David Weber | 672 pages | 01 Mar 2001 | | 9780671319779 | English | Riverdale, United States Ashes of Victory PDF Book

It's still good, just a huge departure from the quality of previous entries. This is a lengthy book with a lot of military jargon. Add to Wish List failed. Refresh and try again. Free Library. The United States is under attack. Trivia About Ashes of Victory We must explore space and see if we can find actual treecats because Goals. Interesting stuff happens. The United States is under attack. Below the sea, a predator stalks the pride of America s Navy: its aircraft carriers. It is mostly about politics and the 'domestic' side of things; apparently the war with the Peeps has been going on for ten years by this point. The Mesan Alignment has a plan - one it's been working on for centuries. Cancel anytime. To highlight the pain, in the buildup to the most pivotal part of the book we decide to take a small walk through fundamentalism justification because we forgot to set that storyline up in the previous part of the book because F Harkin Joe Weber's finest work! I could not put this book down. Zip Code. This could have been a good read with some decent editing and fact checking. Sadly Weber is beyond hope when it comes to editing out the nonsense. She and her people are going home--even if it means conquering hell to get there! Now Honor has escaped from the prison planet called Hell and returned to the Manticoran Alliance with a few friends. Maridale Nickolson rated it it was amazing Aug 15, Those in the know will be slightly iritated by minor issues of military fact, such as the inclusion of Subic Bay Naval Base as a current US facility. The problem is that constantly being told by every character except the baddies and we know they're baddies because they don't tell us that Honor is wonderful and then Weber telling us again sounds really stupid. Weber needs an editor and I'm done. That's not even mentioning everyone coming to terms with Honor's return, the repair of her face, and replacement of the arm she lost in In Enemy Hands. The Peep victories are not really referenced or described that much. But, that doesn't mean she is idle; much the opposite. Trivia About Ashes of Victory. Pineiro is a thirty-year veteran of the computer industry as well as the author of many internationally acclaimed novels, including The Fall, Without Mercy, and Without Fear. I won't know until the next book. Its name stems from an epitaph published in after the Australian team had won its first victory over England in England, at the Oval, London. He or she could take measures, like limiting Weber to no more than two uses of the phrase "smoothing out the rough edges" per novel, and perhaps suggest some other mannerisms for the characters to exhibit when they are tired or stressed: there is entirely too much rubbing of chins and noses in this book. Error rating book. Lori Parish rated it really liked it Feb 05, In response, Admiral Theisman launches his own coup in order to restore Haven's original constitution. I thought it was a sign the two characters had come a long way in terms of interpersonal growth and that there had grown a begrudging, at times mutual respect between the two of them. It's hard to give peace a chance when the other side regards conquest as the only option and a sneak attack as the best means to that end. But this time, Honor and her crew, ambushed and captured, are aboard an enemy ship, bound for a prison planet aptly named "Hell" - and her scheduled execution. Add to Wishlist. Lucia St. A new novel of global terrorism and international conflict. Deadly and silent, this killer seems able to elude all efforts to find it. The authors seem to love naming things with great technical details totally unnecessary to the story. There are some very nice sections, like teaching the tree cats to sign, the effects of the jump in technology, the assassination attempt. All are coming into deadly focus, and Honor Harrington, the woman the newsies call "the Salamander," once more finds herself at the heart of them all. Customer Ratings for Ashes of Victory. Ashes of Victory Writer

Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book. Just two people talking as an excuse for exposition. And got me so excited about finding out what happened next that I started the next book--and immediately regretted it as it doesn't tie up the story from this book, it just moves on. It is mostly about politics and the 'domestic' side of things; apparently the war with the Peeps has been going on for ten years by this point. I can skim an info dump for the high points at warp speed. Her parents, who have dealt with the grief of her death, must turn their world upside down again. However, the author makes it clear that not only the flag officer in charge was a coward and incompetent, but the captains of the individual vessels also panicked and ended up committing a type of suicide as a result. At the battle front, it has to be taken care by her proteges Alice Truman and Scotty Tremaine. This proves to be an eventually fatal miscalculation: while Saint-Just believes Theisman to be apolitical and trustworthy, Theisman is in fact plotting a coup of his own, with the secret help of the People's Commissioner Saint-Just has assigned to him. I forgot my password Password Reset. Outlying Islands U. But the second half of the book was brilliant! It doesn't star Honor, either! He or she could take measures, like limiting Weber to no more than two uses of the phrase "smoothing out the rough edges" per novel, and perhaps suggest some other mannerisms for the characters to exhibit when they are tired or stressed: there is entirely too much rubbing of chins and noses in this book. It is such a fascinating story that I stayed up all night to finish it. There were a few parts that I did not like, but my 'issue' was that the book was too big, too thick, and should have been broken down into at least two parts. Despite political foes, professional jealousies, and the scandal which drove her into exile, Capt. It also started to get more political, and I like it for that. Error rating book. Awesome story more challenges and more background My favorite book so far. The book begins hours after the end of the previous novel. What is worse is it is a chore to listen to. This time we're talking half a dozen pages on communication. Or find a Cliff Notes version somewhere. The other theory, which seems to have been gaining a broader following of late, is that she's in league with the Devil. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. No trivia or quizzes yet. Which didn't come. But there's a catch. First edition. It was an okay book. Stream or download thousands of included titles. Since I've read a bit of War of Honor already, I can safely say he cut back drastically on irrelevant details, so I'll call this novel a fluke. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. There is quite a bit of intrigue and suspense mixed in with the data dumps, and the final chapters are very strong. Friend Reviews. And in this case, it's not just longer in page-length, but in exposition, political maneuvering, and copious droning. Ashes of Victory Reviews

