Manchester Arena Inquiry Day 35 November 12, 2020 Opus 2 - Official Court Reporters Phone: +44 (0)20 3008 5900 Email:
[email protected] Website: November 12, 2020 Manchester Arena Inquiry Day 35 1 Thursday, 12 November 2020 1 that JSaRC did? 2 (9.30 am) 2 A. It would work with, in the crowded places example, with 3 (Delay in proceedings) 3 solution providers to provide technologies and test 4 (9.42 am) 4 technologies that would make public places more secure, 5 MR GREANEY: Good morning, sir. The gentleman in the 5 screening technologies for going into events and arenas, 6 witness box is Shaun Hipgrave, and I’ll begin by asking 6 et cetera. 7 that he be sworn, please. 7 Q. As we’re going to hear during your period as director of 8 MR SHAUN HIPGRAVE (affirmed) 8 Protect and Prepare at OSCT, you’ve been heavily 9 SIR JOHN SAUNDERS: Mr Hipgrave, this is the second time 9 involved in dealing with what we used to call crowded 10 you have come. I’m very sorry you came the last time 10 places or crowded spaces, now called publicly accessible 11 and we couldn’t deal with your evidence. 11 locations . When you were at JSaRC were you also 12 Mr Greaney, I’m also asked that the next witness 12 concerned with dealing with that kind of situation? 13 should watch, hear or be in the room for this evidence, 13 A. Parts of my work were, yes. 14 whichever..