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Qconnnntnctnntnt QConnnntnctnntnt CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PASADENA June 13, 1930, 4 :00 o'clock JJ&JJ&JA PROCESSION "\L MAUCH- Triumphal Mat'eh hom "Sigurd JOl'salfar" - G/'ieg The Institute Orchctitl'a lnuocaHon H YJIN-"A.merica" Smith CIl~aplain's .Mlbrtss THE REV. EDWARD AUCHmALD THm Il'tim,. D .D. SOXG-"!n,ictuti" B I'llItO Ii ullin The Institute Glee Club !\llllrfSS "THE GEOLOGICAL ~CfENCES AND HUJIAX PnOGRESS" J OHX P ETER BUWALD.\, PH.D. lIrl'Bl'ntatinn of CIlanlltllatl'B for il'gr1'1's DEAN FUEDEHlc 'V. HUillICH S, In., M.• \.. SAJI'C'E.L STLU1T MACKEOWN, PH.D. Chairman of Committee on Course in Science 'VlLLlAlU H OWAH D C I..A l'l', E.~f. Chairman of Committee on Course in Engineering RICH.uW CHASE TOLlU.\N, PH.D. Chairman of Committee on Graduate Courses CIlonfrmng of 1I1'gr1'1's on behalf of the Trustees a nd Fac ulty R OBEH'!' A. MILLIKAN, PH.D., LL.D., Sc.D. Chairman of the Executive Committee !\l1twUl1rl'ml'nts :-iuNG-"Hail C. 1. 1'." - B (II'nes 1I1'111'Ilirti0l1 POSTLUDE-Marc h (The audience will stand during the entry of the Academic Procession, the Invocation, and the singing of "America" and "Hail C. I. T.") ({anbibattS' for IDtgrttS' ilIortor of J~ilo!foplm CARL DAVID AKDE RSO~, B.S., California Institute of Technology \VARREN NELSOK AK~Q U I ST, B.S., vVhitman College LEE REED BRANTLEY, A.B., University of California at Los Angeles; l\.1.S., California I nstitute of Technology CHARLES HAWLEY CARTWRIGHT, B.S., California Inst itute of Technology BENEDICT CASSE~J A.R.C.S., Imperial College of Science and Technology, London; M.S., California Institute of Technology CH U~ G- YAO CHAO, B.S., National Southeastern University, Nanking RALPH KOHLR AUSCH DA'f, Ph.B., Yale University CHARLES LEWIS GAZC':, B.S. and M.S., California I nst itute of T echnology LYKN GORMAN HOWELL, B.A. and M.A., university of T exas NORRlS JOHNSTON, B.S. and M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology RALPH LEONARD LUPHER , B.A. and M .A., Oniversity of Oregon DANIEL BRENT McRAE, B.S., University of Utah \VALTER CHRISTIAN MICHELS , B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute BERNARD NETTLEroN MOORE, B.S., California Institute of Technology JOHN MAGNUS PEARSON , B.S., University of Chicago JAMES H OLMES STVRDIVAKT, B.A. and M.A., Unh'ersity of Texas EDWARD MO ULTON THORNDIKE, B.S., \ Vesleyan Uni\'ersity; A.M., Columbia Uni­ \'ersity HOMER BIGELO\·V \VELLMAN, B.A., Carleton College; M.S., Uniyersity of Michigan fita.strr of ~riruu PHYSICS RALPH B L.-\ISDE LL ATKINSON, B.S., Massachmietts Institute of T echnology ~1A UR I CE FRED H ASLER, B.S., California Institute of Technology OMAR B URT RICHARDSON, Ph.B., Yale University GALEN BRANDT SCH UBAUER, B.S., Pennsylvania State College C H E.\IISTRY RICHARD \ :VERNER STENZEL, B.S., California Institute of Technology JOSEPH WINCHESTER URMSTON, A.B., University of Cali fornia at Los Angeles GEOLOGY AXD PALEONTOLOGY ROLLIN POLLARD ECKI~ , B.A., Pomona College LOZELL CHARLES HOOKWAY, B.S., California I nstitute of Technology FRANKLIN MAC M URPHY, B.A., University of California at Los Angeles JOHN CLARK SUTHERLAND, B.S., California Institute of Technology ELECTRI C AL E~GlxEEn l ~G E UGE NE AnvATEIt, B.S., California Institute of Technology JACK SCARBOROUGH BOREN, B.A., G niversity of Redlands VIVIAN LYMA N HOLDAWAY, B.S., California I nstitute of Technology EDWARD EVERETI KINNEY, B.S., Michigan State College CHARLES COYLE L ASH, B.S., California Institute of Technology JOHN GIBSON P LEASANTS , B.S., Universit)' of Southern California JOHN \VILLIAM TH.4. TCHER, B.S., California Institute of Technology )[ECHA:\.'ICAL gXGl~EERI~G DO~ALD SHERMAN CLARK, B.S., California Institute of Technology HARRY JAMES KEELING, B.S., California Institute of Technology GEORGE SCHILD LUFKI~, B.S., California Institute of Technology MASAHIRO HOWARD IAGASHl, B.S., California Institute of Technology EZRA C. POSNER, M.E., Cornell