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11-3-1916 New Mexico State Record, 11-03-1916 State Publishing Company

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REPUBLICAN Income of New Mexico State Land Office Doubles TO THE REPUBLICANS CANDIDATES That of a Year for Period of October Settlements-Ervi- en OF NEW MEXICO Ago For Presidential Electors, H. . Hammond, C. U Hill, Juan Ortis. ' OUR candidate for , TTnlm O. Utirsum. is running Three staunch Republicans ot New Check to State Treasurer for like the leader of a landslide. From all parts of the state Mexico. Votes for them mean votes $41 6,864.83 reports are tho name. Sentiment lias turned definitely for Charles E. Hughes, Republican and finally to iSursuin, and h.; and the liepublienu state ticket candidate for president ot the United are to be elected by a record-breakin- Let every States, and lor Charles W. Fairbanks, RECEIPTS FOR SAME PICK OP T1IK majority. or iu New Mexico, from this moment until tho candidate for vice presi- COMMISSIONKU OF PUBLIC LANDS Republican polls Republican STATIC ISKW close on election day, bend his every energy to ranking that dent of the . PERIOD LAST YEAR OP MEXICO NOV 2907 majority overwhelming. taHTvFkSUH,. .101 "".. The election of Charles E. Hughes is curtain. The nation For United States Senator, Frank REACHED TOTAL OF is for him. Sentiment has turned to him throughout the coun- A. llubbell. One of tbe foremost busi- IVrTOTHK try, just as sentiment has turned to Hurstim in New Mexico. ness men of New Mexico. Mr. Hub-- UIlltKK Or The are tired of of of evasion ONLY pcoplo inefficiency, vacillation, bell grew up in New Mexico and the $234,445.97 inrl weiikness They want a chanpe to strong, vigorous Amer- story of his success is tbe story of Oft ED SIXTEEN THOUSA W2 ican leaders, whose policies are definite and whose administra- the growth and development of terri-- ! Grand of cash income AllS tive ability is adequate and state. Mr. llubbell bas in- total in- tory for year $635,547.57, with New Mexico mnsf not be behind the r 'st of the states in vested 'lie fruits of his success in his come due from 1,200 leases The in Mexico support for Mr. lliiejn Ilernoerats New have slate; lie; money produced by bis big and sale contracts still Fihst National Dank, all linen or be in before abandoned hope of elntintr l)e ,l'd ionald and hav! eiiterprmc;, is circulated here. Now to paid SANTA N. M. iitiminisi november 30. FE, f " S Life. ceased to defend the .McDonald ret ion. Tl.ey have Mr. Hubbi II'h suns may take up his r at PUt Ltul all on centered their efforts support for Wilson and for their business, and ins slate may have the A. A. .Tones. INCOME IN ERVIEN'S candidate for the Senate, This desertion of their Liein In of iiU sound good sense and 1997, state ticket creates a situation which all must The Fund Criticism. I'epublieans his loyal interest in New Mexico and WAS Deposit watch and asrnirrt This is our t make FIRST YEAH, $7,552,15 criticism puard opportunity lis people la the Senate, of the United Tho other which has been New Mexico and for all time a stnfe. directed against the land department definitely Kepnbliean Stales. Moreover, he is thoroughly PUB- HANDLING STATE LAND FUND DEPOSITS See vote in and OPERATING COST OF GREAT Mr, Ervlen's that every your precinct at your polluter place ami New Mexico needs to TO during administration, Republican LIC BUSINESS HELD DOWN has arisen and Is due votes the Republican ticket straight that Charles B. Hughes EIGHT PER very recently, send a Ilrpublicun to the Sonata to APPROXIMATELY to a condition over which he has had and our candidates for the and the House CENT THIS YEAR, WITH NO CINCH FOR BANKER back up tho next president, Mr BANKS, SAYS no control. In order to insure of vote. PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT good Representatives, get. every Republican Hughes, who is a Republican. COST INCLUDED. faith on tho part of persons applying The congressmen from New Mexico may determine the for selections of slate lands for pur- of the next Remember that on political complexion Congress. For Representative in Congress. Santa Pa. N. M Nov. 1. Robert Santa Fe, N. M., November 1. "I have seen somewhere an inti- chase, the necessity for a deposit to election and see that vote for day every Republican goes C. Hernandez. An efficient 1. Ervien, New Mexico commissioner mation that New Mexico banks which have deposits of state land insure performance of the contract, and for men who will his Benigno drew a Hughes support policies. and member of 4 Public lands late last week funds realize large profits therefrom, and in view of our own experi- when the selection had been approved Ta8s the word alonsr to friends. This is to be made capable Congress) check on the First National bank of ence as the thief of those funds. It has caused me some ob- your there depository by the federal government, was an A half will not whose splendid record the past this . In favor of the Treasurer amusement," said Levi A. Hughes, president of the First National vious. Tbe of state land se- overwhelming Republican victory. victory two to approval A will not do. must be snd years clearly entitles him at ef New Mexico, for tbe sum ot $410, bank ot Santa Fe today, in response to an inquiry for some detailed lections In the of the In- do. small majority It convincing check ever department Re- other term. And it is as important M4.83, the largest single Information concerning the largest income payment from public lands terior at the final. It must be big enough to place New Mexico in the into the state as in ever turned into the in a check. The Washington during pres- to elect a Republican member of tho tamed treasury state treasury single state ent administration has been publican column for years to come. come from the state's public lands, land commissioner's check for $416,804.83, being tha total of accumu- painfully House ot Representatives as to elect to funds of the slow; so slow at times as to give an To this end work every minute from now tintil election lor distribution the lated funds for the annua! October settlement of the department, was a Republican senator. various state beneficiaries of the lea-Ar- drawn on the First National here, and is one ot the largest checks impression ot deliberate delay and day, and on election day go to the polls before they open. land grants. ever paid by any New Mexico bank. possible obstruction. Because of these Line up among trip early voters. Cast your vote early and the in- For Holm O. Bursran. Tho big check represents "People have an Idea I think," said Mr. Hughes, "Jt at least delays in approval of selections, the thereafter work at the polls in behalf of your national, your Governor, tern of the state land office for the some seem to have the state land commissioner comes deposits by intending purchasers have a Who came to New Mexico to earn hte settlements and people it, that congressional, your state and your county ticket. Make it farted ot the October around and leaves sums ot with the banks for indefi- run up to nearly $750,000. These when be was thirteen years) akowa an Increase over the income large money clean sweep right down the line. Elect them all. living nite periods during which the banks can loan the money at current funds are not state funds. are who found time In the tor the Bame period of last year of They Remember that the Democrats are desperate. They are old; years oi Interest rates and make large profits. The impression, If It really the property of the prospective pur- flS4.140.16, when the land commis- to to Their last minute attacks will be hard work building a modest fontuM exists, la wholly wrong. This bank, as the custodian of the state chasers and are held by the Land ready go any length. sioner's check to the state treasurer vol- Inst to and deceive for bis family to study the problem mean land department's checking account, generally carries a heavier Commissioner In the same that a vicious. Their minute efforts distract you $234,445.97. The figures ume ot way ot the He has dons much t m an in the the department's business and deposits than any other bank certified check is held an archi- you will bo po,unlly vicious. Just keep in mind that McDonald people. that there has been increase in state. our wants Is to by lands dur- the Of course bank the business and glad from on and his administration have been tried by the of New secure better roads, better schools fate's income from public have it entrusted to us. The commissioner has our bank the tect a contractor bidding a people over the Income made ot are Mexico and found and remember the assurance of better government for New lfexloflk ing the present year, principal because of convenience, and to reduce piece construction. They trust wanting; Of last year of close to 100 per cent. depository largely funds which the land commissioner McDonald when he said E. C. de Baca is elected He is tbe author of. the Bursum taa settle-tent- s expense to the minimum. It Is a compliment to the institution which "If governor Prior to the annual October we has no other power than merely to Mexico he will inaks the same kind of a I law, providing a more tax cods the Land Commissioner bad appreciate; but any idea that our bank makes any large profit of New governor just the of fuuds is keep in safety. This has been done for the their taxes aid state $166,-161.4- upon handling these entirely wrong. have been." people, reducing Into the treasury these funds in banks all a grand total for the "As a matter of fact a bank finds it difficult to realize any profit by depositing Remember all these things and do your duty to your party although still providing sufficient re making over the state which have been will- year to this time, of $PS5, 547.57. on the state land office account. The period of the deposit is uncer- and state and own best interests on November 7th. enues for tbe states. He is the ao The is to withdrawn to make your your There remains to be added to this big tain. money liable be at any time, and because ing the necessary surety thor ot the mine tax law, which ha Income due and on of this its use in current commercial loans is not practical for a con- bonds to protect the total the payable, properly deposits. the corpora or before November 30, 191C, the end servative banking institution. It is true that at times the state land Not all banks have been to compelled great mining willing to more ot o; Of the state's' fiscal year, from 1,200 deposits help swell our balances with our reserve banks In the east, take In these funds since the period lions pay the expenses but man I have learned the true in- leases and contracts of sale, on which anyone familiar with banking knows that the interest rate paid of their holding is uncertain, depend- stuts government. Mr. Bursum hai have not on such is small. TOM COONEY wardness of him own the annual settlements yet deposits very ing entirely on the time when the In- through my become a successful business max been made. "On the hand the cost of the enormous volume ot and his two C. H. , other handling terior department may see fit to ap- true friends, and a student O. For the first time the people of transactions which mako tho and business of the thoroughly equipped up daily monthly the state's selections of land ap- Kirkpatrick and the Hon. Harry M. New Mexico have an oppdrtunity to state land uses all from prove ANSWERS government through his own ability office, practically up profit accruing interests for. de case I. realize Just how big the state's pub- to us on those this check here for plied Domrlicrty, both Harry and hard work. His many ha paid deposits. Take big instance; a life Democrat. study lic land Income and have of The attorney general of the state Ooughcrty Wis lo'ip i operations it represents a total 3,583 separate and distinct Items ranging from broad-minde- inun attributes and bis straitut-fo- become the administration of has ruled that the Land Commission- Imt :i very d man, and during $2 up, all of which renuuire separate handling, separate clearing on UNCLE HARRY on Fc I ward honesty lire natural trails. the stale lands by Mr. Ervien. It is other banks, scattered all through the United States and Canada, and er has no option but to keep those my way stopped over t ) sc; him as lie was Cooncy by far the biggest business enterprise a banking detail which is very heavy, particularly during tho settle- funds just as he is now keeping them, In the and It is administered on land Wrath (.rby's attorney for years. For Lieutenant Governor, W. EL state, ment periods. The only times when our deposits of state land funds and the United Plates attorney for time he told me all about a smaller cost for oper- At that A proportionate are very heavy is during these settlement periods, confined almost New Mexico, in a recent written opin- Pttrsutn's affairs as war- Lindsey. stalwart Republican from ation than Is other big business in- WELL KNOWN M0G0LL0N penitentiary any wholly to the month of October when tbe business is very hoavy ion to tho attorney general at Wash- den of the state and tho eastern part of the stale, who will enterprise in the state, either public deed, as shown by this check to the state treasurer, penitentiary or large clearing ington held with the attorney general MINING MAN ADDS TO then said: "Tom. Bursum is as make an eiliciciil lieuieuaut governor private. from our bank the accumulations of the October settlement period of the state. Thus tuure has been no innocent as an unborn babe of the and presiding officer ot tbe Stat It hag cost the state, up to this for this and a record hi Mob fe UN HERRMAN STATEMENT. de- year, establishing dsw aaymenU on the of tbe land commis- foul charges which helped to senate. time this year considerably less than treasurer. option part I cent to land sioner but to continue the SAYS BURSUM IS A feat him. I am his attorney, and I per operate the big "Once so comes we funds, PRINCE know." And For of Gilberto an- - every often a check back anad have the task oiiKht to Harry Dough- Secretary State, department, and when the total properly secured, us they have always soul in Who has made a fine rec- will of sending It back over the route again or undoing the transaction AMONG MEN erty fmay his rest peace) Mirabal. cost has been footed up it to source. been held. soul of honor. I am for ord as the bead of the e an even 8 cent. all the way back Its Tbe land office deposits made here was the accounting approximately per This criticism will very soon be re- O. because I know he of the land office This cost Includes the new during the past thirty days will aggregate half a million dollars. To ill. Btirsum department slate operating handled in of- moved through tbe of the is honest and one of the bicrgest and whose election will be a recogni- added to the have the banking end ot those transactions his own operation in southern New Mcx- - publicity department, fices the land commissioner would have a force of I:;nrt ftennrtinent HVKtom whlph tin. Everybody men in New Mexico physically, nien- - tion of the younger members ot the state land department by the legisla- required special trained men almost as as our whole bank of the as se- - ,LU M,ows lom ""cy. "c is a and party. tors of 1915, by an act banking large force here. poses lands quickly as tally morally. Republican permitting We de- rr.i, , niunccr of the Motrollons. the Coon- - I know all about the Tl. O. B. Min- - land commissioner to 3 handle all that detail, but we cannot make loans from these ..i the expend i,; of winch I nc e William O. Bar-gen-t. cent of Income of the state posits, for we have notice that they are subject to immediate with- now held In trust will diminish ranld. ey milliner district bcinjr nam- - Company Harry For State Auditor, per the I us drawal, or at any time. ! ,1.1. .1 u ,l ,.. !,: .. 1I U. MHNIKS ami lie .Oi I.iv iiKiii. Uf whose record territorial land department for promotion of the ..uu. iuib nine un, tunj caiinui rcacn ""v "...v.. U.. the WS.OtlO and and then amliior and of "The present land commissioner Is exacting In his care for de- r,rsm pnv Mnliter slule sot Improvement advancing values any Important total upain. prominent in the development of the nn t djte am! in nil thoe alone the but all tho and for en- tail, and while this is highly commendable on his part, It makes the mork Republicans, cltt the land, advertising and in tne meaniime me wisuom or tne was instrum-depos- it more or never hanrllmg of his banking business a very arduous undertaking. Fre- Mogoilons and largely ftocn years, less, has it lis of the stale may bo proud. Mr couraging the industries and develop- has been secured one in return and never! will bo of quently payments are made in excess of the amount due. Whenever requirement proven cntal in securing the interest if rent Sargent should and ment the resources of the state. a from Mm. P.iirsinn is the such an excess is under cents the commissioner refunds it In over and over again. Quite recently ; tile Qr-- an dis-th- o whimper Some Idea of the growth achieved twenty ,,artit.s mining and createt ri'ive tdav. In the state's land business can be postage stamps. But over twenty cents we are required to issue a land commissioner paid into the trict of I)ona Ana county, out of hct Vrr For State Vrousurer, Gregory Taga. Sli.uiM he losp this election he is the A a a had from the fact in cashier's check for the surplus which goes hack to the man sending state treasury tho Finn of $12,000, which prcw the sale of the proper-realize- d Itepubliean. heavy taxpayer, that the first same man he was five years aero. man of Mr. of Mr. Ervlen's in the overpayment. I mention this as an Illustration of the vast de- from the forfeit of a ties to the Phelps Dodec Co. Tom busimss proven ability, year administration, single If yon rVein it worthy cnoneji you, will fulfill the duties of office 1907, the total of the annual October tail work which goes with this deposit We are glad to have the land deposit, in a contract wherein the in- served bocorro county in the state l'agu In and in his may publish this. ami compel the respect of everyone as settlement was but $7,552.15. A- department business; many ways it is a benefit to this bank as It tending purchaser failed to complete legislature exemplifies Yonrs most tntlv. would be to any bank, but who thinks it to daily life the highest ideals of slate treasurer. lmost from the time Mr. Ervien took anyone highly profitable tbe purchase when the selection ap- good THOMAS COONEY. of the under an the bank handling it simply does not know what the expense of han- citizenship. Here is Tom Cooney's charge department plied for had been approved and had For (li te Frank appointment by the then territorial dling that business Is. letter to tne editor ot this paper Attorney ral, W. been tendered to him for final pur- -- The and there has been a an- "There is one feature of the drawing of this $400,000 check on this week, Mr. Cooncy graciously , , , Clancy. line lawyer publlo governor, rapid chase. A considerable number ctatc man who has been imal Increase In the Income. The'ad-dltlona- l our bank which is of real interest not only to bankers but to all the of riving his consent for its publica attorney general of of New Mexico. It shows an enormous increase in the rev- smaller forfeitures have been turned : LAND TO SETTLERS AT since statehood, following an honor- grant of six million acres people tion as federal lands under the enue the state is deriving from its lands. Those of us who are fa- Into the state treasury, making In the WEEK able service territorial attorney enabling act, Las Cruccs, N. M., Oct. 23rd. DEMING LAST The of New Mexico more than doubled the state's hold- miliar with the transactions of the land office have been amazed at aggregate an Imposing total. gene'al. people Editor Silver Citv Enterprise, will feel proud to retain Mr. Clancy ings, but with due regard to the pro- tbe growth of the income for the state. If the operation of the state A Business Man's N. M. land Working Job. Silver City. at the head of the state's legal de- portionate value of the state's total department and the administration ot our lands is continued : was The Job ot administering New Mex- Dear bir In vour last issue, the At the state land sale that partment. land holdings, the Income from the upon its present efficient basis it Is a matter of a little time un- Herr-'hel- only ico's lands Is no 20th, I note that Uncle Harry d at the court house on Monday lands has Increased at a ratio far In til our schools and practically all of our public institutions will be public undertaking Fred a for a man who cares an mann, our Grand Old Man of the morninp; by Captain Mueller, For Superintendent of Public In advance of the increase In the grant maintained very largely from tbe income from state lands alone, thus for easy life. refutes Gov. McDonald's of 40.47fi.25 was sold Is Mo?ollons, total acreage structlon, J. H. Wagner. An eminent Itself. The greatest Increase has lifting a heavy load from the In the eleven months of It a working business man's Job Bur- - S125.90S 75. Accom-sum- 's taxpayers. charges as to the Hon. Holm O. for the sum of educator well fitted ami come during the last two years, dur- this year the income from state lands has reached $700,000 00. and requires close and constant at- r was W. hy training nearly recordthe expenditures on the panyinff Capt. Muc'li J. to direct the state de- ing which time the land commissioner The time is now very near at hand when this Income will be over the tention year In and year out. The de old Bursum road from to March of the state land office, who temperament to million Magdalcna partment of education. Mr. Wagner's has been able put Into effect In a dollar mark each year." tail handled through the Mogollon. I cannot refrain from ex- - assisted him in the holding; of the state-wid- e department excellent record as head of the Las way his policies for devel- is enormous. Its of I ncie sale. state owned banking transactions pressing my appreciation Cruccs and Santa Fe schools indorses opment of lands, which alone are far honesty and fairness at this AH of the land, with the exception have been since larger month by month parry's him for the state superintendency. forming practically legislature, following statehood, which A Which Justifies Itself. 4 1, . itime wncn sn many ucmncrais ana ot one scnooi section, wcin iui he took of Policy ,i,.n ii the day charge the depart- permitted the land commissioner to The answer to the first of these a few Republicans, I regret to say) the school section, poinir to Tc"0 broad-guag- small banks Its field Is whole e' For Commissioner of Tubllc ment put into operation a busi- the ,are to k sient owi to'Mundcll for $10 per acre. The In- criticisms, which has now ,,i Vic-I- Robert P. Ervien The state official Annual Income Almost ness in the of state practically state, and the number of its clients ;the in an of lovvinc were the : s Doubles. policy handling ceased to be the of party )ash expression purchasers whose careful adminis! ration of state! and their use in the heard, as wisdom Increasing by leaps and bounds, as honest convictions. While scrv-- 1 and & Cattle Co.. 47fi.'0 acres: The total Income from state lands, lands, allowing their torio nest-- : the commissioner's has T. lands has already provided a fine for the fiscal year ended November most practical way, while at the same general policy is indicated by the enormous in the first statr. legislature and T. Hvatt. 33.1.55 acre: A. E. become Is an- et'g for the public schools; whose stic--l 80, 1915, was 424,725,89. time effectively safeguarding them recognized. found in the creases in the revenues. endeavoring to represent my conn- - oieer, II 1957 acres: W. H. Cook, from or unwise sales. nual of the state land in as I deemed Minn.. 10.533.4 V. W. cessful efforts, against the opposition When all Settlements for the pres- depreciation reports office, Land Commissioner Ervien has had suc'' legislation Du'iith. acre: of a Democratic to to the hard-heade- business which show un- l' and I had occasion to . H. I.. Kerr, governor, lest the ent fiscal year have been made, and Third, that the total acreage a thorough schooling in the work of iproper just. Py'-ec- 1235 acres; lands for oil and administration which Mr. Ervien has x 40 public pas may openj the balance has been struck for this der what are termed "small leases," the He has it his !"' """J AlfonsJ.anno. new riches to the i to the land department. given j"'",4 he K0eTvetoed bill I had A. P. il 30. .i acre:: a;rry. up commonwealth. fiscal vear on November 20 the tntnl given state's business, 2,000 acres or less, is considerably every iams. Mr. Is a from the most minute detail of of entire and undivided attention since ;the honor - for mv con- - .W.on acres: P.. 1. Tnttle. 40 Ervien builder; he s'ands fori Income for the fiscal year 1916 will greater than Is the total acreage held of prescntin- Tut'lc. and in ,1CB P to sucn he took the position. He brought to of Socorro countv. I.. M. 320 .rogret-- efficiency office, andj be close to $SDO,000, and PpraIIon transactions stitucnts yet hc'nrrcs; Sclnventkcr, acres; I very may under as used in n. should be as the recent oi lease- - "large leases," the it the judgment and of a man "airo A. G. IfO W. C. posslblv exceed that amount The In--! which Involves ability informed me two years that acres; areas unu department to designate leases of of unusual of com-- i his actions then were Hoover. 1C0 A. G Kodolf, come enjoyed by New Mexico from large wuica may result in grasp large affairs, entire'y acres; For Justice of the Court,' Its state lands has almost huge income for the state and Its 20,000 acres or more. The Income bined with the unusual of through a misapprehension of the rA2 S acres ; Henry Yanoo. 