Late Miocene Increasing Exhumation Rates in the Eastern Part of the Alps – Implications from Low Temperature Thermochronology

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Late Miocene Increasing Exhumation Rates in the Eastern Part of the Alps – Implications from Low Temperature Thermochronology doi: 10.1111/ter.12221 Late Miocene increasing exhumation rates in the eastern part of the Alps – implications from low temperature thermochronology Andreas W€olfler,1 Walter Kurz,2 Harald Fritz,2 Christoph Glotzbach1 and Martin Danisık3 1Institut fur€ Geologie, Leibniz Universitat€ Hannover, Callinstraße 30, Hannover D-30167, Germany; 2Institut fur€ Erdwissenschaften, Karl-Franzens Universitat€ Graz, Graz A-8010, Austria; 3John de Laeter Centre for Isotope Research, Department of Applied Geology, The Institute for Geoscience Research (TIGeR), Curtin University, GPO Box U1987, Perth, WA 6845, Australia ABSTRACT A new set of apatite fission-track and apatite (U–Th)/He data operated simultaneously during lateral extrusion of the East- reveals a hitherto undated late Miocene exhumation pulse in ern Alps. As the higher late Miocene/Pliocene exhumation the eastern part of the Eastern Alps. While distinct parts of rates are restricted to a single tectonic block, namely the Nie- the study area, including the Seckauer Tauern, have been at dere Tauern, we infer a tectonic trigger that is probably near surface conditions (<100 °C) since the Eocene, the neigh- related to a change in the external stress field that affected bouring Niedere Tauern experienced enhanced cooling and the Alps during this time. exhumation in the middle Miocene and again at the late Mio- cene/Pliocene boundary. Middle Miocene exhumation is inter- Terra Nova, 00: 1–9, 2016 preted as a result of tectonic escape and convergence that thermochronological point of view, and perturbation of isotherms, which Introduction this part of the Alps is less well may result in false conclusions about The existing low-temperature ther- investigated than other areas such as exhumation rates in the upper crust mochronological datasets from the the Tauern Window or the Western (Stuwe€ et al., 1994; Braun, 2002). To European Alps have been success- Alps (e.g. Foeken et al., 2007; Luth estimate the influence of topography fully used to derive an orogen-wide and Willingshofer, 2008; Vernon on perturbation of isotherms and erosional history, which indicates an et al., 2008). In particular, AHe data, thermochronological data, we correct increase in erosion rates during the which have the lowest closure tem- the derived exhumation rates follow- late Miocene and Pliocene (Vernon perature (~60 °C) among all ther- ing the recently proposed approach of et al., 2008; Herman et al., 2013). mochronometers, are rare, and thus Glotzbach et al. (2015). In addition, Although the findings from ther- the late stages of final exhumation we use conventional thermal-history mochronological data agree with from shallow crustal depths with modelling to constrain the near sur- those from studies based on indepen- temperatures <100 °C are not well face cooling history of the study area. dent approaches such as sediment- constrained. Accordingly, this region budget analysis or cosmogenic may bear an undiscovered thermal Geological setting nuclides (Kuhlemann et al., 2002; signal that can provide valuable Wittmann et al., 2007; Wagner et al., information about the late Neogene The European Alps (Figs 1a,b) are 2010; Legrain et al., 2014a,b), the exhumation history of the Eastern the result of the convergence between discussion about possible drivers (cli- Alps. the European and Adriatic plates. In mate change vs. tectonics) of the Low-temperature thermochronol- the course of their collision during late-stage uplift is ongoing (Ceder- ogy has been proven to be a powerful the Palaeogene, the Penninic domain bom et al., 2004, 2011; Willett, 2010; tool to infer the exhumation history was overridden by the Austroalpine Herman et al., 2013; Baran et al., of rocks in qualitative as well as quan- nappes, formerly part of the Adriatic 2014). titative ways (Reiners and Ehlers, plate (Schmid et al., 2004). Subse- To contribute to this debate, we 2005). However, thermochronology quent crustal-scale folding, orogen- provide new apatite fission-track has distinct limitations for estimating parallel extension and lateral extru- (AFT) and apatite (U–Th)/He (AHe) exhumation rates. In particular, the sion led to the formation of the data to infer exhumation rates from palaeo-geothermal gradient is usually Tauern Window (Fig. 1b; Ratschba- the eastern part of the Eastern poorly constrained so that the depth cher et al., 1991; Frisch et al., 1998; Alps (Figs 1 and 2). From the of the closure temperature can be Rosenberg et al., 2007). Although specified only vaguely. Therefore, we the timing of rapid cooling and collected samples from different ele- footwall exhumation in the Tauern € Correspondence: Andreas Wolfler, Institut vations to calculate exhumation rates Window is well constrained for the for Geology, Leibniz University of from the slope of the age–elevation early and middle Miocene (Fugen-€ Hannover, Callinstraße 30, Hannover relationship (AER). However, such schuh et al., 1997; Luth and Willing- D-30167, Germany. Tel.: +0049 511 762 interpretations are often hampered by shofer, 2008; Scharf et al., 2013; 3871; fax: +0049 511 762 2172; e-mail: inhomogeneities in the thermal field Favaro et al., 2015), the relative woelfl[email protected] © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1 Early to Late Miocene exhumation rates in the Eastern Alps • A. W€olfler et al. Terra Nova, Vol 0, No. 0, 1–9 ............................................................................................................................................................. 