Comic Book Examines Prophecy Recently Released Comic Book, Called Millennium, Is Taking the Adventist Prophetic Message Into Ew Markets
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May 31, 1997 R Prayer Conferences Report-10 Comic Book Examines Prophecy recently released comic book, called Millennium, is taking the Adventist prophetic message into ew markets. Based on Revelation 20 and chapter 42 of The Great Controversy, the comic "tells the story of two young people, the results of their choices and the incredible lengths Jesus goes to to save people," says Media Interest one of the authors, Pastor Grenville Kent. "It also shows some intriguing glimpses of what heaven might in Liberty be like." Youth workers of all Christian churches. in New South Wales and all state high schools in Sydney Congress-11 have received a copy, as have all Adventist churches in Australia and New Zealand. "We've given the comic to a lot of non-Christian young people and they loved the story and the artwork," says Pastor Kent. What Do You "Our washing machine repairman said, 'Great story, but strike, it made me think.' And that's exactly what we're trying to do." Have in Mind, Millennium is available from Adventist Book Centres. God?-9 Ending the Chaos wasn't sur- sented the second coming of Jesus. When who are comfortable have our comfort prised to dis- He didn't return, they saw this phrase disturbed occasionally. Enough to want cover that referring to judgment—the investigative something better. someone trying to judgment—as on the Day of Atonement. God's judgment will right wrongs, work out how to This passage reminded them that judg- He will end evil, and He will set up a predict weather ment had indeed begun. And the preach- kingdom of peace that will not be dis- should come up ing of William Miller from 1831 to 1844 turbed. with the chaos came to be regarded as marking the Can you imagine this world continu- theory? Edward beginning of the first angel's message ing another thousand years without God Lorenz, in 1961, (see The SDA Bible Commentary on stepping in? Without God's judgment was using a computer in an attempt to Revelation 14:7). the world will eventually self destruct. accurately predict the weather. What he discovered was that extremely minor Judgment and Jesus Just Another Death? changes in his calculations led to dra- But, in another sense, the judgment It's no coincidence that the same angel matic changes down the track. had taken place. When Jesus proclaimed, who brings the news that judgment has Chaos theory took a while to take off, "It is finished!" the judgment was cer- come is the one to proclaim the eternal but was popularised with the "butterfly tain; there was no contest. There was no gospel (good news). You see, judgment is effect," stated something like: A butter- longer any doubt about the final out- two-edged—it can be against you, or fly flaps its wings in Peking, resulting in come. God wins. His people win. given in your favour—and that is good storms in New York. In other words, a This was just as Jesus predicted: "Now news. seemingly minor event in one part of the is the time for judgment on this world; From one perspective, Jesus death was world may have a devastating impact far now the prince of this world will be driv- a minor event—one among thousands away. en out. But I, when I am lifted up from that year. Crucifixion wasn't unusual. We already knew that. Go back to the the earth, will draw all men to myself" For all His miracles and wisdom, and the beginning. A piece of fruit in a garden. (John 12:31-32, NIV). He was talking few hundred followers He'd attracted, Almost insignificant. Almost inconse- about His death. His death appeared to be just one more. quential. Almost, but not quite. Eve's The angel joins the chorus, "The hour But look beyond the frail human form one small act impacted the universe. of his judgment has come." on the cross. Here is the God-man come We still suffer the consequences. And to restore life lost at the beginning. And we're living under judgment—listen: Call for Judgment He demonstrated His power to give life "Fear God and give him glory, because Yet there is a judgment to come. Some by restoring His own. Jesus, the second the hour of his judgment has come" refer to it as the executive judgment— Adam, succeeded in