Priority Asset Primary Value Secondary Value Additional Information Primary District Primary Bioregion Source of Information
Priority Asset Primary Value Secondary Value Additional Information Primary District Primary Bioregion Source of information Abminga Creek environmental major watercourse n/a Marla Oodnadatta Stony Plains 1c Abminga Siding Ruins cultural historic n/a Marla Oodnadatta Stony Plains 1b Aboriginal cultural significance across whole region - trading, dreaming stories, art sites, camps, respecting country, meeting places, fossil fields, connection to country, bush tucker, medicine, history. Protecting cultural sites, learning - Aboriginal culture and heritage cultural Aboriginal keeping culture alive - tourism impacts. Petroglyphs region-wide multiple 1e, 1f, 1h Willouran Range to Red Gorge, Chambers Gorge, Sacred Canyon and down to Aboriginal story lines cultural Aboriginal Mt Remarkable. 7 sisters story from Bubbler to Breakaways to Lake Eyre. region-wide multiple 1e Acacia pickardii sites environmental important habitat n/a Marree Innamincka Channel Country 1a Adnalgowara Creek environmental major watercourse n/a Marla Oodnadatta Stony Plains 1c lifestyle for children and grandchildren, way of living, family history, people, family, children, community, sense of belonging, 'the bush in my blood', Aesthetic values - people's experiences, survival, (negatives/issues - stress, politics, desertion by government, memories, why the region is important depression, isolation). Friendly people. socialising in shearer's quarters or to from social / cultural point of view social/cultural n/a around small campfires. Bringing community together region-wide multiple 1e, 1g, 1h landscape, scenery, night sky, colours in the landscape. Sunsets, hot springs, solitude, howling dingoes (simpson desert). Plenty of space. Sunset after summer thunderstorm. Sense of 'explorer' excitement. Smelling rain before it arrives on a hot day. Being caught in a whirly wind.
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