320 acres ; Supreme doubled quality Clarence J. Roberts. The distin-- j schools, without effort or from leases which has made the of tllen needs of the I ven- - K. F. Johnson. 100 acres; E. C. Within a single year. practically grasp detail. He has added to this county. clear-thinkin- g Is' lands Iture to he is strain lab- - Green. 160 Hi'l Pros., 3720 guifdied. Jurist who Close observers of the development expense. state's produce a revenue far ,nninmii s 1,,.. ,i ..... say that acres; now The administration of the under a m acres; J. A. p.TO.jJ acres. chief Justice of the state supreme' of the state's land holdings, and of public beyond the greatest amount hoped for lands and of the state as a whole that oring misapprehension I'ruett, court and who will be administration lands Mr. Ervien bas been remark- regards to II. O. Btirsum. Mc. is a Many men were pres.! unquestionably their attribute the by by anyone within twenty years after is profound, and an understanding of prominent by the to the bench Increase In revenue able in that It has been almost en- likeable fellow and I surely could cnt at the sale, including H. A. people huge of the past statehood, and which will make avail- the needs of the department and of from which he has so interpreted two years to three causes. free from criticism even from not believe he would stoop to such astro, president of the Victorio ably general tirely able for schools during the next year the state that is comprehensive. He deeds to fill a and I.and & Co.. who came the law since New Mexico was ad- These are, - - simply position Catt'e from; first; general develop- political opponents. During the en- or two not less than a million dollars was one of the D. mitted to tbe Union. ment of the state. Increased demand best equipped men in that position a subordinate one. Rakersficld, Calif., W. Murrav of tire period of nearly ten rears while a year, is he final justification ot the the state for the when he took it I have known H. O. Bursum for 'Silver Citv. E. A. Suppiffer of New job Commission- teneral pc.tcy of the land commission- nearly ten years ago, and In the in- twenty-fiv- e years and I venture to York, who owns one of the finest For State Corporation I in and er, Malaquias Martinez. A succer domain wulch have been made sionpr onl' " "ittcisms er, which Is to make the most ad- tervening years be has acquired a say never had the pleasure oft farms the valley at Hondale luring 1 ful business successful of" i have ainst a nobler of man-- who is it with some of the man, public the period of Mr. Ervlen's adminis- - bpen di?ec,ed his admin vantageous disposition of tb lands knowledge and an experience which meeting speciman stocking tttrative One of these Is hood in my whole life. A man with best breeds of cattle to be had. S. ficial and prominent Republican whs (ration, making the lands possible of policies. for purpo es of securing cash revenue, any man, no matter what his ability, will service to the lease and sale. 'that a too great number of without a big frame, a biir brain, and aA. Birchfie'd of Tyrone, and many give good people, ready large injuring the vain at the would require an equal time to ae of Aside from I from as corporation commissioner. Second, to tfcs general act of the leases hare been made. lands. heart gold. what others different parts of the aim. know personally of this splendid state. said draft was drawn, he explained 130 LIST OF CANDIDATES TRAFFICKED that draft No. 2 above mentioned FOR LEGISLATURE and another draft, N. 112, for the amount of $75.00 named 'Tuel and Following are the candidates for repairing of furniture", were made state senators and representatives 'Ml - IN PUBLIC in his lavor, so that the amount of at the coming election: r.. - ,rt IjL&U.tM could be loaned to Felix Mar- Candidates for State Senator tinez to cover expenses of the poli- 1. San Miguel Ramon Gallegos, tical made elec- Romero, Dem. FUNDS campaign during, the Rep; Margarita ' - tion held in November, A. D. 1812; 2. San' Miguel, Mora Sever0 i . . ; Dem. if .aim it..inai SUIU &U1U Ul fJU.Wejriwm WdS Rep; Sacramento Baca, loaned and delivered to said Felix 3. Guadalupe, San Miguel John mention-nClUriU- E. Dem. Martinez for the purposes O S. Clark, Rep; E. Veedcr, SCHOOL BOARD ncpfiprie c.i all(i tilat .he amount of the bal- - t&XZ ..teiu UaJJa $WV-- - 4. Rio Arriba Pcrfecto Ezquibel is $50.00, was due him Rep; N. E. Quintana, Dem. CANDIDATE FOR aiice, that 4 SHOW 5. Bernalillo, San Juan, Sandoval, I . "JB GOVERNOR ADMITTED THE No. 4. This board besides finds an W. H. Chrisman, Rep; Isaac Barth, i entrance in said books, a credit in Dem. CHARGE favor of Felix Martinez for $80.05. 6. Rio Arriba, Sandoval Emiliano !AH In yicw of whkh, the secretary of Lucero, Rep; Fabian Romero, Dem. r, by this board of directors was instruct- 7. A. Kaseman, ISST'l t'iitj Bernalillo George 77Jiw;.v ed to send official notices to said Rep; Andreas Romero, Dem. PART OF MONEY Komulo Ulibarri and t0 Ezequiel C. 8. Colfax Celso I. Chavez, Rep; I de urchin them to collect the A. V. Lucero, Dem. balance owed for said loan, being 9. Union, Uoltax J. f. cronson, NEVER RETURNED llie sum of 10.y5. Now comes Rep.; G. C. Smith, Dem. Romero and delivers the in Santa Fe B. F. Pankey, Rep.; i amount of $10.00 (Ten Dollars) to Melvin T. Dunlavy, Dem. hfJt f the secretary for lumber and adobes 11. Taos Kamon aancnez, .cp., sold to him by the previous board Porfirio Abreu, Dem. HEAD OF MC- - ntirl KP- - PRESIDENT rf crti ciiiMri'irirc till 12 Valencia Nabor Mirabal, Rep.; uvanxu mTf n rrMrirv ihpn rerrivt'd instructions to Dr. Tobias Espinosa, Dem. uvw, wmn, () (k. trcasurcr. Be. 13. Sierra, Orant, l.una, aocorro A LOANED 'sides this we found the following W. S. H. E. Kerr, Dem. w DIEECTOR, Cox, Rep.; 'paid their poll tax with work done 14 Socorro I. A. McDonald, Rep.; CHILDREN'S MONEY F0R(l,y them in destroy ins the old school Dem. 1. : i : . W. P. Medley, .t - P0LITICAL EXPENSES SO 15. Torrance, Otern, Lincoln, ioc- Jose I.. Cialindrc, one day. V. 'fully, Kep.; Richard one orroJ. vjaiicgos, uay. Stackpole, Dem. , lOnot'rc KomiTti, one day. 16. Dona Ana J. v.. Keuiuuig, In the slate at law. Kzcuuiel C l.oreno (iiniciicz, onc day. Dem. d cL-- Rep.; Nuraa Grenger, dc I'.aca, mocratic candidate for K 1)1)1.111 one JL A. i Moya, day. OZZo 17. McKinley John Gordon, governor, represented by his one MJU QJJrrrL r Jusc Alvares, day. A. T. Hammett, Dem. , lii'Vi-ni'i- W. C. McDonald Lorenzo one Rep.; Tames - liaca, day. iu nti-- T.inrnln Baird, .....1 ..tin. il. infu-r.t- t 'i c tin. iiiTiiiiL ucm. fic.'iti.m of cultured Rep.; William Kutnertont, pnlisli, gentility of the school 19. Chaves Mc'drum Gray, Rep.; and as ll. .,,UI of honor. ,.A' "' "'"'ting !1,l,r wlu" ' r!:lc:t and Jesse S. Lea, Dem. In Las Ve.;as. which is de Haca's cl,Ts'. M- - 1 W cx-- ,t 20. cP- unci he i.-- l.n w l"ls!'nt to Eddy ho,e tv.n ul.ere n, w;,r, Dem. is known i' ..t he was once fined ' ' 1,l,. Inii.Maclwn, actum P. Skeen, kkmMmmmmmMmmM a 21 Roosevelt Rep.; R. e s 1 urnl hat-- 1 w;1 "eicrieu iiccaiiic mil uoaru in police for Dem. m a citiui and tliatj"'1- - ""t present, G. Bryant, ttiy 22. J. II. Bridges, Rep.; Al- as a niein i f a district m Iki ,1 At the eleventh session of the Quay J. V. CONWAY bert Calish, 'Dem. ..;,! 1... . mother iir niher lent school hoard, however, llie full hoard 23. Dr. B. Westcrfield, Republican Candidate for Supt. of Schools i e- - c K. C. de J'xie.K. - Curry-- J. the school ii ".' ir what is was pi o'iit and liaca and cu4 C. B. he-- ziAiyyj- '.uXrs L. C. Mersfelder Dem.; in oul a: "po-- 1 l.onni o I'lil.aui were summoned " Airu. Rep.; Santa Fe County poi'o'd iiioids Soc. !:ti.'.,l ioie it. Here de liaca agreed with a c kburn, p.irp . . . i i i : , i ... i a D. , i ...... ,i... 24. Grant W. Murray, Kep.; De liaca': Hi IS known 111 Nlll 'on.., mi e, Dem. i. i i... :. .. .. dniwu for t he ouniose of lend James Koyall, Annuel eoio.iy .inn lie is nni i'limh ' Candidates for his iiei. hhors and ac- - '"K 'I to Felix Martinez and others. Representatives acclaimed by 1. Valencia Narciso Francis, Jesus Iiiaintanccs'here as the man whom b'ead " from the minutes of the C. held October 31, Wh. C. Sanchez, Rep.; Win. Kennedy, he people should honor by electing '"''l meeting Charles W. Gooch, Dem. overnor of the state. A man who"""" photographs of pages 147, 148 : 2. Socorro J. R. Gaunt, Elijio f'1'1 t,f the minutes mould lend public money-belong-- ''- Abram Contreras, Ra- - of 147, 148 and Gurule, Rep.; to the school children of the Translation panes .,.r.n Trtrrpc rietn. pur-- 1 149 of records of school district l'3l Iistrict for obscure political the 3. Bernalillo R. P. Barnes, J. Fe- , uieui-ive- r, pose or lor any purposes wuaiso-- io. h, ncing iniuiiii's m mc Satero Chavez, Rep.; T. confidence or inn of the school board October 31, lipe Armijo, docs not inspire J. Jose D. Maldonado, Ed. ctifT(T,.:i ili;,t he should be nlaced ill 1K9.S : Passmore, Chacon, Dem. control ot tnc states anairs. Eleventh session. Las Vegas, N. M., 4 Santa Fe Albert W. Clancy, Tn 1WO? - K C rb. Para was a mcm- October 31, A. D. 1895. John Shoemaker, Rep.; Patricio Gar- r llin Iwiarfl sellnol w. si'linnl for In accordance with the official no cia, Cipriano Lucero, Dem. district No. 4 in San Miguel county. tices which were sent to .Messrs. li 5. Rio Arriba Manuel Sanchez, He was the secretary of the board jC. de liaca and Romulo Ulibarri, so Luis Ortiz, Rep.; Juan C, Borrego, and Komulo Ulibarri was president that they would give an explana Felix Martinez, Dem. of the board. During the time they lion in regard to the entrance made 6. San Miguel .R1P,; held these on ices on scnooi ooara for drafts dated September 7, W)2, Detnecio Grego, Denis E. Lynch, Pe- two warrants were issued to Uli- numbered 2 and 112, and more par-- Dem. 131 dro Tafoya, barri, amounting to $300. One was lii'ntnrV tlinwn nn n.H'r nl this 7. Aranda, Frank '"'riU Mora Alejandro Ko- tjP - tuaCo ax&ui. warrant No. 2 for $225, purporting record. Said E. C, de Baca and jAUjtro. lrj&- A. Rep.; Jacob Florshetm, for "mis- this to Roy, to have been drawn to pay mulo Ulibarri appeared day m A" Simon B. Maes, Dem. cellaneous work;" the other was give said explanations and both WleS J2&jcjl 8. Colfax E. N. Burch H. Enrique warrant No. 112, for $75, purporting agreed that the amount of $300.00, G. W. Deross, F. F. "fuel were Mares, Rep.; to have been drawn to pay for which belongs to both drafts, Peters, Dem. and repairing of furniture." drawn t0 Komulo Ulibarri in the 9. Taos Clements R. Mescarenas, When a new school board succeed- sum of $225.00 and $75.00, respective- Anastacio Santistevan, Rep.; Richard in- same in 1895, examination was made ly, for the purpose of loaning L. Pedro Dem. ed but Oakley, Martinez, to these two warrants. Fzequiel C. to Felix Martinez and others, 10. Sandoval Octaviano Lopez, de Baca and Komulo Ulibarri were that Komulo Ulibarri, after exchang- Rep.; Escolastico C. de Baca, Dem. asked to before the new board ing them, held for himself the amount 11. Union Baca, Fred appear Malaquias - which they did October 31, 1895, and of $50.00, and the balance, $250.00, n Mnore Ren C. W. B. Brvan. Pat- the warrants. was loaned to said Felix Martinez, rocinio Romero, Dem. explain Anrl board of di- - The new school board Had made i ui.ol flint- the 12. Torrance Manuel utero, n.cp.; rectors collected afterwards the said Dem. some inquiry into the warrants at; .... Harry J. F'.incke, a meeting Held July o, lO'Ai, at which sum ui no" M r.imHalune Revnaldo Ortiz, Komulo Ulibarri was present and nez upon draft m .favor of the J. A. Dem. of Rep.; rurdtie, that the warrants had been lowing persons, creditors district 14. McKinley U. - uvcrson, drawn ana money urawu noiu iiioh u. I.evba. Rep.; W. H. Hans, G. W. public school fund in order that $250 Romnl Ulibarri, president Green, Dem. might be loaned to Felix Martinez ,,f saj, boan! of directors, 15. Dona Ana Maj. W. H. H. 'A & 7 " Wal-te- to cover expenditures had in the po- which amount should be re- ! Llewellyn, Jose Gonzales, Rep.; c in the election held to the district J' ,'ff Klritsiiinn Daniel Miranda. Dem. litical campaign imbursed Y in November, 1K92. This is taken funds $100.00 L 0 - lfi. Lincoln Ira O. Wctmorc, Rep.; JOSE ORTIZ PINO Jh-tyr- A2 JiJtsV-l-- from the offical records of the school To Adelaido OI'llo, paid in R. C. Sowder Dem. Republican Candidate for County Commissioner f,.r tiic rotiiraet of neb-- 17. Otero Kep.; Ulba-rn- 's ..irf Santa Fe dc wth 20.00 &CSVlX-C--r o R L. A. K. Gore, Soc. County That liaca agreed 'the school houses iC yI7-Zl-J?(- &c(l . York, Dem.; curious! S'Zji, Js 18. A. A. explanatin of the rather Hacn for his ser- Chaves Strickland, Rep.; tie seen To FUciitrrio IT. F. L. lending of public money may 15 30.00 P Lewis. lohn H, Dills, of the school board vices : teacher days Dem. from the minutes f..'f three cords of Mehlhop, No. which are repro Money paid 19. in district 4, wf,od 9.00 F.ddy Kep.; duced in connection with this arti - B. Livingston, Dem. cle. De liaca and Ulibarri appeared Paul to Manuel :saras ior Liiup- ?0 Kooseve't Rep.; G. the school board and admit- - ping same W. Dem. before for school Stroud, ted they had drawn the money to To Hiarles llfeld, 21. Luna S. C. Pierce, Rep.; J. E. pur- - ...... M lend, as was stated, for political supplies Upton, Dem. , Del Pueblo for . noses Lloth De liaca and Ulibarri; To "La Voz Oram fans v. liiisn, vv. claimed the school district, recovered printing of circulars annminc-th- e Watson. Ren.: John W Turner, school money, although they could n t the opening of and Frank Vescly, Dem. ig guar-ha- d to whether an item of $20 compelling parents and 23. n. agree as children to Sierra fraiiK yinsion, been accounted for. dians to send their Rep.; D. S. Miller, Dem. Whether the money was paid back school...... 24 San Tuan F. A. Burdick Rep; 29, 18J. for lai-u,- hr cr not, people arc asking if a man Money paid June C. II. Algert, Dem. umhl draw miblic mncy tn be! nice on hand : :...DKJV: 25. Quay J. Walter Muncus, pur- - retained by Romulo U.i McFarland. Pablo Gomez, Pa- " "l " lent for unexplained political Money 50110 Rep.: v ', is the sort of man .who should barri tricio Sanchez, Dem. Coses in charge of the state 26. Curry Rep.; Ly- as governor. Total $m.00 man E. Shaw, Dem.; W. C Tharp, government, Ulibarri acknow- 4' Las Vegas people have not forgot- The said Romulo Soc. vv ' 21, 1914, ledges bavins received said sum of, 7 Pin Arriba Sandoval Pedro :: v t . Si:.:, ten that time, February of i when de I'.aca, now the tnonr-- exceptimr the s"m 147 jSalazar. Kep.; F. A. Candelaria. Dem. it democra-.".- V services the penteel and cu tured, the :rd that he rendered ti ?) Tnmnw aiita Fe. Guadalune .,ii;,i:,i,. f,,r L'enernor. was viil District o. 4. by order of the. Liberto Valencia, Rep.; Nicanor i . t i .. . , nre cn ' .i i ... h,.rp.. on r,.r vl saiu " jiaieo in o a j i. m n ..t Baca, Dem. of a citizen that De liaca v,.ps were paid for outside of thc 29. San Miguel. Guadalupe complaint a bad attacked him, hu. rked lntii nmiifv before mentioned as charge Rep.; Jose Jordi, Dem. down and then hincked him v;.st him, t: 30. Lincoln, Socorro, Otero, Fred he was down. De liaca plead- - Nvcmbcr 7. A. I). 1r'2 Geo. E. Moffctt, Dem. when dif--..r"'00- Leavitt, Kep.; .uilt and at cd guilty to a charge ..f by Felix Martinez, and was fined $10 and costs forcnt times N1M"l battery re- - by the court. It is shown in the Money to buy rafters i.''J( IF BACK HURTS of court. to nails .03 cords the justice's Money buy ' Following are actual Mnnev ehareed to him as cost .,. r.f !, board ft.ilcli rlnset- l.t.UUI OI Hie Illfcll,,n-- v., nn; - - ,,1.,... iviler - BEGIN ON SALTS - : .;.;, Vn 4 San Mi'juel county. v. when E. C. de liaca and Romulo Uli- Total $144.75 di- ' while school for wood nrftil March - barri, admitted that Credits V - - had drawn and loaned 15. 1893 $57.40 rectors they 5 . KIDNEYS OC- the public money to political asso- For work on the lot, days-- FLUSH YOUR ciates. These reproductions are with wagon, horses and man made from ac- CASIONALLY IP YOU EAT printed from plates ...... of the records. t. t s, orp,.! writer rloset- tual photographs y w i. . . . MEAT REGULARLY - ' J Si ' The urst two piaies d,c V- V ' nacres 130 and 131 of the minutes.....(of , r?nianr.c.acknowledged to be doe - the school board for 1895, and the i t, $27.35 No man or woman who eats meat iX&JilL the coit a page numbers will be noted tn the NotcTt was found that regularly can make mistake by corners. These are the minutes of of the water c'oset was $17.(H) flushing the kidneys occassiona'ly, VICTOR ORTEGA of the new school of $13.00, according to a well-know- n Meat the second session instead says authority. Candidate for board, at which Ulibarri was present the ledirer. page 20, so that forms uric acid which clogs the kid- Republican Probt Judg loans. Kead from is to be added to the ac- so sluggishly filter and admitted the there 4.00 ney pores they Santa Fe County 130 and 131 of the minutes: of Komulo Ulibarri .... or strain of the waste and paces count owes only part Translation of plates showing pacre Therefore, Komulo Ulibarri poisons from the blood, then you of $31.35 130 and 131 of the minutes of the the district the sum (see tf-&- get sick. Nearly all rheumatism, o ttgZtf-asVl- Z. e and acknowl- L gchool board: pae-- lf8) as admitted fw adCui. headaches, liver trouble, nervousness, Second session. Las cgas, N. U, edged bv himself and ?0 00 (entre constipation dizziness, bladder dis- come from AN CHANCE Ju'y 6, 1895 orders sluggish kidne'ys. EQUAL The 'board of school directors of nKK KN'OWS WHERE THKY AKE, The moment you feel a dull ache in . . . . . !,- -. I C i Imliv. Mir. or if elected it shall be District Wo. 4 in ann ior .n ann mr tpc rcam inn v.. ; the kidneys or. your back hurts, If I am governor my purpose to the urine is cloudy offensive, full of Ab- : power to elevate the standard of citizenship. There met Manuel i r r Ii a line nnin ttiem tO sediment, irregular of passage or 'my said Uli raham Lincoln once said that a C de P.aca, president: Jesus Maria Romulo 'I'libnrri and that attended by a sensation of scalding, republic spelled opportunity. Enrique Amnio, secre- - barri denies Tiaving receueri in cm. get about four ounces of Jad Salts I shall favor the of further to the Tafoya.and Felix Mar reliable and take granting opportunity youth tary. there being a quorum, they mlt tj,at tiie money that from any pharmacy this Kncinocc ntiH ;aid hoard ...a uim ii'st.. - tn he- used for a in a glass of wa- of state, whereby every boy and every girl, whether poor iji uirrututA iu line. ii. mil. tablcteaspoonful of directors being in possession of po'itical expenditure and not to ne ter before breakfast for a few days or rich, influential or uninfluential, shall have an equal chance the accounting books proceeded to paid to the district. Therefore this and your kidneys will then act fine. to least obtain an education which will benefit them in af- found that the learn who should pay This famous salts is made from the at examine same and bnard rannot life and one citizen in amount of ($776.40). Seven Hundred said $20.00 (Twentv DollarsV acd of grapes and lemon jure, com- ter equip each as an American every -- lithia has been used nd Seventy-Si- x Dollars and Forty M. C DE RCA. OU-as- x ZZ bined with and sense that word I would favor a the fat. ck to flush kid- implies. plan whereby Cents is the balance, cash on hand; President. for generations clogsed men of New Mexico should a for besides this it was found upon in- ENRIQUE ARMIJO, neys and stimulate them to activity, young gain proper training of said books that Jhe also to neutralize the acids in urine the defense of our With the general movement for vestigation Secretary. so causes country. 7th day of September, A. D. 1892, the JESUS M. TAFOYA, it no longer irritation, thus we should be to lead with the' states of dis- ending b'adder disorders. preparedness ready board of school supervisors Director. bene- trict mentioned drew in favor of Mr. Jad Sats is inexpensive and can- our share of work. Such preparation should be Romulo Ulibarri draft No. 2 for the Ami Am Hari h man who lent not injure: makes a delightful effer- ficial to our men in after life andvould. glace us inj "Miscel- vescent lithia-wat- er drink which all young amount of $22500 named public school money to his political the relation to our Federal laneous Wark." There being present associates, wants tne peopie io in- regular meat eaters should take now proper government Romulo Ulibarri and having been trust him with the (rovernorship of and then to keep the kidneys clean president of the board of school thole arrest fa(e What would he and the blood pure, thereby avoid- H. O. BURSUM directors of said district at the time do if he was governor? ing serious kidney complications. Men's Association met Tuesday Mo consider the proposition and decided ELECTION OF McDONALD "If de Baca Is Elected Governor ..... io worx actively ior ine iweniy ANODE NEW MEXICO HEWS REVIEW five pupils. Tucumcari News. BACA MEANS TWO FrQm Special Reports and State Papers ROOSEVELT YEARS MORE

Molasses From Pro- OF "EUSINESSADMINISTRATION" CHAVES brakeman from Tucson, was instant- Walarmolona ly killed. The deceased was well mises to bo a Naw Industry known here and was very popular "Uncle Jimmv" Cofiner has been Brings Pura Brad Hereford among the railroad He is sur- boys. experimenting the past week, and as If the firm of McDonald A de Baca Is to the E. E. Lane came in last Friday vived bv a wife and one child. has mismanage from an extended visit in the north. a result, he produced a new state , it la a mortal cinch that Trinidad C. Lordsburg Libeial. or molasses that is will be He stopped over in Texas and pur- swrup, pronoun Bc again thrust upon the people as state fUn and game warden. those ' c- - 125 cattle with ced, by who have sampled it, Vn;dad de Baca tne state fish and game warden who blew In over chased Hereford Ho Tka ! to corn and is them on the Farmers to be superior any cane or 11263 for salaries and expenses and portioned out a $2 261 for calves, pasturing on the market. The fact that flab, and birds beggarly Newman ranch. Hagerman The mesa north of Lordsburg has syrup game with which to restock the streams and forestsf become the mecca of the homestead- it was made from a product that Trinidad C. de Baca, whose principal idea ot fhih and is to Mex- game dine er. J. H. Fitzpatrick has erected is very much adapted to New sumptuously and expensively on both at palatial hotels in Denver, Salt Lake and one that here-to-fo- has and Los COLFAX his house on the 320 acre home- ico City Angeles! stead he filed upon some time ago not been so very marketable,! ip Trinidad C. de Baca, Ihe man who put the "X" In and the double-- on expense and is going in for rural life. very encouraging. public service and on the hunters and fishermen whose pay- a "Uncle describes the mak- ment of and Masonic ' . ' nas icasea scnool Jiinmj" hunting fishing licenses provided tho funds that Trinidad has Banquet wj!ls. ing of these niolasses thus: From in administration. Masonic dissipated The first annual banquet north of Wo tton is a 22 Sweetheart watermelon Trinidad C. do Baca is C. he d the and pound the nephew of E. de Baca, junior member of of Lodge was at j f out hand and 10. Springer jn k raiJjng.Lords. he pressed by eight tho unpopular firm of McDonald & de Baca. C. d ) Baca is the Demo- Mountain View Hotel lf Monday night, knriT j ;i1(,rni one-ha- pounds of the juice and cratic candidate for govnreor this time. W n Meiinnni.i ih un,,!.,- - October 23. It was the occasion this placed in a vessel and set to ber of the much cheer firm, contenting himself with running lor the modest post of of great eats, good and, g5 Mine Buidi New off!ce over a moderate fire. lieutenant governor. McDonald dinner which miwit " evaporating However, has assured the pooplo that, if after speeches In due time it was boiled and skim- elected, the firm will keiip on ilolngTuslness on Ihe same old of ...- -i tt, .,i.r(! in tl,r,t The new office building of the policy "our- be-- med down until one pound and two selves relatives anil line andurtr;furnish anu.le evidence to ?s Mining Company is swiftly j first; 'deserving Democrats' next und the public be nimMdeil ounces of a verv fine riclilv flav McDonald lias repeatedly put It in (his wise: "De Baca will the fact that SnriiiEcr is not tn b,. !"K into shape (,lluj i,fn.. i i. . i .f. make . . . . rtllir f n n un hAncnri M ori'u ino'asses was iru. ti.:.j "is was the same kind of a governor have been." Dow liow true. in otlier man class rant nllifin ln " truo, placed lirst fine new home. The T nlaced jelly "laiscs and later Therefore tin re is no dnubt in the world but that if the voters when factions of this kind are the f'cr building book again is modern in every detail and adds ;?ampica ny many who ncc.are.i mat McDonald & do ltaica for ilieir travesty on Just mid good government occasion. " "U "ot ,,c5"rJ?asscd-.- . at the state Trimiiiad de Data will contri- - credit tn the of the . .. eapitol; ('. be a member of the east the Several out of Masons appearance ,,s rc" cast much f.lttftd tr itln EIICCPEC nf tllf nffllir. C3nip. The office is situated next .L;nc'e "n"" V;"s na,t original improved by "travel and expenses." Doubtless It will qiTires iiom io u pounds oi cane be possible to advertise him us "more than ever ot their presence but by to ..tne company store expensive before." only by Tl, i,nn' I. mm. MiiCe io maKC one poiinu oi ine That would be quite ti trick for in Ihe past four years Game Warden and he believes wa- - "XJSt" iK along nie'ely' i,tand will od be that de Baca has turned in expense accounts that only n mother could forglvo ?"L:T'JP?: termclon anil cantaloupe moIasV.