenu it ;i<i give <2is|io*H am! their encouragement ami courtesy f and Miami. Cla 7s «; » 72 Christmas dance Wednesday evening? in on are not The Star. positions after intense storming New Orleans. I*. «;« :»s .*>2 every |»oxsihle occasion. The ladies the s'i;;il! ballroom of New unmindful of the part taken l»y the contributing occupied Tulcea. on the lowed Danube. New York. V Y 34 24 32 the Willard public ami thank th-m most heartily for their The number of prisoners reached more North IMattf. \eh. 10. 2 14 Hotel. Many of Michigan alumni and liiteral res|N>nscs to the plea of "A penny for than l.tiOO. Several machine guns and OmaiiM. Nch. «(t ii ittij .- ra.iu;it«,s from othrrs olU'ges «r« tlie (tallies." The eontribufions received will so Philadelphia. Pa. 3s 21 ''1 expertotl to attend. *" oti".- booty were taken. far in helping this worthy privately support-.! MANY TOTS MADE GLAD! -y v ^ of establishment in its care of dependent little "Mace ionmn front.In the region children. Luke Doiran there wa« some art'llery I fir**. On the Struma plain there were "Where do we p«> next?" engagements of vanguard post OFFICE «if MI'TCAI. Fll.'ii INSI KAM I: ">! Warehouse alley." I pany of tie- Distr of or. 13th "The number is ,"22 Russ Admit Retreat. street and New York av. D mb. r ID. 1916. "Where 011 earth is that and how are Policy holders are notified That i»>l i« s exp n- on PKTROOKAK, December 23, via Don- the last Monday :n Deremb r (2."»tli instant) ami we going: to get there?" ^V rate on-- Wireless the of renewal for 1917 is ?«r "iitmn And a city-wide <lon British Admiralty, for on the pretn.um notes. The managers have or thereupon began ' Press.. Ki-.ssian in the Rumanian dered paid to the policy ladders a r-'i rn search for Warehouse alley. troops 9 savings according to the value of each on to re- r pol'ov Incidents like this added a spice of province of Dobrudja continue the 31st day .f last D-ivmler. POLICIES Mt'Si the oflieial RE PRESENTED for in lorsi nu n: ..f the pnv adventure to the work of many groups tire to the northward, says inents. except \* here held iii connection with statement issued bv the war depart- loans, in which case they shoulii b broncht in of Girl Scouts as thev covered dozens; In? t to have duplicate p-iynn-nt* entered. The of out-of-the-way nooks and crannies ment today. The Russian rear guard | m i-ffice of till* OOinpHIIV Will I" C.nsed oil li" l:»-t with the M'Uidn v This v«ar on acco"iit of Christmas In*. of Washington yesterday, when, an-' yesterday fought engagements PLEASE ATTIiM' KAKI.Y AMI AVOID ill. that Teuton forces, which continue to CROWD. j swering tiie hundreds of letters The statement reads: advance. L. PIERCE HOTKl/y. ^ were sent to Santa Glaus during the < "Rumanian front.Northwest, west the WINTER SCHEIM'LE MAINLAND. I>1L\ past month in the care of The Star, ind southwest of Rimnik-Sarat ware ami in effect enemy back our Virginia Railway Company: toys and yesterday pressed JiwemtHT 1'." on ami al't»T thi- ''a*-- mi il they took food, clothing, posts, and lively battles wereadvanced further notice. steamer leaves Washington for dies. The mention of a new address conducted in the region of Italtiniore ami riv.w at 4 specting the genesis of tlie visible lamlines Monday p.m. nut canjhad in and Vadulsoresoi. only. Jos IV STEPHEN si i\ \ after one particularly "hard ami the maimer ami orderuniverse Kakovitcheni of came CHEAP KI EL Pott SALE « <»K.N culls. 'been cracked" always brought dismay, which the various forms life 2tK> bushel* or more for Delivered. into being, citing several curious paral- Squadron Bayoneted. Lower to the minds of the girls and of the price at mill. lels such as the primeval water-chaos, KEEPUP RUSSIANS one of: wilkins I:<a:i:i:s mh.i !\: company. chauffeurs the automobiles cowoIerskdnoFI the storied universe "in the region of Balatchenul running the world-egg, LUNCHROOM BUSINESS Well establshed and that carried them about the capital in and the creation of man from dust,; our companies which penetrated profitable; in jroixl location; tin- t:.xrur** ami and wood. at that four their work <»f taking happiness and clay damaged place Roehisiuguns equipment; price. SUI.ihni: nivn-t leaving eity to Three other members of the museum belonging to the horse artillery, and anxious to s-11: act qtiick. for particulars cheer to desolate homes. staff contributed articles, as follows:! address Boi 233 I». Star offiee. REIREAI a which DOBRUDJA surprised sleeping squadron, h. Walter else's william T>r. "Experimental Snows court, somebody alley, holmes! Hough, and An battalion Genuine Japanese Goods. Blank street «"blank" standing for Work in American Anthropology they bayoneted. enemy Ethnology." in which he speaks of the' from Kirlenka surrounded our ID JJOLDFISlf AN1» A^l ARIl MS. weird name that be coming JAPANESE ItAZAAR. } «» l'A. AVE. N.W. any sort of may work, methods and influence of Mr. company, but the company broke i NEXT TO FOR 1» ULIM;. OPEN KVi:NIM;s.2P though up) all claimed places in the Head Curator of Anthropology Holmes among American scientists: Repeatedly Defeated in through the cordon, taking with it r OFFICE OF TIIE FIREMEN'S INS FRANCE Ur. Aies Hrdlicka, "Anthropology of killed and wounded comrades. Com oat:y of geography of Washington yesterday, r$ ami Tth Rumania. Washington ib-orpetown. the Chippewa," wherein he reports on small de- at. and Louisiana ave. n.w. The stockholders and the following of clews took the Is Given "Aggressive attempts by of the Firemen's Insurance o.* in National Museum his studies of the White Earth Cliippe- j Says lachments of enemy infantry at Vichani Company wa in an endeavor to establish their and Georgetown will meet at theWashingtonoffice Girl Scouts to places heretofore Berlin.Wallachiaand cavalry at Ktankutza were beaten on MONDAY. January 1. P.»17, for the purpose of by them. Volume of Situation Described. by our fire and dispersed. of electing thirteen directors for the ensuing unheard Essays. "In Dobrudja our detachments have year. Polls open at IT a.m. and close at 12 m. to the northward. W W. M. HOFFMAN. Se. All Places Are Found. been withdrawing retarr. The enemy, continuing his advance, WE ERECT But practically all of the places were TRIBUTE BY HIS SLAVS ADMIT REVERSES came in contact with our rear guards." METAL CEILINGS found.
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