arXiv:2002.12677v1 [math.FA] 28 Feb 2020 h etn fF´ce pcsadt eieafwconsequenc few a derive to and Fr´echet spaces of setting the htteplnmasaednein dense are polynomials the that in.Vg 1]poe htteeaeFr´echet are spaces there Fr´ech that of proved examples [18] natural Vogt are (ultra)-distri tions. [8] of [5], spaces spaces Banach of growth H¨ormander o Fr´echet transform algebras [20]. Fourier-Laplace and the [19] [8], books the otnosand continuous htteinclusion the that ec ncmatsbesof subsets compact on gence otnoson continuous sioerclyioopi oaBnc pc fholomorphi of space Banach a to isomorphic infinite-dimensi separable, isometrically every is that shown have 1.3] orem on functions holomorphic map re htsaeo ooopi ucin on functions holomorphic Fr´echet of space ssadr.W ee h edrt 9,[0,[3 n 1] I [14]. and [13] [10], [9], to reader the refer We standard. is oooia uli eoe by denoted is dual topological Let Introduction. 1 prxmto property approximation G ope plane complex u eut eo.Bnc pcso ooopi ucin o functions as holomorphic this of However, spaces Banach 13.11]. below. Theorem results our [15, see domain; connected oyoil sdnein dense is polynomials h ek oooyon topology weak* the span( saF´ce pc hti ustof subset a is that Fr´echet space a is vr eaal ope rehtsaewt continuous a with Fr´echet space complex separable Every e od n phrases. and words Key Classification. Subject Mathematics 2020 u oainfrfntoa nlss npriua o Fr´ for particular in analysis, functional for notation Our G omi smrhct pc fhlmrhcfunctions holomorphic of space a to isomorphic is E A euneeape fncerF´ce pcso ooopi fun subspac holomorphic dense of a exist. Fr´echet spaces as approximation th nuclear polynomials bounded on of the functions examples contains holomorphic which sequence of plane, is space complex is a norm the in continuous included a continuously with space Fr´echet space dimensional infinite arable ea pncnetddmi ntecmlxplane complex the in domain connected open an be .I htflos eset we follows, what In ). ⊂ xedn euto aheh n asod epoeta eve that prove we Ransford, and Mashreghi of result a Extending H ( G E scniuu fadol ftepiteautosa h poi the at evaluations point the if only and if continuous is ) C E fteplnmasaednein dense are polynomials the If . aebe hruhyivsiae.W ee h edrfre for reader the refer We investigated. thoroughly been have E otisteplnmas ytecoe rp hoe,tei the theorem, graph closed the By polynomials. the contains ⊂ H E pcso ooopi ucin,F´ce pcs continu Fr´echet spaces, functions, holomorphic of Spaces H ( ′ G G by ( G sntcniuu.Teeeape r o rehtsae o Fr´echet spaces not are examples These continuous. not is ) norsne eyrcnl,MsrgiadRnfr 1,The [11, Ransford and Mashreghi recently, Very sense. our in G fadol if only and if ) σ A . ( E E ′ N Fr´echet space h ektplg on topology weak The . ′ X E , 0 h ups fti oei oetn hsrsl to result this extend to is note this of purpose The . := .Telna pno subset a of span linear The ). Jos´e Bonet rmr:4A4 eodr:4A1 46A32. 46A11, secondary: 46A04, Primary: N Abstract H G { ∪ ( G noe ihtetplg fuiomconver- uniform of topology the with endowed , 1 ,sc htteicuinmap inclusion the that such ), 0 G } . E stewoecmlxpaeo simply a or plane complex whole the is fhlmrhcfntoso h domain the on functions holomorphic of E E then , hc r otie in contained are which uin 7 n nescin of intersections and [7] butions nl ope aahspace Banach complex onal, tsae fhlmrhcfunc- holomorphic of spaces et E niefntos[] 3,[12], [3], [2], functions entire f E ce pcsadterduals, their and spaces echet es. h ntdisc unit the n C functions c sdntdby denoted is ednt by denote We . f ssprbe h set The separable. is upini o eddin needed not is sumption E toswtotthe without ctions saF´ce pc,its Fr´echet space, a is A ycmlxsep- complex ry mrhct a to omorphic of ntds or disc unit e .A con- a As e. u om bounded norm, ous X E sdntdby denoted is ⊂ D E σ t of nts ( n nthe on and H H ,E E, ⊂ apeto xample H ( ( nclusion H D G ( G such ) ′ such ) ( G and ) G the ) P is ) are of Y - f 2 Results.

We start with the following observation. If a Fr´echet space F is isomorphic to a Fr´echet space E ⊂ H(G) of holomorphic functions on an open connected domain G ⊂ C, then F has a continuous norm. Indeed, let T : F → E be a topological isomorphism and let K ⊂ G be an infinite compact set. Since both T and the inclusion E ⊂ H(G) are continuous by assumption, there is a p on F such that supz∈K |T (x)(z)|≤ p(x) for each x ∈ F . If p(x) = 0 for some x ∈ F , then T (x)(z) = 0 for each z ∈ K. Therefore, the holomorphic function T (x) vanishes on G. Since T is injective, x = 0.