-- him for. The hunters nml fishermen who have out of town were: J. T. Conway, ny for occupancy. put up the money would like e, to be real to the cane to ' I'c 5 prep-wif- promise riva's lead de Baca down the step.i of the mid, Willi a boot or tell Verdon A. Doggct, H. C. Abbott and company is making La Lande eapitol two, Ilk :tmMhMwi mod-D- r. family for first honors. him to "move rn." to Governor V. C. S. A. and T. T. Lewis, arations for the erection of a They protested Mcdonald against de Font, Baea, but McDonald would uol fire the Murdoch performed the role 'rn l'tel at the camp and plans Enterprise. junior partner's nephew. ,:ve been submitted. 1 he hotel will Tho people believed Hint wl en Game Warden de Baea paid out more to of with father-in-law'- toastmaster equal regularity feed his s and his ''avc running water in every room, UNIOM hiise tl.tin he did for fish, fiuno and birds, it wa: justice. Through generous loo raw for further toleration, 'flint is what Trinidad de fish became much ac-- 1 dining room, club room and every ('. Baea, state spirit people better and warden Idiil nn nnaintcd with those who convenience. game by up nt from Governor Milkmaid, did this year "He Will Br I'm fimf Kind of a Aovernc-- Have gathered 1 Kl bold- - Cattle "f KMC. In Ihe first nine months of Dili; lie Baea had around the banquet tblc. i. h9 'inning companv is Shipment provided only $203.87 for fish, game and bird pnopogatlon. in the same time de Baca's father-in-law- , One of the leading features of the:'K '.ls "w,' w,lh a"y ?! pr?" the few days the of the,thlSouth-Be- n Dining pan Manuel Sosaya, has ilrawn as and f 247 banquet was the respect paid to Mr. gressive miiimg camps shipments of stock from Des Moines salary "special deputy" west and is a credit to the com-t- n for "expenses." Htcliart and family who are soon have been the -- very heavy. Through Beside ills Ganvi Baea ".'11 leave Si.rintrer. Mr. Ktrhart was munity. Lordsburg Liberal. of L R. Mean of the salary Warden de lias drawn $2. ,f) as bis ner "ARAX1I1AI courtesy Agent snnal in nine s:nee 1, Bill!. Is with a beautiful Masonic C. ci S. railroad, we are able to "expemes" rrfiiths, .Puiunry II, iv that against presented S2A3.S7 anil In Ganv-Warde- To V. for fish, game Uinl? keeping with the whole record of llucrta we thundered, "salute," the Lodge, together the Karsli t ring by Springer OTERO report following: de I'.aea lie be--i- In office ex- "Salute the with their kindest wishes for lns suc- 8 cars of cattle to L since ins MI,?.v:.T.i ior salarie:; and l''lajr you homely brute;" hipped Denver; penses, anil lis:- than JJ.f.'V in the whole for th fore-t- "S ilrle the I iae, cess in his future home. iP- 13 cars of period restocking you homely brute," Sprini;r . c - di James shipped sheep and streams. In ihe last veers Warden de Baea lias linen allowed en But lie Times. u f .f to Uo only smiled t' '"S" iami ,.ar rattle Denver; office in addition In alLev.-- ( )u .as Cruces. Ort. 25. A beet sugar.; H. Mcinecke shinned one car of deputy lie chief deputy already him, and serine us riled, he has the ttate $775.f.O for "extra office in y And his P. O. Robbed an investment to on J. K. char.vd work" that time. wavini; hand factory, representing cattle Denver; Monday Do Ihe of New Mexico, do the liimt"rs ami fi hermen who At the whole North U. S. of at least $I,(X)0.KX), located at or Hatcher was for cars for 10 people sup land, Unknown parties entered waiting port the fisli and name department with their license fees, want another term Said, "chase bin 30 Cruses, is now assured and p- brothers yourself you galoot," nnvtnffiro at E'izabeth. miles west "car lorCars cf sheep (u t . a t'n-r- I of Trinidad de lisli and p. one warden? will be if R. "Face about North and f NtMr.'.v ni-- on-- the season of 1V1. to waited for cars for 17 carloads of lie follow your snoot," according C. de Baea is elected He p- or ihe. "And when r;r,n "drawer and" made W. Medium's of the executive office these have out this governor. part "effh lent" govern you have time," ened the cash - sheep; gotje ment to New Mexico bv the McDonald-d- Baca Democratic machine. "Just nic a with of the Sugar company of Den- week. I he aliove lrom given drop line;" their escape approximately $55, Holly represents "I'm busy riejit now," eovernmcnt without leav-iv- cr and Swink, Colo. The people of Monday until Monday shipment over of funds, - "No time for a ,m i - "- the one line. Des Moines Swastika row;" ine anv clue as to their idcn''tv. "" "I'm teaching MY how nouncement, andju those wlio have OF " boys l0 shoot," The thieves entered the postoffice PERPETRATORS HORRIBLE ml besides, nic no sabe salute !" a window the last few months in pro-whi- building by way of rear spent Teachers Meet "Columbus !" was in at Garrick moting the signing of acreage for progress re- - The of Peter Wcathcrbird. hall wIipi-- nrar.ticallv al theiDcets next year leel more man tearhers Union county held nonAln it a Des FAVOR tiia mini'ioT mmr, uiprp id for their efforts very interesting meeting at CRIMES SHOWN MARKED op-de- nt Moines last week. A number sembled for the evening. It is evi-- l The Holly Sugar company will large the were familiar en an agricultural department here of schoolnia'ms were present but the that parties schoolmasters were not m with the of the postoffice "n November 15, it has been decided, evidence, BY premises dv- - because were too DE BACA, DEMOCiA tlC ASPIRANT and store since other things were; This probab'y will be under the presumably they ex- - i. i i f rpriiori of Pliil- -K. Krirkson. the much . interested. in the nui iiiwiumcu, om mc inai , , campaign just l,Aiif nl'arg in nroM mill nert who has had charge the ex- - at uns time. FOR n.t sea-- and small change were left untouch- - periment that has been run this j RECORD 8H0VS THAT BRUTAL WIFE MURDERER WAS PAROLED eu in ine casu uiawer is uncji ij, FROM LIFE IMPRISONMENT BY PRESENT LIEUTENANT granted that the parties were some-- 1 .j,.. WHILE ACTING AS CHIEF EXECUTIVE, AND THAT WHILE A of , REAL SURETY BONDS what in a hurry. Big Crop Potatoes Clear, Peachy Skin ENJOYING HIS FREEDOM FROM THE IRKSOME CONFINEMFNT INSURANCE, ESTATE, At a late hour no arrest had been Avis, N. M., Ort. 25 Will Uomne SUPPOSED TO BE THE LOT OF A "LIFER" WIFE MURDERER made by the authorities. This is of this place raised 30.000 pounds of ull I en & mam r.nnn r, p dm UTATC'e DAVpni t at imcamc the second robbery at Elizabeth- - excellent Irish ptatoes on two acres; Ij, Awaits Anyone Who ASYLUM GIVEN TO ASSAILANT OF HELPLESS TELEPHONE GIRL. S SEE town within a month and the people of ground. At the low price of two lb un- - of the camp are leaving nothing rents per pound, this amounts to Drinks done to trace the thieves. j$.ilH) per acre. This proves that the Hot Water One Novenilier night in 3 .lose Kufraein Viril enl.ered his homo at Avis section of the Sacramento Haton, N. 11., and iiniioiiiu io his wife Unit ho was going lo Kill hor. Johnson Park school district is mountains is especially adapted to X The woman fled for bur lire from the house. VIrII followed her and, HAYWARD constructing a large modern school the growing of Irish potatoes. 11ns Says an inside bath, before break- - ? while their little son i!m :. d at tils t?lemu and sohhed, "don't UU1 building which will be rkady for year was not a wet year by any mamma; don't kill mamma," tl u'an shot her. She fell, but not satis- ' and some farmers was fast helps us look and feel use in the near fueure. means, by fied that he hid killed Vh;il lifted her head and fired two more 52-W- . be a PHONE considered to rather dry one, clean, sweet, fresh. allots into her brain, out the last Hpark of lifn. 'but rich soil of this section is snuffing Heavy Catt'a Shipment. the Kn'on wag appalled by tlio rriiuo. It wan ono on' tho most crual, Fortv-fou- r cars of live stock is such as to make crops even inoucn In Ala- - told blooded and deliberate murder.s the history of the state. the is below norma!. -- the hiKhest record attained so far rainfa'l Sparkliiit5 and ivacioiis merry Vigil was tried before a jury.. After bearing the evidence of this this year in a single week m the mogorao ixews. bright, alert a good, clear skin and wanton killing, tho Jury returned a verdict of guilty and the court sen- number oi cattle snipped trcm a natural, rosy, healthy complexion tenced Vigil to be hanged. Vigil tried to kI a new trial, and then ap- arron. Un Mohair Grower Marketing1 arc assured blood. If Wednesday, riarvey several weeks mohair only by pure pealed tho case to the Supremo Court. Chandler loaded out 6 cars and L, For'the p.Tit only every man and woman could be I.est an that Viil To,lnv th !rnisers have been hauling in mohair , .,,!., ,t, enraged public tearing might by legal strategy :.;,i the snatch Vigil from the Jail and Im- v; io s.i rn IS tr N III ix. enrapo penalty prescribed county $2,500 BARGAIN $2,500 Utr,,.!, chmninn rare 'w lien uini nic ii. bath,;,i,iwhat a gratifying,';,.change un ncen - i i part unlawful but merited juRtlee then and there, the authorities took I. M. Heck S cars and Harvev II. 1'iercc ware house. Jt lias pur- wouiiii.i lane.i. iiisicaiii...... ui inc,i. A. H. Hilton Mercan-- n piaic. the prisoner to Santa F6 for safekeeping. A is Chandler 3 cars. This comprises chased by the thousands of anaemic-lookin- g HOME which valued at $5,000.00 and M sickly, Tho Court upheld tho verdict of the lower court that a mill. tt.;,,mntt from rimnrron tile company, of San Antonio, N. women and with Supreme can be for on a trade men, girls, pasty Vigil's crime was wanton murder, and that he should b hanged by tho bought 50c the dollar. for the current week and they will .which has been working up or nn),1(iy complexions'; instead of! " neck until dead. Then Territorial Governor Miguel A. Otero, the same Size six-roo- m increase as as the cattle ;aiong mat in it nic i';'-- . the multitudes of wrecks," of lot, 100x285 fact, adobe rapidly i- - who it now Htate on Pernor . K. . is running for auditor the rutin ticket, commuted can be rounded up. Cimarron News more ricrce, wnn rundowns," "brain fags" and pessi-- j house, with hath, electric and cd all of acq"and the his sentence to life Imprisonment sparing the life of tlio creature who lights, range. with the growers ;sts Wfi shoull sce R v(,ri, ( has been instrument- - the law said was fit only to die miserably In partial expiation for his Good adobe barn and corral. A dozen DONA ANA country larwly ln;stic thronfr of d peo-- 1 bearing al in getting the Hdtnn company le eriuio. fruit trees, and small fruits. CVcrywhcrc. That deflection of was In with asparagus bed, tcrested in the matter An insi,ie )a,'h ;, ha, ,,v ,!,.;).; jiisthe, though, mild comparison 'what was to was to be on Demo-rrali-e Booster Considerable over $20,000 wi ncU a follow; that done by another candidate the TERMS: $500.00 down and the balance 01" Beet Congratulated fe ,,.;,, i,(.fore breakfast, ticket. bis naid to a dozen or more grower? R,ass of rea, ,)0, water w.(Il a tM on a As a mark of appreciation for season. ' was sent to the Btate m, $2,000.00 mortgage which runs for two in beet tins second elm of the ",IS of limestone in! Vigil penitentiary April Ifie", to begin his efforts obtaining a $1,000,000 Roswe'l in spoonful phosphate ill nth and in mohiar has been going to to was,, from th(, stornac, term of life imprisonment. Sentenced to spared for political years. sugar factory the upper va'ley, in ,ivc com- the past and with improvements alK, ,,. of hnweU ,,.,.1 reasons by Oillie Otero, sent to prison for life and when he had served to be built by the Holly Sugar - ki(Wys . ,nls can be i ONLY KIC.HT YiuAIlS of his "life" hi was set free 1012. of Colorado, the El Paso cham- road divcr'ed t0 Alamognr- d iiwli.reslible waste. term. April in. C. A. BISHOP & CO. pany do Lieutenant Governor K, C. do ber of commerce Tuesday sent a isour fermentations and poisons, tints hy P.ara, the present candidate for governor B Hoat raising is a large industry c on the Democratic ticket who V. C. McDonald pays would make the Catron Block. Santa N. M. message of congratulation to W. - sweetening and freshening! Fe, , Sacramento monn- '". . ,V same kind of a he has been. Mr. McDonald Is in a to a iaiiK.'--i-, n throehont. : :,,,;lM imhik. governor position Manncviiie. ins unites uuivmhiv know. was annonnced Monday at U. .Cm-- , 'J UZiW'V nM'f "e stomacli. Q&&4$$$4$frim, ces that the company had definite- - ZXfilT Tt1se su,i(-c- t to sick headache, bil Yes, de Ilaca netually allowed this rutMoss wife murderer, the perpe- n;ls,-- ,,rcn,n- of one of the worst In of to ly decided to build a plant, although ' ln,,,,,ess' - rheumatism, trator crimes the history the state, leave 'n artii-,!ar- 5CO0 acres of the 7000 beet y7,' the "?'T colds; and ly tho.c who the confining walls of the penitentiary. only y-- . been I an-- t Governor W. C. McDonald had pone oulsi-b- the Ftate for a brief sugr acreage required TH .here h:lvc comp'evjo,, oledeed Ik, u, arc very mien, are. vis't, and Lieutenant Governor V.. (". de I!'e.i was acting governor. 'f-- re of the mohair and wool "h" constipated is believed that now that tIle the mot ,r,r0(1 (f, nl)(:iin a f, Whether do Tiaca Hum "put ono over" !n the ahsem o of McDonald, or It na w company has pi-- its assurances RO',(', "'r . limestone plioMdiate at the drug! whether McDonald knew whr, ho went, a'av that de liaca was going to The are the who . that the big factory wil' be con-- ! following growers Morc v,;ri, cost a trii'T-- set Vigil loose, cannot be stated, rlnee the two have not divulged the have sold ll'clr lo the Hilton is ),, New structed there wi'l be littl" trouble c.ips ,,t sff,c;,.,lt tn demonstrate the facts but at any rale, de flaea. as nettnp povenior. paroled VIrH and set Announcing a in additional 200 acres, company: Harvey Gordon, Usc nmrk .and remarkable n! him loose to soei petting the B. change prey upon ty. from the chain- - Uradfrd, Fred Bradford J. Wright noth hcaUh and await-- 1 That this is not mav he from fol- The local committee hair- - appearance, pliraslmt farfetched Judped what beaded W. G. and son, Mrs. Lucy Kalcy, Sam tnof(, who internal san- - lowed. It the und resentment ber of commerce, by D. K. U. ;g practice Justified public Indignation caused by this Roe, which" has been signing up bcct 'cbild, C. Hamilton, Keith, ita,;on We must remember that in latest Instance of official action to fnvnr the murderer, for after his in EI dis UailllllOII, VViniUS, VVaiauil, VIVUIKV,.,,. P'pnil in.CG ,e Service. sugar growers the Paso fmnf.nll parole Vigil ran true to form. Five mntilhs after ho had been excused will jonnsoii, LauBiicny. m,an outside, because the skin does from rict, continue its campaign son of his term of "life Imprisonment" by de flnea's parolo. Vigil mur- Both Las Tom Fleming and Pinon,!not absorb imnnrities to contantin-sol- d dth redoubled enrgy. . dered a mn in Gallinas, a settlement In f(lo Arriba county. their clip to the Mohair Grow-- j fe wIliIc Cruces and EI Paso are expect- lh. ,,iood ,e por(1J thf This was construed as a violation of the parole rules, so Vigil was con- ers association, being members in We have established ed to benefit greatly from the thirty feet of bowels do brotipht back and placed In the penitentiary once "more, lie Is there now at our new retail store, 307 struction of and he tnat organizaiwn. lamo y November 3, 1916. C. te factory news. Bt Why was E. de Baca, who wants tin people of New Mexico to West Central Avenue, Albuquerque, N. M., a MAIL ORDER launching of a new industry. Las elect him governor, so extremely lenient wllh a "lifer," a heartless mur- Cruces Citizen. derer of women? Was it because .Vigil was a friend, or a political ally, SERVICh DEPARTMENT for our many customers QUAY 0900000000000UOOOOOOOOOOO or wore there other reasons? . EDDY Is It not reasonable to suppose that If he were elected governor, throughout New Mexico and Arizona. Sam. Old Story d. Baca might again show solicitude for VI til and again set the mur- The democratic chairman of this derer loose now with two murders to his discredit? We realize that you need'many things in your homes, Aupert F. Atplund Here precinct certainly isn't getting much I The Vigil case ls not tho only Instance of de Baca officially doing a He about for a on the ranch and in the that are not available at Rupert F. Asplund one of the best financial support. spent good turn the perpetrator of horrible crbne. There is the matter shop your TWO HOURS, Saturday morning KAUNAS of Prudenelo Martlnes. Rliunu Aim aiiicai tuu.aiu9 in , home store, and it will be the purpose of this department to was in Carlsbad a short time P"n"n '8ns ,US?1 In 190S this Prudenelo Martinez and a man named Felipe Garcia, state,' . ucJ!,u"tLthe who was in B. C. tn HKO. for the north Sunday speaker coming Try handing employed do Baca's printing office Vegas, one supply needs. leaving and et and assaulted on her your nifjht. Mr. Asplund is now employ- - a. doar Wfcara night waylaid a girl way home through a dark him do it.-- Nara Vista News. Pries ara l.r Safa street from where she was ed bv .the New Mexico Tax Payers the telephone exchange employed. The crime This will be in of which is an ef-- was a revolting cne and public wrath at the degenerates who perpetrated department charge competent Association, making McDonald Good Road. Quality fort to reduce the tax rate now I On. of It ran high in San Miguel county. Martinez and Garcia were sentenced hardware men who will take in I of the pleasure attending to your levied against property in the state. t. B"'1" ' now m'n'ber to twenty years In the penitentiary. The tax has men Good Roads Boosters. He was down, After a short time, Martinez tried to get free on The charita- smallest wants. Your will be attended to payers association a parole. inquiries promptly, at work on the tax the of the week and bought ble Gillie Otero, chairman, and his parole board, recommended the pa- rolls, studying Bi'ckitfrom Mr. Devor. Tom Co.lms Carry Fnll Un. .f and we solicit a trial of our service. the apportionment in the various , role of Martinez In August, 1913. counties, and the late chief cierk ?f Obar was here and drove the car Ckaaa A Saabora'a C.ffM Governor McDonald declined to sign the parole nntfl of this home for Mr. Berlin. had to May of the office of the state superinten- - They go present year. In the light of what followed, the question naturally arises: From time to time we shall issurc special quotations, dent of schools is studying the school via 'Amanllo to reach home, owing ad Taaa Did McDonald finally parole Martinez at the solicitation of E. C. de Baea. .:....: :.Uo the bad road between here and who had and, if you wish to receive them, us a tu. know given the Vigil a parole? just drop postal giving tion has a for Obar. That's the reason we In any aa soon as Governor McDonald did comprehensive plan he to the Good Roads .vent, parole Martinez. your name and address. eliminating all wastes in the use of belong Ueutenant Governor de Baca, head of the managing board of the state Booslers.-Tucum- rtiri News. Rknalian Canned tax payer's money, but wishes first Vagatablaa Insane asylum at I .as Vegas, gave him a Job as cook at the asylum. It to make a Survey of the manner in so shows on the parole record. All goods will be shipped free of packing and haul- .u. r.. - a r. i To XJrx-- Butinet Collec. II L IUIIUIj die UICU. 11 of Thanks to de Baca's patronage, the assailant of the little telephone and items we will deliver accountants at work - rePre,se"tative Draughons; ing charges, many to your station checking np'A- Tuc-an- girl was put on the state's payroll, to hold down a good Job at the asv in all College has been in d Hnnt Brother California Can- - expenditures state denartments. the lum. He was assigned to cook for and come In contact with those pitiful or postoffice free of charge. Mr. Asplund has visited umcan several days looking over to whom owes nearly with the vww of establish-- ; nod Fruit and charges society the best and most careful guardianship It every countr seat in the sUte. in te'tory Hawaiian can afford to but the fate which has robbed them of a school here and the opportum-h.- v give, their minds us rnV.worl Mr. r.lund was "g may at least them from where de Bsca's board Write for our prices on STEEL RANGES and mo i.. -- ff;,- f ..... ty looks good enough that a def- - Pinaapplo keep realizing asvlum ti, .t.. ' recruits the men the state pays to look after and Inmates ninrri'nirnrfAtit r -- -- -a inite proposition has been submit- - them, keep the HEATING STOVES. We have two cars we are at ,1,. from a sense of danger. selling editor of the New,i.i.Mexico ,ed t0 the 'ocal Jusin.e?s men-- . It is ' Journal for If he should be elected governor, wou'd de Baca free the other as- the old price. j :y-j- of Education. Carlsbad Argus. .customary the citizens any to active aid in as A BOSS PATENT FLOUR sailant of the telephone girl Felipe Garcia, who worked In de Baca's community give nrtntin: "tflw' GRANT slsting any such school to flirt, 0 and tbc Draughon pcop'e wi;l a school here and contract Q a Hardware Co., ftraketnan Killed to remain at least one year if the V Priraro-- Battar NEV Whitney The secord fatality in two weeks twentyfive pupils t start. jS MEXICO STATE RECORD ocet-rre- d 307 West Central Ave. N. M. in the local vards Thursday The directors of tbe Business x Albuquerque, night wien, B. G. Chamberlain, a local citizens will furnish - STATE A twenty- J yCQOOOOW.fciOOOOOOOOOOOOPOC RECORD $1.50 YEAR SANTA FE, MEW MEXICO New Mexico State Record sent tendency to distribute the people's money PiiUUM by by millions and hundreds of millions of dol- TO THE VOTERS OF NEW MEXICO priciple and pure life, Jones has planned the Democratic cam- with in view and has the which have directed STATE PUBLISHING COMPANY lars, political purpose primarily paigns pulled strings the will, if much longer continued, ruin the na- outpouring of slime. He has, been careful to speak none of tion. The uncheck- can- libels But those libels have been FRANK STAPLIN Managing Editor present administration, During the two months of the present campaign the personally. spoken in ed, apparently encouraged by its autocratic didates on the Republican state ticket have been subjected his presence and with his knowledge, consent and connivance chieftain, whose aver Congress has to a flood viilification, slander and abuse He is the real head of the Democratic and the Entered at iccond-cla- it matter at the pott office power rising of personal organization been pointed to with boastful pride, has been from the Democratic candidates, their campaign managers campaign it has waged and is now waging is of his plan- Santa New Mexico, under the Act of March t Fe, shameless in its extravagance. Mr. Wilson and their newspapers. The campaign these men have made ning. 3, 1879. has not lifted his finger( to stop it. No one from the platform and through their newspapers has been In justice to its candidates and its membership the Re- can explain his indifference to, his acquies- more evil than campaigns made by the same men in former publican party cannot longer sit quiet and permit unworthy cence in, this abuse of funds these Subscription to Weekly State Record $1.50 per year public except years. In the past and during the present campaign men to slander men of clean lives, square records and sterling on the ground that he has come to the con- assaults have been borne by the Republican party, its can- character. It is not necessary that Republicans reply to slan- FRIDAY NOVEMBER 3 1916 clusion that the national treasury is the per- didates and its committeemen with patience, dignity and der with slander. It is necessary, however, that it place be- quisite of the party in power. restraint. fore the people squarely and accurately the characters and Now I believe that there is no firmly The campaign made by and in behalf of the Democratic the records of the men who are directing the campaign of WHOLLY MALICIOUS AND MISLEADING. man in America so well fitted as Mr. Hughes candidates has been unrelieved by any record or any state- viilification against the Republican candidates. c.