life where the first (Revelation 14:7, NIV). when the judgment is enacted. There's a failed (see Romans 5:12-19). Then He call for this judgment, you've heard it— broke death's power. Our Pioneers usually in the terms of a plea for justice. Because of Jesus' death, the good That the judgment mentioned in We, who live the comfortable life— news is that judgment is in our favour Revelation 14 is not at the second com- where our greatest desire may be limited when we accept Him as Lord and ing is obvious—the judgment "has to owning more, to pushing the banks for Saviour. There's nothing to fear, because come." It isn't future. It's now. a better interest rate, to keeping the He's the judge who suffered the judg- Imagine the excitement of early neighbour's dog off the front lawn—can ment we deserve so that He can find in Adventists as they studied this text after miss the cry for justice. our favour. the disappointment of 1844. They felt that But look at Rwanda; visit the poor of And that judgment will end the chaos. the "cleansing of the sanctuary" repre- India; talk to a rape victim. And even we Bruce Manners Manuscripts Should be sent to The Editor. Official Paper Record, Signs Publishing Company, Seventh-day Adventist Church Warburton, Victoria 3799. Manuscripts or Next Week: South Pacific Division computer disks will only be returned if accom- panied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Editor Bruce Manners Phone: (03) 5966 9111. Fax: (03) 5966 9019. Assistant Editor Lee Dunstan E-mail: CompuServe 74617,726; Internet Editorial Assistant Brenton Stacey [email protected]. TAUC Report. Copy Editor Graeme Brown Subscriptions South Pacific Division, Editorial Secretary Lexie Deed $A39.00 $NZ44.85. All other regions, Senior Consulting Editor Laurie Evans $A77.00 $NZ88.55. Air mail rates on applica- tion. Order from Signs Publishing Company, Warburton, Victoria 3799, Australia. Printed Cover Photo: weekly by Signs Publishing Company. A.C.N. 000 003 930 Vol 102 No 21 2 RECORD May 31, 1997 PAGE 3 True Happiness by Ruth Krieg fairness and decency, to be generous to comes. This is true and everlasting hap- artime London, 1916. We losers and modest in success, but money piness, the peace that makes my old age W didn't know it then, but we has turned sport into a profession for the a time of joy and overwhelming love. were exactly halfway through the most players and a circus for the onlookers. With the basis of compassionate terrible war in history. Most of the mer- Being showered by champagne is an love—as demonstrated by our Saviour, chant ships that brought us our food lay uncomfortable, sticky mess, but useful Jesus Christ—living on earth takes on a sunken at the bottom in the icy waters of for getting rid of the stuff! vastly different quality. It becomes the North Atlantic. The arts—music, painting, literature— instinctive to be nonjudgmental, to see The war office was calling up middle- are full of people cutting the heads off the other side of situations and questions. aged men as the flower of young English "tall poppies." No lasting happiness To truly love is not something that manhood lay dead in the fields at there. comes easily, except perhaps between a Flanders. Food mother and child was scarce in (and even that is London, and we sometimes not ld'a aespies., 1,44E41 ii..14. A.v 6..1'• yr* 0, 1411,Ne. se Se re eee41Y. • tn.ohnosel ddr. • 1...• 14 h ate what we =r..1m =.01i6o AAA As spontaneous). sis seise ,Wi `1"`'''. 7,,l could get—dis- r/r.." Ittiewri el God, however, hs • •STA, VAs gt• .44,11 SS Islas ••• hese Hsi AA. • •14.44, 4se , essesser,s4s. eased potatoes, Sees• ors.; Asa. old• loves us all—rich •4 tAr sr* u. .41,1:4„ era, rabbits (quite wr, ISAIM R and poor, young • • Ian h• t.•=1 OM Sees.- I. SAI,j=ree4. nice in pies), se' the dust Asleis• P and old. I see the A He laS PrAPet,A 111.S.4144s, A Palm el ea • les1y A AA. bread and drip- AA., • WILL •vevise Ser.11 Len; r. tender, compas- vielAS At' ihm .des rise s. , ping. We slept in ...//bor 'Sots sionate love the .r7.4••-•f •••• , ?LT, our clothes :=4,r' z.1 „:„. ' ...'Irt:qrr,*t whole of humani- ;,.s, c.,,7ii-.-,„....7 ,•••..., .7,..,. .,-.,77" - • ti ths, • SAP leIS .tes because of the '1/7t.treef=s , ty shows a new- .?r,t 0 17E7 ea'= .11', es. 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