Mar 18, Eric Leeson rated it really liked it. Comparison: WW1 era state visits. Aug 03, John rated it it was amazing. This novel simply showed off that progress, and without the political exchanges, the Kingdom of Manticore would have been unstoppable. April 4: A third of the way through the book and the only thing that's happened is that Honor has returned home to her family. I am 9 hours in on this and am calling it quits. I know Honor is great! New weapons, new strategies, new tactics, spies, diplomacy, and assassination all are coming into deadly focus, and Honor Harrington, the woman the newsies call "the Salamander," once more finds herself at the heart of them all. You may also like: Fiction Staff Picks. Rating details. Until recently things have gone pretty much as scheduled, but then the Alignment hit a minor bump in the road called the Star Empire of Manticore. Weber includes strong female characters in his books, and this one is no exception. It's almost unbearably corny and saccharine. For the rest…. Quotes from Ashes of Victory. Read an excerpt of this book! Ship Book 2: The Silesian Confederacy. There is quite a bit of intrigue and suspense mixed in with the data dumps, and the final chapters are very strong. Honor's old enemy, Samuel Mueller , who made the attack possible, is impeached and executed for treason. Thank you for signing up, fellow book lover! I'm continuing this one in the hopes that the next one will be better, and from a flip-through it does look like it will be better more action, less talking. Collins Length: 37 hrs and 19 mins Unabridged Overall. Worst naval novel I've ever read! However, Manticore has a trump card that has the potential to end the war, in the form of devastatingly effective new technology and weapons fully integrated into a new massive heavy assault force known as Eighth Fleet. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. They travel aboard a big ass warship with escort. Refresh and try again. And the epic space battles are no longer even epic, they are depressing. Yet the one lesson Honor has never learned is how to give up. Todd Bevens rated it liked it Sep 01, View 1 comment. Deja Noir. Not even its own government knows how enormous its economy truly is. Jun 18, Oni rated it really liked it Shelves: science- fiction , space-opera. It is the ninth book in the Honor Harrington series. Taxes where applicable. Preview — Ashes of Victory by Quincy Howe. Jean The characters arent as layered as I would like, but they were still engaging. About The Author. The United States is under attack. Honor Harrington Characters. Which didn't come. Now they're back with a vengance. Amazon Customer Product Details About the Author.

Ashes of Victory Read Online

Baen's Bar. See details. Manticore Ascendant. After his release from active duty, he flew commercially until when his first novel was published. So it appears that Mr Weber likes to add an extra pages on each new installment. However, the first three hundred pages involves a lot of dialogue, a lot of people just. Actually most of the action in this novel I think is in this side, not the Manticoran side. Amazon Customer Jul 19, Tracy Collier rated it it was amazing Shelves: It started too. This novel simply showed off that progress, and without the political exchanges, the Kingdom of Manticore would have been unstoppable. . Series: Honor Harrington , Book 9. If it doesn't get some action soon, I may have to skip to the next book in the series. A new novel of global terrorism and international conflict. Ashes of Victory is the ninth book of David Weber 's series of novels and short stories chronicling the adventures of Honor Harrington. His closest friends are the guys in line with him Honor Harrington Universe Book 12 "10 years,war continues? Zip Code. High Ridge and his co-partisans in the military come to believe wrongly that Haven has been defeated for good, and that further violence is not necessary: the First Havenite-Manticoran War comes to an end. High Ridge is desperate to avoid a proposed legislation that will weaken the power of the House of Lords. Unknown Binding , pages. A bit untimely on my part, but I finally remembered to mention the leader of the 'Peep' Republic, Rob S. So all in all, I enjoyed the books but the storyline got too patched up at the end and it was quite obvious that the author simply forced the twist in very rude way so that the story could continue. They made me think about methods of warfare in this age of rapidly changing technology. Farrell And poor Honor, having to walk by a statue in her honor. Out of curiosity I downloaded the free electronic copy of this novel and did a word search. Oct 11, Richard Lelievre rated it it was amazing. However, Manticore has a trump card that has the potential to end the war, in the form of devastatingly effective new technology and weapons fully integrated into a new massive heavy assault force known as Eighth Fleet. Both sides believe that victory lies within their grasp at last, but dangers no one could foresee await them both. As ex military myself, China has always been my biggest fear, not Russia. The last maybe pages of this book have a climax mostly worthy of a flawed 4-star ending, but seriously this Honor book underlines the turning point of the saga from "fun space opera in a dubious militaristic future" to "fractured storylines, backplot and uninteresting characters talking about politics and then teasing you with a space battle unfulfilled! Pineiro, the acclaimed author of Without Mercy , comes a new novel of global terrorism and international conflict. Pierre's number two man and best friend, Oscar Saint-Just, ends up using an atomic nuclear bomb to destroy the Octogon, McQueen's Navy stronghold and kills many lesser Committee Members in the process. This story relies on a weaker Chinese military than is apparently now the case. Page after page of endless character thought processes that make you wish someone would take a pulser dart to the head. View all 3 comments. He resides in Northwest Arkansas with his wife, Jeannie. Look Honor is a great teacher! All Languages. But this time, the furnace may be too furious for even a salamander to survive. Unbelievably, a civilian helicopter is Weber includes strong female characters in his books, and this one is no exception. The Star Kingdom of Manticore and the Republic of Haven have been enemies for Honor Harrington's entire life, and she has paid a price for the victories she's achieved in that conflict. centur.pdf