- - t to continue uie oi iiauon.u invesugiuuiii . ment fact. has been a of unrestrained slander. Read Theodore Roosevelt says of, r ,., ,,,; of It campaign The facts in the case of A. A. Jones were known to the n ' been and a executed the Pemneratie i New Mexico, " : ,, It has a deliberately planned ruthlessly leaders of his when he was nominated. Had they been campaign r i ,7' l nas - party t tan resident, wmiaiii ii. mi. j ic jno- the honorable men. Theodore Koosevelt, lormer prcsHien oi i . ... - effort to ruin characters of Absolutely known to the rank and file of his party Jones would not have no ir. lieit i.Knows..inow to no u, ue the United Slates visited New Mexico last nothing has been spared. The public records of the Repub- been nominated. The Republicans do not charge to the rank a ill do it. Moreover, (the past lias month and made an address at proven lican candidates, their business affairs, their per- and file of New Mexico Democrats the Albuquerque. after lie lie concludes. It private any part of campaign Citizens of New Mexico were delighted to that, investigates, sonal lives and their homes all have been asailed through the of libel which the Democratic leaders have made. The facts proves that investigations with him arc not welcome him, regardless of political beliefs. newspapers supporting the Democratic candidates themselves in the case of A. A. were known to Re- eternal, that are not merely sops to the Jones many leading But the Democratic candidates and their they and through false statements, systematically circulated among No reference has been made to these facts public, not merely summer outings at publicans. by any campaign bureau could not permit even a form- Aiagaraj the people by word of mouth. a in the aits, .ew London, or .'uianuc Republican holding responsible position party organ- er President of the United States to visit New The of New Mexico, their candidates and to time. been Re- 1 am for because I believe Republicans ization, up this It had not the purpose of Mexico without him with their libel Hughes their active workers and committeemen have endured smirching his Cabinet will be made of men. I party publicans to make any such reference, although failure to up these with and forbarance. have met campaign. believe it will be made of men of whom the outrages patience They do so was an injustice to the people of New Mexico. In a political advertisement appearing tip slander with official public records. They have believed nation will be proud, men whom other na- The statement of the facts in the case of A. A. Jones, within a day after Colonel Roosevelt appeared and now believe that the people of New Mexico are of sound tions will respect. I believe that they will now being made to the voters of New Mexico, has been made in Albuquerque, the Democratic campaigners judgment and that they cannot be tricked by distortions of ic men m whom J rem tent ungues nimsein by the Republican State Committee with reluctance; and it caused to be published this advertisement con- facts or fooled by lies. will have confidence and that he will not try lias been made solely because this man who is the directing taining among other statements, the As this has drawn toward its close the flood to govern the country and to adjust world campaign mind in the Democratic campaign of libel, has gone so far of Democratic abuse has risen to its crest. Within the affairs through personal favorities. past that simple justice demands that he be placed correctly be- few the Democratic candidates and their I am for Mr. Hughes because I believe days managers fore the people in the light of the facts in his record. "In Ph"enix on Saturday Colonel have limit which men he will, if elected, a clear and speci-- gone beyond the of wrongful assault The in these facts be Roosevelt made a for sup- - jthat adopt j ILprb'.ijans presenting might just- special appeal fie in to a found-- : of honor and courage can endure in silence. . policv regard Mexico, policy ified in that "the letters of a dead woman will de- for Judge Joseph li. Kibbey, Re- - stating port led mainly on two definite propositions: Posing as men of honest' records and clean lives the heads feat A. A. for the United States Senate." publican candidate for senator from Ari- - Jones 1st. The maintenance of the Monroe Doc-- j of the Democratic ticket, assisted by their managers-an- There no desire sensational zona. In Albuquerque on Monday he is, however, for statement trme. their newspapers have exceeded anything heretofore done by on the facts refused lo ask for support for llubbcll part of any Republican. The as they are pre- 2nd. The protection of American rights. them in the promulgation of falsehood, foul insinuation and sented are sufficient. will be or Kursiim. though they appeared on the They permitted to speak for I believe he will, without reclaim, without: deliberate slander. themselves. These facts same plat fo; in with him and rode in the arc presented by means of photographs quibbling, but quietly and firmly do what is the few there has commenced to ap- of letters dead same parade with him. During past days written by a woman, and that woman the wife to out this in the Fe ( olonel Koosi-vel- Knew Kin- necessary carry policy. pear the Albuquerque Morning Journal and Santa of A. A. Jones. These facts, as revealed by these tragic Judge What such a course Colonel Roosevelt also knew a stupendous ,rebef New Mexican, the principal newspaper supporters of A. A. letters, will be left to the people of New Mexico, for their ky. would be! C. al- Frank llubbell and II. O. IJhmihi. Bur-su- m Jones and William McDonald, certain fragments of judgment upon the same. Moreover I believe that Mr. Hughes' con- - a sentence and a half-stateme- to- has always been a strong Roosevelt leged letters; strung The originals of these letters have been in possession of is 'that of a clear-mind- -j so as to make it man. Apparently, Roosevelt isn't a very ception government gether ingenuously appear that practically of the Republican state committe since the very beginning ed, sound, student; of a man wholly! everv in anv connected with strong IJursum man. thorough man way actively Republican of this campaign. It was the opinion of those bringing them human, of character and of intel-- l hinted it "Colonel Roosevelt has returned to deep great directly with transactions, mysteriously at, which, to the attention of the committee that justice to the people ligence, and that, in wjiat be does, be will rli'nn" the t ten vears has been connected the Republican party but he can't stand party affairs of New Mexico demanded their publication. The task was never be actuated by selfish motives. I is for the kind of Republicanism represent- merely made to appear, have been dishonorable transactions and of such a nature that the committee hesitated and do not for a moment believe that if elect-- 1 refrained, ed Frank llubbell and II. O. Bursum." against the public interest. and would still refrain but for the fact that now by ed be will ever be influenced plain justice President, badly The direct inference drawn by these men through their to the candidates demands slander be advisors Republican that met Now read what Colonel Theodore by any unworthy newspapers is that the whole active membership of the Re- with facts and distorted records with the I believe that if Mr. is elected we records themselves, about this of Dem Hughes publican party from the leaders in Colfax County to the lead- as stand, without embellishment. says particular piece will know where we stand that we will stand they ocratic falsehood: ers in Dona Ana County and throughout the State have been The statement of this record is not a one. campaign on firm that we will again be proud pleasant It ground grafters, corruptionists and thieves. is not a statement the is of the United States iind that we are for general public. But it a state- New N. Y Oct. 191 6. proud The Santa Fe New Mexican, on October 26, the York, 30, American citizens! Saturday, ment of record of A. A. Jones to which the voters of VV. chairman in black across the of its first the state- II. Gillcnwater, H. printed type top page New Mexico are entitled before they proceed to cast their (Signed) J. HAGERMAN. defeat Re- Republican state committee, ment that "A dead man's tale" would one of the ballots in the election of Tuesday next. Roswell, New Mexico, Oct. 29, 1916. and on October the Santa Fe, N. M. o publicans candidates: again Monday. 30, The letters referred to here, the originals of which are "The statement of the Democratic THE SNEER AT A WOMAN'S WR0NG3 statement in large disnlay that "Dead men rise to point ac- in possession of the Republican state committee, have been candidate. committee is of course wholly malicious cusing finger" at a Republican photographed. From these photographs plates have beert have been followed a mass of vile in- and misleading. In my speeches any- The McDonald press bureau is becoming-careles- These headings by made, and from these plates a pamphlet has been printed, where I have not spoken of the local can- or reckless. Farlier in the cam- sinuation, barely escaping direct statement, and always suf- which pamplet has been distributed to the voters of New didates and I mentioned Judge Kibbev's paign it showed discretion at intervals be- ficiently direct to convey an impression of horried wrongdo- Mexico. in Arizona in connection with name only tween libels. It has undertaken, as its latest ing. There will be no comment here upon those letters, or joint statehood. I am everywhere sup- effort to meet the steady, inevitable exposure Were there a shadow of basis for these publications and the facts therein stated. There will be no further reference the entire ticket and Democratic the sit- porting Republican of the record of the McDonald administra- for the snoken libels of the campaigners to the facts in this record by .the Republican party managers. at I said that no done to uation be less to men whose sense of Albuquerque explicitly tion, to explain away a grave wrong might revolting justice This present statement is made for general circulation only in man who valued the honor and of But who these attacks safety a defenseless woman by sneering at the and decency is sound. the men inspire order that there may be no ground for a charge of conceal- the United States should vote for Mr. who them know them to wrong and at the woman. and the newspaper owners publish ment or secret attack. The record has been placed before the Wilson or of his and any supporters." A woman resident of Lincoln county, who be without anv foundation, without any justification; voters squarely, openly after long deliberation and because has lived in that county all her life as a have planned them deliberately as a part of a monstrous cam- of the final conclusions that the voters of New Mexico are Can trust affairs in the C. you your public neighbor of Governor William McDonald, paign of falsehood: entitled to these facts concerning a man who' has caused his hands of men who lie deliberately about pub- in a statement over her A. A. the Democratic candidate has shown signature For several years Jones, opponents to be slandered without mercy, while at the same lic affairs and public men on the chance that that the Governor used bis in the exe- States has been the force in power for the United Senate, directing time causing himself to be placed before the people in a light they can "get off with it?" cutive chair to prevent her securing certain the Democratic party of New Mexico. He is the directing that is not in accord with facts. A. A. W. McDonald and Gil- back- Jones, C state land selections which were necessary to force in the present campaign. Remaining always in the The record is before the voters in the case of A. A. lie have conducted their whole busi- Jones Otero campaign the continued success of her little cattle ground of the attack and posing always as a man of high and the decision rests with them. on the basis that if you lie to the people often ness which she was struggling to conduct enough you can catch enough of them off along side the powerful interests of the Gov- guard to secure a majority of the votes ernor in Lincoln county. She showed that the bigure up the number ot ialsehoods Governor, by holding up her applications, MR. CUTTING'S COMPLAINT came and to these three men have told you and caused tosm,,M)t to force ler to make a compromise county up actually ventured serve application for a tract of state land through be told durinir this campaign, then decide if a warrant for a crime upon the plump person his his office has allowed New with him as to a division of lands thev both New Mexican is a bank- - office; why can trust them with busi The Santa Fe of the millionaire owner of the news Mexico state selections of you your public desired, and that he succeeded in so doing: or a bankrupt government land to ness. rupt- newspaper, legally ttie property paper, said newspaper has printed in the space accumulate to the that further applications for lands were per- enective undisposed of, amount of in mkrupt corporation, proof against reserved for its editorial utterances, thirteen .more than acres, while the sistently held up. not the state land office el an 3.000,000 state suits because one cannot collect trom and one-ha- lf columns WHY HUGHES SHOULD BE ELECTED but in the executive office, by the refusal of amazed yelp at the and its institutions lose the revenue from it or a corporation incompetent to - me to me s ; shocking indignity attempted against the per- For the siabb t t f N' governor sign appuca-- T))is js t,)e status of this news lh A statement by II. J. Ilagervian. ., u. ... vi vj.hic uic u, ci.u vcu Mexico "as been treated the do three-quarte- by department according to those who have bad to rs It seems to me that Mr. Hughes is pre- under the law to such a paper, md columns of the customary of the Interior while Mr. ccssary compkie Jwilh libel .suits against it. Jones was a high eminently the man for President because of transaction. 1 hat this she was official Mr. deserves during delay Mexican is owned a thereof, Jones defeat at bis fitness for that position. and even The New by young To refer to a candidate for the United the He failed positive great persistently annoyed persecuted by New-Mexic- polls. to serve the of millionaire, Mr. who came to States senate as people The lack of fitness of his opponent is certainly of the department of the interior, who Cutting, snceritigly, a "sheepberder", this state when he was the active head of agents so far as is known, in order to wage to call men who to and who re an additional strong reason why Mr. Hughes investigated and warned her but who never aspire office, the Department of the Interior, asks that warfare on Frank A. llubbell and fuse to Gillie Otero to in their yet supremely well qualified, should be elected, brought the matter into a court where mutual political permit aspire they boost him on to higher honors. Since in others to whom he contemptuously refers as company, liars and thieves, crooks and although my opinion, not the strongest rights could be tested ; that as she states it graf- Jones forgot the people when he had honors cut-throa- I further reason. hat Mr. is well Governor McDonald's course ruin- - "Sheepherders", and for the purpose ters, robbers, burglars, wolves, before, will do well Hughes supremely "wellmgh Gillie they to forget him now. fied be 1 - of enjoying the society of Otero, of morals and all those other little is quah to President is. flunk, the strong- cc niy cattle business". corruptors He unworthy of the senatorship to which - and other widely known re- of the idle rich all that is mere est reason ior eiecimg mm. can anv reason- This Governor McDonald s press George Armijo pleasantries he aspires. formers. know, for the amusement of re- o able man now doubt that tie is qualified, by bureau makes the subject of a painful attempt sport, you not assume fined circles Millionaire Cut- character, by disposition, bv training, bv ex at humor which is in fact a sneer at a wrong Mr. Cutting does responsi- frequented by DEMOCRATIC DOCTRINES into his news- Gillie Otero and perience? lie has made good in every line committed a woman by the Governor bility for anything that goes ting, George Armijo. 0 against the But for a citizen who has been of endeavor be has ever undertaken, private of this state. paper. He is merely president of corpo- grossly Democrats have libeled to have the libeler don't anything to say or public. He has not oply "made good" in There are same cases wherein neither ration and owner of the mortgage. to venture pinched in this millionaire how awful. campaign about "state's rights", which the ordinary sense of that phrase, he has gone humor nor sneers to men who So the unfortunate bankrupt my word, stock in prove acceptable 0 was the trade of Democratic stump much further, he has done he has done newspaper blithely follows out political poli- good, have clear ideas about right and wrong and JONES AND TALLMAN speakers for more than a generation. They great, positive lasting good to the public in This is one of those cases. cies laid down by Gillie Otero and George Ar- have justice. freedom. consigned the free silver issue to the every position of responsibility he has ever o mijo and libels everybody with great limbo of and Mr. Cut- The nerve of A. A. Jones in asking to things forgotten strange as it held. No one but the most biased partisan PROSPERITY AT ANY PRICE In contempt for "sheepherders" seem are now the be elected United States senator after his neg- may they putting soft pedal will deny this. ting, through the protecting person of his on the is the Gillie has to about the lect of New Mexico while he was First As- proposition. It seems to me that Mr. Hughes the The Democrats boast that country protege, Otero, gone maintain a silence on cost blood-staine- sistant They deafening high kind man must have in is but it is a d ultimate limit in libel in this campaign. On one Scretary of the Interior was enough of that we high posi- enjoying prosperity, of living, over which raised such an aw- en to make the voters but to they tion in this republic, if the republic is to en- prosperity wrung from war-strick- Europe occasion an acient lie was revived and re gasp, bring Clay Commissioner of General Land ful howl four years ago; likewise as to their dure. That he should have received the nomi- and only the Democrats are "enjoying" pros- printed concerning a man named Dreyfus Tallman, the here to make in demand for a return to that "simplicity and nation for President from the Republican perity purchased at such a terrible price. Dur- who lievs in Socorro. The incident angered Office, campaign speeches his behalf seems too much like it in. economy which befits a democratic govern- party, in the way he did receive it, seems to ing the first year and a half of the Wilson Dreyfus and like all Americans save the over- rubbing dis- When New Mexico and her institutions ment" Considering that the cost of living has me the tribute that has ever been ten- administration and before Europe suddenly fed he wanted a chance at justice. He been increased greatest are be- instead of reduced and that dered to man in this since the went war mad, 1,000,000 idle men were ex- covered that a civil action for libel was hope- losing thousands of dollars annually any country tactics the two Congresses under the Wilson admin- - of It is an a real taste of Democratic "pros- less, no account, no funds, so he swore out a cause of the dilatory and obstructive of days Washington. unprecedented periencing istration have broken all records for extravag- -' tribute. a man could have been President Wilson described it as a warrant for criminal libel against the sacred Tallman's office, and when it is remembered Only great perity." that Tallman's office was under the direct ance, it is not at all surprising that the Demo- - given such a tribute. That he is a really great "psycological condition," but men out of em- person of Mr. Cutting. Suffering shekels, crats are anxious to it." supervision of A. A. Jones as First Assistant "forget man his career up to this time indicates, and ployment and unable to find work had a dif- what a shocking thing! A lean, competent o deceived sheriff dared to come and pro- Secretary of the Interior until his resigna- his career, if he becomes President, will surely ferent name for it. They are not actually up JURIST JOB FOR JONES it. to bus- to hands on the person of Mr. Cut-in-g tion two months ago, the people can hardly confirm by the extraordinary impetus given pose lay o ns realty- be cheer for Mr. Much has been said about the failure of iness in this while the European na-to- and drag him off to an actual jail expected to delightedly Jones country his erstwhile now halted in President Wilson have to the democratic national administra- are at each other's throats and they do not -It or subordinate, may appoint present his work of obstruction in the Land Office a Republican as federal judge for the dis- tion enough, perhaps, about some of banker for another taste of Democratic pros- was at this stage of the campaign that fully make for snd trict of New Mexico to keep peace in the them. In not half has been perity after the war is over and normal con- - Mr. Cutting's newspaper became incoherent. long enough to speeches Jones my opinion, enough Wilson. family. Every Democratic in the state one 01 ana is, its fail- - ditions are restored. to this incident it had luuewhit lawyer isaia aooui mem, tnat Up stayed and to be either an active or a even check the avalanche of far from the truth, but it did manage to stick Instead of eulogizing Mr. Wilson appears receptive ure to attehpt to candidate for event the CAMPAIGN COMMENT. to the line of subjects before the Mr. Jones, it would be more to the point if the place. In any profligate waste of public money. It doesn t general astute Mr. Wilson finds is not to make bit of difference me Democratic bureau has Mr. Tallman would explain why, during the expedient a to what party, The press just people.' fill the until after the election. or is for such found out that E. C. de Baca is for But listen, folks, by careful measurement, incumbency of himself and Mr. Jones, 'it has vacancy Maybe, nationally locally, responsible running ' 1 . 1 - C . .A the Socorro or iu a .1.1. he is saving the job for Jones. waste, it is equally reprehensible. The pre- - governor on their ticket. since that crude person, sheriff of required inree luur ycais gci oiaicj WILSON'S CHIEF APOLOGIST DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE mtssloner ef Public Lands, er Ms ageai SERIOUSLY ILL AGAIN holding such salt, a el tbt price offered by him lot the lend 4 ar rent la Las New Novem- MUSEUM NOTES teres! ia advaact lor the balaeue l sues . with to the Vegas, Mexico, purchase price! the lees lor advertising aae The Democrats "point pride" ber I. Ezeqtiiel C de Baca, the appraisement sad all costs Incidental to the CAPITAL COAL YARD fact A. A. President Wilson's chief democratic candidate for It is nothing short of marvelous ile herein, and each and all ol said that Jones, governor, be is ill here of the minded and prac- novate, mast deposited is cash or car in New Mexico, was assistant sec- seriously and part the tp materially tiled exchange at the time ol sale, and apologist time he is unable to leave his home. tical people of the United States which' all are of the Interior un- said amounts aad ol them retary of the Department The Lieutenant Governor has been that a country like Italy in a life subject to lorleiture to the State ol Nets Swastika Coal, Cerrillos Coal. All Kinds and it is sick for months and is understood and death struggle for its ex- Mexico II the sticesaful bidder doea not cat der the Wilson administration, gen- very cute a contract within dare after it from ene-mi- a. istence, should find time and means thirty known that the President dictated the to be suffering pernicious haa been mailed to him by the State Land Steam Coal; Madrid, N. M., Anthracite erally At the time of the democra- to devote to art and other manifes- Office, said contract to provide lor the pay nomination of Mr. Jones as the Democratic tic convention his health showed tations of culture. Yet such is the irii ol the balance ol the ourchaee nHce Coal, Madrid Smithing Coal, Cord and case and it is a noble a ol said tract ol laad In thirty equal, annual candidate for U. S. Senator. People of New considerable improvement and it was tribute to on that he was on his to people. Art and payments, witn interests all deterred Sawed Wood, Mexico who are opposed to the of hoped way Archaeology payment! at the rate ol lour per cent pel Factory Kindling. recovery. During the early part of or November gives a very vivid ac- annum, in advance, payment! and interest Wilson should remember this on November the campaign he took the stump count of conditions from the pen of due on October lit ol each Tear, and aneh Pecs an Italian scholar, Raffaello Giolli, other condition!, obligations, reaervationi NEAR A. T. & S. F. DEPOT PHONE 85 MAIN 7th when they cast their ballots. mailing trips to the Valley and terma aa may be required by law. o and southern New Mexico, and to who after describing methods and The Comminioner ol Public Land! ol New taken no- Mexico, or hii auch re ROAD other sections of the state. It is precautions to protect the agent holding sale, OVERHEAD VS. UNDERFOOT stated that he is broken blest monuments of antiquity says: ervea the rich! to reject an and all hid. reliably 'The offered at aaid aale. Possession under coo BUILDING down under the strain and his friends artistic life has continued tract! of aale lor the above described tract here privately serious alarm tranquilly as before. The conser- will be riven within thirty dava after datr express ol aale. ' at his condition. vators of the museums have not The Santa Fe New Mexican says that gone to as might have Witneas my hand and the official seal oi CUN CLUB sleep they the State Land Office thii ninth day oi over on done; they nave not even closed A. D. 1916. POWER RATE the Democrats have spent $600,000 ALBUQUERQUE, N. M, OCT. JO September. Will their galleries to the public." In ROBT. P. KRVIEV, '.'honest roads" for the people. Mother Honorable H. O. Bursum, fact, "All the galleries, both state Commissioner of Public Land!, how much of this E. C. de and continue to Stale of New Mexico please tell us money Hor"rMe Baca, municipal, enlarge First 15, 1 '16. Grundy Snntx New Mexico. their publication September 200 K. W. 7c per K. W. has been for "overhead" expenses, sxv how Fe, collections; from those of the List publication November 24. 1)16. Tlic movement started by the ceramics at Faenze and landscape at 300 K. W. 6c K. W. much was expended in actual road construc- Cmnr TVitcctivf Association of this Pal'anza, to those of modern art per ns of STATE OF NEW MEXICO tion?' Plate to the appointment and archaelogy. Milan has been en COUNTY OF SANTA FE 400 K. W. 5c per K. W. o Ptnlc and Fish Warden has riched with more important works IN THE PROBATE COURT been lirotifrht to our attention. of art during this year of war than In the matter of the OUR DEAR PRESIDENT " ' All in excess of the above at K. W. The members of the Rio Grande it has been in several years of vn , " T 4c per o r,tm Club believe that much can be peace. