Metro Master Gardener™ News September 2009 OSU Extension Service Metro Master Gardener™ Program Serving Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washing- ton Counties in the metro area since 1976. Mission Statement We provide relevant, research-based edu- cation and outreach to the public of Clacka- mas, Multnomah, and Washington Coun- ties about horticulture and household pests. This information promotes sustain- Table of Contents Page able practices that minimize risks to human health and the environment. Metro Program Update by Weston Miller 2 Program Staff Opportunities from Jordis 4 Weston Miller- Horticulture Faculty 2009 Log Sheet 5
[email protected] Natter’s Notes – Soil Prep for Productive Veggies 7 (503) 650-3124 Bounty for Botany 9 Jordis Yost- Program Assistant Internet Essentials for MGs 10
[email protected] Horticultural Calendar 11 (503) 650-3118 Quiz Corner 12 Newsletter Volunteers Notices 12 Ellen Hanley- Volunteer Editor Continuing Education Opportunities 13
[email protected] Diagnostic Dilemma 14 Heidi Nichols- Proof Reader Multnomah County Chapter Page 15
[email protected] Washington County Chapter Page 16 Mailing Address Clackamas Country Chapter Page 17 Clackamas County Extension Service Garden Hints for September 18 200 Warner-Milne Rd. Oregon City, OR 97045 OSU Extension Service Metro Master Gardener Newsletter September 2009 1 Dear Metro Master Gardeners‐ I hope that your gardening and Master Gardening season is going well. My own home garden has expanded this year and I am continuing to learn about the nuances and subtleties of soil, plants, and, of course, pests and diseases. The main garden pest that I contend with is Casey, our 2 ½ year old, who tromps through the growing beds, rips out plants, and wields his shovel.