99 1738 NEW DVD 4 6/25/04 10:39 AM Page 1 Vendor List 99 1738 NEW DVD 4 6/25/04 10:39 AM Page 2 2 Vendor List One of the most frustrating things about supporting PCs is finding a specific adapter board, part, dri- ver program, or whatever you need to make a system work. If you are supporting or installing prod- ucts, you will need access to technical support or documentation for products you might not have purchased. Over the years, I have compiled a list of companies whose products are popular or whose products I have found to work exceptionally well. I use these contacts regularly to provide informa- tion and components that enable me to support PC systems effectively. Many of these companies have been mentioned in this book, but others not specifically mentioned have been added here. These companies carry many computer products you will have contact with or that I simply recommend. I have tried to list as many vendors as possible. These vendors are important in day-to-day work with PC systems and can supply documentation for your components, provide parts and service, and be used as a source for new equipment and software. This list is as up-to-date as possible, but companies move or go out of business all the time. If you find any information in this list that is no longer accurate, please leave me a message at
[email protected]. Although originally exclusively the domain of computer enthusiasts, today almost all companies use Internet Web sites to provide a high level of technical support.