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: and NOTICE ia hereby given tliat there hae Special Rates for Cooking. in California the women orators done to protect propagate game "Old museums and galleries are be- Out in t!ii State a been filed in the office of the undersigned the state for Wilson at so much by proper appoint- ing put in order and are also in- Clerk of Santa Fe County, State of New stumping per. ment of Game Warden. creasing- their treasures. New Mexico, and Clerk of the Probate SANTA FE WATER & LIGHT CO. We lie'ieve the most vit-al- 'y Court of !a1 an instrument in refer to him as "our dear President." "Dear" parties museums which are opening, and pre- County, interested are the sportsman writing purporting tn be the lait will and is the right word. He is the dearest Presi- paring for future inaugurations are U'Btamrnt of William H. Pope, deceased, of t'f State and they therefore, disclosing unexpected novelties." late of the County ol Santa Fe, State of has as witness the of dent this country ever had, slini'M be consulted in this appoint- "Even at Florence where there are New Mexico. That by order the Judge ment. of said Probate Court the date for proving sum of the of the already so many galleries that it said will nnil been staggering appropriations We therefore endorse the last testament has his administration. And the heartily would seem impossible to create fixed for November 15, 1916, at W o'clock, Congresses during movement herein set forth by the others, a new one has been found- A. M., the same being the regular Novem- Democratic for is still far from Game Protective Association of the ed ber term ol saiil Probate Court. appetite "pork" recently. Herbert Percy Home. Witness my hand and seal of aaid court OJO GALIENTE HOT and trust it meets with i , H .1.. .. l SPRINGS, being satiated. State, your ntl nrli; limine i .tic, iniri.irtm.l .1.:. ,..u ivir. approval. art collector, who died at Florence M- - A ORTIZ Very truly, m April, ucimeathcd to the Italian! Clerk, 0J0 CALIENTE, NEW MEXICO HIS RELIGION F. T. Strong, Pres. his by V. I. ALA RID REPUBLICANISM government Quattrocento pahice (Seal) Ghas. Quier in the Via dci Henci, with! T. Tobnson together Deputy. 60 miles North of Santa Fe, on D. &. R. G. "Are a asked the pas- Hnrry all his art collections, including his First Pub. Oct J0. 1016 you Republican?" D. 111. Tohn Glark library. Nov Mb. New Hotel now modern conve- senger who was taking a straw vote, addres- Ghns. A. Kl'er open, every K. "Evidently tin's new museum among lu's to the Pullman porter. "Yes J. Baldridge the STATE OF NEW MEXICO. ) nience. sing inquiry G. A. Hudson many museums and galleries in ' Florence the same kind of! sah, boss, I sho is," that dignitary replied, Rnv MrPon a (1 typifies )3' and with a I couldn't be work that the School of American COUNTY OF SANTA FE. ) Automobiles meet all trains at Taos Junction, grin, explained: THE ELECTORAL VOTE Archaeology is doing in the restor- - IN PRORATE COURT, notliin' else. Dat's my religion. BY STATES FOR 19W ation of the Palace of the Govern-- ! Proof of Will upon request or wire eleven miles from THESE PRE-o- f o The fo'lowing is the electoral vote ors." Says Mr. Giolli: "The city TO ALL TO WHOM Florence owes to SEMTS SHALL COME, GREET - springs. SOME STATESMAN for t''e present election, a majority Herbert Percy of wlnrh is 2Uf. the number neces- Hornc the complete restoration ofilNG is there sary for e'ection of the next Presi- the palace which he has bequeathed Notice hereby given that Walton is some statesman. As a dent and to the government. He had such has been filed in this office what pur RATES. Billy an to be the last will and testa - he had en- Stntes Electors acute feeling for harmony that ports $2.50 to $4.00 per day member of the state legislature ' Alabama 12 he was willing to introduce into ment of Victor Garcia, deceased, and acted a law changing the name of Whiskey Arizona 3 his palace the electric installation 'the r"robate uuee nas nxea Mon $17.00 to $20.00 week November 1916, at 10 o'clock creek. Now he wants to to Can , , 9 bells, and modern heating and wa- day 6, go Congress. Arkansas in forenoon of said for the $65.00 to $80.00 month beat it? California 13 ter pipes. He himself, occupied a the day you Colorado 6 small room under the roof, access hearing of objections to the same, o t0 which was a wooden-beame- d should there be any. 7 through and seal this Private baths, steam heat. 3 ceiling. When eventually, Witness my hand More voters are climbing on the Bursum Delaware of 1916. F'orida 6 this beautiful palace is open to the 5th day October, "A trip to Ojo Caliente Hot Springs will pro- public with the finely sculutured Dil- - M. A. ORTIZ. bandwagon every day. Gmri'ia 14 Clerk. and the 4 lars, its logKie, its magnificent vault- long your life" Torchlight processions largest ,. ed First Pub Oct 1.1, T'linois .. 29 rooms, its windows and doors so - crowds in the political history of the state restored as to ev- - Last 27. Inibana . 15 perfectly preserve For further particulars address have been features of the demonstrations for 13 en the of the ancient nails, we shall see not a of Mr. Bursum 011 his campaign trip through the Kansas 10 only HARRY S. BOWMAN 13 our new splendid Risorgimento but A. F. MANAGER. southern of the state. It is to he a resurrection of ar- ATTORNEY AT LAW JOSEPH, part going I onisiana 01 perfect that ed dent a good, Republican victory. H. 6 spirit which, with intense love, Laugblin Building Caliente Taos New Mexico O. will be the New 8 considered every stone and every Ojo County Bursum next governor of Mary'and line. More than the of Santa Fa, New Mexico. Massachusetts 18 architect Mexico. the Quattrocento, the English col- Michigan 15 lector will before our 12 appear eyes, A. B. RENEHAN "Business is business", remarked Gov- we shall always be grateful to him, Mississippi 10 not for the sake of his ATTORNEY AT LAW ernor McDonald as he refused to the Missouri 18 only palace sign but for his sincerity and inten-- r Bank land selection would enable 4 Capital City Builnding government that a love of art." Naw Mexico. 8 "But is not for the sake of Santa Fe, widow to lease state land for her cattle. The 3 it Nevada ironic contrasts that we shall con- Merchants' Matinee widow was a small competitor of McDonald's New Hampshire 4 tribute to the work of New 14 preservation EDWARD R. WRIGHT English cattle company and the governor want- lersey and restoration of ancient buildings New Mexico 3 whilst the war them with ATTORNEY AT LAW ed tc keep the land open to his own cattle. New York 45 destroys o such headless rapidity. Each of the Spitx Building North Carolina 12 stones seems to us A. 5 antique today Now Mexico A. Jones, the "personal representative" No'th Dakota still more alive and more like a Santa Fo, of President Wilson at the dedication of the Obin 24 symbol. Even in Venice they are Ok'ahoma 10 not of defending the REID & HERVEY Elephant Butte dam, did not make hit 5 thinking on!y AT THE any Orei'on monuments from the attack of the LAWYERS. with the people of New Mexico when he an- Pennsylvania 38 enemy but they are continuing ser- nounced that the name of the dam would be Rhorfe Island 5 enely the work of restoration. At Albuquerque and Roswell, South C 9 to the Wilson dam. What did Pre- arolina Cremona it is always thesame ac- Now Mexico. changed South Dakota 5 tive and living, work that is going ever do the reclamation 12 sident Wilson for Tennessee on. At Tivoli and at Verona, where M'FIE EDWARDS & M'FIE work? Or what did ever do? Tevas 20 between one alarm and another of Jones 4 o Utah frequent aero-plan- e bombardments ATTORN EYS 4 The Honorable Antonio Lucero evident- Vermont the work of excavation of the an- - Office! Virginia 12 cient treasure goes on uninterupted- - Paris Corner Palace & Aee Theatre ly believes in the Wilsonian motto of "safety Washington 7 lv arrl,.iPr,lorMrnl t,lu rreLrrh Washington first". Observe the simple expedient he em- West Virginia 8 continue serenely. Ihe museums of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Wisconsir 13 archaeology have also been adding ployed in getting himself renominated for the 3 to their collections during these L. F. MURRAY, M. D. office of secretary of state, before he broke months of war. It is a new anxiety the news to the Democratic convention that Total 531 and a new assurance and faith in PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. The our hearts for our modern art which CITY PHYSICIAN Every Afternoon two places on the ticket had been tendered Better Thing cannot fail to be Saturday It is better to lose a conscience largely prolific, to the Cutting-Oter- o wih since ,is a X- - RAY clique. clean. Italy not merely ground Merchants' Matinee o Than win a trick to be excavated or to be prop- Phono 233. Attend the any to by unfair; but is a new center of vivid Not content God Wil- It is better to fall and to know ped up Office Door West of Poitoffic. with thanking for creative energy. Firat on free tickets issued you've been. nover-- Saturday by the son and letting it go at that, the Democrats the What a splendid example ; Santa Fe. New Mexico Whatever prize was, square. 1 far-o- is the Unit-- in the President to the mar- Than to claim the of a ff Italy setting persist likening joy ed States, so abundantly blessed by leading merchants and business men of Lincoln. Can you imagine Lincoln sav- goal and New Mexico M. tyred And the cheers of the standers-by- , peace prosperity. DAVID KNAPP, D. he was "too to in- too, least wealthy of the forty-eig- . New Mexico. tick- ing proud fight" or talking And to know down deep in your aunucun. Santa Fe, They give about at when most soul commonwealths, in its Museum audi "peace any price," sacred art is some of the Lincoln Tbeatet A cheat you must live and die. gallery shaming Ave, Opposite Kay's ets with cash sales American rights were at stake? older and richer states. It surely amounting to 25c must be as has Santa Fe, New Mexico. Who wins a trick take the true one writer put by may it, "The Southwest is tlic Italy of or or on accounts. C. prize. over, payment Governor W. McDonald's idea of an it the United Slates and the American And at first he may think sweet, Athens will arise on the shores the CATRON & CATRON "efficient, business administration": State But a day in the future lies of many Pacific in Southern California." ATTORNEYS-AT-LA- Fish and Game Warden Trinidad C. de Baca When he'll wish he had met defeat, For the man who lost shall be glad at T. B. CATRON Free Pass to Merchants' Matinee CAPITAL PHARMACY, $42,000 for salaries and expenses STATE OF NEW MEXICO THE THEATER. spending heart NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION AT PARIS Pure REED HOLLOMAN Dec. 16. 1916. Drugs Free Delivery and less than 2,500 for fish, game and And wa'k with his head up high. PUBLIC LAND Void after SALE Visit Our Fount. birds. While his conqueror knows he must DONA ANA COUNTY C C CATRON Compliments of pay the part Office of Commissioner of Public Lands F. J. LAVAN the MANHATTAN TAILORING CO, ' Of a cheat and a living lie. S?nta r'e. New Mexico, September 9. 19)6 F. ANDREWS, The people of the United States never Notice ia that u A. H. CLANCY, Your Suits Pressed Free by Getting hereby given pursuant and have had to apologize for a Republican pre- The prize seems fair when the fight the provisions of an Act of Congreaa ap Public Them Made Riht in Santa Fe. Grocery, Bakery Market, proved June 20, 1913 and the laws of the Notary 4. An- is on of New and Ladies' and Gents' Work Guaranteed. Phone sident. never had to apologize for State Mexico, the rulea and Suite !- - Block They But it is won of the State Land the Catron dis- save truly regulations Office, drew Jackson or Grover Cleveland, two You will hate the thing, when the Commissioner of Public Lands will offer at the 10 SINCLAIR SHOE CO, LOUIS S. LOW1TZKI, Democrats. But Wilson is some- crowds are gone, Public Sale, to highest bidder at o'clock tinguished A. at., on Tuesday, Nobember 28, 1916, in the E. P. DAVIES Shoe Saves Market Money New and Used Furniture, else Mawruss. For it stands for a false deed done, town of Laa Crucea. County of Dona Ana, thing again yet, 104 St. our Credit Is Good. S9-- o And it's better you never should Mate ol iew Mexico n Iron! of the court CITY ATTORNEY Galisteo Phone reach the goat house therein, the following described tracts Mr. Voter, if you want Charles Evans success ol land, via: Lamy Building Than ever to buy Sale No. 527, All ol Sec. 16. Stt Sec 19 MISS A. MUCLER, THE SANTA FE BANK as the next President of the United At the of in soul N54NWX, SEKNW Sec 20, E Sec Santa Fe New Mexico. Hughes price knowing your NE. Fine and Goods, 4 That is all a ?1. W Se . 22. All of Sec. 27. Kyi Sec JO Millinery Fancy Will pay you Interest per annum, don't tie his hands for a your glory 1 States, by voting A. Guest in Detroit Free Ett Sec M. T. J1S., R. 2W.. All of Sec 301 S. E. Cor. Plaza. paid quarterly, on your savings. Democrat for senator or in Edgar NX Sec. 21. Syi Sec 22. Ss4 Sec 23. Stt Sec representative Press. 24. S Sec JS, All of Sec 36 T. 21S.. R. JW., J. H. CRIST Congress. Republicans Held Meeting All of Sec U. NU. StSa Sec 19. All ol ATTORNEY AT LAW McCLINTOCK A WRIGHT, NATHAN Columbus Sec 20. SM Sec 21. Sec 22 EX Sec 27, All SALMON, o . Seventy Republicans of Aet. All uf Sec 31, All Rav- oi An ei oec Ju, Bank BuJIdiaf Men's and Boys' Clothinf, Dry Goods and Clothinf met in the basement of the new of Sec f32, EX Sec 34, T. 22S.. R. 1W, All Capital City When A. A. Jones is in 13 Line of Goods. campaigning el building Wednesday evening for of Sec 2, EH Sec 3, All of Sec 10. EX Sec Santa Fe, New Maxleo. Complete Furnishing: Largest Store in Santa Fe" the "short he to men- the of their or- All . Section 16, All Section U grass" country, forgets purpose perfecting NX, SEM Sec 19, All of Sec 20 640-acr- e bill and to make plans for SE.M 21. All of 22 tion that homestead he was go- ganization WX, Section Sections MRS. NORA E. SUMMERS MONARCH GROCERY CO, METROPOLITAN HOTEL A CAFE, the future. 23, 24. 23. 26, 27, NX Section 2, EH ing to get enacted into law by Congress but A resolution was adopted condem- Sec 34 All of Sees. 35, 36, T. 22S. R. 2W. NOTARY PUBLIC Staple and Fancy Groceries, The best place in town to eat, with didn't. the Wi'son administration and All of Sec 16, NX, SEX Sec 21. EX Sec 2 Fruit Vegetables Meats clean rooms. ning All of Srcc 31. 32, NWU Sec. 33. All of Sec Office) Over Pari Theatre) charging criminal negligence, not 34. WX Sec 35. T. 22S, R. 3W.. AU of Sees only before the raid but at the pre- , 2, EXEM Sec 11, All of Sec 12, tx Santa Fo - New Mexico CONFECTIONERY AN ACROSTIC AH MAGRUDER'S WOOD-DAVI- S sent time. A copy of the resolution 1'VM Sec 13. EXEX Sec 14. SX Sec 23. HARDWARE CO. was ' ordered be to f Sec 24. NWX Sec 26. NEW. SW. NWu Makers of Fine Candies. Hughes to presented SEX See. 27 All of Sec 32. SEXNEH, NX in Hardware. Congressman B. C Hernandez, U. S. SEX. SWM SEX. SEXSWX Sec 33. WX Sec Caterers. Pans Theater Everything Uniformly 2 Senators Fall and Catron. 34. T. 23S.. . 2W.. All of Sec. . l.ota I. Eyes Fitted Righf Gaining; AH the county candidaVs were 3. 4. SEXNCrf. SWXNWX, WXSWX. SF.H each SWM. EXSEX. SWXSEX Sec. 4, WX Sec BY NEW MEXICO STATE RECORD, H. C YONTZ, His present and a short talk from 6. WX Sec 7. WX Sec IS, WX Sec 1. All was are en- 30 T. R. 1W.. SWX "For the News All the Time" Election exacted. They very of Sees. J2. 23S, EX. Jeweler. Silvef thusiastic. Section 10. All of Section 16 PRINTING Filigree Community R Dr. Francis King JOB Sure. Henry Burton was chosen as chair- SX Section 17, SX Section IS. T. 243.. !W Lota 1. 4, Section 4. Lot I. SXVH D. O. O. Ph. D. D. O. man f the meeting and Ira Haight Sec. I KX Sec. a. SX Sec 13. SXSX Sec S., was elected secretary. A finsntf: 14. T. 2S. R. 7AV, WX See. 5. WX Sec A Fellow The railroad brotherhoods are of W. C WX Src 17. 2. .1. SEMNWX Sec Eyeaifht Optical Specialist begining committee, consisting J. Its K Science The W. F. and A. Frederick-so- n AH of V.. 20. XNM Sec. 2. T. MS.. of the Academy of The above Merchants will gladly give tickets to the to realize that President Wilson handed them Quast. King 1W SEXSKX Sec 11. T. 75S., R. 3W too Scientific Section ef the National life-size- was the chair. taintf .'"625.10 The improveeneeit. d appointed by acre!. Association Paris Theatre for Matinees, ask them for tickets. a gold brick in the Adamson eight Mr. King on account of business on this !aif mnltist of tiouae. staMea, out Optical Saturday law. was unable serve hrraaea. 7 wen, windmills and tsnVs, Tve Santa Fe Headquarters for Northern hour wage matters to and 143.750. Patronize home Merchants. have it" Les. Middleton was in his flMtea pipe tine, fencing, value New Mexico. ..137 Palace Avenee. your "They o appointed No .V I aw the shore or scribed tract o Las Office M7 Lincoln Avenue stead. Tn4 will f accented for lege than Teree Vegas with Merchants that appreciate business and send N Shop your In counties the Democrats have been Complete harmonjr prevailed and Dollar CS3.0O) per acre, whica ia the ap Raton Office 112 Srd St. many is .TMe vara tnereot. :HARCES REASONABLE, CONSUL- to the Movies free. Make and the present outlook a big republi- oe you Saturday your shoping day hoping for fusion, but the best they got was can Columbus. Columbus The soore aale ot lanfla anil etioirci TATION FREE ALL WORK vote in to the follnwinr terma and conditions, vtff attend the special Matinee. "I believe in my Town." confusion. Courier. The aoccrssful bidder must pay to the tm GUARANTEED MY CONCEPTION OF THE PRESIDENCY It has treated the business men of this coun- THE COUNTY OFFICERS A FEW QUESTIONS make proof and secure little to their lands try as though they were suspicious characters. in this state because of technical and Few counties in New Mexico or Which the Voters New Mexico would unjust By CHARLES EVANS HUGHES It has assumed that capital and labor are na- anywhere of rulings by the department over which for that have as like to have Nov- yon tural enemies. In four years it has put this else, matter, enjoyed good answered before the yth of presided, in spite of the fact that On the eve of election Day the American and economical financial administration ember. Congress country further on the road to class war than at the passed a relief law for their benefit? And people are entitled to a summary of the things hands of its officials as this county has MR. W. 0. MCDONALD t. i .: been accomplished in a before. county did you not allow them the benefit of xt nave t ... u.t.:. , i,,"aa generation why "t 7 The mcn whQ stanJ wjth me ,Jcieve m the enjoyed for the past five years. Did you or did you not veto the bill to that law which has now been on the statute are ine i snaii Manu iur as j. icsiuciu. The board of commission- tilings honesty of the American working man, they present county permit the State Land Commissioner to lease hooks for twenty months? No man can tell in advance what unex- ers has held its down to believe no less in the honesty of the American expenses considerably land for oil development because you desired Why, when holding the position which demands the next four pre- less than its and has used the differ- pected years may business man, and they believe that the com- receipts to keep the price of land down so as to con- has full and direct charge of all land deci- but one whose of the Pre- ence to off such indebtedness as sent conception mon good is to be found not in class war but pay floating tinue to lease large tracts of it for your cattle sions, appeals, patents, approvals and all other rests fundamental princi- existedw hen came into office. sident's duty upon in mutual justice and fair dealing, not as be- they company at a very low rate? control of public lands have you allowed state describe with entire how We believe that it is to claim that ples can sincerity tween capital and labor in the abstract but as safe Did you or did you not go before the state applications to remain undisposed of, that were the of administration would he ap- the clerk's office of this is the proMems between men and men. county county board of equalization (your own appointees) pending when you assumed their and in what would be most economical in the state a similar management proached spirit they You. know the road we have traveled having and represent that you had only 700 head of four years ago, and thereby defined the schools solved. amount of business. of kind this last four years. Mr. Bryan and Mr. Expenses every cattle in Chaves county when as a matter of of thisv state of several hundred thousand reach- which are matters in the dis- A man charged with the duty of Daniels are its monuments of executive ef usually largely fact you had over 2,000? dollars Smd the citizens who have applied for well - a desired knows that the road to citi- - cretion of the county clerk as as expen- Did or did not taxes those of ing goal Our murdered and forsaken - 1 1 you you pay lands the use of over half a hiillion ficiency. ,. , ...I- .. f 1t 1 . 1. your in which sound ' m JU "JVC in in it is found following that path zens in Mexico reveal a conception of Ameri- - """" K,m,s' uct" Lincoln county 1912 (since yon have dollars which they have put up as a guaran- and clenr vision by en ti i j n it 1. been have been tax judgment open up step lean citiensinp plain enougii to see hut a new nij'L governor and berating tee and which neither they nor the state can 1 the road I to travel. The entire county has enjoyed a period until Step. can show except ,'one for American patriotism to adopt; the dodgers) the county treasurer notified use until the state applications are passed up- fir-- of peace and law enforcement, only two or he I propose- t of all to start right. The 'monument ,,S class bitterness raised by this you officially that would take possession on by the First Assistant Secretary of the In- three crimes of a nature oc- - Prcsioi 'it i piiiuarily an cxeemive. It is his administration throws a sinister shadow across revolting having of your cattle if you undertook to ship them terior or his subordinates? cured the five or si- - which to attend to the busim-.-- of the our political horizon; the unjust accusation during past years, without I'aying the taxes? Why did you come hack from Washing- liprei;:e hiy h a low record for a of nation, i.) .va.Vgur-r- it intcrcM to amidpa'c against business men has left a bitter taste remarkably county Did you or did you not pay your taxes ton and tell the small stockman that the 640 dis- . tins size due in no small measure' to the in until its nc.-'ls- to en its laws. in our national life. If you prefer this path Guadalupe county sued by the county? acre homestead bill had passed when you knew cretion and firmness of the sheriff's office. Did or did not 'I he first act of a lVcsiik-ii- who nl-.e- it is plainly marked. And the- end of it is you you go out of the the contrary? The school superintendent has office of assessor collector of Lincoln this view of hi- - dr.tks is to call about hi:n the class war. comity and What reason have you to assure anyone made a statewide for at least three with the can men I reputation comity public money unaccottnted that it ever will ablest cabinet the Von what road - pass? country furnih, propose lo travel? the- fir-- t of which interna- different accomplishments, for? Hid the county sue you for it? Did do about the who can deal with the tremendous These are the milestones which mark it an - Why you go state telling was the n en- reconstruction under i the for it? Did tional and domestic jaohlems which will con- executive to the whole nation, a county gel judgment you those who favor it that it is certain to pass responsible Ins of school houses in every dis- settle How much did back? front us in the next four years. cabinet chosen from the able-- t Americans, a supervision up? you pay and those opposed that there is no danger that trict in within a period of two years. Was that all of it ? it will ever A.s Mv of the differs toreign policy that ly but firm- pass? reported by the papers ("iieepiion Presidency The second was bis effective means of secur- Did or did not become an- of from that of Mr. Wilson. f look ly for American rights, a flag that you you very your party. absolute!) protects ing information relative to when learned that K. C. de IVi-- a, i gry you first Did or did not secure t ut Ine a'imuii-lri'.r.'- e the American in his lawful wherever you you posses- uti. 'ti rights and bringing the school attendance up to its absence s during your had pardoned sion of the Preston Reck Grant 1( v " n l'ic- - his temporary by and of the ci'Mi nl. lie lis uti' the legitimate- may take him, a prep- third ac- ousting present very high standard. And the Vigil, the wife murderer and did von not numerous settlers thereon, who tident a rrim V t:i( htical ler aii'l. aration for traik- competition which shall pro- bankrupting complishment worthy of special attention, was s;iy then that he would not get another chance re the owners of those lands? law It:.. the ii m. tect all groups of American workmen, a gov- wrightful the night .li iT established last ear and at to the office while were- - ss disgrace you gov- Do or do not owe over ( ! ernment of will fe'ir-- you you thirty T; two of eminent oversight which I which the attendance in districts was I -- many ernor? lave mind? abu.-e- s, you changed your thousand dollars ta.xcs the of which . 