We need the following Lemma to prove our main result.

Lemma 2.1 Let F be a separable, infinite dimensional Fr´echet space with a continuous ′ ′ norm. Then one can find two sequences (en)n∈N0 ⊂ F and (en)n∈N0 ⊂ F such that

(i) span{en | n ∈ N0} is dense in F . ′ ′ (ii) (en)n∈N0 is equicontinuous in F . ′ ′ ′ (iii) span{en | n ∈ N0} is dense in (F ,σ(F F )). ′ ′ N ′ (iv) hen, emi = 0 if n 6= m and hen, eni = 1 for each n ∈ 0. That is, (en, en)n∈N0 is a biorthogonal system.

Proof. We denote by τ the metrizable topology of the Fr´echet space F and by p the continuous norm on F . Let U := {x ∈ F | p(x) ≤ 1} be the unit ball of the norm p. The polar set U ◦ of U in F ′ coincides with {u ∈ F ′ | |u(x)| ≤ p(x) for all x ∈ F } and, by ◦ ◦ ′ ′ Hahn-Banach theorem, its H := span(U )= ∪s∈NsU is σ(F , F )-dense in F .

Since (F,τ) is separable, there is a countable, infinite subset A = (yn)n∈N0 of F which is τ dense in F . Hence, A is also dense in the normed space (F,p), and this normed space is separable, too. The topological dual of (F,p) coincides with H = span(U ◦) ⊂ F ′. Since (F,p) is metrizable and separable, it follows from [14, Corollary 2.5.13] that H is σ(H, F )- ′ separable. We select a countable, infinite subset A = (vn)n∈N0 of H which is dense in

(H,σ(H, F )). We now apply [14, Proposition 2.3.2] to find sequences (xn)n∈N0 ⊂ span(A) ′ ′ ′ ′ and (xn)n∈N0 ⊂ span(A ) such that hxn,xmi = 0 if n 6= m and hxn,xni = 1 for each N N ′ N ′ n ∈ 0, and span({xn,n ∈ 0}) = span(A) and span({xn,n ∈ 0}) = span(A ). N ′ ′ ◦ N Since for each n ∈ 0 we have xn ∈ span(A ) ⊂ H = ∪s∈NsU , then for each n ∈ 0 we ′ ′ −1 ′ can select m(n) > 0 such that |xn(x)|≤ m(n)p(x) for each x ∈ F . We set en := m(n) xn and en := m(n)xn for each n ∈ N0 and we check that these sequences satisfy properties (i) − (iv). (i) span({en,n ∈ N0}) = span({xn,n ∈ N0}) = span(A) is dense in (F,τ). ′ N ′ (ii) |en(x)|≤ p(x) for each x ∈ F and each n ∈ 0. Therefore, (en)n∈N0 is equicontin- uous in F ′. ′ N ′ N ′ (iii) span({en,n ∈ 0}) = span({xn,n ∈ 0}) = span(A ) is σ(H, F )-dense in H. Since ′ ′ N ′ ′ H is σ(F , F )-dense in F , we conclude that span{en,n ∈ 0} is σ(F , F )-dense in F . ′ (iv) This follows easily from the definitions, since (xn,xn)n∈N0 is a biorthogonal system. ✷

Lemma 2.1 is a version for separable Fr´echet spaces with a continuous norm of [6, Lemma 2], which was relevant in linear dynamics. See also [1, Lemma 2.11]. Observe that ′ ′ the existence of a sequence (en)n∈N0 ⊂ F satisfying (ii) and (iii) in Lemma 2.1 implies that the space F has a continuous norm. In fact, by (ii) there is a seminorm p on F such

2 ′ that supn∈N0 |en(x)| ≤ p(x) for all x ∈ F . Suppose that p(y) = 0 for some y ∈ F . Then ′ N en(y) = 0 for each n ∈ 0. Condition (iii) implies that y = 0. The statement and proof of our next result are inspired by Mashreghi and Ransford [11, Theorem 1.3].

Theorem 2.2 Let F be a separable, infinite dimensional, complex Fr´echet space with a continuous norm. Let G be an open connected domain in C. Then there exists a Fr´echet space E ⊂ H(G) of holomorphic functions on G such that F is isomorphic to E and the polynomials are dense in E.