University HOMER CHARLES REED, B.S., California Institute of Technology HOWARD \VINFRED VVAITE, B.S., California Institute of Technology CIVIL E~GINEERING DONALD P ORTER BARNES, B.S., Oregon State College FREDER ICK R. CLINE, B.S., California Institute of Technology THOMAS HAYHURST EVANS, B.S., California Institute of Technology ERNEST BRANCH H UGe, B.S., California Institute of Technology \\7ILLlAM HENRY MOHR, B.S., California I nstitute of T echnology SAMUEL OLMAN, B.S., California Institute of T echnology CHEMICAL E::\'G I~EERI~ G \VAOSWORTH EGMON T P OHL, B.S., California I nstitute of Technology LoREK P. SCOVILLE, A.B., Uniyersity of Redlands FREDER ICK PEARCE STAPP, A.B., Stanford University AERONA UTICAL EKGIXEERISG ERNEST EOWIK SECHLER) B.S., and 1\1.S. in Mechanica1 Engineering, California Insti­ tute of Technology Eugtnrrrtng FRA1'.-K EmYARD ~o\LDERM.AN MELVIN LAWRENCE LEPPERT J OHN EDWARD A~DER SON EII.SEST LEVINE V,' I LBU R ,"' ALTER AYERS R. STANLEY LORD H OWARD EUGE~; E BAKER JAMES H. MACDONALD J. R. L ESTER BOYLE H ARRY SHATTUCK MASON, JR. ROBERT HE NRY B UNGAV, JR. HARRIS KE~NETH MA UZY ALBERT B liTLER RALPH STEWART McLEAN DEAKE E. CARBERRY KEN>lETH L. MILES H OWARD CARY * FRANK N EFF MOYERS BERTRAM R USSE LL CO U P LA~D ELM ER MASON M UFF FR :\ ~KLlN GooDRICH CRAWFORD HEKRY GLYSSON MYERS HERBERT HADLEY DEARDORfF ARTH U R B EHREND NOMANN LyOS SPRAGUE DE CAMP JACK DEA " PRITCHETT ROSCOE P H ILLIPS DOWNS * GEORGE \VILB ER READ KARL HERMAK E FFMANN GEORGE LAWRENCE REYNOLDS ORRIN MATIHEWS ELLIOTI \i\' ILLIA!\,t CHRISTOPHER RIGGS E UGENE VAKCE ELLIS GEORCE A R'T H UR Ross L AWRENCE GILBERT FE~NER L LO YD vV ALLACE R USSELl­ HE NRY EDWARD FRACKER * DAVtD S HEFFEr CLlNTO.s EUCE~E GAT ES JOI-IS CHA RL ES SHIELDS CLYDE EOCAR GIEBLER MICH _4.E L M OR RIS SILVERMAS ED!-.1 U ND GLEN GRAKT * THEODORE FRANK STIPP FRED RESTON GROCH A USTI N STRO~G J OHN LELAND HALL J OH N B. STURGESS WILL IAM B ELL HATCH, JR. KATSUKOSH IN S liZ UKI JOH N FRED HESSE, JR. FREDERICK THAYER SWIFT, JR. E RS EST CHRISTIAN HILLMAN, JR. E UGENE MERLDI THAYER THOMAS T AMOrSU HIYAMA JOHN \i\711,LtAM TOWLER REA EARL HOPPER HO\-VARD \\' INFRED \i\' AITE SAMUEL ERIC HOWSE * GEORGE RICHARD " ' HEELER ALEX IVAN ]CSATIEFF D UDLEY LAWTON WHITE HARLEN RICHARD ERNEST J ONES NATHAS DAVIS \ VHITMAN, Jk. \ VILLIAM FRANCIS KELLEY OS\YALD FRANCIS ZAHN, JR. HuGO OTro KLEINBACH SIDK EY ZIPSER EDWARD KOEHM &cumr D OKALD KREECK ALLISON RAYMOND \\' INFIELD HOEPPEL IRA CHRISTIAS BECHTOLD HENRY OSCAR ]M US * T OM GEORGE BERNHARDJ OTTO P HILIP JA NSSEN CLYDE L. BLOHM J OSEF JEROME JOH NSON FRASCIS DASH\YOOD B ODE TRU MAN HOWARD K UH N B ERT VESSIE BRASHER HARLAND RAy Moss CHESTER FLOYD CARLSOS JOHN STAL KER M URRAY JOHN DRURY CLARK WARRE" CAMPBELL NELSON H ORACE RICHARD CRA NE L AWRENCE CARLTON NYE NOR MAN FREDERICK DOHERTY HERBERT GOODMA N SAWYER H ARV EY SELDEN EASTMAS DAVID ~' A LT ER SCHARF EMORY LEON E LLIS FREDER ICK S CHELL SCOTI" JOSEPH FOLADARf - ROBERT IKGERSOLL S TIRTON :V10RGAK T HOMAS FORNEY * OSCAR FRANZ VAN BEVEREN JOHN ',vALLACE GAYLORD SA~' I U EL STEWART ' VEST J OHN D OUGLAS H AMILTO~ \ VALTEK D UNBJ\R \ V ILKISSON, JR. RO L\ ~! D CYRIL HAWES ROBERT W ARRE" WILSOIl R OLAND FREDERICK HODDER • With Honor p.ml'rica My coulltr} ! 'tis of thee, S weet land of liberty, Of thee I sing; Land ,,-here lily fathers died, Land of the Pilgrim's pride, Fl'OllJ every mountain side Let freedolll ring. OUt· fathers' God to Thee, Aut-Itor of Liberty, To Thee we sing: Long may our land be tright With Freedom's holy light; Protect us iJ:v Thy might, Great God our King. - S. P. Smith t;aU Qt. 11. w. In Southern California with grace and splendor bound­ " 'here the lofty lllolmt.Lin peaks look out to lands beyond, Proudly stands our Alma Mater, gloriollS to see. ' Ye raise our voices Ita iling, hailing, hailing tltee: Echoes ringing while ,ve're si nging over land and sea; The ha.Jls of fame resound thy name, noble C. I. T. - M antol1 M. Barnes, ' ~ 1 .
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