1' - - eliminate but will act on the tb--- payment most i '.;: !.:':; .r Nil eh;l! :l II dy very barge and the benefit t.) who at- Did or did not - a i ao-rag- you you delay your ap- as an vou I a ; inn that the is through your cunning he i ano !: e vnl business man attorney, ;: ':0e lepai f tended was great. proval of lands applied for by Mrs. Mathers have been able to defeat from ho-- a tie s;, ami a domestic which year to year? )f tin. l,e fhi- -e nu n w lie finally policy The treasurer's office, handled lor the of her hi. indii-tri- al county express purpose securing . loohs to and to range Santa, be. voters who have the interests to ,e .A! ;:i t Ci .r il' t'''-- peace, soicd and ihe candidate- for elec- ? .;n.i by present yourself of this and not" ( ih based the city county at heart should oh: ::;i!i"!i v as subordinate! i'lnuaiuail prosperity upon develop-- ; tion, ha- - been well and Dili or did know of of .American managed practically you you not and that Murcelino A. Ortiz has been a re- v. a lh'. iueiit trade and the acco-an- t forget tical c c;:ii no' ia"::rv t'ru building up i vcrv entrv and ar: l balanced sanction the action of Bernalillo j oi American industries. posted your county sident of this all his that any awniini tratioii under my direction will in county life; every daily. road board its coercion of voters two years dollar which he is is in stand souinI ndiinnistralive 'around wiiii We Americans are m one boat. of possessed invested upon You, The assessor has very greatly increased ago as proven by sworn testimony presented ; in this while his has able-'- , -- property county, opponent the cabinet the v can cannot strike a blow at one group without the ed valuation in the in the house of the last county during legislature? lived here only as a state official, is not on Across (he road we are to travel this injury to all. I'onimon justice and fair play,' his term if office. Pari of this of course net wis, MR. A. A. JONES the tax roll of Ibis and claimed to be a four even we start and will settle- our difficulties if suspicion and due. to the fact that is now being- - as- - county wars, nigh right iroicrtv What, if anything have you done while resident of Union until he became a ha-'-i- Hlteriic.--s are let alone. These county with prudence courage, serious are the prin-- i at its full cash value, but in addition in relieve the I Washington, to thousands of candidate for the Democratic nomination for are thr iwn like I aks in a made iplesby which propose to be guided. to that increase the assessor has added arjs roadway many desert entry men who have been unable to clerk at that party's county convention. by a tot rent ial rain, These all rise i ml of the o . tracts and acres of land and many head of 'war torrent which h a.s overwhelmed live-toc- k not before on the rolls. His work F.urope. OTERO ADMINISTRATION SIDELIGHTS: lak ljtftA.V..4ii.w. a V a e ai 'A The first has to do with our foreitrn rela under the direction and with the of from the standpoint of nulioiml dut.v lioiuicnl deh.V hy lilling the putiflc tions. It is the President's to jthe commissioner and anable assistant HMPiCO SCOTRE and that liny muu ollices with utjfit men. He did not duty safeguard county for It frhoiihl be at once his the interests of our own nation and to The strangest spectacle ever presented is eommenable. champion certaiu principles during pre- taken out of ofliee. campaign find ivpinliate them after in New Mexico is the sa-- of serve the friendship of every other nation. politics mudslinging! The probate court lias been handled Facts Made Public in U. S. lie entered oltice. As Governor, he Otero ami his of A CRAVEN AFFAIR, No man is more determined than 1 to Miguel charges political tisfactorily. The wishes and interests of heirs "Shortly thereafter the facts were did not to hruve and beautiful with of have 11s a for firm ami con maintain the peace which the United States, corruption. Kveryone any knowledge always been considered and guarded. made public in the United States. II words salistifulv ry A 111 sistent deeds. Ib wiM careful in his all knows that there was never a stig-- ' The tax rate has been nil Mayo had been responsible Spain, Sweden, Norway and the American very materially SAYS ROOSEVELT use of words hut he Ik, vkeij bis words in ed and had not acted under orders, then now I'.ut should ek of corruption the territorial gov-'creas- during the past five years and republics enjoy. si to today the only proper course for Secretary with deeds. He did not jwomise what eminent of New Mexico until the ndminislra-- : over of -- maintain that peace by a firm and coi r:ous forty percent the entire amount of Daniels would have been to order his he could not pcrfofiu. li did not Ax- - tion of Otero himself. Whoever beard taxes in this is court-martia- l, Ihe wVlh insistence on the right.-- of our cition-- .. b tua-an- paid county for schools, and Constituted So Grave an Ofonce Instant anil in such case plaster people cAinplinients abroad. lietl or l.e-- Wallace accused of corrupt prac-,on- e of the arr-es- l levies of tin (be failure to do so would have shifted tliev did not deserve. Jle as not a '. Against the Nation's Honor blame- - ilietorlcian. he was not i llatterer. he uecs I nder Sheldon and K the neinten sixty percent is the interest and sinking funds the ut once from the shoulder An American in M h- was not "ton to UglW" kir labor .abject t" and first built '011 and That the Wan of Admiral Mayo to the shoulders of proud tiary capitol was Under Prince bonds voted to assist in railroad construc- - Duty or for the or the Mexican law, but he is an American still and - President Wilson uml Secre- for capital, strung the- , tii superiors, is University, Agricultural College-- School m many years ago. Responsible Should Be Daniels. weak, when the riidd was on their entitled to the protection of bis own gov f tary and Insane Asvhmi were all built The voters of Santa Fe can cer-- even If side. ernment m his lawful business. one I county j Removed From Office. "Therefore, these telegram h,r at large expense, but with strictest economy tainlv install no bitter officials than those whoi did not exist, even if there had been Mr. Wilson's spokesmen seek V di- shall never consent to ;i policy which leaves Mr. and not a breath of accusation s. , tlu-i- r no suet orders, or llio.e is- vert attention from the attacks , , of suspicion ire y.ell fv-1- at this time.! actually Am cn tins l:e! n,..u law sued the of the Hughes is making upon the reennt of ,l,t .attached to any of the public business. The WILSON CAKWOT SHIELD by secretary navy any country m which they have a right lo do to Admiral Mayo, nevertheless, hit the Administration by asking bhn: Annual School and Military Institute fol- O.MPAKISOX un- business. HIMSELF BEHIND DANIELS superiors, Secretary Dnniula alio "What would you do?" they are lowed, but the record was still stainless: noth- President Wilson, would- both have consciously helping Mr. Hughes. Th There confronts labor in the ;u t four discreditable was ever hinted until the In a your walks you'll never find become fur the are recalling 10 the memory of a ing fully responsible ti years condition more serious than any that ( e Ilie lie made hero period. A pure and healthv. honest mind Authentic Procf That Americans in guilty transaction by llicir uco,ulcs-cene-- people record throughout American have- been r . his as Governor of New laboring men called upon ill' 11... son 01 therein. They canuot, us they two terms The same is the case as to com- - anY wratn Peril Were Duserted by Their Own York. It was then tluit he first said to face. When this war began over a million corrupt U h"S1' have sought to do, shift the blame ' a Turkish bath Government Protests of , . o s territorial -' Against the otllce shall not be a American v b'.very officer perform- 'ta lo the shoulders of the admiral." "public working men were seekii the Naval Officer ani:y led lis duties independently until the Otero Senior Present snap under my administration." and for employment. When the war ends and the m some Most Pusillanimous in made sonaro with prom- era. Then- was no "vo I'll ncneatn awtul stroke Episode Vote. performance of a !' .. - . ,n i The Soldier new are rown . T !.,,. Annal.s of ise. There is this ahout Mr. developed energies Kurope 1....! ,1. ... ' M. . :! i: nave mane remarks smoke. Ojr Country. Hughes v"iu svsiein 11111 11 men. I lie that tairly A siKiiilicanl feature the into commercial jiroduetion, our nation will judici Hut following that makes him so different from Mr. nan neen we forgive them as we write Maine election was the nature of the face a such as it never knew. ary always unicpcm lent ami respected. Tluirtlure HiHiscvc It in n to Wilson: "Hughes means what ha competition The stories of their deeds of soldier vote. 'When Governor Wallace illegally appointed might Henry Iteun-- i ilulil, the naval says." So it is that the campaign is One of two things must aappen t.:,lvr rrltie, is that one Maine bat- critk-lM-- 111 Sec'V-tar- It reported a contest of character between ii'tsKe as attorney ( the Wilson anil really millions of men will be seekiiu ; work icneral, , hiked CO miles in for dM'tir-entlati- in vain I'he Father of his swore Daniels in with lie talion twp days two men. with sincerity if the Country frnri-ihls- he Mtt in though solidly republican, interposed its , Ihe of the or ebe there must thought id vatuv Tiiiiiiirii alTnii-- vvlu-- i purpose exercising and deciding factor. decision; and when 'Governor Koss At Monmouth, and then cussed some more, llie the problem of commercial as vraisliis were withdrawn hj order of organization nd at Valley Forge that he And we know how similarly endeavored to appoint Ashen felter, prayed llie Tin- colonel they voted! France and Kngland and Germain- are win the blessed Ailiiiiiiisirali'in. s.i.vs: FIERY WORDS. a democratic Might victory. "Vim have ir.'s.nn-i- j iiiilln-i'lk- to think out the F.verv supreme court likewise upheld proni "Direct violations "."lion's SOT problem today. of loiw 4 the law. It remained until time see the Aiiii'doiins in poi-i- in Daniels mi;r!it have made . one of these 11:1! 10ns, h, to Otero's to Joseplius eroignty cannot av indicalinn in The "Man of thev Talllpieo woo ilosi'i toil hy their owtt of the Snlviitliin - . a combination of die executive and the jttdi- - Destiny" say passable secretary suits for damagi s- I'.e nation which its own market iv a !,',.,. Mi IlllllJ The Kvpres-e- d himself in iniiienl n;;aiiiM llie of hut it was lo :arv sulphurous p'n .Navy, pretty rotih violates those essen :;.! s must lie ;,!- - nu.ter winch the at s i tnd of the ,d - governor laughed I nior Amenran luval olliivr iii. hi on Uncle wat the ( In s one fateful ju impose in Sam's fjylitin checked and called to hy di-- i h laws, whether federal or territorial. When .igncy heights day ml have shown llial ill 'nv ;,: tles lot ibor created the war. mil- - navy. rec-- y The ; lit challenge and a. When Wellington's mi bad chi llis had t'ntl knovvli ot lion- - - overthrew of law in a al Wnshiicion m trenche- I": V Hi! be 1,111 indn-ln- al curl every principle Prom Woodrovv Wilson's ac- , swav. speech in - Ihe ilanor of ihe sii n:it i.,n iliion.:' l!rilis-l- i i: t f ertain case older to sustain Otero's The nsorship is delayiny tiie Democratic nomination for compel - :ia 't ia .v. we are t save air ustirp- from Admiral cepting atioii of till was Mayo ui; ihe Hailed S - mails almost as lab, 1:1 IP' n fta m a cata-- t'i power, restraint removed less : presidency. t phe we must ike e. hy win In Ihe navy d.'ii..i iaea; Lui'k-aou-' a! d what wi: that patient man of Uz, unnoyiugly us luuliicie'iu-y- PUT a f iu-- was called the of ii April lit and l.i. Vou also protect al' ; south t aar! "orgy corruption" With boils as. thick 1, as goslings fuz, l nl" The American flag Is still unsulnted 1 was ushered in. Cie Ihe of Mr. llalial.s I's endeavor Ut loo: e Sff ple'ae some language rich and brown April HI dii'i Ihe admiral lo nt Vera Cruz. n-- as the scandal-'- . pro , I:. It: V ho are to Then, to pardon Under . Until old Ih'Idad called him down. ." eei d lu Vera l'i-.i.- LI Villa is still and unpun- lea- - other gov ernors there have been occasion- - may Mayo Teared Loss of Life. ished. J mistakes hut there never was Carran.a still Ihe United matter am ml ler ansolnte any corrupt l!ut men like Gillie, Mac and "Vou have shown Unit Adnitiiii slaps tn Zeke, :i for until .Mayo laade un ! ii 5i States. hey the present adtni Ural !1. political purposes the Otero Whose words with euiphaiie pivie.-- nauseous vapors reek Ii There still has been no accountlni a' lc onus have iadinini-- ration It was then that the ilie navy deparian nt. slating iliat declared that the "holiday; foul de-- , Are and as the leal-i- -- for American lives and property iov Mexico1 filthy frogs tile result of the .qua'.." on ( en went ha.-- no right to lew tariff duties pardons were introduced into Xew in Mexico. That trumpet in their native bogs. leaviiij; wnndd he Iho loss of Aaieriemi That Is True stroyed it for is for the worst . Campaign's Angla whole of fot exec; income, this the fundamental !as outrages. Xotj liven and pmpei-ly- Vuu iiImi ijie'i,- The question reparation faith I the Democratic oniv were criminals pardoned to gam local lie leleoous sent hy Admiral and Not the Trite Question Invusfon of American rights by vari- party. Can men with minds so small and mean, Sl.y Is 1 nivself "oI,tical but outside influence in ilie follow in;.' day, 'h. pro ous warring nations still sleeping edge and those who stand with1 support, with Which Hecklers Are , With records, stained, besmirched, unclean, of .VP in a me to deal with the needs of Washing-to- was obtained in the same wav. lost ill" Ainei'irtin eon 01, pigeonhole. laboring men Lead you on, New Mexico? Miller, mid lo AND the The cold-blood- murderers were reipiesiln iiu!honi. Nagging the Republican country over, whatever their trade or or- Carthage "Crescit F.nndo" ? ' relllllill in Tanipieij. You have le(VU All the "direct and resist- turned loose to secure the Uphold your Standard Bearer. challenge ganization, upon the of the support of Texas iliitl. heeeiilu less, the d. piin-mei- ance" noticeable to the Amerl- -' principle giving o navj average largest protection possible to every American senators. Vigil, the infamous murderer of on I lie ".'Im isiiilin.K-- ti- - previ- can Is Included in a series of note man and the his poor wife at Raton, was pardoned for We understand that the clerks in ous orders mid Uiiveled ilie ships to said to possess high literary quality. If working largest particiKition county leave al ACHIEVEMENTS ASSURANCE in the political support, although chief Mills, several Democratic counties have why. nothing else In particular. possible prosperity of our industries justice pretended "You have shown ilia I I ti admiral who tried the in BLUNDERING IS NO HABIT with special favors to none. case protested vain. Right that they did not receive for filing the certi- put out into the oceun eight miles Wabbling Wood row. Finally it is to be remembered that everv here in hanta re, a wife murderer was par- fied copies of the Republican state ticket. distant, hut a proiest from has claims that erery European government is itself behind f'oncd 1,1 consideration of the vote of a certain Additional copies have been forwarded to Consul Miller rettirratlnjf his Opportunism putting for You Uitn the Wincing Democrats Trying to Run statesman must respect. But never its nationality for the Otero faction in a con-the- m all such clerks and return show protection. quote industries; organizing them, encouraging register card, and of Admiral Away From the Record of the Ad- has there been an opportunist In th test at tne with Mr. Catron. No the the held telegrams Rignuls and suggesting economies. When the primaries ing delivery of same, are by the Muyu, who. In spite of his orders, ministration and to Inveigle the White House of greater willingness commercial struggle begins anew, the indus- - criminal was so vile or so dangerous that he Republican party officials. Some few clerks nobly refused to run from the post Vetera Down Rhetorical to change than the present Incumbent. in The country feared It had placed pow- try of every European country will intOic1'' not ')e pardoned return for a few have even gone farther and threatened to not of duty while the lives of American All in the Thinly-Dicguite- d Effort go men, women and children were In er in the hands of a doctrinaire school- the world backed - vo,es- - The Christmas and New Year have ballots to the markets by the effective co- holiday any Republican printed for their Change Subject master of bending. It find in two successive It be well danger." Incapable operation and intelligent oversight of their pardons years weie given county. might for such gentlemen Can't Hide Behind Daniels. that it has a man of remarkable plas- to to e When Mr. rec- government. murderers. consult both federal and state statutes re- Of the President and See-r- tary Hughes criticises the ticity of Judgment, who one moment ord of Our national policy requires that During Otero's term then were over two lative to their statuts if they fail to provide Daniels the colonel writes: the Administration the spokes- stands for states' rights and the next. govern men of Mr. Wilson cry: "Vfhat would for nationalism, who one day Is a pa nient maintain a strict supervision of business hundred and sixty pardons and commnutations. proper and sufficient ballots for any and all President Wilson cannot shield him- Dun-tel- have doner" that It ciflst. next is Col self behind Mr. Daniels, for Mr. a you They forget and the This can be done effectively! although the number of in parties having either national, state or coun- Is Mr. Wilson and not Mr. one organization. average prisoners could do nothing that the Hughes Roosevelt for arms and ships, who and leave the the ty tickets and to remember malicious Is on yet Government free to encour penitentiary at that time was only two that any president does not order or sancUon. who trial. They forget that week is for a barren neutrality and age legitimate and wholesome business en- hundred and thirty. violation of those laws will be vigorously pro When Mr. Daniels' actions have been four years ago Mr. Wilson criticised the next for war in behalf of general Mr. Taft and Mr. Roosevelt through- who one is for I stand for such and o secuted. brought to the attention of Mr. Wil- righteousness, night terprise. supervision out the and that Mr. Tuft and nrbl I . son, and are not repudiated by him, campaign collective wage bargaining contrel of business, but demand also that T5. F. Pank-ev- nf tlii nn1 Tnlin .Mr. re- rniintu they become Mr. Wilson's; and Mr. and lioosevelt defended their tration of industrial disputes and the ousincss ami small A few former members of the house of instead of great (and especially the!S. Clark, of San Miguel countv. are, so far Wilson is fully and completely respon- spective records, crying next is waving the flag of decreeing Milan uustr.ess ue treated and as we are a Vie to lenm tl1P ndvr wmiwt representatives have been nominated tor trie sible for Mr. Daniels, for ail that "What would you have doner" They wages up or down as the votes of the tairly justly. thes? or refuse to can Only under such conditions can business cf the last Uate senate to be renominated state senate by the Republicans this fall. he has done and left undone. forget things they larger number be controlled. pay confess them. They are to run New York Globe and Commercial living or with - T5oth tllem a V. of The proof is absolute that when trying wages compete foreign manti- of these men are able, thoughtful and ;nlon,-- Ja.h,es Tully away from the record of the Adminis- ' Wuiiml Ui'vn was at Tunipieo be had lacturers. 1;iicrert durit L'nroln county, W. II. Chnsman of i.m Juan to fol- wcrkers legislative sessions .wvliwl full know I, Jpe of the rioting tration and induce the people it-s- i me -' 1 Am- low them down some h of rhe- in aaiii aumims- a"o it is a distinct advantage to t he people of " w"s.,w., and of the imminent danger to In - pieseni T.1.1- - . . O """n;. Gen. Pershing's army continues nnl .,: I.. ouuusne... oe r erican lives; but Unit, nevertheless, torical hypothesis, all In the effort to :..w.. , , . cmiifi,. . . . . u :.mis countv to awe to nave .senator fzn-- l senator ;f ,1,, r,; line fettle, "lit for a light or a frolic." i , sain. ,t,v,i he steamed into ocean, and change the subject. ni3 mwcii uusmess witn in the senate convention was not heM in St. Loir's Mi's uway the To Vs cre-.'l-t let It be said it went enterprise suspicion again and a like advantage to that s that the Anierii-an- were rescued by "P.y their fruits ye shall know ana nas matte San-Mie- n imiirattons are as fur as tne jrovernment a brake to stonltbe reorde of tr rpnn..l,.0,,ri."";i1 5" Kepubtican. aii iov-enu-ir polilicf peruiiltcJ. mmi fo RrntiMican aflvhow. aloni? German and Itiili.--h ships. This ac- them." When Mr. Hughes was the wheels of industrial ; legitimate progress, jsented by Senator Clark. jwith Kentucky ?J Maryland. tion cousin mod so grave an offense of New York he did not pay 1 m REPUBLICAN TAFT EXCORIATES CAPITAL CITY NEWS IN BRIEF SOCIETY, CLUBS, LODGES, CHURCHES Purging the Heart. CANDIDATES WILL HIS SUCCESSOR General and Personal Here and There Over the State "Yes Bir. He's like the imtriurclw BE ELECTED Which Iv theinT All Iv them. He Illusion Iciety's Annual Sale and Tea ve of El Hills-bor- o, Love, the at smites the Civil Service ICnck nnd Col. Venceslao Jaramillo Rit0 Attorney E. T. Tippman, of 2 to 6 m. Asserts the Democratic Party business. returned to the is just a cobweb, wet with brary hall, p. foorth fur ii here on capital city Jobs gushes tbursty and Its Are Seek during the week to assist with the morning dew; dlKburvlu' blows Candidate is invisible j jl. but Dluiycrats. He C. was in the Democratic CHAIRMAN AND SECRETA- Love just a fairy spell, ORGANIZATIONS: R. Dwire, of Taos, campaign at headquar- on a horn un' fulls for ut inrj a Vote to Powqr by capital city yesterday. ters. t0 view; Vestry (Meets first Friday in Irrytblu' RIES OF ALL COUNTIES RE- A tread a touch too heavy, and the Woman's Guild If the people en II hi in iver so soft, Un- I month); (Meets Disingenuous and Ex-Go- v. cobweb is not there or R. J. Taupert of Las L. Bradford Prince return- PORT FAVORABLE TO RE- first and third Fridays); Woman's Little Siimuel hud no quicker ear. An' ed St. Louis. Mrs. A sigh too long, and Iol the spell Al- sound Pleas. Vegas was in town Wednesday. Monday from I Auxiliary (Meets third Friday-- ; for what's dear to his heart has vanished into air Guild snoryticiu' Prince going on from there to her PUBLICANS WILL BE A tar (Meets third Tuesday); Abruhuui hud ninvtliln' on him. Sure Guthrie Smith, well known news- old home at Flushing, Long Island. Choir (Meets Friday Love is a morning-glor- y, doom- evenings); he Is sliiuld an' exeecdln paper man, was in the city Thurs- LAND SLIDE just Girls' Friendly Society (Meets first Dimnerlcy's noon - LEFT CLEAN SLATE Geo. F. Albright, who has been ed at to die; and third Saturdays).- gretit rewurd. FCfR day as at Love is only half a story, told in acting Repub "TTs his bringln' up WRITING MEXICAN POLICY was in from lican headquarters, has been coniin- - passing by; MISSIONS: l'reshytnryan John R. McFie, Jr., Record is so faint- I'm tliinkin.' Furst he udopts a policy; a of the ed ' h" room the last couple of Special to State Love gold delicate, the St. f Gallup couple days during la Alamogordo, Nov. 2, Republicans est flame would melt Stephen's Church, Espanola, N. thin he thrles to justify it, thin iu week. days with grippe. it; M. St. Albans Church. Est.-inri- M of Otero county are working har- Love's NOTHING; but God help siinetifies it wld a phrase, while a choir Former President Declare the! indication is for M. Chunh of the Holy That The Santa Fe moniously. Every the man who's never known nor Apostles, iv Di.shurvin a - Mr. and Mrs. John C. Sherwood, young people fully bal- 1 aos, in. iu. Diniiiijeruts slugs Passage Under Duress of the Adam- Hallowe'en by and a clean sweep. Bursum and the felt it I Ad' there of Mitchell, Indiana, are visitors in enjoyed masking ticket will hymn. ye lire. Justlheiition, ton Bill Was One of fhe Greatest on others. ance of the state carry HELEN ROWLAND IN LIFE i. the perpetrating many, pranks Adoption an' Siinkty-flcuKlnii- city. Several and dances distin- the tcounty by a substantial majori- National Humiliation v to Whlcfc parties Wanted Papa to Whip Him "The choir iikmI h.irui.iny whin A. Otero, Jr., guished the eventful season. ty. Mrs. extended her great Our Country Has Even Been Sub- Lieutenant Miguel T. Hutching Jacob Weltmcr Jin. Sniilli, George Harvey un' ltlll to his at Colum- John hosoitafitv most charming to the jected. returned company Miss Lucile who has been County Chairman. A young lady, her cheeks flush- Urine was nil In ut. But wan he wan bus, Pollock, members of the Fifteen Club, Friday ed Thursday. here the oast two or three weeks, with indignation and her eyes their v'iee.s cracked nn' they passed out aiiciiiuuii. ivus. tlastlllic I rv burs n 1 ... Tnrlcre Pn1lnrL of ncuuni t that the of 1916 n. . men on i,illi per father - sncciai to state jvecora Mrs. a F'"""S.on (,.. iv the Jifo Iv thi! gn-u- I.lnylist. Declaring campaign ... Albuquerque r 7: will Walter presented paper and demandcd Is ns r.:Lj ...... ua the federal bench, visited friends Raton. Nov. 2. Colfax county "The Moors and Their Civilization, parents that papa went buck to cditin' un' Bill Important ns the campaign ot f of week. than its share to immediately and whip a cer. "Iliirvey 1890 nnd to end of their labors and Albuquerque the first the contribute better iv resembles that campaign la see the in New !iSFrHnkMParkRerMeaTTh0. !l tain n,an in the town. She Brine wint in search the llowly . the Republican majorities yu,,8 thut the Democratic party nnd Its return home. r said ..wl h j Kule. McComhs heciiuse Mexico next The Republi- - fi d h wi.s ennned, candidate are a Tuesday. ported on the federation meeting at Ile h hi n seeking vote of power . . -. are me. .wW in nn' Hilly M. A.loo'iit King ...:n SANTA FE HIGHS WILL fans throuirhout the county Las The were asJ for hut ullur-In- g r:i. ..t East Vegas. one? and offcred follow me. I an' Underwood ivns weak disingenuous, unsound, Camera Club PLAY ALBUQUERQUE HIGHS workinir hard and with the enthu of unusual and a duet, Oscnr H. at the rooms of the interest profitable want lljm wnjppcaV. The much reason, William Taft, former of the siasm of men on the way to victory. on TnrilT ragtime But hrow President Saturday evening for study Streicher : rh7h r 'aU.