Proof. We apply Lemma 2.1 to the space F to select the sequences (en)n∈N0 ⊂ F and ′ ′ (en)n∈N0 ⊂ F satisfying conditions (i)−(iv). In particular, we find a continuous norm p on ′ N F such that |en(x)|≤ p(x) for each x ∈ F and each n ∈ 0. Now take a sequence (αn)n∈N0 ∞ n of positive numbers such that Pn=0 αnk < ∞ for each k ≥ 1. Define T : F → H(G) ∞ ′ n by T (x)(z) := Pn=0 αnen(x)z for each x ∈ F and each z ∈ G. The operator T is well- defined, linear and continuous. First of all, the series defining T (x) converges and defines an entire function for each x ∈ F , since ∞ ∞ ′ n n X αn|en(x)||z| ≤ p(x) X αnk < ∞ n=0 n=0 for each |z| ≤ k and each k ≥ 1. The continuity of T can be seen as follows: given an arbitrary compact subset L of G, there is k ≥ 1 such that |z| ≤ k for each z ∈ L. Then, for each x ∈ F we get ∞ ∞ ′ n n sup |T (x)(z)| = sup X αnen(x)z ≤ X αnk p(x). ∈ ∈  z L z L n=0 n=0 ′ Moreover, the map T is injective. Indeed, if T (x)=0in H(G), then en(x) = 0 for each ′ ′ ′ n ∈ N0. Since span({en | n ∈ N0}) is dense in (F ,σ(F , F )), this implies that x = 0. −1 n The monomials are clearly contained in T (F ), because T ((αn) en) = z for each N s n s −1 n ∈ 0. Therefore, each polynomial P (z) = Pn=0 anz = T (Pn=0 an(αn) en) belongs also to T (F ). The T : F → T (F ) ⊂ H(G) is a continuous bijection. We endow E := T (F ) with the metrizable, complete topology such that T : F → E is an isomorphism. Then E is a separable Fr´echet space of holomorphic functions on the domain G. The polynomials are contained in E and they are also dense. This can be seen in the following way. By (i) −1 in Lemma 2.1, span({(αn) en,n ∈ N0}) = span({en | n ∈ N0}) is dense in F . Then the set P of all polynomials satisfies

−1 −1 P = T (span({(αn) en),n ∈ N0})) = T (span({(αn) en,n ∈ N0})) = T (F )= E. ✷

A Fr´echet space F has the if there is a net (Tα)α of finite rank operators on F such that Tαx converges to x for each x ∈ F uniformly on the compact subsets of F . A Fr´echet space F has the bounded approximation property if there is an equicontinuous net (Tα)α of finite rank operators on F such that Tαx converges to x for each x ∈ F . If F has the bounded approximation property, then it has the approximation property, since pointwise convergence and uniform convergence on compact sets coincide on the equicontinuous subsets of the space L(F ) of all continuous linear operators from F into itself; see e.g. [10, Theorem 39.4(2)]. Assume now that F is also

3 separable. In this case, every equicontinuous subset of the space L(F ) is metrizable for the topology of pointwise convergence by [10, Theorem 39.5(9)]. Therefore, one can apply the uniform boundedness principle to conclude that a separable Fr´echet space F has the bounded approximation property if and only if there is a sequence (Tn)n of finite rank operators such that limn→∞ Tnx = x for each x ∈ F . Every Fr´echet space with a Schauder basis has the bounded approximation property and every nuclear Fr´echet space has the approximation property. The problem of Grothendieck whether every nuclear Fr´echet space has the bounded approximation property was open for quite a while. The first counterexample was due to Dubinsky, and simpler examples were obtained by Vogt. We refer the reader to the introduction of Vogt’s paper [17] for more information. In that paper Vogt presented an easy and transparent example of a nuclear Fr´echet space failing the bounded approximation property and consisting of C∞-functions on a subset of R3. The first examples of nuclear Fr´echet spaces with the bounded approximation property without basis are due to Mitiagin and Zobin; see pages 514 and ff. in [9]. An easy example of a nuclear Fr´echet space which consists of C∞-functions and has no Schauder basis was also given by Vogt in [16]. Theorem 2.2 permits us to obtain in an abstract way examples among nuclear Fr´echet spaces of holomorphic functions.

Corollary 2.3 There are nuclear Fr´echet spaces of holomorphic functions on the unit disc or the complex plane without the bounded approximation property, and there are others with the bounded approximation property without Schauder basis. It is also a consequence of Theorem 2.2 that classical counterexamples in the theory of Fr´echet spaces exist in the frame of separable Fr´echet spaces of holomorphic functions on an open connected domain. For example there are Fr´echet Montel spaces which are not Schwartz, Fr´echet Schwartz spaces without approximation property, non-distinguished Fr´echet spaces and Fr´echet spaces with a continuous norm such that their bidual is isomor- phic to a countable product of Banach spaces, among many others. See more information about these examples in [4] and [13].

Acknowledgement. This research was partially supported by the projects MTM2016- 76647-P and GV Prometeo/2017/102.


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Author’s address:

Jos´eBonet: Instituto Universitario de Matem´atica Pura y Aplicada IUMPA, Univer- sitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia, E-46071 Valencia, Spain email: [email protected]