A Tate Duality Theorem for Local Galois Symbols II; the Semi-Abelian Case
A TATE DUALITY THEOREM FOR LOCAL GALOIS SYMBOLS II; THE SEMI-ABELIAN CASE EVANGELIA GAZAKI* Abstract. This paper is a continuation to [Gaz17]. For every integer n ≥ 1, we consider sn 2 the generalized Galois symbol K(k; G1, G2)/n −→ H (k, G1[n] ⊗ G2[n]), where k is a finite extension of Qp, G1, G2 are semi-abelian varieties over k and K(k; G1, G2) is the Somekawa K-group attached to G1, G2. Under some mild assumptions, we describe the exact anni- 2 hilator of the image of sn under the Tate duality perfect pairing, H (k, G1[n] ⊗ G2[n]) × 0 H (k, Hom(G1[n] ⊗ G2[n],µn)) → Z/n. An important special case is when both G1, G2 are abelian varieties with split semistable reduction. In this case we prove a finiteness result, which gives an application to zero-cycles on abelian varieties and products of curves. 1. Introduction In the early 90’s Somekawa ([Som90]), following a suggestion of K. Kato, defined a new K-group, K(k; G1, ··· ,Gr) attached to a finite family of semi-abelian varieties over a field M k. This group is a generalization of the Milnor K-group, Kr (k), of a field k. In fact, in the most basic case when G1 = ··· = Gr = Gm, Somekawa proved an isomorphism M Kr (k) ≃ K(k; Gm, ··· , Gm). Moreover, similarly to the case of the classical Milnor K-group, for every integer n ≥ 1 invertible in k, there is a well-defined homomorphism to Galois cohomology, r sn : K(k; G1, ··· ,Gr)/n → H (k,G1[n] ⊗···⊗ Gr[n]), known as the generalized Galois symbol.
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