The rest masses of the electron and muon and of the stable mesons and baryons E.L. Koschmieder Center for Statistical Mechanics The University of Texas at Austin, Austin TX 78712, USA e-mail:
[email protected] The rest masses of the electron, the muon and of the stable mesons and baryons can be explained, within 1% accuracy, with the standing wave model, which uses only photons, neutrinos, charge and the weak nuclear force. We do not need hypothetical particles for the explanation of the masses of the electron, muon, mesons and baryons. We have determined the rest masses of the electron-, muon- and tau neutrinos and found that the mass of the electron neutrino is equal to the fine structure constant times the mass of the muon neutrino. Key words: Neutrino masses, electron mass, muon mass, meson masses, baryon masses. PACS numbers: 14.40.-n; 14.60.-z; 14.60.Pq. Introduction The so-called “Standard Model” of the elementary particles has, until now, not come up with a precise theoretical determination of the masses of either the mesons and baryons or of the leptons, which means that neither the mass of the fundamental electron nor the mass of the fundamental proton have been explained. The quarks, which have been introduced by Gell-Mann [1] forty years ago, are said to explain the mesons and baryons. But the standard model does not explain neither the mass, nor the charge, nor the spin of the particles, the three fundamental time-independent properties of arXiv:physics/0602037v4 [physics.gen-ph] 30 Jul 2007 the particles.