-?-- . of the United States, deliv- Santa Fe School foot ball A. R. - h " "nse,a naturally thiiu nil. Wld f'whiil say yel ew guns and practice. High "J :r."f" dad's.W?hat and told ered the address of the New team will Htgh County Chairman. :rhr,ii got where Wid the Order iv the I'oulile opening play Albuquerque the old six shooter was. But r,.v Jersey Itepiibllenn state nt rc-- School at Nov. papa O I well III.' linn? the campaign Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Parkburst 1 Albuquerque Saturday Mrs. lames L. Selicman was hos didn't take the hint. He ho. mind nl Trenton. - i4th. Snprinl to State Record said, Muiilmttiin whin he Urine turned on Tuesday from their east tess at the meeting of the no one in this world is (Jhih, l;iss"d : "-- regular daughter, Mr. Taft said, iu part. frn wfflinn- tr n. Thev had a nleas- - ' "c iw "inn ' : Gallup. Nov. Nothing to ineT uesday tar,i Club this week interested in than nn' kicked Ilnrvey wld wnu inotion. been working very hard every ev .m jmore you your "Tim great public advantage In or- ant visit and journey. election inr ins nfwt iuiu uuu. ione will ue quicker to Now the choir has what W'udl I.ruw ening and feel confident that they u,,t ronntinc the votes. This is the McBride en-- : ganization and eiMiibiiialiuii of cap. Albu- - Mrs. Frank pleasantly rise to your defense. But listen calls 'the vilal slulTs iv life.' Stum- an' -- make a showing at in ital and of wage-earner- we all - .t...... ,!, t,p.n ,tth good sentimane McKin'oy county the members of the Chris- - I reeog- it...,' VJl' ,V1 w V . I tertained this very interest has led me . to .MeA.l.Mi; .an.vii'ls an' .lilil Ham " " ""V. 'n rnvt nnrh lillt. Lewis, tln-- u" ev- - 1 nl;:e. Tin.' may, it,uC MHUVm CUTMlHtll US Ull anions Kepunlicans, rropressives- tian Endeavor Class Saturday .study you and, this is what have wld fur Ihl'Ii faNeil.i. power neipiire ,, 7i" ton will accompany the team to nnrl Dpmnrrats. All factions annre- ' ltedlield lh" beeimie . . . learned. however, s.i as to lour 01 eastern mew ivicailu, an uic .11 C....-- J - ii. cuing. WiKllluiiw silw wid his ban. Is cros-r- d grcal tempt from Union to Otero is at home to situ. us abusi- and public way pro'f Rmh ha5arranRe1 for a ans nndHssnppointed at the "You go down the street very while (he sings s.nms Iv praise, Injury, - The Ladies Aid will nnd tin y have dune so. ll.Micr, wo ,Ra,n- Came with Albuquerque Inch school Ki"ack 0f enthusiasm displayed by the Presbyterian scantily dressed. You apparently un' Col. II.'Um' winds the Vielhn.hi. he entertained Mrs. Charles Hay- - as of have bad the ami-trus- t law and tiler : to be played here in Santa Fe Democrats in campaigfl. by deliberately expose much your who have been present nes at home 011 Johnson avenue, is "Wudthrow is loud Iv niiisir. hut inter-lat- e cm nn. Jurors ThanksRivinp This is the first will pive hewer her person as necessary to appeal law, directed of day. McKinley countv at 3'oclock. Colonel House is t In .i:i"i ance at the Meral "m "" foot ball game scheduled on Thanks-- ! usual on Nov. 7. Friday afternoon to the carnal instinct of man. Your hiia"lf chiell.v against combinations of cup- - here were discharged Wednesday ev- - an,iitnan majority a uortion of mnn. Knilli v he danced n 'In'.' on trivinir xJav lor ..,.,, years r.... J v- lovely neck, large your Itdl but effecting In some measure and left for their various .h"i M. Don! well it n ening ousht to attract considerable inter- County Chairman. Mrs. William Scott, of developed breast, your arms Wnshhiler ye'd nlver li.'ar si.n'i'l combinations of labor. Labor leaders homes that, night and the following is ' relatives and means of a short and est and a large crowd. Diego Heights visiting by skirt "Well, wnn night In Au;:usi ih have sought exemption from such day. and friends in Denver this week. hose, a share of The line up as it will be at the transparent goodly CoU.n. l come in tin laws as n class, and In some is Special to State Record lower limbs to view tiptoein' through privileged Albuquerque game as follows: Jyuur ate exposed biisiMiieiit eases have been successful. H. L. Hall, Democratic candidate C Satta Rosa. No. 2, The Republi- was ' ''at of your body that is at diirp. they in Fe McCutchen from two A clever Hallowe'en party part While Mr. Wilson in one of his me- for state treasurer, was Santa R. G. can state ticket will get Whit-al- 1 covered 111 cloth in such '"How's the game, Colonel?' says Mcndoza Guada- given by Aloyd and William Wly and left hundred in 'So-so- ,' morandums attached to an Monday Tuesday morning Herrera L. G. to three majority tier at their home, Monday evening.! a way that every curve and angle Wiidlhrow. the Colonel says. appropria- home in Rio Arriba county, more. A IS 1,1 tion bill avowed his to for his Knapp, Capt R. T. lupe county and perhaps The usual Hallowe'en decorations out uo'J "hef. Then when 'Ye might round up a few more votes,' opposition such having completed his campaign trav- L. T. rareful canvass of the county shows Pass a man or group of men, class legislation, he uuited with th Garcia to be prevailed throughout the cozy rooms snys lie, scrutchln' his ear wid an' els throughout the state. R. F.. the Democrat vote alleged . - r.-iv- l'il'u e. toss vour head and ner- - Democratic Congress in at Slaughter the ana aiicr ine ,ii::.. 11 " absent nlr. passing, Martinez L. E. here is either voting Republican freshmenls were served. The little.7 haps remark to vour friends that the demand of the unions, the Clay- Palmer of who no such vote exists. is I' '1 " 'Alnt I got the full dinner-pail's- J. S. Farmington Dumviddic L. B. ticket or Frances Sargent, Irene 'this a slow old town,' should ton Act, which, the labor loaders has been U. S. Court as Pedro Romero .guests were, 'b'lieve etc And then uxes Wudthrow, anxious like. 'All attending Spriggs F. B. Kanen, 1'ercy leare, Jessie saimon, worry' me', claim, takes unlonsmt of the limita- a returned home Thursday. R. - County Chairman. when some man challenges you, you that's forgot the first two year and juror of Roberts R. H. Garret Gurks, Gortner Asplund, tions of the Trust Act. Mr. Palmer is a manufacturer L. H. B. Marie El- want him shot. a half,' says House pleasantly. 'Aint food and in Vigil Theodore Asplund. Miller, "Unwise to the de- breakfast incidentally : Record Wil-le- y, "Moral:- - Don't unless I em out o' war?' axes Wudthrow. subserviency but he is Substitutes Special to State sie Hut, Willard Armijo, Sydney advertjse kep' mands of leaders of the ice business anything Shoemaker Nov. 2, San Juan De Grif- you are willing to deliver the goods." 'Part o' th' House rubbin' organized labor an Farmington, Emmctt Arcy, Hugh time,' says finds its however. bat iceberg. Chavez county normally Democratic by two fin. Genevieve Kanen and Christina Ex. his left shin wld the on crowning Instance, Lorrence and Hub-be- ll In Mr. Wilson's dealing with th oc- hundred will give Bursum Delgado. - his right foot. 'Aint my voice our The Delgado building, formerly Bursum liable to threatened strike of the Or--t now big vote. carry SIMPLIFIED SPELLING greatest asset?' axes Wllsoa Itallway cupied by Gerdes, being repair- and liquid ders of train-- j county by small majority. County Mrs. William H. Pope sister AND HOW IT WORKS some conductors, engineers, ed for the Beacham Mignardot will be Perfect Hull after- earnestly. 'It's voice,' says House, men and switchmen. The is im- ticket Republican. Miss Carrie left Friday a Iv a asset orders; Hardware Company, rapidly in and everybody Oklahoma, where 'hut lot suckers can't tell claim to control run! in under the new EXCHANGE CLIPPINGS harmony party noon for Guthrie, 400,000 men, who proving appearance hard for all from Hughes will visit Mrs. Pope's brother Several people seem to think The fr'm an' li'bility, the Colonel says.' the nnd of coat of pebbledash which it is re- State working they freight passenger trains From Exchanges down. for a few weeks. From there they Miner doesn't know how to spell, '"Fwiiat are ye drlvln" at,' says the country, which constitute the ceiving. A. H. Masters old home in will g0 to their Georgia. since we have the simplified Wilson, four flushing a little. arterlnl circulation of commerce, and County Chairman. These ladies will be great- adopted The Elks have arranged to re- Many of the newspapers of the charming We have adopted this way " 'Arre ye watchtn' the strike?' says are necessary not only to the busl-- j ly missed by their large circle of spelling. ceive election returns Tuesday night state have refused the advertising who to of and will continue to use House. 'Half a millyun votes might ness but to the health and life of the! All commit- friends in this city, regret spelling at their club house. Elks, their sent out by the republican Record-Sil- ver he useful,' says House, tlptoeln' out people. Were these men able to tie friends are in- a Special to State see them leave. it. What is the sense in laboring wives, daughters and tee. Some give as reason that 2, Had two fine the dure, an' closln' ut behind up the of the re- Cit, Nov, the when thot through railways country, as; vited to the lodge to hear the the advertising is libelous, and others last Hold thru letters "thought" him. said could and lt will be served, do need meetings at Hurley night. Church Sale they they would, turns. Refreshments that they not the money, there five express the same meaning. Same would mean enormous loss In busl-- i billiards and other amuse- while still offer ex- open air meeting today The Girl's Friendly Society of the "Well, Sir, ho left Wudthrow sunk cards, others other seven-thirt- y. with other words. So if - minutes ex- - P. M., at Tyrone My church of the Holy Faith will hold way many In mldltushun. At he ness, nnd great deprivation and suffer- ments will help pass the cuses. Whv do thev out uo an is Hubbell will run profound last their annual sale and tea next Sat in reading Tlje Miner you', come 'I hear,' he In a low ing to the public. It would mean that between reading of telegrams telling not tickeT hall, spnkes. says. of vote the state and out and tell the truth frej lrhta urday afternoon at the Library across "cant" it is not a typogra- sweet tone 'that v'ice Iv the ninny millions of other workmen the throughout say "they A. B. Renehan. 6 m. The will people, nation. are afraid to show up the real facts from 2 to p. girls error but the simpli- which Is to me ns the v'lce of a Car- would be thrown out of employment, with fancy and plain phical simply and want the voters in ig- have tables Silver-to- n thril-l- i and lose the high wages they are kept to State Record-L- as cooked food, candies, etc. fied wav of spelling caught. negie I'vnshun.' 'ih,' he says The Courier is for Special work homc e now because without com- norance?" . 11 in nerve, 'must I Indnde sacry-Ile- receiving, FORMER we Cruces, Nov. 3, Never have (Colo-- Miner. ivry W. A. BREEDEN Hughes because believe that wan more 'on the merce local Industries cannot pro- GENERAL DEAD is for Republicans been so united and en- have been received from Mrs. Idol,' suys lie, ATTORNEY Hughes the man the place, Cards ' to s,ow ,,. ,.ons;stcnCy 0f ceed. The unions Raid to thusiastic. Our most sanguine ex- Buckanan. Va jlls altar Iv me Cotinthry I' snys Wud- Itailway William A. Breeden, attorney gen- but we have never refused a single Richard H. IVnn of M the "We wish an from 1881 to offered will be eclipsed. of her nvece throw. railway president eral of New Mexico advertisement that has been pectations the marriage eight-hou- H. B. Holt announcing Mr. makes the awful mistake of r day, with ten hours' pay, 1RR0. died Thursday of last week at us by the democrats and will not Mi,. Powdextcr Gills to using " 'Was not the Wun Turn Plank,' he - ' Chairman. - h ml if we work more than eight hours, his homc in Redondo Beach, Cali- refuse anvthinc that thev mav offer County n,,.iio, forris Thomas of Santa Fe, "i,h" for "f" in the word "tvnoirra- 'an' the Sugnr Tax,' he says; 9. Mr. and snys; we demnnd 50 per cent more un hour fornia. He was a member of the us for publication. We believe we on' Thursday November pili(.ai ; ,js iittc explanation. 'nn' the Tariff for Hev'noo,' he snys; Mexico - be at home after . for the extra hours. If you do not C A. R. After leavintr New are riirht and will always compare Spr rial to Stat'- Record: Mrs. Thomas will 'nn' nil me lie. served is F.I 28. Removal of 1; t ?i friends, beside,' suy.s give us we will not he went to Utah where he IHata. The voter entitled to the Paso, Oct. .December Washington Mexican this, only Injure fr.-- If when was sout 'sixteen per'lly good Policies the state as attorney-genera- l, after-- j facts in the case on both sides and Columbus Johnny you, but we will bring disaster to the troops greatly was not nil ?' he uxes wards movingi to California. He was those who refuse to publish them arms people in Luna county. Theyi j The sorch came to nout, country." Tho railway managers re- in 1 will me Heart buried tinder tne auspice 01 tne have out one ohicct in view, ann tnit nave tiraitei resolutions urging to Tir. lTnrrir Tee. honoring Mi.iS lie should have been taut agony, 'lint purge fused the demand, hut offered to sub- - .-. - en- - iv he, Ufln fellows anu u. n. iasi oai- is to Keep tne .issues out w view- an 10 use nis imiucnce to see j Pollock, of Kansas h hcn hc ivry pers'nnl fought,' says mit it to iirhitraMou. said it 't- ,llcje To out re- They Columbus Courier. dcr gets ball i friends lkj, at startin' for bed. An' before he urday. adequate protection, t t lcfi scvcrnl Saturday And not be so to be caut would Increase their cost of operation In twenty-fourt- h of to do all in his to Federal hard he a Iv his the legislature promises power rds at her home on place, tires, takes Heart Purge $(!o,(MNi,(NK, and that this would have New Mexico which convened in Janu- the It 'II KODert r. crvien aiu. Or, as a further example of own invinshun the way wurk to come out of the of tho rail- 1880 he served as member of There to be one undis- - GUTHRIE SMITH Mon-- I pockets ary, are appears The meeting of the j possibilities of this neiv simplified while he sleeps. dinnaw f'what the a of the house from Santa Fe nute'd faat in this campaign, cs- - regular oi way stockholders, by reduction, upper club was at the home Mrs.w;(y of 1)lltcIlcrinK purge Is. 'Tis a secret. of county. A couple of days previous pccially with regards to the New Spec:al to State Record: day spelling; profits, or out the shipping public 28. H. D. Sears. a morn he tvus He of to his death his daughter was killed Mexico state tickets, and) that is Farmington, 'Oct. Pan Juan j A 5oldicr lad uceI, t)e way thrj "In the puzzled. by nn Increase rates. Tho hilior - gr-re- in Boston in an automobile accident with reference to the present Com- county normally Democratic by two Martin resigned her .Fifteen battles and then ?. fu, wonted a saeryfise of a leaders said they had had arbitration hastened his Lands. Robert or will be about Mrs. Mary to his but he'd satis- and this probably missionor of Public hundred, more, of art teacher in the Santa never been caut. dear heart, in the past and that it was not death. P. who is a candidate for an even break on the governor this position used most Iv thim nn' he felt now unless their de- F.rvt'jn, Fe high school the latter part X1(J demons he font, already, factory that that he is one of the year and rest of state ticket close, that this was no time for second hand mands were fully grunted, no power INTERESTING FACTS strongest- and best men asking the A. H. MASTERS, STeV was mitty tuf. Ko Cla'rman-offic- S or slightly damaged sncrylisos. under heaven could prevent the strike, ABOUT OUR PRESIDENTS voters of New Mexico for a state County Au-- j he had cnuf. ibilitv as a teacher. is exceptional quite he sends for House. 'Colonel,' snys with its disastrous consequences. Mr. Ervien is one of those -J trt fill . . n .. . . - and her win c murders lan- - he, 'F'whiit d'yr think Under the duress of the threat, the never lived in Wash- no nrT n crmri 4 in him r Srecia! to state Record: place .. y - .Slang the L.tignsu Washington : " " ; ' . , . ci, - lms he d tne nusiuun , ...... ,. K wud be an' In this of the United States and ington City. cism has or can ne prougnt u oiumnus, iov. mumnus anu,""- . hich school," for the k"bkci 1,1,1 11 ,,a5,. a i'e-ui- ncceptnble snerylise of-- n uie gr-re- suc- Burhanan was the only bachelor against. He has hand'ed the 1 Luna county on the map two hun- - teacher to it that is irresistibly "t"j morel Iniurgincy?' ho axis Congress of the United States of Public dred civilians and two hun- -, past six years. cumbed. It was one of the resident. fice of Commissioner fifty simplified mode of anxiously. greatest Roosevelt was the presi- Lands in a business like manner, dred fifty national guards register-- ; . " Anil national humiliations to which the youngest from 'Whisper,' snys the Colonel. dent. has with those ed in this Republicans aJ spelling, being awkward; of this have ever been hr boenjionest precinct. 'JoyatAaifI 1 he siii.l wan wurd In Wudthrow's ear, people country National and tic- - he is harsh and unat- - John Adams and George Washing- with whom he has had dealings, busy. suite county , tondiv night under unwiclrlly, the subjected. It struck most a blow at were im- - will this two to Library and faded silently away through ton (second term) inaugurated with the state and the trust kit carry precinct ot tne ",v an.; Board tractive to say the least, and like the prihfiple of arbitration for the. m cn.t him. Most everybody in one. Have stroncr county ticket, the auspices ...... dure. Philadelphia. ' . .n ' M'lllcinciit of industrial rlu- - rs. . .(. rAtlre;. rii." w-- A( rnnn, of Trade was tne j.vcm , many onicr .siiorit.nv "For wan instant Wudthrow stud ili;.iitcs. ; t, :..:-- j;-;;- fall. It . .', doubtful result. "Mr. ns a atuuked lent nfin'onal house of l.:. ! nnWt vm normai.y three linnrlred Democrat ic the w!!., as cnrj- - spellbound. Thin lie Imrrst Into n Wiisen publi. and for this I. R. BLAIR. the eaacliiier.t of a federal child labor representatives. . friends wherever he goes, in evidence. The whoop; "The 'Kani In tin? Hushes,' an Chiarman. ons costumes were law as an absurd exl ru and u James Monroe receiveu out u"Cjan(j other reasons pontics win riu County decorated cries he Wid tears iv j'y. : f th elertoral vote verv fienre in his ball Hal- - uro cnii- -t il .uioinil limita- little handling Tbniit n the of the 4 mi' depart fpuu 1 spirit ' I VI Tfl I L "TVhs Impressive ceremony Millard Fillmore in (lis second race case on c'cction dav next uescay. pecial to Mate Kecorrt: thrr l ... .n nn If i II. I. h. I I .'11- tions, ami now wiibin the last sixty - season ami t siieryli-- e was soleinny-ise- electoral vote. lowe'cn C - I whin tho , received only one As well as his business ability, Lake Valley, iov. i. Unprcccdent- tirn '!"'."llirillMI- 1 day.-- he ha iieroiialIy visited Con- Thomas Jefferson a rsi-lc- o success anu ... DRINK HOT TEA! at the John Adams and his personality is strong lor tne nation... stare - ii orchestra. Capitol. gress to urge the nilopuoii of exactly 4, 1826. ' - in. as - r!.0.s died the same day, July mpn- ir: his tavor. tie nwiuc rwnniy JKcpuinicaii kci is nw "The procission started f'om l ie such a measure. Harrison died a Mexico a Oiiicial. stired. The Republican organization Get small of William Henry New sp'endid r,c. Fdrrar L. Hewctt a package Hamburg White House wld the I'risidint wnlk V Dcm. of Sierra is in excellent anuj . "Lor the purpose of evading n siionsl-hilit- y month after inauguration. Springer Stockman county it. .u Breatt Ten, or as the German folks ahead enrryin' the Hani In v.nn hand Ten states have produced all our working order and a grand rally to left Friday attcrnoon call Brust at for present conditions, it u v.n."- it, "Hamburger Thee," any tin", a box iv Safely-Firs- t matches in Virginia leads with eight Tha Limit Reached the party is evident throughout the! weeks at nie"-o- pharmacy. Take, a tahlespoonfol of tlio in behalf of Mr. Wilson nnd presidents A 1 1 tn a was a coon Rursiim an H it h h e there they will go th' other. Ile followed by I Washington, Jefferson, Maddison, To the voters of Grant countv: rniifltrv. of Movemnrr. e tea, rut a run of boilinir water upon the .einocratic Administration that Wil- for the rest r- uint-- mid liehind Monroe. Tyler, W. H. Harrison, Here is the kind of a campaign the ..,n-t- .;i ,nH ral. - T? anil it Iintir tliriiiirti n iml .lr!ntf tk benrin' four gold pans, the conditions in Mexico vi an Ohio comes second on H. O. will win. tore rertiriiii'K " came four Union Chiefs ridin on Milk p' son and Taylor. Democrats are waging entire ticket T T . about a teacup full at anv time the .fdmitiistra-tion- . r. .nt U'i SOCIIU' -- during from the last with six. They are Hayes, Garfield, Bursum. In the Lordsbtirg pictire MAX KAHLER, Mrs. C. or before It U the moat white steeds followed be a group iv Har- i.t".Washington, D. day retiring. . The last Administration did McKinlev, Taft, Grant and Ben show and at Hurley there has been County Chairman. month at effective way to break a cold and cure Railroad Prlsidlnts. Stock llnl.'ei-s- state reads nothing to complicate Mr. Wilson's rison. New York, the largest running a picture slide which . r TTnme nnd Foreign grip, as it opens tho pore3 of the skin, Fanners. nnd Bur-sum- ' Shippers Huerta had been twelve in has three to her credit, as "Do know 's Special to State Record: ine i - Also loosens ser- problems. the union, follows: you Presby relieving congest ion.. the wid chains. After a sln.rt H. O. rvov. Vn d ..ecionnrv . , loaded in power when Mr. Wilson came VanBuren, Fllmore and Roosevelt, record? ocorro, enthusiasm ' V ... uoweis, tuns up a coi.t. days penitentiary U iiT i. ,:i' he entertained ny i ureauing mon to Congress on 'I'urgin' the Massachusetts two John Adams and Bursnm's record cannot exists among all Republicans of this terian churcn jt m,x(. time rnm In. Up to that time nothing hud been penitentiary C. A. t ain Heart,' the Prisidint laid the Ham on John Quincy Adams. New Jersey has be described." county. Absolute harmony prevails Mrs. at 3 o'clock. a cold or tho grip. It is inexpensive done committing the government to Cleveland. is to The each of Palace avenue Monday th' nltur. an' iniprissively stubbed it Had one Grover Pennsylva the intention here report . from . precinct .. A tne ana mcreioro eaio one policy or another. the Clearly . Wood has charge of entirety vegeiuuic, while Ihe h.iir nia one Buchanan. Vermont on imply that Mr. Bursum was J con the countv shows increased strengtn Mrs. i. n. wid the four gold pens administration contin- ctn Iri.-I-di- nt one-Pier- or - Arthur. New Hampshire can be no other inter-.f- the entire ticket. All Republi afternoon subject in. sang Holy. Holy. Holy. The would have been Polk victthere west". ued, llticrta recog- North Carolina three Jackson, nretation. Of course he his grounds can public meetings are attended by handod tin' gold pens tn the four he-fo-re Lin . nized, but with only twelve days and Johnson. Kentucky one for action and could .send the great crowds while the Democratic . , , chiefs wid a how; Jim Hal i lit th" legal - the routing in of a new Adminis- coln. men for it to the pen- meets are a trosi ine concern cn - wood il e blood, an,' th" responsible apparently were delightfully 'Ijl an' wiped up would have been , Sixteen of our presidents were sol- f Kz--l He rould Inrirest Rentihliran maiontv in the' Music lovers , tration, it entirely . sacrylise was eonipb'te. inconsiderate for diers. also recover heavily in damages history of the county will'be given tertained at the "IT"1" t;rottish Improper and the; revolution-Washing- ton. JOINTS " 'What was Ihe Hani?' ye. Tvvns served in the owners of the picture to the entire FepulVican ticket. .the Ca- - STIFF. AGHiNG say outgoing Administration to r.mimit the! Three from the ,:e,,,tif,,1 Wudihi"W used to Monroe and Jackson. shows. Anyone whether he knows M. C. SPICER, '""' - a pet haste graz" iticoin'"g to any policy on the subject; in rebel- ral'TuesdnVevenirg. H"U--- e lawn. T'was th' Six served their country the anything about the Hhel laws or County Chairman. Z The;n- " in the White Mr. Wilson rnnnot shift the blame; i a be did concert was by 'ar""s Kub Soreness from and mimclea iv Me named lion Grant,. Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, thaf man cannot under the ma,nage joints Idol his heart. it for his blunders in Mexico. He had fashion with-- 1 State Record: man and comnany McKinley and Harrison. desalted falsely in th;s Special to . It was Ihe Ham, nn' ull tile a clean shite which 'to write, 1812-1- 2. um The war of 5 had five Jack- out redress. Whetner Bursum Roswell. Nov. Choves county iment of the Kedpatn old St. Jacobs Oil was the in. Bu- legal r u: . i ntertainmenis are people g"uL" when he came son. Harrison, Tyler, Taylor and will do so or not. remains to be ininii..raii! nac !.:.:n.n..i .i..' mh. chanan. een. but if he doesn't he is foolish. ball hard through this campaign. We! given this winter eV'ea" Pnn(, ft"P "dosing' Rheumatism. - .' . fifty The war with Mexico had three There are limits etren in mndsling- are into the election not 'of the ?com.. "" , i. we n hi-e- getting Cha- - are Iookcc lr(i .to r;ii treatment. Booth- - Boiled down, the best that hs the Indorsement by the; and Grant. been reached. with , the of these events riiiire internal Rub .Discussing Taylor. Pierce ing and this has prospect carrying ;"r"'- of Tctas of; Abraham Lincoln was the only K. noint this: Mr. VoteHres countv but with the certainty with a great deal oi v.:- mg. penetrating M. Jacobs u.l r.glit said of President Wilson's Mexican Democratic convention on the "tender an I the time was that hr hail inten- Mexican policy, the; resident that served in the Black are you going to vote yottr approval that we will so beat the Democratic Santa Feans. ppot." by policy good Mr Wilson's E n say Jack Robinson cut comes the of a road awk war and Roosevelt the only of this sort of thing? Are yon go-i- majority here as to materially af you tions. We've often heard Houston Post (Dem.) flatly declare:; one who served in the Spanish war. back these methods of the fect the result on state ticket. j rheumatic pain. '.:. Jacob' Oil" is paved with this kind of materU.'. Is not believed anythine like a gto tip Faith harmless cure which never "It In- election of 1912 passed over worst of black-tniardis- that C L. PARSONS. Church of The Holy a rheumatism the of Texas The sort f and burn e skin. majority of people vote record. believe that F.nisconal) disappoints doesn't ti It be- In the fifteen million tries to make the, public County Secretary. Rector noin an.l atitrniw frntn The President Is deceived tf he dorse our Mexican iMilicy. and those vote cast shows: Rev. Leonidas Smith, ijilrpa u.roni doubt The compiled one of the great political parties Nov. 4, 1916; 8 muscles and lieves that the history he. has written a to know seriously po- It Foil Unsullied Services Sunday, aching joints, bones; stnpj position Democratic has nominated for the exalted , Is more u "".-- Mirtbii-n- ua. iviu n.- not praiseworthy than thut that the platform adopted expressed 3.441.568f5 of the an "I did doff the judicial ermine," m ISUnaaV" JSCnum, iiiiminu, iivuiaii.. sition of governor state - . I w convention Republic?" ? in .J . AJn itmn nt new mem Limber UP Get a 23 cent bottla hich he has made. the real sentiments of the of the penitentiary admitted Mr. Hughes, replying to 11 Progresstve 4'&t sub- Girls' Society: of honest Jacob Oil" . to Richard "and I bers into Friday "St Itself." Socialist Sisl Hasn't the limit been reached Olney's outburst, sermon ; moment President Wilson the Philip- 207-5- it fell a. m- Communion and from any drug store, and in a signed Prohibition i' your even to thoe of yon mit to you that from my - Holy patience in unsullied." To sen- and vested choir; 3 p. you'll be free from pains, aches and pine bill as moving picture cameras Bee woeful Social Labor 29,083 who nave passive interest shoulders that processional . The Omaha couple only Bard-ism- stiffness. Don't suffer! Bub rheuma- clicked. There Is one man who Is not the f Silver City timent many sane men will subscribe m- - Holf waste with watchful waiting, campaign Nov. 4, Girls' So- - tism away. afraid to have his .iiistnk recorded! Total .15,083,909 Washington Star. Saturday, Friday Democratic failing. 1 - 'mmmi miimmt:, M. Prohibitionist Candidate, He Looked Like a First Rate Servant to McDonald ONE HUNDRED For State Auditor. Republican Can- didate, William G. Sargent,, Stats . 1 T Fe, N. M. Democratic Candidate, tft -- FIFTY THOUSAND guel A. Otero, Santa Fe, N. il. So- Mcdonald otero - cialist Candidate, Frank Frost, Dex- Mo ' jones C CASS f We'll! "N N. M. Prohibitionist f' - ter, Candidate, "" eiTTiN- ( DURN I ACRES STATE LAND For State 'Treasurer. J WTM (S (HUNGRY)! I THAT Republic Candidate, Gregory Page, Gallup, N. tax dodgers kktm M. Democratic Candidate, H. L. CAw jdST DAWOt SOLD TO BIDDERS AT Hall, Chama, N. M. Socialist Can- COURT didate, Frank Phelps, Dexter, N. M. HOUSE IN SILVER CITY Prohibitionist Candidate, For Superintendent of Public WEDNESDAY ARMTrKIJS Democratic candidate AFTERNOON Republican Candidate, J. JONK.S, Howard Wagner, Santa Fe, N. If. LARGE CROWD Swln-ne- ANDK1KIJS United States Senate, owns the Preston Beck OF RANCH Democratic Candidate J. L. G. y, lurnl in San and counties. AND CATTLEMEN WERE Aztec, N. M. Socialist Candidate, ijiaut, Miguel Guwlalupe Mrs. Lurlyne Lane, Alto, N. M. Pro- Both San Miguel county and Guadalupe county were forced to PRESENT hibitionist Candidate, suit to collect the and did col- For Commissioner of Public Lands. bring taxes against that Er-vie- giant Republican Candidate, Robert P. n, lect the taxes, against the hitler legal fight hy Jones, for tha On hundred and fifty thousand Santa Fe, N. M. Democratic acres Ros-we- ll, iyn" to I'll.), inclusive of state land was nM t ih Candidate, George A. Davisson, ycaiN highest bidders at the court house N. M. Socialist Candidate, T. vveniicsaay afternoon under the state E. Pendergrass, Elk, N. M. Prohi- There still stand unpaid on the hooks of San Miguel coun- land selection law. All tr,i t,r,,t bitionist Candidate, uci-- General. taxes against the Preston Beck land more ativemsea tor sale m ac- For Attorney Republican ty, grant totalling cordance with the law, for the last Candidate, Frank W. Clancy, Santa than MO.IJOO. eleven weeks in the Silver City Fe, N. M. Democratic Candidate, and the I.ordsburg Liberal. Harry L. Patton, Clovis, N. M. Pro- (Captain Fritz Mueller of the state hibitionist Candidate, Gillie A. f Otero, candidate on the )emocratic ticket for ,1am! office conducted the sale. The For Corporation Commissioner. Re- is etate awlitor, u the day following his rutin ination hurried over !follnw,nfr a jst of th), successflll publican Candidate, Malaquias Mar- bidders with the amount of land tinez, Taos, N. M. Democratic Can to Las Vegi-- . where he h id not paid his taxes for ten yeare jtliey purchased and the Bonifacio Bernali- - acre. price per didate, Montoya,. and paid up. no, in. m. socialist lanaiaate, 'The following land was bid in at Prohibitionist Candidate, J.OO an acre. For District Attorney. Republican In 10'.i the district attorney of San Migu.-- I county found Thomas Lyons, 22,397.93 acres. Candidate, Alexander Read, Tierra There Was . Mckechan & it to writ" to William ( M. of But He Spilled the Frijolcs the First Time Company Martin. 1,920 acres Amarilla, N. M. Democratic Candi- necessary 'Donald, governor J Harry Martin, 21,787.53 acres date, J. II. Crist, Monero, N. M. Kew Mexico, u.s follows : ImmttitmimSr tmttm r.. i. urn. su acres. For State Senator. Can- flnimwi C. Republican McMillcn, 3,247.45 acres. didate, B. F. Pankey, Lamy, N. M. W. C, Franks, 800 acres. Democratic Candidate, Melvin T. ''You will in my opinion he ''onlYj-- ui.r mm leal service T. K. Harrington, 1,279.10 acres. Santa Fe, N. M. the ..., of New Mexico Biirk Dunlavy, u; ,n t. l.y .tlinir '!.mi ,i prompt Turner, acres. For State Representatives. Republi- 3l I. Mahmith, 560 acres. f '..'l ' in th.t of ii: i." can Candidates, Albert H. s'tini'! ,.i::ijiie matter ret rn g pii perty & Clancy, y 1 Murphy Wright, 7,194.78 acres. Santa Fe, N. M. Juan Shoemaker, f'.C i .xafio- - ! U.e-eo- ; i ! S. nyi;i! I,h:;1 than .y rilf if H5 Catt'c Co., 5,370 acres. Santa Fe, N. M. Librad0 Valencia, (Q Jidin St. John. 120 acres. t!: " ' i eon the tax "V!i2 H VauP' S Duran, N. M. I'li'. .!.:nr irifn.i!iri eoie'er'o l! If ft" fcjTBjr K. M. 3,070 ' i Sawyer, acres. Democratic ! I'.i-- I' r i Candidates, Patricio f it H nl' ; mi ;, V. r. h. 1,400 .M.nt.j' by ,,i ivrling Criswcll, acrci Garcia, I. amy, N. M. Cipriano Luce-r- n. Kolu-r- If. Royall, 99.23 acres. 8 Ccrrillos. N. M. Nicanor Baca, Ifattie J. Dotson, 159.36 acres. S,inta Fe. N. M. wm A. BV If. Smith, 240 acres. For Dis- McK. County Commissioner First The in. iif' r of McDonald kites referred to l.y :iiis district J. Thompson, (.SO acres. trict. Geo. M. Thomas 160 Republican Candidate, rftiit. 'n- I.vons, acres. Santa N. M. Democratic hfWrny t'.c individoal he found it .iry to file J. A. Kinsell, Fe, Pniitt, 4,321.28 acres. Candidate, Arthur Santa of New Mexico to him I R. If. 377.28 Seligman, the Governor make pay his taxes OT eco Houlware, acres. Fe, N. M. ex T. C. McDcrmott, 2,640 acres. in and the referred to is For County Commissioner Second Guadalupe county traveling auditor W. D. Murray, 6,64380 acres. til t same " Ch ino District. Republican Candidate, Jose j: deserving Democrat," Howell whose record Copper Co., 3,130.80 acres, Ortiz Pino. N. M. De- John P. 800 acres. y Galisteo, In the Kirst State I'.anh matter is familiar and who McDonald Garland, mocratic Candidate, Ciriaco Rael, Defenders of the McDonald inliiiinistiiitioii nre attempting to tell you that adminiHtra Victorio Land & Cat!.le Co., N. bns ir. a as the Cerrillos, M. retained position of trust secretary of state tax tion of state affairs the five has been has acres. Dis- your highway during past years efficient; that it The For County Commissioner Third coin mission been free from favoritism following land was bid in at trict. Benito and free from political control end influence. $3.01 an acre. Republican Candidate, N. M. Democratic Victorio Land Cattle Co., 1,924.13 Lujan, Pojoaque, acres. Candidate, Jose Albino Montoya, In 1D1;1 the Treasurer of Lincoln county found it necessary GIVE YOUR N. M. ATTENTION TO THESE FACTS The land bid in Buckman, to the Governor of New William C. McDon- folowing was at For Can threaten Mexico, The state road under which the Commission $3.15 an acre: Probate Judge. Republican present law, State Highway and county didate, Victor Ortega, Chimayo, N. M. ald, with attachment upon McDonald's cuttle, in order to force road boards are named and makes the absolute boss of h. C. DeMoss, 1,240 acres. operated, The land was bid in Democratic Candidate. Jose Yaez which he owed to all road following at N. . tho said governor to pay taies Lincoln state work, ami practically of all county road work. The governor is also dictator $3.50 an acre : Roybal, Nambe, t For Clerk. Can- eounty. as to how, where and when state highway funds shall be expended. Duck Creek Trading) Co., 1,199.42 County Republican acres. didate, Marcelino A. Ortiz, Santa Fe, As to efficiency, under this system, in mind that more than half of the of The land was bid in N. M. Democratic Candidate, Trini- keep product following at C. These three, Jones, McDonald and Otero, are the men who state bond issue of $500,000 has been held idle in banks for fifteen $7.00 an acre. dad de Baca, Santa Fe, N. M. your highway over months For Sheriff. hove been the front of the Democratic mud-slingin- idle all Andrew Flettry, 524.51 acres. Republican Candidate, fighting for purposes except to earn big interest for the lucky banks so favored by Governor Chas. C. Closson, Santa Fe, N. M. McDonald and his Democratic state The following land was bid in at campaign. They are the men who have charged other men with chairman, , who maneuvered the sale of $10.25 an acre: Democratic Candidate, Celso Lopes, the bond issue. These funds have been in Santa N. M. being "tax dodgers." highway idle the banks until the middle of this Thomas Lyons, 680 acres. Fe, campaign, when road work has been star ted all over the state with frenzied energy. The following land was bid in at For Assessor. Republican Candida- $15.05 an acre: te,Canuto Alarid, Santa Fe, N. M. THE DIFFERENCE IS HERE -- Jones. McDonald and A to favoritism, it is well known that certain counties and certain districts in certain J. L. Johnson, 160 acres. Democratic Candidate, Manuel Del-gad- o, eounties have been the Commission in The sale of 3130.30 acres to the Sant Fe, N. M. Otero have made only general, unsuslained charges from the wholly ignored by State Highway expenditure of state For Treasurer and Collector. highway funds. In a Socorro have been on a Chino Copper Co., and 3,070 acres to County and through their newspapers single county precinct huge sums spent single E. M, of Republican Candidate, Federico Lo- platform of while more needed Sawyer Tyrone, both for piece road, roads elsewhere in that county have been left strictly alone. cash, at $3.00 per) acre, pez, Santa Fe, N. M. Democratic is aggregate The favored precinct strongly Democratic. Political considerations firM ; mail necessities nearly $19,000 while the balance of Candidate, Nicolas Sena, Santa Fe, THE FACTS HEREIN STATED ARE QUOTED STRAIGHT N. M. second, have dictated the policies of the State Highway Commission, as dim-te- by Covernor the land was sold on the time pay- FROM THE PUBLIC RECORDS McDonald. ments of 10 per cent and interest, For County Superintendent of with the balance due in an- schools. Republican Candidate, J. V. As thirty to the county road boards, they have been dominated by f.i.liti"al i'(lSI 'lit t KIIH nual payments. Conway, Santa Fe, N. M. Democra- Uirce-fuurtli- s tic San- WHEN YOU VOTE ON NOVEMBER 7 JUST KEEP IN throughout. In of the counties of New Mexico Dotnoer, is wild licpuliU-t.-l- v No little interest was shown in the Candidate, Alfredo Luccro, ta N. M. enns in condemning the road hoard system, under executive Tin few competitive cases where the Cruz, appointment. require lands were more than ordtnarilv va For County Surveyor. Republican MTND WHO ARE THE REAL TAX DODGERS IN YOUR not more than two members of same liow-riio- tin; political party on the board of three ' lit Inable. J. L. Johnson secured the Candidate, J. P. Adams, Santa Fe, N. McDonald has so his I'n-- v I maneuvered p ointments as to virtuaMy. ), inoerats in cream of the sale, buying 160 acres M Democratic Candidate, John H. STATE. many counties. During t lie month of October Governor McDonald in flVet il maiiiled the in Section 12, Township 18 South Walker. Santa Fe, N. M. 14 - resignation of a Republican road board member who had refused to fal in with the of Range West. This tract The Board appointed the follow- political I. . 7Arl t inr, nimaA r,n-c- n. I, ,,! ndminist ration of road matters in his countv. I,, tltn; ,.. .1 .1... the quarter section. tion and the first one named was e tl 1 11 1. . 111 ron ,l, t REMEMBER IN THIS il JJUIIll III V.111IC Was UOU UlC Urtlivil UUA illlUj JJllll (JUUKS I TUU1 CONNECTION THE FOLLOWING FACTS: acres Thomas the and the ' : purchased by Lyons Clerk, following places ! con- - were or Arthur Seligman, with the aid of Governor McDonald, effected the state road bond at $10.25 per acre. The land designated for the holding of EKS TO OUST sale, sistcd of Sec. 16 T. 14 South of designated by the Board to receive one of the. most remarkable bond transactions on record. McDonald elec- secured Sdigmnn's Range 20 West, containing 640 acres such election in the different pre-an- d tion as in" Democratic state chairman. Seligman is wor king to retain McDonald control of SF.v; NE;$ Sec. 29, T. 13 S. R. icincts of the County. iCAN MEMBERS OF your state government. His Democratic platform declares for another sf.lOO.OtM road bond 19 W. There was much spirited bid-- 1 Precinct No. 1 Tranquilino Roybal, issue and declares in favor of retaining the Governor as a member of the State ding for this land, which was sold Pedro Romero, Manuel Roybal y Lo- Highway in two tracts. School No. 16. Commission, in a position which makes him absolute boss. pez. At House HIS COUNTY ROAD Mrs. Harrie McCraw, whn applied Precinct No. 2. Juan De Dios Domtn- - BOARDS REMEMBER that in the last Legislature a law was framed to correct th" more lor .V4.M acres wlncn Had been ner guez, Martin Acuna, Paul Doran, At defects in the glaring cow pasture for some time, paid $7 School House. present road law; that this bill was submitted to McDonald o and approved by f i n urhifh nioc rii iti htr Atw Precinct No. 3, Loreto Sena, Resignation Demanded of a him, that it both houses Juan Member Who Oared Cr.t.cize Do Nothing Policy passed practically by unanimous vote of both Democrrts mid Repub- drew Fleury at this price after spirit Jose Salazar, Juan Delgado. At of State Highway Commission Who Offenik-c-i AND THAT McDON'ALD and by Asking for f licans, IN SPITE OF JUS PROMISE, VETOKD THE HILL. ed competition by Mr. Johnson. School House Ward 1. for Impassable Stream in an Important Road. No. 4. Tuan C. County Political M"Donald the bill he is Precinct Martinez. Significance of Move Immediately Proceeding Election Is says vetoed not the same bill he promised to si"n THE MEM- 500 Acres Signed Up Ahran Archuleta. Manuel Ortiz v . , . . , . I . . J Pointed BERS OF THE LEGISLATURE I '1 .. Out. WHO PASSED THE HILL SAY IT IS TIik'samk V.U.L. ne ract mar ine company iieciuea Kodriguez, D. McKenzie's House, to proceed with its work on the fac- - Precinct No. 5. Jose Lino N. 31. McDonald, by the bill, remained boss of Cor.imi?-io- n Montoya. Alumnpmlu, M., October Moid Ulan le.ll" of the realized vetoing the State Highway and d the failure thus far of mo or mo ,"ec the tory despite Km;tcr;0 r, y Dominguez, At School irom i,:n. state highway bond i.v which Aitlmr huge patronage given through powsr to appoint the county ro;H boards. the people of tins section to sign the House. ot tl- . .l!gnmn. chairman Democratic slate j i V Eri-tak- coirinn' lee leee full quota of 7,000 acres asked for is No. 6. Nicolas en J i i The candidate i precinct Pino, 8el:Kin.ia, has been f k I Republican for governor, with his behind rero--- con-nc- o cacliej in ver..e. :"e; :cr i.rteet, ino':lh-'- i party him, ar against as an indication of their MareSi Donaciano At or arm mere a retention of the Rael, muni, been rumor in ii 'i n i.'i governor as a member of the State Cominusicn : d fidencc in the soundness of the prop-- 1 his oue'.oui Highway U FAVOft OF School House ' ji;mi. Hi" state that a iiiitn wan i ' a non e miller iirn'iiB !oo.,e. of a political commission of not less than five members, no more thai: frrm osilion. Something over 5.000 acres No 7 Rafael Granit0, p. r ol til ' ' any judicial precinct large, money inneciiialel;. i. t h ii il. ill ere iln v inenl district. have been thus far actual t signed by p.duardo Martinez. B. F. Giltner. At of a i: niliill r in III- II, tt llO WOUlil 1)0 11 i (M, reel ,f,y. anil 111,,, v,ml,l farmers th0 balance having been Tv.afac, Cranito's Hall, be ro'i-i- i t i, of Kiipi-or- i The candidate Ro-me- the ratic Mut.r ticket. Republican for Covernor and his behind him are on record merely guaranteed by local business No. 8. Sanchez, n. II ti'ii party against prccinct Ati:anQ i.i, ailiirJ a at I,.,.; V..,U this month. continuance of the present Rond Tt is not proposed to relax the mu,Q Clavoz Antonio ' ' political County Board system which the Governor a j0se Anaya, " l " - ' " ''"eo. Ii" .a i.l if such a gicj for additional acreage; and ' ' ' tiling machine in and the campaign t School House ,1. political every county funds wherewith to operate it. is the announcement it hoped that No 9 feodoro Garcia, An-- of ! . 'r. revived in this liv is to not the decision to the Vi-w- eemily the news which It up you only to choose between the men and the records in this election erect factory tonip;, Jf)se Comez, Antonio E. ill ! " " :' ': rnor Melioaal-- ; a- - but i,a ked for Hie resicna- between the policies for which encourage the signing of new AtJSchool House No. 9. Ci"" ' A they stand. i ' ciiy, Keputdii ,n in. nit er of the ou-r- conn- - contracts. It is especially hoped that w E. V. i' McDonald Prcci No c CIiapln j '. " ; r.i a; l;ed the I says that if De Baca is elected he 'the farmers of tha El Paso j Hal, cn.iieer'.s office to assist governor will make the same kind of a gor-ern- valley Richards, Green Sr. At School i " ' ': ' !l eiieU nv he John " 'c bndKo r a creek in an important (McDonald) has been. will join more extensively in the No. 10. : co ml:, i ...I, ai .1 ,i House ii.i (u express Ins mild icm-i- meat when the cui-- i C movement. Alamogordo News. 11. -, Precinct No. Nicolas uci r o e ..e, ,,(',(,, to or d Hie TW YEAES F Montoya, j:raiit ny reiiuest. ADSmI?MIIOm MEB P0UnCAL STATE AND COUNTY KOAD I Florencio Martinez, Juan Martinez, In t ;eei.. r Governor McDonald tt role th letter to Mr "ELECTION PROCLAMATION." Ealrd: following School House No. 11. In accordance with the statute in No. 12. Chavea E. ; "lion. J.i n 13 A. !: N. M. Precinct Florentino -- AlanioKrdo, f-- ,'.1!3T? such cases made and we, D tf.-i- -- provided, Sandoval, Ignacio Silva. At School ,r The .statu record of September J "tit has the following- - the Commission la.ard. undersigned County House No. 12. "Thu county (meaning tho road board) of which Governor Mc-- " ers within and for ? Donald I.a.i to a extent the County of, No. 13. Thomas M. Bart- - large personally assumed direction has oper-atin- santa re, nereDy proclaim ana give ctti Gregorio Bustos, Juan Gonza- - a.,. tie what they bine been doing with road work, to DEMOCRATIC FINANCE notice of an election to be Uio Mclx-aah- strengthen public es School House pelilieal inachiiio.' in of said "I shall be held the several precincts prec;nct Ko. 14. Miguel Jaramillo, glad to have a frank statement from you concerning the on the seventh Mktcmont.-- , above made. MONTH'S county Tuesday, day, Reyes Narago, Ruperto Martinez, of A. D. 1916, the Si:ii"di -- (ON November, object At School House. VM. C. McDON'AIjD." and purpose of which is to elect per- -, No Aniceto On diiob-- r Id Mr. Ilaird received this Rdditional letter from SALARY - precinct j5 Quintana, liclionii'd Governor nST OFfW, sons to the various offices herein- Nieves Lopez, Jose Hilario Maestas. after named. At School House No. 28 llr. .lames A. ri; irrt. ALiniogririn. N. M. MASEfi nv to voted f I lie-- The oficers be for, the No. 16. J. D. C Valencia, "le.,r ir: lane n inionred rcveral tims that you ere of candidates precjnct n extremely names the various for.Rlas Pedro free wuh year tr.t of tlie state engineer and mvsolf the cValdez, Narajf,.At han.H-n- concerning each of said offices as the same are House No. 18. of roal Hunts and road work Rciierally. If I have been misinformed sch00i th.-- I on file in the ofice of the county 17. Ascencion rk I am m hut if I 1 precjnct n0. jOSe tony Tiioned it, have not been misinformed. think in and post-- 1 it is yo: r to this County, the Facundo Ortiz, Pablo Delgado. M:y tender your as a member of the road board! can-i- . office address of each of said Marshal's Imwfiliat.-ly- Vours truly. cit Office, didates are as follows: 'Precinct No. 18. Pacheco, Pa-F- or ,S:'!'i, "VM. C. McDON'ALD, Court. Henry Justice of the Supreme h,o renavides, C O. Harrison. Covernor." Candidate, Clarence J. 19. Mr. Ua'rd hn not hia n ami tt U Republican prcc;nct K0. William Ash, im,i,.rci.fl n,,i Fe. N. M. Democra- - , : iti'on-.o- !' do-- i Santa T,.m Krtiape At he has i.o s so unt:l r fie elPft:, n. He deelired Albu- - n;,. - today tic Candidate. Ncill B. Field, House.' to d;eu- t! r ns d to -. Sci,ool its oliii(,il sicnificjinr- hnt spoke quite N. M. Socialist Candidate, as to s n !i ri i r-im querque, No.20. Benito Cunningham, freely t.s ho hn directed toward the State Highway N. M. precjnct Comin:-- : on nj rncr McDomld is James McDonald, Clayton, ,,is Chavez, J. M. Carruthers. At ylhu :.. the lio.s. Prohibitionist Candidate, j I""." .e d Mr. I: ird, creek in Otero v School House "Temporal count went For Governor. Candidate, t OA a cro-s-- Republican Na 21. M. F. Carter, Joe rampage rial cnu'd not be One valuable automobile was m. prpcifn-- ar,hed ar.d wreJ-c- lien Holm U. Btirsum, socorro, in. Hughes. At School away its owner atiemptnd to drive the car across E. C. ppcham, George - Democratic Candidate, de Baca, this creek. As a inc:;. r of tli- road board, althonph a minoritv member. House I telephi-ne- to the No- - 2Z Atocha Hate rrcin r's offie at:d asked if the higl'iway com-- I wiiu FSI Ve rr Romer' R" luio.-ie-i, to.ou nut si ine in a Candidate, vT SeVer c,- -, At Srhnol county tmiifimg bridge across this creek. N. M. Prohibitionist Candidate, useLU)an' I thought the justified since the county road board has never been gas, consulted by the commission highway regarding any expenditure of any For Governor. Reptibli- - Precinct No. 23. Romulo Benavider, of Lieutenant Gon-..- part tins county's rortion of the state road bi nd "money In our countv. VV. Por- - Contreras Encarnacion 1 I no can Candidate, E. Lidsey, Urbano could get reply from the state engineers office as to whether we couid xt f fonrlMof- - ales. At School House. get with thiii or not. If I have help bridge made any criticisms of the gov- V. C. N. M. Precinct No 24. Pablo Sanchez ernor and the State It McDonld, Carrizozo, Highway Commission, Is In this connection." Candidate. J. H. Bearup, mos Leyba, Manuel D. Roybal. Set- - The opinion held quite generally here is that because Mr. Balrd takes ler s Store. aa active interest In road Is Guy, New Mexico. Prohibitionist matters and interested in the vork of the Candidate. f Slimed county road board, be would not be inclined to look with favor on any plan For Secretary of State. Republican Jose Ortiz y Pino, Ttaich would disturb present working forces on the county roads in order Mirabal. Santa tp introduce the element Into the c.niiiAatr Gillicrto yChairman. political employment. The governor's Fe. Democratic Candidate, Antonio Attest: iSrtaai demand for his resignation, and the intimation Mr. given by Balrd Locero, Las Vegas, N. M. SocUlist M. A. Ortiz, (hat he does not propose to resign until after the election, have aroused County Clerk. Mck Intereet In this county. One Way To Get the Money i