17° 16° 15° (a) 17° 5° 7° 9° 11° 13° 15° Neogene and Quarternyry sediments Donau WienWien München 48° 48° Nappes derived from the Tethys Wien Zürich Adria derived units Maribor 48° 46° 46° Penninic nappes Milano Europe derived units 17° 11° 13° 15° 44° (b) SEMP Tauern Window Graz 47° 47° BF KF DAV Pannonian MV Fig. 2 basin PF MariborDrava 46° 17° 16° Adamello 15° 46° 14° 10° 11° 12° 13° Neogene sedimentary and magmatic rocks Upper Austroalpine nappe system: Penninic nappe system: European derived units Upper Cretaceous to Paleogen sediments Drauzug-Gurktal and Ötztal- Piemontais Helvetic and of the Gosau Group Bundschuh nappe system Ultrahelvetic nappes Units derived from the Meliata-Vardar domain Koralpe-Wölz nappe system Brianconnais undeformed European continent Adriatic plate Silvretta-Seckau nappe system Valais Dinarides Subpenninic nappes Southalpine unit Lower Austroalpine subunit Fig. 1 (a) Simplified tectonic map of the Alps. (b) Tectonic map of the Eastern Alps following the nomenclature of Schmid et al. (2004) (modified after Froitzheim et al., 2008). BF, Brenner normal fault; KF, Katschberg normal fault; DAV, Defer- eggen–Antholz–Vals fault; SEMP, Salzach–Ennstal–Mariazell–Puchberg fault; PF, Pustertal fault as part of the Periadriatic fault system; MV, Moll€ valley fault. contributions of orogen-parallel are sparse; the existing data indicate kilometers during the whole Ceno- extension by normal faulting, strike- segmentation of the Austroalpine zoic. The Niedere and Seckauer slip faulting and compression are still upper crust into tectonic blocks with Tauern are bordered by the Salzach- a matter of discussion (Lammerer, different cooling histories (Frisch tal–Mariazell–Puchberg fault 1988; Fugenschuh€ et al., 1997, 2012; et al., 1998; Fig. 2). The Niedere (SEMP), the Paltental-Liesingtal Kuhlemann et al., 2001; Linzer et al., Tauern revealed middle Miocene fault (PLF), the Pols-Lavanttal€ fault 2002; Rosenberg and Garcia, 2011). AFT ages (Hejl, 1997; Reinecker, (PoLF),€ the Mur-Murz€ fault (MMZ) Our study area is situated within 2000) documenting cooling that is and the Niedere Tauern South fault the Austroalpine nappe complex to contemporaneous with the cooling of system (NTSFS; Fig. 2). the east of the Tauern Window Penninic units of the eastern Tauern The Niedere Tauern and the (Fig. 1b), in the so-called Niedere Window (Reinecker, 2000; Wolfler€ Northern Calcareous Alps are char- and Seckauer Tauern (Fig. 2). It et al., 2011). The Austroalpine units acterised by high relief with steep comprises polymetamorphic rocks to the south and east of the Niedere slopes and an average elevation of that experienced the most recent Tauern show Cretaceous zircon fis- 1.67 km; on the other hand, the metamorphism during the late Creta- sion track ages (Kurz et al., 2011), Seckauer Tauern and the Sau and ceous (Schmid et al., 2004) and sub- Eocene to Oligocene AFT ages (Hejl, Koralpe are characterised by lower sequent cooling, as indicated by 1997; Reinecker, 2000; Wolfler€ et al., relief and a distinctly smoother muscovite K–Ar ages of 95–70 Ma 2010) and Oligocene to early Mio- topography with an average eleva- (Frank et al., 1987). Low-tempera- cene AHe ages (Legrain et al., tion between 1.44 and 1.12 km ture thermochronological data from 2014a), showing that this region (Figs 1 and 2; Frisch et al., 2000a). the eastern part of the Eastern Alps resided at a depth of only a few In the late Oligocene and early 2 © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Terra Nova, Vol 0, No. 0, 1–9 A. W€olfler et al. • Early to Late Miocene exhumation rates in the Eastern Alps ............................................................................................................................................................ PLF Northern Calcaraous Alps SEMP Niedere Tauern Seckauer Tauern Ju9: 48.5±7.4 16.0±1.6 19.4±1.5 43.7±2.5 38.6±1.4 14.4±1.1 15.4±1.3 Ju10: 46.3±4.0 17.8±2.6 Ju7: 44.4±6.4 So9: 16.9±2.6 19.6±1.6 PöLF Ju8: 42.4±4.2 6.6±0.5 22.9±4.0 23.8±3.5 23.8±3.5 So7: 15.9±2.3 B Ju11: 40.9±5.9 6.3±0.3 So11: 15.9±2.5 38.9±5.2 15.3±2.0 A So13: 15.0±2.6 So8: 15.2±2.1 47.1±4.3 So14: 14.3±2.5 FoB 6.1±0.3 15.6±1.8 So15: 13.9±2.4 8.6±2.3 So6: 14.1±2.1 NTSFSTB So5: 14.1±1.0 Koralpe 5.7±0.9 Tauern Window MMZ 30.9±4.0 GöF Saualpe 32.3±3.3 32.9±2.7 17.3±1.2 Gurktal Alps 23.0±4.2 35.1±3.1 29.0±2.4 KF Ju11: 40.9±2.3 AFT this study 43.9±9.5 AHe this study 12.9±1.4 43.7±2.5 AFT Hejl (1997) 22.9±4.0 AFT Reinecker (2000) MV 8.6±2.3 AFT Bertrand (2013) 03.5 7 14 21 28 N Kilometers Fig.
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